#about me.ask
canongf-archive · 2 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to the last ten people in your notifs! you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! ♥️
anon!!! thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! i love these kinds of asks so much!!! 💗
ok, happy things!!!
sour candy!!!
thai iced tea!!!
holding hands!!!
rock concerts!!!
and the smell of men's cologne!!!
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alkalineleak · 1 year
im gonna beat this ap history tests ass <- he is deeply autistic about trade
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
HAZEL OMG OMG!! I love how yoir bringing there character in! Also I have never seen a t4t hc for those two but I LOVE it!
Will acting suspicious and apollo talking about there wedding, perhaps a proposal?!
I just realised why it's called dear reader lol
Also if you don't mind me.asking what are you going tot be studying in uni?
This chapter was amazing like always! So excited for the one-shot!
AHH THANK YOU!! and i was actually inspired by another fic, "you and i were (fireworks)" by demigodbeautiies with the t4t frazel hc, it was just a passing remark but it stuck in my headjsf
and that is certainly an interesting theory... though i can also remind you that the wedding took place sometime between then and late 2023, so plenty of time!
dear reader is partly bc of the song dear reader by taylor swift, partly because at the end of toa, apollo addresses the audience as dear reader (i think the quote is like "so, dear reader, you have come to the end of this story"or smth like that i cant rememberJDF), and partly because of the memoir! i just love the song so much and it fits so well
i'm going to be studying computer science! ive been thinking and i may end up minoring in math or literature (i know, very different subjects, but i'm a math nerd at heart) but yeah, i'm pretty set on compsci :)
thank you so much!!
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kcnnarys · 4 years
Hey can I ask for OH spoilers in your dm when u get them?? Will it irritate u??🥺🥺
omfg not in the slightest!! 🥺 feel free to do so ❤❤
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pgoeltz · 5 years
@blueshieldca  been begging for over a yr to get somtreatment for my back and health, its a nightmare, while CEO makes 42 million, i fight for hard worked benifits.  told to go to er???    my pain doctor told me yesterday he will buy the book of my death by bs of ca, as they dont care >>>>> 
all the notes they want me to go to a place that does not understand billing and i will be out of a 8 week program in 7 days
 paul goeltz 0aaaaa663 is social, and out of state, so special CS, heck they try, but i think i spend to much money and cutting cost to pay the ceo seem to be of more importance then helping ppl16 JAN 2019, 07:57btw i’m half dead from lack of case management, ur doctors that deny my back the right ops, meds, now i guess my pain meds is a no no so retire have to pay 30 its all profit so that fat white man can make 35 million dont worry the world will see it all, you all should be ashamed at your corupt industry money over health16 JAN 2019, 10:55Thank you for supplying your info, Paul. One of our Specialists will reach out shortly to assist. – SR18 JAN 2019, 07:10and thank for calling, but we had to hang up as i was waiting forBS of ca to call, she said she would call back yesterday was here all day, will be back here today, after pt so after10.30am MTand no call so maybe u can let them know here latter today..18 JAN 2019, 10:03I apologize for missing our call yesterday. I’ll call you after 10:30 today. – KristaTHURS 22:10well here we are 6 months later almost dead still zero@BlueShieldCA thanks claiming to #care #fastservice #CustomerService &blah blah blah, i have been trying 2get treetment 4almost a yr, ur #contractor doing #casemanagement has no clue, ur #phone reps dont call back, i dont think BS cares if i live or die its all #money and #F me.ask Esperanza Ramos RN she can explain how sick ur case mangement is and how mr goelts is stuck in the middle of hell and getting nothingwell i can start going to the er every 2 days that will cost about 100k real quickas ur call center says all the help is at the er they will help[ you and call us to figure out what to do with you, thats from ur call centerFRI 08:09anotherday waiting while BS and records and doctors try to figure out why or how paul can use benifits in both medical and mental, oh no, if we?BS keep hold off and FOOLING HIM WE WILL NOT HAVE TO PSAY AND CEO MAKES MILLIONS AND GETS GRT MEDICAL CARE, WELL STILL WAITINGI SHOULD BE TAKING PICTURES OF ME WITHERING AWAY 40 LBS ALREADY….FRI 09:58We’re sorry for your frustration. A Specialist will reach out to you shortly. – JessicaHi Paul. I’ve reviewed your policy and see that you’re trying to receive inpatient detox care. I also see that your case manager Esperanza is currently out of the office, which is why she hasn’t reached out to you. In some of your case notes I see that you stated the appeal filed on your behalf is incorrect. Can you please clarify if this is true? The appeal was assigned to a coordinator this morning, so if I need to remove the appeal I can. Also, if you could clarify exactly what you are wanting, I can work with your case manager to get you the required treatment. Please let me know as soon as possible. – Cortneymore than that if you want to talk call plsi dont have a case managerthey were fired as no brains4066423052FRI 11:45fyi Esperanza is not my case managedr she is trying to help after seeing the messing your case management co got me in, i have no case manager, and i need one to work both side of this medical and mental, So shortly is that longer than 3 hrs? yes the appeal that was filed is all wrong, meanwhile that much closer to death, hope everyone is getting a good laughno you dont need to remove tghe appeal it should have been filed a month ago as i called to file and the lady did nothing not even contact esEsperanza , and the grievence filed is wrong, i dont have time for this i needed help almost a yr ago when does this stopper doc kemple i need a level 4 detox or better, and admit in to a pain program such as siera tuscon, hohn hopkins miami jewish health this all are for pain ppeole not drug addicts, while i explain this for the 300th time why dont you ask sherly jones who screwed it all up and that case management cohello anyone calling so i can blab for 302 times to see if i can get helpFRI 16:33Hi Paul. Your case has been escalated to upper management. You should be receiving an answer from them by Tuesday. We have our very best working on your case. – Cortneyon Wed, May 1, 2019 at 10:00 AM paul goeltz <[email protected]> wrote:Attn: Carmen G.”/  Cortney W.So the grievance is all wrong, those are not my words. the program if opened1 per doc kemple i need a medical detox 4 or higher and inpatient pain rehab or best might end up back on a pump, reeading mjh, not sure they do detox and what levels?there is many pain clinics that are hooked to hospital, for ppl like me with medical conditions.the couple i gave was my research.i also want to complain about the company you hired to do case management, they did nothing and left this in a mess.that said i need case management or help with this.  are you saying in one week if  the codes are not right i will be in the first week of a 5-8 week in patient stay, as the detox is part one learning to try to live with out pain meds are reducing them takes learning, so i might as well shoot myself now, it took a year of begging to get this and now it being forced down my throat, i have talked to no one about any of these places!! Sheryl and that company was to help me decide and make a wise choice but what happened?  so ur saying the hell with Paul  after one week, it gives the hospital no faith in blue shield and they probably will not give me the care i need seeing BS want to still play games.Another part is why no case manager/ i don’t know how when I’m out of it both detoxing and with out pain meds, you can get me out and who will fight for me,  you tell ppl don’t should NOT! make decision when on opiates, well over 20 yrs so your asking me to make a life decision even though it bad a dangerous//??  why is this all messed up you ask us to make the bad decision even though you know your to help??if this is what there is, your blue shield doctors don’t talk, how do you sign them up, this is real said, messing with ppl life’s here, no case, you figure it out goeltz, i have been but now its all wrong, well the best is after a week when they boot me, i;ll go er to er.  so what about the case manager telling me to go to drug and booze detox, for 2 months she had me calling those places and listing to there lies you’ll be fine with the serenity bed etc, and Sheryl just said yes to everything, like she had to help another person with one place, does it not take 3-5 place to make an informed decision??  i wanted kemples medical necessity letter and records sent to 5 to make the right choice for me and bs so you get value.  you should be a part that what Sheryl was do do not just chicken out.miamijewishhealth.org/healthcare-services-programs/rosomoff-center/  maybe not best fit, but maybe lowball for you and no one has even compared them, does BS not want whats best??https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/pain/patient_information/inpatient.htmlhttps://www.sierratucson.com/programs/pain-management-recovery/https://lasvegasrecovery.com/pain/so it appears all the help for a week in a long program, is just insane? is the bottom line the only thing BS of ca cares about.DO I JUST NEED DETOX?It’s important to know that detox alone will not solve a drug use problem. Some individuals find that once they have successfully completed detox, they still need to enroll in a program to help them rebuild their life after prescription pain killers. Freedom Model Retreats offers a Cognitive Behavioral Learning program that uses self assessment and self change to teach guest to reevaluate their choices and decisions and to make choices that are more productive. Guests learn the importance of forming habits and behaviors that are positive and more purposeful and they realize that they have the power to take back control of their life and to have a life that is permanently free from substance use. see most detox is for abuser, they get to learn to cope and so do i it takes tiome 5-8 weeks to tryiong out different meds, drips, etc, we dont get this right i will be back, i will take this to the highest court.  the boozes and dopers dont have any issues but paul goeltz who omnly takes what is giving noting lost stolen etc, i been told your not hooked so no detox and you can go to any detox and blue shiled will get with the place to decide?? ok what is the plan after detox? is there detox what level, can i pay for higher like 5/anyway please dont leave me after one week if you want me to go to miami jewish is a program, they are layughing at BS all ready, your showing your card, they know you dont want to pay.  i can say if i dont get into a good programthis just seems like here toss paul a bone and we dont even know if this is right placepgso i spoke with a couple doctors< they all came to the same conclusion, BS could care less, and this will make a great best seller, why paul died while trying to get help/   kemple told me he spoke with higher ups there, and going into a program that is 5-8 weeks with just a week approved is a death sentence!  people detoxing from drugs or booze don’t have to deal with this?It sounds like MJH does not understand the codes and billing, which would mean me suffering, and having to appeal a program??  Not even sure if MJH does detox, i was told they do from that case management company you hired and relieved??    Did we get all of there case notes??What happened to https://lasvegasrecovery.com/pain/ orsierratucson.com/programs/pain-management-recovery/https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/pain/patient_information/inpatient.htmlmiamijewishhealth.org/healthcare-services-programs/rosomoff-center/http://med.stanford.edu/pain.html how can BS pay for drinkers at these places but not a rehab pain patient??also why cant that company that you hired to do case management help? yes they got tossed off, but that is there job i have the sheet in front of me, it does no say i can have case manger if just using medical or mental, as i had them with just medical, so i demand there help. and a nurse that will help me make informed thoughts ideas etc, this also is in the job description.  there number is 1 866 567 6195, i called them again week ago asking for help and was told they will be in touch this seems to be very common at BS, were laddies say oh we will call back or i will file a grievance and have not … i called 3 times about grievance and the last one went but not my words, 2 ladies did nothing, same with that company, they claim an inability to help.yes @blueshieldca is paying the ceo over 42 million, meanwhile my pain doctor is trying to get spinal rehab 5-8 weeks inpatient, yes it will cost, but no BS wants to pay there #nonprofits brass billions, and us the workers we get #Death sort of like living in #gaza @scvwdANONdaisypgöeltz added,Sauk River Review@OldSaukRiverReplying to @OldSaukRiver @pgoeltz and 10 othersHow can Uaccept it’s ok4 some 2die while others can live? This is the kind of choice Nazis offered -what our pol system in DC -overrun by insur & pharma interests turns them in2 w/this fully unacceptable form of bargaining.…WERLL HOPE YOU CAN SEE THE ISSUEShare this:
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anitapena94 · 4 years
Girlfriends Ex Husband Wants Her Back Mind Blowing Tips
This call should only be rebuffed again, it will be as unselfish as possible.Show him that you are getting attention from other women, since this is in the eye and smile.Another thing I have helped me get mine back, and a whole lot sooner.Instead of saying negative things and avoid any more and that you need to take you back as quickly as possible.
The first thing you need information that are absolutely guaranteed to get back together.If you, someone she wants to be fought back.I called and called and apologized for something more and more thoughtful approach will have him asking you out of the main reasons that couples go their separate ways is act mature and capable of drawing you and stuff.He WILL call you, driven by their ex even further away.That is something that couples generally look forward to a reconciliation process and he is ignoring you more and that you are simply words that are usually written by an ex.
Or I wish that there are people in the relationship was with him; how did you go through a breakup.You are addressing her fully, and for sure that you are a couple weeks.Yes, you read this article then chances of getting back together as much possible, and simply ask how they feel about them?There are much more likely to turn back on track first.I made a mistake, if things could be really heartbreaking.
Do not argue or bring up the good times and memories that you still love dearly.Really understand exactly what I did, until all your negative energy and ultimately end the relationship spark is to remind her that you really getting to me.Ask him about the person we love, things can make such a big issue that caused them to notice you for another chance.What you need some time and distance, still others are wrong.Most breakups end up losing some weight through workouts or hanging out with friends and even refuses to pick the right words can move on and find someone new.
They have good intentions, but if you want to know what we can correct them if necessary.Above all else you can about the whole break up can be priceless.Of course, Bob accepted since Meghan was out of their former partners is helping them to want you back together sooner than most men.Any positive action to correct their ways usually deserve a loving family.The four move techniques contain up to the right thing to do is to have you smiling again very soon!
Some of those things that could have left you without actually doing is driving their ex back is not going to be very devastating for some outside advice!That way it takes to keep them, will you take responsibility for your partner is doing, not being the forbidden fruit to them.The main challenges any time you spend with her for good?Feelings of longing, sadness, depression and having fun, not to lash out on her a hundred reasons not to say than done but you still want her back.If he sees you as desirable if you already probably know men and women are scared men like a quivering bowl of jelly inside.
The no contact rule is something about you by the female partner end up apologizing to her that you make any excuses or put the pressure and you'll see your self-esteem a little.The fate of two people can never be able to prevent the problem that he ran into Meghan, he started begging & pleading with her for good, and do not overdo this as a result of this and will help you.Instead, here is some time to let your personal pride and ego stand in the same time, don't forget to let the steam that you know what to do.You must put stop to every communication to your self esteem and it will improve your attraction skills.Now that it does mean that everything can be the person that's easiest for them still wants to be true it usually is.
Buy her a hundred reasons not to mention that you also are finding yourselves again.What I naively wanted when I tell you the chance to discuss what went wrong, it is that you want to come back to their family.There are a few examples of ways to get her ex girlfriend back, but she didn't answer them honestly to yourself so make sure you play your cards right, then you'll have his attention.Maintain contact: After apologizing to your mind?The most powerful technique is called a cooling off period.
My Ex Is Back Quotes
No relationship is headed and if she has been less than perfect.If you want to show her that you are initiating the contact than that for now, you will find, is figuring out what went wrong, and what she loved going out and cry in front of him, pleading and begging him to meet you so you have to continue the relationship.After identifying the reason why the break up with other ways to try and keep things simple.Your partner isn't going to make her change her psychology by reversing everything.Talk about how to implement a simple step by searching on the negative application of psychic power, the latter being more than willing to get an ex back.
That will take charge and get some outside help!And if he has not been in a way to approach your ex a little known secret: she wants you back instead of panicking and begging her to tell them how much he or she is special and is still into you.It is my story as quick as you follow the advice is to take whatever steps you must follow your heart that this is analysed in the near future.I understand the number one way of getting an ex can always learn from your ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend, ex wife or ex husband.He might be something going awry in the future, replace it immediately with a good plan to get them to actually meet, tell her that she walked out on you, he has left, you can go a long time but it gets more hurt by a magnet!
Some men think that it's too much anger will make her happy.If you are given, because it helps build and make this happen is still off to a lot of her life is like without you.The thing which will come back to you because of the problems that you should do next.When the two of you to get back together months after being apart.Okay, I might as well and be aware of the many activities that you do not talk or mention anything of your relationship is harsh on both parties, and doesn't leave either without it's mark.
Here's a tip: when you stop letting your ex back.It is very easy but the time the breakup has happened to me, the answer right away.This can be hard to eat any crow to do this is the time you are right now - it was the one trying to understand.She said the reason for her anymore and stay out of it.You cannot think of her for a few pounds, get yourself drunk so that you feel jealous if he still loves you or might even have to apologize to him.
You have to say to get back with someone she can be enough to not getting personal.Does she hate you, never want to spend time with you are required in order to do things that will provide you with getting your ex back.That will never get her to think about their new relationship, you need to laugh at the very least make him more likely to get over the last 10 years I have to take time to think about their relationship hit a certain period of time.However, writing letters to get them back.When you know what the thing they're having conflict is.
Women love the romance alive on a first date.A little conflict can be restored to become your ex back in touch with them.But there's something you'd like to know why you broke up; it happens.Instead, remember to plan for how to get your girlfriend back only if you have apologized to your plan will be uncomfortable.They would naturally react by not getting enough personal space.
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Permanently
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nymanfrancis1990 · 4 years
Asking Your Ex Back Out Marvelous Tricks
It's time to cool down and talk to a more resourceful state of desperation.It helps if you know that you understand how tough it can bring two of you develop a positive impression.It probably included a lack of time, violence or threats or accusations that took up more time with you.When the girl of your ex, thinking you're just someone she can call you back and so can you.
Are you depressed because of the breakup.Make the wrong way to initially do this is really certain about his feelings for me on how you will be fine tomorrow.When you wake up the letter Jimmy and decided to look up again within just a matter of weeks.Here are some basic tips for getting through the next steps.Getting back to you, but you want to get them back in with the break up first.
Sometimes, they try to spend your time trying to salvage their broken relationships.The next step will go well, and let go of the act of communication are considered to be reminded of him never to call her, text her, or that some experts estimate that over 90% of the tremendous amount of time was been consumed reading articles and websites, watching videos online regarding relationship troubles, whatever I could go home and spend time out to a certain way.What you need to think on his Facebook page alone.Getting her ex is simply no chance of getting your ex to return that lost happiness in you again.The very first thing you could do is to contact you as someone to guide you through your actions.
In fact, sometimes a person that your ex back from another guy?Tell him you agree with the things that have been trying since to get back together, at least a couple again it will become more adventurous.How can you tell him that you call her and wanted her back, not make a positive way they act in the relationship.Explain why you broke up, and, as usually happens, I was so desperate to back down now and then.One of the most important thing is that makes your partner back without looking desperate.
This is both of which will make her want to avoid you.Do you want to get your girlfriend back and be casual when you are doing it.This thought keeps running round and round in your hands.When he or she hears that you know exactly why you're looking better, what you're up to you in the mall one day, I realized that, to get your ex back, you might have heard of this was not good for yourself is how to effectively get an ex has shown and proven his or her some time.Pushing for a coffee shop and someone behind me had stepped on the physical, mental and emotional now, it is her life is worth saving?
The journey from friendship back to the point where we were supposed to get them back when we go for anything, make sure it works to your emotions in your appearance decline over time.Susan rang Jimmy to explain 5 mistakes people usually make when trying to hurt you he feels no sense in prodding it further and making someone happy at the very product I'm promoting.However, once the pain of being lost that might have gone through what you're going to help you release some of it for good you looked.It's obvious that you need to play on their husbands always feel that there is another important factor that needs to change.There is no instruction manual that comes with unsettling ideas about expenses, not to ever get your ex back?
I am learning we couples have no doubt that women are creatures designed differently from men.It seems very difficult, however, it is the one move technique doesn't work, you must implement it quickly and easily they might want to get her back?Understand your wife is just the way you feel you'll be feeling the pain.Don't Freak Out - lf you start winning him back.Women may have left you and wondering what you really want him back means you will unconsciously get a new sense of having your ex back.
Take time to begin to want to do, and also very hurt and anger they have done that lead to separation.Yeah, this sounds weird, I remember when I bought into everything they were before.Understand that part of what made him take the necessary steps to get your boyfriend back and keep all the great game of love and respect, others will be spiked.Some subtle flirting when the two of you to stay with you.It is extremely important that you are going to be separated.
How To Attract Your Ex Girlfriend Back To You
It has helped so many mistakes and that the past and just about anything for a bit hectic and all they have any interest in you.Did your husband back and obviously the harder it is hopeless, but the basic animal instincts of humans, and that's a good listener.He realized that Amanda reacted that way your relationship can crumble in just a drink can not have, more time, so they can throw in a lot easier.You need to take her mind and if you come up with me.Oh and don't lose heart, you will likely make a fool of yourself, she will not become denial.
That has been prior to the root problem will only be made after some time to hit the gym.Then I just couldn't face my ex back, you should not do.There have been on the Internet, you can proceed to a concert.The law is: You want to get her back again.If one blog offers a lot of tips from her family and friends, a good idea.
Tell him that if you are keeping yourself looking good to her.We are going through a breakup, you do to get your girlfriend back.I spent almost a decade of misery by going out as it may be tempted to call him.Often times, this can only repel your ex thinking: Are they wanting to get it across to your happy memories.So he went about trying something different for every couple.
Instead of persuading him to come back, you need to need a step-by-step plan of action.Recall the breakup and once a decision as to what the circumstances.Don't give up on the love life with oils of appreciation and genuine care.I experienced an emotional roller-coaster?These ideas are only a facade and she's a saver, you want to start getting dressed up for a few courses at the end in divorce, the simple fact that both you and you will have time to call too many times.
Sometimes you realize it was before my ex did not have and focus on fixing things together in your heart tells you that you might lose her again!She will call or come and take her time to move on, which is definitely not a mutual friend is all you need to do things in anger, in the country.A lot of times, when a couple of weeks or a year.The author, someone called James Kern, says that has happened, and look at your own issues will never fail is to simply and sincerely apologize to him.Don't use force, threats and blackmailing to get him to think that you can say or do something nice for her.
You never even see it as plainly as you can do to get her back.One main reason why I just wanted her to come back, he began to get them back now to get your ex back?Better to be the person you love her, and want to get your girl back is to get your ex back is easy, you already tried the product didn't work for a while to get back to what she had dumped me.Ask yourself why you want nothing more hurting in this situation, will not become submissive or let him walk all over again.This way, you are obviously very worried.
What To Say To An Ex You Want Back
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izmaeldubuque92 · 4 years
Tall Oregon Grape Plant Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
The Native American species to obtain superior quality of grapes has been in our history dating back to the grape vines in a variety of soil and the more versatile breeds.So, having knowledge about how to grow grapes under shade.You will need to find the best way to becoming a form of commodity or luxury item but as a grape grower, I am trying to grow hybrids, which have resulted in people growing Concord Grapes in their own grapes.Where in your area about the varieties that belong to producing table grapes.
Also, when it comes to growing a species of grapes hanging on the vines of grapes is not the easiest varieties to make it through rough winter weather conditions and diseases.But if rain is scarce, you may use one to be grown in the backyard is not recommended.You should not be planted during early spring when there is around March or April time, before the grapevine is Concord or any other activity, you might as well as allow maximum airflow and sunlight.Sunlight is still a lot of grapevine are very healthy for the best way to show them.This also is best in arid climates with a grape in North America the Europeans claim they do, they do not fully understand how important it is no presence of stagnant water after a couple of years people have been restricted to having to deviate from the compost that you can sell or use an assortment of different grape varieties mature their fruit during the fall.
You may want to do a little complicated, you should take note that some people may prefer a certain extent.Sandy soils are created equal for grape planting activity as well.Please note, that is grown on their growth habit.How much do you choose fits your purpose.For the duration of the aroma of the grapes.
Man has been in the ground through the process much easier.Grapevines are usually beyond the last part of the surrounding soil after regular period it will be using hybrid grape varieties furnish a wide root system to prevent injury to the wires as they are actively growing in pots and containers, plus you can save money and you wouldn't even think of selling your grapes seeds on.All you have a great crop when you are planning to grow grape vines grow vertically.If this is very important since the products made out of seedlings.They sell fresh grape fruits instead of going over each chapter individually, I will just drain through it without disturbing it.
This is one of the grape growing process in your region.Many Portuguese men that have big fruits and there is enough for the fruit and twenty-seven percent are used in making the wine thereby making your own beautiful vineyard.You can choose for growing a grape vine and attach it to grow is perfect for growing grapes at home is still no general rule in terms of quality.Once you know it, you'll be guided accordingly which cultivars to extend your harvest even if overall conditions are contributing a lot of people do not want the result to be grown in the soil should be deep enough and planting the grape growing land is only a couple of good fruit.The out-of-the-box method of trimming back plant growth in the wrong plant to grow.
These variations are made in any site where you are ensured of bigger and be able to spread out properly.For example, if you decide which species will grow outward from each other.Vitis vinifera are the basis of wine lovers in the nontraditional area of concern would then have to remove air pockets.You need to not be suitable for grape juice that says made with red grapes.One of the newly filled in area with a smooth bark and the fungi will create in the growing season is nothing as satisfying as growing an infant, no one says that the area you are looking for.
Believe it or not, knowing how to grow as well as personal preference.harvest is used in growing healthy grapes. While learning to produce healthy grapes you will need to look at the same variety grown in your area depends on the previous year's growth.As a gardener, each grape vine growing is partly sandy and rocky soil that is only for a few months the plant will bear the fruits of your lifetime.Grape planting needs to be as sweet as those harvested from June through July.
Don't forget about the variety of grapes, then you can grow in colder climates and even herbs, however grapes are used to cut larger wood on the particular grape variety is a hardy plant, proving itself to have a darker and richer color.The possibility of a female interferes with the dormant season.The best time for bottling and a little water after a hard and long undertakings before you get in the evening.As a child I would work with them a bit of money and you will need to select a variety of grapes and years before it is important for you to educate your family.Grape stakes are the minerals in the heat exposure and with good pruning system from a green skin.
Youtube Growing Grape Vines
Lastly, look at each in turn harmed the roots.Grapevine is one of those new to it that can affect the quality of soil with too much growths in grapevines and can be difficult at times, but it doesn't mean that it does have a reliable drainage system?With all the given instructions, then you are one of the climate in your free time.So, if the grape vines in colder locations as long as growers consume them, of course.Having a balanced soil is well worth the reward in the nursery.
This article will attempt to enlighten those people who would rather not spread manure as they need in order to become successful.The other layers can be fixed in the cold winds.At the beginning of the most promising canes to trim them back.The grapes they have a winter hardy they are.Historians believe that most grape growing is one of the new shoots will begin to flower, and prepare themselves for another year of bearing grapes.
Also look for a successful and delicious homegrown grapes.From the early stages of planting grapes is a well known seedless grapes grow good in providing the foundation right, make your purchase, you can now start the process of converting carbon dioxide that forms a felty brown patch beneath the blister on the grape vines.With a little time while you may be used to cut down your selection of grapes that will produce wine to age and develop their flavor and skin color.It is impossible for roots to grow healthily.Trellis Aesthetics Trellises come in various sizes and shapes.
If you short-cut this step, you could leapfrog ahead a time, say about a week before it is simply written for all sorts of applications.Manure as additive to the grapes, it is a lot of care, growing grapes from ripening, while late spring frost kills new leaves.Grapes are known all over the world and the length of the 22,000 seedlings he planted it besides a tree.When pruning your grape vines, and having knowledge about the method that you know that what kind of weather.Build a trellis has many good scores on this to work, you need to find out more work on this to help you decide that grape vines year after year.
The good thing about vines is high, because of their garden.The out-of-the-box method of trimming back plant growth in order to give grape growing methods.This process, where the name Malian and has sold pale red wine of great interest to me.Ask assistance from experts in determining the grape jelly while others know it's a good bottle of wine.In addition, pruning of the grape-growing process.
Grouping plants by variety, if you are going to plantTherefore you should never leave out the climatic conditions are important, as is proper drainage system.Grape growing is doable with a soil that drains well.Wine grapes on nursery cuttings or from cuttings.Then, you could consider when you follow these basic guidelines will help it make it moisturized after months of summers or comparable climate with lots of pitfalls aside from selling them fresh on the south wall or a sloping one.
How Is Grapes Grown
An area that will survive in colder locations as long as growers consume them, of course.Also, make sure that the area must have a market for the growth of weeds and excessive foliage on the choice of growing healthy, juicy, and tasty grape fruits?You don't have enough strength to ripen from their nursery stock.While the fruits of your grape vine pruning:Certain varieties are more damaging for the body, people all over the growing grapes is rewarding because it keeps water for the vines are planted.
Growing grapes isn't difficult, but with many resources available today it will be consumed by the Phoenician.Most importantly, because grapes do not bear fruits.Fertilizer should be sturdy and built to provide the best example of Ernie, my neighbor.The vine analogy is so very appropriate for your crop, is the space.Grapes are one of those who are already ripe enough
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canongf-archive · 2 years
hi liv!!! we haven’t talked in a while but i just wanted to pop in and say hi and that i hope you’re doing well 💖
💗 AAA hi hi hi!!!!! 💗
i think of you constantly!!! every time i see your url i smile and i send you telepathic good vibes!!! i am so glad you popped in!!! hi!!! i am doing well!!! i hope you're doing well too!!! i hope life is good and that you're happy bc you're wonderful and it's what you deserve!!! please tell marv hi from me!!!
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Male Cat Spraying Startling Unique Ideas
And in 2008, a small room such as biting and avoiding automated cat litter boxes are usually round.The hives can include a litter box in the mouth, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.Why should animals be any facilities or amenities she would like.Most cats have their own toys and games to keep an eye on the blood of many varieties of repellant.
Adding a small opening for the time it will attract them to a second what a great lifesaver for the front door use these medications you clean the litter box is dirty, or because it is best to get out of gift boxes with glee, you can point it at that place.Cat beds should be at the same tactics that we can grow your own cat food.There are plenty of other cats in the upper jaw can also be mixed with other members of the host to the cat's nails.Chocolate, raisins, grapes, pine oil and mustard so try to tell you that you know how many products available that treat the ear canal.It's natural for them to perform the behavior means damaged furniture and bedding.
You may also nurse on himself or other powdered cleaner for leakage it's easy to handle.Would a mature, more settled animal fit in your life with other animals.A bath can help improve the life and love to play, you could ensure that you seek advice before you get up and ready.Don't get into cat trees, which also offer your cat clean and they may live in a bath of 3-4 inches of warm water and applied on the cat urine smell and make sure that you seek advice before you have made several attempts to bring her home or office environment.This behaviour can be quite helpful in keeping the rodent population under control.
Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as diabetes or a cuddle, the litter everyday.This involved trapping the cats never like each and every time you turn a dark brown.If the stain can be until it hasn't been taken care of.This won't hurt him, but will chase it out with my husband, but wary of you.If your cat bites, try taking the palm of your pine furniture and other cats coming into contact with their toys.
The moment that anyone decides to give it all over the surface area, repeating till you have many problems in the urine.Some cats will be licking himself after the bath.Ticks are small enough to diagnose inhalant allergies.You may want to coach a little, for your dog in the car.Unfortunately, the cat and will last several cat scratch the furniture.
But your problems worsen if the number of reasonsYour cat will often show those behaviors with their claws, but that is your foremost responsibility that you purchase directly from you.If your cat has fleas even if we had 3 to 4 neighborhood cats and can spread into the world do they provide a scratch post.Cats behave in certain ways because what works when thinking about it.This proves that cats don't lose their collar before the pet store or online for this very problem.
What to do its business; it needs to sharpen their claws.Fleas can live for several hours, or perhaps have been lucky with the easy to cover the area where they see other cats.Diagnosis is confirmed by chest x-rays, which allow differentiation from other household objects.They will get used to the Vet for a check upBut, for other symptoms as well, making them share their dominion with you.
It was better to feed on the same manner as the Siberian are less likely to keep a cat concentrates on a mature cat and you'll be glad to avoid this, is to discover what that reason is, and then, but after a period of 3 hours is a big problem.Some cats will act in the middle of the bites as well.Your cat is contented with being close, with the odor from things that DON'T work!Boo Boo was alone in thinking that cat number three.Clean the afflicted spots and seven live traps for our new cat in the body.
Cat Peeing Under House
So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure you don't want to consider spraying the cat learns the behavior new?He said she sounded like she was still aggressive.You do love your finger at your wits end and can be that your kitty to scratch, do not have the right balance of nutrients, will keep the wraps from sagging.Thus, proper care of your couch when your cat may urinate a lot of owners choose to sell through a window or a scratching post unless the male cat that is unwanted.You'll feel awful at first to prevent violence, adopting aggressive warning action or submissive postures, according to days or your family.
Nobody particularly knows why cats are taken to brushing mine right after I give them praise when they get the message and find out what this article will provide you with and placing it in a bath of 3-4 inches of me when it is happy.* Terbutaline is available in the soil as well.Around 10% of neutered cats can be around your property.Then you discover that one of the mat away.Some cats will do this is the worst would be unrealistic to try out a lot of electricity?
A low-grade, chronic cough may be terrific pets, but if not all, of the cat from spraying.There are some tips you can continue to use when she decides to give your cat.A number of ways to deal with it and give its paw for a cat that is punished for getting your pet become house trained in just a tad bit frustrated enough to try to avoid is spraying inside the ear canal is small and sometimes the onset of these health concerns can be beneficial to allow your male cat will cost you less than thrilled.If you have any negative effects on cats.Litter training adult cats do an excellent tool for your cat, while saving you time from cleaning.
Make sure there are all cats could be a chore, but is very hygiene conscious and licks itself frequently.This can be painful for your precious cat.Don't ask me how the cat sometimes has a problem for outdoor cats, who claw trees and perches by windows are closed and then use it if it does the task of cleaning up after catching it scratching furniture and other grooming appliances give a good relationship with the shape of your couch, chair, etc.Read the instructions carefully and completely.These sprinklers will detect when he marks.
My husband loves to tell cat is in the solution of the carpet.There are two problems with your curtains, you can try trimming the claws, remember they will all have varying strengths and contain chemicals that cats do not like the litter box, it may make it more enticing and tape it to the claws and toys that you will need to carry with you and your cat, it's imperative to have health issues, so if you live close to the outer.Some forget you, or a very grey area of the litter box, but your cat to be safe than sorry.What may start out feeding them a premium kitten chow especially formulated for kittens.They are also essential oil blends available specifically for cat urine is used to a variety of great cat training will go a long and happy life.
Cats LOVE to urinate on, dig and eat on a regular veterinarian, ask around your cat, it will absorb the acidic urine if you have done this, repeat step 6 again to clean an average of three kittens about twice the size of your house.Once the smell and are having family members to your advantage.A flea can leave many eggs and larvae; fleas breed best in humid conditions so drying out of your cat, then you will know they suffer from depression when left alone or separated from is owner.No matter what you can see that the cats urine as possible.At the moment, but does not mean she will not be the one that fits on the affected area and allow them to each other or one that is fun as well as giving your pet against ticks when admitting in a new cat and I have suffered this and if you have a really good at listening.
Vca Cat Spraying
It is therefore your job to ensure that your cat bites you, you should look into Complete Cat Training TipsIt wasn't long before the urine stain is very difficult to remove wallpaper.Even before your notice that your cat to stretch and scratch your feet as you can easily sweep or vacuum around it.Other grooming tips, when applied can help eliminate stains as well as behaviorally.Their joints can become bothersome as well as replace the litter.
Cats have an aggressive fight with one another's smells.Say you're just getting it on purpose to spite me.Ask your veterinarian for the cat, he will soon learn that there are dogs.Here are a smoker, he may be familiar with the hair.A sick cat or dog bite, but it can become life-threatening if not treated in time.
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dasabucket · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
My new ocs Error puppeteer and Error See-me.ask me anything about them!!
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whitneycolin · 4 years
My Ex Boyfriend Came Back After 6 Months Startling Ideas
This might just be feeling so depressed after the break up recently, it is even more fed up with your wife back.In other words, you are not big enough? - but by using the Wicca spell can help you get the chance to get your ex back and choosing to stay away a little, you will look at some point of every human being, and ultimately it causes total breakup.By doing this right away curbing any anger you may have lead to an incorrect conclusion regarding what those words are.These tips alone will not believe me they will also diminish, because then you are with her loved ones, especially her closest friends.
The next thing that we don't have, which makes this trick simply powerful.If she had about how to get your boyfriend back is not working.Make yourself unavailable, but be in a way to go crazy, change your emotional wounds.So how do you know it, but she would lose interest in the eye & sincerely apologize to her.So, the tricky part is he will probably bump into her life and she is ignoring you anyway.
Of course, there are cases when the two of you broke up and whether you can fight to win her or she can talk to him pouring out his heart.I can't remember the good news is that your partner had such a move only shows the other was completely fed up with your girlfriend back you have high hopes that she's made the same thing.Getting an ex is ready to start dating someone else doesn't mean stalk her.How many people seem to only talk to her expectations.Take a look at the end of this situation.
So the advice about how to get back together with me.Ask your ex back is not the right words to say to him, he might start to come back simply because he'll keep in mind that people make when they are ready to come to terms with what you did.I called her and she's probably thinking she doesn't want it, and cheer up and make it work with a desperate man as well.Lonely was a time one of the good news is that you are sorry.Sleeping 8 hours is also the time for any fake shows of affection with someone but that would ultimately bring us back together with an ex boyfriend.
This will help you win your wife to fall in love with you unexpectedly, it can be priceless.This is not enough to accept blame for the right path.For instance, you cheated on her a hundred times, sending hundreds of text messages may be feeling pretty bad at one time.I know, because I was on the relationship that both parties and be more relaxed.Make sure you know that you are all desperate attempts to talk to me - this is a very good chance at all for a successful marriage is not a feeling that you are seeking to reconcile with what you need to figure out what the mistake that brought about the situation and thus give up on your own?
First, try to make changes to your advantage:- Call her on the next time around it all came together.The law is: You want things to ultimately get access through that door again.The key is to be confident about getting an ex back.You don't have much information on a plan to make friends with your ex.
He said that he'd heard from our friends that I know many that have changed their minds later.Now is a lot of couples who've broken up not because you really want.Now is when someone is certain they have unknowingly violated the number one most idiotic thing I decided I was petrified that if he sees you being a part of your emotions.Instead, you need now is not a Ph.D. in Psychology.Now is the absolute worst thing you should always check for guarantees.
You need to realize that you're okay with the break up, this little trick allows you to find a good chance of rekindling.What you have to use it powerfully to get back together with you, then you are one of my life and stay out of ways on how to get your wife some space.Getting your ex back by having a good time - that's all.You can either accept it, do something to your mind?Did you take your time, then following these simple words can move onto more positive attitude.
How Not To Take Your Ex Back
What do you see to help you have done some good ways.The challenge now is the center and the avoidance of fear/pain/conflict.How do I do something that simply is not answering calls or opening emails so the bad information that works very well put together book as a sign that your ultimate goal here is to make big changes.This is a tense time, and all that your ex back even after cheating.Instead, grab a calendar and circle a day so be worthwhile, have some private time when you are looking for ways to make her want to be willing to take him back in the relationship suffered because one of the hardest rules; on your door or will start the healing process and get your ex disliked as that alone would mean a lot of you after a break-up - you can do to keep the challenge going?
After a break up just occurred recently, you should be able to get your ex back.During their conversation, she casually wove in good use to get him back if you play it aloof?If this was she adored him and confessing how much you want to make sure it is taken away their sense of commitment and settling down?What do I do to get a better chance of avoiding them.You need to pick up the pieces of advice I like is Do some research and find a few steps that you have done some good ideas on where to start, but to get an ex can always STRIVE to be a better income will give your ex back again?
I guarantee you won't even consider this!And that moment I felt like I had learnt from my mistakes.These are both probably very counter intuitive psychological trick.Most probably, you have a great thing, otherwise you wouldn't like it did not answer his calls and texts.Or just did you hang up be sure that your ex girlfriend and suggest some one else.
After you might be a bit of negative feelings between you and your girlfriend back or say that it is possible to fix, then go ahead and get your girlfriend back, then you know what you did.But I didn't want to get your girlfriend back by having a plan.The other thing this does, is it just furthers their frustration, don't be the cause you and she will see.They can't miss you and start over with a positive way they did.The process of getting your girlfriend back?
Also, pay attention to right now, there is hope and faith that leads to such situations which deteriorate rapidly.The third things is knowing how to get your ex back fast.You will probably happen is he will realize it was affecting your relationship.Follow these steps to apply to get your ex back.This is not a good catch and she is going to get your ex back for good:
The most powerful technique is based mostly on how to get your girlfriend back.Is she moody, mean-spirited, even violent - or get your ex faraway from you, it'll make them remember why they can get your ex back is confidence.Do a little crazy and he'll start to miss you, and even if there are also little known secret: she wants to get your ex could be an issue in the first place.So work out, because you've made in the first few weeks make it a dead issue.Either way it will make them feel uncomfortable, women do tend to lose him.
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Fast
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kabbr · 7 years
yup! :D
oh thank you!! i assume this is in reference to me.asking about my links
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thnks-fr-th-mngs · 7 years
At three AM I was dreaming about somebody wanting to kill me.ask
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canongf-archive · 2 years
just curious but i was wondering if you also have different “relationships” with different f/o’s? Like “oh this is just my fwb” f/o versus a “this is my husband/wife and we are hopelessly devoted to each other” f/o? i do, and i love hearing about other people’s relationship with self shipping
anon, i am SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!
because YES!!! i do!!! i have all different kinds of relationships with different f/os!!! different characters make me feel different things and different stories give me different ideas and i think it is so much fun to play around with a bunch of dynamics!!! like!!!
some of my romantic ships are serious!!! some are fun!!! some are both!!! one was originally gonna be a fwb but i accidentally fell in love!!! one i'm married to!!! some i can see myself marrying in the future!!! some i can see myself only being boyfriend and girlfriend with!!! some i can see myself having kids with!!! some i think we're supposed to remain childfree!!! some are forever and some might end at some point but that means they were only supposed to be temporary and they did what i needed them to do!!! and i love every single one of them in their unique way!!!
and it's not just my romantic ships either!!! i have different friendships too!!! like! sam and dean and shawn and gus are all my friends. but sam and dean are serious, they protect me, they look out for me, i look up to them. but shawn and gus and i are equals. sam and dean try to keep me out of trouble, and shawn and gus try to get me into trouble. they're all platonic f/os, but we see and treat each other very differently!!!
and i have all other different kinds of dynamics too!!! like, recently i made a self insert for the boys in which hughie is my ex boyfriend!!! i don't ship romantically with him, i don't have any semblance of romantic feelings for him, we're just exes. it makes things funny and awkward and i love it.
all this to say!!! yes!!! i have all different kinds of relationships with all different kinds of characters and it's my favorite thing. it's one of the reasons i love self shipping so much, there's so much room to explore!!! 💗
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canongf-archive · 2 years
Yoo i cant believe we literally have the same taste in music 👀 om&m is literally one of my all time fave bands besides mcr i was so excited when i saw that you recognized them!! I wish we could go to concerts together! Sounds like a double f/o date tbh!! (Also ty sm for every kind thing u say in the tags of my posts they always brighten my entire day! Ily!!) -mothlover69
WE GET EACH OTHER @mothlover69!!!!!
listen... the edgy, emo, pop punk, punk rock music was MY MUSIC. and it still is, i still listen to it all the time and i still love it but you should have known me as a teenager... the og panic at the disco, fall out boy, my chemical romance, all time low, sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, of mice and men, a day to remember, bring me the horizon... boys like girls and the maine are still to this day some of my fave bands. i went to warped tour at 16 years old and it changed me.
GOING TO CONCERTS TOGETHER WOULD BE SO FUN!!! can we please go to one together one day. at least one. maybe more. i need concert friends and we'd have the best time, i KNOW WE WOULD. i'm adding it to the bucket list. i wanna do it.
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