areumxmp · 10 months
❛ is every day gonna be this crazy with you? ❜
"Possibly, yes. Depending. Maybe." Areum chuckles as he's picking up the one hundred and fifty miniature pokeballs that have now fell from his pocket and rolled all over the pavement and street. Listen, it's not his fault he was practicing reading by trying to read signs he already knows when he noticed Ayden around the corner at the last second and had to do a.... not very graceful half fall where he caught himself with his hand but ended up in partial splits with his pockets of pokeballs bulging until they all fell out... ..okay maybe it is his fault. "I swear I don't always carry them on me~! I was just showing a homie." But he does have them way more than he should. And when he doesn't have the whole first gen in pokeballs in his pokcets, it might be his turtle Leroy. You never know with the Himbo.
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undead-knick-knack · 2 months
Father Milo: *looks in Trist's general direction*
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dawn daddy is holding it together by a goddamn thread
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fragiledate · 1 month
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I should Upload more on tumblr 😬😬
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inxspacetime · 2 years
will you be my valentine? (Ayden to Eddie; Mxrvelouscreations)
send my muse “will you be my valentine?” to see their reaction ♡
Eddie forgot all about the holiday that night he decided to go out with Ayden. Their relationship was still a bit of a question mark, but after a year of being apart, the last thing they were going to was separate in order to process it. So they just allowed whatever would happen to happen, letting the universe decide their fate for time being. 
He only remembered when the blond pulled him closer, whispering the words to make sure only he heard the question - so that he knew this offer was to him and only him. He was still piecing together the words he wanted to use, but in their place he gave a small, enthusiastic nod in return. 
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“Hell yeah. I’ve wanted t’be since seventh grade.” A blush settled across his features, likely undetected under the lighting of the club, but his shy expression gave it away.
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themonstersamongus · 6 months
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Tag dump pt 2!
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marcussour · 2 months
Random thoughts about episode 100
Loved the complication of the mission with the whole "there's a faction of wizards within Aeor that are loyal to the prime deities and want to use their god destroyer specifically to kill the betrayers". The look on everyone faces as it dawned on them what was actually going on was brilliant.
I can't think of a better person to play the Everlight than Ashley (they've all been brilliant, as their respective gods, but there's something about Ashley's performance that has left me crying a couple of times already). Those subtle -and not so subtle- shades of Pike Trickfoot are brilliant.
I knew that Tal said before that his monk build was wild, but geesh. Also, Nick's multiclass build for the Dawnfather was insane.
Look, I know it was the lowest hanging fruit, to think that Hallis was gonna be either Ludinus, or in some way connected to either FRIDA or FCG, but I'm kinda glad it hasn't happened. Like, I know that we're bound to see either of those 3 referenced in some way, and my mind immediately drifted to Hallis, but I'm glad it wasn't that easy choice (granted, it still might happen and it might be a good reveal, like, the notion that Ludinus directly interacted and basically was saved because of divine intervention would be a nice twist, but still).
Loved the notion that, of all the things Ludinus decided to show the Bells Hells in the present, was the aeormatons speakeasy/sex club, and I respect it.
No, but seriously, that was a great detail, not only the dash of color and life and joy among the brutalist architecture of Aeor, but also the fact that it mostly came from aeormatons, but also some aeorian folks, even demons and celestials. And it was the work of art from the Archeart, while also basically being a Temple or a site of worship in more than one way.
Also, Abu's killed it with his monologue about death and beauty. The notion of finding meaning and sense and beauty and the divine in the finite was glorious.
Overall I'm really like the way the seed of the idea of the Divine Gate has already been planted, and this idea that, actually, the gods directly influencing the material plan is not a good thing in general. It does leave me thinking about what kind of conflict that might generate with the Dawnfather. I love Nick's portrayal of Ayden's as someone devoted, compassionate, calmed; but you can clearly see flashes of arrogance and pride.
I'm still waiting for a Bolo from Aeor reference somewhere.
"You hold within you a poem so beautiful that it could convince reality to kill a god" - Brilliant
We all know that The Emissary is basically a sentient nuclear bomb, right?
It would've been kinda funny if The Emissary had met Hallis, only for the mandatory Hidrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby meme (and imagine if Hallis was Ludinus).
I'm still waiting for some kind of double crossing from the Betrayers, especially Asmodeus or Lolth. Also, this is wishful thinking, but maybe an appearance of mention of Zerxus. Dunno, kept thinking of his visions and the battle between Asmodeus and the Dawnfather.
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tea-potato-gt · 4 months
More reactions and memes I thought of as I read the new “Shot in the Dark” book by @marydublinauthor and @kendsleyauthor
Part 1 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here / Predictions /Pirate AU
*spoiler ahead*
Chapter 13
Squirrels after they get bit by Werewolves:
Sylvia *starts talking about Alice’s music box* Me: NooOoOoOo Sylvia shut up!!! 😭😭😭 Alice: “My sweet visitor. My friend.” Me:
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Sylvia: “No offense, but I never want to see either of you again.” 💀💀💀 (Get wrecked again Jon)
What do you feel after you kidnapped an innocent fairy and held her hostage for days? 🎤 Jon:
Chapter 14
No, Damian! No! I was rooting for you!! 😭😭😭
The disrespect these fairies are putting on Sylvia’s dead father’s name 💀💀💀 👁️👄👁️
Ayden be like: “I know I have to brand you as a traitor, which will ruin your life, but Imma give you a Badass tattoo.” 👨‍🎨🎨🖌️🔥
POV you pirated Sylvia’s trial scene…🏴‍☠️
Chapter 15
What Hazel hopes happens to Jon:
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What probably would happen:
Chapter 16
Jon apparently:
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Sylvia if she tried to swim…
Jon and Sylvia flirting in the bathroom:
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Sylvia casually undresses… Jon: 😳😳😳
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Chapter 17
Jon and Cliff trying to have a conversation about Sylvia while she’s in the room:
Chapter 18
Me @ Sylvia as she drools over Jon’s gray T-shirt 🤤
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Chapter 19
Damian trying to kill Jon: 💨🌬️💀
Horny jail meme again, this time for Cliff:
Chapter 20
Them trying to unlock the door: (Tik Tok audio)
Jon: How did you get passed security, the fortress is impenetrable?
Sylvia🧚🏼‍♀️: Door was unlocked
Cliff: Son of a Bitch!
Sylvia: “No wonder you guys don’t have any friends” 🤣💀💀💀 (get wrecked again)
Jonathan “I like stealing” Nowak
If Jon is short for Jonathan. Is Cliff short for “Clifford?” Like the giant DOG??? 💀💀💀 or “Clifton?” How did I not realize that sooner? 😭😂🤣
Bonus Chapter 9
Jon and Sylvia:
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Thanks for reading!
Part 3 coming soon! 😌😤🧚🏼‍♀️👁️🫦👁️
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queercontrarian · 1 year
howl chapter 2 but it's memes
azris fic by our lord and saviour @iftheshoef1tz
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rip ayden you will be missed
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what stories do you have? I have seen you mention some of your characters names in the past, but I haven't seen the stories and I am curious
!! HI!!! Thanks for asking about my OCs!!! I have a number of stories, let me talk about the ones I mention most:
Of Crowns and Songs: (Or the mermaid story. Link to chapter 1.) It's about princess Ayden meeting a curiously shy and anxious mermaid living alone in a lake hidden in the forest behind her family's castle, how in her journey to help Nerissa overcome all the things that hold her back trapped where she doesn't belong (much to her sister's worry), Ayden realizes she's compromised part of her own identity (heir to the throne) to get recognition of another one (being a girl, yes she's trans). In the story Ayden fights against her own insecurities and the prejudices of her noble court to build up the courage to demand what was always rightfully hers to remain so. Meanwhile, Nerissa learns to balance the setting of her own boundaries with accepting the help the ones who love her want to give her, allowing herself to actually recover from her trauma instead of punishing herself for what happened to her.
Heart of a Warrior: Andrés and Clarisa's story (link to the one-shot where I created them)! This one is about pride, duty and love. Clarisa has goals, ones that do not align with what society expects of her. Through the story she struggles with balancing who she wants to be with what she has the responsibility to be, learning not to disdain that which is known for the glory of the foreign. For that, her greatest help and obstacle at the same time is Andrés, the general whose squadron she's sent to the first time she tries to participate in the fight against the monsters that invade her country. He's friend, teacher and guide, but also forces her to face part of herself she does not enjoy thinking about and eventually he's the one who takes her opportunity away from her hands when things go wrong. After their time apart, their reunion is not the happiest, but it restarts something that Clarisa had almost given for lost, giving her a second chance at making herself who she wants to be, even if there's new bumps along the way.
The unnamed Magic & Royals story: This one is Armando, Patricia, Carmine and Horace. So basically a king and his fiancée get attacked while on the way back from visiting a foreign country, meet a demon (literal) and a gargoyle, team up to return home without getting killed for politics. The demon and gargoyle are not altruistic, though, they're taking part on a supernatural treasure hunt for a powerful magical artifact that and their clues suggest that one of the keys is at Armando's kingdom. Having a king on their side when they search for it sounds like a good deal, so they make a pact. Of course, things aren't exactly simple along the way and the artifact is more than Carmine and Horace had first thought. (Somehow, despite the plot, what I focus most when I talk about them is the demi4aro relationship between Armando and Patricia and that's why I don't have any link to their story yet.)
The unnamed urban fantasy one: The story of Pamela, Danny and co. This one is a mostly slice of life story of a phoenix and a werewolf who moved to a normal university outside the territory of the supernatural community they grew up at. They struggle with finding their own places in the outside world, making lasting connection outside their community (both with humans and other supernaturals) and university itself. (I was supposed to write more about Dan, but Pamela always steals the show. The link to their origin story may explain why.)
Okay, so that's a lot, so I won't talk about the other stories I don't have developed as much as these, but there are many. Most are in my My OCs tag which also has trivia about them from answering ask memes or reblogging tag your oc posts. I also have a writing tag, but it has more OCs then the ones I mention in my tags (and also really bad fic).
Woa! That was long! Sorry for the rambling, thanks a lot for the ask! It made me really happy to receive it! *bunny hugs if you want them*
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ugly-and-angry · 1 year
Yo- I figure if this is gonna be my twitter replacement I’d introduce myself.
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I’m Ayden. I’m in my late 20’s, and I’m a middle school teacher in rural Alaska.
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I live here with my beautiful wife and our 2 cats, Fiske and Bodhi.
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I’m an avid proponent of disability rights in the educational space, and an anti racist, anti fascist educator. Trans rights are human rights. I extremely believe in restorative justice in all spaces. ACAB.
Other than yelling about the things above, I’m also into music and Nintendo games.
My blog here will be mostly memes but since I’m one of *those* people who jumped ship from Reddit and twitter, I’ll use this space as a journal at times.
Feel free to follow or unfollow or whatever man I’m here for a good time and I hope you are too.
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areumxmp · 1 year
“It’s not rude to interrupt someone to point out a dog. It’s actually more polite because then they don’t miss out on the dog.”
"Brrrooooooooooooooo~" In the most drawn out way of that word; like he's putting his whole heart and soul into his agreement. "I ain't never heard nothin' more right in my life. cause to be honest with you.." The large man did side eyes around them as if looking to see if anyone is listening-because he's dramatic sometimes- "If someone don't tell me there's a dog.... that's a red flag to me." It was no secret Areum loved animals and anyone who knew him for more than 20 minutes would know he wants to pet every critter he sees. Hence why he ended up with his turtle, Leroy. Little guy was lookin kinda shitty in the middle of the road and boom then Areum was spending a grand on his enclosure and good food to get that little dude healthy again. "That just wouldn't be a real friend right there, you feel me?"
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undead-knick-knack · 2 months
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The Betrayers better lay off Trist if they know what's good for them 😤
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dizzypossum · 1 year
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𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨
Lancelus is a extreme jealous type of guy and this meme is perfect for him and his boyfriend, Ayden
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fragiledate · 1 month
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inxspacetime · 2 years
more M/M NSFW gif prompts 18 (Eddie and Ayden; mxrvelouscreations)
more M/M NSFW gif prompts
[ 18 ]
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Eddie had known Ayden for as long as he could remember. Rich people usually acted in flocks, and their parents just happened to be in the same one. But their connection went beyond their parents and their money - sure, that same money funded a lot of their hijinks, but that was only one part of it. As long as the other was there, a good time was almost always guaranteed on Eddie’s end. And truthfully, feelings did develop. To say he wasn’t in love with Ayden would have been a terrible lie, and he would have done a terrible job saying it. But that connection was a bit severed when he was kicked out, practically disowned by his parents. Ayden was the first place he wanted to go, and yet it was almost the very last. He felt like a loser - he was a loser. And he thought the other would have thought the same and yet, when he finally landed on his doorstep it was like nothing ever changed and no one ever left - just a huge clump of unresolved emotions that needed to be sorted out. He brought a bag over as a peace offering, but he really need to get it in order to get Ayden talking— —
Though, not a lot of talking actually happened. From the second he opened the door, limbs were wound around each other and personal space was a thing of the past. Those unresolved emotions decided to work themselves out, and their bodies were much too enthralled with the process to question much of anything. Eddie was sure there were some questions he’d have to answer after the fact, but at that moment all that mattered was the present - that he was there now, that Ayden was the only one on his mind that entire year he’d distanced himself, and that he was finally ready to claim what was his.The path to his bedroom was familiar, but somehow felt different. Not as different as what they did when they reached the bed, though. During their usual sleepovers, Eddie never saw his best friend naked (on purpose), and he sure didn’t eat his ass either. And yet there he was, prepping him to the best of his abilities before they both couldn’t handle the years-long wait any longer. 
But before he did push in, he couldn’t help teasing Ayden just a little bit, the underside of his cock sliding across the glistening flesh just below his balls. He even went as far as to bend down, giving the patch of skin a gentle kiss before finally sinking into the warmth of his hole.
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