#about : persephone grimaldi
nepoupdates · 9 months
who's family would be the most interesting to watch if they were on reality tv?
alright  ,  here  are  my  top  three  contenders:  the  yoons  ,  the  grimaldis  ,  and  the  sinclairs  . 
THE  YOONS  (  @dearpaige  ,  @teagvns  ,  @wcrstbehaviior  ,  @drearieds  ):  i  think  theirs  is  the  most  intriguing  .  three  kids  and  the  mom  just  up  and  leaves  for  paris  after  paige  ?  no  divorce  .  just  living  her  life  in  europe  while  the  father  is  here  operating  his  plastic  and  reconstructive  surgery  clinic  .  coupled  with  the  fact  that  paige  looks  nothing  like  teagan  or  cameron  .  not  to  mention  ,  eight  is  always  tense  around  the  father  .  i  sense  a  very  interesting  story  (  but  let  me  be  the  first  to  break  it  and  the  reality  show  can  follow  )
THE  GRIMALDIS  (  @delicatlueur  ,  @concertaes  ):  okay  maybe  not  the  entire  family  but  definitely  one  centered  around  julien  and  percy  .  i  think  it  would  be  entertaining  to  watch  one  of  our  resident  bottle  blondes  live  it  up  like  paris  hilton  in  2003  .  and  for  percy  ?  she's  not  in  monaco  for  a  reason  ,  right  ?  there's  gotta  be  something  behind  it  .
THE  SINCLAIRS  (  @rubyxsinclair  ,  @natesinclairs  ):  who  says  golden  sibling  +  resented  sibling  won't  make  for  great  television  ?  i'd  personally  like  to  see  it  .  ruby  isn't  as  squeaky  clean  as  everyone  thinks  .  and  nathaniel  ?  well  surely  he'll  get  tired  of  being  overshadowed  by  his  sister's  scandals  .
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nepofm · 2 years
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spotted   at      met      steps     ,   persephone  grimaldi   ,  ace  valmount’s  on-off  enemies  with  benefits  wc  ,  christina  nadin  ,   wearing      last      season’s      jimmy      choo      ?      i’d      leave      the      steps      in      the      next     24      hours   before      nepoupdates      catches      them      &      if      it      were      me     ,     i’d      definitely      go      back      to      the     checklist    of      golden      rules     .
christina nadin.     she/her.     cis woman.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,  persephone   grimaldi   ,   most   likely   listening   to   place   de   la   république   by   cœur   de   pirate   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   two   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -impassive   yet   +sagacious   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you’ll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   warm   wind   blowing   across   light - drenched   balconies   reflecting   azure   seas   ,   faint   smiles   disguising   frigid   glances   from   disinterested   eyes   ,   fingers   trembling   with   crimson - tipped   exhaustion   as    they   dance   over   another   key   ,   quiet   innocence  &  divinity   of   polished   halo   as   the   worst   form   of   unknowing   seduction   ,   followed   by   mon   paris   by   yves   saint   laurent   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   her   no   longer   speaking   to   her   older   brother   after   arguing   about   his   desire   to   step   down   as   heir   apparent   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .    *   /   filling   wc  for:   ace   valmount’s   on - off   enemies   with   benefits.
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he13na · 7 years
The Rape of Persephone by Egisto Sani Via Flickr: This carved slab is the half part of a Roman sarcophagus dated from the II century AD. Two Erotes on the corners are holding up a rich garland made by leafs, pomegranates, grapes’ bunches, pine cones and flowers. The lunette above the garland is decorated with a bas-relief representing a subject widely used in the Roman funerary art: the Rape of Persephone. Hades chose to marry Persephone, the only daughter of his sister Demeter, who was the goddess of corn and agriculture generally, and the patroness of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Since he stole Persephone from the upper world in secret from her mother, who was greatly distressed by her disappearance and was determined to recover her, the ancient legend about the abduction and its consequences is the main myth of Demeter as well as of Hades and the maiden herself. In the end, a compromise was imposed in which Persephone spent part of the year below with Hades and part in the upper world with her mother. The bas-relief represents Hades on his chariot while is grasping the beloved Persephone who, uselessly, is trying to get free. A naked Hermes tries to holds the four pranced horses drawing Hades’ chariot. The large movement of the cloths behind the two main characters lends pathos and dynamism to the overall scene. Source Favaretto I. et Alt., “ Museo Archelogico Nazionale di Venezia” – Electa. Marble sarcophagus Roman production, 2nd Cent. AD Legato Giovanni Grimaldi Venice, National Archaeological Museum
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nepoupdates · 9 months
let's talk about hookups! who do you reeeeeally think should hookup in this trip? going by vibes only, ofc.
part  of  me  wants  to  say  let's  not  because  i  really  could  care  less  but  i'm  feeling  a  little  ...  chaotic  tonight  so  here  are  some  pairings  based  purely  on  vibes  and  nothing  else:  
josie/laurie  ,  teagan/jia  ,  rory/julien  ,  percy/lorenzo  ,  benny/miyeon  ,  charlotte/rina  ,  harlowe/ace  ,  trix/lulu  ,  sasha/james  ,  paige/giorgia  ,  lari/juliette  ,  roman/elias  ,  rosalind/jaeha  .
no  i  will  not  be  elaborating  (  @delicatlueur  ,  @stclaires  ,  @teagvns  ,  @roaries  ,  @concertaes  ,  @wcrstbehaviior  ,  @rainforum  ,  @lovesues  ,  @hcerin  ,  @harlcwes  ,  @bcatrixs  ,  @racingfm  ,  @jamesluvsria  ,  @dearpaige  ,  @gicrgiia  ,  @lcrissas  ,  @fairjuliette  ,  @rosbella  ,  @lcvesickboy  )
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nepoupdates · 9 months
i forgot to include ace & percy but where would u put them on the ranking sylvia 🤔
i'm  starting  to  believe  some  of  you  don't  know  what  the  definition  of  a  couple  is  .  but  i'll  humor  you  about  ace  and  percy  .  i'd  rank  them  just  above  mimi  and  elias  .  likely  to  break  up  ,  no  doubts  about  it  .  they're  never  publicly  seen  together  nor  has  ace  ever  been  her  date  to  any  events  .  so  don't  tell  me  that  it's  a  secret  relationship  .  and  not  to  be  the  bearer  of  bad  news  but  a  little  birdie  told  me  ace  and  juliette  were  seen  out  and  about  .  he  was  at  her  flower  shop  helping  her  out  and  no  one  does  that  out  of  the  kindness  of  their  own  heart  (  @delicatlueur  ,  @concertaes  ,  @fairjuliette  )
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nepoupdates · 2 years
okay, sylvia & chamber. i have a list of my favorite couples, care to give your honest opinions about these parings ? lari & knox, lulu & sofia, toby & tayo, ace & percy, ace & paige, paige & harlowe, hunter & safiye, josie & cami, teagan & elias and aika & james. do you ship any of these ? if not, who would you rather see together ?
 your  definition  of  couple  greatly  differs  from  mine  since  some  of  them  aren't  technically  together  .  but  fine  .  chamber's  a  little  busy  so  you're  only  getting  my  opinions  on  the  matter  .  read  more  under  the  cut  .   ( @lcrissas , @nepohtism , @racingfm , @flowcrbcds , @daydreamsfm , @delicatlueur , @concertaes , @paigeisms , @harlcwes , @bittcrfms , @safiyez , @teagvns , @strawbaieri , @jmesisms )
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lari  &  knox  :  they're  hot  together  ,  i'll  give  you  that  .  one  is  a  successful,  career-driven  person  and  the  other  is  just  ...  a  man  .  you  want  the  truth  ?  they're  a  couple  that's  better  off  not  being  together  .  not  just  for  the  sake  of  everyone  but  for  each  other  .  after  the  whole  valentine's  day  fiasco  ,  i  think  lari  deserves  better  .  #freelari  .
lulu  &  sofia  :  they're  cute  .  i  already  said  they  have  potential  and  i  don't  like  repeating  myself  .  as  chamber's  mentioned  ,  sofia's  far  better  suited  for  lulu  than  bel  .  i  ,  myself  ,  have  to  agree  .
toby  &  tayo  :  good  for  them  ,  i  guess  ?  is  this  really  news  ,  though  ?  i  thought  they'd  been  dating  for  a  while  and  FINALLY  decided  to  let  the  public  in  on  their  little  secret  .
ace  &  percy  :  i  do  not  care  .  this  whole  '  will  they  ?  won't  they  ?  '  gets  old  .  ace  gets  around  and  percy  ?  does  anyone  actually  know  anything  about  percy  ?  you  know  ,  other  than  the  fact  that  there  is  clearly  something  going  on  between  her  and  ace  .
ace  &  paige  :  they  don't  even  feel  like  a  couple  .  you  know  how  i  say  monogamy  is  dead  on  the  upper  east  side  ?  ace  and  paige  are  what  i  mean  .  there  is  nothing  serious  about  these  two  and  it's  VERY  clear  .
paige  &  harlowe  :  i  could  get  behind  this  .  harlowe  seems  like  the  type  to  balance  out  paige  .  i  know  they've  been  spending  a  lot  of  time  with  one  another  so  only  time  can  tell  .  paige  is  a  wildcard  so  harlowe  needs  to  watch  out  .
hunter  &  safiye  :  at  the  risk  of  repeating  myself  ,  safiye  run  .  you're  far  too  pretty  to  add  stress  to  your  plate  in  the  form  of  a  man  .  i  ship  hunter  with  therapy  and  safiye  with  anyone  that's  not  hunter  .
josie  &  cami  :  risky  .  from  a  purely  physical  standpoint  ?  they'd  look  good  together  .  however  ,  it's  a  little  too  awkward  for  me  considering  cami  dated  josie's  COUSIN  at  one  point  in  time  .  but  i  guess  if  cami  wants  to  keep  it  in  the  familly  ...  
teagan  &  elias  :  there's  nothing  i  love  more  than  a  woman  insulting  a  man  to  humble  him  .  they  could  work  .  i  think  they'd  look  good  as  a  couple  but  i  am  standing  FIRM  that  teagan  ,  rosalind  and  josie  would  make  a  great  throuple  .  as  for  elias  ?  i'm  going  to  need  him  to  stop  falling  in  love  with  his  close  friends  .  thanks  .
aika  &  james  :  if  aika  is  looking  for  a  pretty  face  and  dedication  then  i  think  it  works  .  they  kinda  give  me  golden  retriever  and  black  cat  energy  but  maybe  that  has  to  do  with  james'  personality  making  everyone  seem  like  a  black  cat  in  comparison  .  i  ship  it  purely  on  the  basis  that  they  will  be  the  LEAST  dramatic  couple  on  this  list  .
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nepoupdates · 8 months
whats the deal with persephone and lorenzo? he seems pretty willing to fight all of the other men in her life...
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are  we  talking  about  the  same  lorenzo  that  looks  like  a  sickly  victorian  orphan  ?  if  so  ,  i  really  hope  you're  not  insinuating  it's  a  physical  fight  .  who  did  this  sad  attempt  at  a  guard  dog  try  to  "fight"  this  time  ?  (  @concertaes  ,  @wcrstbehaviior  )
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nepoupdates · 9 months
thoughts on percy and ace? and cameron and arthur? both couples seem so good together and i feel like the nasty new york subways are gonna ruin it
     i genuinely wake up praying on happy couple's downfall . no reason . i just don't think anyone should be happy except me and sylvia . if sylvia wakes up in a bad mood , then everyone else should , you know ? persephone , my love , if you ever cross my path , it's hands on sight . and ACE ...  you piss me off . i'll have a reason for it. i know it . all y'all lil shits running around with dady's money piss me off. and CAMERON and arthur and arthur and cameron . they seem ... nice ? eugh . how boring . be adventerous . break each other's heart . write nasty break up posts on social media . i'm tired of seeing happy people . it ruins my day . congrats to the happy couple . or whatever . ( @concertaes , @delicatlueur , @wcrstbehaviior , @lcnelypainter ! )
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nepoupdates · 2 years
spotted // percy and ace getting in a tense conversation after her entrance with duke. is that a thing too? does this man have a new woman for each day of the week?
now doesn't this just line up perfectly ? perfect percy breaking ace's heart by going with pretty boy , so ace goes on a rampage to break other girls' hearts ? karma's a bitch , valmount . you can't have your cake and eat it too . maybe if you grovel percy will forgive you . ( @concertaes , @delicatlueur , @jaspersalvo ! ! )
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nepoupdates · 2 years
spotted // percy grimaldi and duke salvo walking into the ball TOGETHER! new couple alert!?
yawn . so cute and happy . where's the drama ? give me the deets , don't hit me with this "walking in" together nonsense . if i walked in to the event with sylvia , would you all assume that i'm in love with her ? ... you'd be right , but i digress . gimmie some proof or mind ya business . ( @concertaes , @jaspersalvo !! )
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