#m: chamber
woompfy · 6 months
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Hello tumblr I'm not dead!
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starspilli · 4 months
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perpetually exploding horror face
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mari-maritimus · 4 months
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tmgefan · 6 months
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They had him sitting for the entire cinematic because he wouldn't fit into the frame otherwise
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tesb · 1 month
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ALL PATHS END HERE // Vyse Agent Trailer
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kivizzaofficial · 23 days
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100 likes and i finish this
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astrodart · 25 days
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l0serloki · 8 months
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First Kisses!
(Chamber, Phoenix, Reyna, Iso)
You get your first kiss with some of the Val agents!
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Chamber :
Chamber was shocked. You two had been flirting for quite a while but when he had never expected you to tell him you had never had a kiss. 
“You want me to believe someone as gorgeous as you has never been kissed?” He laughs it off at first, taking in your blushed splendor.
“Never.” You confirm with a little laugh. His hand makes its way across your cheek.
“May I fix that for you darling?” His voice is suave and his eyes shine through his glasses. Always so calculating. 
You could feel your heart beat out of your chest. It took everything in you to even mumble out a quick ‘yes’.
“I’m honored I am your first.” Chamber whispers in your ear before he leans in, his lips meeting yours. It was everything you had ever expected it to be. His lips were soft and moved gently as you learned the pace. By the time he had pulled away you were left breathless.
"You are a fast learner." He smiles as his thumb rubs at your cheek.
"And you are a good teacher."
Phoenix :
Phoenix and you were talking about random things from your guys childhood when the topic came up.
“I had my first kiss when I was thirteen.” He laughs and your eyes widen. You knew you were in the minority of people who hadn’t been kissed but.. thirteen?! That seemed so young!
“What? When was your first kiss?” He poked at you and you could feel the tension start to rise.
“Uh…” You sigh and a wicked grin appears on his face.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never had a kiss.” His smug look turns into one of shock when you slowly nod your head no.
“Right.. Well I think we gotta fix that.” He huffs as he reaches his hand out for your waist. “May I?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Go on then.” You roll your eyes but you can’t help but feel pleased. If you wanted to have your first kiss with anyone it would be Phoenix. You trusted him and knew he wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.
His lips pressed against yours as his warm hand rubbed lightly at your waist. As soon as it started it left, leaving you almost.. disappointed?
“Want another?” Phoenix grins at your look and cocks his head. Sly bastard.
Reyna :
“Let me give you a little kiss.” Reyna teased as her hand wiped at the crumbs on your lips. You could feel yourself grow nervous at the implication. You liked Reyna a lot. But you had never crossed that line with her. Frankly, you had never crossed that line with anyone.
“Y-you don’t have to.” You stutter out and she only coos at your embarrassment. 
“Do you not want one?” She asks and you don’t know how to respond. You do but if you tell her this is your first will she think you were childish?
“I do I just..” You stop yourself as you grow even more nervous.
“This is your first?” She grabs your hand and rubs it soothingly. You only nod as her smile grows.
“Then let me teach you how to kiss. You’ll like it, don't worry.” She breathes out as her lips meet yours. It’s a feeling like none other. You feel your body light up as she cradles you softly. 
“Just a few more, hmm?” She muses as she moves back in.
Iso :
You were listening to music together on his bed after a long mission. He had never played this music before and it almost felt like he had curated the playlist for you. You stared up at the ceiling with him as the melody continued to play. You could feel his gaze on you and you turned.
His eyes bore holes into your head and you suddenly felt nervous. It felt like he could see everything.
“Y/N, I don’t want to ruin our friendship but I really like you.” He says confidently and your eyes widen. You had liked him for a while but never dared to say anything.
“I like you too.” You choke out and a smile appears on the mans face. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you could feel yourself squirm. If you thought too much into it you would back out.
“Do it.”
He takes your word and pulls you closer to him, his lips melting against yours. You close your eyes as you let yourself relax at the new sensation. You had finally had your first kiss. And with Iso for that matter.
You two finally broke the kiss to come up from air. His hand stayed against your arm as he just smirked.
“You’re a good kisser.” He whispers out and you feel pride fill your body.
“Thanks, it's my first time.” You grin and his jaw drops to the floor.
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shkretart · 1 year
Some art on my favorite Valorant. In such heat 40+ it is difficult to draw.... But i try
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rose-gold-bullet · 2 months
[𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞] Chamber x Reader One Shot
Summary: You’re an agent for the Valorant Protocol who deeply values their morning routine of drinking coffee alone. That is, until, the new guy gently disrupts it.
warnings: trauma from missions, insomnia, mostly comfort/fluff though
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You woke up abruptly in a cold sweat, an experience that's common yet seldom talked about within the Valorant protocol. Mission after mission, kill after death, it's bound to take a toll on one's psyche eventually.
Alas, you were up now, which was slightly less upsetting than returning to your dream. You checked your clock; you rarely got enough sleep, but maybe today you've gotten lucky and achieved Sage's recommended 8 hours.
"5:30?" you muttered to yourself, "Typical." With a groggy stretch and yawn, you dragged yourself out of bed. Skye and Deadlock have probably already left for their morning run, and you were sure the other agents wouldn't be up for a few more hours. Might as well just keep your pyjamas on then, surely no one was going to see you anyway.
You got ready for the morning and left your room to find the communal kitchen. It was a bit early for breakfast but you figured it was as good a time as any for an absurdly large mug of coffee.
You put on a pot, plopped down on a nearby chair, and rested your eyes as you listened to the coffee machine slowly do its work, drip by drip. These mornings were quite peaceful, all alone as the sun slowly greeted you through the windows. You were used to working in solitude, so switching to cooperating with Valorant has been quite a struggle. The agents were kind for the most part and you were grateful to be a part of such a caring team, but you still cherished every moment you had to yourself.
Moments later, that time alone was interrupted by footsteps making their way towards you. You let out a sigh of annoyance and opened your eyes to witness a complete stranger wander into the kitchen. They were possibly the most attractive and elegant man you've ever seen, and it admittedly took a moment to stop staring.
"Um," you started, before realizing you were still in your quite revealing pyjamas. You cleared your throat in a meagre attempt to gain your composure, "I... don't believe we've met. You must be the new recruit I've heard about. Chamber, I think it was?"
He was already at the coffee machine, searching  for the biggest mugs he could find. He glanced over to you, admiring you for only a moment before going back to searching the cabinets.
"That's right. It's a pleasure to meet you, chérie." He didn't ask your codename, probably because he's heard about you already. "Do you take anything in your coffee?"
You blushed at the pet name he's assigned to you so casually. Despite the intrusion, it's quite nice having someone make you coffee without you asking.
"Cream and sugar, please." He nodded and silently prepared both coffees before handing you your mug and sitting across from you, and you briefly caught scent of his expensive cologne. You took a sip of your coffee; he prepared it perfectly. You thanked him again and placed the mug down.
"So, Chamber," you started, "What are you doing awake so early?"
"Ah, I'm a weapons designer, you see. Sometimes inspiration strikes, and sleep must have to wait. Not only that, but it's rather hard to sleep comfortably in a place like this, no? I'm much too used to my home back in Paris." You nodded along, but you were only partially paying attention. You were already distracted just by his voice, and you nearly didn't hear his question, "And you? You seem quite tired, chérie, I worry you should be sleeping."
"Oh... I'm a bit of an insomniac is all," you lied, "Today I just got unlucky." In reality, you wanted nothing more than to go back to the days when your dreams weren't plagued with the horrors of the battlefield, but that's a bit heavy for a man you've only just met.
The silence was surprisingly comfortable, only occasionally making small talk but consistently enjoying each other's company. You were both mostly lost in thought, sometimes glancing at the other just to appreciate their beauty. Neither of you had really noticed.
"So," You break the silence. By now your coffee is only half full. "How do you bring your weapons into battle? The protocol has a policy of only buying from our manufacturer." You see his eyes light up at the mention of his passion before summoning a sidearm from the tattoos on his body. He chuckled at your bewildered expression before returning his gun back to his skin.
After a moment to take in what you just saw, you finally responded.
"That's... unique. Um, if you don't mind me asking, just how many of these tattoos do you have?"
"Would you like to come back to my room to see?" He flashed you a devious smile, and you almost choked on your final sip of coffee.
"You're quite the flirt."
"Only for you, chérie."
You rolled your eyes, but your smile didn't waver. "You know how to flatter too. But the others don't trust you, and unfortunately, I'm sure there's good reason for it. It's going to take more than some smooth words to get me into bed, I'm sure you understand." you stood up and took his empty mug before washing them both and putting them away. You were too focussed on the mugs to see the look of frustration on his face. He was a perceptive man, but he didn't know the others thought so poorly of him they felt they had to warn you of his existence.
"I'll see you around, Chamber." You gave him one more smile before leaving to return to your room.
"I look forward to it, chérie."
You never would have guessed it, but that brief conversation with the frenchman had changed your morning schedule ever since. For the first time since you've joined the protocol, you truly looked forward to having your alone time interrupted.
You didn't know it, but the reason you've met Chamber so late was because the other agents actively prevented it. You were smart and independent, but your friends simply loved you too much to leave someone like you with someone like him.
Luckily for Chamber, you were both early birds, and no one was awake to keep you two apart during your morning coffee. Maybe he hasn't been the most... transparent man in the past, but he's made it his mission to prove to you he's someone you can trust. It didn't take long for him to fall in love with so much more than just your appearance, and even the others had noticed he'd stopped flirting with everyone except you.
Today, like any other day, he woke up early. Though he didn't need it, he had set an alarm for 5:30 ever since your first morning together to ensure he was able to make you coffee on time.
He put on his typical suit you mentioned you liked, and quietly made his way to the kitchen.
As usual, he'd made you both coffee and had sat down, but for the first time in months, you were nowhere to be seen. He waited as long as he could, but he eventually got worried. Did you find something out about him? Were you scared of him because of it? He shook his head in an attempt to silence such thoughts, but he couldn't even finish his coffee before promptly heading to your room to make sure everything was okay.
He hesitated for a moment before building up the courage to knock.
"Ma Chérie?" His voice was gentle, "Is everything alright?"
No response.
"May I come in?" He asked after a moment. He was hoping you were just sleeping, but you've mentioned your nightmares before and how they're even worse than what most of your coworkers experience. He heard the faintest choked sob from the other side of the door, and took it as permission to enter.
There you were, crying silently on your bed. You were too exhausted to even be embarrassed by your now best friend seeing you like this.
"Oh, chérie... What's the matter? Is there anything I can do?" Chamber cautiously made his way to the bed. He wasn't used to comforting people, as he's never had as close a connection as he had with you. All he knew was that he desperately wanted you to feel better.
"It... It was just another dream. It's nothing." You tried so hard to mask the fear and sadness in your voice, and Chamber saw right through it.
"Can you tell me about it?"
You didn't respond. How could you tell him that his imaginary death is what brought you over the edge? That you've fallen in love with someone so deeply the thought of them leaving is unbearable? Especially when that someone is an attractive millionaire with thousands of potential girlfriends to choose from? The last thing you needed to hear was his smug laugh as you fuelled his ego.
But his ego was the last thing on his mind. More than anything, he just wanted you to feel better. "Please?" He asked, softer this time.
After a while, you finally answered. Your voice was hoarse and you could barely speak. you must have been crying for hours.
"You died. We were on a mission, and I couldn't help you. Sage couldn't save you. You were gone." The tears returned, stronger this time. "I was alone again."
Chamber was shocked. First of all, him? Dead? Impossible, he was simply too good. Second of all, he couldn't believe the mere thought of his death was affecting you like this. He was quite confident in himself, but to him you were magnificent, and he had figured you could never care for him the way he cared for you.
"There's no need to cry, mon amour. I'm here now. You know how safe I am on my missions, I'm not going anywhere." He sat down on your bed and grabbed your hand. You squeezed it tight, thankful for the reassurance. After a minute, he spoke once again.
"I have dreams like this too. About you." your sobs went quiet as you tried to focus on what he was saying. "I wouldn't be able to go another day without you, chérie. But I know how much of a menace you are on the battlefield. And even if things get... complicated during these missions, I will always put you first. I'll die if it means ensuring your safety. That's what I tell myself whenever I have dreams like these." He paused. He's a flirtatious man, but he's never said words like these out loud. He wasn't sure if now was a bad time, but maybe it would at least distract you from your dream.
"I love you too much to ponder you leaving me. It'd be torture." He finished.
Your eyes went wide. You were too stunned to speak. You both stayed like that for a while, you curled up in the fetal position with the now slightly disheveled man sitting beside you, holding your hand.
with a shaky breath, you finally spoke. "Can you please lay with me?"
He was surprised, but happily obliged. he loosened his tie and got under the covers with you, before gently placing an arm around your waist. He treated you like glass, or like you'd disappear if he did anything more.
"I love you too, Vincent." you smiled, and your tears slowly halted as you felt sleepiness take over.
He pulled you ever so slightly closer to him, and a single tear escaped him and found its way to the pillow under his head. He was grateful you were turned away and couldn't see.
Tomorrow, you will both be sent on your next mission. You'll both have to kill. You'll both have to see the person you love more than anything get shot at. You'll have to report back to Brimstone once it's over and pretend to be unaffected by the violence.
But that's the last thing on your mind. Today is the first time in months either of you had stayed in bed past 6 am. Chances are, you'll both wake up hours later, your bodies finally catching up on some much needed rest.
For the first time in months, you won't suffer from nightmares. He won't lay awake, fearing the other agents will finally convince you to avoid him.
The coffee he brewed for the two of you will get cold. For the first time in months, it will sit abandoned in the communal kitchen, for all the agents to see and wonder where you both went. And the two of you couldn't care less.
Notes: -2,119 words -allat just to be hardstuck silver is crazyy -cross posted from AO3 and Wattpad! thanks so much for reading <3
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olkitten · 2 months
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Same energy WW
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orcusivanth · 1 year
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Some favs
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starspilli · 4 months
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sparky & sparkler
my very very self indulgent jono & jubilee au comic
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mari-maritimus · 5 months
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prticl3 · 9 months
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valo art dump 😌
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seraphinitegames · 3 months
Hi! Thank you for all you do and creating this community. It is amazing! This might be spoilery but what exactly is Chamber Member Arane? He is spidery but what is the inspiration for him?
Arane isn't based on any supernatural legend, but is a type of supernatural that originates from the Echo World in my lore.
I know spiders aren't everyone's thing, but they actually are a very good insect in many way and contribute a lot to the world! :D
So Arane is very much that character that was supposed to give the creepy first impression like spiders often give, but that gets twisted later on when you'd get to know him. Just as spiders are, hehe!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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