#tries their best to get protags attention n get on their level
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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literally the same person
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xemobladechromicles · 2 years
Ok, I'm rank the Xenoblade 3 protags from favorite to least now.
1. Mio
Cutely presses the dodge button. Cutely presses the dodge button. Cutely presses the dodge button. Best class. I liked the part where she cutely pressed the dodge button against the concept of aging by body swapping with herself. We all talk about chapter 5 but chapter 4 was the mio moment that made me cry. Mio whyyyy. Fucking iconic. Definitely the character I was most invested in getting a happy ending. Also. She's a cat. Fucking perfection.
2. Eunie
Yass Eunie's the bass. Feather's are a bitch to dry. Queen's knees. Up, up up up up. The Chad who responds to "no more killing ppl" and immediately goes "ok.. but why?" The ultimate character. I wish I was a fraction of Eunie's power. Let Eunie say Fuck. Tragically I didn't actually care for her much beyond her status as a meme queen, but consider: Eunie is the ultimate meme and I enjoyed every moment she was on screen. I also really like the idea that Eunie isn't naturally a healer but learned the role after Joran's death (I forget whether that's a theory or straight up canon but I do really enjoy that). I also have to say that a lot of her high affinity classes are a ton of fun to play as. Very satisfying to watch Eunie fucking eviscerated someone off the face of the aionios. Pretty funny how both Eunie and Taion would run you over with an ambulance.
3. Noah
Def my favorite protagonist. He's so soft spoken. Also pretty funny that his magic laser sword is literally just a sheath for a really sharp katana. Pretty good of him to be the first Xenoblade protagonist to canonically have sex (consider that we didn't get proof of Rex fucking until after we learned about Noah fucking). I like how he's the quiet and thoughtful type, has the best romantic subplot in the series easily (or at least the only one I gave a shit about). I will say that N was a pretty underwhelming antagonist. Man's backstory brings me to tears, yet I still just don't care for a single moment he's on screen (except for "Mio wHYYY" memes those can stay, thank you Henry McEntire for your contributions to this series). As far as protagonist powers go, Shulk sees the future, Cross is mute, Rex gets all the girls, and Noah turns into Evangelion. I think the only conclusion here is to stick Noah and Shulk in a pit and make them fight for who gets to be the Protagonist tm. Also, Noah wears his hair similar to me, therefore he's hot. +10 points for that.
4. Taion
Someone should make the virgin/chad meme with Taion's class in gameplay vs Taion's class in the story. Like, every other character in story is using their class like they would in gameplay, but then Monolith had negative ideas how to translate a swarm of paper airplanes into tangible gameplay. So Taion's class feels very bad to use. That said, love his banter with Eunie. Also love that one H2H where he says he wears practical clothing, then Eunie calls his scarf lame. Poor man acts like a kicked puppy lol. Also has the vibes of that kid who lost chess against Eunie because she ate all the pieces when he wasn't looking. Tries to be the adult of the group, is still, like, 9 years old. Energy of being the one kid in the group project who's trying to lead the other squad of 8 year olds in any given direction. 10/10.
5. Sena
Ngl, I do not relate to her on a single level and also may or may not have forgotten half the scenes about her. Not the character's fault, I just wasn't paying attention. It does feel like Sena's arc wasn't treated with as much importance as everyone else's tho. Also I really didn't get to know Shaniya well enough for her to act as an effective foil. Tho I do think it's quite funny that Sena is Brighid's kid since Brighid is all elegant and shit while Sena just beats you to death with a really big stick. Definitely the character I imagine to have the most different personality between Alrest and Aionios (mostly because she's so concerned about fitting in and stuff). Tho her arc about learning to express herself just comes across as false due to her in-game dialogue contradicting that (and that being the dialogue players will have bludgeoned into their skull). Kinda hard to see Sena as someone who's insecure and feels the need to fit into the group when she shouts "I'm the Girl with the Gall" every other encounter.
6. Lanz
Feels too much like Reyn but not as iconic. Most interesting part of his character was the guilt he felt over Joran's death because he was a dick to Joran and never got to apologize but then Joran sacrificed himself to save Lanz anyways because Joran felt like his life was less important than Lanz's. Sadly, all of this good shit got completely derailed when Joran showed up as an antagonist. Kinda sucks that the villain writing ruined Lanz for me. Lanz's best moments were definitely in his ascension quest. I liked it when he showed his no shit side. Sadly never found a comfortable role for him in the gameplay because evasion tanks are way more fun than block tanks and I don't particularly love any of the classes Lanz specializes in (why does he keep getting S affinity healer classes when his healing power is literally shit?) Tho I will say that I love seeing Miyabi and Fiona class become w i d e on him.
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
What are things Ghetsis likes to do in his spare time? Does he have anything in particular that he really enjoys doing that most wouldn’t know about? (Like. Knitting or some hobby type thing like that.)
Hobbies, huh. . . .
Ghetsis is a very goal-oriented person. Back when he was Plasma Boss and all, he wasn't really one for many hobbies--he certainly enjoyed doing things in his free time now and then, but by the time he'd adopted N, he was putting most of his free time into Plasma and advancing his goals and such.
But like I said, he did enjoy things now and then!
((snip snip unless you’re on mobile in which case as always I am sorry--maybe i should start putting these into multiple posts instead of singular big ones?  lmao
Also brief mentions of I think abuse, Pokémon abuse, torture??  i don’t think there was anything else triggering in there but i’m also too lazy to reread it lmao))
Ghetsis loves to read. He most enjoys nonfiction--true crime, history, religion, culture, Pokémon, human psychology, science, world news; Ghetsis really loves just about anything that can teach him something new. He's all about doing lots and lots of research, too, and he's actually well versed in old languages, too, especially old Unovan. He made a cypher for translating(and even taught Zinzolin how to read it a bit! In fact, Zinzolin is the one who has the Old Unovan linguistic work he's done atm because he can't let go of his boyfriend's old things) But he also likes a good fiction novel--crime, historic, alternate history, adventure, thriller, horror. . .he's picky about fantasy and science fiction and romance, but he'll read them now and then too.
While he's not really that into it, he does watch a lot of TV lately. He has days where he's pretty much immobile, so something he can just lie down and watch is nice to at least keep him from just sleeping all day. His taste in TV and movies is pretty similar to his taste in books. However, he's not much of a TV person and it's more something he just kind of accepts as what he 'has to' do nowadays. Sometimes he just. Doesn't have the energy to turn pages in a book. But entertainment is always better than boredom.
In his current state, Ghetsis doesn't really do much daydreaming or quiet contemplation, because ultimately it leads to a heavy slew of negative thoughts and emotions and makes him feel terrible. But in the past, he spent much of his time thinking about the world, plotting, planning. Lately if he does anything it's daydream or dissociate but. The latter isn't really, y'know, a hobby or something he really wants to do.
Music! Is one of his highest interests!! The Harmonia family is a very musical and artistic one, so he was surrounded by music and taught to sing and play instruments since he was in diapers. He doesn't think of himself as being able to play instruments nowadays. . .even though he still played now and then when he lost most usage of his arm, so long as it obviously didn't really require both hands or a need for both could be worked around. At present he's more into listening to music than anything--and his tastes are far more variant than you'd expect, as he's able to find some enjoyment in most any genre. He's started to sing more lately, too, although since his voice is often poor, he hates to do it and have to hear how terrible he sounds. But after Bede told him not to be discouraged over it and that some practice would surely restore his voice to its former glory, he's been singing to himself a bit more in an attempt to get his vocal chords back in decent condition.
(The unexpected part of this is when you find him singing old pop songs. . . . . . . .)
Ghetsis is, despite being antisocial as far as his personality/mindset/comfort levels, actually quite outgoing and enjoys people's company and talking to them, watching them. He loves social events and crowds and being around people--although he also hates it because, well, everyone is below him and the world around them is usually disgusting. But he quite likes company, especially from interesting and intelligent people, and he's playfully flirtatious too. While he prefers to do the talking and teaching, he's not against listening if somebody catches his attention and, again, Ghetsis has an insatiable desire for knowledge. Oh and socializing doesn't always have to be positive, either! He l o v e s to harass his protags. He likes to disturb people and make them afraid and uncomfortable and upset. He'd probably be an internet troll now and then if he bothered with internet socializing.
(Also, Ghetsis fucks to survive is a hedonist. So having people around means getting laid when he wants to. And how can he say no to being attended to and having his body worshipped and pleasured? To the power that comes with controlling someone else's pleasure, making their whole body respond with a mere touch, sometimes even less?)
As of late he also quite enjoys taking walks when he can--and while he's still beginning to accept it, he has started taking his wheelchair out(though, not in the regular world, only in the magic plane he’s hiding on) if he can't do his own walking and just enjoying the world outside. He. . .misses it.
He actually is very well travelled and he loves travelling, visiting new places, learning new things in person, going on expeditions and to archaeological sites and ruins and historic places. . .! Up until BW he travelled a good amount and enjoyed the bounties and interests his the world had to offer, practical or not. He likes himself a good time and experiences. Of course it lessened when he acquired his kids, especially N. And nowadays he hardly even leaves the house, let alone the region, though with the way his magic hideaway works(rather, doesn't work) he can wind up travelling by accident simply because it isn't stable enough not to move around.
And, of course there's magic. Ghetsis habitually draws little magic circles and things here and there, little spells to store magic or discourage nightmares or encourage remembering things. If he's idly tracing something on a table that's probably why. If he's idly tracing something on a person, that's probably why--in particular, he'd 'bless' N with safety when he went outside, or put magic on him that would ideally 'lock' his mind somewhat so he wasn't influenced by the outside world and had his plans ruined. Ghetsis does rituals every now and then(there used to be some cultish stuff in Team Plasma. . .maybe. . .but rituals aren't necessarily cultish, just like regularly done things) and magical cleanses, protection for his own spaces, charging the crystals and things he has around, and practices little bits of magic here and there just so he knows he can still do it. Now and then he tries to learn or develop new magic, but he's really not in the best condition for good magic usage. It certainly doesn't stop him but, y'know, tries to keep playing with fire to a minimum lest he burn his house down.
Of course, these are mostly things he does at present. . .with the strokes and the weakness in his body and the problems with his cognition and mind in general. . .his options are lessened in his opinion. His depression and lessened will to live make it hard for him to do even those things--let alone some of the things he used to do.
Sports are among the things he'd done in the past--namely basketball(just kinda happens when you're over 6ft tall.) He gave his old ball to N to teach him to play, but back then he could still play, one arm or not. Nowadays he has trouble even sitting up let along standing, running, and he's still accepting that he needs a wheelchair now and then when he can't get around so easily himself, so wheelchair basketball isn't something he'd even consider trying. Playing basketball? Tennis? Hell, any sport? He can't even consider it. He hates watching sports now. Whereas he used to love to do so because he could watch Unovan teams VS other regions and feel proud and cheer for Unova and so on, but now he can't stand it because it makes him think of how he used to be.
One of the things he did a lot up until the end of BWB2W2, was, of course, train his Pokémon, care for them, sometimes even play with them. They needed exercise and enrichment, and keeping them in fighting and killing shape was a high priority, both for enjoyment/entertainment and for the sake of having strong Pokémon. But now his Pokémon are all gone. . .and he resents all Pokémon for it and his hostility towards them all has increased. If anything at present, he takes even greater delight in hurting Pokémon than he had in the past.
Public speaking, debating, evangelizing, convincing people of Plasma's ways, giving and writing speeches was also a hobby he enjoyed. Usually, however, he winged his speeches, simply spoke from his cunning heart. Of course, if he tried to do something like that today. . .well, someone would call interpol and it'd be a whole thing. . .he does talk to himself a even more than he used to now, but it's not the same.
Punishing and teaching Plasma's members and anyone they decided to. . .host for a while, so they could learn the truths and come to know Team Plasma's might and perspective. . .being able to torment captives, seeing the hope leave somebody's eyes, god. He misses power. He misses victims. He misses taking out his frustrations on somebody locked in his dungeons, beating them and spitting on them and showing them how above them he was, torturing them--. . .expressing his power, he never really gets to do it anymore. . . . Harming others. . .even less. . .and what power, authority, strength does he have to at present anyways. . . . .
Training members of Plasma and their Pokémon, using the Pokémon they'd liberated for various behind the scenes work like building the castle, abusing people and Pokémon alike, really he found such bliss in it. Yes, it was something he kept quite quiet about or explained away until Neo Plasma--after all, nobody knew of his plans and intentions until he was defeated--but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy it.
Unexpected things. . .hm. he's pretty adventurous so I'm sure he's tried lots of things, but ultimately discarded them as things to do often for one reason or another. Knitting he can't see himself doing, one hand and all.
When N was younger, he actually took care of the human dolls and toys he gave him, since n mostly cared about the pokémon ones and was neglectful towards the human ones. Which was what was intended! But it irked Ghetsis's sense of perfectionism to see them all messed up, so he'd do their hair and dress them and so on just so they were in order and not a messy pile in the corner.
Ghetsis liked visiting dig sites and such, but he also enjoyed personally going on expeditions now and then too! He'd been planning one to the Abyssal Ruins for some time, but it never came to fruition. . . .
Since he was so well researched and did lots of discovering things himself, he’s written academic papers and things of that nature too.  Spreading his knowledge is always great.
Sciences piqued his interests sometimes, although that may not be a surprise. It's probably even less of a surprise that he was interested in experimentation on people and Pokémon--he was usually eager to let Colress do as he pleased as a result.
OH RIGHT ALSO! COLLECTING STUFF!! In particular things relating to or supposedly relating to legendary and mythical Pokémon and extinct ones too and history/legends and other unique things--stuff like feathers from legendary birds or orbs or gems said to strengthen or summon them and stuff like that. . .! He has a raw keystone, but he's not super aware of what it is since Mega Evos only really have recently come into common knowledge and he wasn’t in Kalos to learn about that in particular at the time, so he just thinks it's a cool kalosian rock with a strong life energy.
Tbh idk about any unexpected hobbies for him. . .tbf i also have like. No hobbies of my own. So this is kind of a hard question for me because doing things in your spare time??? I can't even bring myself to do things when o have to do them! Lmao.
He's abandoned a lot of his hobbies and interests. It kinda comes with being old and disabled and depressed and losing your will to live. He's feeling a bit better as of the start of the blog recent--so he's getting a bit active again, but. . .he's still not used to being "incapable" and it gets between him and doing anything for fun.
But hopefully this answer satisfied! And if not, if you're curious about anything in particular, send another ask my way!!
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