#about:the mun
thosewhowearmasks · 1 year
Mun vs. Muse
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Muse, Mafuyu Asahina:
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Tagged by Yoinked from: @intergalacticxmisfits​ Tagging: Whoever wants to do this!
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aelsell · 9 years
{ do you have any triggers? }
Do you mean if I use any triggers or if I have anything that triggers me?
I do not tag many things with triggers, only the usual stuff like self harm or violence (though I don't think I ever posted something like that on this before, so if I post it sometime in the future I will tag it). And I tag things like spiders, because I know that someone who follows me gets triggered by those. So if you want me to tag anything because it is triggering you let me know and I will do so.As for myself, I don't really have a lot that triggers me. But I do have a problem with seeing posts about violence against animals and eating disorders, so I'd would be more than appreciated if people coud tag such posts.
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
happy stuff.
Tagged By: @nnovawrites
Rules: Name five things that make you happy and then tag the last ten people in your notifications.
1. My pets. I’m copying from Nova here but seriously. If you get me talking about my dogs, or I discover that you don’t mind that I spam you with pictures of them, you’ll never hear the end of it. I also have a bird who I don’t picspam as much because he basically just sits in his cage, but if you get me talking about him, or the other birds I’ve had through the years, then prepare yourself, because you are in for a loooong conversation.
2. Cosplay. I’m not as into it as I used to be, made worse by the fact that now I work a full-time job and don’t want to do anything when I get home, let alone something as time- and energy-consuming as making a costume, but I still love it, and seeing other peoples’ costumes, and just... it’s so much fun, and honestly, there’s a sense of community with other cosplayers, and it’s fun to be someone else, not just for yourself but for other people too, like once I dressed as Wonder Woman and little girls were hugging me like I was a freaking Disney princess, so like, tell me that’s not important.
3. Chatting with people. I wish I were less awkward in the beginning stages of talking with people, because honestly, I want to be talking/messaging/whatever with people all the time. I definitely consider my best RP partners to be the ones I can talk with outside of RP, like, just talking about their day or whatever, so that they’re ‘a friend I met through RP’ and not just ‘someone I RP with.’ And for those who I don’t have that relationship with? I wish I did. I want to talk with everyone. But like I said: Awkward.
4. Writing, despite what my slow replies on Tumblr would have you believe. It’s hard for me to sit down and write a proper post, but writing in chat is a thing I do consistently and fairly quickly, and don’t get me started on the ridiculous worldbuilding I’ve gotten myself into on multiple occasions.
5. B.A.P. The only K-pop group I still actively follow, not that I followed many to begin with. Not only do I love the vast majority of their music, and all the members, but their music has oftentimes done wonders for my mood, both in giving me something intense to listen to when I needed to vent, and in giving me something lighter to cheer me up after. Honestly, they’re perfect. ...and shoutout to VIXX, who comes close, but I don’t like their newer stuff as much as their older stuff. But they’re still great, and my love for that older stuff hasn’t diminished over time.
Tagging: @manticxre, @ofpearlsxgods, @intergalacticxmisfits, @lxtent, @lookitsohio, @lusineinthesky, @lostchildofthematrix, anyone else who wants to do this? Because this isn’t 10 but that’s all I’ve got without going ridiculously far back in my notifications.
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
Tagged By: @lookitsohio (Thank you!) Tagging: Whoever wants to do this!
NAME: Cel PRONOUNS: They/Them or She/Her SEXUALITY: Ace ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius AGE: 33
HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): Just over three years on here, though I’ve been RPing on and off for at least 20 years; the first RPing I distinctly remember was on the bulletin board on the official Les Miz website. PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Bulletin boards, AIM, Livejournal, Tumblr, Telegram, Discord BEST EXPERIENCE: I think the ultimate is always going to be the creation of Seonhwa and Daeyoung with @manticxre. But, just so I’m not always saying the same thing, another great experience recently has been how well my newest muse Inha clicked with manticxre’s Dongyoon and @lawbidden‘s Noah (even if the result is a lot of really ridiculous stuff happening to this character who came from a straightforward angsty drama).
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Both fluff and angst have their time and place. Either without the other is just... meh. I can do without smut, though. PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Whatever it takes to get the job done. BEST TIME TO WRITE: It doesn’t exist. Just... whenever I can actually manage. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): The running theme of fear of abandonment is definitely me, not gonna lie. Also, the fact that many of them end up on the ace spectrum is largely because I don’t know how to write anything else besides my own experience.
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
Send Me a Symbol for How You FeelAttn: @lifeinblack
❊ I want to roleplay with you✢ I like your characters✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)❋ Your blog is one of my favs✦ I like seeing you on my dash✪ You seem like a cool person❇ I love the way you write
(Gosh I hope these are the right symbols, I’m like squinting at them trying to tell if they’re the right ones.)
Aww, thank you! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノI feel like I should say a lot more, except there’s really nothing to say except all of this right back at you~
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
1, 3 & 10
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰Attn: @devouriisms
1. Is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?It depends on my mood, but in the long run, Heesung. My sad amnesiac terrorist needs more friends.(I know there is a thread going now where he’s actually making a friend and it’s one of the ones I’m being slow at but THANK YOU FOR THIS, you know who you are.)
3. Which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?Probably Habseong. Just because she started as a rather elaborate character and then her defining trait sort of ended up being the fact that she became a mother figure for Daeyoung. Which isn’t a bad thing, I absolutely love it, but it’s become a lot trickier to write her with anyone not Daeyoung.
10. Which muse is the most fun to write for?Again, it depends on my mood and what I’m feeling and what it is I want to get out at any given moment. Seonhwa is often fun, just because she’s such a spaz and so enthusiastic about everything but sometimes she’s honestly the most stressful just because she's so all-or-nothing with her emotions, and I’m one of those muns who feels everything along with my characters and there are times I’m just legit a mess because Seonhwa is upset about things. Dong Soo has been a lot of fun in the short while since I’ve been writing him; I started out worried that I was just… writing Seonhwa as a guy, basically, but he’s not and he’s actually been really interesting to get into (and isn’t quite as extreme in his moods as Seonhwa, which saves my sanity). And Do Young is fun too, but in a different way than the others, since he’s got more of this dry/sarcastic demeanor which, of all my muses, is probably closest to my own. Plus, his character development over the years has been a trip and I am honestly still surprised by the twists and turns of his character, even after writing him for three years narrows eyes at Woon
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
5, 17, 25
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰Attn: @lifeinblack
5. If you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?Probably Willow. I love her concept but she’s one of those where I just don’t know what to do with her now that she’s created. ...but I love the couple threads I have going with her, so I’m still hesitant to drop her entirely.
17. Do your muses get along with each other?Most do. Do Young has issues with Heesung due to the Pied Piper trying to recruit him in the past and hitting a raw nerve, and while he appreciates that the rookie is there for his twin, he prefers to just avoid Heesung no matter who’s fronting. Seonhwa knows Dong Soo as her brother’s friend, but thinks he’s just kind of weird and doesn’t really want anything to do with him. And Willow is just kind of her own thing and doesn’t really know any of the others. Aside from those few, yeah, everyone gets along, or is at least civil to each other if they don’t know each other well.
25. Which muse do people send the most asks for?It’s changed recently, just because of who I’ve been RPing with and what things have been plotted, but for a while it was definitely Seonhwa. Which makes sense, since she’s probably my most accessible muse, since she’s in her 20s and doesn’t have a crazy ridiculous backstory. I mean, there are magic- and scifi-based things in her story, sure, but they don’t make up who she is. Like, Hyejin, Habseong, and Willow are all supernatural/scifi, and that’s part of their origin, so it’s hard to disconnect them from that, whereas Seonhwa is a regular girl who just happens to have stumbled on that stuff. And also she doesn’t have a ridiculous criminal backstory like Do Young or Heesung. So I definitely get why she ended up at the forefront of things.
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
tagged by: @lxtent
rules: tag ten followers you want to know better !
name: Cel
gender: neutral/a
star sign: Sagittarius
height: 5'4" / 164 cm
what’s your middle name? Marie
put your itunes on shuffle. what are the first 6 songs that pop up?
Coheed and Cambria - When Skeletons Live B.A.P - Be Happy Musical "Rebecca" - Der Ball Von Manderley VIXX - Into the Void VIXX - In the Cold Night Musical "Mata Hari" - Because of You (This is the best selection I've ever gotten on one of these things??? I just wish it'd picked a better song from Rebecca but hey, details.)
grab the book nearest you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?
"'How do I know? Is it my affair? I am not in love with Mademoiselle Mercedes; but for you - in the words of the gospel, seek, and you shall find.'" - The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas
ever had a poem or song written about you? No, although I was mentioned in a poem written about someone else.
when was the last time you played air guitar? I honestly couldn't tell you. I go more for air piano. Though I did just play Guitar Hero at an arcade a couple days ago, if that counts.
who is your celebrity crush? Shin Sung Rok, Oak Joohyun, Bang Yongguk
what’s a sound you hate; sound you love? The buzzing sound my lights make when they've been dimmed; my dogs barking softly in their sleep.
do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens? I don't exactly believe in ghosts, but I believe the possibility exists; aliens, yes.
do you drive? if so, have you ever crashed? Yes; I've had a minor crash that busted up the front end of my car a bit but nothing where anyone was hurt.
what was the last book you read? "The Way to Bea" by Kat Yeh, which I really liked, even if (or maybe because) some parts hit a bit close to home. And, even though it was a couple books ago now, I have to give a shoutout to Odd & True, by Cat Winters (...running theme with the names whoops), because I absolutely loved it.
do you like the smell of gasoline? No? I'm more indifferent to it.
what was the last movie you saw? Thor: Ragnarok.
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Honestly, I've never injured myself badly enough that I can even think of any standout example- WAIT NO there was the time a section of a driveway was roped off and the rope was low and I was feeling peppy and I thought I could jump over it and instead my foot got caught and I twisted my knee and it hurt for like two months and I even took to using a cane for a while and every now and then it still acts up (and I probably should’ve seen a doctor but didn’t because I had no health insurance) (also I definitely shouldn’t have done an anime convention four days later and really shouldn’t have participated in a skit that involved dancing but whatever it was a good skit that put Yuugiou to Abracadabra and we won a prize so NO REGRETS)
do you have any obsessions right now? Nah, I guess I'm kind of between things at the moment. When I'm into something, don't worry, you'll know. ...okay lol yeah this changed since I first put this in the queue, I think it’s fair to put Warrior Baek Dong Soo in this category now.
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Nah, that's too much work, and I'm pretty easygoing. Not to say I'll act as if nothing happened, but I'm not typically gonna dwell constantly over whatever it was.
in a relationship? Nope.
what loser? ...I have no clue what this is asking.
tagging: @manticxre, @lifeinblack, @intergalacticxmisfits, @aniimvs, this isn't ten but WHATEVER
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
[ The three symbols that weren't sent yet. Yes, I'm cheating ;) ]
RP Positivity Meme! (no longer accepting)Attn: @lxtent
✮ Do you think you’ve improved as a writer through roleplaying?I certainly hope so. I can’t point to any particular thing that I think I’m doing better? But I’m more confident about my writing, at least. Which is nice, because I used to write a lot in like middle and high school, and even a little into college? But it died down for a while, so I’m glad to have it back.
☀ Have you ever joined a new fandom that you only discovered through RP?*coughs and glances nervously at Warrior Baek Dong Soo and the muse I’ll sort of not really but kinda be adding because of it*Seriously? I’m not sure I’ve really properly ‘joined a fandom’ because of RP, but there are a lot of kdramas I’ve checked out because of RP. I mention Warrior Baek Dong Soo because that’s the most fresh - like, within the past week - and I watched that largely because I was curious about elements of it that are now playing into Do Young’s storyline because of @lifeinblack. Another example like that would be watching Defendant, just because @manticxre started playing Minho and I wanted to know what this character even was. To a lesser extent, I watched Strongest Deliveryman because come on, it stars both Seonhwa’s and Daeyoung’s faceclaims (though I actually still have to finish that series whoops). And it’s likely going to be the same with I’m Not a Robot, considering it features Seonhwa and her favorite uncle (and also some guy who works with her dads or whatever).
♨ What unlikely, ‘only possible in RP’ ships have you enjoyed writing with your muses?DO YOUNG AND PROXY FULL STOP. Also Heesung and Minho as a brotp.
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
your favorite kpop song? kballad? overall song in general?
Okay, so, like, this is the sort of question I’m suuuuuuper indecisive about? Because I always feel like there’s something obvious I’m forgetting that I’ll think of a few hours after answering? But I’m just going to answer as quick as I can, and whatever happens, happens.
Currently, I’d probably rate my favorite kpop song as 주소서 (B.A.P), just based on the fact that whenever it comes on shuffle my brain goes !!!!!!! and honestly half the time I don’t listen to anything else for the rest of the drive because I��m repeating it.
For kballad, I... don’t know? I’m not sure what counts as a ballad? I don’t really listen to them? I don’t know if this counts but I’m gonna say the acoustic version of 야뇌 (from the Warrior Baek Dong Soo soundtrack) because I’ve been listening to it a ton lately and I don’t know what else to put.
Favorite song overall? Takes us back to B.A.P. One Shot, forever.
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
♦ ❀ ✉
RP Positivity Meme! (no longer accepting)Attn: @numberxix
♦ What’s your favorite thing about RP, generally?Creating this whole world of characters who normally wouldn’t necessarily interact, I guess. By which I mean, I really love just throwing characters together and seeing where the story goes and how everyone develops. Like, stuff has happened to my characters in the past year that I would never have begun to imagine when I was just starting out, it’s fantastic. And RP makes that just a smidge better than, say, writing a story, because then you have someone else on the other side, getting excited over these same developments you are.
❀ What is your favorite thing about your current fandom or RP community?Uhhh I don’t know if I’m even in a fandom right now? And my involvement in the KRP community is really tiny, so I really can’t say on the whole. But of the people I know, I really love how easy most of them are to talk to; even if I don’t talk often to all of them, I don’t think there are any mutuals that I feel nervous or uncomfortable about approaching, which is nice.
✉ Say something nice about someone you follow!BUT BUT HOW DO I CHOOSE WHEN THEY’RE ALL WONDERFUL?? I guess I’m gonna go with @intergalacticxmisfits; we don’t have a ton of actual threads going, we just throw a lot of cuteness back and forth, but sometimes that’s just really what you need, you know? And as a mun, any time we talk, they’re just always super positive and encouraging and just the sweetest bean :3
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
[ ♥, ♚, ⚜, ☄, ☯, ☼ ]
RP Positivity Meme! (no longer accepting)Attn: @aniimvs and like WOW SLOW YOUR ROLL WHY DID YOU SEND SO MANY???? (but seriously thank you)
♥ What’s the absolute best experience you’ve had in RP?Everything involving Do Young getting a family. Just. All of it.
♚ Have you ever made any lasting friends through RP?Definitely. It’s kind of loose to say I met @manticxre through RP, but, well, it sorta was, so I’m counting it, and we’ve been talking for nearly three years now. And there are others who I’ve known too short a time to be ‘lasting friends’, but there are a lot of people who I’ve been talking with who I really hope will be added to that list down the line ^^
⚜ Have you ever met anyone from RP in real life?Alas, I have not. Everyone lives so far ;;
☄ Has roleplay positively affected your life in some ways?Answered here!
☯ Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you.Answered here!
☼ Have you learned any new skills from being involved in RP (coding, editing, making GIFs, etc)?Unfortunately, no; I’m an old fogey who has enough trouble on Tumblr as it is, I’m not gonna stress myself out to go above and beyond to make my page fancy. So, no, beyond writing stuff, I haven’t learned any new skills.
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
☀ and ☁ ?
The Salty AF Munday MemeAttn: @lookitsohio
☀ What's your RP pet peeve?This is going to sound so horrible and judgey but "hues" as a synonym for "eyes". Like, I don't mind purple prose if that's your thing (I won't necessarily write with you if it's too elaborate, to the point that I'm not even sure what you're saying, but that's less "pet peeve" and more "personal preference"), but... "hues"? Really? That's not even remotely the same word as "eyes". It's, like, colors and shades of colors. Eyes can have hues, but that's not what they are. And it just. It drives me crazy way more than it should. Not enough that I think any less of a person when I come across it, but... enough that I cringe before moving on.
☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn't have?...no? Which is to say, I've never had issue with someone and forgiven them and had it come back to bite me. Anyone I've forgiven for anything, I don't regret; anyone I probably would have regretted sticking with, I just moved on from rather than stressing about them.
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
The Salty AF Munday MemeAttn: @czernobuh
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you RP-wise?
A while back, there was someone I was mutuals with who often complained about how often they wrote starters for people without getting a reply, even saying they were going to start keeping track and not give starters to those people in the future. Which, I mean... fair. ...but I also wrote a couple starters for them that never got answered. So, y'know. Liiiiiittle hypocritical.
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
A . age : 32 B . birthplace : Somewhere in New York state. C . current time : 12:41 A.M. D . drink you had last : Coca-Cola E . easiest person to talk to : @manticxre is top but there are so many on here who are easy to talk to??? I considered naming a few but honestly I’m afraid I would leave someone out if I did. If we chat at all, figure you’re on this list. F . favorite song : Let's say "One Shot" by B.A.P G . grossest memory : The time I was at a farm and a horse had a zit and they had to pop it. H . horror yes or horror no : Sure, if it's suspense horror and not slasher-gore horror. Not that I take issue with the latter, but it doesn't do anything for me. I . in love ? : Not currently. J . jealous of people : A lot. K . killed someone : Nope. L . love at first sight or should i walk by again ? : No. ...okay but seriously, putting aside the trick question / bad pick-up line, my parents are honestly a case of love at first sight so I legit believe it can happen. M . middle name : Marie N . number of siblings : 0 O . one wish : To actually somehow miraculously get my room clean so I can get a pet snake. P . person you called last : My mom to ask her what I should pick up for lunch. Q . question you’re always asked : "How do you solve a Rubik's cube?" R . reason to smile : Talking with friends after a long time :D S . song you sang last : No Mercy - B.A.P T . top 3 fictional characters : Kang Doyoung (Liar Game)... I know others exist but my brain doesn't want to think of them right now. U . underwear color: Pink. V . vacation : A huge tour to visit all my online friends! ...or, more reasonably, Seoul. W . when’s your birthday : December 17. X . x-rays : None. Y . your favorite food : Potatoes. Z . zodiac sign : Sagittarius
tagged by : @manticxre tagging : @lusineinthesky, @intergalacticxmisfits, @lookitsohio, @stcgnant, @lxtent
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
Okay so what's on my computer and what I actively listen to are vastly different? So I did this twice.
Also full disclosure I may be a mildly horrible person, for reasons to be revealed as this post goes on.
My Actual iTunes with Literally All My Songs: 1. You Never Give Me Your Money - The Beatles 2. Helm's Deep - from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 3. Times Like This - from the musical Lucky Stiff (WHICH I LOVE AND EVERYONE SHOULD LOOK INTO) 4. Bird - Kotani Kinya / from Gravitation 5. Golden Pair Part 2 - from Musical The Prince of Tennis: More than Limit St. Rudolph (LOOK THE PRINCE OF TENNIS MUSICALS WERE MY JAM BACK WHEN THEY FIRST CAME OUT I LOVED THE HECK OUT OF THOSE THINGS) (ALSO I FEEL OLD BECAUSE THAT WAS IN 2003 AND I WAS GOING INTO COLLEGE THEN AND IT WAS SO LONG AGO) 6. Perfect Stranger - Takehito Koyasu and Miki Shinichirou, from Weiss Kreuz 7. Everything to Me - with... from... I mean what no how did this get here this isn't a bootleg from a musical what are you talking about. 8. Cry, Cry - Cheap Trick 9. I Lost on Jeopardy - "Weird Al" Yankovic 10. Ticket to Ride - The Beatles
My iPhone Right Now: 1. Rebecca 1 - Oak Joohyun, from Rebecca 2. Atlas - Coheed and Cambria 3. World of Lines - Coheed and Cambria 4. All That We Had to Do - wHAT NO THIS ISN'T ANYTHING HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING also this song kills me every single time, just for the record 5. Be Careful with My Heart tag - AGAIN THIS IS NOTHING (but also WHY DID THEY TAKE THIS OUT OF THE MUSICAL THIS WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AND HAUNTING) (wAIT IS THIS SONG NOT EVEN IN THE MUSICAL AT ALL ANYMORE GOSH I'M SO CONFUSED NOW) 6. Coma - B.A.P 7. Be Careful with My Heart - Oak Joohyun, Gold 8. I Won't Go Back - REALLY WHO PUT THESE BOOTLEGS ON MY DEVICES 9. When I want to Dance - Shin Sung Rok and Jo Jung Eun, from (a short YouTube clip of) Elisabeth 10. Good Time - B.A.P
Tagged by: @lifeinblack Tagging: @lusineinthesky, @intergalacticxmisfits, @lxtent, @artoriius, @lookitsohio, @stcgnant
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