#absolutely wild episode all around o.o
OOP dang o.o
Yeah go off Aaron 😤😤😌
It's not like a friendship (though they kinda had one) but getting betrayed by your therapist must be such a weird hurtful thing :((
Ahh nice :o :D well at least we got stuff out of her :)) and while she's alive lol
Okay that's good <3
Phew :'))
And yeah Bailey xDD
I hope we don't have to deal with Jason tonight 😭 like before the end of this episode xd
Yeahh she's out there in the middle of nowhere somewhere 😬
Hmm unless she talks her way out of it again xD
Angela last time you did that your enemy vowed revenge and set a hitman after your husband and child xdd xD
Maybe let's not lol
The others want in though, you really did have to call dibs xD
Aww hey guys :'o :')))
Lol xD
Hey you deserve it, you guys both do lol
Weird elevator noise there, kinda satisfying though
Aww yeah :'))
Lol yeah xD it's nice that he can be honest about it though :')))
AWW yeahh :')) y'all :'D 😭😭❤️
AWWW honeyy 🥺🥺❤️😭
Ik they're not about to get back together but is he about to apologize and like, vow to make up for it?? Idek-
Awww 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭💔❤️❤️
AWWW honeyyy 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️ :'(( DD':
Bro you're the one that broke up with her like yes what she allows but you can make up some of the distance you created yourself 😭😭
I'm struggling to express what I mean bc I know he is just just xdd like you broke up with her, it's not like she didn't want you around you know lol? Even if she's reasonably upset about it now xdd and you were fighting
Guagh anyway xdd at least we got some closure for them this season lol xd 😭
OOP hey guys o.o
Oughh noo 😭😭😭 >:((
Just them getting out of general xDD
But also. . . wesley angst 😏😌👀
Eh it won't be after this xD
Lol yeah xD
As if you guys aren't going to the same place xD
Unless he just goes off to some random place and disappears lol
That would be wild xD rarely or never to be seen again LOL
I sincerely doubt it but you know XD
Awww hey guys :'))
Lol fair Bailey xD though he did t exactly have a choice in the matter slfkjdgs
Didn't know that was it xD
Eh close enough
Oof lol
I know the feeling of a laugh pain xD from like being hurt in the wrong area lol (though I have not been shot in the side xD)
Aww ayy :'))
LOL she also compiled xDD
Awww y'all :')))
I was thinking you'd say what age lol, but yeah that's important too :o
Is it gonna be Jason as him o.o
OOPE no wait he's probably telling them of him getting out of jail O.O
And then he breaks in two seconds later lol xD not enough time of a warning
But eh maybe (HOPEFULLY PLEEASE) it is xdd
And good thing we're mentioning Oscar too o.o 😬😬
Yeahhh uh oh is right xdd
From their faces lol
Y'all I'm stressed xD
But also. . . once again. . . the angst 😏😏👀👀😌
I love me some good angst, especially involving Oscar even if it doesn't directly involve Wesley because I can pretend it does xD but also it might 👀👀👀😌 :DD
I know they said maybe or even probably not by the end of the season but my gosh 😭😭😭
Going with Xochtil or Samara y'all xdd not even a guess I'm just deciding lol /lh
Anyway I think we could get a Wesley/Wopez storyline out of this, especially since it'll be next season 👀👀 I mean it's been a while for them, right :D?
Although waiting for Elijah and Oscar at the same time could be cool, and we may want to wait a little longer for that lol. Maybe Elijah from prison, or Oscar laying low for a while? Aeh idk :))
Anyway! I've been chatting a lot lol, but official/full review coming out later (probably in a few days) :D
I love you all!!
See you next time for that :)) 🥰!
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wataksampingan · 2 years
So... Episode 65 was released on Fast Pass today.
Spoilers for Episode 65-67 and some parts of the webnovel
Intriguing how one or two readers were able to correctly guess that Dodolea had assaulted Theo. I had to bumble around Naver, earn cookies one pair at a time and be rewarded by having my heart ripped out of my chest when I read what happened to him.
(”Watak, the signs were so obvious, how could you not tell?” I dunno man, I thought this was going to be supernatural magic and curses, not actual literal sexual assault). The screaming and gnashing of teeth in the next chapter is going to be wild.
How far Dodolea went is left vague-ish on purpose, I expect, though the drugging is in itself already enough to condemn her. I don’t know what sort of explanation (not endorsement) will be given for her actions considering that when Theo bolted out of there, her expression is LITERALLY “o.o”
What the fuck is going on with her? Is she going to be, as the webnovel proceeded to explain, possessed by some witch that’s obsessed with a past reincarnation of Theo? Is this witch so ancient that sexual assault is not in her vocabulary? Is the real Dodolea already dead? Is this going to take some other less supernatural turn? seungu what are you planning?? I have so many questions???
Theo’s soft-hearted nature is going to be the death of him. And I’m going to strangle this palace aide - who was only doing his job - but nonetheless. If I were Gloria/Phineas/Saoirse and found out about this conversation, I would chuck him into a sewer and leave him there for a day.
“Think about what she had to go through in society after you refused to marry her”??
Listen here, you absurd little 7:3 hair ratio man.
The woman is a princess of the blood, significantly above his station as grand duke. The only reputation she’s gained is the misfortune to be besotted by this man who’s married, and perhaps an embarrassing way of showing it. The worst thing the nobles could have said was “well, that was very gauche of the princess, what an unfortunate choice, she has no taste in men, why does she keep trying” Clearly, she still can move about in polite society without censure coz she keeps fucking showing up to mess with Perry, make vaguely threatening remarks and just generally be creepy. Like, all of that has been on her. A princess of Castor, with such a powerful family, cannot possibly be taken down so easily in social circles.
His reputation, on the other hand, despite all the admiration from the average citizen, is way worse than hers, and always has been. He’s the one whose first wife moved out after two months, claiming he was the worst husband AND he’s a supposed war fiend, bloodthirsty and vicious. I get that gossip can be fatal but Dodolea is not about to be further humiliated by him walking out. He’s already built up a reputation for being cold and rude and giving people the cut direct so why should this be any different? 
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Yes, yes, princess of Castor bla bla bla - but what’s your point??
But NO, he had to think of her despite himself, despite the emperor’s shitty behaviour and what she did to him. The LOOK on his face when the servant asked him not to sUbJeCt hEr To MoRe HuMiLiAtIoN (I still find this the most efficient orthographic way to convey sarcasm; my apologies if you find this offputting).
He sat there, subjecting himself to a panic attack and PTSD because he, at the heart of everything, actually seems to care about people. Even the reason he took the drugged drink from Dodolea’s servant in the past was because that man told him how much he admired the grand duke, and seemed to sincerely want his approval. So Theo took the drink to be polite. And suffered for it.
No wonder Daniel’s smoking by episode 66. I’d pick up a cigarillo/cigar too if I had to work under these conditions.
At least Episode 67 has Theo on... some kind of mend. And we get to see Phineas yell at him for being An Absolute Idiot. You can just about tell which panel involves him wondering why he went to all that trouble of going to med school (or its equivalent in this universe) when his own nephew insists on being Stupid.
(In case it’s not clear, I love Phineas with my whole heart and each time he looks like he wants to quit and become a humble radish farmer in the country, my love for him grows three times larger.)
I'll also have to be patient and wait to see what sort of hobby Theo apparently indulges in and is thoroughly embarrassed to be found out about (interior design/architecture wasn’t what I’d expected but y’know what, go off your grace). I don’t think I have it in me to download more random apps to earn free cookies for Naver. Then again, considering the medium lengths I’ve already gone to for this manhwa, who can say really?
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Pictured: the relationship I have with this manhwa apparently
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roccoroks · 7 years
Dag 3 THE DAG FILES! *que X Files music* The following events took place at the Spring Grand Rod Run, names have been changed to protect the stupid and liable. time:.......dark....ish im working a double, 2nd & 3rd shift pryor to the take over of the motel there for i was still a employee at the time and had to answer the a boss (the sorry motherfucker that he is) but thats another story/rant. its hot outside, people are pissing and shitting all over my lobby bathrooms and im trying to deal with 100+ geusts and god only knows how many classic cars... this is more of what its like to deal with multipul shitty guests and problems while working a rod run in pigeon forge tn. the grand rod run takes place twice a year and has more that 1000-2500 show cars through out the city of pigeon forge. we find our hero sitting on his ass watching youtube videos and eating potato chips and trying to download bootleged My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic episodes when the internet suddenly explodes and stops working due to me trying to download 30 episodes at once! this is more of what its like to deal with multipul shitty guests and problems while working a rod run in pigeon forge tn me: *prior to net crash* ^.^ *om nom nom nom* *internet crashes* me: O.O........shit....not good me: hey chris (we work in pairs on rod runs) chirs: whats up man me:.....um i think were fucked chris:what did you break? me: the internet....all of it chris: I FUCKING TOLD YOU NOT TO DOWNLOAD THAT MUCH PONY SHIT AT ONCE! me:.....sorry?...you fix?...please chris: *sigh* leave, NOW! me: *me runs out from behind the counter just as the phone rings* ~when the wifi goes down at the motel, you might as well have set the place on fire, eeeeveryone calls to tell you!~ me: front desk poc 1: (pissed of coustomer) yeah uh hi, the inter net is not working, how do i log on? me: (i know its not working, i broke it! ^.^) im sorry we are having technical difficulties and are trying to restore it as we speak! poc1: oh ok ill try later! bye me: that wasnt so.... *ring* me: front de..... rpoc: (realy pissed of coustomer) HEY THE INTRANETS NOT WORKING me: im sorry we ar....(did you just say "INTRANET"?) rpoc: WHEN I MADE MY RESERVATION I WAS TOLD THERE WAS WEEFI AND I DONT HAVE WEEFI WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO ABOUT THAT! me: sir im trying to get it back on line and i should have it working with in.....( WAIT...WTF IS WEEFI?) rpoc: I DONT WANT EXCUSES I WANT THE INTRANET FIXED me: sir? sir are you there? rpoc: *yells louder* I SAID IIIIII WWWWWWWWAAAANT TTTTHEEEEEEEE INTERNET FIIIIIXXXXXXEEDD NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOWWWWWWW CAN YO.... me: SIR YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO SPEAK UP BECAUSE I CANT HEEEEEEEEEEAAAARRRRRRRRR YYYYYYOUUUU! (fucking yell at me dick head) rpoc: *SOME HOW YELLS EVEN LOUDERER* III SAID FIX THE GOD DAMED INTRA......... me: idk chris i cant hear the guy, he sounds like a broken record. (lmao i soooooo can hear the vein in your head thumpin!) rpoc: you have got to be kidding me, now the fucking teller phone doesnt work *hangs up* chris: what was that all about? me: thats how you deal with a bad guest chris: great! now hes going to come down here and bitch to me me: yup, see ya later! me: *leaves to check parking lot for cars to tow,leaves chris to clean up mess* me: *looks out the window* (if there were any more cars in my parking lot it, this place would look like a poory orginized scrap yard) me: *walks outside for 3 hours* *3 hours, 2 beers and one smokey burn out from a dodge challenger later* *sitting at the desk, chris leaves for the night* chris: im turning my phone off, dont....fucking.....call...me! me:k me: (back to down loading ponies! and cruse CL for car parts) poc: AHEM! me: /).- (I will not respond to a clearing of the throat, what the fuck bitch, this aint high school) poc: AAAAHHEEEEMMM! ME: (NOPE! FUCK YOU) poc : EXCUSE ME! me: (was that so hard?....bitch) yes mam! may i help you? ^.^ poc: uuuhh you need to do something about that drunk guy in the pool.... me: drunk guy? poc: yes hes in the pool and hes drunk and i dont want to see that! me: ...*blank stare* poc: well.... me: (do i get any more info than that? ITS THE ROD RUN! EEEVVERRRRRYYYBODIES FUCKING DRUNK!) yes mam what does he look like? poc: HE IS THE DRUNK ONE! me: (com'on! take the hint!) mam this is the rod run and everyone in the pool is drunk, is he bothering you in anyway? poc: well..huh..he just shit in the pool.... me:........ me:....your shitting me....(i haha i made a funny) poc: she for your self! me: *goes to pool, see only 3 people in the pool, all of them drunk* me: soooo he just? poc: yup, he just dropped his swim suite and shit right in the pool, then he jumped it , then he told his friends that it was a candy bar and dared them to eat it! me: .......*speachless*.... me: ok mam, who dun shit in my pool *i sooooooo wish i was making this up* poc: him! *points at all 3 drunk people* me: (really? not the middle one, not the one on the right just that one?)ok witch one of them? poc: the fat one me: (THERE ALL FUCKING FAT!) ok witch fat one poc: I FUCKING GIVE UP! *STORMS OUT* me: (damn, she lasted longer than most, shee needs a discount!) me: *walks out into the pool* ok, who shit in my pool (this situation warents cussing) *all the drunk people* "HE DID" *AND POINTED AT EACH OTHER!* me: /).- WHERE IS IT! *again all three of them * THERE! *all three point in different directions!* me: soooo its everywhere.... *blank stares all around and akward silence* me: where....is..... the.... TUUUUUURRRRD *more blank stares* drunk guy 1: ummmmmm me: all of you, GET OUT! drunk guy 2: but what if we.... me: NOW! *all three exit pool* drunk guy: um when can we get back in the pool? me: tomorrow dunk guy 2: why so long? me: look im the only guy here and i have better things to do then go on a wild goose chase for a lone turd in the pool! drunk guy 1: well whos going to clean it up? me: NOT FUCKING ME! YOU WANA SWIM? GO NEXT DOOR AND LAY A LOG IN THEIR POOL! *they all think this is wildly funny and walk off to deuce one out in the smokey mountain lodge's pool* 30 mins and a few pissed off would be pool goers later ME:* just sat down to pizza* *ring, ring, ring,ring,ring* me: FOR FUCK SAKE! I HATE YOU PHONE *get up and walks to phone* me: *bangs knee on desk drawer* FUCKING OOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE ! FUCK YOU TOO BROKEN DESK DRAWER! AHEM! front deak *in sweet voice* dag: (room 403)" THE GAW DAMN INTRANET AINT FUCKIN WERKIN!"(i a heavy drunk southern accent) me: e.e...(you sound familar) its not? one second let me check. *puts customer on hold* me: *goes to bathroom to take a dump* 5 mins later me: (fuck ! hes still there!) *takes dag off hold* sir? dag: BOUT TIME! me: try it agian dag: I DONT FUCKIN KNOW HOW TO GET ON THE GAW DAMNEDED THING ME.......O.o (then how do you know its not working.....WAIT, HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU....DO YOU EVEN COMPUTER BRO?) me: sir? dag: *YELLS TO WIFE* HEY! GET THA FUCK OVER HERE AND MAKE THE FUCKER WORK ME:  .....(oh my god this is like jerry springer) *long pause* dags wife in background: THERE! IT FUCKING WORKING...WAIT NO, YES...NO ITS NOT ME:.......sir? DAG: HANG ON DAMNED IT! ME:......*SUCKING BACK LAUGHING.....BECAUSE I JUST FLIPED THE BREAKER TO THE ROUTER KILLIN ALLLLL THE INTERNETS* dag: IT JUST WAS FUCKIN WERKIN THEN THE SHIT BROKE ME: HANG ON A SEC.....*puts dag back on hold, sit down and eats a slice of pizza* 4 slices of pizza later... me: *flips breaker back on, takes dag off hold* sir, HOW BOUT NOW? dag: HAY, HE SAYS ITS WERKIN........WELL.....GET THA FUCK OVER HUR AND MAKE THE TING GO! ~pernounce it just like i wrote~ long pause...... dag: aigh the fuckers workin now ME: go deal yall, yall has a goooooooood nigh nowww...... dag: hangs up me: (THAT WAS FUN! now for foods!) *almost sits down* *ring, ring,ring,ring,ring* me: FUCKING REALLY?!? ahem: front desk? dag: HAY ME: (oh gawd not you again) yes sir dag: what room are we in me: O.o..(really.....you dont even know what room....) 403 sir dag: im in 403? me: yes sir dag: TELL THEM FUCKERS ABOVE ME TO SUCK THE FUCK UP OR IMA GONA BEAT 7 SHADE OF SHIT OUT OF THEM! ME: (i would pay soooooo much money, you dont even know) sir its 930pm and during the rod run thing tend to go on until 12 am or so, im sorry but there nothing i can do dag: I GONA KICK THEIR ASSES! ME: SIR! PLEASE DONT GO......*CLICK* ME: *RUNS OUT THE DOOR TO THE 5TH FLOOR* FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! *arives at 5th floor.....its empty* me: ......(aint no one up here) *walks down to 4th floor, sees drunk guy outside 403, in whity tighties, passed out in the chairs* me: (im sooooo not dealing with that) *goes back to office* me: * sits down at the desk and see something out of the corner of my eye* *looks at security moitor* me: DAFUQ IS THAT? *switches to pool cam, see UFO (unidentified floating object)* me: nooooo, it cant be.... *zoooms in, sees large turd* ITS BACK! THE TURD! ME : *runs around the counter to the pool, trips on carpet and knocks over entire brocher rack* me: (deal with that later, I HAVE SOME SHIT TO TAKE CARE OF!) *at the pool* me: damn.....thats quite the deuce....atleast a 2 pounder *starts talking to myself in a steve irwin accent* me: wear hear in the confines of the pool room, in search of a veronious beast! SHHHHH *GRABS SCOOPER* aahw yea thar she is, just look at hur thear, she a absolute beauty! and shes a floata too! me: *lowers scooper, turd slide off the edge* awhh shes a fisty one she is! ima grab her tail! me: * trys to come from below and scoop it up, turd veirs away* shes a quick won! HUHO QUICK! THE SHELA IS MAKIN A BREAK FOR IT! me: *finaly scoops turd* HE SCOOPS HE SCORES!!!!!! * turns around see's hot girls laughing at me* me: *looks at turd on the scooper* (theres not a hole deep enough for me to craw off in right now) *drops turd in trash* * relocks pool goes to desk to commit suicide* 20 min later me: *watching youtube, probably supercharger videos around that time* dag: HAY, YOU BACK THUR? ME: (maybe if i sit reeeeeeeal still he will not see me) dag: HAY! *leans around counter* me; (FUCK! IT SAW ME) me: yes sir how ma.... dag: LISTIN THE INTRANET DONT WERK, YOU GOT US UNDER THESE LOUD FUCKING PEOPLE , YOUR POOL IS CLOSED AND IT AINT EVEN TIME TO CLOSE IT AND TO TOP IT OFF NOW MY TV DONT WORK me:im sorry sir (no im not) but i cant move you to another roome because we are full. dag: WELL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS! I WANT A GWAD DAMND DISCOUNT! ME: (no you need to put a shirt on, no one needs to see your "DD" man titties!) im sorry sir theres nothing i can do, you will need to talk to the manager in the..... dag: I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY AND COME THE FUCK DOWN HERE TO TALK TO A MANAGER I WANT THIS SHIT FIXED NOW! me: (and i want a decent blow job from my wife, but that shit aint going to happen either) im sorry bud but i cant do anything until morni...... dag: YOU CAN ATLEAST OPEN UP THE FUCKING POOL! me: sir i cant op.....SURE THING! TELL YA WHAT IF IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY I WILL OPEN THE POOL JUST FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS BUT NO ONE ELSE, IS THAT OK? dag: now thats more like it *walks out the door* me: (BAWAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!) 15 MINS LATER. DAG AND HIS WIFE ARE SWIMIN IN THE POO WATER LAGOON *chis walks in with beer* chris: *stops, looks at the two fuckers swiming in the pool* you know its past 11 right? you not suppost to let people swim past 11 me; i know chris: oooookkkk why do they get to swim? me: because i hate them chris:sooo you hate them and they get to swim.....is that the motherfucker that yelled at me for the inter net not working? me: yup, and some one shit in there earlier to day too chris: *snots beer out his nose* HAHAHHA WHAT THE FUCK? me: yup, fuck them chris: thats sooooo wrong me: yup chris: your going to hell for this but it sooooo worth it /rant
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sl-walker · 7 years
do i even need to say who? (: (Breha, always)
do I like them:  Yes, absolutely.
5 good qualities:  Tough, brave, intelligent, funny, kind
3 bad qualities: Workaholic, stoic– I can’t honestly think of a third. o.O
favourite episode/etc:  We don’t get to see nearly enough of her, so I’ll go with writing my own stuff.
otp: Bail.
brotp:  This is a tough one, because I can see her taking Padme under a wing, and I’ll bet she’ll love Ahsoka, but I see both of those as being almost more mentorly than peer.  She would have some issues with Satine’s rulership, even if she would appreciate her dedication and pacifism as principle.  Bail is her best friend as well as husband, but it’s cheating to say brotp, so I’ll have to see what time shakes loose.  The cousin she lost referenced in Wild Space, maybe, but I haven’t explored that and might not get to.
ot3:  Need I say it?  Her, Bail and Maul in GoT:A.  They are a mix between deep kindness, playful flirting, they all balance well in terms of traits.
notp:  Anyone she’s ever been a teacher of.
best quote:  I only got my own shiz, so I’ll stick with, “Well, it could be worse.”  For now, anyway.  Because she knew instantly how to disarm the situation, how to make her future husband laugh – because he came off the transport looking incredibly nervous – showed off her dry, quick, opportunistic sense of humor and rounded it out with a devastatingly beautiful grin.
head canon:  Dedicated teacher.  Grew up like most noblewomen in terms of having a very privileged life, but after she finished her years as student teacher on Alderaan, she got drawn off-world and kept going further and further afield, into situations other teachers wouldn’t.  Places where all the local ones had been slaughtered by war.  Places where children lost parents and a teacher was the only person left to hug them and advocate for them.  Imma write something about this soon.  Anyway, she always had a strong spine, but this toughened her up in ways nothing else could.  She has some of her own lingering trauma symptoms over it, though she also has a pretty good handle on it.  She has nightmares sometimes.  Her dedication to Alderaan’s peace is largely because Bre knows how horrible war looks, but she also does understand when one needs to bring a gun to a knife fight.  She isn’t sheltered by the time the Rebellion rolls around.  She can sing the SW equivalent of jazz. XD (Like her actress.)  She loves flowers.  She has a ribbon plaited into her hair because her great-grandmother used to braid it that way with ancient hands, and these are her first memories from childhood.  She’s more naturally dominant in bed.  She is also a bit more adventurous, which makes it a good thing she married a guy who’s so happily indulgent.  The doctors can’t figure out the reasons for her miscarriages, and she doesn’t know, but it was something she was exposed to in a warzone which caused a genetic mutation; sometimes treatment managed to delay the rejection, but it inevitably happened anyway.  The last time, she nearly bled to death.  She didn’t blame Bail, but she was angry with him, but she never let him know she was.  She largely goes quiet when facing deep pains; she doesn’t think to reach out quite as much as she should.  She has a large heart and a great kindness, being cruel never crosses her mind, but she is harder than Bail is about some things, too; she’s more capable of turning off her feelings to make hard decisions, though she weighs those with her hard-won, hard-earned wisdom.  This is why she’s definitely a better monarch than he would have been.
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darkot · 8 years
I... am immensely pissed off right now.
I feel like I start every one of these entries like that, but... GOD DAMNIT!
For a year.. an entire fucking year, I had been meaning to make a Phoenix Wright painting with Edgeworth and Von Karma as the subjects and post it on December 28th, 2016--the date of the final in-game case--as an homage to the amazing game series that I fell in love with earlier that year. And I fucking missed it.
You can’t comprehend the deep seeded rage that stirs inside of me as of writing this. I just.. holy fuck, dude. I have no words.
It’s not just that, but a lot of other stuff going on that has been incredibly frustrating. I literally just realized the whole missed painting thing moments before writing this. That was just icing on the anger cake.
I worked for about 7 or so hours on the next storyboard for the film project I’m working on. Nothing inherently went bad with that, it’s just... my lack of speed is showing. I’m only billing the guy I’m working for, for 4 hours, because at some point I need to concede that it is my own lack of skill that caused it to take as long as it did. Granted, it was a very complex board. But still, it’s just.. argh.
I just finished watching the last dubbed season of One Piece last night, which was the final episodes before the time skip. Even though I already adored that show, that season was fucking astounding. I would go on to praise it further, if it wasn’t for this seething wrath that is currently dominating my mind.
The general theme towards the end of the season was that all of the main characters recognized that they needed to get stronger to tackle the challenge ahead of them: The New World. It was strangely coincidental because that’s a lot of how I’ve been thinking lately. Not that I need to get stronger in the physical sense, but.. I want to hone my skills further. I need to get better if I want to go where I want to go in the world. As of right now, I’m too weak.
Another thing that’s pissing me off: I ordered two art figures back in November, and they still haven’t arrived. Figma Archetype: He, and Figma Archetype: She. I figured that they would help a lot in drawing those story boards. But so far, they haven’t helped at all because they haven’t arrived! It is t-minus ten days until I can complain about it to the site I bought it from. I already tried emailing them to ask if they could contact the shipping company and make sure that it left Japan, to which they essentially told me to fuck off until 60 days had passed. So, I’ve been waiting.. and waiting... and waiting. And nothing. The tracking info for this type of shipping only has four entries. When it is processed in Japan, when it has left Japan, when it has arrived in Canada, and when it has been delivered.So far, it has gone through the first two.. but it apparently “left Japan” on the 16th of November. So, if the tracking info is to be believed, it has been in transit for nearly two whole months. That.. seems rather unlikely. But okay. January 15th. It’s still got time. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and it will be delivered? I’ve been saying that to myself every day for the past eight weeks. But maybe tomorrow will ACTUALLY be the day.
Don’t even get my started about Overwatch. Again, nothing inherently bad has been going on with it. I ended today at 3070, which I’m pretty okay with. But the last match before me and my group ended really got under my skin. Or rather, somebody on the enemy team did, which I honestly don’t care to admit. 
We were on Lijiang Tower. They were playing Reaper. I was playing Reaper. I was absolutely decimating him when we 1v1′d during the match. However, they ended up winning that round, so that gave him ground to start trash talking out of saltiness. Then, during the second round, I concede that I did absolutely nothing. Their team was too coordinated for me to be effective, and he won most of our encounters. So, he pushed it further and just kept goading me and goading me. I was honestly getting really annoyed. At this point, I hadn’t said a single word to him, but he was just making this a dick measuring contest. So, I switched to Pharah. At that point, I was absolutely slaying. I started the third round with 11 kills and ended with 37. I landed two direct rockets on an enemy Pharah that I don’t even know how I hit. For the second one I had to turn around 180 degrees and aim up above me.. it was weird that I was able to instinctively predict that, that is where they would be. I just trusted myself to land the shot and got it. From the kill cam on their end though, they must have though I was using some sort of bot, haha.
We won the next two rounds, and then it was tied 2-2. At this point that guy had all but shut up because we were making a big comeback. And in the final round, I choked. Fucking hard. It was a very close game. We had 90% on the point, they had 99%. At the very end, they started to make this last push. Their Pharah came in, and she had a Mercy pocketing her. Even though I had been doing insanely well up to that point, something about that just made me.. panic. I don’t like fighting a Pharah+Mercy combo as a Pharah without a Mercy. I am confident in Pharah vs. Pharah battles. I don’t like Pharah+Mercy vs. Pharah+Mercy, but I can deal with it. But Pharah+Mercy vs. Pharah is the worst thing as the lone Pharah. That said, I definitely had a disproportionate reaction. I saw the Pharah with the Mercy beam on here, and something in my brain said “I know, I can win this encounter my ulting them. I ult, am immediately two shot and downed by the damage boosted Pharah, their team capitalizes on the pick, rest of my team goes down, and we lose.
Nobody says anything. Not even that dickhead Reaper from earlier. But I have been beating myself up about that ever since it happened three hours ago. That could have definitely been a win. Perhaps we were going to lose no matter what happened, but I more or less sealed our defeat with possibly the worst ult that I have ever done in Overwatch. I don’t know what I was thinking. I had this sense of needing to carry because the other DPS wasn’t doing a whole lot. I guess my brain went “If I die to this Pharah+Mercy, we’re done for.” Talk about your self-fulfilling prophecy... god, that was stupid. I ended with 49 elims, which frankly is pretty decent. I was doing well that game. Up until the very end. But that’s just.. not good enough. I don’t settle for doing well and then messing up. It’s extremely aggravating to me. It sucks when it is somebody else who makes the mistake, but when I’M the one who throws the game, that feeling of failure is the worst..
So, mark that as another display of inadequacy today, along with how long it took me to finish that picture.
Though this hasn’t just been today, I’m having writers block when it comes to a character for that AQ3D series I’m working on. That has been bugging me for a week now. But DING DING DING, we’ve got three! That’s three areas that I’ve done shitty in lately! Do I hear four? Well, I haven’t streamed in over a month either because I still haven’t worked out the “second entity” idea.
I don’t know, man. My mind’s just feeling so polarized right now. Technically, I’m getting shit done. I finished a storyboard. I went up about 60 SR in Overwatch today. I am two lessons away from completing one of my school courses. But.. it’s just not good enough. That board shouldn’t have taken that long. I should have went up 90 SR today. I should already be done those final two lessons.
Like.. fuck, man. I.. I just want to get to a point where I’m satisfied with how I’m doing. People are right when they tell me that I’m my biggest critic. But that’s why I draw, and that’s why I play Overwatch competitively. To prove something to myself. That I can make a picture that I consider beautiful, or to reach master rank. Whenever I take on a challenge such as these, or entering an art contest (which I haven’t done in years at this point o.O), or auditioning for a voice acting role, or accepting my friend’s offer to do storyboards for the film series.. it’s to prove to myself that I can do it. That if I put my mind to it, that I can accomplish this, because my mind is great. That if I try my heart out, that I can succeed, because my heart is strong. But time and time again, I only end up disappointing myself. I always get in reach of that horizon, but always fall short. My family has always told me that I make them proud, but.. I haven’t ever managed to make myself proud.
The worst part is seeing my potential, and not reaching it. Like that 180 upwards airshot on that Pharah. That is possibly the craziest thing that I have ever done in Overwatch (I really wish I was recording/streaming, so I had it saved =/). Or the painting I did of Notch that blew up on Twitter (not in terms of skill, because that picture was god awful. But in terms of the response people had to it). Or getting 10 Twitch followers in 2 days. Sometimes, I feel like such a one hit wonder.
Aside from individual ambitions, I worry that it taints my overall dreams too. The other day, a friend on my team was going through a rough time. They were really down on themselves because of things their family was saying about them, and because of their own personal opinion of themselves. I gave a pretty long speech to them in our Discord text channel to try and lift their spirits. This, was that message: “It's not that big of a deal, Wild.. I was below 3000 just a couple days ago. Hell, I think I dipped into the 2800s last week. SR will fluctuate. Wildly, at times (hue hue). It's natural. 
You can't let your Overwatch rank be a measure of your personal skill. In-game, or out-of-game. Back in season 1, I was determined to reach top 500 because I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of doing it. That if I really set my mind to it and tried my heart out, that I could reach that goal. What I came to realize though, was that competitive Overwatch is one of the worst things to base any sort of personal merit on. At the end of the day, it is a team game. No matter how well you do, you alone can not determine the outcome of a game. It is a collective effort made by all 6 people. This is even true when you are playing with us. Sometimes, we'll be having a bad day. But you can't let that make you think that it was your fault. You're only one man. 
Likewise, sometimes you'll be having a bad day too. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Everybody does. We can even have a bad week or a bad month. But no matter what's going on, whether it's on your end or you're having a stroke of bad luck with team mates, that still doesn't say anything about you, or what you are capable of. 
Through sheer will, you can do a lot of things. Single handedly winning a comp match is not one of them, however. That's like trying to win a football game on your own. It just doesn't work without teammates that are also on their A-game.
IRL, you aren't a failure either. You're only a failure if you give up. But we're all here. We're all trying our best each and every day, and that's all that anyone can fairly ask of you. Nobody has all of the answers and goes through life without a single bump in the road. All of us, even our predecessors, blindly walk forward and just.. try. Sometimes it doesn't work out. Or, sometimes, our best efforts at accomplishing something are slow. But that's FINE. Millions before you have gone through the same, and millions have come out of it alright. 
 "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." - Lao Tzu 
No matter what's going on, I know you're doing fine, Wild. People may judge or criticize--even those close to us--but as long as you're taking one step every day (doesn't matter if it's forward or backward), then you're doing your part. Be kind to yourself.”
I was worried that the others wouldn’t be too happy about the wall of text, but the response was overwhelmingly positive. They were all telling me how brilliant and beautiful what I wrote was. (One even said to remember them when I’m famous, which was really out of nowhere o.o) That was one of those periodic reminders that I have the ability to change minds. Something in my delivery, or the way I speak, or the way I act makes people listen to me. I’ve made bigots think critically, I’ve made the pessimistic dare to hope, I’ve made the fearful test their courage. But, in this instance, the one person who I was trying to touch with my writing, the friend who was having trouble, didn’t respond positively. It did not seem to lift their spirits much at all. Once again, another example of seeing what potential there is, and not quite meeting it.
That’s the type of thing that makes me fear that I won’t succeed in my dream of changing society for the better. It seems like, no matter what it is, I am always one step short. What if my work doesn’t touch the lives that I’m intending to? Maybe it too will fall short of achieving greatness, as its creator does.
God, Herman Tech messed me up. This is like.. a psychological scar from that experience. I see more failure in myself than I know is there in reality. I just.. want better, for myself.
In a lot of these situations, it feels like it’s me, holding myself back. That if I could let go and be more expressive in my artwork, and trust my instincts when taking shots in OW, and just.. generally be me, totally uninhibited... that I could accomplish so much more. But, for my whole life, I have put on faces for people. I adapt my personality to whoever I’m talking to, so we both have the smoothest interaction possible. At this point, after doing that for so many years, I don’t know who “totally uninhibited me” is. I have a VERY vague sense of that. But I’ve been out of touch with myself for a long time, now. I’ve developed my philosophies and thoughts, but I’m still very distant from my soul. My being. That’s a large part of the discord that I’ve felt stirring inside of me. I think too much, but I really don’t know how to do anything else.
Well, tomorrow’s another day. Maybe those figures will arrive...
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Promo time!!
Oof her body
SLFJGHSKDHS wait all the ghosts??
Oh okay just Nancy xD presumably
LOL that's wild
Oh my gosh xD
Okay that's the last of my last thoughts!! Now time for a little. . .
Not as formal as any of the ones I say REVIEW for, even Abbott lol
Honestly I'd been hoping for something like that but they really committed o.o
I do think a full commitment would've been cool but I really miss Flower xdd :( and also I feel like there's a lot that could still be done with her character
If it takes more than just next episode to find her though that'd be cool! And even these four episodes without her has been interesting :o!
(makes me think of that sound lol. I don't remember what the name is but it's a tiktok sound xD)
That's just absolutely wild lol, I hope she sticks around xD but not for like, too long lol
She seems annoying xD
Also poor Sam and Jay with their friends xdd they didn't deserve that :(
I was just DYING throughout the entirety of this episode lol. Even throughout the cringe of second-hand embarrassment lol. Afterwards my mom even asked me if my show was funny or something like that when she came out here because I had been laughing so much lol. It was really just an amazing episode xD. Also Jay digging up Flower's death site for Sam 🥰🥰 we love a man like him /hj. Half joking because it wasn't just for her xD. Although the "because once my wife fell down the stairs" was so real and accurate 💀 xD.
All the ghosts were living for the chaos this episode and I was living for it xD. I mean, they usually are lol, but they had the especially sneaky drams-loving ones mainly involved lol. That certainly did not help Sam and Jay xD.
Also their poor friends xD. Thinking the entire (okay well like half) the time that they were gonna be murdered 💀. That's what you get for making slightly weird comments guys xD. Jokes in the moment, threats/promises later lol.
Now here's what I'm wondering: if Flower's still a ghost (I was gonna say alive dead again because alive was my go to but I've said that a lot lol), what was the pillar of light? They said one of the basement ghosts didn't disappear, and Crash was there, so: who was it?
Wait- they checked Stephanie right? o.o I remember she was in the preview so I think she was mentioned? But uh oh o.o
Hm! I don't know. Anyway, I might have more to say later, but I need to go eat and this is all I have in my brain right now lol :D.
So, yeah!! It was an absolutely amazing episode, I really liked it :). Halloween in March could've felt a little weird, but it was really fun lol!! Probably helped it not feel to out of town by the fact that Halloween wasn't a big focus (stuff happened and worked because of Halloween, but the focus was the stuff, ig, if that makes sense) lol. Anyway!! Everybody slayed this episode :DD. And just once again OH MY GOSH FLOWER AND CAROL ARE GHOSTS!! Flower still, because SHE'S ALIVE (DEAD)!! Still shocked over that lol. The well makes total sense though, poor girl xd. Love her <3 🥰. Also she sounded so scared down there 😭🥺. Poor girlie <33. But, yeah, I loooved this episode :D. It was so good!!
See you guys next time!!
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Okay never made a post for the last episode (episode 8) but quuick little thing:
I knew that girly was suspicious xd. Didn't know it was this BUT I KNEW
Anyway, Chenford is still hurting me <33, Tim I am stressed for you, and poor Nolan and Bailey :((. I'm sure they'll figure either out, it does just suck though <33. I think it's for the best not to do IVF, though. It'll work out besties :)). Anyway, glad to see Wesley this episode 🥰🥰. And AAAHHHH the Wopez moments (just a couple) :DDD!! I love them so much <333 🥰🥰. Angela and Nyla were icons as always, and I'm SO glad they're onto Monica o.o. Like they don't know all the tea but they're suspicious on her like a fly on butter. Idk that's what my brain decided to say just go with it xd.
Anyhoo! Celina and Aaron ate it up as always :D, and it was fun seeing Lucy and Celina together!! They, Lucy especially, ate up that interrogation 😌😌❤️ o.o. I love them all so much :D!
I really liked the main plot/event this episode. The gang war in the hospital was really cool :O, and it kind of had this cool bottle episode effect to it! That's always fun, if done right :D. I just loved everybody in the same place - even Luna :). Who slayed by the way! And Gray as well, love seeing their little moments <3. But yeah, crazy all around but a super fun time :D.
So yeah! Absolutely WILD episode, I am stressed for the next one o.o. But I'm excited! We'll see where it all goes :D.
See you next time!
0 notes
OOP Bobby o.o
I thought he was supposed to be a burn unit nurse FROM that time but oh gosh he was a victim :OO that makes so much more sense
Not that I thought it didn't but my gosh o.o
Also gosh that it's ten years ago xd 😭
Especially when I was recently rewatching some season too, specifically the Begins episodes (though others too), and Bobby's (I specify since I believe that was season 3)
Is Bobby finding out like this too by the way o.o
AOUGH y'all stressing o.o
OOP Bobby D:
Fair but gosh :((
Bobby where are you
Y'all I be stressing 😭😭 xdd o.o
Also forgot about these one plot promos xdd wild lol
Gosh o.o
Scared thank you xdd xD
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts, so now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was amazing :D. There were a lot of great plots going on (okay right now for Eddie's I'm just confused and mad at him but that's besides the point xD it was wild so I'll count it as good because entertaining lol, it better go somewhere good though I'm also counting it for that), but Jennifer absolutely CARRIED this episode :O :D. Girl is an icon <33. And of course so is Maddie :') 🥰🥰. Henren may be committing crimes (as in they might be crimes) but we love them xD :D. Lol xD. All these idiots on this show I swear lol. But ah, I love them <3. Maddie and Chimney were not idiots this episode though to be clear they were icons <33. Anyway xD. Some really interesting plots, great storytelling all around (that's just what my brain decides to say just go with it ik it's kinda strange), and some great moments for everybody even if they weren't really in a main plot today :D. Also I'm stressing about Bobby o.o some really cool moments there too. But yeah, great all around!!
Okayy the next episode's in an hour so lol! Time for individual parts.
Bobby and Athena! They were great as always :D. Athena slayed the investigating! And Bobby coming in with the baby :'). I'M STRESSED THOUGH Y'ALL 😭😬. Anyway, I love them <33.
Tommy! I miss you 😔 xD.
Buck! Didn't see him much but he slayed :D. The scene with him and Christopher and Eddie at the end was :')). They're so silly your honor <33. I love him so much :'D.
Eddie! BOYYYYY. Someone stop this insane man 😭. Just realized I'm gonna have to deal with this again in an hour xd. Anyway, what the heck is going on o.o. His storyline was absolutely wild 😭. I'm glad we're addressing his grief but my gosh o.o xd. Anyway, lol, I love him xd. Usually <3. Nah but for real what's going on bro xD. He better be hallucinating or something I swear 😭 xd.
Hen and Karen! Y'all why are you being stalkers xD. Nah but genuinely I'm glad they were fighting for Mara :')). And AAHHHH I'M SO GLAD SHE AND HER BROTHER GOT TO SEE EACH OTHER :'DDD!! I hope the dad is okay with it so it can keep happening, not him find out and stop it or anything <3. It really is good for both of them :')). Anyway, I just love their little family <33. They ain't perfect but they try their best and Then and Karen fight for their kids and it's just so beautiful :')). I love them so much <33.
Maddie and Chimney! Y'all the FEELS they were making me feel this episode 😭😭😭🥺💔🥰. Jennifer absolutely ate, carried. She was so amazing :D. But seriously it was heartbreaking 😭😭 and then seeing Chimney support her and listen to her 🥺🥺🥺😭❤️ he is perfect <3. And they slayed so hard figuring out the abduction!! I'm so glad everybody ended up okay :'DD. They really figured that out, ate that for real 🥰🥰. Also the whole thing about the woman in the passenger seat :'(((( 😭😭😭🥺💔💔❤️. So good <333. I'm so glad they have each other <33 :'D. Also that scene with Jee-Yun at the end was absolutely adorable 😭😭❤️❤️🥺🥰. And Chim just looking on with how much he loves them in his eyes :')). Y'all I love them so much <333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was super good, and the acting especially was just on point (though of course it always is). It also set up some really interesting things for next time, which, while I'm scared about, could be really cool :O xd. And the calls were great! I'm so glad the main girl from the call and her baby are doing alright <33. They went through a lot but they'll be okay :')). The moment of her seeing her again and then reuniting was just so amazing 😭😭🥺🥰❤️. But anyway, everybody did great figuring it out, and just in this episode in general :'D. Don't know what Eddie's doing though lol, though he did do well on the calls xD.
So yeah! It was amazing, I really loved this episode. Certainly a wild one though. I'm excited and nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 7: Ghost of a Second Chance
It was really great! I'm so excited for the next one but I have no clue how it's gonna turn out. This is gonna be wild. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 8: Step Nine
See you next week!
0 notes
Ohhh it's the bachelor party lol thaaat makes sense
Oh gosh o.o
Guys you look so bad xDD
Uhhh oh
She shouldn't have to be but xd
Anyway 🥰🥰
OPE call center o.o
LOL nope yeah not her xD
Go off guys <33
Also Hen looks so pretty
And MADDIEEE don't even get me started <333 beautiful :'))
Ohh goshh guys 😭 not okayyy :'))
"I have somewhere to be" SIRRR 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh my gosh what the heck 😭😭 xd
And I thought no wedding (at least of what I watch or this universe) could be more dramatic than the Lone Star wedding xd
Though to be fair that's wedding week lol
Oh gosh xd
Wow lol
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! AAHHHHHH it was so good :'DDD.
OKAY HI it's me from the 2nd lol. The next episode is in two hours so I better hurry this up xD forgive me if I miss things lol.
Everybody was great this episode! I'm glad everything worked out in the end - or rather, the directly before end, because the end was kinda wild xD. Fun to have a preview at the end of the episode lol! Anyway, the calls were great this episode too :D. And the first one was so hilarious oh my gosh xD 💀. Poor guys lol.
Anyway! Onto the individual parts :).
Hen and Karen! I'm so happy they were able to get a kid :'D AAHHHH!!! I do feel awful for Mara though D:. Her whole story was super traumatic :((. I really appreciate Hen, Karen, and Denny being so supportive though <33. Even through midnight stalking and screaming, and getting hit in the head, they're all there for her. At the same time, I really appreciate that Hen and Karen remembered their duty to Denny. The reason they were genuinely considering asking for help/giving up Mara was Denny's safety, and I love that they were thinking about that <3. However, I'm still glad Maras sticking around :')). Also AAAHHHH Karen getting her to talk at the end :'D. I imagine it'll still be real slow going but it's a start <3. Also the video feed was such a sweet and understanding gesture :'). I love them all so much <33. Welcome to the family Mara :'D 🥰.
Bobby and Athena! We didn't see them much (iirc) but they were awesome :D. We love Bobby calling out Eddie too 👀. Needed to be said xD. Also him suggesting Eddie go to confession SLFJDKGS he is an icon <33. Anyway, I'm glad they're doing okay (and they looked beautiful at the end by the way, in the flash forward to the wedding), and they were amazing :D. Slaying as always. I love them <33.
Ravi! He is an icon as always <33. Sir has never known a thing going on ever and I love him for that :D. I also love him besides that lol. Anyway, loverly <33.
Maddie and Chimney!! Y'all I am so not ready for the next episode xdd. I live in fear lol. Still, they are of course adorable and they did of course slay <33. And Buck's coming out to Maddie :'DD!! I love that it was just a slip lol xD. Also, I'm glad we got to see the confusion and surprise because even though we love supportive reactions I need a little bit of that in my life too slfkdjhs lol. But, still, she was supportive :'D 🥰🥰. Also Maddie immediately asking for more information on the hot pilot :')) <3 she's so sweet, and iconic. I love her so much <33. And of course, I love Maddie and Chimney (and Chim individually lol) so much <333.
Eddie! My idiots <3 xD. Sir xD. He was really going through it this episode sdlfkdhjs, but just the "do I have to go home 👀?"s and such were so good xDD. Bro was going to GREAT LENGTHS to avoid his girlfriend lol. Anyway, the revelation that Marisol was a nun was wild o.o. It's not a bad thing, it was just definitely a surprise xD. I am glad it all worked out though :)). I understand where Eddie's coming from, but I'm glad he wants to keep their relationship going and just have some time with it :'). Also "was he not before?" "now it feels like he's got eyes on the ground" is still SO FUNNY SDLGKHDS XDD lol. Anyway, Marisol's emotions 🥺🥺. Again, I'm really glad Eddie reacted okay in the end, for her <33 she deserves it :). Also I'm glad they're moving back out (well she is, but yk moving in together moving out of living together slfjskd). They're not ready for that yet, and I'm glad they can admit it :). Anyway, I love them <3.
Buck and Tommy! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD!!! Y'all they are so cute 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥺. I could talk about them for hours but I will limit myself xD. Okay, so first of all, I've barely watched that date scene (most of it) again because it gave me such bad second hand embarrassment xD. He's just a bit of an idiot your honor <33. Now, here's something I will say: I do think Tommy was telling the truth later when he said he didn't wanna pressure Buck. But I feel like that was part of the reason xD. It's perfectly okay if he was miffed! Or if he just didn't want to put himself back in the closet, or at least be pushed that far away by Buck's overreaction xD. He's allowed to have flaws (though that isn't even a flaw). Like I said, I think it was multiple things, but he's allowed to be annoyed lol. I do think he should've made it clear earlier, but hey xd. Once again, he ain't perfect. Poor Buck though :((. I understand why Tommy did it but Buck 😭💔❤️. Anyway, I'm so happy that Buck told Maddie first :'D. Even if it was an accident, which was hilarious xD. But he was pretty comfortable with it afterwards anyway, and I'm so happy for him :')).
Buck trying to help/listen to Eddie was wild xD. Mainly because the cause of Eddie going through it was wild, but eh lol. It was hilarious though XD. And then again at the end lol, Eddie's hiding at Buck's apartment. Buck seems even more carefree now, even while still being nervous about telling Eddie in that scene, and it's just so sweet :')). Anyway, the coming out scene. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH AUGAHH IT WAS JUST SO GOOD 😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰!!! Once again, I LOVE that we got to see Eddie's shock but still his support :). And that most of his shock was about Tommy at first xD. Amazing lol. But seriously that "This doesn't change a thing between us" was everything Buck needed to hear :')). And AAAHHHHHHH "I can't stop thinking about him" STOPPP they're so cute 😭😭😭🥺🥰 :'D. And Eddie telling him to call Tommy :')). Plus we LOVE Buck turning that back on him lol. Friends helping friends with their relationship problems by needing the exact same advice 😌😌 xD. And. That HUG!!! YOUR HONOR THEY'RE SO ADORABLE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!! It was perfect and I love them so much <33. And the last little "Call Tommy" :')).
And of course, we cannot forget the last scene (before the wedding preview). AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SIR YOU DON'T U N D E R S T A N D 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺!!! HE INVITED HIM TO COFFEE AND HE TRIED TO GET HIS ORDER RIGHT AND TOLD HIM THAT HE'S NOT SURE BUT HE WANTS TO TRY WITH HIM AND AAAUAGHHHH-!! I love them so much <33. But seriously, Tommy is the sweetest and Buck is the most earnest person ever :')). This is just another example of him absolutely wearing his heart on his sleeve and putting it out there. Also Tommy's "Mmh, so not like that" was so funny oh my gosh xDDD. Anyway, I'm so glad Buck asked him to meet and he agreed :')). Buck saying he wasn't sure but that the something could be with Tommy is just the sweetest thing ever I 😭😭😭 my gosh <333. And then AAAHHHH INVITING HIM TO THE WEDDINGGGG :'DDD and Tommy's shock and Buck saying he'll already know half the people there lol xD. And then Tommy asking Buck if he's sure because he always checks with him and just auoagh :')). And the HAND HOLD!!!!!! Don't even talk to me <333. I love them so much <333.
Overall, I loved this episode so much!! It was SO good, and everyone did really great in general :'D. The ending was wild o.o but they also all look beautiful :'D. And even throughout all the drama (though let's be honest, I enjoy that too lol) I am SO excited for the next episode :DD!!! Anyway, the calls today were great, and really fit the episode (like with Hen's call with the dog). And the first one was just straight up hilarious xD. All the little details and expressions are amazing lol. Anyway, I'm glad everything worked out :)).
So yeah! I really enjoyed the episode, I thought it was amazing. So many cute moments! I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 5: You Don't Know Me
It was so good!! I'm so excited for the next episode but also absolutely terrified. I'll be back next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 6: There Goes The Groom
See you then!
0 notes