#about: haru <3
shslskaterboy · 10 months
every now and then I think about Haru and I go a little bit insane bc each and every day she chooses kindness and selflessness even though life has been nothing but unfair to her. She lost her father before he was even dead, and then had her last hope of ever being able to have him back ripped from her in the most violent way possible, and even then she chooses to trust the people around her anyways. She could have isolated herself, cut herself off from everyone, she could have been selfish and angry and lashed out, and no one would have blamed her for that- but she didn't. She put her faith in people and she relied on her friends, and she put on a brave front and she powered through and she refused to be the center of attention for even a minute. She denies herself the emotional catharsis she needed bc it just wasn't about her in her eyes, what was important was stopping the perpetrator and ending the corruption. And even then, in the face of having the perpetrator right in front of her, she never makes it about her, and she doesn't show him any contempt or disdain or unkindness in any way, she only shows him pity. There is just not a hateful bone in her body, and it's so sad when people say she's boring just because she's a nice girl who exudes kindness and wants the best for everyone. I adore Haru so much, she is so sweet and so strong and she deserves the entire world, and also a lot more screen time
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qquokkari · 1 month
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i spent my summer break playing persona games and i’m making it everyone else’s problem
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sohaoying · 1 year
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long month
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 2 months
more p5 text posts but it’s kind of just shuake and akechi
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Loud whiner Haru truther? 👀
If it's true Haru has a prosthetic that he's insecure about then I think there's got to be a really high level of trust between you if he's letting you take off his shirt. It starts out laid back, funny even he loves the sound of your laugh and how happy you are to be around him. He blows raspberries into your stomach before he snuggles into your thighs, tells you how much he trusts and loves you before taking you into his mouth. Haru might not know much but he knows service, he wants you to feel how much he treasures you as you pull him up and kiss him all over his face.
All those thoughts leave when he's inside you. He's choked up and stuttering, no technique at all because he needs this he needs you. He gets louder when you roll him onto his back, it's less taking control and more returning the favor; he's always taking such good care of you, won't he let you take care of him? He still tries to help settling his hands on your hips and guides you through the movements whining about how thankful he is for you but he won't protest if you playfully smack them and guide them over his head. And if you tell him to get louder he'll happily oblige.
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arts-of-gjb · 5 months
Finally breaking my fear of cringe and posting this here
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Haru is a a nipobrazilian who now works as a additional spy for the blu team. One of the things he learned on the new workplace is that he absolutly hates his new coworker, Soldier. In this scenario tho, his hate starts to shape in another thing...
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Bonuses under the cut
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Also, Haru has a 10 yo son called Makoto. Feel free to ask me anything about them or other tf2 ocs i have
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josephslittledeputy · 12 days
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The Masuda Family
Miyu Masuda (Mom) || Akihiro Masuda (Dad) Haruhi 'Haru' Masuda (Brother) || Chihana 'Hana' Masuda (Sister) || Sarina 'Rin/Rina' Masuda
Thought I'd start this fun little picrew game! So basically its just a little intro of your ocs family (they don't have to be blood related, obvi) since most of us always do picrews of our favorite little guys (gn) but I never hear much about their families! Figured it'd be something new and different, idk :) Feel free to use whichever picrew you want, even a mesh of different picrews, whichever shows off your preferred image of your ocs family! I know some picrews don't always do the image in your head justice, so. Also, obviously don't feel obligated to do it. Again, I just thought it'd be fun
Picrew used
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @inafieldofdaisies @strafethesesinners @direwombat
@carlosoliveiraa @alexxmason @purplehairsecretlair @simplegenius042 @g0dspeeed
@cassietrn @clicheantagonist @tommyarashikage @henbased
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harukapologist · 8 months
Can you draw scenemo haruka doing cottagecore fuutas makeup.... :3
I tried my best to give them fitting outfits~ Thank you for requesting!!
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koumeowkami · 1 year
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caffernnn · 1 month
henlo the juice in that mh separation au sounds BANGING and if you feel like it i would love to press X for more dialogue 👀👀👀💕
(it took a bit for me to loop back around to this BUT let’s goooo!! Thanks for showing interest beloved 💕)
The mh separation/reunion AU (do I have a name outside of the song that first inspired it? It could be like the “something blue” AU for like. Wedding reasons. ANYWAY) is fun largely because it’s a chance to explore how Haru isolating himself or running long-term could’ve affected the Tachibanas, but I’ve been lingering a little more lately on the Haru details of those years spent apart. In this universe, it’s not as if Haru and Makoto dramatically never talk again after the fireworks fight, but something… shifts. This time, Haru doesn’t have that quick turnaround on what he wants to do with his future, especially in a way that has him (still confused and cagey) ready to uproot and choose Tokyo. So, he watches his friends get ready to transition into their hopeful futures, chase after their dreams, and tries to fade into the background. Out of everything he feels, the two he learns to put a name to are “unremarkable” and “untethered.” This is what he said he wanted once, right? To be “ordinary,” to be “free?” He doesn’t let anyone close enough to tell him otherwise and uses those two emotions as his reason to recede further into himself and away from the people who (he convinces himself) are ready to let him go in pursuit of the future. He doesn’t repeat his blow-ups with Rin or Makoto, but he resigns himself to both of them leaving as an inevitability, and he plans to do exactly what he did as a scared kid every other time somebody decided to leave: throw himself into the familiarity of routine and creature comforts for as long as possible until he feels safe enough to take another step.
I don’t have the clearest idea of Haru’s entire timeline between one of the last times the Tachibanas see Haru (right before Makoto plans on moving to his apartment) and when Ran finds him at his uncle’s bakery, but I’ve been think about how those years might look to him in retrospect, specifically in the context of Ran reintroducing the possibility of Haru seeing Makoto again after so long. He was recruited by extended family over into their business and their lives at his lowest/bleakest (practically unreachable to all of his friends and almost hiding away in his house from the town he thought he wanted to cling to), and his time with them led to inevitable changes and a life forming for him, whether he intended it or not. As much as he wants to say these years are divorced from his friends and life before, that’d be a lie and a disservice to all of the memories that shaped him.
For all of the ways he tries to avoid thinking about Makoto… some nights, man. I think I said it before, but it’s like trying to forget the feeling of hunger until one mundane trigger makes you realize you’re starving. Of course his best friend’s influence is woven into many of the ways he relearns and knows how to care for the world (build himself a present, if not a future, piece by piece), and every little bit that he notices is a reminder of how much Haru misses him. Whether it’s all platonic, romantic, or something else entirely, Haru only knows that it’s heavy and haunting. He misses having him in any form beyond a memory.
But, Haru left first. He’s the one that stretched the distance between them until he couldn’t hear Makoto call out his name anymore. What was he supposed to do, chase him belatedly? Try and covet that big bright spirit for himself after being the one to push it away in all of his fear? There were so many nights here and there where he thought about reaching out, but he didn’t know what would hurt worse: seeing how Makoto moved on and didn’t need or want Haru back in his life, or being welcomed back hastily just to disappoint him again. Time stretched on, the yearning/reminiscence came in as sporadic pangs, and Haru could never bring himself to reach out (out of fear, out of shame, out of… a lot of things, really). “The one that got away” and “right person, wrong time,” so it goes.
Those old resignations all get called into question as soon as Ran has anything to say about it, though. She is going to have those idiots face each other one way or another, because the few meetings she spends back around Haru again makes clear something she has maintained the whole time: Haru didn’t stop caring about them, not really. Soooo, why not make planning her special day a chance to scheme a little bit, just to see what happens?
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shslskaterboy · 10 months
what if Haru got to have a sneaky little special interest in medieval weaponry. as a treat
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kon-konk · 4 months
As a treat for Ren, I also think about him having a crush on someone and thinking they must be crushing on Haru or Towa (or, heaven forbid, Haru AND Towa) with how much time they spend talking to them and hanging out with them when he's at work (which he learns about because Haru never stops talking about how his day went when Ren gets home as an attempt at bonding with Ren and getting Ren to open up) but it turns out they're just trying to figure out the best way to ask him out because they think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread
When they confess, he asks if they're practicing for confessing to Haru or Towa because he thought they had a crush on his dormmates and they laugh until they're red in the face and can't breathe. And then they try to kiss him and he freaks out because there's no way that dude isn't a germaphobe
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cloudcountry · 11 months
you like Haikyuu??? :D
who’s your favourite??
mine is Kenma (*^▽^*)
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i was completely unbiased and loved all of them equally.
(have this bonus unfinished gem!!)
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shions-chin-scar · 11 months
i want a full essay on haruta, you seem like a knowing person
*cracks knuckles* My time has come.
So, Haruta. Whether you love 'im, hate 'im, love to hate 'im, he's a character that few people in the fandom feel indifferent about. But I believe that he's also slightly deeper than the giggling sword-wielding maniac he seems to be at first glance.
Also there will be MANGA SPOILERS so don't click if you're anime-only
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First, let's take a look at his name.
Shigemo is written with 重 (“shige” = heavy, important) and 面 (“mo” = mask), and together those two characters can literally be read as "multi-faced". This is already a hint to his personality: Haruta is someone who acts childish and humorous, but is actually cruel and cold-hearted.
Haruta is written with 春 (“haru” = spring) and 太 (“ta” = thick/big, a common male suffix). Spring is the symbol of new life, of a fresh start. It could be a possible hint to him recently becoming a curse user, or maybe a reference to his power.
Next, his perceptive and cunning nature.
Because yes, Haruta is actually pretty damn smart and tactical despite acting like a goofball most of the time. People are way too quick to write him off as a weakling and make fun of both him and Nobara for her defeat at his hands. Here are a few examples:
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^Recognizing Nobara and accurately gauging her growth despite not fighting her during their previous (and only) encounter
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^Understanding what the injured Megumi was doing and not letting his own guard down
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^Realizing what Megumi was about to do (unfortunately too late)
He's also surprisingly self-aware about his own limitations despite his arrogance regarding his own abilities. When Gojo broke the barrier around the school, what did Haruta do? Immediately dip. When Nanami backhanded him across the whole store, what did Haruta do? Realize he was way outmatched and try to run. He's different from the likes of Juzo (hang rack guy) or Jougo, who overestimate what they can do and underestimate their opponents. Haruta knows he's not hot stuff, and as he says it himself, he's best at picking on the weak.
And let's not forget what a tactical fighter he is.
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^Sending his sword after Nitta, fooling Nobara and allowing him to both keep track of her position and take her down
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^Targets his opponent's weak spots to take them down
That was actually one of my few pet peeves with the anime: it felt like they made him less tactical. They removed Nobara's line about him aiming for specific points, as well as him injuring her leg, and it made his question about the sword hitting her head seem genuine rather than sarcastic.
His potential past.
This is where I'll be entering headcanon territory, but canon backs me up quite a bit on certain elements of it.
Haruta mentions that he doesn’t even know what exactly his own cursed technique does or how it works. Therefore, the likelihood of him coming from a family of sorcerers or having received a formal jujutsu education are more or less void. Had he inherited a technique like Nobara or Megumi, or gotten schooling, he would probably know more about it.
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There is a running theme among curse users (whose past we know) of being rejected, sometimes even persecuted by society for their ability to see the supernatural:
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Therefore, it’s not too far-fetched to assume that Haruta likely went through something similar himself. It would explain a few things about him.
Haruta's psychological issues.
I'm going to say it straight off the bat: I won't diagnose him with anything. I'm not a psychologist, though I did study psych in college. All I'm going to do is list a few of the obvious issues he has and their potential causes. JJK is a series of grey and gray, not black and white. No one is pure good and pure evil in it (except arguably some of the Curses because, well... they're Curses), and everyone has their own unique circumstances that led to them being the way they are.
That being said, one thing that immediately jumped out to me about Haruta is his barely hidden low self-esteem and insecurities. He's actually quite self-deprecating. If he just did it around other people I'd be inclined to believe that it's part of his "uwu i'm baby" front, but he also does it when he's alone.
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It's worth noting that he also seems to specialize in sneak attacks from behind - fitting for a self-admitted bully who prefers to prey on the weak.
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Yet at the same time, he's pretty full of himself and seems to have a certain paradoxical sense of superiority.
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That's why I half-jokingly said in the tags of a previous posts that he has an inferiority-superiority complex. I think Haruta knows that he's not strong, but that his technique is absolutely broken even if he himself isn't particularly skilled (though he seems to have gained some confidence between the school invasion and the Shibuya incident - that's part of why I think he's a fairly recent curse user).
It's worth noting that the jujutsu world is much more dangerous than the regular one and death roams around every corner, doubly so for curse users who have a Kill On Sight order on their heads, and triply so when one’s cursed technique isn’t suited for fighting. It must be easy to feel weak and helpless under those circumstances.
Now let's get to the obvious, which are also Haruta's biggest flaws: his sadism and impulsivity.
Haruta obviously takes a lot of pleasure in hurting others, but what's especially concerning is he seems unable to hold himself back when he sees an opportunity for it, or think of long-term consequences. He tried to kill an injured Hanami just because he could, without realizing that doing so would anger the other Curses, and he went after Megumi despite barely escaping his encounter with Nanami an hour or so prior, which led to his death. He actually reminds me a bit of Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia, in that both of them just want to have fun in this world. What Toga really wants deep down is love and acceptance though - unfortunately Haruta never got the character development that she did.
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He also clearly lacks empathy, which in itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but combined with a personality that enjoys tormenting other people and has poor planning skills, it makes for a devastating combo.
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^A perfectly healthy reaction to seeing an injured ally
It's worth noting that sadism and aggressive behaviors are believed to stem from both genetic and environmental (e.g., childhood trauma) factors. It can for example be a way for the person to turn the tables on the world and vent out their past hurts and anger, by making other people suffer like they suffered. Or a way to feel powerful - again, Haruta is someone with low self-esteem who preys exclusively on the weak.
Haruta Shigemo is actually pretty damn cool and smart and not just some one-dimensional grunt and he deserved better.
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^Me @ Gege
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
haru nsfw headcanons hand them over
(╯°▽°)╯ ofc friend this damn near wrote itself. This is meant to be very general, I might try writing a fuller fic for him the future since he and MC deserve some alone time. Maybe they can leave the kids with Hyde for the weekend since he's supposed the be the advisor, make that loser do his damn job for once.
notes: they/them used to refer to mc, I have 0 experience writing smut so sorry if this is bad. I tried to keep things gn but a reference is made to face riding x-x this is harder than it looks. much like Haru-
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I think Haru would be OK with casually hooking up, but the sex would be a lot less playful?  You're doing this to de-stress and don't have a lot of time so no need to do anything extreme. It still feels good, Haru would hate to leave you unsatisfied, but there's a lot less experimentation and he doesn't laugh or crack jokes like he would with a long time partner. There is also the prosthetic to consider; if he has one I don't think he'd want to get fully undressed with someone he's just hooking up with.  What happened to his arm is a sore spot even if he acts like it's not, so he doesn't really want to talk about it in a fwb situation even if you are close friends.  That's not to say that he would never tell you about the prosthetic and the story behind it, it's just not something he wants brought up during casual sex. If he doesn't have a prosthetic then I don't see him having any insecurities about taking his clothes off with a casual partner, though he probably still ends up staying half dressed just to save time.
If you're dating and he has a prosthetic arm, Haru still needs to work up the courage to take off all his clothes even though he really really wants to. Part of him is afraid you'll think he's broken or ugly, he doesn't think of himself that way but it would really hurt if you did. Praise isn't so much one of his kinks as it is a key part of his personality, he wants you to know that he's with you because he is attracted to you and he loves you. He wants you to say it back to him, needs it really; please tell him how in love you are and how attractive you find him. Want him as much as he wants you and watch how much he gets off on your need.
Loud whiner Haru is so real, he knows he can be loud he's just not ashamed of it at all. He's seen those posts about it being sexy when men moan and he already thinks he's a total catch, that just solidifies it. It ties into his praise kink, he's super sweet during foreplay but he almost always loses the ability to speak once you start fucking, so to let you know how good you are making him feel he just has to make some noise. He only really cries if he's had a really bad day or you've been away for a long time, he missed you ˙◠˙ so let him hold you as close as physically possible.
He's stupid easy to turn on. Laugh at his jokes, pull him around by his tie, even smiling at him will get him hard if he stares at you long enough. The fastest way to get him up is to wear his clothes, it's not smart for an inspector to declare a house allegiance but you will be literally cold before you stop wearing your boyfriend's jacket and he loves seeing you tie yourself to him. It can be sort of hard to tell when he's horny unless he outright tells you because he can hold onto those thoughts for a scarily long amount of time. He'll see you snuggling his shirt while he's on his way out the door to milk the cow and think about that all day until you're done with classes and he can have you to himself. This also means he's really easy to tease, do anything mildly suggestive, he'll start whining and won't even punish you for it later. Unless you want him to of course.
Haru is very big on service, he wants to be the one giving you pleasure but he's not picky on how he does that.  If it’s something you're interested in he's willing to try it at least once, but I can't see him being into harder bdsm/kink mostly because it takes too much time to set up.  He's been busy and away from you all day, he doesn't want to wait to fuck you.  Same with roleplaying, he gets the appeal but it's a lot of work especially if you want to bring costumes or cosplay into it.  He also kind of sucks at roleplay, he really likes making you laugh so he accidentally turns things into a joke. It doesn't turn him off at all, but he understands that's not really what you were going for so it might ruin the mood. His one hard no is anything that could injure either of you, he doesn't like seeing you hurt or worrying you when he's hurt.
Or so he says, but if you sit on his face and break his neck he's not going to learn a single lesson from it and will brag about it to Rui and Romeo.  He probably brags about a lot of things once he gets drunk actually, in the off chance you were wondering why Romeo isn't making eye contact with you anymore. Everyone in Darkwick knows you rode Haru's face like a bicycle seat and that he wants you to do it again, he has enough sense to know he maybe should pretend to have some shame but he can't bring himself to do it. You want him to be ashamed of making you scream that loud? Please it's not happening he loves you too much. I don't think he'd be super into exhibitionism either, he takes his job as Anomaly Ranger/Tamer really (too) seriously and getting frisky in front of the animals would be setting a bad example! He's less embarrassed about other people seeing, it's just that he really values his alone time with you and doesn't want to share it with anyone.
Other than those two things he's not picky. Want to fuck him in the ass?  Just make sure you prep him first. Ride his dick until it falls off? His place or yours? Probably safer at yours. Having a horrible day and want to suck his dick to feel better? How did he get so lucky, you're the best MC. Want him to rearrange your guts remove your ability to walk? He'd love to! But with how overworked he is that last one might be sort of rare. Haru is a very go with the flow kind of guy so if you want him to take a more dominant role he can, but he really appreciates it when you take care of him. Especially with how things are in Jabberwock right now, you gently insisting on taking charge is so sexy of you he might cum without you even touching him.
I could see him maybe liking it if you tie his hands back or above his head with your tie. He'd like to do the same to you too, it's just the impromptu nature of it that he finds really sexy, and again he likes seeing you in his clothes. If you were to tie his hands back while wearing his uniform shirt unbuttoned just enough for him to stare at your chest he'd skip the praise and go straight to the whining; he'd really love to have a picture of you sitting in his lap dressed like that. He's also a big fan of lingerie, but more on his partner than himself and not anything that takes too much time to get off. If you want to put him in a set he won't protest, but he'd prefer you pick it out for him since he's not the best at that sort of thing.
Despite how single mom core he is I don't see him having a breeding kink himself. He likes cumming inside, but more because it doesn't make as much of a mess than because he wants to get you pregnant. He's very good at playing into it if you have one, and if things stabilize in his life to the point he can think realistically about giving Peekaboo siblings then he could really easily develop one, but for now that'd be way too stressful for him to think about.
He gets really tired after sex but takes aftercare super seriously, I keep saying it but he really does want to take care of you. To him sex is another way of saying he loves you, and he doesn't want you to feel like he only loves you by halves. It's not unsexy to him to clean things up, but he doesn't rush it either. He likes being there to hold you, and is always pleasantly surprised when you are the one holding him. If he had more time he'd like to stay like that longer, maybe kiss you awake for a second round in the morning but he knows he can't stay away from Jabberwock for too long. If you're ok with it he takes pictures of you naked in bed together to go with all the ones of you in his shirt, if he's having a bad day he just looks at them and he instantly feels better. He'll never show those ones to anybody even if you would be ok with it, their his little alone time treats.
He's shown everyone that picture of him with his neck brace on when you broke his neck though.
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