#about dialova
sexysilverstrider 2 years
a little height chart video of yui with the dialova boys - kino!
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tbh i agree w your take on yui! ive played like..7 dialova games rn (thanks to your blog btw hehe it motivates me to actually buy the games) and ive grown to love yui. shes the blueprint of kindhearted sweet gentle mcs and her trope can be seen almost anywhere in general otome games n even those isekai/villainess shoujo/josei series. i knw some recent otome games with mcs like her too (liliana in piofiore is an example and i LOVE liliana so much. shes in the same situation as yui but instead of vampires its mafia bosses. 10/10 game)
i understand some ppl hate yuis character bt i also understand to ignore n block out the haters or any negative comments about her. self care 馃挄 there are many otome games now with mcs that suit their tastes. also like. if yui wasnt how she is, she def would have died in the prologue minutes later. her angelic nature matches so well with all the vampire boys demonic attitudes. theyre demons all of them. literally n figuratively lmao
yui does hv her dumb moments but all tht can barely be seen when she has A Lot of heroic moments thats not just 'badass girl kicks ass'. her kindness and patience and love helps the boys heal and hell it helps yui become a stronger person too.
i love yui as she is. also her japanese voice in the anime is SO beautiful!! wished she was voiced in the game ;w;
If we want to be 100% real, then the boys just cannot be fixed by NOBODY. But when you have a bunch of characters who are all incredibly headstrong, stubborn and need A LOT of convincing to have a different outlook on mind, a character such as Yui who has a broad heart and is willing to give people a second chance and look past their mistakes is kind of necessary imo.
Is Yui too good for them? Most definitely. She deserves better. In fact, NOBODY deserves the treatment which is done to her in HDB and MB. That's just the nature of the game though and it's one of the big factors which made the franchise so popular in the first place. The fans dig that kind of dark atmosphere. It's not like Rejet was trying to hide it either since they have 'SUPER SADISTIC' (DO-S) in bold letters in their branding lol.
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sexysilverstrider 1 month
im never beating the loving megane allegations when out of all the 12 vampires in diabolik lovers my absolute favourites are reiji and shin. both being megane characters.
and out of all 12 characters in hakuouki my most favourite character is sanan. also a megane character.
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sexysilverstrider 1 year
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literally the same person
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sexysilverstrider 2 years
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my baby i love him look at him
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sexysilverstrider 2 years
i love yui so much this is a komori yui love blog
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sexysilverstrider 2 years
im always a sucker for enemies to lovers and villain who genuinely loves their beloved and these 2 tropes only solidified when i did and finished yangs 1926 route. with great writing the changes yang went through as a villain (and still is) IS plausible. reiji was pretty obvious to love yui in the end but i didnt expect how genuine and soft his love is for yui after he accepted the reality of his feelings. but thats the point. reiji at best is a dick and at worst is an asshole. but he was never a Villain villain in a game where all the vampires are villains lmao
but yang is ultimate The Villain of a game. hes the blueprint of a psychopathic villain in every route and to hv him written as someone who changes to love and be more human yet still retains his 'villainous' self is so good. so so well-written. yang went thru changes for liliana in ways that exceeded my expectations. im still very much in love with yangs 1926 route
yang is an example of a bad guy who loves his wife but still has the status of a bad guy
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sexysilverstrider 3 months
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sexysilverstrider 6 months
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sexysilverstrider 8 months
see the difference between kino and the tsukinami bros as the villains is that in dark fate, carla and shin target yui specifically. they want yui and they will use force on others and her if it means reaching their goal. so it makes sense that almost 50% of the games bad endings are either dubcon or noncon or ntr (unfortunately for me). the sakamakis and mukamis put their attention on yui and the plot still revolves yui as the key idea. even the tsukinamis were straight up violent and aggressive and evil even in their own route.
the sakamakis main conflict was they were forced to prepare themselves to kill karlheinz and become adam in order to be together with yui. the mukamis main conflict was that they had to face the realization that they could never be adam and that they never meant to be yuis but they still fought for each others love. even for the tsukinamis, they went through the stage of wanting yui coz of obligation to wanting yui coz they genuinely love her.
in the end, in dark fate, yui was the main focus.
meanwhile in lost eden, kinos main objective is to wipe out the demon world and/or get karlheinzs power. but even as a villain, kino is more playful and cunning rather than the violent duo. he was never interested in yui unless it was in his own route. so this is why yui was never part of the main conflict in some routes (eg: azusas and laitos routes). in some cases yui even played the support role. shes still just as important but her roles werent as...crucial compared to dark fate. this in the end this leads to bad ends that mostly has the characters dead or go insane coz they lost their loved ones.
now im not saying its a bad thing. tbh i like it. i love that theyre giving more lores and focuses on the LIs background and characteristics. i love azusas love for his brothers that he went insane when he thought he killed ruki. im pretty sure based on what i accidentally read im gonna see shuu and yumas broken friendship be the highlight in either these guys routes (which is sad for me coz tht also means yui gets pushed aside for awhile). i love that yui is more and more vocal and stronger and smarter when dealing with these bastards.
however i still prefer dark fate. yui is the main character and she should be highlighted in all routes. she plays the key role and whatever choices the idiot vampires made it all revolves around her. after playing and enjoying dark fate i can see why people dissed on lost eden. idk if the dissing is coz of the same reasoning but dark fate has a more satisfying lore and plot and it sorta gives a nice ending if its a continuation from more blood. while some of their bad ends fuck me up (both in a good and bad way) the game was SO fun and satisfying and it has become the reason why its number 3 in my otome games
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sexysilverstrider 8 months
its unlikely but if rejet ever localizes diabolik lovers i would buy and play it all over again im serious
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sexysilverstrider 8 months
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look at my baby!!!!
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sexysilverstrider 10 months
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laito is arguably my 2nd favourite sakamaki character coz a) hes sexy as fuck and b) his voice is sexy as fuck and c) he fuck
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sexysilverstrider 11 months
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sexysilverstrider 3 months
i love sympathy kiss so much. its been awhile since an otome game left such a good impact on me. the game just gives me such happy chill vibes and it really helps that the game was during my first ever experience in an otome cafe back in akihabara. and when i played the game??? i enjoyed every moment of it. i never got bored and i instead screamed and squealed its such a fun game!!!! i love sympathy kiss
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sexysilverstrider 8 months
this years otome game lineup is so good to me
1. steam prison beyond the steam
2. shuuen no virche epic lycoris
3. cupid parasite sweet n spicy darling
2/3 games will destroy me emotionally while 1 game will make me go HEHE. im well fed
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