#god PLEASE i want kishio daisuke to voice him so bad
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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literally the same person
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Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [Track 4]
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Original title: ただ、一緒に
Source: Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: ーー And once again, the power of true love prevails!! The plot of the Zero CDs is a perfect combination between angst, suspense and fluff, which is why it is one of my favorites. I felt like the ‘enemy’ they were fighting this time was not as extreme compared to some of the other CDs and I genuinely got some ~~feels~~ in the end. ;w;
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 4: Simply, Together
The two of you walk through the hallway of the museum.
“Oh...The hallway is...different from earlier...It used to be full of twists and turns, but now it’s just...one straight path...If this building is alive...I suppose it would easily be able to...change its interior...?”
You ask how much longer you’ll have to walk. 
“Mmh...I wonder how much longer this path goes on for...? I’m pretty sure...the museum is guiding us towards a place though...”
Azusa comes to a halt.
“Ah. ...A door. ...Let’s go! We have no...other choice.”
“...H-Huh...? We’ve returned here again...? The room filled with...art supplies...”
You seem confused. 
“Mmh...I wonder why? Is there something...important here? ...Oh! Wait.”
He looks around, suddenly spotting his doppelganger.
( Say, what’s wrong? Ah...You’re hungry, aren’ you? I’m sorry! I’ll prepare your meal in no time! )
“It’s his...voice...I can hear it from right up ahead...We should probably turn around, huh?”
You shake your head. 
“Ah...Right...It’s a one-way path...So we can’t go anywhere else...Ugh...In that case...Let’s quietly...sneak closer. There might be something in the back after all...”
You slowly step closer.
( Hey...Cheer up? Do you hate me now? )
“Eh...? W-What’s...that!?”
( ...Oh? Ah...You’ve come here. )
( Haah...How troublesome. I went through so much trouble to tie you both up too. )
“...!! Stay by my side...!”
Azusa protects you.
“We can’t die here...! We have to go back...no matter what!”
( Can’t do~ Just look at how grumpy she is. I’m sure it’s because she’s hungry. Therefore, I need you two to become her food. ...Say, you want to hurry up and eat too, right? )
( Oh...What’s wrong...Why won’t you rejoice...? )
“Ah...S-Say! The thing you’re...talking to...it’s shaped like a person but is it...a work of art?”
( ...Right. I made this. It’s the heart of the museum. )
“Oh...! Of the museum...?”
( Fufu~ Isn’t it pretty? I attached these tubes as well. All of the nutrients absorbed through the food come flowing in here. Because of this system, she can stay alive, even when reduced to just her heart. )
“What do you...mean...?”
( My precious someone...was killed a long time ago. Even though she was...so very, very important to me... )
“Are you perhaps talking...about the woman on those sketches?”
( ...Exactly. The one person who accepted me. Without her, I would lose even my reason to exist! Yet...! She almost took her last breath right in front of my own eyes! If she were to pass away I just...I wouldn’t know what to do! ...But you know, I realized! That I could simply move her still-beating heart... )
“Oh...Don’t tell me...That heart is inside...?”
“You transplanted the heart and...turned the person you loved into that thing? Is that why this museum is alive?”
( Yes. Right now...She is this building. )
“Say...Who are you? You’re not an ordinary painting...”
(  I’m a Vampire just like you. I just so happened to be well-versed in this department. (1) ...I was simply living a happy life painting pictures, accompanied by the person I loved. ) 
“Together with...the person you loved?”
( However, as you can see, I died too, staying by her side as a spirit to ensure she would not grow lonely. As a painting who hunts for her prey. ...To make sure she stays alive. )
“...!! What are you...going to do...?”
( What do you mean? I have to restrain you two with pins to make sure the food doesn’t run away? )
The fake Azusa uses his magic to make the pins float in the air.
( Hm~ I’m glad I brought a bunch of these large pins with me. ...I’ll turn you both in skewers, okay? )
“...!! Step back!! ...Ugh!”
“Aaargh...!! Uu...Ugh...”
( Ahaha~ My live specimen is complete~ We’ll do this in order, so you’ll have to wait till later. ...First up, we’ll start with the more delicious-looking one~ )
He approaches you.
( Woah there...~ Struggle all you want, but you can’t run. ...The sheer white canvas over there, that’s the museum’s mouth. Once you get thrown inside, you will melt away and become nutrients. ...You seem to have a thing for pain, so I’ll make sure you dissolve slowly, okay? Fufu~ )
The painting demon starts dragging you towards the canvas.
*Rustle rustle* 
“You...can’t...Let...go of her...!”
( Ah...! )
“...The museum is...crying...again...Perhaps...S-Say...! Couldn’t your...girlfriend be weeping because...she wants you to...stop this already...?”
( ...Hah? )
“When you...fed off her or...even when I did it...Every time...there was the scent of blood...the museum cried...Even when you tried to get her eaten...as if she’s...begging you not to do this...”
( ...You’re wrong. That can’t be. )
( She would never disagree with what I do...! I love her this much! It’d definitely make her happy! ...Ugh. She has simply grown impatient because I’m such a slowpoke. Come on! Get inside the painting...!! )
He pushes you against the canvas.
( It’ll be all over once she sinks into the canvas. I’m sure she’ll feel better once she has had her meal~ )
“...Eve...Kuh...You can’t...I won’t let you go...!! I definitely...won’t let you go all by yourself...!”
( Eh...!? There’s just no way he could stand up right now!? )
“Ugh...Kuh...To me...She is my special someone...She is the only one I have...! I definitely don’t want her...to go...!!!!”
Azusa frees himself.
*Cling clang*
He rushes over to you, trying to pull you out of the canvas.
“I won’t let you go...Never...! Argh...!!”
The two of you get absorbed by the painting.
“...Where are we...? I can’t see...anything...? Haah, haah...Am I...inside the painting?”
You call out for Azusa.
“...! Eve...!? Are you there...!?”
You call for him again and Azusa runs to you. 
“Ugh...Haah, haah...! You’re here...”
He grabs hold of your hand.
“...Why are you apologizing...? I didn’t want to leave your side...so that’s why I followed you. I don’t want us to be separated...”
You ask if you will get eaten now. 
“Mmh...It’s all over once you...get absorbed by the painting...We might get...consumed. But you know, this is way better...than losing just you...Neither of us...should have to be lonely. We always have to be together...Right?”
You nod.
“Yeah. ...That’s why...I don’t regret anything. Let’s be together in life and death.”
*Rumble rumble*
“Oh...Eh!? It’s...shaking?”
*Rumble rumble*
“...Ah! I’m being...pulled in...! ...Eve! ...Hang on tight...! Don’t...leave me...!! Aaaaah...!!!”
The two of you get sucked out of the canvas again. 
“Ugh...Ow...A-Are you...okay?”
You nod.
“Thank god...Give me your hand. Can you stand?”
Azusa helps you get up.
“...Where are we...?”
“...We made it...out of the canvas...!?”
( ...Why!? How come!? How did you get out!? This has never happened before...!? )
“Oh...I see. She let us out...The museum let us...go...”
( ...!! N-No way...No...I don’t believe this. She is always happy with my work! There is no way she would get in my way! )
“That might be true...I’m sure she really does love you...But couldn’t that be...why she’s sad now?”
( ...Eh? )
“You see...I saddened the person important to me in the past as well. Time after time...”
You frown.
“That girl was a...kind person so...she was worried about me and hurt herself too...That’s why I sort of understand...I’m sure your girlfriend is worried about you...Since you’ve taken many lives for her sake. ...I’m sure she doesn’t want you...to continue this...So don’t you think that could be why...she’s crying?”
( ...! ...Say...Is he right...? Are you crying because of me...? )
*Rumble rumble*
( ...!! I-I see...I was wrong... )
He drops to his knees.
( I’m sorry...I...I’m so sorry...! I never meant to make you suffer...! I just...I didn’t want to let you die! I thought that...You’d be happy if I did this...! But...I was wrong, huh? I had forgotten. That you were always the type of person who would worry about me, instead of about yourself. I made you worry a lot, didn’t I? ...I’ll no longer repeat the same mistake. I’ll stop doing this. So please...! Will you stay by my side? )
( Aah...I see...Mmh. Thank you. )
He stands up again.
( I have a...request to make. Could you please...burn me down together with this museum. )
You seem shocked.
( She wants things to end. Because she can’t become happy, even if she were to remain alive. However, I can’t let her go alone, so I will perish alongside her. No matter where it takes us, I don’t want to leave her side. )
“I...see. ...Mmh. Understood.”
You tell Azusa not to do it.
“I...can’t stop them. The two of them...seem happy after all. That’s why...Eve...”
You nod.
“Mmh. Let’s go...outside. If we stay here...We’ll get swallowed by the flames...after all...”
( ...Hey! Can I ask one last thing? )
( What would you do...If she were to die on you? )
“I would...”
You look up at Azusa.
“i cannot...fantom that...But! However...I might have just done...the exact same thing you did...”
“...Oh. It has stopped raining. The nearby greenery is still wet, so the fire probably won’t spread...”
You ask him if this is truly the right thing to do.
“Mmh. They wished for this themselves...So I think this was for the best. Besides...I’m sure that nobody can decide...whether this is good or bad...This is the path they have chosen for themselves after all...Nobody should interfere with that...”
He turns his head towards you.
“It’s the same for us, right...? No matter what happens...We don’t want anyone to get in our way...We’d want to be together forever...Don’t we?”
You agree.
“Mmh...I pray (2) that as they meet their end, and even after that...they will never be torn apart...Farewell.”
Azusa sets the museum on fire.
Translation notes 
(1) This sentence is quite vague, but I suppose he refers to having the necessary knowledge to know that if he preserved his lover’s heart and put it into something else, he could keep her alive that way. 
(2) He ends his sentence with ように or ‘you ni’ which implies that he is making some sort of wish. 
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