#albeit azusas is. more worrying
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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literally the same person
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
“Ruki? Where have you been?!” She wondered why you were away from the manor for so long, she was worried something had happened to you. “All of us have been really worried! Kou had a breakdown and almost burnt the kitchen down trying to make food. Azusa was worried sick and has been using his knives more, and Yuma well he thought it was a wonderful opportunity to try to bite me, I barely escaped with my life! Thankfully I got away.” Emily seemed really upset. “Seriously, I don't know what any of us would do without you around!”
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She walked up to the vampire hugging him tightly “Please don't disappear on us like that again, I don't think I can handle it.” A slight blush spread across her face as she breathed in your familiar scent “I missed you...” she mumbled.
(Hi Admin! Welcome back! You're finally out of the shadow realm! 💖)
"Like you have any right to know, Emily. I wasn't anywhere too vile, that's for certain. Not to fret—what matters is that I'm back now."
Locking eyes with her in an intense gaze, an eerie shadow upon the Vampire's visage from the whole ordeal of being held captive darkened his whole expression. Imprisoned, isolated, not to mention shrouded in darkness for no good reason. Not caring about what Kou and Azusa did, a glint of agitation sparked in his stormy blue hues once the Sirena mentioned Yuma tried to sneak a bite of his prey.
"...Looking to provoke me, are we? I've already told my brothers countless times not to touch what isn't theirs. No one, not even Yuma, can possibly have a taste of what's mine, and that includes you, Emily."
Laconic in his reciprocation of the embrace, Ruki reluctantly wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, heaving an exasperated sigh. Instead of receiving such a passionate greeting, he expected a much more aversive reaction to his return. No, he always imagined Emily would recoil upon the sight of him once more, attempting to 'escape with her life' like she supposedly did with Yuma. Light chuckles, albeit mocking, escaped from his lips as he ran a hand through her peach-colored tresses.
"I can't say I didn't miss my dear livestock as well," Ruki retorted. "Now, then... A week without your blood is truly unacceptable. Let me bite you someplace that'll finally lay your worries to rest."
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🧩 Aww, thank you so much! It's great to be out of there, haha. 🧩
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taito-division · 3 years
Blade Maiden Team Dynamics
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Azusa functions as the team's primary attacker. Her ability is considered the group's trump card, and as a result, she only uses it when the team is in real trouble, or to finish off a hard foe.
Fleuret is the group's last line of defense, as her ability protects her from an, otherwise, fatal blow. She can work well in any position, but she is often positioned in the front along with Azusa.
Eldrid is the group's support, as her ability boosts the team's attack and defense for a short while. Like Fleuret, she works well in any position, but she is often found in the middle, or the rear, ready to move up whenever she is asked.
-- Azusa
Fleuret to Azusa is a very good friend of hers. The two have known each other for almost six years now. They both attended the same high school, but only met in their last year when Fleuret saved Azusa from some bullies who were trying to make a move on her. As a result, a blooming friendship started between the two. Both of them are proud of each other's respective bloodlines, and often debate between each other who would win: a Samurai of the Bushido, or a Knight of Chivalry. Azusa admires Fleuret for her steadfast dedication to honor, though she admits that her pursuit of it can be a bit annoying at times. In rap battles, two are together on the frontlines, ready to support or aid each other when needed.
Eldrid to Azusa is another good friend of hers. Like Fleuret, the two were both in high school, but met after Eldrid, who was drunk at the time, burst into Azusa's dojo one night, and challenged her to a fight to the death. Though she had no reason to accept, the dojo instructor, who was a good judge of character, accepted. The "fight" lasted only a minute as Azusa easily defeated her with a thump to the head with her kendo stick. Though Eldrid begged Azusa to finish her off, the female samurai refused.
Though Eldrid continued to challenge Azusa, the result was always the same. Eventually, this started a friendship between the two, as Eldrid proclaimed Azusa her 'rival', which Azusa accepted, amused. Though she'll never say it out loud, Azusa admits that she sees more of the spirit of the Samurai inside Eldrid than she sees in herself. The two work as a cohesive unit in Rap Battles. One of them (mainly Azusa) starts off an attack on an opponent, and the other (mainly Eldrid) comes from behind to finish them off.
-- Fleuret
Azusa to Fleuret is one of her most cherished friends, the two having known each other for years. She even considers her 'her sister-in-arms.' Fleuret regrets not having talked to Azusa earlier, though Azusa claims it's not her fault, since Azusa never went out of her way to socialize with people. The two enjoy talking and finding out about one another's ancestry, which often leads to debates between who would emerge victorious: a knight or a samurai. The two enjoy each other's company, as they both reveal they can relax and be themselves around each other. Fleuret admires Azusa's calm and quiet outlook on life, admitting that she could never perceive life the same Asuza does. In Rap Battles, Fleuret works alongside Azusa to provide offense and defense when needed. If she sees Azusa is in trouble, she will quickly run and shield her, sacrificing her body and HP to keep her alive.
Eldrid to Fleuret is her friend, whom she considers 'shameful, but proud'. The two first met when Fleuret walked in on them fighting each other. Worried that her friend was being attacked, Fleuret rushed in and aided her friend from her mysterious assailant, much to Eldrid's vexation. After introducing them to one another, Fleuret apologized, though it would take a long while for Eldrid to eventually accept it. The two always debate and argue with each other on the concepts of 'honor and pride'.
Despite that, though she does not care for her friend's attitude or way of life, Fleuret admires Eldrid for her fighting ability and respects her ancestral background. Though they don't get along, they will aid each other when the other needs it. In Rap Battles, Fleuret protects Eldrid from harm, much like Azusa, citing that 'warriors aid one another in battle.'
-- Eldrid
Azusa to Eldrid is the one woman she dreams of defeating someday. The two met after Eldrid challenged Azusa to a fight in her dojo. The fight ended quickly, and Eldrid was soundly defeated. Though she begged Azusa to kill her, the dojo instructor refused, and let her sleep off her liquor in her house. After many more fights, a friendly rivalry blossomed between the two, with Eldrid training harder and harder to eventually beat her friend. Though she will never admit it, Eldrid is grateful to Azusa. She doesn't tell it, but Eldrid picked fights when she was drunk because she was suicidal, and hoped that someone strong would eventually do away with her.
Sparing her was perhaps the greatest thing Azusa ever did for Eldrid. And as a result, Eldrid has a secret love and affection for Azusa, which she'll never reveal cause she doesn't want to lose her friendship. In Rap Battles, Eldrid supports Azusa while she is on the frontlines. If Azusa is in danger of being defeated, she will quickly switch places with her, taking her place. If she has already been defeated, it spurs her and makes her lash out at the opposing team in vengeance.
Fleuret to Eldrid is her friend, albeit an annoying one. The two met after Fleuret interrupted a match between them, which upset Eldrid completely. Though Fleuret apologized, it took Eldrid over a month to accept it. The two, as stated, do not get along. Eldrid dislikes Fleuret's constant talk of honor, deeming that it has no place in today's time. She makes frequent statements that upset Fleuret, such as: 'Honor is for those who want to keep themselves awake at night.' or 'Honor is what losers use as an excuse.' In Eldrid's world, pride is all that counts.
Despite that, Eldrid does have a grudging amount of respect for Fleuret. She admires the girl's intellect and wisdom, as well as her ancestral line. And despite their differing personalities, they work well in battle together. Whilst Fleuret is on the frontlines, Eldrid is supporting her, and vice-versa.
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pastel-vampires · 4 years
The Vampire Muses. Keep in mind reading the wiki was the best source of information I could get for a majority of these characters since I can’t get my hands on the games.
Ayato Sakamaki:
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Age: 16
The attention whore seeker
Likes: Takoyaki and pranking people.
Hates: Water. Ghosts/Ghost stories.
In his childhood, his mother would strictly force him into studying so he could succeed as the heir to the Sakamaki line. Often threatening him or giving him deathly punishments when he didn’t meet her expectations. This would lead to his slight fear of water, as one of the punishments involved her shoving him in a lake to drown until she decided that he should have learned something from it.
The only triplet who is left handed. Would rather play sports like basketball than sit down and study. Consumes an abundant amount of Takoyaki. His hobbies involve Basketball, glorifying himself as ‘Yours Truly’, and collecting Medieval torture chamber items as decorations for his room. (the deadly parts of them removed for when he decides to sleep in them.)
Fear him on April 1st, for he WILL find a way in pranking someone. Anyone. Once he finds a way to prank someone, he WILL take the opportunity.
Other notes: He insists on referring to himself as “Yours Truly”/Ore-sama (in Japanese it basically translates to a masculine word for ‘me/I’ with the honorific meaning ‘master’)
Total rebel. Also a bit of a tsundere but not as much as Subaru. Like the rest of his siblings, he has a hard time opening up to people. He’s closest sibling is Laito. But he also has a protective nature over Kanato. 
Headcanons: Possibly a Pansexual. Will trick/prank all of his siblings at least once per year. 
Romances: He’ll want your full attention and admiration. He’ll want your praise and approval. He’s been made to believe that he had to be the best or he was better off cast aside and dead in a lake somewhere. He fears rejection.
Kanato Sakamaki:
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Age: 16 (believe it or not)
The tantrum brat/ “hysteric”
Likes: Teddy and Sweets. (And Attention)
Hates: Bitter and Spicy things. When people hold Teddy without his permission. When people do ANYTHING without his permission.
Since childhood, he has spent most of his time all by himself with only Teddy to confide in as his only trusted ally. His mother would only give him attention when telling him to sing for her, finding his voice to “warm her up” (she really messed him up by having him sing while she had her affairs. How can a kids singing arouse her? What the heck was wrong with her? What the hay? Why did she force him to do that until his vocal cords bled? How the fudge sundae?)
Other: he’s a mix of a tsundere AND a yandere, quite a deadly combination.
Headcanon: he is asexual but because of how he was raised, thinks that one HAS to enter sex at some point. Witnessing a lot of his mothers sexual affairs led him to believing that he had to give them pleasure. One of the efforts involved combing their hair. Her mothers influence has led him to believe that all women are selfish and always desires sex. If they don’t, then he sees them as prudes or just shy. He’s been left alone for so long that he was left to the mercy of his already messed up thoughts. He has a certain belief of how his little world should be and hates it when the things around him never fit in that world. 
Romances: He bites and punishes hard, but his kisses are always gentle. No matter if he’s angry or not. Never will he bite someone on the lips. Since he was left alone to play with his dolls more than his brothers, he enjoys comparing those he is fond of as dolls rather than people. 
Laito Sakamaki:
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Age: 16 (believe it or not he is NOT a clone of Ayato or a slightly grown up version of him)
The manwhore
Likes: fancy things. Macarons. Crossword Puzzles
Hates: bugs and creepy crawlies. (I’m going to have TOO much fun with this)
*breathes* the insufferable “pervert’, as everyone ‘knows’ him as. He often seduces women and ‘gives them pleasure’ in his own sadistic ways. As this was the only way he could express ‘love’. (seriously their mother messed all of them up. I don’t know exactly how old he was when she started going after him for an incestuous ‘love affair’. It’s gross. And he didn’t like it. But because he was the most neglected of the trio in his childhood, this was the only form of attention she ever gave to him, and he was made to believe that this was ‘good’. It’s a really messed up situation.) He’s the most social and cheerful of the Sakamakis. 
Headcanons: He knows how to speak French, being known as the ‘romantic language’, he took an interest in it in an attempt to be more flirtatious. But during this journey into learning the French language, he discovered Macarons. Which became a genuine favorite of his. He believes that his pervert facade is real and will get offended if someone states it otherwise.
He’s bisexual, but due to the environment around him (andespeciallyhowhismothermessedhimup) was made to believe that people can only be attracted to the opposite sex
Romances: He’s a giver more than a receiver, but he likes being in control of what goes on. All he knows is sex, he doesn’t understand what love is other than that. (their mother truly messed them up. But he’ll put up a mask and think there’s nothing wrong. Even though he still doesn’t know why there are times where he doesn’t ALWAYS like having sex.)
 Subaru Sakamaki:
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Age: 16
The Tsundere badboy.
Likes: bread.
Hates: social interactions. Roses (specifically white ones. This came as a surprise since he’s always in the rose garden.)
Due to a… LOT of emotions bottling up since he was a kid, he has a tendency in lashing out and punching inanimate objects in order to process his festering anger.
He’s the only one who had even a small- or even a semblance- of a healthy bond with his mother, but she became mentally unstable and had to be locked up in a tower (Rapunzel?) there would be times where she would have ‘episodes’ and only he was able to handle them. This warped his gentle nature into a more protective self, and as time went on, into a festering wrath. This only worsened after she pleaded for him to kill her. Hence the knife that he is often seen holding. One that is able to kill vampires.
He gets irritated easily. He doesn’t have any hobbies. He spends most of his time either looking at the rose garden or hermit it up in his coffin (he sometimes adds things to make it feel more comfortable.) He’d much rather stay in a coffin than attend anything. 
Notes: his mother used to sing him to sleep when he was a child. (absolutely adorable) He was the only vampire to give Yui a chance of escaping, even giving her his silver knife to defend herself. Maybe even kill him if needed. 
Headcanons: He doesn’t have taste. He likes bread okay because of the texture, but his tongue can’t even recognize sour things. This might be caused by his mother having poisoned him at some point and had a lasting effect? But highly unlikely because of vampire regeneration properties.
Yet another left handed boi.
 Kou Mukami
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The Two-Faced model
Likes: cats. Dancing.
Hates: pain.
This pretty boy has had... quite an unfortunate life. Thanks to the horrible events that took place in his childhood, Kou views the world as a ‘give and take’ view. And it will be quite a while before anyone can change that world view. Because of this, he will often portray a friendly, cheerful, and complimentary personality. But he will always expect something in return for his behavior and ‘gifts’. If he gives a bouquets of roses, he expects something to make up for it in return. 
He has a job as a model and is often surrounded by girls at the night school he attends regularly. Which he doesn’t particularly care for. (He is literally the only one in the family with a job.)
Major Trigger warning here: He was raped as a child. Don’t tell me he wasn’t, what the crap did those people DO to him? They hurt him even when he gouged out his own eye in a desperate attempt to make himself flawed so they would leave him alone. But that didn’t work and somehow they saw that as making him more desirable? He has nightmares often because of this and will cling to whatever is around him in an attempt to hide from the horror of reaching hands. He often clings tot he things around him every night because of these reoccurring night terrors. He was given a glass eye that allows him to see people’s true intentions.
Headcanons: He has an immaculate hunger and can- and WILL- eat more than his fair share if those around him aren’t careful. Guard your food while he’s around!
Notes: another left handed boy.
 Azusa Mukami:
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Age: 17
The ONLY option for a Masochistic boy.
Likes: collecting knives is his hobby
Dislikes: neglect and being hated.
As a child, he wandered the street with no real purpose. Thanks to a group of children who thrived in beating him, he believed that his only self worth was to be used for pain. Hence he has grown a fascination of it. Whether it is to give or receive pain, Azusa is there for it. He’s slow in movement as well as talking. Often seen spacing out. But is probably the only sweet-heart of a vampire in the entire show. If a little pushy at times. 
He names his limbs after the children who had injured them enough to leave scars, since they were killed and he was left without a purpose once again. This was before he was sent to a orphanage and met Ruki, Yuma, and Kou who became his family.
Notes: his hobby is collecting knives. (Yet another left handed boy.) He is ‘weak against heat’ (I imagine he melts into sleep like a cat when finding this out) he is able to fall asleep standing up. (that’s pretty impressive)
Headcanons:  He’s a very respectable boy and often speaks mostly in respect. Albeit a little pushy at times. His brothers often worry about him and have to make sure that he eats enough at their breakfast, Lunch, and dinner, since he doesn’t do a good job in taking care of himself.
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kaigashi · 4 years
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[ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  * —— [ guard ]  ] 
𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 ————if not out of love for her niece and the desire to honor her abilities; the renowned priestess and marksman would have entered the ring faster. But Kagome was not one to sit idle; she respected her immensely for becoming so capable or rather forced to become. Like her. How not unlike herself; fumbling through trial and error and down the Rabbit Hole once more in proverbial tandem.
Clear grey-blue eyes scanned the horizon; a bow of some years past pulsing in her grip as naturally her spiritual energy imbued itself within it. Kagome had come to compare powers that at times admittedly frightened her with what limit she’d yet to know as a bomb. Something that once unleashed, could not be undone. To the niece with the blood of demons and mortals, being even slightly in her line of fire could prove fatal and utterly excruciating. But abandoning her?
Towa? Who like her was a big sister in heart; valiant and good and kind? Who bled a noble nature? Out of the question. The future successor to Kaede and the Province as a whole stood firm and unwavering as she scanned precisely the enemy’s weaknesses. 
She was not alone. The time for letting the opponent and prey to the threat of Musashi Province threaten her home had come to an end, its people, her blood, her rambunctious and spirited child, so much like her and her father, of Setsuna, reminding her eerily of her closest female friend. Kagome had seen enough. 
" ———— 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐚! 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞." 
With a soft sway of dark curls laced up in white cloth; the priestess and archer stood in front of the hanyou; eyes clear like the sea and unfettered in their confidence. She could hear the usual standardfaire mockery of demons who were unaware of the nightmare hidden in that tiny body before the young girl with snowy hair. A nightmare to rival anyone, even the fabled spider of yore, a nightmare long forgotten, but always remembered in weariness. 
With a warm smile; concern laden briefly in a determined glance, Kagome offered her family a gentle thumbs up from hands seeping in holy, roseate glow. “You did wonderfully. You’re really so strong, you know? But let just once, an adult take care of you. You’re already doing so much looking out for my own child. Let your Aunt handle this...and by the way?” Nocking the arrow from a bow she had received through truth and trial at Mt. Azusa, clear blue aimed with an eerie precision at the encroaching demon who easily dwarfed her by three sizes.
“ Stand back. Let’s finish up. “ With a single warning; knowing full well how terrifying the devastation of her spiritual powers could be to anyone with a remote pint of impurity or demonic energy, the tiny priestess unleashed her fingers.
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It was as if a comet of massive proportion in pink and white had lit up the countryside; the sky itself; enough that she heard behind her villagers naming her the uncomfortable moniker of Lady Kagome. Even if aiming straight forward; it was evident the seasoned time-traveler had only increased knowledge of her spiritual powers immensity since returning to home.
For a brief a moment a youkai had stood, and in a brief moment, a youkai had vanished, dissolving almost instantaneously with an eerie silence as all the light collected itself into a flare of finely tuned power at its body. Not even bones remained. Sizzling echoed; the air itself pulsated and nigh shook with Kagome’s spiritual pressure. The ground was still; and peace returned to the earth. 
The wind blew; the surrounding blades of grass individually sung a song returning the wicked beast to the earth; as she simply stood, a small, deceptively vulnerable woman with eyes of fire watching motes of her power light up the afternoon sky; the sounds of awe from behind herself and her beloved niece.
Without hesitating Kagome turned her head  ———— and her sunlit smile returned; albeit laced with palpable worry and compassion. The unyielding face of courage and equal measures fierceness had faded; leaving only embers of it in her stark blue eyes. 
“ I wasn’t about to let my niece face that alone, y’know? Not trying to steal your thunder, Towa, but you have a family, and I’m always here to protect you as I know you’d look after me and your cousin and uncle.” 
As the light faded from her aura; like the coils of a dragon hiding its might within her little frame; warm palms gently settled on her shoulders in a firm, comforting grip  ——  she was so proud of her.
“ Now let’s get these wounds tended. After all, if you don’t know by now...” Her smile turned playful and equal measures tender; the fierce protectiveness never once leaving her face nor her immense pride. 
" 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐄 𝐃𝐎. 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐋𝐄𝐓'𝐒 𝐆𝐎 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄. " A beat, turning her fair features to her one final time; soft, gentle.
 “ —— You were so brave, Towa. I’m very, very proud.” / @azureacrosstime​
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dboliklover · 5 years
Subaru Easter Smut
Subaru - Pregnant, vanilla(?), overstimulation
Warning: Pregnancy. I know some people have a fear of it (Tbh, so do I, but I’m only afraid of getting knocked up in real life, so I like it in fiction) but just so everyone is aware, this does follow the pregnancy of the reader from conception to the second trimester, so be wary. 
Finally got around to continuing this series. Kanato and Azusa are both gonna be left for last, sorry Kanato/Azusa-fuckers. And this is as vanilla as I get, but I needed some soft-core Subaru in my life. 
Also,,,,I needed some soft Subaru in my life, so I apologise this isn’t a rough-fuckin’ but I fucking love Subaru so much and he deserves love and happiness in his life-
Please give feedback. I worked SO hard on this and appreciate comments and reblogs and debates/conversations based on my writing! It encourages me to write more.
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You have been married to Subaru for two whole years now. It was something which was still difficult for him to believe, every night he fell asleep beside you he expected to wake up the next morning in an empty bed only to find out his life with you had been nothing but a beautiful, hopeless dream. 
You knew your husband’s worries and sorrows, and it pained you to know that he carried such immense emotional loads by himself, and so you tried to soothe and assure him to the best of your abilities. 
You had some wonderful news for your husband, which you were certain would bring him immense joy, and yet...you also feared his reaction. You’d recently found out about your pregnancy. It was something that caused you the utmost joy when you first discovered your sickness was actually caused by the life growing inside of you. 
You knew Subaru would make the ideal father, how could he not? He was...perfect, really - even if he didn’t believe he was. 
But you also knew he had a deep-rooted fear of being like his father. You knew, of course, that there was no way in hell he’d ever become such a monstrous man. You knew who you married, and you were more than certain that he would be the best father to ever grace this earth. Nonetheless, this was still a huge step in your marriage - babies were a lot of responsibility, and this would be a whole person that you would both have to care for and love - but it was also a symbol of the deep love between you and Subaru; you literally created life from the love you had for one another. 
So, anxiously, you tried to find a way of telling him. It was immensely stressful for you, the worry only piling on with every minute away from him. Should you try and be sly about it? Find a ‘cute’ way of telling him? Just be blunt? So many possibilities and you simply did not know how to tell him. 
Thankfully for you, your husband walked into your shared bedroom, the moon slowly rising in the night sky. Like usually, you rose from your position on the bed and rushed over to him to greet him, wrapping your hands around his neck and feeling safe and protected as he pulled you closer, kissing you with sensual gentleness. He was a rough man, but would often treat you like a delicate rose that could be torn at the slightest of harsh touches. Sometimes, he did hurt you - accidentally, of course, and then it would take a lot of convincing from your end to assure him that it wasn’t any major harm. He feared so deeply that he’d harm you and that you’d leave him for it, that if he even as much as caused a small bruise on your perfect skin he would freak out and feel obligated to spend months atoning for something that he did not need to atone for.
In truth, you loved how gentle he could be with you. The only times he ever got rough, sexually, was when he was jealous. You loved those moments too, because gentle or rough, Subaru always managed to bring you the pleasure that you were sure you would never find elsewhere. 
“Good evening, darling.” You whispered sweetly to him, your voice soft as your senses were overwhelmed with the scent of your beloved. It took a long time to get him used to the concept of pet names, but eventually, he got used to them. “Good evening…” Subaru sighed, you could tell, without even looking at him, that he was blushing, “...My love.” he said the words with hesitance, and you knew it was because he still couldn’t quite get over the idea of calling you pet names. He was really trying to do so, though, because he knew you enjoyed it. 
You felt your levels of anxiety rising, knowing you’d have to confess your pregnancy tonight; you couldn’t keep this from him any longer. 
Hesitantly, you pulled away from him, which cause Subaru to worry almost immediately when he saw the anxiety within your eyes. 
“Subaru…” You spoke gently, with hesitant uncertainty, before you took his hand in yours and pulled him over to sit on the bed, as you went to get something, telling him to sit and wait. 
“I...I have something I have to show you.” 
 When you came back, you were carrying a little box with you that was tied loosely with a white ribbon. Nervously, you practically shoved it in his face. 
Surprised by your sudden, confusing behaviour and the fact you shoved a box in his face, he took it from you and untied the ribbon, letting it fall onto the ground. 
You stood, trying to soothe your body from shaking in anxiety. This was a huge step for your marriage, and you just hoped he’d react positively - or even neutrally, just...as long as it wouldn’t be...negative.
His body stiffened and froze as his beautiful eyes widened at the sight of what this little box held within it. 
A pregnancy test.
A positive pregnancy test.
Subaru swallowed thickly, and you braced yourself for the worst. 
“Is it...is it true?” He asked, looking up at you, his expression fragile and delicate. Unable to speak, you merely nodded your head, trying to smile through your nervousness. 
Subaru was silent for several moments, visibly processing the information. 
“This is...this is amazing.” He choked up, something he rarely did. You’ve only seen Subaru cry three times before; Once when he broke down in front of you, once on your wedding day, and now. 
“S-Subaru?” Your voice was shaky as well, not sure if this was a good or bad sign, but your doubts were soon put to rest as he moved the box out of the way, stood in front of you and pulled you tightly into his chest, you could feel his body shake with suppressed sobs. 
Your heart felt so warm as you realised that he was crying from what seemed to be pure happiness. So you hoped, at least. Your own eyes soon filled with tears, and the two of you hold one another in a tight embrace. 
You stayed like that for a while, just crying and holding one another until Subaru finally pulled away, and placed his forehead on yours. “...Thank you” Subaru muttered softly, smiling. You have given him the perfect life, and for this, he would be eternally grateful. 
Over the next several weeks, Subaru was truly the perfect husband, albeit a bit too overprotective. You were hardly even showing, and he was already acting as though you were nine-months-pregnant; refusing to let you do anything remotely physically difficult. This was sweet to begin with, but after a while, the cuteness of it wore off and began to annoy you.
“I’m pregnant! Not dying!” You argued with him, pouting as you laid in bed. Subaru sighed, shaking his head at your (admittedly adorable) complaining. “You need to rest, (Y/N).” He stood his ground as he got dressed, getting ready to go downstairs and get you something to eat. For the first few days having your loving husband bring you breakfast in bed was a novelty and wonderfully exciting. Soon, though, that novelty wore off. You were a bit over a month pregnant, and you weren’t even really showing just yet - you were perfectly capable of making your own meals, cleaning and taking care of yourself. Unfortunately, Subaru did not seem to share that way of thinking and believed that even the slightest straining would cause harm to you and the baby. 
“Urgh...Subaru…!” You whined softly, pouting harder, hoping he’d look at you and give in to your request of doing nothing more than just making your own meal. 
You could tell your husband was trying with all his might to not give in to your pleas, but his naturally protective instincts demanded he keeps you in bed, safe and sound. 
However...he was also always so weak when it came to you, and as such he sighed and gave in. 
“...Fine, but only if I’m around. And only until you start showing-” before Subaru could continue, you cut him off with a joyful squeal, thankful that he’d finally allow you to actually do things for yourself again. You crawled out of bed, bad rushed to get dressed as Subaru had to hold himself back from attempting to ‘help’ you. 
The idea of you, being pregnant was still something so...beautifully strange and difficult for him to properly wrap his head around. You were pregnant….with a baby. His baby. 
Subaru had never really considered having an actual family of his own; he always believed himself to be too fucked up to ever be loved, and he always believed it would be cruel to bring life into such an unforgiving world. But then...he met you, and all that just changed. 
He owed so much to you, and he knew that he did not deserve you in the slightest, but yet here you were, so devoted and loving and caring that every single day with you felt like a dream.
Hell, he still couldn’t believe how patient you had been with him, especially when you first met. He was so...violent and aggressive. He supposed he still could be, at times. His hidden inner trauma coming back up every so often, but every time he felt he was falling into the dark, you would be there to hold him up and lead him back into the light. If there was one thing Subaru was grateful for in his whole entire life, it was you. 
And now...you’re going to give him the one thing he never thought he’d have. A family. 
Throughout the rest of your first trimester, Subaru (hesitantly) kept to his promise of allowing you to do things for yourself, much to your joy. Though, by the time your second trimester came along, he quickly became twice as protective as he was before. 
You were beginning to show now, your stomach full of growing life. Not to mention; you were absolutely glowing. 
It was the point in the pregnancy where you were still happy and the life within you was still an exciting prospect, but before the immense mood swings, swollen feet and sore backs. You’d have some...negative symptoms of course, such as a mood swing here and there (you felt kind of bad with how panicked Subaru looked every time you had one of them and went from laughing to crying to demanding the strangest foods) but Subaru was truly the perfect husband who always helped you past any struggles thus far. 
Though….one thing that bothered you immensely was that he seemed afraid to touch you. He’d hold you close and cuddle with you, but it wasn’t the same. He’d always been afraid fo being too rough with you, but now that you were pregnant he suddenly became convinced that the tiniest harsh movement would shatter you like a porcelain doll. 
Unfortunately for you, pregnancy was making you rather….well, needy. Specifically, a sexual kind of needy. Your hormones were wild and you were craving your husband to relief you from this sexual struggle. 
He’d gotten it into his mind, though, that if he sleeps with you whilst pregnant it’ll somehow cause a tragedy to occur, which truly pissed your hormonal, pregnant self off. 
You were not above begging him to fuck you if that’s what it’d take. 
So, when he went out to get some of the strange food supplies that you craved, you ‘freshened’ yourself up, making sure to wear some sexy lingerie, that thankfully still fit, but your bra was a tad….tight around your swollen breasts, which would surely begin to lactate any day now. Your panties were low-cut, which was perfect since it outlined your growing stomach full of life. Brushing your hair in a way that made you look like a cute little forest nymph, you climbed on your shared bed after laying it out in a ‘romantic’ way, waiting for him to get back to your bedroom.
When Subaru opened the door to your shared room, he was not prepared to see you, his beloved pregnant wife, laying on the bed in the most arousing position he’s ever seen, hand on your swollen belly. He froze, but then quickly shut and locked your bedroom door, the possessive vampiric instincts raging at the mere thought of any of his brothers seeing you like this. He was really fighting with himself, because, damn, you looked so desirable and he wanted nothing more than to absolutely ravish you at that moment, the carnal need within him to fill you over and over again. But he was also far too afraid of harming you and, as such, he was fighting a self-imposed war. 
You noticed this and put your finger to your glossy lips, eyes drooped in a sensual way that was screaming for him to come and fuck you. “Subaru~” You softly moaned out his name, trying to seduce your husband into letting go of whatever fear of harming you he has, trying to appeal to his animalistic side. 
“(Y-Y/N)...” He audibly gulped, with every moment it was getting harder for him to resist his internal desires. 
“W-What if I hurt you?” He questioned, his voice shaky at the mere idea of such a thing, “-You won’t.” Your tone was sincere, your smile assuring as you opened your arms and moved them to where he was standing. “Please come to me...I need you so much, my love…” 
Subaru was hesitant, but yet he also could no longer fight his instincts. Besides, you were looking so sweet and arousing, practically begging him to make love to you. 
He walked over to you, and you smiled brightly, your smile only pulling him further in. His unbeating heart seemed to be pounding - no matter how impossible that may be. 
You put your hand on his shirt and pulled him down to you, softly crashing your lips against his as you lip-locked. Subaru kissed you gently, with notable delicacy as he did not wish to bring any pain to you. Soon, though, your husband melted into the kiss and you scooted up the bed, so he could climb on top of you.
Your skin was so hot, every touch felt more intense than you remembered. Perhaps it was the fact you hadn’t made love in several months now, or maybe the pregnancy hormones increasing your sensitivity and pleasure, but the way his cold hands felt on your hot skin was mindblowing. 
The kisses also became more heated, as you wrapped your hands in Subaru’s snow-white hair, as your arousal rose with every kiss and every sensation. 
“S-Subaru..” You moaned out in carnal pleasure, finally getting what you’ve been craving for these past few months. You swore you were beginning to go into withdrawal from not making love to Subaru for so long! 
This man had you addicted to him, you loved and adored everything about him. 
As he pulled away from your lips, a string of saliva connected the two of you together, your mind hazy and eyes lustful, as you began to undress his shirt, whilst he started to kiss your jaw and neck. Feeling his wet lips on your weak spots brought you to the most euphoric paradise, it was something you never wanted to end. 
In the moment of sensuality, Subaru’s possessive instincts demanded him to leave his marks on you, and that was exactly what he did. Love bites covered your neck from top to bottom, you would surely be unable to conceal them after tonight, and that fact only increased his arousal. 
How he managed to get such a wonderful, beautiful wife, he had no idea. But you were his wife and he wanted everyone to know that.
Once you finally got his shirt off, you placed your hands all over his chiselled chest, moaning at the feeling of his skin on yours. While your hands were exploring his naked chest, his were moving down the valley of your breasts, to your swollen stomach as he ran his hands over and over your baby bump, feeling nothing but the highest amount of pure happiness as he did so. 
Inside you was the life you created together. 
“...Our baby.” He growled possessively, as he moved his face down, kissing your breasts, ribcage and then your stomach, leaving hot kisses all over your skin. 
By now your core was burning like a deadly fire, demanding your husband’s seed to fill your insides. 
“S-Subaru..!” a whine escaped you as he lowered himself from the bed and between your legs, your cunt was now blazing hot and dripping your slick juices. His cold breath contrasted with the flame inside you and was enough to almost make you cum. Your breath hitched and you could feel yourself whining even more for him. 
Subaru smirked to himself as he started to eat you out, his tongue thrusting inside and out of you, his speed picking up and eventually he started to not only shove his long, wet tongue in and out but also used his entire mouth to kiss your whole core, sending shivers from your spine down to your entire body. 
You chanted his name like a mantra, constantly moaning it out. Hearing your aroused voice only served to increase his libido, as he continued to mercilessly lick you out. You could feel the pressure in your abdomen increase and you came in no time, your high lasting longer than usual. And yet, Subaru did not cease his assault on your core, continuing to suck you dry of your juices, you had long since last track of any sense of time but you were sure he must have been eating you out for at least fifteen minutes, or at the very least it sure felt like it. By the end of it, you had lost track of the times you’ve had an orgasm, but you estimated you must’ve cum at least eight times. Your core was immensely sensitive and raw, but your libido still not nearly satisfied. No, you needed to feel your husbands heat inside you
“Subaru, please! Please just...just make love to me, properly!” Your voice filled with need and longing, and he could no longer hold back. His member was painfully erect and the need to fill you to the brim was overwhelming. Kissing you once more, He hurriedly took off his pants and boxers, and lined himself up with your core.
You pulled him down to kiss you as he thrust into you, both of you loudly moaning into the kiss at the feeling of him inside of you. Your walls were clamped around him so tightly and he had to stop himself from cumming right there and then. You always fit around him so perfectly that he was convinced you were destined for him and just for him. 
Slowly thrusting in and out of you causing lewd sighs to escape both your lips in unison as you moved together in impeccable rhythm.
Everything about this was so fucking amazing; from the friction between his cock and your core, from the heat of your body mixed with his, from the constant kisses of love and desire you kept sharing….you always knew you had the perfect marriage, and this proved it. 
Eventually, he picked up speed, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him into you deeper. Your swollen breasts bounced roughly as he pounded into you, it was slightly rough but also controlled and not too rough - he was holding himself back because of the baby. 
Your shared moans filled your bedroom, and you were so loud you were sure that your moan could be heard throughout the whole manor but neither of you cared about that at this moment. 
Subaru placed his head close to your shoulder, biting down and nibbling on your exposed skin as his cock made harmonically animalistic love to you. 
Hearing his name escape your red, puffy lips was bringing him so close to his edge. 
Your husband always had great endurance, however, you did not. As such, you kept endlessly cumming on his cock, scratching his back roughly out of sheer ecstasy as he relentlessly bruised your walls. 
After what must have been almost a full hour, he finally felt himself coming close to his final edge, and he increased his speed, causing one final orgasm from you as he buried himself into you as deep as he could go, his thick, hot seed overflowing inside you. 
You were both panting and smiling, as he kissed you again and again after, still not pulling out even as he softened inside you. 
“I love you...so fucking much…” The emotion inside him was overwhelming, and you could see the softest tears of love gathering in his eyes. Your hand touched his cheek as you soothed him, and placed his hand on your stomach. “We love you too.”
- Mod Rozalia 
ps: this is only been proof-read once, so if you see mistakes hmu! I’ll edit it.
Please give feedback. I worked SO hard on this and appreciate comments and reblogs and debates/conversations based on my writing! It encourages me to write more. 
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mcybebailey · 4 years
ʻ   / wow ,   i am so excited  to introduce bailey pyo   to  our current  students at cape  coral . she is  extremely  excited to  join the film club .   coming  in as an  21  year  old freshmen ,  they  shouldn't  worry about  fitting in .   the cis female  taurus   has  always  reminded  me of park sooyoung  , but  some people  don't see it .   trying to keep the  fact that she has dropped out of three different colleges in the past few years and her parents used their connections to obtain the scholarship   from  getting  around this  school is going  to be tough . no  worries , though ,   cape coral will create  a new life for them , i  assure you . ʼ 
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hi!! omg hi everyone i’m jala (gmt +8) wow i’m so excited to be here wow i’ve been lurking on this group for so long and i took the chance to apply once i saw it. this is my quiet bub who’s Trying(TM) and i have her somewhat complete bio HERE but under the cut is a bit of a sparknotes version and some connection ideas to help with plotting hopefully (and i’ll have a proper wanted connections page up soon) - but really i’m up for all the plots!
full name: bailey yerin pyo
nickname(s): bay, bays, pyo
birthdate: 20th april 1999 (taurus)
hometown: san francisco, california / moved to portland when she was 10
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
languages: english, korean
orientation: graysexual biromantic
major: (eventually) media studies, with a literature minor
faceclaim: park sooyoung (joy)
distinguishable features: soft & sleepy like eyes, a beauty mark on her nose, a nick on the left side of her jaw
aesthetic: worn out sneakers, naps under the warm sun, surprising tenacity, oversized flannels, band-aids plastered on the skin, postcards meticulously stuck on walls, blending into the background, weathered copies of books, quiet but not blind, soaking in the bathtub until the water goes cold, long raven-coloured hair, smelling faintly of lavender.
( - ) blunt, anxious, lazy, stubborn, cynical, cannot handle pressure, selfish, quiet, insecure, overthinker 
( + ) tough, observant, warm, perceptive, poised, mature, headstrong, creative, quirky
[ tw for mentions of anxiety disorders ]
bailey’s a scholarship student! by not so honest means but she’s genuinely doing pretty good since she’s actually putting in effort into making sure her life is in Check. she’s by no means a teachers pet, and just in general doesn’t... bring much attention to herself.
genuinely kind of has a talent for blending into the background and disappearing from situations she doesn’t want to be in - which really has helped as much as it’s damaged her young life. she’s mousy and quiet by default, usually reading or writing a whole bunch.
likes to nap in between classes in quiet and/or strange corners on campus as she progressively finds them. she likes to say she has a talent for sleep, which really it’s impressive how quickly she can sleep and how she can w wake up from naps at the right times
really, she’s trying this time to be more social and make friends. she’s put herself off from it for so long that she figures it’s time you know? it’s not like she has any particular difficulty with it (unless it’s in a large group setting ie: in front of classrooms then... whew) - bailey is genuinely a warm person when talked to albeit maybe a tiny bit blunt. she just happens to be in her own head a lot.
that being said she’s extremely calm - almost too calm that’s it’s really a way she copes to try and not be anxious constantly. it works, for the most part, thankfully and it’s been keeping her stable enough mental health wise. keeps her from any more college-dropping-out-inducing incidents with her anxiety. (that being said she’s Big Anxiety internally)
kind Notices things very easily. she’s an observer and have been since she was younger but since becoming quieter as she’s grown, it’s just become more heightened. it’s not like she voices out these things willynilly, but she likes to keep these things in mind. makes for good inspo when she’s writing tbh. 
her family fits snugly into the upper middle class tbh!  she has two younger sister, one who’s doing pre-medicine in an ivy league school, so a lot of the family funds are going into paying for that sister’s college. also her past of dropping out really has her parents not trusting her anymore - which was why she ended up in parker community college in the first place.
she’s really... like straight edge, completely by choice! she’s genuinely not interested in drinking or drugs it’s just not her thing? (she’s got enough on her plate tbh) she is trying to be more social and is trying to go to parties but she’s just been Struggling tbh it’s not really her scene? also partly why she is not that Experienced compared to her peers in intimate matters? the closest she’s had is a couple of “almosts” from high school that ended up going nowhere
a ho for all kinds of media - she’ll talk your head off about the things she’s watching/reading if ever explicitly given the chance. 
i just by red velvet - that smidgen of hope, of (trying to) leave all past troubles and actually try now. the mindset bailey is trying to get into now that she’s in cape coral and moving on with her life! her attempt at being a proper adult now and for her to just leave the past behind. the contrast of the driving edm with the heavy-ish lyrics also feels like it’s very bailey in terms of her mind and thoughts.
busted & blue by gorillaz - the song's feel captures bailey’s vibe overall, it’s chill, slightly downer in tone, but has a hint of hope as well within the words. the lyrics, too, feel like they were written in her voice. kind of similar to how she’d write a poem, for example, especially during her very tumultuous period of life when she was in and out of school and truly starting to understand herself. It’s less a song that relates to her and more a song that emulates her in some ways.
class of 2013 by mitski - really explains her confusion and hesitance to grow into adulthood. it’s something she’s felt that she’s not suited for but life really doesn’t care about how she feels so she’s going to keep growing. so she ends up trying to cling on to years past even if there’s really nothing there for her anymore.  It’s really not helped by her rather poor mental health and the song doubles down on that feeling of progressively feeling more and more inadequate.
SOME LIGHT INSPIRATIONS: azusa nakano (k-on!), michelle (mcu spiderman), kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), eva kviig mohn (very early skam season 1), haruhi fujioka (ouran)
someone who just kinda sees her y’know? probably a person who’s found her weird spots and they’re slowly like beginning to share these spaces and such. which would partly weird her out because she’s been so used to just making herself not be seen and has been very successful doing it for so long. but it’s obvious she likes it and wants this person around more.
pre-scholarship parker community college friend(s)! bailey would’ve definitely started Trying when she got to parker so possibly someone she grew close with then and them getting the scholarships together would’ve been great for bay because she’s not alone again lmao
old friends from when they were younger? maybe family friends? her dad has a pretty large reach tbh so it’s possible she would’ve accidentally known some people from even before this. 
someone to try and get her out more and Live A Little. can be ~corrupting~ her or a bad influence, but mostly just someone to drag her out of her room and be daring and bold! she can at the same time, be a calming presence for them to just chill out with her 
a crush! a few crushes! a flirtation! bailey crushes really easily tbh but she also gets over them just as quick so however you’d want to play it out i’m up for that!
ooOOH someone who’s very forward in flirting with her and bailey actually gets super flustered? like she just wouldn’t know how to deal with it and she’s not sure if she likes it or not (probably likes it a lot). but she’s just not used to this kind of attention that it throws her off big time.
a work out buddy lol she’s been pretty successful with consistently doing weekend jogging/walking so something could be built from there?
honestly any of the above can be combined with each other but either way: all the plots! gimme i would love theeemmmmmmm allll - frienships, romantic ships, antagonistic stuff, ALL OF IT.
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ships-for-you · 6 years
For @bullet-proof-bangtan
Thank you for being so patient with me. It’s seems as if all I’ve been doing is apologising but school isn’t easy haha
Also, this is really long, like at least 4k words!
Note: Since I could not find the character’s family name prior to becoming a vampire, I simply settled for the family name “Kizoku” (貴族 ((which is written as “taka zoku” ))which literally means aristocrat haha)
For Diabolik Lovers, I ship you with Ruki Mukami!
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Ah, the prestigious (L/N) family. A family whose name was known worldwide through the production of formal wear along with engagement rings since the start of the early 1800’s. As of now, the company is being run by the great (F/N) along with his wife and daughter. Not much after his firstborn daughter was born, he arranged a marriage between her and the firstborn of a close friend of his. Since then, the (L/N) and Kizoku family have been closely knit and have been at each other's sides during another’s downfall
The young boy was indeed a child of high intellect however he was corrupt. He was extremely bratty, spoiled and believed he was the God that the servants must come to terms to his every beck and call. He believed that he had the right to berate them for being in such a low-ranking position. Hardly anyone understood how such an impudent child was born from such a kind man accompanied by his humble wife. Their son became sadistic and wallowed in the bliss of seeing the servants’ annoyance and misfortunes.
Unlike the boy, the brunette girl was nothing but kind. Unlike her betrothed, her parents paid no mind to her. She was simply a vessel to carry out the family business. Even if she were to fail, she had a replacement ready, the second child and firstborn son. Unlike the cynical and pompous male, she cared for the servants both in her and his manor and treated them with respect. They were nearly polar opposites and yet they managed to get along. The occasional outbursts of her fiancé would certainly startle her at times however, he would apologise, albeit hesitantly, with a flustered look along with a blush adorning his soft cheeks. All was well.
Until one night.
The young boy’s manor was ransacked by his servants. He looked for his parents, hoping that they would put a stop to them and yet he could not find them. Before he could wander too far to look for them, he was immediately pushed down by his old servants as they beat him senselessly. He screamed in pain and called out for his parents to come for him. He whined and whined until his throat was sore from screaming, his tear-stained cheeks red from crying so hard until he fainted.
Once he was brought back to consciousness, he looked for his parents only to be greeted by the hanging corpse of his father in the garden and a letter from his mother stating that she ran away with her lover and that she still loved him. How could she say that? She left him and his father and yet she still has the gall to state that she loves him? What a preposterous notion. And what about (Y/n)? Where was she? She promised that she would stay by his side, no matter what may come. So where was she? It was childish and selfish of him to turn his back on the brunette girl once he thought about it, however he was too overwhelmed with the flow of what happened, he was pissed. And he wouldn not be forgiving her anytime soon.
Little did he know.
His fiancée was in an equally not so ideal situation. Her father was drunk and was caught by her mother in the process of sleeping with another woman. Her mother, caught up in so much stress from the ideals of the company, the paparazzi, and the pressure of being a mother and a perfect woman, had decided to kill herself. She went to the balcony of the chambers that held most of her jewellery and threw herself off. Once her father had finished from his activities, he proceeded to berate his eldest child. He screamed, cussed, and even abused her. In his drunken state, he poured out his true opinions towards his life, his slutty wife, and his mistake of a daughter. She attempted to stop him which only fuelled her father’s anger. In a fit of rage, he kicked her out of her own home. She hit her tiny fists onto the rose oak doors and yet it didn’t open. She roamed the streets and was made fun of other nobles that were were in the vicinity and mistook her for another street rat. She winced and was suddenly reminded of her fiancé, Ruki. What would he think of her now? He did not seem to enjoy her presence very much in the first place, so how would he react now? Is he alright? Is he eating well? Is he lonely? Is he still reading one of his books again? She thought about him. Even when she was on the street with no sign of anyone who would care for her, no sign of anyone to give her shelter nor food, she worried about him. She wished she was alright.
A few months after wishing for someone to take care of her, she realised that she needed to act. She understood perfectly that no one would come to her aid anytime soon and so she stole food from the stalls, she did what she could to survive is all. She got caught multiple times and was hit mercilessly and yet she didn’t stop. She came across another child like her, a dark-haired boy that reminded her so much of her fiancé, curled up tight in front of a stall with 3 kids bothering and berating him. A boy accompanied by two girls. You felt pity and anger. Pity towards the younger boy who must have done nothing to deserve such treatment and anger towards the children who would bother someone they thought was inferior to them. The brunette put on a strong and cold facade and approached them immediately.
“I take that would be enough. What even is the meaning of this? Don’t act like such children.” You commented whilst staying on guard in front of the frail-looking dark-haired boy. “Ey look Melissa! It’s one of ‘em kids actin’ like a noble! Let’s beat ‘em up as well!” The lone male said however you acted quickly. As a thief, you managed to learn from your mistakes and become more agile and alert. You took the “leader” down in a flash and sent a glare to the remaining two. The girls scurried away quickly, the other helping the limping “Justin” as they retreated and muttered under their breaths.
“Why...did you...help me?” You turned around to see the boy on the ground. You shook your head and extended your arm towards him. He took it hesitantly and got up. “Anyone would have done similar. It’s called being a decent person. Anyone who merely spectated isn’t much of a person.” You fixed your skirt, that had sustained a considerable amount of patches from the number of times it tore apart and walked away. “Please...may I...stay with you..?” He asked pitifully. You thought about it. In all honesty, you were going insane without conversing with anyone. You were simply trapped with your own thoughts that weren’t so pleasant. You weighed out the pros and cons of the situation at hand and decided to have him accompany you. He smiled, although faintly, and followed you.
You had taken him under your care as the two of you would steal bread from stalls to survive in the cruel world. Whenever Azusa was caught, you had took it upon yourself to absorb the blows directed towards him. In the end, you two would still have your bread as the smaller child apologised repeatedly. You forgave him instantly and explained to him that you meant to do that. And you would gladly do it for him again. Everything was fine until one day, you didn’t have the strength to defend him as you were overpowered by the store owner and the police. You were knocked out along with him and was sent to the orphanage.
You didn’t quite meet him immediately. It was already a few weeks in when you saw him.
Life in the orphanage was absolute hell. For sure, none of the children that flooded the vicinity ever dreamed of being in such a place but at least they had shelter. Those who thought they were more superior, however, thought that it would be alright to abuse those who seemed below them. The short-haired brunette along with Azusa had various encounters with such children. They couldn’t bear it any longer. You would catch most of the blows that were sent in your direction in order to protect the little boy you took into your care. The beatings wouldn’t stop until a saviour decided to tag along with you two.
A boy that seemed to be taller than the rest of the kids stood up for the both of you. The boy’s name was Yuma and he acted almost like a rabid dog as he barked insults at them along with his fairly long hair that was kept in a bun. He told them to ‘get lost’ and they did. He told you that they would never bother you and was the first to have treated you both with kindness. You found hope and smiled at him. You asked if he had a group that he was with and he told you that he had two other friends. You inquired if it would’ve been a bother to tag along with them and he shook his head.
He brought you to a corner where another dark-haired boy resided, reading his book and a blonde that was chatting with him. Your breath got caught in your throat as the boy seemed familiar. “Oi, Ruki! Kou! You think it would be fine to let them tag along?” Yuma asked. The young boy brought his nose up from his book to look towards the ‘newcomers’. When he saw you, his world stopped. His book dropped along with his eyes that were downcasted on to the floor. ‘What is she doing here? I thought she would’ve been alright. What happened? Where was she? Had she been in the slums the entire time?’ Thoughts flooded his head. His breathing went slightly ragged as he got up and stood in front of you. He was only slightly taller than you and yet you still felt intimidated. He seemed so...hollow. As if the boy that was so passionate about books and horses had somehow disappeared and only left behind an empty shell. The young boy looked into your eyes and bowed his head.
“I’m sorry.” Was all he said as he started to shake slightly. You took him into your embrace and patted his back lightly, as you did before when he was disappointed he couldn’t do what he wanted. “Why are you apologising?” “I wasn’t there to help you.” “And I wasn’t there to help you, so we’re even.”
You introduced Azusa to the group and they immediately welcomed him, along with you. The three decided not to question your history with the eldest and would instead inquire about somewhere in the future instead. The boys helped patch him up and he looked at them in awe. He looked at you and them and he thanked all of you for taking care of him.
Soon after, the five of you stuck together like glue. Constantly having each others’ backs and eating together. Almost like a family. You and Ruki had taught them how to read and educated them a little, they liked the idea of having the pair care for them. As if they had their parents that would guide and care for them. They had their fights that weren’t resolved quickly however in the end, they stayed as one. The group had devised a plan to escape their hell and would leave to find a place somewhere. Anywhere, as long as they weren’t where they were now.
Unfortunately, they were hunted down. They were shot down by the owners of the orphanage. The three boys were shot while the pair that was bound together were kept aside to toy with. Ruki was branded by them whilst the brunette was harassed. The both of them could not do anything to help each other. The pair screamed like that night they were abused and sent into the streets. They haven’t shouted like this in so long and they didn’t plan to ever again.
Once they came to, the brunette immediately hugged her fiancé, holding what remained of her torn rags together as she shielded her body from the boy and sobbed on his shoulder. The ex-aristocrat held her tightly and apologised repeatedly for his incomeptence. They both wondered where the rest were but they could barely move an inch and felt as if they would simply perish here. That was until he showed up.
He gave you both a deal. He would allow you and the rest to reborn as vampires, however, they would have to partake in a certain project of his. Out of desperation and hope for a new life, they had agreed. The five of them reunited and the long-haired gentleman offered them a mansion to live in. They were indebted to him and they were sure to be of good use to that project of his.
They continued where they had left off. The pair had become the leaders or rather the “parents” of the group and had educated and aided them as they’ve had before. The pair had taught them everything they needed to know in order to survive. They grew up in the household, did activities together and had even assigned rooms in order to keep each other’s privacy. As the group matured, they had become more close. More like a family. They had remembered the plan their saviour had informed them of and as the day of Eve’s arrival neared, they became more and more prepared.
You honestly didn’t know why you were needed. You assumed you were merely kept since it seemed as if you were important to the group, you served as their anchor. That man had deemed it necessary for you to be a part of their kind to stabilize them. And you had. As they started to mature, they had become much more head-strong and act before thinking. They became reckless and would cause chaos in the mansion however you were there. They all loved you. You were the one constant that kept them from fully turning into the monsters they truly were. You gave them a sense of humanity that they needed.
One night, you were preparing for dinner, like you had most of the time, to welcome Eve. The brothers had successfully returned her to the mansion and you found it necessary to keep her healthy. Despite the brothers becoming harsher, you maintained a strong sense of humanity. Surely you were slightly jealous of the attention she had gotten merely hours ago and yet you wanted to care for her. You made sure that it had everything she needed to intake to keep her body stable.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist as you cooked and flinched a bit. You weren’t expecting company. Their head had made their way to rest on your shoulder as they inhaled your scent and exhaled deeply, slowly. A familiar scent filled your senses as you and the figure relaxed. You kissed his temple as his face was resting on your exposed shoulder, and focused back on the stove. You had the habit of kissing the brothers’ forehead as a term of endearment or affection. You took care of them of course, and you treated them like you would your future children. Most of them were younger than you so had found it only fitting to do so. Like a mother that loved her children so dearly.
The figure behind you moaned slightly from the pressure of your lips on his face. He kissed your shoulder in return as you continued to cook. He informed you of their plan and what was to happen. You hummed in response in between intervals to indicate you were listening to everything he said. He then detached himself from your body to admire your form from a slight distance. You sighed silently at the loss of contact but dismissed the notion quickly. “Is there anything I can help with?” Ruki asked and you motioned to the raw prawns on the other side of the counter. “You know how Kou is with food. I made a batch prior but I’m not sure if that’ll last long on the table.” The female giggled as her partner merely chuckled slightly, the latter proceeded to bread the prawns.
While Ruki was preparing the second batch, you went ahead and prepared the table with the first, a some salad and soup. You arranged the plates and added an extra plate for the guest in your household. At times like this, it really felt like a family. A family that almost neither of you had. The rest of the brothers don’t even remember their memories with their parents, let alone their mother and yet you filled up that role in their hearts just fine. You smiled to yourself and halted your movement. You thought that perhaps you should sit this dinner out. Surely they would want to discuss certain confidential matters with Eve. You removed one plate from the table and decided to let her sit on your seat.
Almost as soon as you disappeared, the brothers, excluding the one who was cooking, started pouring into the dining room. You checked in, told them you wouldn’t be eating tonight and excused yourself. They questioned it but understood your reasoning. They bid you a good night as you went back to your room. You knocked on the guest’s door and opened it when you received no response. You saw that she was still unconscious. You saw the bite marks on her neck and sighed. You touched them and they seemed to have belonged to the eldest Mukami. You checked her body temperature which seemed to have been cooler in comparison to her feverish state when you changed her earlier. That was good. You left a small note stating to go to the dining hall once she had recovered and that she should be careful.
You returned to your own quarters and sat silently. You felt..what word would be appropriate? Disappointed? Betrayed? Jealous? Is it not alright for a woman to worry about her fiancé? You felt guilty. This was all to pay back the man that has saved you from death and greeted you with a smile. How can you feel this way? It was selfish on your behalf, you thought, however it was most certainly not your fault that you seem to have fallen in love with your betrothed. But what if he wants to become Adam? And who were you to stand in his way? Simply having him by your side would be enough. Even if it was not how you imagined it, you must support him along with the rest of his brothers.
You supported them throughout the course of Yui’s stay and you would be the one to patch her up while she was unconscious. You’ve had brief encounters with her when she was conscious and she was surprised to see a feminine face. She asked who you were and you were quick to dispel any of her worries. You simply told her that you have been taking care of her since her stay and she immediately thanked you for your kindness. She was a sweet and caring girl. She was so..human. Something you’ve missed. She reminded you so much of yourself that you started to worry. What if she were to take your place? You weren’t the type to be so shaken by another’s “rivalling” presence since you never had to but you couldn’t help it. You kept your conversations to a bare minimum. Who knows? Perhaps the brothers did not want her to talk to you.
You still talked and took care of the other brothers and yet you couldn’t seem to look at Ruki as much. Why did it matter to you so much? All of them have surely bitten her at some point, hell, even you were tempted to however held back. Were you overthinking it? He also seemed to distance himself from you, why? Was it because you were no longer interesting? Was it because she was much more lively and caring than you? Perhaps he no longer wanted to deal with a secondhand person now that he had someone much purer in every context in his midst. The thought alone terrified you to the point your heart felt so heavy, you couldn’t breathe. Such thoughts would always plague your mind when you were alone, which nowadays seem to be almost all the time.
Nevertheless, you continued your duties as a part of this family. You took care of Azusa’s bandages, helped with the garden, and critiqued Kou’s performance power.
However, there was this one time. It seemed as if the eldest’s scar had been feeling rather irritating. You knocked on the door and entered, not realising he was in the room. You had washed the towels and have come to return his. Instead, you were greeted with his bareback. His scars more sickening than how you remembered it. You haven’t seen it and did not wish to see it again as it will only remind you of the time you had not been there for him. “Entering a room without receiving a response is quite rude, now isn’t it (y/n)?” He commented with a small smirk as he took the towel from your arms. “I didn’t think you would be in your room.” You answered quietly and offered to help disinfect his scars, silence resonated within his room signalling his contemplation. They didn’t look nice at all but you wanted to help. He gave in eventually and allowed you to sit on his bed. You admired his back and stared at his broad shoulders. His slightly muscular build made you blush, dirty thoughts invading your mind. You quickly dismissed them and started to do your job.
Once you had finished, you let your fingers linger on his back. His skin was so smooth, a contrast to the rough marks. You couldn’t help but feel guilty. You were there. Right in front of him and yet you didn’t do anything. Yes, you were in an equally traumatising situation at that time however what happened to you would not leave any marks as they had on him. You sighed and kissed his scars.
You heard his breath hitch in surprise however he didn’t make a move to stop you. He simply basked in the bliss of feeling your affection, the affection he had forgotten after he had obsessed over repaying his debt to him. It was nothing, in all honesty, and yet simply feeling your lips on his body shook him to his bones. It was so innocent and yet so...intimate. They were only gentle pecks on his back and yet he felt so filthy to be receiving such gestures that held a pure intention. It was something he had never dreamed of experiencing and yet he felt as if he had craved such contact from you. He felt special. You made him feel wanted despite knowing who he was. It wasn’t like him to feel so vulnerable around anyone and yet he felt so at ease around you. Perhaps you were given special abilities to calm the soul? You welcomed his flaws with open arms and wanted to see past his horrbible attitude. He stifled a moan as he felt your hand shift towards his shoulders to grip them slightly, Your hand remained stationary on the upper sides of his arm. He held your hand and only the had you realised what you had done.
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t in my place to that! And I’m sorry. For not being to stop them from doing this to you.” You clenched your hands together and shut your eyes. You had expected to be kicked out of his room like you had a few times the days prior. You felt his hand rest upon your fists and his lips on your forehead. “It is in your place to do that. It may have been long ago, however you are still my betrothed. As for what happened that night-“ he stopped as he stood up and pushed you onto his bed to lay flat. You fell with a plop and an almost inaudible gasp left your lips. He crawled atop of you and smirked. He had you in his arms and he did not intend to let you out of his reach nor sight anytime soon. He had wanted this for so long and yet he never acted upon his urges. He was too focused on the expectations of their saviour that he had stopped himself from doing anything. Naturally, he wouldn’t let this opportunity slide. “Words are merely empty promises, you should act accordingly. Would you like to show me how truly sorry you are?” He said before crashing his lips on to yours. He wanted to be gentle with you. After all, you deserved only the best and the memory of you crying out for help on that night that you had been assaulted plagued his mind more than the origins of his own scars. In time, his scars will heal however he wasn’t sure if he could heal yours too, therefore he’ll go as slow as he can possibly be. Ensuring only comfort for you. He kissed your neck as you choked on your voice, failing in your attempt to stifle your moans. He chuckled darkly and looked in to your eyes, finding the depths of your souls to become one with his before your bodies were bound together.
The night was still young however it felt as if it wouldn’t be by the time you two were to finish. What may come after tonight the two of you will deal with after. For now, you focused only on each other.
Needless to say, I got carried away. I hope you enjoyed this anyway! It took a long time to do but at least it’s out!
Send in your request lovelies!
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dboliklover · 5 years
NSFW! Have the Sakamakis and Mukamis react to having their drunk S/o's barging into their room and demanding sex.
I’ll only do the Mukamis, it’s been a while since I’ve written about them - please do request this again! But we actually prefer to only do one family per request.
If there was something Ruki was definitely not expecting...it was for this to happen.
You had informed him you would be going out with some friends - he’d even warned you against drinking too much, he knew you could be pretty stupid at times and drank far more than you could handle
He was reading by the candlelight, only for you burst into his room, loudly and unusually aggressively. You tended to be more on the shy side, but the liquid courage in your system was giving you much more confidence than usual. And also made you much hornier.
You’d come home early because after drinking yourself to hell and back you couldn’t help but think and fantasise about Ruki fucking your brains out and had the sudden need to go home and do just that.
With the brightest cherry blush on your cheeks, caused by both your humiliation and the alcohol running through your veins as you tried to keep your balance and not fall over on your ass, loudly demanding him to take you.
Noting the page he was on, Ruki chuckled in amusement, placing the book to the side as he sat back and wriggled his finger for you to come to him. Needless to say, you obeyed, excited and horny. As soon as you were in his proximity, Ruki demanded you strip for him. You usually were far too shy to ever dare do things such as this - and, therefore, he was not going to let this opportunity pass him by.
Slowly, you undress, taking off your dress, as it slides down your heated body.
Ruki’s eyes watch you like a predator about to eat his prey - and that’s exactly what he’s about to do...
When you told Yuma you wanted to go out with some ‘friends’, he was admittedly kind of against it, and by ‘kind of’ that means pretty determined to convince you against going. Alas, you went regardless of his personal opinion.
He would never say it, but Yuma didn’t like you going out late at night, but he couldn’t stand clubbing. It tired him out far too immensely...Regardless, he worried - not that he’d tell you that, of course.
He was outside, tending to his plants as the moon shone high in the sky when suddenly you rushed into his garden, almost tripping over your own feet.
Yuma looked up at you expectingly, waiting for what you wanted to say, confused and unsure what the hell you were even doing.
“Yuma!” Your voice was clearly intoxicated, and he couldn’t help but sigh and grumpily shake his head, he was about to ignore you to tend to his plants when you suddenly brought your thighs together as you stood, tightly rubbing them against each other to get some arousing friction.
“I-I want you to fuck me!” You practically screamed it out in your drunken state and Yuma froze for a moment, a blush creeping up his own cheeks. “Careful what you say, you shameless woman.” he ‘warned’ in a low, albeit embarrassed, tone - and he knew perfectly well that you loved it when he’d get dominant with you.
Your eyes were practically pleading for him to take you, and since you were being so shamelessly honest...well, he was feeling generous, tonight. At least to just shut you up from humiliating the both of you.
Kou had gone on a three-day idol event in several other cities nearby, and you found yourself alone and missing him.
So, in your saddened state you reached for a bottle of whiskey - why not have some fun when your little ball of two-faced sunshine was away?
Unknown to you, Kou’s idol events ha ended earlier than planned and he’ come home that night. He was more excited to see you than he’d like to admit. He missed his little M-Neko chan!
In this case, he was the one to enter the room and immediately saw you lying on your stomach on his bed as you kept taking a swig of the whiskey bottle. You hadn’t noticed him yet, but what the hell you were doing was peaking his curiosity.
Even from here he could tell you were wasted as fuck, though
He smirked, sneaking further into the room, and you still hadn’t noticed him; at least until he crept up right behind you and whispered ‘boo’ into your ear, his voice sultry and unusually deep - enough for your body to immediately heat in arousal at the sound of that sweet, familiar voice.
Immediately, you turned around in confusion and mild drunken panic, before smiling brightly and tackling him into the bed, straddling him, eyes lustful and overflowing with joy.
Needless to say, this surprised him quite a bit! You were usually such a quiet little kitten….
Not that Kou was complaining; it was quite an enjoyable home-coming….
“Looks like my little kitten missed me...how cute”
When you told Azusa you were going out with friends, he clung onto you tighter than cling-firm.
In truth, he was afraid you’d abandon him if you went somewhere without him.
It was sad, but you also found it very adorable, sweetly and sincerely assuring him you’d come back before he knew it.
And come back you did - however, you made quite the entrance; Azusa was taking care of his knife collection when you burst through the door, intoxicated and craving your adorable lover.
“Azuuuusa!” You giggled softly as he turned to face, blushing when he saw you and your low-key seductive pose as you leaned against the door to your shared bedroom. “(Y-Y/N)....” He muttered out softly.
You made your way over to him, hips shaking from side to side suggestively and he had to try and look away, embarrassed by the sudden heat overtaking him as he gulped, slightly confused what you were doing.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned close to him, and he frowned for a moment when he smelled the alcohol on your breath, but feeling your hand slowly moving down south was enough to make him ignore the vodka on your breath entirely, as he took a sharp breath, feeling your hand crawling down his pants.
He moaned out your name softly, which just motivated you to continue, along with how cherry-red his cold cheeks were…
Of course, your sudden...affections, were much welcomed by him, as his breath became shakier with the gentle ecstasy you were providing him.
- Mod Rozalia 
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