weepingwidar · 8 days
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Abul Hisham (Indian, 1987) - Ripples and Waves (2020)
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eretzyisrael · 1 month
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jasminegazer · 2 months
The question:
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The answer:
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My reaction:
a a sledgehammer you say???
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nobrashfestivity · 2 years
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Raghib Al-Isfehani ( Abul-Qasim al-Hussein bin Mufaddal bin Muhammad)
from ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharāʼib al-mawjūdāt (The wonders of creation, or literally, Marvels of things created and miraculous aspects of things existing) by Zakriya ibn Muhammad al-Qazwini (circa 1203-83) is among the best known texts of the Islamic world. It is often referred to as "The Cosmography." 
The work begins with an introduction, and is followed by two sections, the first on supra-terrestrial, the second on terrestrial creatures. Al-Qazwini concludes his work with a section on monsters and angels. The genre of Aja'ib al-makhluqat (The wonders of creation), of which al-Qazwini's work is the most famous example, includes texts in Arabic and Persian that describe the marvels of the heavens and the earth. Numerous manuscripts of al-Qazwini's work have survived, as have several Persian and Turkish translations of illustrations.
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rose1water · 7 months
‏بازآ بازآ هر آنچه هستی بازآ این درگه ما درگه نومیدی نیست صد بار اگر توبه شکستی بازآ Come back, come back, whoever you are; Ours is not a shrine of despair; Even if you have broken your vow a hundred times, come back.
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radiophd · 2 months
grand river / abul mogard -- dissolvi
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abulrewriteswarriors · 5 months
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Fire/Firepaw design for my warriors rewrite !! Gonna be working on all the designs this weekend (or at least the first 6 or so) because I’m feeling pretty motivated!
I really love this design though, very happy with how the colors turned out :3
(also ignore my bad handwriting please 💔)
ao3 link for the rewrite
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medieval-elephants · 11 months
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Golden oldie A little golden elephant hangs out in the corner of the table of contents for the gospel of St Mark in the Lothair Gospels, made between 849 and 851 for Lothair I, Charlemagne's grandson. This manuscript is extraordinary in many ways-- there's lots of expensive purple and gold, a portrait of Lothair himself, the works-- but one of the most interesting features is this tiny elephant, because it is recognizably an elephant. (It can be contrasted with some other attempts at drawing "elephants" from Northern Europe on this blog.) So why did these artists get it right?
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Well, people were still alive in the Frankish realms who had actually seen an elephant! In the early 800s, the Abbaids caliph Harun al-Rashid sent Lothair's grandfather, Charlemagne, an elephant called Abul Abbas. Charlemagne had allied with the Abbasids (based in Baghdad) against the Umayyads (based in the Iberian peninsula), who were the rival power along Charlemagne's southern border and who were the descendants of the dynasty the Abbasids had overthrown in order to claim power. You can read more about this in Sam Ottewill-Soulsby's new book, The Emperor and the Elephant. Side note: these Carolingian illuminators were into pink and blue 1000 years before Taylor Swift entered her Lover era.
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Materials: Parchment, pigments, gold, ink Origin: Abbey of St Martin, Tours (overseen by Sigilaus for Lothair I) Date: 849-851 Now Paris, BnF latin 266, f. 74r
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likewaterfallz · 1 year
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Maqtal says that when Imam Hussain (as) reached Abbas (as) on Euphrates, his head was split open because they hit him with buldgeon. One of his eyes had blood settled in it due to head injury however the head injury was also accompanied by an arrow pierced in his left eye which was weighing his head down. His rib was crushed. His chest was bruised with Mashq sown on his chest with the arrow piercing his chest. His spine was broken due to buldgeon attack with spikes.
When Hazrat Abbas (as) fell from the horse… He had no hands to support, he fell face first chest first so the spears and arrows went from chest to back, his head hit the ground first due to weight of the arrow in his left eye… They didn't just attack Abbas (as) the yazidis attacked the reflection of Ali (as) so they broke him into pieces…. Further they feared him so much that whilst beheading him they struck his body with more swords making sure he would rise although he was martyred already….
Maqtal writes that when imam Hussain (as) tried to lift his body to put his head in his lap he was taking last breaths and his body was shattered that when he placed his hand on his back to lift him the body further sank like pieces falling apart …
Ya Abbas (as) Salutations on you!
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weepingwidar · 28 days
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Abul Hisham (Indian, 1987) - Hidden Obstacles (19th Trap) (2018)
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eyesoffthemaud · 7 months
About to watch Mizumono for the first time...whatever shall I do...
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msnihilist · 7 months
Thinkin' about Phineas naming their inventions after Ferb 🥺 The F-Games, the Observa-Ferb-atory, Ferb TV, Ferb-o-graphic technology, Ferb Latin, Tour de Ferb... I just think it's so sweet of him 💕
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An adorable infodumping Sphinx girl?! Yes please more of this!!!
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docpiplup · 6 months
10th part of the bookscans of Al Andalus. Historical Figures, here's the previous part
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The Andalusian Vikings
The reign of Abd al-Rahman II was rich in events and one of them, that spread terror on the Andalusian coasts, was the arrival of the Vikings or Normans, whom the Muslims called machus, a word that could translate as “idolaters” or “fire worshipers.”
Both Arab and Christian sources record, in their chronicles, the arrival to the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula from those fearsome pirates, who devastated, robbed and killed, wreaking havoc among the peaceful people and whose sad memory remained for a long time.
In the year 844 these pirates made an appearance on the Atlantic coast of the Peninsula. It was the first time they had come there, although the year before, They had taken the French city of Nantes, and going up the Loire they had entered the Gironde River, reaching Bordeaux and Toulouse, through the Garonne.
One of their fleets moved south and the Normans landed in the coast of Asturias, very close to the city of Gijón. Then there was another disembark in Galicia, at the height, more or less, of A Coruña. There they were rejected and followed the direction of the Muslim Atlantic coasts.
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On August 20, 844, fifty-four Viking ships, accompanied by a similar number of other smaller vessels were seen in the estuary of the Tagus River causing natural alarm, and even more so when it was learned that they had landed in Lisbon. The Muslims of the city prepared the defense, and there were three bloody skirmishes, in which there were many dead on both sides. Thirteen days later, the Machus decided reembark and put to sea. During this time, the Lisbon governor, Wahb Allah ben Hazm, warned Abd al-Rahman II of the danger ahead, and the emir immediately sent orders to the walis of the maritime regions so that they were on notice. The Normans continued south looking for another river that they could go up, since it was the route they used to go into dry land.
And before them appeared the mouth of the Guadalquivir river, a new opportunity to proceed with the usual looting. A part of the Norman fleet diverted and landed near Medina Sidonia. They proceeded to explore the interior at some length and took the port of Cádiz. The ships who went up the Guadalquivir headed towards Seville. Between city and the sea there is a swampy region, in which there are good pastures. Since ancient times, and also in Muslim times, they were raised studs of very good horses. Back then, between the two arms that formed the Guadalquivir, there was an island, called Captel and which today is known as Minor Island. There the Vikings made their first stop and supplied themselves of horses. Things seemed to be going well. The next day, the 30th September 844,
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Four ships reached the town of Coría del Río, located about four kilometers away from Captel. They disembarked, proceeded to total looting and murdered the population, in one of their typical performances.
Three days later the Norman fleet. continued upriver and before the frightened eyes of the Sevillians, the black sails of the pirate ships appeared. The sad fate of the inhabitants of Coria del Río was known, and the terrified citizens rushed to organize themselves to resist, but the governor, no more scared than the others!, had fled towards Carmona. Lacking direction, they did what they could, sending to meet the machus' fleet some ships, which were received with a shower of incendiary arrows and they all burned without any possibility of defense.
Seville was evacuated as quickly as possible, although not everyone left the city, some because of their health status, others because they are elderly and others because they did not want to abandon their property, a useless precaution, since the Vikings, landing in Seville, killed them all. Women and children were taken captive, while a horrific looting of the city was carried out, which lasted seven days.
So much loot was obtained that the Norman ships were overcrowded, so much of wealth and of frightened Muslim women who did not know what was going to happen to them in the hands of those barbarians from the north. They decided to return to base that they had established in Captel and disembark everything they had achieved, it was impossible to continue sailing with such an abundant and precious cargo.
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They immediately returned to Seville, in case there was anything that had escaped their first looting, but the city was deserted. There were only a few old people left who did not could help themselves and took refuge in a mosque. But not even the protection of sacred space was of no use to them: they all fell under the merciless swords of the vikings. Since then this mosque was known as the "Mosque of the Martyrs".
The Normans, after this raid, drew up a plan of action. The Guadalquivir, from the point they had reached, was difficult to navigate and trying to reach the rich Córdoba by river was almost impossible. So they proceeded to send horse parties to the north and west of Seville.
In Córdoba the fear was such at the possible arrival of the Vikings, that the entire population was placed at the disposal of the emir. Abd al-Rhaman II had not lost time. He called for general mobilization, both in the interior provinces of Al Andalus and in the Marches and when he received the first news of the misfortuned events in Seville, he sent an army under the command of his best general, towards the outskirts of the capital of Seville.
They took up positions in Aljarafe, very close to Seville, while all the troops arriving in Córdoba, from the general mobilization, were headed there, under the command of the eunuch Nasr.
It didn't take long for the Cordoban troops to clash with the Viking contingents that suffered a serious defeat. But still the Norman pirates were not completely defeated
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and on November 11, 844, in Tablada, where the city airport is nowadays located, the final battle took place. The Normans had landed en masse to confront the emiral troops, but they fought with such bravery that they killed more than a thousand men, taking prisoners to another four hundred. The few Vikings who survived rushed to take refuge in their ships, while they saw how their four hundred companions captives, their throats were beheaded, one by one, before their eyes. With so much Norman mortality, about thirty ships were left empty, without people who could man them and they were burned immediately, as if to ward off their presence in those land. The Muslims entered Seville and its people returned when it was certain that the danger had passed.
The fear had been so great, the massacres of the Normans so mercilessly, that in the butcher shops of the Sevillian souk, the remains of the Muslim victory over the northern pirates were shown as trophies. Normans hands, feet, legs, were showed with pride, while in the palm trees of Tablada many Viking heads were left hanging. The defeat of the Normans was communicated to the entire Peninsula, and even Abd al-Rahman II sent news of it to North Africa. What remained of the pirate fleet put to sea and headed towards the French Aquitaine, but not before attempting other landings in Niebla, in the Algarve and in Lisbon. The following year, however, they would ravage the lands of Bordeaux and Saintonge, while other ships made a raid along the coast of Asilah in Morocco.
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Up to this point this could be the story of the Norman adventures in the 9th century along the Andalusian coasts, but the story continues in an amazing way. The hasty flight of the Machus after the defeat of Tablada did not allow some groups of Normans to be collected, whichwere left on land and without any possibility of reembarking. Alone and without possible help, these groups dispersed through Carmona and Morón. Their presence filled the inhabitants of these lands with dread, although its potential for attack was extremely small, and the Umayyad general Muhammad ben Rustum, one of Tablada's heroes, went out to fight them. They had no more choice but to surrender, in exchange for saving one's life, which was no small thing, after their barbaric actions.
What to do in a strange land, so far from the Nordic mists and the women with blonde hair? The surviving Normans opted for a practical solution. Those men who only knew how to navigate, kill and loot, they were not going to join the emir's military forces, no, not at all. They converted to Islam, changed Thor and Odin for Allah and Muhammad, and in the lower valley of the Gudalquivir they dedicated themselves to cattle raising, and to milk industry! Those muladíes, converted into authentic Andalusians, made cheeses of extraordinary quality, greatly appreciated by consumers from Seville that were even sent to Córdoba.
That's how amazing life and history can be. Who was going to tell those brave Normans, when they left their distant lands, which at the end of their trip they would end up becoming Muslims and cheese makers!
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asmrtist-brainrot · 2 years
Hii not sure if ur interested, but could I request Abul x reader x Abul’s family (platonic!) headcanons? Just the reader slowly creeping into their hearts and abul’s family slowly starting to accept them as part of the family? (nothing is more powerful than making ur boyfriend’s family love you more); imagine that, at one point, Alrick (grandpa) and celestia (mom) start protecting YN from others questioning abul’s relationship w/ them (if it's in a negative view)
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It's already sort of a well-known "secret" that Abul is very fond of his partner soooo...
Gender Neutral! Reader
~ Dari
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Platonic! Royal Dragon Family + Abul X Reader
Alrick is somewhat of an old fashioned, slightly pompous ass to most and held onto a lot of the views that he felt kept him safe...
but he still loved his son and so loved his grandson and he learned to also love the person, the human, that his grandson loves too
you sort of wore him down, holding that same fire and spirit that your own grandmother held
soft and gentle and bright, you reminded him so much of his loving son
Abul lowkey started getting suspicious when Alrick started having you do some "paperwork" with him and worries if he's just drinking insecurities in you or plotting to make you leave him
and essentially bursts in on one of these times to see that you were in fact helping with papers but also having tea and a chat, even seening Alrick full on belly laugh at one of your cheeky quips.
... struck dumb until you chirp for him to join you both, Alrick gives him the evil eye about it thoigh and gruffly tells Abul later not to interrupt his time bonding with his future in-law
Abul needs time to reboot after that but is very relieved to see that he's softened up
Alrick is terribly protective of you now, a looming force that simply bashes away any opinions of nobles because fuck them all, he's the strongest and will make them love you as much as he does
Celestia knew what you were to her son when she first saw how he looked at you and it just made her so happy to see him breaking tradition because he loved someone so much
she also already loved you after she figured out what type of person you were
... You did remind her a lot of her late husband, they weren't really in love but she still loved him as the father of their children and respected him as the good man he was
and OOH, you were just darling! such a cheerful and playful thing - she's gotten so sick of the uptight stiffs that you were someone she feels like she can let loose around
she lowkey pesters Abul about when he'll propose because she's been dying to plan a wedding
Kass, not long after meeting you and finding out you were her brother's partner, was over the moon
she was brimming with delight after finding out you were such a sweetheart, practically dragging you away from your chores or her brother to go and explore with her - much to Abul's chagrin
often cracks jokes about "how did someone like you end up with my oaf of a brother?"
she pouts when you defend him but quickly bounces back to pride that you loved him so much
Kass appoved of you the minute she figured out how deep your feelings were and just feels at ease around you
you don't judge her for anything and yes, that includes being a bit of a gossip - she loves spilling about the messy things surrounding the nobles
ya'll know she has the hottest tea around
she's also real amused you managed to get into Alrick's good graces too
Abul thought it couldn't get any weirder until he found out his stepbrother was making nice with you, it also annoys him a bit because he was such a prick but the minute you're in the room - he's just sooo nice
Bren and you were essentially already best buds after you both started working together, you were happy to show him the ropes and defend him if necessary
it strange for him to have someone to defend him so readily, so... he adores you and the both you play board games and read together
even after his royal attachment to the dragon family was revealed, you still treated him like the pair of you were friends all your lives
but now, you happily call him your brother
he felt welcome long before he was revealed to be related and he had you to thank for that
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