#about spacelattesao3
spacelattesao3 · 6 months
An Update
Hi friends! I hope everyone is doing well. I'd like to say thanks for all of the love and messages I've received over the last few months! I haven't been great at responding, but know that I've read every one of them and that they really keep me in high spirits about continuing my works.
I’ve gotten quite a few questions about whether or not my fics are currently on hiatus or not, and just wanted to clear things up and say that no, none of my fics are on hiatus. Most of these comments have been through my fics, so I've given my reasoning for my absence individually to readers. But, I realized that I should probably post something on my actual social account for others to see lol. Being that this is the only account that I have linked to anything fic related (I have no discord, instagram, twitter, etc), I figured the best thing to do is to put it here.
I've recently gone back to school for my graduates degree, and truthfully have just had a hard time trying to get back in the swing of things (haven't done the school thing since 2017/18). I had some trial and error of starting and then switching schools last year, but I think I'm finally on good ground balancing work and school. I'm starting to get a better rhythm now, and have some free time to write more. I have written a little here and there, but am currently trying to get back into the groove with writing so that I can give you guys an update!
That said, I'd like to provide you all with a tentative schedule for my upcoming posting plans:
Stitch Me Back Together chapter 29 is my highest priority right now. I honestly didn't even realize that I'd left this story sitting since last August, and I sincerely apologize for that!
Playing with Fire chapter 11 will follow
Caldera: The City of Ghosts chapter 19 will be updated last
I am hoping to have updates done no later than the end of April, early May by the latest. After that, I will be dedicating the month of May-early June (depending on meeting the first deadline) to updating Stitch Me as much as I can. July-August (depending) will be dedicated to Playing with Fire updates to hopefully finish it out. City of Ghosts will be updated in between these, as I don't want to leave it hanging. In the event that I don't meet these deadlines, the updates are still coming. Please just assume that I have either been caught up in work or school and wish me a nice long nap to recover 😅.
If you see a random oneshot between any of these fics being updated...no you didn't (But I do have one from November if you haven't gotten a chance to read it 👀). If you haven't read some of the fics listed and want to start, or you're interested in any other oneshots I've written, you can always visit my ao3 here 🫡.
I hope this answers some questions that some of you may have had. Thank you all for waiting patiently for me, as well as all of the nice and thoughtful messages I've received in the last few months!
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fireflaked · 1 year
15 questions 15 mutuals
i was tagged by @lizardlicks
were you named after anyone? Yah i was named after a celebrity lol
when was the last time you cried? uhh last week i rewatched a few hdm episodes and had a crying sesh. 10/10 recommend
do you have kids? nope
do you use sarcasm a lot? so much
what's the first thing you notice about people? hmmmm probably their hair or outfit. i just like to see what people do with how they present themselves
what's your eye color? grey/blueish i guess. idk
scary movies or happy endings? i hate scary movies, but i also love tragedies. i guess i would choose a happy ending over watching a scary movie
any special talents? ummm i guess i’m pretty good at picking up skills fast. it’s the adhd tho
where were you born? pacific northwest :)
what are your hobbies? crying over fake scenarios. petting my cats. viddygames.
have any pets? two kitties, two lizards, and some fish!
what sports do you play/have you played? i played club soccer from 3rd grade to 10th grade
how tall are you? listen. i don’t measure myself idfk. like 5′6″? idk
favorite subject in school? i was an english major. take a guess
dream job? i don’t dream of working, but i am going back to school to go into media production
i’m tagging @rejectscanon @spacelattesao3 @barelyaware @quarantineddreamer and anybody else who wants to!
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spacelattesao3 · 1 year
Hi friends! I know it’s been a while since you guys have heard from me, and I’ve gotten a few concerned messages. Just wanted to pop in and say that I’m fine, everything is fine, and I’m not on hiatus! Life has just been hectic as usual!
It’s the Summer season with my job, so that means big events to market and advertise for. For me, that means doing it in a brand new job title and without the other half of my two-man team that I had before. On top of that, my partner and I have been in the process of moving into a new home and have adopted a puppy! I will admit, I have tried to take time to write, but haven’t had the energy outside of a few paragraphs a day. Luckily, our biggest event of the Summer is happening tomorrow, so I’ll be able to get a much needed break over the next few months and time to finish the next chapter for each of my stories!
To those of you who reached out, or simply tagged me in well wishes, thank you so much! I’ll admit, this year has been more stressful than I thought it’d be, but having support and people there that have extended kind thoughts means a lot to me, even if I don’t get a chance to respond and say so. I truly appreciate each and every one of you!
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spacelattesao3 · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @marijayne-writing!
Nickname: to the general public: Ki (key). Family: ladybug, shawty (courtesy my lovely grandma), and munchkin among others
Sign: Scorpio ♏️
Height: Five foot even, hence half my nicknames being height related 😅
Last thing I googled: reverse crunch alternatives because I’m weakkkk
Song stuck in my head: This is Why by Paramore. As one of my coworkers likes to say, it’s been a Paramore type of January
Followers: How the f—1,032?! How many of these are porn bots?!
Amount of sleep: 6 hours of restless sleep today. Coffee is calling my name as soon as I get into the office
Lucky number: 14; it’s my favorite number so why not make it lucky, yeah?
Dream job: I’d love to be a published writer/content creator/successful self-employed illustrator/graphic designer
What I’m wearing: black flaming Stranger Things t-shirt, black leggings, a mustard colored jean jacket and black Docs because the marketing/advertising department dress code is literally whatever makes you feel the most creative 😅
Movies/books that summarize me: Movies: lilo & stitch, kiki’s delivery service, spirited away, harry potter
Books: Legendborn cycle, Harry Potter, One True Loves, Raybearer
Favourite song: a few at the moment. Golden Hour by JVKE, N95 by Kendrick Lamar, Free Mind by Tems, and Gone Girl by SZA to name a few
Favourite instrument: piano, though I’ve always liked the violin as well
Aesthetic: i’d say casual/comfy…but i’ve been told i dress like an artsy college kid. Both I guess lol.
Favourite book: I’m going to answer this with my current favorite since there are too many to pick from as all-time favorites. Legendborn Cycle by Tracy Deonn
Random fact: I am currently learning French and Spanish
No pressure, but tagging @drowneddemon @badlucksav @ok-boomerang @lourek @stardust948 @roslynwrites @pepper-the-space-dino @juldooz-atla and whoever would like to participate!
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spacelattesao3 · 2 years
For the get to know me meme thingy...9, 31, 44
9. who did you last see in person?
My husband lol. We've been running errands all day unfortunately
31. 3 random facts
I used to want to be a Disney Imagineer when I was a teenager.
If I get to the last chapter/episode of a series, I tend to prolong finishing it for months because I don't want it to come to an end
I've always wanted to start a BookTube, but I get incredibly anxious in front of a camera 😅
44. age you get mistaken for
Sixteen is most people's go-to for me. At this point in life, I'm not even mad at it.
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