#about: jaceluke
sorceressfyre · 1 year
Horny JaceLuke thoughts were not how I imagined christening the new blog 😭. But you put lil dumb baby stalker!luke in my brain and now her won’t leave.
NSFW warning ⚠️
1.) Luke on the receiving end of orgasm denial and delay because his big brother thinks he needs the discipline after such poor behavior. Jace pressing a toy in just right and driving Luke wild. He’d run his thumb over the purpling, leaky tip of Luke’s cock; the most frustrating barely-there touches. He’d be murmuring softly in Luke’s ear like “I don’t think naughty boys should be able to come, do you?”
And Luke is like “YES, Yes they should!” Because his stalking didn’t even go to plan, he wasn’t even that naughty…right?
2.) In a different scenario (still featuring stalker!Luke) with a completely flipped control dynamic, Luke would be riding his big brother hard with a hand around his throat. Saying absolute filth like “Wanna make you my walking dildo, J. Then I can use you whenever I want.” And Jace is laying back, grinning a big lazy smile, content to let his little brother do whatever he wants.
in spain we say that good things make you wait and i was so excited to come home and read this, and it has been so worth it oh gosh......
i'm on my knees, that's for starters! 🥺🤍
poor lucerys, jace would be so mean to him, and he would deserve it so much! <3 i just think jace would have a grand time here, just like he does in the benefit of losing *giggles maniacally*
this is probably my new favorite thing in the world, i could kiss you. jace taking his pleasure from punishing luke is delicious, but jace taking his pleasure from letting lucerys take his own? it's god tier, it's big brain, it's i will kiss you so hard you will see the stars baby and i want to read everything about this, my pulse is rocketing.
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sscarletvenus · 8 months
i love unrequited love, i love blind devotion, i love guard dogs. i love being desperately obsessed with the object of your affections. i love when devotion rots into cruelty, i love when love doesn't know any better, i love when love is ugly. i love defanging and declawing yourself just to be loved. i love when a character will wait for the next time they will be loved like a bird or a dog at their beloved’s door. i love when love is insanity and by the LORD do i love betting on losing dogs
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littlemarse · 7 months
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The Black won AU
Jacaerys misses his brother, who was killed at the beginning of the war 👇
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slvtforlizzie · 15 days
ppl in the HOTD who are disgusted/don't like JaceLuke have no idea how deep these ships go. the simple ship of rhaenyra and daemon sends them into shock.
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i-miss-lotor · 12 hours
I don't read a lot of hotd fic but what I do read usually has Luke feeling immense guilt and regret about taking Aemond's eye, and I do honestly get why. But also. I don't think he regrets it that much. Maybe he wouldn't do it again, knowing what he knows now, but he absolutely has no remorse for protecting his brother and doing what he believes he should to do so. Tensions were high, they were children, a knife shouldn't have been involved at all but he did what he thought was right and who knows what would have happened if he didn't. Maybe no one would have been harmed further than that, it was, after all, four against one and a knight soon came to disrupt the fight. Maybe someone else would have suffered an injury. He doesn't know. He's just glad that his brother and cousins were mostly unharmed
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greeksorceress · 1 year
anon request: blond jace as daemon’s son, jaceluke.
The room goes deadly still as King Viserys drags his body to the throne. 
It’s a painful thing to watch. King Viserys’ sickness seems to be consuming him like fire melts a candle to nothingness, the metaphorical wax of his flesh is raggedly hanging by the bones that protrude what once was the gentle face of his grandfather.
Lucerys’ eyes drift to the other side of the grand hall where Queen Alicent Hightower and her brood stand, unable to cope with the proof of the King’s mortality. Alicent gasps, but doesn’t make a move to help her husband otherwise. Neither do Aegon or Helaena, who are both avoiding looking at their father’s decaying form just like him. Aemond is too occupied staring right back at Lucerys to rush to his father’s aid. 
When the King trips and his crown falls from his head, the Queen and her children still do nothing but stare with bated breaths.
It’s his stepfather who swiftly approaches the King, and with a gentleness unheard of in the Rogue Prince, guides his own brother to the very top of the stairs, not minding that the monarch is resting most of his weight on him. A movement in the sidelines catches Lucerys’ attention, a flash of Targaryen hair moving towards the brothers.
Prince Jacaerys Targaryen, first of his name and heir of Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon of House Targaryen, holds the crown of the King in his hands while he follows his father and his uncle and grandfather. 
“My King,” mumbles Jace respectfully as he bends the knee in front of their ruler, crowning the weakened man who smiles down at him with crooked, half-missing teeth. 
“Thank you, my boy. Such a promising lad.”
Jacaerys smiles back at his uncle and grandfather before Daemon and him step down, back to Rhaenyra’s —and Lucerys’— side. There are knots tightening in Lucerys’ lower belly with anticipation. His half brother’s smirk, so close to the Iron Throne, ignites a telltale wave of desire that shamefully licks at his stomach. 
“I must admit my confusion,” states the King through heavy breaths, “I don’t understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys’ wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.”
When grandmother Rhaenys takes a step forward, Lucerys almost expects her to deny his claim. Her face is solemn, but she sends half a smile his way that helps to even Lucerys’ heartbeats.
“Indeed, your Grace. It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son, Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed, nor did my support of him.”
Vaemond scoffs at this. It’s of no consequence to the King, who has heard enough. 
“Well, the matter is settled, again.” The King is already tired from the few words he had to spare and the trek to the throne, and his tone doesn’t lack finality. “I hereby reafirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.”
His mother lovingly squeezes his hand, the tension is lifted off her shoulders under the protection of her father’s words, like a bruise soothed by a fresh balm. Lucerys, on the other hand, doesn’t have the chance to unclench his jaw and stop working his teeth into dust. 
Vaemond strides back to the center of the room, dangerous in his unveiled and unrestrained anger. The hall goes quiet once again, the precarious silence casted by the fury of the older Velaryon man makes Lucerys tremble with uneasiness. 
“You break law,” he spits at King Viserys, “and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it.”
“Allow it?�� his grandfather asks in angry disbelief, “Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.” 
The Velaryon, more of a snake than a seahorse, turns back abruptly to point at Lucerys, throwing his accusations with venom coating his fangs, “That is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine.”
Lucerys whimpers. Cold sweat runs down his back, the hairs of his nape sticking to his skin. His mother grips his hand with renewed ferocity, as if she was afraid of Lucerys being ripped from her grasp. She might as well be, for Lucerys knows that what Vaemond is implying right now is high treason, and were the royals and the nobles to believe his word, Lucerys would find a noose around his neck sooner than later. 
“Go back to your rooms.” Commands Rhaenyra, and there’s credit to give her and the firmness of her voice as her hand quivers in their hold, “You have said enough.”
“Lucerys is my trueborn grandson,” states Viserys. “And you are no more than the second son of Driftmark.”
It does nothing to placate Vaemond’s ire.
“You may run your house as you see fit,” he hisses with disdain, “but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned,” when his attention settles over Lucerys this time, he looks ready to pounce and snap his teeth around Lucerys’ throat, “I will not see it ended on the account of this—”
Then Vaemond shuts his mouth. He knows his grandfather might take this as a sing that the older Velaryon is weighting his options and the possible outcomes, but Lucerys knows better. Vaemond Velaryon is tasting the words, enjoying and festering on the acrid flavour of his cruelness. 
Daemon’s voice comes as a soft, challenging whisper.
“Say it.”
It’s a trick, like the Cannibal pretends to be asleep when someone comes too close to his hill just to open his jaw and close his teeth around the cracking bones of the unsuspecting wanderers. 
Vaemond doesn’t know this, though. He’s not a dragon after all. 
“Her children are…” he comes too close to this hill as he screams his next words, “bastards! And she’s a whore.”
The gasps and exclamations flood the room and echo against the walls, but Lucerys can only hear the violent thrumming of his own blood in his ears.
His grandfather asks for Vaemond’s tongue. As his chest heaves erratically, he chances a glance towards Queen Alicent and his uncles and aunt and is not surprised to see Aegon and Aemond enjoying his family’s humiliation.
It makes his stomach upset with a speed that dizzies him, and he’s ready to vomit his lunch over his own boots when a metallic slice cuts through the air and through Vaemond Velaryon’s head. 
Blood sprays everywhere. Some droplets hit Lucerys’ face and hair in the process. His eyes are open with horror, taking the sight of his grandfather’s brother corpse standing still for a second before loudly dropping to the floor. 
The part of his head that is severed from his body rolls in the hall as the veins in his neck keep spraying red, tainting the marble and the stone. Lucerys can see the bones and the muscles torn open as a lamb in the Cannibal’s den.
The gasps have turned into piercing screams, nobles rushing to cover the eyes of the youngest guests of the Red Keep and knights rushing to protect the royals. While the green faction of the family took some steps back and let their fear show, his mother shields him, standing tall and proud as Vaemond’s body lays defeated. A true dragon, the heiress of this empire. She hasn’t stopped holding his hand. 
When Lucerys looks for the culprit, he expects to see Daemon holding a red stained Dark Sister in his right hand. What he sees instead is Jacaerys, the beloved prince and heir, with The Promised still raised. The sword that Daemond and Rhaenyra gifted him in his thirteen name day is wet and tainted, but what weakens Lucerys’ knees and makes his blood sing is his brother’s face. Jacaerys’ amethyst eyes shine with vicious mirth, a bloodthirsty grin fixed upon his lips as he cleans the blade with his own cape. There’s blood dripping from his white strands and staining his cheek and the slope of his nose. Lucerys wants to lick him clean. He bits his own tongue to stop the moans that threaten to get past his lips.
“He can keep his tongue,” Jace says as he steps forward, “for I will have his head.”
Somewhere in the room, Otto screams at the knights. “Disarm him!” 
Jacaerys simply raises his hand at this before pommeling his sword again. “No need.” He then walks around Vaemond’s corpes and crouches down to take his head, looking briefly into Lucerys’ eyes with intention before directing himself to his grandfather and uncle.
“Son,” Rhaenyra warns.
“Son.” Daemon rewards. 
By the steps of the Iron Throne and before the wilting King Viserys, Jacaerys gets down on one knee and presents the evidence of his victory. 
“My King. I present you the head of the treacherous Vaemond Velaryon, who insulted our family. I’ve defended my mother’s name, as well as Prince Lucerys’. And I would dedicate my life to do so were he to be wed to me. May the remains of Vaemond be proof enough of my intentions, and let the realm know what should happen if Lucerys’ blood is put into question again. Let this be the first of many courting presents, for no one else but a dragon could defend my brother with fire and blood.”
Queen Alicent sobs and screams something at their mother, but Rhaenyra is too preoccupied with her own rage towards her oldest son. The last thing Lucerys hears before everything turns pitch black is Daemon’s laughter. 
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unusual-raccoon · 6 months
jaceluke is dead
Then call me a necrophile, babe. I’m having a great time playing with this “corpse”.
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bimyself06 · 1 year
I want a fic where Jace is a genius who graduated from school ahead of his age mates and when Luke eventually graduates high-school he moves in with his older brother(also significant other, but Rhaenyra would prefer it if her sons kept it on the downlow until Luke has settled into college and has a clear path of what he wants to study because her dear boy is so indecisive, except for when it comes to Jace then he's the most sure of his choices) and both want to get a pet but can't decide between a cat or a dog.
In the end, they adopt both a cat and a dog because they remind them both of each other, the dog is a German shepherd with anger issues(Vermax) and a cat that seems shy but is devious(Arrax). Two months later, Rhaenyra's PR team leaked a picture of Jace and Luke with matching engagement rings being hugged by a smiling and crying Rhaenyra and Laenor.
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wulfhalls · 2 years
LMAO PLEASE!!!! https://twitter.com/visvnya/status/1588218376249380864?s=46&t=Rd2tVTb9f5refRSLoAm6KA
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😭✋️✋️u know its just gonna be cringe af shit like so matt. which surface on dragonstone HAVEN'T daemyra fucked on 😏 matt: 🤕😐
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saintbehemoth · 1 year
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frank o’hara
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sorceressfyre · 1 year
maybe you infected my brain with stalker!jace, maybe i'll never recover?? (I'm thinking about him again 😩)
yeah? then i'm going to give you a bit of food for your thoughts! <3
think about this. luke, who is tired of being a virgin, is trying to hook up with boys from school but mysteriously, nothing works out. that arryn boy his own mother approved of? got his tires slashed when he was supposed to drive to luke's. jason lannister? yeah, right. the day he was supposed to meet luke and go on a romantic trip together, someone smacked his nose with a bat when he was walking down the street after leaving a club and now he's in the hospital. that fuckboy tattoo artist greyjoy? food poisoning, bed rest for more than a week. borros baratheon's nephew? blocked lucerys from everywhere with no reason apparent and now doesn't talk to him. aemond targaryen? well. these are major words. but i bet stalker!jace trying to erase the competition will come up with something. ;)
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sscarletvenus · 2 months
codependency so good if they get separated something truly terrible happens a hole is ripped in the fabric of the universe and one of them just fucking dies
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
Why tf is writing one fics so hard.
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One of the jaceluke scenarios I think about alot is lucerys seeking comfort with jace after losing arrax, like jace is the only constant in his life after he returns and provides him any comfort and safety, he is asked to go to Vale with hs little brother but he refuses.
One night that love just turns more carnal as luke doesn't think he can be close enough to jace, who's been sleeping next to him for days now, he initiates kissing and touching and jace is hesitant for a whole one minute before he gives in. Realising this is what he's wanted too along
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williamaltman · 1 month
jaceluke isn't popular because it's boring as hell, it's fics are boring and the characters are too alike to have any real tension or stakes.
Well I assume you think it's boring because it's usually portrayed as sweet with them just being in love instead of an enemies to lovers thing like Lucemond? That doesn't necessarily make it boring imo, and I can think of some tension/stakes for them:
Them being in love in itself when they're supposed to marry Baela and Rhaena, and not wanting to disappoint Rhaenyra and them
Worrying about not being able to produce legimate heirs, like their fater (Laenor)
Having to (or not wanting to) deal with the stigma of being gay with each other when they're already dealing with being discriminated for supposedly being bastards
It might not be about stakes but I also like to imagine Jace being a bit guilty over his feelings, and being concerned with being a good older brother and struggling with whether them fooling around or even having a proper relationship goes against that.
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greeksorceress · 1 year
thinking about visenya being lucerys’ guardian angel. visenya appearing in his dreams and sometimes being his reflection in the mirror. comforting him when the court speaks about his family behind their backs. whispering to him that he’s worthy of driftmark. telling him jace is their aegon. but mostly, i think about visenya whispering in lucerys ear to cut his uncle’s eye when aemond tries to kill him.
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