#acat chats
akacatkat · 9 months
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Finally getting around to post the look back summary on the Nijisanji EN Chocolate Collection!
Completing the collection in 2022 was very challenging. I had a method to creating these and at first it was really fun! But doing it over and over in such a short amount of time wasn't very fun! It was very taxing and at some point it became really difficult to focus. I tried to keep to a strict deadline for each and I worked on multiple at a time, but due to that I couldn't finish each liver on the days I was hoping to complete them. Working on them all at once in order of interest seemed like a really good method. I wished I just had the time and the planning to allow myself to work in that way for the whole project.
For the additions of 2023, I was more lax on creating and posting following a rough deadline, but I was still working/posting in debut order. It helped a little to not take a toll on my physical wellbeing, but with no set deadline I didn't really space things out well, nor did I plan ahead of time like I initially wanted. I guess I wasn't quite looking forward to continue to work on the series because even if it was so cute it was repetitive, and not going to lie, a bit boring to do something so restrictive in style and workflow.
Consistency is difficult for me, not necessarily in the ways of actually drawing consistently but the act of doing something that's so restrictive. Normally when I draw illustrations, there is some aspect to it that is new, but with these chibis, to keep them looking cohesive/similar I needed to stick with the same, textures, brushes, forms, treatments etc. Maybe in the beginning if it was one single large piece it wouldn't have been so tiresome? Having a bunch of individual pieces and files felt endless and disconnected. It was difficult to see progress as a whole and the end goal.
After everything, I'm glad I could complete them! For some, I wished I could have executed better, some I wished I had better ideas for outfits and chocolates. I especially think I could have been more creative with poses. I think another thing that felt limiting was just my lack of skill when it comes to drawing chibis. Chibi poses? Those are really difficult. I also just have a very limited pose
I'm happy I could finish them in a satisfying enough way for myself! It was a fun challenge. I hope there wasn't anyone who was disappointed in my execution of any of the livers, but I did my best to give everyone thought and care even if I didn't know the liver all too well. Would I do something similar in the future? Probably not. I don't exactly have the mental bandwidth for it. If I were to do something like this again I would really need to attack it with a clear yet flexible plan that allowed me to work in a way that kept my interests.
I know I've said that this was the last round of Niji EN Chocolate series, but if no new wave debuts after Krisis by Valentines or White day I'll add Krisis to the collection! But that's also only if I feel up to it. Considering how difficult it is for me to do something repetitive and strict on style, the chances are relatively low. So I'm sorry if anyone was looking forward to it. Consider it a pleasant surprise if I do manage to add on to it!
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cbondurant · 1 year
You tell me lies and I bend the truth (POV)
Quando a viu sumir entre as árvores da universidade, considerou segui-la, ter certeza de que ela estava bem. Porém, suas palavras haviam deixado claro que queria ficar sozinha e ele as acatou contra a própria vontade. Sentou-se no casebre do lago por longos minutos, observando a chuva forte cair enquanto revisitava as memórias dos beijos calorosos trocados com a Mechathin momentos antes. Se apenas tivessem tido mais tempo... Poderia ter ouvido tantos outros gemidos e beijado tantos mais centímetros de Celeste.
Mas as palavras dela também se repetiam em sua mente. “Isso foi muito…estúpido da nossa parte. Você não entende o que aconteceria se alguém tivesse nos flagrado juntos? Você genuinamente não se preocupa com isso?”. Ele se preocupava sim, havia tido o cuidado de não serem vistos juntos enquanto caminhavam até o lago, mas quando estava perto dela pensava muito mais em tocar sua pele macia do que em qualquer campanha política. Celeste, por outro lado, se afligia o suficiente pelos dois, até mesmo irracionalmente.
Se tivesse tido a chance, na mesma noite Cedric a levaria para sua casa e a mostraria como poderiam relaxar em um ambiente privado, em que galhos quebrando não teriam importância. E era o que planejava dizer a ela no dia seguinte.
Acordou com um sorriso convencido que não deixou seu rosto por toda a manhã. Apesar da leve dor que incomodava sua cabeça, resquício da quantidade de champanhe ingerida por ele, a satisfação de ter feito Celeste Mechathin - a mesma maga que teimava em fingir desprezá-lo - gemer em seu colo era maior do que qualquer ressaca. Então, comia suas torradas com ovos no melhor dos humores quando pegou seu celular e abriu o chat com Celeste. “Oi, você ficou com meu blazer. Achei que poderíamos nos encontrar e repetir o que fizemos ontem à noite...”, digitou.
Recebeu a resposta alguns minutos depois, já dentro do carro em direção ao Malice. Leu com uma mão no volante. "Vou deixar o blazer no Malice depois". Foi o primeiro sinal amarelo. Em seguida, outra mensagem, que o fez diminuir a velocidade bruscamente e ouvir buzinas múltiplas antes de encostar o carro. Ela dizia: "Nada aconteceu ontem à noite".
Aos poucos, a chama de seu bom humor foi se apagando com a assimilação dessas palavras. Já sabia um pouco o que esperar de Celeste Mechathin, mas nunca imaginaria que ela teria a coragem de pedir para fingirem que nada acontecera na noite anterior. Imaginava que ela encontraria algum jeito de fugir da verdade, claro, mas não completamente, e muito menos tão cinicamente.
Meu deus, como fui estúpido. Concluiu, ligeiramente incrédulo. Uma raiva silenciosa começou a subir por peito e garganta como bile, mas o alvo de sua irritação era ele mesmo. Caíra facilmente na teia de Celeste mais uma vez, permitindo que ela brincasse com ele a bel prazer, mudando de ideia de acordo com o soprar do vento. O que o havia feito achar que daquela vez seria diferente? Apenas a troca de uma ou duas palavras de intimidade sob efeito de bebida alcoólica?
Não era a primeira vez que Celeste o havia beijado livremente e depois fingido que nada tinha acontecido, afinal.
Desligou o carro e, lentamente, deixou a cabeça cair sobre o volante. Teria que encontrar essa mulher repetidamente nos próximos meses. Até o dia anterior, ele esperava que poderiam manter um clima de provocações amigáveis e leve civilidade. À noite, imaginou o quanto ainda poderia beijá-la até aquela tensão entre os dois se apagar. Ali, naquele momento, entretanto, Cedric apenas sentia vontade de dar a ela exatamente o que parecia querer: uma disputa política seca e desagradável. Era o que seu orgulho exigia de si, depois de tratá-lo sem o respeito que merecia. Quando girou a chave novamente, tinha a uma frieza de uma tempestade de inverno nos olhos.
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kazxmp · 2 years
❛ the world doesn’t hate us. but it doesn’t love us either. ❜
Kaz sat there for a moment, thinking about his opinion on that as he sat on the metal railing outside of the club, in his fingers his second cigarette since they have been talking. The son of Acat watches the smoke elegantly swirl away from him, covering the space in front of them in a sheer film of grey. "So like, some in between shit." Even though he wasn't looking Ayden in the eye he was very much in the conversation, even nodding as he took another drag. "I feel like I'm sitting at a good 70/30 of that. There's much more hate than there is love in the world I think. At least in my experience."
Kaz seemed like he hated everyone, and sometimes if they scuffed their feet when they walked, or stared, he really did hate them; but a lot of times he was just vibing. This was one of those times as he sat chatting to Ayden, clinking noises from all his accessories littering the air like adlibs in the background of their conversation.
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bacholeee · 4 years
Blog Entry 9-18-20
as of writing this it is 7:07 PM September 18th 2020. I woke up from a very comfortable dream, the dream was me and a girl i like recreated poses from the famous anime JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure as my brain has been rotten by it since February of this year. pissed off i woke up from that delighted dream i stayed in bed looking over Snapchat seeing no new messages (the typical) and scrolling on Instagram & Tiktok. Twitter is the only of livelihood i have, so i know nobody from there and nobody i know in real life follows me. i stayed in bed till a quarter to 10 AM i got dressed in a all grey combo. my mother got back from the gym and as she got back i helped her shower my dog which i feel is my only friend who cares about me. 10 minutes after we showered him i made some eggs with sausage with a glass of water, while my dog was playing with his squeaky toy. i love him so much! after i finished eating i rushed to my room to finish my algibra homework which took me about an hour to finish then do little of my 2D animation class till my brain completly fried, about an hour later i played some games on my phone then watched YouTube till my classes started.
the algebra class was boring so i played among us on my phone. after my class ended i went to history class which ended 20 minutes early because the teacher was to in confident to copy and paste a piece of text into the chat box on Zoom. my long time friend who was in that class called me however my phone was having a mental breakdown so i called him 10 minutes later. he first said that he was going to call me and call me gay for disagreeing on school’s giving Gun safety classes. we talked for awhile until the class “ended” and our last class started. the last class was also pretty boring the teacher had us draw a character we liked in 2 minutes. me trying to do detail drawing failed so i resorted to drawing a ninja turtle which is the easit thing I could draw since i was obsessed with the franchise since 2012. while I had my classes going on i had my grandparents barging in asking stupid questions knowing i was in classes.
a few minutes after my classes finished my grandfather brought KFC for dinner. i was hesiatint at first considering my brother is an autistic obese 14 year old and the only thing he likes to do is stay on his mattress he has in my parents room, cause trouble and eat unhealthy, and every time anybody brings KFC he would divoir it but only eat the chicken part not the meat or whatever is underneath it. as i was getting my plate and my father came home from work my grandmother spilled something hot, and through the rukas my brother attempted to steel my piece but he saw my father and stopped. as i was finishing my chicken my brother (who had 4 pieces of chicken un eaten) tried to get another one until my dad to basked away from him and yelled not to get anymore. he left screeming since he can’t communicate and i finished my chicken. i threw away my plastic plate and went into my room, and began to hand draw a cool art piece Hiroiko Araki did on Jotaro Kujo (my favorite JoJo lead) i spent about an hour on it and asking my dad if we can go to Micheal’s to grab markers. my dad being lazy and likes sitting on the couch or on his phone scrolling through Facebook said no, but “maybe this weekend” which translates too “no”. i spent the next few hours watching YouTube on my X-Box until my favorite Podcast went live. while i was watching the Podcast i went on my social media’s only to be dissapointed looking at the messages and being greetead by nothing. i sometimes wonder why I have social media. i can toleratie Instagram but i really don’t like Snapchat. Twitter is by far my favorite  cause nobody knows a damn thing about me or my personal life. the only reason i have Snapchat is because my friend said if i wanted to get a girlfriend you have to get Snapchat. i did so so i started talking to some and one i talked to was 13, i stopped all communication from that person. i find it odd some of the pics she was sendig (we were communicating through Snaps) she had those kissing lips and tounge out and i’m like “why the fuck is this 13 year old taking pictures like this”. i then talked to another girl who was a year younger than me, but she stopped talking to me. i’m almost debating uninstalling the social media app cause it’s literally no use for me. the last girl i had left me with a scarred heart and trauma. take that as you will. i use instagram to look at pictures and that’s it. with the acational talking to friends since i believe everyone forgot the meaning of “cell phones” same goes for TikTok minus the talking to friends part. now i’m here probaly going on TikTok, watch the new Jordan Peele movie coming out, then masturbate since my life is lonely and depressing lol.     
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arn-blackhat-blog · 5 years
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                     𝐴𝐵𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝑀𝐸 ; 𝐶𝑁𝑁 + 𝑃𝐿𝑂𝑇𝑆
𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛: hacker (blackhat) da akshin, trabalha para amarantos a quatro anos. tem uma irmã gêmea (dada como desaparecida) e um irmão mais velho, que perdeu contato. viciado em doces e muito desorganizado. mantêm uma vida normal apesar da atuação criminosa. aparenta uma pessoa comum que ninguém sabe porque está sob as ordens de amarantos e como chegou ali. é conhecido como o gênio de donghwa e o melhor jogador de LoL da coreia do sul. 
Nos quatro anos servindo como soldado na akshin Backhat passou por inúmeras situações perigosas e frustrantes. Aprendeu com elas, e principalmente com a figura de Mawang, a ter calma e pensar com frieza diante das adversidades. Por sorte sempre fora um rapaz bastante calmo e racional, mas o mundo em que vivia era suficientemente forte para enlouquecer qualquer homem, inclusive o mais sã de todos. O silêncio que perdurou após uma missão feita, que resultou em erros extremamente grotescos, deixou o clima dentro daquele quartel general abaixo de zero. O sumiço de Kamagwi não poderia ter vindo em pior hora, embora o homem fosse a personificação das correntes que Changmin possuía com aquela organização e sua presença lhe incomodava, não tê-lo ali só poderia significar uma única coisa: encrenca. Restava saber para quem. 
Estava no quartel general naquela semana, receoso com todos os acontecimentos, quando foi contactado no gwishin. Um aplicativo secreto usado para chat entre os membros da organização, criado por blackhat para ser usado unicamente entre akshin. Livres de rastreamento ou impressões digitais, servia para facilitar as missões e suas comunicações e as instruções. Para sua surpresa era Mawang entrando em contato direto e lhe dando instruções específicas para rastrear todas as informações de  Hasu Jwi. Changmin acatou aquelas ordens sem pensar duas vezes até porque estar na akshin não lhe dava direito algum para isso. Mas isso lhe provocou diversos pensamentos. Porque aquele homem que nunca mostrou o rosto estava entrando em contato de forma direta sem usar Kamagwi para passar aquilo? Isso não era normal, algo ia muito mal dentro daquela organização. Diante de todo trabalho feito um nome surgia a todo momento: Ha Suhyun. E como esse homem tinha tantas informações sobre Amarantos e como estava passando para Hasu Jwi? As perguntas pairavam na mente ao descobrir tudo e logo após mandou todos os dados para Mawang. Ele saberia exatamente o que fazer e calar esse homem que poderia expor sobre sua vida dupla. 
A convocação na sala de reuniões não pegou blackhat de surpresa diante do que havia sido descoberto. Mawang tomaria alguma precaução e aparição de Kamagwi deveria significar alguma coisa. O hacker mantinha-se sentado em sua costumeira cadeira e olhava com atenção as imagens no projetor do líder da amarantos usando seu sarcasmo diante de toda tensão da sala. Os olhos de Changmin pularam para a imagem dos cincos quando seus nomes foram chamados e naqueles segundos seguintes realmente achou que seria a última vez que veria aquelas pessoas. Entretanto Mawang surpreendeu o hacker e possivelmente todos os presentes na sala por aquele gesto misericordioso. De uma expressão impassível agora franzia o cenho tentando compreender a situação. A imagem de Kamagwi não facilitou a situação deixando o coreano confuso e intrigado, mas ao ouvir da própria boca do líder da amarantos sobre a investigação feita e culpabilizando o homem amarrado percebeu como tudo encaixava-se bem. Ha Suhyun na verdade era Kamagwi, a mudança na aparência era o de menos em vista que muita coisa poderia fazer aquilo acontecer.
Im Changmin não sentia pena ou qualquer sentimento misericordioso por aquele homem. Alívio talvez fosse a palavra certa afinal não correria mais o risco de ser exposto sobre sua vida dupla. O grande gênio da informática e o melhor jogador de LoL profissional não poderia ser associado com a identidade do hacker blackhat, membro da akshin. Ele merecia ser morto, pensou antes dos tiros serem dados e acabarem com a vida do homem. Naquele instante vendo o corpo perdendo a vida imaginou-se naquela situação, talvez fosse sua mente querendo lembrar que seria assim caso tentasse trair seu líder ou abandonar a organização. A entrada de um novo Kamagwi o pegou de surpresa apenas de imediato, era óbvio que um outro substituiria, assim como eles eram substitutos de outros que já fizeram parte da Amarantos. E a saída do líder não poderia ter sido pior, deixando seus soldados naquela situação. 
Blackhat usou a manga de sua camisa para tampar o nariz e boca no instante seguinte que a fumaça começou a inundar a sala de reuniões. Abaixou a cabeça querendo proteger seus olhos e correu para saída. Estava uma confusão e demorou alguns segundos até conseguir alcançar o corredor, na intenção de correr para outro andar. Mas a dificuldade para respirar era o sintoma mais comum, além de seus olhos lacrimejados. Desnorteado encostou seu corpo na parede e ficou ali por um tempo esperando sua respiração ficar estável novamente.
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shuabun · 6 years
abc tag
Tagged by @cosmic-svt (thanks for tag !!)
Rules: answer the question & tag 10 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Age - 15
Birthplace - New York, USA
Current time - 1:35 pm
Drink you last had - Water
Easiest person to talk to - My best friend @royalnightdreamer
Fave song - Genie by SNSD
Grossest memory - Uhh don’t really have one
Hogwarts house - Ravenclaw
In love - I mean not really...
Jealous of people - Not really
Killed someone - Nope
Love at first sight or walk by again - Neither
Middle name - Carmen
Number of siblings - I’m an only child
Person you last called - My cousin 
One wish - I guess to travel anywhere I please or be a little happier in my life..?
Question you ask the most - “Did you call me?”
Reason to smile - Chatting with my friends
Song you last sang - Keeper by The Boyz
Time you woke up - 12:25 pm
Underwear color - White and pink
Vacation destination - Anywhere I haven’t been to
Worst habits - When someone calls my name or ask me something, I kinda don’t hear them despite not being deaf and then they have repeat it again
X-ray - My teeth, my leg and near my chest
Your fave food - Chicken alfredo
Zodiac sign - Taurus
Tagging: @royalnightdreamer @bangchansonnyeondan @bangchanskitchen @meepmorpsss @yuto-daaa @cheriejiaer @yooncten @chanhansol @paninimark @cosmicrailwaybisexual
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honggjoongg · 6 years
abc tag
tagged by @ncty0ng
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better ♥
(a)ge: 26
(b)irthplace: florida
©urrent time: 11:04 pm
(d)rink you had last: Mountain Dew Ice
(e)asiest person to talk to: Suga mama or Rin
(f)avourite song: Turn off the light - mino
(g)rosset memory: uhhh one time i like drank a shit ton of big red soda at a friend’s birthday party and wound up making myself sick and vomitted red everywhere and to the day i can’t drink that soda
(h)ogwarts house: Slytherin~
(i)n love: with rin and my friends cause bless them
(j)ealous of people: i mean i get jealous sometimes but usually nah, it’s only been when i’ve dated certain people
(k)illed someone: i wish
(l)ove at first sight or walk by again: a little bit of both???
(m)iddle name: Atticus
(n)umber of siblings: 3, all half siblings.
(o)ne wish: to one day be able to properly love and cherish myself and realize i’m not broken
(p)erson you called last: uhhh i don’t have cell service but i was in a voice chat on discord like last week with the discord squad
(q)uestion you’re asked most: “why don’t you work?”
®easons to smile: uhhhh the amazing people i surround myself with, music, video games, cats, dogs, animals in general, food
(s)ong you last sang: Whisper - VIXX LR
(t)ime you woke up: 7 something pm
(u)nderwear colour: dark grey
(v)acation destination: china, or just like tour asia in general
(w)orst habit: I pick at my skin, like scabs and dry skin. apparently it’s part of my ocd
(x)-rays: had so many x-rays it’s not even funny
(y)our favourite food: cheese
(z)odiac sign: leo
I tag @kookieman @yeoldalayhehoo @trashame @adachiyoujinjin @fuckboyyukhei
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swampthot · 6 years
i was tagged by @gays-in-stem n a few others
Rules : answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better.
(B)irthplace : montana
(C )urrent Time : 8:03 PM
(D)rink You Had Last : water
(E)asiet Person To Talk To : mimi havent known u that long but i known u my whole lifeeee chica (also like most of my friends its so hard pickin just one)
(F)avorite Song : your woman by white town
(G)rossest Memory : watching pacific rim uprising
(H)ogwarts House : i took the quiz a bucnh of times n got a different result based on my mood
(I)n Love? : im like constanlty in love w 10 diff ppl
(J)ealous Of People? : oh constantly today i was jealous of a bitch i saw drinking a latte i was like god i wish that were me
(K)illed Someone? : ive killed every plant ive ever owned except fuckhands mcmike
(L)ove At First Sight or Walk By Again? : walk by again. EVERY TIME i fall in love w someone it just hits me like a ton of bricks n im like o
(M)iddle Name : marcus . n if you like live to make fun of trans dudes names no i didnt pick it myself lol
(O)ne Wish : i want o be loved
(P)erson You Last Called : mimi
(Q)uestions You’re Asked The Most : likeeee gender . gender questions. always
(R )easons To Smile : my group chat. also charmac. iced coffee. john darnielle.
(S)ong You Last Sang : hey fuck you by the beastie boys
(T)ime You Woke Up : 8
(U)nderwear Color : black
(V)acation Destination : the uk
(W)orst Habit : overeating or undereating
(X)-rays? : never 
(Y)our Favorite Food : pasta
(Z)odiac Sign : aquarius
I tag @dancingvoid @communist-rave-party @exclusivelygae @homeofsexywhale @newtonbiwork And anyone else who wants to do it
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blackcloudbyjuly · 6 years
i wasn’t tagged by anyone but i saw this on my dash and this seems interesting 
(a)ge: 17 but i’ll be 18 in july
(b)irthplace: hong kong
©urrent time: 23:39
(d)rink you had last: red bean drink (i know sounds disgusting)
(e)asiest person to talk to: @geoffs-band and @laurancethelorax i love them more than my friends (not that i have any but it’s more convenient to label them) irl probably
(f)avourite song: i’m a natural blue by waterparks
(g)rossest memory: when i accidentally cut too deep fuck that was tramatic
(h)ogwarts house: ravenclaw
(i)n love: geoff.
(j)ealous of people: um kind of? like i’d compare myself to ppl then i’ll ask myself why i’m not fucking good enough then i want to die lol
(k)illed someone: i killed my mind
(l)ove at first sight: get this bullshit away from me
(m)iddle name: i don’t have one
(n)umber of siblings: none
(o)ne wish: to be able to do what i want without ppl judging me or fucking my plans up
(p)lace you want to live in: england i like the gloomy and unstable weather
®easons to smile: chatting with you lot here. geoff. and the possibility that i might get hit by a car and die
(s)ong you sang last: therapy by all time low
(t)ime you woke up: 06:30 because my room was smothering me
(u)nderwear colour: black
(v)acation destination: probably osaka or london
(w)orst habit: self harming like scratching my skin until it bleeds
(x)rays: 5 yrs ago when i had a back problem
(y)our favourite food: cheese bread
(z)odiac: cancer
i’m tagging @geoffs-band @falknerkin @fuckboi-season @soft-gothh @scolarin  idk anyone who wants to overshare i guess
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vaityadil · 6 years
tagged by @invisible-goats
rules : answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better
(A)ge : 19, going to be 20 in like a week
(B)irthplace : Seattle
©urrent Time : 10:09
(D)rink You Had Last : water
(E)asiet Person(s) To Talk To: probably @transrevan
(F)avorite Song : just one??? just ONE???? impossible!! but generally anything that’s widely called a banger or that has an overdeveloped drum section and some shouting
(G)rossest Memory : several close encounters of the third kind with hairballs (thanks cats i love u)
(H)ogwarts House : ravenclaw-adjacent
(I)n Love? : hh not really? esp not if we’re only counting people
(J)ealous Of People?: only occasionally
(K)illed Someone? : no???? also nice try feds u almost got me
(L)ove At First Sight or Walk By Again? : i have no idea what this question is asking but ig Really Actually Loving Someone takes time and luck fo rme
(M)iddle Name : Rose :(
(N)umber Of Siblings : 1
(O)ne Wish : hmm one? to someday be in a situation where i can care for and support one or more cats
(P)erson You Last Called : i haven’t called anyone in ages unless maybe if you count dnd voice chat over discord like.....two weeks ago
(Q)uestions You’re Asked The Most : ?? idk probably something generic like “how’ve you been/how’s your week going” bc lots of different people have reason to ask that
®easons To Smile : cute animals, trees, sunshine
(S)ong You Last Sang : probably happy birthday on general principles? i don’t sing a whole lot honestly
(T)ime You Woke Up : oh like 10am
(U)nderwear Color : dark blue
(V)acation Destination : the coast rainforest
(W)orst Habit/s : procrastination/executive dysfunction, asking questions when i mean to make a statement
(X)-rays? : just my teeth i think
(Y)our Favorite Food : pad thai
(Z)odiac Sign : gemini?
tagging whoever wants to ig don’t think i can think of ten blogs atm
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akacatkat · 1 year
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Sewing isn't my strongest suit but I wanted to at least try to make my little scrunkle, Koby. I'm making him out of felt and other materials had on hand from previous projects now, but if all goes well I'll remake him with better more durable materials! I'm using this pattern by @maromayu328saix on twitter.
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I've never embroidered any thing complex, so I looked into methods specifically for making dolls like this. I learned a lot from this video by PiyoPicco; I probably didn't do a lot of things right but it's better that I would have done without watching it! It's pretty thorough, so I think it's great for those with little embroidery knowledge! I should have embroidered the fabric before cutting the pattern, but I got a bit excited and acted without thinking, so I mounted it on some scrap fabric so at least the fabric was taut while embroidering. It works alright, since I also don't have any stabilizer either. Pliers were my friend for when it was difficult to pull the needle through, though I should have also used a thimble in addition since I ended up making my finger tips sore from embroidering for so long!
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After some unfortunate luck, a very special item finally came in that will make this plush absolutely joyous!
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teerest-blog · 6 years
ABC tag
Got tagged by @imouto-zeppeli​ !!! you’re like.. my main supplier of tag memes and i LOVE YOU 
Answer the following + tag people
Age: turning 18
Birthplace: Finland
Current Time: 16:20 (i can’t believe i spent almost an hour making this and getting distracted)
Drink you last had: chocolate soy milk (fucking.. delicious)
Easiest Person to talk to here: my mutuals and friends!! especially @joseph-moestar​ 
Favourite song: not sure about my favorite but according to last.fm the one i’ve listened to most is Ain’t no rest for the wicked
Grossest memory: the entirety of Greasy Strangler.. (which is an awful movie i saw with my ex in the middle of the night and i get nauseous every time i think about it.. it’s literally not worth the watch)
Horror, yes or no: mmmmmm i don’t really know?? i mean it depends on the subgenre and the company i’m watching horror shit with..
In love: with life maybe
Jealous of people: i can curb my jealousy pretty easily and envy too. So yeah, i’m a jealous and envious person but it rarely affects my relationships.
Love at first sight or should I walk by again: i’m still thinking about that one fucking... ethereal girl i met once when i was walking the dogs and she chatted with me and aah.... and i still hear that guy who passed my window singing a tune i didn’t recognize in my dreams...... so love at first contact totally
Middle name: annikki ndjfsnfjk
Number of siblings: 2
One wish: this is a super heavy question and i don’t know how to answer it tbh.. 
Person you called last: @space-caffeine nskdjfnskf
Question you always get asked: i?? don’t know tbh?? probably art help or if someone could vent to me or shit like that.. The most common phrase i hear tho is compliments about my hair!! Random people compliment it on a weekly basis and it’s super odd but i don’t mind
Reason to smile: cool music, spring, bad jokes, friends who stick through thick and thin, choosing your own family, that one video where the girl shows the pug a butterfly and the pug fucking eats it and runs 
Song you last sang: Autoheart - Moscow 
Time you woke up: before 9
Underwear colour: hot pink & black (tbh when it comes to boxers the brighter the colors the better..)
Vacation Destination: mmmmmmmm i kinda wanna travel where ever?? as long as i got a camera and some sweet ass company i’m satisfied
Worst habit: overworking to the point of breaking
X-rays: my teeth!! and also my chest too iirc?? i also got an ultrasound of my heart
Zodiac sign: virgo (moon in pisces and scorpio rising) 
im gonna tag uhh @joseph-moestar @yksisuunta @space-caffeine @kusoatama @lakanakana @sinotus
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chipscat · 6 years
Tagged by @jokuvain
Answer the following + tag people
Age: 20
Birthplace: Born in Inowrocław, but lived for first 5-6 years in Kruszwica, Poland
Current Time: 19:50 or 7:50 PM
Drink you last had: water
Easiest Person to talk to here: probably only @jokuvain
Favourite song:  can’t choose one / too many to count
Grossest memory: It’s so bad I’m going to take it to my grave and no one will ever hear about it
Horror, yes or no: I don’t enjoy watching horror movies
In love: hard to tell, complicated feelings
Jealous of people: probably of some
Love at first sight or should I walk by again: make some laps and get to know that person better
Middle name: Leon
Number of siblings: 2
One wish: time travel
Person you called last: one of my friends, for our weekly chat
Question you always get asked: “why do you look sad all the time?” because I don’t enjoy my life for most of the time???
Reason to smile: kind people, great weather and nature combined together, some types of music
Song you last sang: The Show Must Go On
Time you woke up: usually 8:00/9:00 in working week and 10:00 at weekends
Underwear colour: many ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Vacation Destination: any place with wonderful nature and stunning views
Worst habit: being messy, staying up late night, laziness
X-rays: 4 so far
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Maybe @pizzakillerhere would enjoy doing one
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yashiro-isanas · 6 years
abc tag!
i was tagged by @annamaenerd (thanks boo)
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better!
(a)ge 21
(b)irthplace Kentucky
©urrent time: 8:03pm
(d)rink you last had: Water~
(e)asiest person to talk to: Probably my group chat pals :D
(f)avourite song: I,, don’t know? It changes so often,, lately I’ve been listening to “The Lament of Eustace Scrubb” by The Oh Hellos a lot~
(g)rossest memory: probably that time in 5th grade with my forehead and a ceiling fan.... there was,, a lot of blood
(h)ogwarts house: hufflepuff ~!
(i)n love: Not unless you count Kim Taehyung ://
(j)ealous of people: people who try
(k)illed someone: nope
(l)ove at first sight: Doubtful. I’d like to think maybe there’s a fateful moment when you see your person for the first time, maybe you realize immediately or maybe you don’t. 
(m)iddle name: Rose
(n)umber of siblings: one older sister
(o)ne wish: to be happy and for the people I care about to also be happy
(p)erson you last called: I think it was my bff Ariel
(q)uestion you’re asked most: probably smth like “what’s up?”
®easons to smile: my family, my friends, my interests, and my peaceful life
(s)ong you last sang: oh gosh I don’t remember, I don’t sing
(t)ime you woke up: I think my alarm went off at about 6:30 this morning 
(u)nderwear color: black and white
(v)acation destination: A lot of places! Japan or South Korea, maybe Ireland or Italy; within the U.S., New York and L.A.
(w)orst habit: Avoiding conversations and not putting myself out there 
(x)-rays: I mean I’ve had them. Definitely at the dentist and maybe on my ankles in the past.
(y)our favorite food: steak, pot roast, Arby’s, mac n’ cheese, alfredo pasta, and cheese pizza ! My tastes are simple.
(z)odiac sign: libra~ I’ll tag @spooky-ashley-christmas and @fitsandtaetrums, if you guys want~ :D
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winchesterhouserp · 4 years
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En toda comunidad y grupo de rol se cuentan con normas/reglas, pues es de suma importancia que todos tenga ninguna estancia agradable. Aquel miembro que no acate las reglas señaladas tendrá dos (2) llamados de atención, de no modificar su actitud será expulsado del proyecto.
 1.      Respeto. Recuerden que como tratan desearían ser tratados por lo que no se aceptarán faltas de respeto hacia otros miembros ni a los administradores.
2.     No se aceptan temas OOC, es una comunidad plenamente de rol.
3.     Socializar. Es una comunidad / grupo de rol donde se busca la unión plena entre sus miembros por lo que se contará con un chat de la comunidad, mismo que es completamente libre el asistir o no.
4.     Avatar. No se permite más de una persona con el mismo avatar.
5.     Actividad. Para continuar dentro de la comunidad se pedirán dos actividades (puede ser una off rol y otra narrativa), mismas que se contabilizarán en el grupo ACTIVIDADES donde podrán dejar el link de su cronología de actividades.
6.     Colocar en su perfil como trabajo el proyecto.
 ¿Ya tienes luz verde para ingresar? Deberás ingresar a los grupos vinculados, no te preocupes, te proporcionaremos los links cuando ingreses. 
Recuerda que es tu responsabilidad si no estás en alguno y te pierdes un anuncio importante.
Como se ha mencionado desde el inicio, lo que se busca es tener un lugar cómodo donde se pueda socializar y escribir por lo que la cantidad de miembros será reducida en su inicio, dependiendo de la evolución y respuesta se ampliarán los cupos. Iniciaremos con un máximo de 30 miembros.
• AV/FC:
• Nombre completo:
• Código elegido, éste deberá el nombre de algún protagonista de película o libro de terror, o en su caso, algo referente al género del terror/suspenso, por ejemplo #Blood, #Demon, etc., hay mucho de donde elegir. Puedes revisar nuestro listado de miembros para verificar que tu código esté libre.
• Fecha de cumpleaños:
• Página de respaldo (si se cuenta con una):
• Adjuntar con la ficha una fotografía del avatar registrado.
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enlaces-finde · 4 years
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Hay voluntad de los sectores económicos para acatar medidas sin afectar derechos laborales
Detalla Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social las actividades esenciales y las verdaderamente indispensables que pueden operar durante horarios de restricción que marca el nuevo Acuerdo 127/2020
 Existe un acuerdo para que los derechos laborales de los trabajadores no se vean afectados y hay plena voluntad y disposición de todos los sectores económicos para acatar las medidas sin afectar al personal, señaló Ana Luisa Herrera Laso, secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social.
En conferencia de prensa virtual, la funcionaria destacó que se mantiene una comunicación constante con organismos empresariales, que están presentes en el Consejo Estatal de Salud y dispuestos a colaborar para que se cumplan las medidas restrictivas con las que se busca cortar la cadena de contagios de COVID-19.
Dijo que su dependencia es una autoridad auxiliadora de la autoridad federal en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, ya que es ese orden de Gobierno, el que de origen tiene esa responsabilidad.
“Entendemos las complicaciones que se generan para un centro de trabajo que debe permanecer suspendido en sus actividades y llamamos siempre al diálogo entre trabajadores y empresas para poder resolver cada una de las situaciones que se les vayan presentando”, añadió.
Herrera Laso consideró que es muy importante que este nuevo Acuerdo 127/2020 Chihuahua en Alerta se acate en su totalidad, “que se entienda que la intención es que todo mundo se quede en casa y que estas actividades que se cierran, son para que no exista ningún pretexto y ninguna razón por la cual la gente ande en la calle, salvo para lo estrictamente indispensable”.
“Si no lo hacemos así –agregó– no solamente vamos a sufrir la falta de nuestros seres cercanos, nuestros seres queridos, sino que podemos sufrir una afectación mayor en la actividad económica”.
La secretaria informó que por eso se estableció un paro total de actividades en un horario de 7 de la tarde a 6 de la maña del día siguiente, de lunes a jueves, y en el caso del fin de semana, subrayó que se suspenden actividades a partir de las 7 de la tarde del viernes y se reanudan hasta las 6 de la mañana del lunes siguiente.
Recordó que en semáforo rojo únicamente pueden permanecer en funcionamiento aquellas áreas que desempeñen actividades esenciales.
Sin embargo, aclaró, con las nuevas restricciones las actividades esenciales pueden operar de lunes a viernes, mientras que los fines de semana se reservan exclusivamente para actividades verdaderamente indispensables, que se detallan en el nuevo Acuerdo.
Ana Luis Herrera dijo que entre esas actividades que pueden operar en fines de semana, con los horarios de restricción, se encuentran los servicios de salud y equipos médicos, clínicas, laboratorios, rayos X, veterinarias y farmacias.
Se permitirá además, que operen las pequeñas tiendas de abarrotes que vendan alimentos. En este caso, señaló que aplica únicamente para aquellas negociaciones que tengan menos de 300 metros cuadrados de superficie  en sus instalaciones.
Otras de las excepciones a las medidas restrictivas son para producción, empaque y distribución de alimentos de la canasta básica, servicios de seguridad públicos y privados, equipos de auxilio y protección civil, servicios básicos de energía, agua, telecomunicaciones y servicio postal.
En el caso de los restaurantes, detalló que únicamente podrán brindar servicio a domicilio exclusivamente, además, podrán permanecer abiertos los hoteles sin realizar actividades en las áreas comunes, así como las gaseras, gasolineras, servicios funerarios, la obra pública, aeropuertos, servicio ferroviario, carreteras y terminales de autobuses, además de la minería y los servicios públicos municipales.
De lunes a viernes, la actividad industrial esencial no tiene restricciones adicionales a las que ya estaban previstas en el acuerdo anterior publicado en el mes de agosto que marca las medidas que se deberán seguir para el semáforo rojo, siempre y cuando se respete el aforo, sin embargo, deberá suspender actividades sábados y domingos.
La titular de la Secretaría del Trabajo indicó que no pueden permanecer abiertos talleres mecánicos, refaccionarias, servicios técnicos, plazas, centros y corredores comerciales, tiendas de autoservicio, clubes de precios y tiendas departamentales
Tampoco pueden operar en fin de semana, oficinas corporativas, mercados públicos y tianguis, actividades culturales, recreativas, deportivas, unidades deportivas y ceremonias religiosas, además de que no pueden realizarse eventos sociales privados.
La funcionaria informó que se cuenta con un servicio telefónico y a través de las redes socio-digitales, para recibir cualquier queja o denuncia por el incumplimiento de las medidas sanitarias en centros de trabajo.
La Procuraduría Estatal de la Defensa del Trabajo permanece en servicio constante vía telefónica para recibir asesoría o en la resolución de conflictos, en Chihuahua al (614) 4293300 extensiones 12155, 12156 y 12157; en Juárez a los teléfonos (656) 6293313 o (656) 6293300 extensiones  54122, 54125, 54126 y 54127; vía chat en www.stpschihuahua.com; o incluso de forma presencial, cuando así se requiera,  guardando siempre las debidas medidas preventivas.
En las páginas oficiales se encuentran también los teléfonos de Delicias, Cuauhtémoc y Nuevo Casas Grandes.
Herrera Laso hizo un llamado a los centros de trabajo para que ubiquen si tienen una actividad esencial y de no ser así, se les exhorta a cerrar ya que “esto no depende de que la autoridad laboral llegue”.
Destacó que la suspensión de actividades no implica vacaciones, por lo cual, se debe buscar la opción para que las y los trabajadores puedan continuar trabajando desde casa.
“Esta suspensión, es para que la gente se resguarde en su casa, no para que se vayan y anden por la calle.
El sacrificio para los centros de trabajo, la afectación a la economía es muy grande”, expresó.
  The post Hay voluntad de los sectores económicos para acatar medidas sin afectar derechos laborales appeared first on Noticias de Chihuahua.
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