#this is a lot of shows (seasons) ending at one for me 😭 xD
OOP dang o.o
Yeah go off Aaron 😤😤😌
It's not like a friendship (though they kinda had one) but getting betrayed by your therapist must be such a weird hurtful thing :((
Ahh nice :o :D well at least we got stuff out of her :)) and while she's alive lol
Okay that's good <3
Phew :'))
And yeah Bailey xDD
I hope we don't have to deal with Jason tonight 😭 like before the end of this episode xd
Yeahh she's out there in the middle of nowhere somewhere 😬
Hmm unless she talks her way out of it again xD
Angela last time you did that your enemy vowed revenge and set a hitman after your husband and child xdd xD
Maybe let's not lol
The others want in though, you really did have to call dibs xD
Aww hey guys :'o :')))
Lol xD
Hey you deserve it, you guys both do lol
Weird elevator noise there, kinda satisfying though
Aww yeah :'))
Lol yeah xD it's nice that he can be honest about it though :')))
AWW yeahh :')) y'all :'D 😭😭❤️
AWWW honeyy 🥺🥺❤️😭
Ik they're not about to get back together but is he about to apologize and like, vow to make up for it?? Idek-
Awww 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭💔❤️❤️
AWWW honeyyy 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️ :'(( DD':
Bro you're the one that broke up with her like yes what she allows but you can make up some of the distance you created yourself 😭😭
I'm struggling to express what I mean bc I know he is just just xdd like you broke up with her, it's not like she didn't want you around you know lol? Even if she's reasonably upset about it now xdd and you were fighting
Guagh anyway xdd at least we got some closure for them this season lol xd 😭
OOP hey guys o.o
Oughh noo 😭😭😭 >:((
Just them getting out of general xDD
But also. . . wesley angst 😏😌👀
Eh it won't be after this xD
Lol yeah xD
As if you guys aren't going to the same place xD
Unless he just goes off to some random place and disappears lol
That would be wild xD rarely or never to be seen again LOL
I sincerely doubt it but you know XD
Awww hey guys :'))
Lol fair Bailey xD though he did t exactly have a choice in the matter slfkjdgs
Didn't know that was it xD
Eh close enough
Oof lol
I know the feeling of a laugh pain xD from like being hurt in the wrong area lol (though I have not been shot in the side xD)
Aww ayy :'))
LOL she also compiled xDD
Awww y'all :')))
I was thinking you'd say what age lol, but yeah that's important too :o
Is it gonna be Jason as him o.o
OOPE no wait he's probably telling them of him getting out of jail O.O
And then he breaks in two seconds later lol xD not enough time of a warning
But eh maybe (HOPEFULLY PLEEASE) it is xdd
And good thing we're mentioning Oscar too o.o 😬😬
Yeahhh uh oh is right xdd
From their faces lol
Y'all I'm stressed xD
But also. . . once again. . . the angst 😏😏👀👀😌
I love me some good angst, especially involving Oscar even if it doesn't directly involve Wesley because I can pretend it does xD but also it might 👀👀👀😌 :DD
I know they said maybe or even probably not by the end of the season but my gosh 😭😭😭
Going with Xochtil or Samara y'all xdd not even a guess I'm just deciding lol /lh
Anyway I think we could get a Wesley/Wopez storyline out of this, especially since it'll be next season 👀👀 I mean it's been a while for them, right :D?
Although waiting for Elijah and Oscar at the same time could be cool, and we may want to wait a little longer for that lol. Maybe Elijah from prison, or Oscar laying low for a while? Aeh idk :))
Anyway! I've been chatting a lot lol, but official/full review coming out later (probably in a few days) :D
I love you all!!
See you next time for that :)) 🥰!
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mislamicpearl · 2 months
Thoughts and favorite moments from LMK season 5, eps 8-10 (finale):
Spoilers galore below:
Somehow Nezha calling MK a child is so cute X3
Glad his dad isn't a full on bad guy, though I think he turned around a little fast. Granted we don't want to waste too much time on this.
The Pigsy huggg!😭😭😭
And the mastermind is... a Serpentine! Seriously, my sisters and I made up whole (unserious) theories on the spot there about this guy either coming from or pre-dating Ninjago. My favorite is that the cave he was talking about was the one the Anacondrai were trapped in - he managed to escape to the Ninjago realm before Pythor cannibalized the whole tribe.😆
"Wow, I'm very used to all of our enemies just being like, recycled your old enemies?" "Or like your ex-best friend." Hahaha
Hmm so this guy knew Wukong before, interesting...I just find it kind of funny that this guy (sorry I just couldn't catch his name) that his whole evil motivation is that he wants to just.. eff off.😆
Macaque trying so hard to stop MK sacrificing himself, again I can't believe how far their relationship has come since his first appearance. 😭
"That power. Who gave that to you? Who'd you make a deal with?" "A deal..?" I'M FROTHING AT THE MOUTH, ARE WE ACTUALLY GOING TO GET MORE ABOUT MACAQUE'S POWERS IN THE FUTURE??
Mei trying to straight up bite the snake guy XD
Macaque looking back at Wukong for a moment and seeing how desperate he is to save the kid before breaking them out of their bonds again😫
What did he do to Serpentine guy though??? Seriously give us the Macaque lore already!!!
So usually I HATE the trope of the hero insisting that there's no other way to save the day except to sacrifice themselves and pushing away their friends' efforts to save them... but here I'm kind of on MK's side with this one. They didn't exactly have a lot of time to figure out another way to stop the world from literally breaking apart.
That whole MK and Wukong fight put me in mind of Clint and Natasha from Avengers End Game trying to stop each other from killing themselves, which unfortunately means it was a little comical on top of being emotional.
But let's talk about how Wukong loves MK so much that even though he's so scared of death, to the point of making himself immortal, he still decided to take his place instead.😭
Man... Wukong's guttural screams... cartoons rarely let characters show this much raw primal emotion, probably so as not to upset kids too much, so whenever you do see it you know things have gotten serious.
The fact that Macaque said Wukong's name instead of MK's tells me that he KNEW he would sacrifice himself in MK's place😭
Speaking of raw emotion, man... MK choking up with relief that his friends would be okay was just heart breaking.
So, not that I would've WANTED the "cycle" to renew itself or whatever, but... and this is most definitely just the religious side of me speaking here, I don't know that anyone else will agree with me... but I'm getting a little tired of shows letting the main characters decide the fate of the world based on what THEY want. Like, messages about standing up for your freedom, that's all well and good when it's in terms of rebelling against corruption and oppression, things that humans do to each other. But defying the very way your world is made, messing with the natural order of things because you personally don't like it... that's just arrogant and selfish. People in reality already think they can push the boundary of life and nature however they like; if some things weren't literally impossible, like coming back from the dead, humans would definitely do everything and anything they wanted and excuse themselves on the basis of wanting absolute freedom. That's why there ARE limits, and personally, I'm not a fan of seeing them being challenged as a good thing so often in almost every modern story ever. Wanting things your own way no matter what rules you break is a villain mindset (pretty much what the Serpentine guy's motivation was). I can kind of excuse MK here for the fact that the cycle wasn't supposed to start this early and what he's doing is just putting things back on the right track... whatever, guess I just wanted to get that off my chest, rant over.
Back to fluffy wholesome moments - Wukong crying and saying "I got you" to MK after catching him!!😭😭😭
And more group hugs🥹 This is probably like the third or fourth of this season??
Toy Story 3 moment of everyone holding hands and accepting their fate...
Yes I DID pay attention to which stone lights went to which characters... and that Mei's went to Red Son, and Pigsy's went to Chang'e, AND WUKONG'S WENT TO MACAQUE!!
Oh yeah nope, we just CAN'T end the season without giving MK something to worry and feel guilty about for next time!
Wukong tearing up saying "I don't want to lose you" MY HEART😭
Bro, this show... every season has been peak so far.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping.
ok so, its the 40th annivercery!! its not offical as the show was off the air at the time, but still!!!! every single companion and doctor actor Big Finish managed to get they got!! but do they play their parts? ...actually not really! here we have the end of an arc that two seasons coming, Charley and 8 has been through a lot, and at this point their story comes to a starteling and rather horrid conclusion! (OR IS IT?) Charley, who has been rescued from death by the eight doctor, rescuing her when he was not supposed to, has been through a lot, and even as that got solved last episode, by saving her from becoming a portal of death to galifray (a long and better constracted story XD), the doctor and the tardis has sufferd a huge explosen of an anti time bomb! making the doctor to become infected with an anti time infection! making him concive himself as the childhood time lord rhyme known as Zagreus! so now he must distory the entire univerce hahaha, because apperently Rassilon, ie one of the og creatorss of galifray socity wants to make the doctor into Zagrues so he can use him to distroy his emenies!! by distroying him body and soul!!! but what's this??? his former selfes as random people around the time stream coming in with the steal chair????? all led by a very rightfully annoyed Charley because the doctor refused to kill her as she asked because she loves him???? what the fuck will happen next!! all led delightfuly by Romana and Leela, and K9, and a rather jealous and EVIL tardis played by the Brigadier himself!! in between this 3 HOUR LONG epic and delightful advanture, apart from the absolote chaos of the event, you will get a suprisingly beutifull speaches filled with exploration of the meaning of love, of friendship! of a love so strong that it shall forfit between dimantions and also canon, the doctor explores what it actually means to be in love with a companion! and Charley, explores what it means to love him even more strongly back! what it means to be the doctor!! and the fact that the distruction of the tardis is actuall the thing stopping him from completely losing himself to loss and grief 😭, the absolote hammering in of the fact the coraption of time lord scoaity and Rasilon's bigotry, and finally someone understands that if you corrupt the Doctor, you have the absolotle potancial to distroy the entire univerce!! Paul Mcgann screaming for amazing hours, as he has the best time playing the baddy and people who are not the doctor!! India Fisher as Charley giving it her all and being amazing at it!! (also the fact that this delightful story is the leadthrough to one of the most terrefying stories of doccy who history, Scherzo! as it explores the themes of this story in a much more detailed way! but that's a horrefying story for another day XD) (@geronimomo-spd )
The 30th anniversary special is overly long and complicated but mostly it is INSANE ! Alice in Wonderlands, giant animatronic rabbits, Vampires and an evil doctor who hAMS it up,,,,that and 4 different doctors as well as TONS of companions plus the Briggs who is actually the TARDIS. it makes no sense! Compels me tho. Everyone says it with me : Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus Sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping It's the best anniversary special day of the doctor whomst ? (@gnougnouss )
Once upon a time...
There were two friends, and together they travelled the cosmos. They thwarted tyrants and defeated monsters, they righted wrongs wherever they went. They explored the distant future and the distant past, new worlds and galaxies, places beyond imagining.
But every good story has to come to an end.
With no times or places left to explore, all the two friends have now are each other. But maybe that's one voyage too many. Maybe they'll discover things they'd rather have left undisturbed... hidden away in the suffocating, unfeeling, deafening brightness.
Once upon a time. Far, far away.
It’s a great and fucked up dissection of the Doctor and Charley’s relationship, with a healthy dose of body horror (anonymous)
you will never look at the handshake emoji the same way again (october)
Really creative concept. Puts 8 and Charley into a situation where they have to confront their relationship and what they mean to each other while dealing with an incredibly engaging creature. I can't name an audio that suits the medium better and Ive been consuming Big Finish at an alarming rate. Also noises™️ (anonymous)
Absolutely INSANE episode back when big finish was allowed to get WEIRD weird it has everything: heartfelt discussion about the doctor/companion relationship, love, cannibalism, body horror, the exploration of a very alien world. All of this while making full use of the audio medium in a story that could simply never have been done anywhere else. It's a must listen for everyone. (@gnougnouss )   
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legendsoffandoms · 4 months
Just to be safe yall, trigger warning for: implied cannibalism, mentions of death, implied mentions of extreme violence
But I was thinking of this au for ninjago, and I think some of yall might like it.
So it’s an au based of Lloyd’s oni and dragon side being like separate consciences inside his brain. But very very different.
So it takes place after season 3 but before season 4. And in which in some weird form of magic, Lloyd gets separated into basically a pair of twins. No one is quite how it happened as Lloyd was obviously on a solo mission. But safe to say, that villain probably didn’t make it out unscathed. Anyways, now there’s well Oni Lloyd and Dragon Lloyd. Who surprisingly get along quite well. But the names are gonna be a problem soon….
Anyways, that’s my idea for the background for this. (The dude that managed to dude this is also definitely dead 😔🙏 ) But now onto some cool facts about this au!
The two of them wear matching necklaces, dragon boi is the white side of the Yang and Oni boi is the black side :3
Oni gets hit a lot by dragon for his quite violent nature, but it’s all in good love. Dragon would totally kill someone if they tried to hurt his twin :3
The ninja were honestly so confused when they met up with Lloyd expecting just him, and instead got two of them…. They also tried to kill them XD it took a lot of explaining and attempted murder to get them to calm down.
Morro was also hella confused. Thought when he kidnapped Dragon he was just kidnapping Lloyd. Dude’s life almost died cause Oni tried to murder him again. The ninja had to stop him multiple times in fear of hurting dragon.
Oni and Dragon have Oni and dragon features, but can hide them if need be. Which has let to lots of confusion on everyone else’s side. And by that I mean no one can tell which one is which if they truly want that. The two are some little ass gremlins.
Jokes on yall, Dragon is Aro and Oni’s Cupio AroAce. Dragon just doesn’t date because he of said Aromanticness (which is he is choice) , and Oni just doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him. [This is more of a hc, please don’t get mad at me 😭]
Kai is both Dragon and Oni’s favorite sibling/teammate other than themselves. Naya is a close second. And everyone is extremely jealous of him.
Lloyd is trans in this au, which does sadly mean some unpleasant times for the twins dude to their unhuman sides. Basically mating season for both of them is quite unpleasant. Kai and Naya are the only ones who can touch the two during said time other than themselves.
Dragon honestly likes Wu a lot (though it slowly fades as the show goes on). While Oni basically silently dislikes him. Oni loves their father a lot more than normal Lloyd openly shows in the show. While Dragon loves him just as much as Lloyd actually shows in the show.
Dragon Lloyd actually quite enjoys the goth aesthetic, while Oni boi likes a more traditional style. Which leads to some interesting conversations with people XD
I think that’s about it for now, I do hopes you enjoyed this new au :3
Also feel free to call them Odi, said O-de, and De-de. Odi is Oni Lloyd and De-de is Dragon Lloyd. The reason? Odi comes from the end of Lloyd, o-y-d, I just placed the Y behind the D and got Odi. Also cause I was like, what’s the first letter of Oni? O, what’s the letters after O in Lloyd? Y and D. And I got De-de from just taking the D from Lloyd and Dragon, then simply saying them and putting an E at the end of each D gives you De-de :3
So I hope you like Odi and De-de! Also another quick note on their powers! The twins both have energy and their respective species element.
Okay for real, I’m done. Do hope you enjoyed this au I made! And have fun with it :3 (with credit of course)
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rechicken-and-waffles · 3 months
You know what time it is! Chaotix Member Tangle headcanons PT 4. Warning: There's a lot of angst
-In an alternate version of the Metal Virus arc, Tangle encounters Charmy slowly being infected, Charmy was scared and constantly begged his sister to help him. Tangle, being obviously horrified, told Charmy to not say anything else anymore and let her deal with it. However, the Metal Virus started to infect her, the most horrific part, it began to fuse body with Charmy's. After they we're infected, they were grotesquely fused together, like Amalgamate from Undertale level of grotesque
-While Tangle and Espio were doing a training session, Espio was noticeably more down and a lot more monotone that day. Tangle and Espio had a talk and Espio confessed that despite his cool demeanor and hardworking nature, he secretly suffered from major depression. Espio's depression was greatly more frequent after the Metal Virus arc, I'm which he had voices in his head to end it and violent thoughts towards himself and his family. Tangle, obviously heartbroken by this, hugged her big bro and became his personal therapist from that day forward.
-Tangle and Charmy's favorite show to watch together is Amphibia, mainly pointing out how their dynamic is similar to that of Anne and Sprig, they would also tease Vector by calling him Hop Pop. They also both had a 1 hour cry session after watching True Colors and The Season 3 finale. Tangle's favorite is Marcy and Charmy's favorite is Ivy, they both despised Sasha at first, but grew to like her during Season 3
-Charmy doesn't like Lanolin mainly because of the way she treats Tangle and the other's. Whenever he visits Restoration HQ, he always sticks his tounge out at her and whenever she tries to talk to Tangle or anyone else, he immediately leaves and would sometimes drag Tangle away. Tangle would notice this and said that it's sometimes her own fault because she sometimes wouldn't take things seriously, but Charmy obviously dismissed her and tells Tangle that Lanolin is the way she is is because she never does things to fix herself and always pour more work onto herself.
-Charmy may be attached to Tangle, but he surprisingly isn't that clingy, whenever she needs to go on a mission alone, Charmy would accept and tell her to do her best to come back home in one piece.
Yayyy more of these!!!
-I would have never thought about an amalgamation between zombots, and omg that would be terrifying to see. Imagine if Espio got to see them like that... more trauma for him 😭
-Ngl, I too headcanon that Espio has some sort of depression and became worse after MV, so I am glad I am not the only one who thought this. AND YES TANGLE BEST THERAPIST
-Omg Charmy and Tangle have amazing taste it seems (Amphibia is my favorite animated show lol). And yeah, I too cried with True Colors and The Hardest Thing so I get them dfghgfds
-I love this one. Lanolin and Charmy may be some of my favorite characters but yeah they would not like each other. Charmy would think she's too bossy and Lanolin would think he's annoying and why is a 6 year-old part of a detective agency dfghjkjhgf (This reminds me I have a whole idea of throwing Lanolin into the Chaotix for a day and see what happens, but that's a story for another day)
-Charmy may not be(e) that clingy, but I feel there would be days where he sits in front of the door waiting for Tangle to arrive XD
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maidragoste · 2 months
hello! i hope your day has been well!!
its me again, I've come to rant....
this show has driven me to the point of insanity and not in a good way. its the common cause of bad writing good scenery. like the writers focused more on the surroundings and costumes and hair then the actual plot and the actual writing and dialect that needs to take place.
aemond is actually a crazy man, like not him forcing everyone to march to the riverlands knowing daemon resides there instead of trying to garner other areas that could go head to head with them OR instead of getting more men. also not him putting alicent in her place because she helped create the patriarchal environment so now she has to deal with the fact she's raised horrible men.
also if aemond is that way with his mother, imagine if he had a wife?? i'd be scared for her. like alicent needs to slap him because i would lowkey. she slapped aegon so much as a kid, she forgot to slap aemond to keep his ego at ground level.
daemon having hallucinations for a tenth millionth episode is too much for me bro, like he needs more help than i do. like he's actually crazy and not him thinking it was simon doing it when its alys.
also alys having to give daemon life lessons is crazy to me. like thank goodness shes like 100 stuck in a young body because her wisdom must prevail and she looks young so people will listen ish.
not rhaenyra kissing mysaria like what is actually happening?? like too many heart to hearts, like they're good, but what do they add??
aemond wanting to actively kill everyone is beyond me like he's the real villain. like he doesnt care about the small folk and parades dragon heads like he's at a festival like he would make a bad ruler. i'm starting to think he's maegor the cruel not even with teats just maegor the cruel lol. like he is on a kinslaying spree.
aegon was even scared of aemond though he claims not to remember im sure he does and didn't want aemond to know because he knows his brother would kill him to silence him. like if the maester didn't walk in...
alicent realizing her dad is the only one who gave her power is wild and gwayne inadvertently telling her she failed as a mom was tier like she lowkey did in a way bro. like daeron is kind because he didn't grow up with your kids and your nonsense. like idk how helaena is even surviving because poor girl.
this whole show is so bad, but i have to watch to the end type of bad like it's not like i read the books yet to make the comparison so i'm not like uh "ohhh but in the book!!" like these are general observations that anyone can make about the show. it's not good and if i was the author of the book...i'd be a little pressed at all the fillers and them saying there's gonna be a 3rd season when this one has too many fillers....
sorry for the entire essay, and thank you for being a good listener and active responder!!
hi anon, how are you?
I was late in responding because I am sick and I only saw the episode today hahaha
I think I didn't suffer so much with this episode because I read your ask first so I already knew what was coming xd
I feel like I shouldn't laugh but the comment that Alicent should have hit Aemond made me laugh a lot 😭😭
About the hallucinations, I'm glad I was right that there was going to be a hallucination with Viserys, but I can understand why so many hallucinations are getting boring, and I didn't like it so much that Viserys is saying dialogues that he already said in the first season. they could have invented something
honestly i didn't expect to like alys but i like her dynamic with daemon
I don't know how to feel about the kiss, a part of me already saw a tension between them and I like that they confirmed rhaenyra as bisexual but I don't know how they are going to continue with this plot
I honestly don't know what to think of Aemond's writing anymore ☠️☠️ I feel like even the maester doesn't trust him
I loved the conversation about Daeron (I'm just a girl who gets excited at every mention of him). I felt sorry for Alicent, I really don't think Gwayne wanted to make her feel bad 🥺
My friend and I also thought that the show went bad (we also read the book) but we still continue watching it because we already started it and we want to see some things that are to come
Thank you for writing to me and I hope you are well 💖💖
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candy8448 · 26 days
Watching oshi no ko s2
(Previous post)
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Whoa she traumatised him not cool 0.0
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Is it just me or does the shadow thing look like aqua when he was a doctor in his past life? Im guessing that is deliberate. Probably because as a doctor it was his duty to keep ai safe
Anyways this episode was so good, aqua's emotions and panic were portrayed so well in such a haunting way :(
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Kana absolutely destroyed her D:
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Bonding! :D
I love the animation in this episode! The colours! The way its so fluid and bouncy! The eyes! So good! I can also see a lot of kaguya sama vibes from aka akasaka whoch is so fun! Also while i was kinda meh about akane, im kinda starting to see more character traita from her that i like, i love how she is becoming more fleshed out.
Not much to say about it other than than the MUSIC IS SO GOOD!! I loved it so much and it sounds sick playing loudly in my earphones, especially since its very different from the music in other episodes.
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Im so glad that the website im watching from has the sub have background talking in a smaller font or else i would be so lost all the time =_= (also glad it translates everything important, and also in the colour of that text in the animation)
Melt went in a full on magical girl transformation 0.0
I liked the development tho, so cant wait for next episode
Is... okay
I guess interesting to see the reasons behind the conflict between arima and akane but this episode wasn't that engaging. I cant wait for next episode though. I kind of really liked the focus on the other cast members tbh.
Again it was fine ig but
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WHOA this episode is good! Finally another episode that i like, i was worried since i was kind of bored with thw previous few!
Love the lil peep into when ai was still alive 😭
This is crazy how everything is depicted. (Seeing ai alive feels like one of those "A.I. vine continuations/au trend that my sister has been showing me on instagram, lol)
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(I wanna and probably will draw this)
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Kana's pure look at aqua bridal carrying Akane XD
Also "im gonna go ho-" "im going with them" "im in" is hilarious XD
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Well okay... 0.0
Im excited again :DDD
(Im kinda dissapointed by the ed. Its nice, and it sounds good, but it doesnt have the energy that makes the ending of each episode just pop. Mephisto made every ending of each episode just go so hard, and i feel like this season also kinda needs that feel, especially how the ed starts during the episode's last min. I get that ppl think it is "op is aqua pov" and "ed is ruby pov" and it does fit that theme, but it just doesmt go as hard as mephisto :/)
(Not me seeing the tumblr posts for this ep and the official art and just letting the most littlest squeals because there is family around but i physically cannot contain myself)
(Unrelated to this episode but i can feel how much the akane nation has grown with this season, this season writes he so well and makes her less unintresting like how she was to me at least in s1)(dont get me wrong, she was cool or whatever, she just failed to keep my intrest in her 0.0)
(Next post)
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true-blue-sonic · 12 days
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Blue :D
(for the hot take)
Honestly Sonic X is not as good as many people say. And not because of Chris (that for some reason gets a lot of hate). I just think that the concept is cool but the writing is messed up. Especially of some characters like Amy and Tails. Instead of Sonic's friends they made them his #1 fans😭 as if they wanted to make these characters annoying on purpose so that Sonic's the cool guy which really didn't make the show very enjoyable for me. But ofc it's sega
Good morning! ^-^
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree
I haven't watched Sonic X in ages, but I must readily admit that the first episode is one of my favourites... because Chris isn't in it for most of it, haha. (The actual most favourite is Defective Detectives and I just skip the part about the two worlds causing time to freeze or whatever lol.) I think that the whole premise inherently provides issues: naturally they'll want to give the humans attention (why else would they be created?), but that draws screentime away from the game characters, who I'm far more interested in. (Related to your statement, I think that is one of the reasons Chris is so disliked: he takes up roles that were filled by game characters, like at the end of the SA2 arc. Considering the fact X!Amy isn't the most charming of portrayals, a scene wherein she tells Shadow about how the world is good and people are inherently worth protecting could have shown a good side of her. But instead Chris got it, and I feel like people experience that as leeching a much-needed role from a character already not presented so well throughout the series.) And the incorporating of the game stories in the second season became rather messy, resulting in quite some unanswered questions (e.g. how Eggman was born on the human planet yet transported to Sonic's world and how Gerald managed to create an anthro hedgehog. Have those ever been addressed?). Furthermore, from what I remember, Sonic just spent a lot of time lazing around or doing his own thing before coming in at the end to help out. I don't think it's unfitting for him, but I agree that it feels like the other game characters thus often got the shaft to give Sonic his big hero moment.
But here I must once again reiterate that I just haven't watched it in ages and this is all from memory. I do enjoy puns and stuff and iirc the English show was riddled with them, so that's at least a point in its favour! :> But overall, I think I'd much rather have gotten an anime entirely about Sonic's world and the adventures to be had there, instead of incorporating the "real" world in it. But then also not how it was done in Season 3, with a lot of grimdarkness and stuff XD In that regard, I think the first season was "better" than the second: the stories were entirely original, whereas the second season was kind of "game plots but now with the humans put in them". I really enjoyed watching X when I first became a fan (it greatly helped with my English!) and I'd be more than happy to binge-rewatch it again one day, but in hindsight, I can also see why people dislike the show so much.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Hello! Basically, a thought came in my mind and i thought I'll share 🐱🐱
I absolutely LOVE spy x family and I'm desperately waiting for new manga chapters and anime adaptations frfr
But... is it just me or is the story progressing too slow?? I know you've seen only what the anime has covered so far, but pls do tell me what you think about it's pace! I think it's priority is to be this happy-happy(help is this even a word😭) anime and the story def gets sidelined due to that, ofc i love cute anya and everyone but I need more development!!
Hi!! Feel free to share any time!
I can't talk about the manga because even though I've gotten some spoilers here and there, I don't actually know how its pace has been. What I can say though is that I feel there was some sort of... "pause" between the Doggy Crisis Arc and the Campbelldon arc. Like episodes 16 to 20 (and the respective manga chapters) are undeniably fillers. If I dare to make an assumption about Endo's thought process for them, is that he had a solid idea of how to develop the story up to the Doggy Crisis arc, then saw how popular his manga was getting and went like "Oh shit people like this I have to prolong this. I need a bit to come up with the rest of the plot and development so have a few fillers for a few weeks thx."
I don't know a lot about the upcoming arc in the next anime season, but I have heard that it's pretty packed with action and development. What I miss a lot, especially seeing Yor's screen time overall in the first season, is more focus on her. Like, it's almost criminal how little time and focus she's gotten, and I'm right here expecting much more of it in the second season 👀👀
All that said, I think one of the themes of the story is itself the slow progress. Operation Strix is a long-term mission, and the family dynamics need time to develop. When you see how disciplined Twilight is and how detached from his feelings he's become, it would seem a little rushed to just have him go like "Wow I love them I guess" from one arc to the other. It needs slow build-up and development. Fanfic can be as quick-paced as one wants it to be - like, I've written a time loop fic where Twilight realizes, accepts and embraces his feelings for his family by the tenth repeat of the same day. I'm not one to talk XD - but the theme of the canon story itself is to take things slow. We're meant to focus on the family moments because it's what humanity is build for. Sure, action and fight scenes look cool in fiction, but Spy x Family seems to be the kind of story that goes like "Humans are meant to live in harmony with each other" and while war themes or action scenes can be used to show how war and violence can corrupt even the best of us, at the end we're humans and we're brought into this world for calm and peaceful moments with our loved ones.
I don't know if that's satisfying for you, it's perfectly fine if it isn't, but from what I've gathered from the anime episodes and the spoilers I've gotten here and there, heavy action and tension don't seem to be what Endo wants to make a note of. It's what we do in the between and how more of ourselves we are within a loving, peaceful environment. So in all my effort to not be patronizing, I'd say you should try to lower (or at least prolong) your expectations about a quicker pace in the story. For all we know developers have seen what a cash cow this story is and are pressuring Endo to prolong it so they can milk it for all it's worth. This can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on how it's handled. My one hope is that he won't get too tired of it before he has the chance to take it to the next stage (like bring on Identity RevealsTM and Feelings RealizationTM) and conclude the story. For his sake, if nothing else.
Thank you for sending in! I realize this can be a bit of a complicated matter, but I'm interested in talking about it :D
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apparently-artless · 5 months
oh my god WAAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH ART!!!! the gifset is SO so so beautiful you have no idea!!!!!!!!! i cannot stop watching it over and over again. the colours are absolutely perfect, and the gif transitions are so smooth!!!!!! i'm so so happy aaaaa i can't believe something so beautiful was made for my request 😭😭😭 i really appreciate it, thank you soo much!!!! the bokuyaba fandom is truly lucky to have you in it, your edits are always so spectacular and i always enjoy looking at them. im so glad you had fun making it too!!!! thanks a million and i hope you have a wonderful day, week, month and year <333 !!!!!!!! 💛💛💛
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hi, willow!! thank you so much for sending me another message to let me know of your thoughts!! this message really made me happy. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
i also noticed that you pinned my post on your blog, i was practically blushing when i saw the label on top. (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
in all honesty, i was very aware of the scene that you were referring to when i saw your request. i was also thinking of making a set for that scene but it got buried in all the current series i am watching. the scene itself was already beautiful and to be honest i am not good at scenes with sunset gradient. and i guess that's another reason why i didn't made this set until you requested it. and so i took it both as a challenge and an opportunity. who knows, i might end up gif-baiting other people to watch it?? lol
and yes!! i did have fun making the set. i had to combine some gradients with different blending modes and i had to manipulate the level adjustment layer a lot for each gif. i was very concerned that i might end up ruining an already beautiful scene so i tried not to deviate too much from the original colors but at the same time still incorporate my own coloring style.
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i hope you don't mind me putting the comparison of the original vs my coloring. this is just to show you how much i had fun making this edit. i am also very satisfied with the result if i do say so myself. hehehe. ^^
anyways, it doesn't matter if other people don't appreciate it as long as the person who requested the set liked it, is what i thought. so i'm very happy when i saw your message and your tags in the post when you reblogged it.
bokuyaba is a dark horse anime series for me. it's something i watched simply because i wanted to explore different genre every season. i was thinking of dropping it after 1-2 episodes but i'm glad that i didn't. i am not an avid fan of romance, especially if the main characters are young but this series has something special to offer. it's one of my favourite romance anime now with school setting.
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banqanas · 4 months
I learned about Exile first because a Toku actor I adore was in one of their MVs, which was how I learned about LDH. Back then, Gekidan wasn't even really a thing. I discovered Sho through a comedy movie later and was immediately charmed by him. Next I discovered Onocha due to him being in the MV for a LDH girl group ("Love", they sadly disbanded pretty quickly).
It took a while before I really got into Gekidan after that. I did notice Keita in a couple of things here and there, but he had yet to make his big break.
By chance I discovered the Gekidan stage "Attack No1" which stared almost the whole group (minus Kanta because he wasn't part of LDH yet). Let me tell you what a blast that was. Luckily it was the first version with Kenchi and Tetsuya (both got later replaced in the second version by Naoki and Naoto, while Gun took over for Keita).
If you ever manage to get your hands on that stage, please watch the first version. It's one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen. Shin and Yuta kiss on the lips, Tetsuya marries off Onocha to Masa, though in the end it's Keita confessing (he's pining the whole time) and running away with Onocha. It's very wild.
It was around 2014/5 when I really got into the group, which was triggered by Omi's first movie and soon after the first HiLO season. Then Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Ultraman Geed happened at the same time, which was quickly followed by more HiLO, and after that there was no turning back for me. I still remember how Onocha congratulated Yuta on the Ultraman Zero role with Yuta saying that he was feeling a lot of motherly love coming from Onocha. XD
Idk if you know about their old manager's blog where he talked about the group and the members and what he thinks about them, saying that even though Gekidan is one group, it's actually two odd families living side by side with Sway being the weird uncle who shows up from time to time. Family A is Sho (papa, gamer), Shin (mama), Keita (too quiet/calm, often wonders what he's thinking) and Kanta (takes too many photos). And family B is Yuta (cook/househusband), Masa (owns too many cleaning products), Onocha (gamer/likes to annoy Sho) and Nobu (big brother).
(Also before I forget it; you are so right Gekidan + taiko drums are a match made in heaven. I really hope there will be a chance to see Aki, Yuki and Ken-chan doing it together with the others.)
It was really great to see Aki, Yuki and Ken-chan watch the JAM recital and cheer on their future group mates. They talked about it on Insta, saying that Aki was the responsible older brother who took his younger brothers to a concert. They were even decked out in JAM merch and all.
I think the photos of the summer outing are still up on the LDH Izakaya insta (I do remember that both Aki and Onocha posted about it on their insta as well). I guess we'll have to wait and see if they do the LDH Izakaya summer outing again this year and who gets paired off together since it's always odd pairs.
Wow you've known them for such a long time!!! Even longer than Kanta's history!!! and omg even seeing a stage with the Exile members...!! the only things i ever found of gekidan are just with the current members 😔
Ohh the gekidan family dynamics is so adorable 😭😭 that's exactly why i wanted to see interactions between the senior members and the newbies 🙏 i wanted to see where Akishio would put himself in the current dynamics because eventho he's new to the company, he acts around gekidan like he's always knew them personally (thanks to being in highlow & prilege i assume). He wasn't afraid to jab or tsukkomi the seniors unlike Maeken and Sakuyuki are.
I'm also interested to see how Machida Keita would act around the new kouhais because he seemed to be fond of Kanta. And like you said he's actually pretty quiet (with his reputation i thought he would be more talkative tbh) so it'll be interesting to see how he acts around new people.
I remember watching the Izakaya livestream with onocha, maeken and sakuyuki, but i guess i missed the one with akishio and onocha 😣 i hope they still have archive of it on CL
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rillils · 1 year
ive been watching the last season if merlin 15 minutes at a time because i am not about to lose me sweethearts rn oh my lord
Okay, first things first, HELLO MY BABY 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖 I've missed you a lot around here, honey!! I'm doing alright, just the usual amount of stress - but let's be real, that's my default state of mind xD I hope you're doing well, my dear 🥰🥰🥰 Hopefully school is over (or will soon be over) so you can rest and enjoy your vacation 💕💕💕
NOW: HOLY PATCHOULI RAGU AND RAVIOLI, I JUST SAW THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND EDVIN AND OMAR'S VIDEO MESSAGE AND AHDJAGDKSLDJK *SCREECHES* I'm getting a bit emotional here ngl 🥺🥺🥺 I can't believe that the show is actually over now, even though it's probably gonna be a while before we can watch s3, since they just finished shooting 😭😭😭 I'm hoping with all my heart that s3 will give us what we desperately need!! A happy ending for the boys pls!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
As for one Sebastian Mcfreakin' Stan, I simply can't look at those pics and videos without WEEPING, HONEY, LIKE I'M TALKING LEAKING FAUCET, OPEN BAR, LEMME CRY IN YOUR COCKTAIL REAL QUICK KIND OF WEEPING HERE
he looks. so good. my brain cannot comprehend it. I look back and then back again and the little lightbulb in my skull keeps flickering on and off because?? Is this a real human??? Does anything remotely similar to This Man truly exist??????? With those arms that look like they could engulf you so sweetly and protect you from all harm, and those boobs- sorry I mean tits- sorry I mean chESt, that CHEST that looks like it was only made for your cheek to lie upon it, and be the firmest pillow you ever slept on? and the hair??? The stubble?? The high-waisted pants?? I've seen people slander those pants, right, but as far as I'm concerned they just enhance his whole I'm Too Hot, Hot Damn™ vibe these days. make the tiny waist look even tinier and the broad shoulders look even broader and omg I can't think about this for too long or I will spontaneously combust 🔥🔥🔥
Should I also mention that white tank tops never really did anything for me until this man came along?? AND THE RINGS. THE MUMMERFUCKING RINGS. It's like. Every now and then Mr Stan-Lookin-Good-There-Man decides to accentuate his long, nimble fingers with pretty glinting metal and my brain fucking short-circuits like "NOPE - WHAT DIS - CANNOT COPE"
I feel he has awakened a monster in me *flies into the sun*
As for Merlin, oh babe, I feel ya 🥺🥺 Take your time with it, honey, I'm sure your heart will thank you for it 💖💖💖 I love you very much bby 💕💕💕 I hope you have a super nice day 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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jakowskis · 5 months
im SO pissed i didnt listen to believe for a fucking year bc i heard bad things about it. im never listening to anyone else's opinions again cuz THAT WAS BRILLIANT. THAT WAS EVERYTHING I WANT OUT OF TORCHWOOD i mean it was still a bit shit highkey but it was EXACTLY what i want out of this garbage show. sooo fucking season one core (aka my fav) all sorts of dark horrific connotations and unhealthy dynamics but no emotional weight or responsibility xD once again i cannot tell if the writer was even fucking AWARE of a lot of the things he was implying but what i interpreted as being implied is making me fucking tear up the floorboards im. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
that was so cynical and bitter and awful and miserable and edgy and shitty ITS EVERYTHING I WANTED. i love torchwood being goofy i do but what draws me into the show and the reason it's become one of my most, uh, aggressive hyperfixations ever (which is ridic btw) is cuz its FUCKED UP AND UNHAPPY and that? was fuuuuucked. obsessed.
cult leader jack cult leader jack cult leader jack U DONT UNDERSTAND IT MAKES ME RABID and they ran with it i. stick figure violence stick figure violence. feeling rabid. AND HIS FUCKING SPEECH AT THE END. DOES HE KNOW??? hes so fucking deluded I LOVE IT. ITS FASCINATING he thinks hes good.... he thinks hes good... hes aware n he feels responsible and yet he doesnt SEE he doesnt see he thinks hes doing his best. NOOO it had the be intentional literally "jack tell us what that was about" "later lol" "sure yeah always later" and then hes like "YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY" GRRR JACK. JACK. also faith n believing.... ianto's trust. ianto's trust. you believe me like a god FUCK MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEE
jack always being five steps ahead + being 10x more competent than the team always makes me fucking roll my eyes but at this point i just kind of perceive it as the way tw constantly paints him as a deity figure. he can do no wrong
GWENS CYNICISM. TORCHWOOD BREAKING HER. TORCHWOOD BREAKING HER!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK it's toxic... it's toxic... this job gets inside you THIS JOB GETS INSIDE YOUUU. torchwood thesis statement: this job fucking breaks you.
FINALLY some good fucking tosh x owen food. DONT GET ME WRONG THAT WAS FUCKING AWFUL but that was sooooooo much more compelling than the fucking bullshit that canon gave us. owen being a toxic abusive fucking manchild + doing smth bad enough to tosh that she FINALLY went "wow THATS the man im obsessing over" like g-d i would've killedddd for that to happen in the show i HATE that she wasted herself on him. i hate it. her disgust and anger at him was so THERAPEUTIC for me 😭 idk what it says about me that the way i was grinning when they were arguing n bitching at each other was probs the closest ive ever gotten to actually shipping them HFKJDSF theres smth wrong w me. i just think s2 tosh is too fucking sweet and good and probably naive and i think owen could so easily fuck her up, like i don't think there's a world where he wouldn't hurt her tbh, and i don't want that to happen i adore her too much. like i don't think he's irredeemable, i ship him w other characters who i think could handle him, but i don't think tosh could, and that was validation of that opinion, you know? i'd be more willing to ship them if tosh was firm with him and didn't let him walk all over her, and it sucks that she didn't do that and got herself hurt and THATS what it took to make her call him tf out and tell him how much he sucks. ig a lot of why towen bugs me sm boils down to the fact that im not comfortable shipping someone who's kind of awful with someone who idealizes them and doesn't seem to grasp the scale of how bad they are. that's a recipe for an unhealthy dynamic and if i didn't like tosh i might be intrigued by it ngl HFSKDF but thats my babygirl and the idea of putting her thru Being With Him disgusts me. she deserves better until he gets his fucking shit together. which he never does and she never gets to have something good bc she was waiting for his shitty ass lmao YAYY!!
owen was AWFUL in that btw. and i adored him in it. my fav owen is an owen who's spiraling and destructively fixated on something for selfish purposes to the point that he doesnt care who he hurts to accomplish it. he's so villain coded fhsdkfjdsk he redeems himself in the show and i love that but the audios further explore the fact that he's got such a darkness to him he SO EASILY can be pushed into destroying everything. hes constantly on the precipice of monstrosity and cruelty bc of his own hurt. it's like hes so full of rot it leaks out of him and infects others and he hates it but he cant help it. i will never get over the doctor with poison fingers oh he makes my heart ache. he's just so misguided. he's so broken.
which brings us back to jack's speech. (him talking to the cult leader lady) "They were broken, and you were the person they turned to for help. If you don’t accept their problems, then don’t offer yourself as a solution." literally im gonna think about this for months. HE DOESNT SEE!!!!!!!!!
g-d and ianto's orientation or whatever. that was Fantastic ianto insight. he's so much more interesting when he's away from jack it's almost impressive.
i am just. gdddddddddddddddddddddddd. i am so distraught. help meeee
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping.
ok so, its the 40th annivercery!! its not offical as the show was off the air at the time, but still!!!! every single companion and doctor actor Big Finish managed to get they got!! but do they play their parts? ...actually not really! here we have the end of an arc that two seasons coming, Charley and 8 has been through a lot, and at this point their story comes to a starteling and rather horrid conclusion! (OR IS IT?) Charley, who has been rescued from death by the eight doctor, rescuing her when he was not supposed to, has been through a lot, and even as that got solved last episode, by saving her from becoming a portal of death to galifray (a long and better constracted story XD), the doctor and the tardis has sufferd a huge explosen of an anti time bomb! making the doctor to become infected with an anti time infection! making him concive himself as the childhood time lord rhyme known as Zagreus! so now he must distory the entire univerce hahaha, because apperently Rassilon, ie one of the og creatorss of galifray socity wants to make the doctor into Zagrues so he can use him to distroy his emenies!! by distroying him body and soul!!! but what's this??? his former selfes as random people around the time stream coming in with the steal chair????? all led by a very rightfully annoyed Charley because the doctor refused to kill her as she asked because she loves him???? what the fuck will happen next!! all led delightfuly by Romana and Leela, and K9, and a rather jealous and EVIL tardis played by the Brigadier himself!! in between this 3 HOUR LONG epic and delightful advanture, apart from the absolote chaos of the event, you will get a suprisingly beutifull speaches filled with exploration of the meaning of love, of friendship! of a love so strong that it shall forfit between dimantions and also canon, the doctor explores what it actually means to be in love with a companion! and Charley, explores what it means to love him even more strongly back! what it means to be the doctor!! and the fact that the distruction of the tardis is actuall the thing stopping him from completely losing himself to loss and grief 😭, the absolote hammering in of the fact the coraption of time lord scoaity and Rasilon's bigotry, and finally someone understands that if you corrupt the Doctor, you have the absolotle potancial to distroy the entire univerce!! Paul Mcgann screaming for amazing hours, as he has the best time playing the baddy and people who are not the doctor!! India Fisher as Charley giving it her all and being amazing at it!! (also the fact that this delightful story is the leadthrough to one of the most terrefying stories of doccy who history, Scherzo! as it explores the themes of this story in a much more detailed way! but that's a horrefying story for another day XD) (@geronimomo-spd )
The 30th anniversary special is overly long and complicated but mostly it is INSANE ! Alice in Wonderlands, giant animatronic rabbits, Vampires and an evil doctor who hAMS it up,,,,that and 4 different doctors as well as TONS of companions plus the Briggs who is actually the TARDIS. it makes no sense! Compels me tho. Everyone says it with me : Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus Sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping It's the best anniversary special day of the doctor whomst ? (@gnougnouss )
Genesis of the Daleks
Intercepted while travelling between Earth and the Ark, the Fourth Doctor and his companions are transported to the planet Skaro, thousands of years in the past, on a mission for the Time Lords — to prevent the creation of the Daleks.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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Wait... you know Hetalia???!!!
I love Hetalia and I'm forever thankful that I was never exposed/encountered the bad side of it, especially since I've been in the Hetalia fandom for a long time. It does make me feel sad that whenever I bring up Hetalia, it's the bad side people only know 😔.
I still follow Himaruya's post (comic strips), if there's a new season, new character song, new theme song, drama cds, new musical, and merch. Atm, I have a mochi England plushie (it's the only one available) and a hetalia jacket. (I'm poor).
I fell inlove with history (I now love historical (even war) movies and known as the weird but smart/nerd and quiet student 🤣😅) and came to appreciate languages and culture of other countries, really fascinating. I also became a yearly viewer of Eurovision 😅. Some songs are in my playlist.
I love the characters cause despite them being based on stereotypes, you can see that they have their own distinct personality. Also the fact that they have human names, it really helps prevent people from thinking I'm crazy XD.
For anyone wondering (since I saw some anons who didn't know about it), Hetalia is a comedy/satire show/comic starring the personification of countries. Every epsiode is only 5 minutes so it's very quick. It can be/seem offensive, depending how you take some moments. It sometimes hits you with emotional damage out of nowhere and that's what I'm focused on in this fandom. Angst and historical aus is my bread and butter. Eng dub is great, it's like an official abridged XD. Be ready for the accents. It also has a movie. Expect silly moments most of the time. The story is not linear, it tackles history from 900-1000's to present time. It sometimes feels like a slice of life anime with historical/cultural trivias/jokes sprinkled in there. It has canon AUs as well like nyotalia, which is basically genderbent version of chars or nekotalia, which is the cast as cats. Advice, take the infos in the show with a grain of salt and maybe don't take everything seriously. It consists of a lot of male characters , so very limited female cast.
Now for the fandom, I can't control what part of it you may run into so uh... goodluck. Lucky for you, it's chill compared to what it's like before, like no joke. It does feel barren sometimes. Just beware ig lol. (I'm not really showing confidence towards the fandom, despite being part of it HAHAHAH XD) Be ready for the weirdness, we have Iceland x Fridge, Gru (yes from despicable me) x lovino (s. italy), sweden x ikea, toris (lithuiana) x therapy/happiness to name a few (crack) ships and a fricking religion called Doitsuism, idk why but it exists. 😂🤣🤣😅😭
If anyone is curious about character songs theres: aiyaa 4000 years (china), Moi moi (Finland), How about me (Estonia), Excuse me I'm sorry (Japan), white flame (Russia), and steady rhythmus (Germany) to name a few. There's a ton more, some have multiple char songs, while others have only one song. There's also group songs (two of which are christmas songs). Every song is sung by their VAs in the anime, including the ending songs. It has multiple versions so if you're tired listening to Italy singing the ed, try to listen to idk England's version, each one has different vibe and unique lyrics fitting for the char. Example, Ed 1 can be orchestral or rock depending which version you listened to, really cool stuff imo.
From a (confused if I should be a proud) Hetalia Veteran 🤣😅
p.s. I love your Arakawa family, Masadai, and Minedai comics. It always makes me smile. Also, sorry for the long ass post 😅. Why can't I write like this whenever I'm tasked with writing an essay. This was made by a sleep deprived individual and unfortunately I'm letting out my zoomies (is this correct idk) through this, sorry. I'm now going to sleep. I'll probably regret all of this when I wake up lol.
well for the mates who kept asking about hetalia. here you are
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Y'all I teared up a lot but no tears have been shed yet lol. That's really because it hasn't sunk in yet xD.
Also, that's a lie, I finished the episode hours ago lol. I have since looked at hsmtmts posts and tiktoks, read a fanfic, and rewatched several scenes (mainly in the finale) xd. I was too in shock but I need to start this lol
First of all, I just- that was the perfect finale. Plenty of the show (looking at you season 2 /lh), satisfying ends for the couples (barely on Jetney but you know we take what we can get lol), amazing music, and everyone's staying together :'). I can't express how much this show means to me <3. I'll have a separate post where I'm SUPER sentimental, but right now I can have some too :'). Anyway, I loved the episode so so SO much <3333.
Nini - we missed you :'). You were the beginning, and you had an end that makes me tear up every time. I'm sure she's off doing the best of things - and hey, she asked Ricky to give them all their cards :')). I'm so proud of her, and so happy for her <33. You're the best, Nini :')) ❤️❤️😭🥰. I love her so much <3.
Emmy! She slayed as Taylor :'DD. And I'm just so happy she gets to continue to learn from Miss Jenn <333. And start to be an older sister as well, not just a younger one :'). She's going to be a leader in the drama department <3. And like Gina said, she's going to take over the world :'DD. I love her 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Did Jet ever actually tell Kourtney xD. I don't know, but they seem to kinda have a Thing lol, so whatever <33 🥰. I'm proud of him either way :'D. And I'm so glad he's finally found a place where he's happy, where he has a family 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰. He deserves it so much :'))). Also, he slayed as Chad :'DD! Anyway, yeah, I'm just really glad he's at East High now :')). And yeah, he could give Gina a run for money for intimidation x'D. I love him <3333.
BIG RED MIGHT HAVE A THING WITH ANTOINE???!?!!!?? HELLO?!?!!!? JUMPSCARE SHIP!!! BUT NOT IN A BAD WAY JUST T O T A L L Y WILD XDDD. Anyway, why was this man in curtain call lol??? I do not care, as he should be XDD. Also I'm glad he got to be the one to tell Seblos they deserved the trip - show there's not issues there :). Anyway! Still not over jow wild that Antoine reveal was xD. Mans isn't even French!! Anyway lol. Gina described Big Red perfectly - he loves people unconditionally :'). We've always seen that with Ricky, and it's just amazing <33. Like that scene with Ricky this episode (it demonstrates that but yes it as also amazing lol) 😭😭❤️🥰. That scene was so sweet :'DDD. LIKE THEY SAID I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER!!! I love them so much :')). Anyway, yeah, he was great <33. I love him 🥰🥰🥰❤️😭❤️❤️.
EJ GOT TO BE ON STAGE :'DDDD!!! WHOOOO 😭😭😭🥳🥳🥰❤️❤️❤️!!! I'm not okay :'D. He totally deserved that, and he did great :'D. Ayy he can have this next bit now!! He slayed playing Coach Bolton 🥰! :'DD Anyway, I'm so happy for him :'). Also Carlos calling him EJ with the pretty eyes was so correct actually xD. Unrelated lol but eh. ALSO THE FACT THAT EJ CARVED ASH AND MADDOX INTO THAT TREE TRUNK??!?!?? OH MY GOSH 😭😭❤️ XD. That is so iconic <3. And I loved his conversation with Miss Jenn - even if it hurt me to hear her tell him to call her Jenn 😭💔, it makes sense :'). He's an adult now <3. It's wild and it hurts me xd, but he is. Anyway, I think he gave some really great advice :')). AND AAAHHHHHHH Y'ALL OUR DREAMS CAME TRUE!!!! POSSIBLE EJ AS EAST HIGH DRAMA TEACHER REFERENCE!!! WHAT WE'VE ALL BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS :DDDD XDD!!! I love that for us LOL 🥰🥰🥰❤️. But seriously, I think he does at least become an assistant director in the future :'). And when Miss Jenn retires, he takes over <3333. I mean, it's even practically what Gina said about him x'd - he taught her about herself :'). I love him so much <333 😭❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Maddox being sad over Ashlyn is my personal death y'all 😭. Also the fact that they mutually confessed and then were just like "well, I guess the only option now is. . . to stay friends 😬😌😐👉👉" - you idiots xDD. And AAAHHHHHH MADISON SENDING THE BALLOONS FOR MADDOX TO GIVE TO ASHLYN 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️!!! OH MY GOSH I'M SO NOT OKAY <3333. Also I'm glad her and Madison are on good terms :')). ALSO THE HAND KISS!!! OH MY GOSH 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I love them <3333. Anyway, Maddox is just. Amazing :'). I'm so glad she was here this season <3. I love her :'DD ❤️❤️🥰🥰.
ASHLYN FINALLY KISSED MADDOX OH MY GOSH!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDDD!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!! I'M NOT OKAY :DDDDD!!! They're so cute oh my gosh 😭😭😭❤️❤️. AND THE TREE TRUNK!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH ❤️😭😭😭❤️🥰. I'm not okay y'all <333. I love them so much :')). Also Ashlyn's reaction to Maddox leaving 😭😭😭💔❤️. I'm so glad she doesn't have to <3333 :')). I'm so happy for them :')) :'DD. Anyway :'). Ashlyn slayed playing Kelsi :'D! And what Gina said about her :'D - yeah :'). Ashlyn truly is the queen of changing her identity (I mean that in a good way lol), but also still being sure of her identity in between those times :')). I love her so much <333.
MR. MAZZARA AND MISS JENN ARE FINALLY TOGETHER :'DDDD!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳 WHOOOOOO!!!!! WHOOHOOO FINALLY :'DDDDD!!!!! My babeys 🥰🥰.
And about them separately lol, MR. MAZZARA GETS TO GO BACK TO NEW ZEALAND AND TRY AGAIN :'DDD!! I'm so happy for him :')). And while he slayed playing Coach Bolton, he slayed doing sound too :')). Also him being like "yeah I'm totally not doing so much right now" was great LOL. Honestly kind of a mood xD, though luckily that didn't happen to much to me on lights lol. Anyway, I'm just glad he was there supporting everyone and being amazing this episode :')). Always right there, helping them through it 😭😭❤️🥰. Also how he didn't HESITATE to rip up the letter lol xD. Iconic 😌. As always :'). I love him so much <3333.
MISS JENN'S STAYING!!!! WHOOOO :'DDD!!! She would've been amazing, but I'm so glad she's staying 😭❤️❤️. She's here for Emmy, and Jet and Maddox, and all of the Juniors who were OGs :')). And the second semester for the Seniors too!! She can keep being amazing for them <333 :'DD. Just like Gina said - she gets to be that mom for all of them, and teach them it's about creating something you love :') 😭😭😭❤️. And I just love that :'). She slayed playing Ms. Darbus :'DD. I love her so much <3333.
KOURTNEY AND MO!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH THE COMBO I NEVER KNEW I NEEDED!!!! That talk was EXACTLY what Kourtney needed 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰. Also AAHHHH Kourtney's talk with Jet :'DDD. It was so amazing and sweet 🥰🥰. And AAHHHHH she felt happy at Lewis :'DDD!!! And it came to her mind immediately :'))). I'm so happy for her and proud of her <333. She really is one of, if not the, bravest people in the show <333. What she's done is no easy feat, it's DIFFICULT, with anxiety and without, and again, I'm just so proud of her :'))). Her anxiety storyline means so much to me and I loved it 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. And yeah - she is the best fashionista xD. She slayed playing Sharpay 🥰🥰🥰🥰 :DD!! I love her so much <3333 ❤️❤️❤️😭🥰.
RICKYYYY HE SAID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! HE SANG THE THING 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 :'DDD!! HE TOLD GINA HE LOVES HER :'DDDDDD!!!! I'm so proud of him :')). And AAAHHHHH one last "Am I too late?" :')). As it should be <33. Also, his speech to all of the was just- 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔 I'm not okay. I know that feels. Theatre is just like :'). And it makes me so emotional but it's just so accurate, and wonderful <33. Also, he slayed playing Troy :'D. AND AAAHHH THE RUN AND THE GUITAR!! AND THAT SONG WAS BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I'm so glad he got the chance :')). And Y E S I'm glad Ricky was the one to suggest where they go :'D - one more season 1 parallel :'). And just, what Gina said about him <33. It's so beautiful in a Rina sense 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️, obviously, but it extends beyond that. He's been the one to welcome, and include, and encourage, since pretty much the beginning :')). And I love that so much <333. Anyway, his reaction to not getting to tell Gina he loved her before the press conference hurt 😭😭. And YESSS Gina's mom finally approving :'D. He doesn't need it, but I'm glad he got it <333. Also, again, his scene with Big Red was amazing <333. Besties since the beginning :')). And continuing on <33. And of course, I loved how he was practicing saying I love you more to people :')). I'm so happy for him <333. I love him so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰😭.
GINA'S FILMING THE MOVIE IN SALT LAKE!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD!!! I'M SO GLAD :'DDD 🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!! ALSO OVOEANOCMPW THE HAT????!!?! OH MY GOSH GIRL 😭😭❤️ XD. She slayed playing Gabriella 🥰🥰🥰. And oh my gosh, her SPEECHES 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️💔💔💔💔🥰🥰. I've already talked about what she said to everyone, but they were just all so so SO amazing. And I've heard some of that stuff said like that at senior speeches before, so it's definitely accurate xdd. But seriously, it was so emotional 😭😭. I know the cast was obviously SUPER emotional as well xd, but nonetheless, the acting was amazing <333. Superb :')). Gina has come so far, and learned so much, and I am just so, so proud of her, and happy for her <333. And I'm so glad she's staying at East High :'DDD. AND getting to do the movie still :')!! And again, the love song was BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. And she slayed at that press conference lol. I love her so much <333.
Now, hey, I'm allowed to put Seblos last if I want to xDD. It's my finale post :')).
SEB'S DAD KNEW THE WHOLE TIME SLFKFHDKGS!!!! That's so amazing lol <333. Amazing as in it's funny and it's a good thing xD. But seriously that was so funny lol. I am disappointed we didn't get Seb on stage, like acting lol, but I'm glad he was there for curtain call :'DDD 🥰. Even if him and Big Red had no reason this-show-wise to be up there XDD. I'm just happy that he was :')). Also his run up to Carlos after talking about his dad and holding him was so cute 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰 stop I'm not okay <333. And AAAHHHHHH they get to go on their trip 🥰🥰. And again, I loved that their wasn't any animosity towards Big Red :'). But seriously that moment was so cute 😭❤️❤️. And honestly I loved what Gina said about him, especially after the cheating plot this season. Because he really is an angel, he is like a dog in human form lol xD, and he still sees the world pretty pure :')) 🥰. And I just think it shows that even though he made mistakes, he still is and does those things. He's still Seb <3333 😭❤️❤️🥰. And I think that was really needed for all of us :')). Also he went OFF in the limo LOL xD. He really said "step aside" with that belt xD. He slayed, so hard <333 🥰🥰. I love him so much <3333 🥰🥰❤️❤️.
CARLOS HAPPY AGAIN IS MY REWARD FOR THE FIRST SIX EPISODES!!!! XDD!! It keeps randomly hitting me that this is the Last Season, that although luckily we got happy Seblos at the end this is genuinely the last we're gonna see of them and I just- oh gosh that hurts 😭😭😭❤️. But again, their moment after the show (and the ones during curtain call 😭!!!) was SO CUTE AND AMAZING 😭😭😭❤️. Carlos slayed playing Ryan :'DD 🥰🥰🥰❤️. And he really is so funny x'DDD. It also makes me so happy that Gina talked about being co-choreographers with him :')) - something that started way back in season 2, but honestly season 1 unofficially <333. They've always had dance as a connection, and I'm just so happy they have that in each other :')). And I believe something similar to "we just kept dancing" was said at the Quinceñero, which :')))) 😭😭😭😭❤️🥰❤️❤️❤️. That kills me <3. Their friendship just means so much to me :')) :'D <333. Anyway :')). I love how he was kinda the one to set Miss Jenn and Benjamin (he deserves for me to call him by his first name at least once LOL xD) up xDD :'D <33. Like, he was the one who brought up the plane tickets and stuff :')). I mean, they were already pretty close to becoming a thing, but he showed us the audience the official moment of it lol, so I'm grateful for that xD. But that it was him, the one who was by Miss Jenn's side from day one :'), and even used to be enemies with Mr. Mazzara? Was the reason, or at least was half the subject of that scene lol, we met Mr. Mazzara :'DD? Perfect <333. Full circle :')). But yeah <3. I love him so much :'DD <33 ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰.
And a bit of specifically Seblos :'D. After everything they've been through this season, I'm so glad we got two episodes of them being adorable and mostly happy 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. I mean, we had to deal with the Seb's dad stuff, but it was pretty good (like easy wise ish I guess? Like not too bad) and they were adorable :'D. AND THEY GET TO GO ON THEIR TRIP 🥰🥰🥰!!! I'm so excited for them :'D. Especially after they lived it LOL. Anyway, their moments during curtain call were amazing <333. And LOL SLFKGHJS their kiss going viral xDD. As it should 😌😌. Slay for them lol xD. Also, them running out of the school together 😭❤️❤️. I'm pretty sure they're holding hands in the first shot <3333. Also I love the lines they sing in Born to Be Brave :')). And AAAHHHHHH THEM BEING THE FIRST ONES TO START SINGING BESIDES RINA DURING LOVE YOU FOREVER 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰. AKCIEHSODNWP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH <33333.
And oh my gosh 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. ALL OF THEM SINGING LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!! I!! AM!! NOT!! OKAY!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰 I LOVE ALL OF THEM FOREVER <333333!!!!! It was so beautiful, the song and the scene and both our together :'DD. And all of them coming forward- oh my gosh 😭😭😭❤️🥰.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE RUN OUT OF THE SCHOOL :'DDDD 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰!!!! Once again, an epic and iconic moment 😭😭😭😭❤️🥰. I love them all so much :'D.
Y'all it is the way I was screaming (saying but the emotion was screaming) "DENNY'S!! GO TO DENNY'S!!!!"
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰 THAT WAS LITERALLY THE PERFECT ENDING 😭😭❤️❤️❤️💔🥰🥰🥰🥰 <333333 :'DDDD!!!!
And it wasn't just perfect as a nod to theatre kids, but it was a reference/parallel to Season 1, when Nini said: "Usually the theatre kids cry and then we go to Denny's." :'))). I love them all so much 😭😭❤️.
And don't even talk to me about Born to Be Brave :'DDD. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THE PERFECT SONG TO END THE SERIES ON :'DDDDD 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰 <333333!!
And y'all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔💔🥰
FOR GOOD??!?!!!?!?
I'm pretty sure that was just the cast, not the characters, and I just- it was so, so amazing 😭😭😭😭❤️💔🥰🥰. And goshdarnit it made me feel things xdd. As of this entire episode didn't have me as a wreck lol 🙄 xd xD. But seriously, it was SO GOOD, and it reminded me of the Beauty and The Beast announcement, as well as You Are The Music In Me from after Season 2 :'))). I just love this cast so freaking much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭💔💔🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
The music this episode was P H E N O M E N A L!!!!! It was all SO amazing and all so emotional too 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. The cast are all such wonderful singers and the songs are all so well put together and beautifully written :')). I am so grateful for all of the amazing music of this show <3333. Don't even talk to me about any of the songs this episode, I'm still not okay over them :')). Special shout out to For Good for being most likely from the cast :')). And being one last reference, as it relates to Miss Jenn's offer <3. The meta show gets one more meta moment :'))) <3333.
This episode was so amazing. It was, quite possibly, the perfect finale <333. Obviously, I have things I wish happened, in this episode and in the season and show as a whole. But it told the story. And it told it well :')). It gave these characters an immensely satisfying ending, and, more importantly in this case? A happy one :'). They deserved that <333. And we deserved to be shown that we can. Especially theatre kids <33 ❤️. And still, amongst all these emotions, they still managed to make this episode HILARIOUS :'DDD. I can't with them, this show is too good xD. I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO, SO, SO, SO MUCH <33333 ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!!!
It's been over 12 hours since I finished the episode. It's hit me a couple of times that this was it, but it hasn't truly sunk in yet xd. I don't know if it ever will lol. But, for this being it? It was an amazing way to go <333 ❤️.
This show means so much to me. I've been emotional and sentimental this whole time x'd, and as I've said, I'll make a separate post about this, but I have to say it here. I will never get over HSMTMTS. And frankly? I never want to :'). Thank you to everyone who made this show possible <333 - I am truly, truly grateful ❤️❤️❤️. Possibly more than you'll ever know :').
And thank you to this fandom. Whenever I think it's too crazy, or I'm not involved, you guys are there to remind me :'). Thanks for being my Wildcat family throughout all of this <3. It means so much to me ❤️.
What team?
Wildcats :').
What team?
Wildcats :'D.
Getcha head in the game <3.
What an amazing season guys :')) <3 ❤️. I loved it :'D.
And that is the end of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
I loved it <3
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