#access company saudi arabia
tektronixtechnology · 8 months
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Tektronix Technology offers sophisticated access control to ensure that only those with permission get access to certain areas. This not only enhances safety but also enables more effective management of access to the site.
#saudiarabia #dubai #bahrain #kuwait #ksa #uae #qatar #oman #riyadh #jeddah #manama #abudhabi #usa #dammam #islam #doha #gcc #egypt #madinah #arabia #lebanon #khobar #saudiarabia #saudia #accesscontrolcompanysaudiarabia
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The almost overnight surge in electricity demand from data centers is now outstripping the available power supply in many parts of the world, according to interviews with data center operators, energy providers and tech executives. That dynamic is leading to years-long waits for businesses to access the grid as well as growing concerns of outages and price increases for those living in the densest data center markets. The dramatic increase in power demands from Silicon Valley’s growth-at-all-costs approach to AI also threatens to upend the energy transition plans of entire nations and the clean energy goals of trillion-dollar tech companies. In some countries, including Saudi Arabia, Ireland and Malaysia, the energy required to run all the data centers they plan to build at full capacity exceeds the available supply of renewable energy, according to a Bloomberg analysis of the latest available data. By one official estimate, Sweden could see power demand from data centers roughly double over the course of this decade — and then double again by 2040. In the UK, AI is expected to suck up 500% more energy over the next decade. And in the US, data centers are projected to use 8% of total power by 2030, up from 3% in 2022, according to Goldman Sachs, which described it as “the kind of electricity growth that hasn’t been seen in a generation.”
21 June 2024
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But I wanted her (knockoff playline dolls)
I don't use Temu! Temu bad! Temu steals your info! Temu -
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Ooh. She's pretty. Yeah. I caved.
So technically, Defa Lucy is a Mexican Walmart knockoff of Barbie, but plastic playline knockoffs aren't viewed generally with the same level of distaste as recast BJDs. Others have their reasons, but mine goes a little something like this:
These toys are made with plastic injection molding machines. Here's a sales pitch video by Fit Precision Molding, a company that makes and sells these machines:
These machines are NOT cheap. This is the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine of toys. $20K (USD) for ONE machine is a starter price - and that's if you can get it cheap from China. So a company that has decided to create their own knockoff line also tends to have the funds to pick a legal fight with, say, Mattel (MGAE and Bratz). This is not a backyard art theft sort of operation. This is easily a $200K operation just for the machines.
Granted, YMY still got smacked good and hard by the company that makes Nendoroids, and they deserved to get smacked, cuz stealing is bad.
Playline companies steal from each other all the time (cough cough Barbie Extra trying to lift the LOL OMG line like that hot mess of clashing color outfits and ridiculous plastic jewelry can compare to the cohesiveness of MGAE looks cough). Generally, if one company is mad enough, they'll sue the "stealing" company pretty quickly, and the marketplace will figure it out.
The other reason it doesn't bother me is cuz I figure these companies kinda have it coming.
So when China opened up for business, companies all over the world ran there like their houses were on fire, cuz China so cheap! Such affordable labor force. Much lack of regulation - environmental or occupational safety. Companies initially balked at employees being required to join a union, but they were immediately comforted by the fact that Chinese labor unions do exactly squat for people. The unions exist solely to steal from the employees and transfer that money to members of government.
When you open a business in China, you're required to bring on a local company as a joint venture (same in Saudi Arabia, by the way), and the Chinese company will steal with delight and abandon - as actively encouraged by the Chinese government and CCP. Companies have whined extensively about this to their respective governments. "I want cheap labor force! I want to destroy water supply! I want to pollute their air! But they're stealing from me! Waaaaah!"
Well - you get what you pay for, now don't you. You want access to exploited labor forces (forced labor for Uyghurs in the Xinjiang province, imported North Korean slaves). You want rights to dump your toxic crap into the Chinese water supply and the Chinese air without repercussions - which travels over to California and gets trapped in LA, by the way (air moves, idiots).
You'll have to forgive me if my sympathies are not particularly high for you.
This sucks for anyone trying to be an ethical consumer. Walk into your local store and flip over any box. They all say "Made in China." All of them.
This is why even though dolls like Momoko and Obitsu are more expensive, I am willing to pay to import them. Japanese wages suck, but at least they're making some money. The dolls are made in Japan. That's why they cost as much as they do. If you want to be an ethical doll collector, your options are basically BJDs and Japanese dolls (maybe Korean). Anything on US shelves is made in China and therefore unethical AF.
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The social media company formerly known as Twitter has been accused in a revised civil US lawsuit of helping Saudi Arabia commit grave human rights abuses against its users, including by disclosing confidential user data at the request of Saudi authorities at a much higher rate than it has for the US, UK or Canada.
The lawsuit was brought last May against X, as Twitter is now known, by Areej al-Sadhan, the sister of a Saudi aid worker who was forcibly disappeared and then later sentenced to 20 years in jail.
It centers on the events surrounding the infiltration of the California company by three Saudi agents, two of whom were posing as Twitter employees in 2014 and 2015, which ultimately led to the arrest of al-Sadhan’s brother, Abdulrahman, and the exposure of the identity of thousands of anonymous Twitter users, some of whom were later reportedly detained and tortured as part of the government’s crackdown on dissent.
Lawyers for Al-Sadhan updated their claim last week to include new allegations about how Twitter, under the leadership of then chief executive Jack Dorsey, willfully ignored or had knowledge of the Saudi government’s campaign to ferret out critics but – because of financial considerations and efforts to keep close ties to the Saudi government, a top investor in the company – provided assistance to the kingdom.
The new lawsuit details how X had originally been seen seen as a critical vehicle for democratic movements during the Arab spring, and therefore became a source of concern for the Saudi government as early as 2013.
The new legal filing comes days after Human Rights Watch condemned a Saudi court for sentencing a man to death based solely on his Twitter and YouTube activity, which it called an “escalation” of the government’s crackdown on freedom of expression.
The convicted man, Muhammad al-Ghamdi, 54, is the brother of a Saudi scholar and government critic living in exile in the UK. Saudi court records examined by HRW showed that al-Ghamdi was accused of having two accounts, which had a total of 10 followers combined. Both accounts had fewer than 1,000 tweets combined, and contained retweets of well-known critics of the government.
The Saudi crackdown can be traced back to December 2014, as Ahmad Abouammo – who was later convicted in the US for secretly acting as a Saudi agent and lying to the FBI – began accessing and sending confidential user data to Saudi Arabian officials. In the new lawsuit, it is claimed that he sent a message to Saud al-Qahtani, a close aide to Mohammed bin Salman, via the social media company’s messaging system, saying “proactively and reactively we will delete evil, my brother”. It was a reference, the lawsuit claims, to the identification and harming of perceived Saudi dissidents who were using the platform. Al-Qahtani was later accused by the US of being a mastermind behind the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.
“Twitter was either aware of this message – brazenly sent on its own platform – or was deliberately ignorant to it,” the revised lawsuit states.
Twitter, now X, does not respond to questions from the press.
The Guardian contacted the company lawyer in the case, Ben Berkowitz of Keker, Van Nest & Peters, but did not receive a response. The Guardian also contacted Dorsey’s new company, Block, Inc, to request a comment from the former Twitter chief executive, but did not receive a response.
After Abouammo resigned in May 2015, he continued to contact Twitter to field requests he was receiving from Bader al-Asaker, a senior aide of Mohammed bin Salman, for the identity of confidential users. He made clear to the company, the lawsuit alleges, that the requests were on behalf of his “old partners in the Saudi government”.
The lawsuit also alleges that Twitter had “ample notice” of security risks to internal personal data, and that there was a threat of insiders illegally accessing it, based on public reporting at the time.
Twitter “did not simply ignore all these red flags … it was aware of the malign campaign”, the lawsuit claims.
On 28 September 2015, Twitter received a complaint from a Saudi user that their accounts had been compromised. But, the lawsuit alleges, the company did not act to bar one of the Saudis who was later accused – Ali Hamad Alzabarah – from having access to confidential user data, even though he had accessed the user’s account previously.
Saudi Arabian authorities, the lawsuit alleges, would formally follow up with Twitter once it received confidential user data from its agents working inside the company, by filing so-called EDRs – or emergency disclosure requests – in order to obtain documentation that confirmed a user’s identity, which it would then use in court. Often those EDRs were approved on the same day.
In May 2015, when two Twitter users tweeted about the kingdom in a way that al-Asaker found objectionable, Albabarah accessed the users’ data within hours. EDRs about the users were then sent, and automatically approved by Twitter, the lawsuit alleges.
Between July and December 2015, Twitter granted the kingdom information requests “significantly more often” than most other countries at that time, including Canada, the UK, Australia and Spain, the lawsuit alleges.
On 5 November 2015, just days before Twitter was confronted by the FBI about its concerns about a Saudi infiltration of the company, it promoted Alzabarah – now a fugitive living in Saudi. In response, Alzabarah sent his Saudi government contact, al-Asaker, a note, conveying his “unimaginable happiness” for the promotion. The note, the lawsuit claims, is evidence that Alzabarah believed al-Asaker had “arranged” or “been influential” in connection to the promotion.
Once Twitter was made aware of the FBI’s concerns, it put Alzabarah on leave and confiscated his laptop, but not his phone, which he has used extensively to contact his Saudi state contacts. Twitter, the lawsuit alleges, “had every reason to expect that Alzabarah would immediately flee to Saudi Arabia, which is exactly what he did.”
The US attorney’s office in San Francisco, which handled the case, did not respond to The Guardian’s request for comment on the company’s handling of the matter.
Twitter would later notify users who had been exposed, telling them their data “may” have been targeted, but did not provide more specific information about the scale or certainty that the breach had, in fact, occurred.
By “failing to give this crucial information, Twitter put thousands of Twitter users at risk,” the lawsuit alleges, claiming that some may have had time to escape the kingdom had they understood the risk. Even once Twitter was aware of the breach, it continued to meet and strategize with Saudi Arabia as one of its vital partners in the region. Dorsey met with bin Salman about six months after the company was made aware of the issue by the FBI, and the two discussed how to “train and qualify Saudi cadres.”
“We believe in Areej’s case and we will zealously prosecute it – but what she wants most is for Saudi Arabia to simply release her brother and let him re-join his family in the United States,” said Jim Walden, a lawyer representing Al-Sadhan from Walden Macht & Haran. “Were that to happen, she and Abdulrahman would gratefully resume their lives and leave justice in God’s hand.”
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nanobreaker · 2 months
BBC Article: Microsoft killed my online life after I called Gaza
11 July 2024 | Mohamed Shalaby and Joe Tidy
Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype have had their digital lives destroyed, after Microsoft closed their email accounts without warning.
BBC News has spoken to 20 Palestinians living abroad who say Microsoft, which owns the voice and video chat app, kicked them out of their accounts. The total number affected is thought to be much higher.
In some cases, these email accounts are more than 15 years old and the users have no way to retrieve emails, contacts or memories.
Microsoft says they violated its terms of service - but will not say how - and the decision is final.
The Gazans say they have no links to Hamas - designated as a terrorist organisation by some Western countries, including the US, where Microsoft is headquartered - and accuse the technology giant, the most valuable company in the world, of persecuting them unfairly.
Switched off
Salah Elsadi is living in the US and, like many Palestinians abroad, was using Skype to call his wife, children and parents on their mobile phones in Gaza.
The internet is frequently disrupted or switched off because of the Israeli military campaign - and standard international calls are very expensive.
With a paid Skype subscription, it is possible to call mobiles in Gaza cheaply - and while the internet is down - so it has become a lifeline to many Palestinians.
But in April, Mr Elsadi, like many others, was kicked out of his account - and all services linked to his Microsoft Hotmail account.
He has missed out on job offers and can no longer access his bank accounts, which are tied to his Hotmail account, he says.
"I've had this Hotmail for 15 years," Mr Elsadi says.
"They banned me for no reason, saying I have violated their terms - what terms? Tell me.
"I've filled out about 50 forms and called them many many times."
Others have complained on social media of similar treatment.
Some fear they are being wrongly accused of being a part of Hamas.
'Fraudulent activity'
“We are civilians with no political background who just wanted to check on our families," Eiad Hametto says. He was calling his family from Saudi Arabia.
"They’ve suspended my email account that I’ve had for nearly 20 years.
"It was connected to all my work."
"They killed my life online.”
Microsoft did not respond directly to the accusation these people have been labelled as Hamas - but a spokesperson said it did not block calls or ban users based on calling region or destination.
"Blocking in Skype can occur in response to suspected fraudulent activity," they said without elaborating. And users could appeal.
But many of those BBC News has spoken to say they have tried many times and are receiving the same blanket response.
One, Khalid Obaied, has lost faith with Microsoft.
"I don't trust them any more," he says.
"I paid for a package to make phone calls - then, after 10 days, they ban me for no reason.
"They have never provided a reason.
"That means it's only because I’m a Palestinian calling Gaza.”
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darkmaga-retard · 3 days
An estimated 1.6 billion people rely on VPNs to carry out the most sensitive tasks online, from watching illegal videos to engaging in sexual or political activities
Etienne de la Boetie2
Sep 18, 2024
by Alan Macleod
An estimated 1.6 billion people rely on VPNs to carry out the most sensitive tasks online, from watching illegal videos to engaging in sexual or political activities. But few people know that a considerable chunk of that market—including three of the six most popular VPNs—is quietly operated by an Israeli-owned company with close connections to that country’s national security state, including the elite Unit 8200 and Duvdevan Units of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Previous MintPress News investigations into Israel’s growing control over the tech industry have outlined how those units have been involved in many of Israel’s most outrageous hacking, surveillance and assassination programs, acting as spies and death squads. Unit 8200, for example, has been the source of much of the world’s most infamous spying software, including Cellebrite and Pegasus, the program used to snoop on tens of thousands of the world’s top politicians and journalists, including by Saudi Arabia, who used it to help track down and kill Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
Given this context, justifiable fears arise that control over a vast VPN empire could add to Israel’s influence over the online information and security world, creating backdoors for Israeli intelligence to carry out a vast kompromat operation on users around the globe.
This investigation is part of a series highlighting and detailing the power of Israel’s growing tech industry to access and control people’s data.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
For years, a Saudi Arabia-owned farm based in the U.S. has been using water for free in the drought-stricken state of Arizona.
The water has been used to grow alfalfa for livestock in the Gulf kingdom.
Arizona has decided to not renew the company’s leases following an investigation that found Fondomonte Arizona in violation of some of its lease terms.
Arizona governor Katie Hobbs said this week her administration is terminating state land leases that for years have given a Saudi-owned farm nearly unfettered access to pump groundwater in the dry southwestern state.
On Monday, Hobbs, a Democrat, said the state had canceled Fondomonte Arizona's lease in western Arizona's Butler Valley and would not renew three other leases up for renewal there next year.
An investigation by the governor's office found that the foreign-owned farm had violated some of its lease terms. Hobbs called it unacceptable that the farm "continued to pump unchecked amounts of groundwater out of our state while in clear default on their lease."
Fondomonte Arizona, a subsidiary of Saudi dairy giant Almarai Co., grows alfalfa in Arizona that feeds livestock in the water-stressed Gulf kingdom.
Through a spokesperson, Fondomonte said it would appeal the governor's decision to terminate its 640-acre lease in Butler Valley. Altogether, Fondomonte farmed about 3,500 acres in the rugged desert area west of Phoenix.
Fondomonte raised eyebrows when in 2014 it purchased nearly 10,000 acres of land for $47.5 million about 20 miles away from Butler Valley in Vicksburg, Arizona. Since then, worsening drought in Arizona has brought renewed attention to the company's water use and the broader issues of foreign-owned farms and groundwater pumping.
The violations the governor's office detailed relate to the company's storage of hazardous materials, among other issues. On Monday, Hobbs' office said that Fondomonte was notified of the violations in 2016, but an investigation in August found the company had not fixed the problem seven years later. That gave Arizona's State Land Department grounds to terminate the lease.
The Arizona governor's office said the State Land Department decided not to renew three other leases the company had in Butler Valley due to the "excessive amounts of water being pumped from the land — free of charge."
The department manages land owned by Arizona, which in Fondomonte's case, had been leased to the company. Butler Valley's groundwater is especially important because of state law that in theory allows for it to be pumped elsewhere. That makes its water of interest to cities like Phoenix, also dealing with water supply-related stress and a fast-growing population.
In Arizona, cities such as Phoenix and Tucson have restrictions on how much groundwater they can pump under a 1980 state law aimed at protecting the state’s aquifers. But in rural areas, little is required of water users to pump from underground aquifers besides registering wells with the state and using the water for activities, including farming, that are deemed a "beneficial use."
Fondomonte also farms in Southern California’s Palo Verde Valley, an area that gets its water from the shrinking Colorado River. Those operations have attracted less scrutiny. Not all of Fondomonte's farms in Arizona are affected by the governor's decision. And it’s not the only foreign company farming in the Southwest. The United Arab Emirates-owned Al Dahra ACX Global Inc. grows forage crops in Arizona and California, and is a major North American exporter of hay.
Almarai’s holdings in the Southwest are just one example of the farmland the company and its subsidiaries operate outside Saudi Arabia. It farms tens of thousands of acres in Argentina, which has also faced severe drought conditions in recent years.
Foreign entities and individuals control roughly 3% of U.S. farmland, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Canada is the largest holder — mainly of forestland.
Kris Mayes, Arizona’s Democratic attorney general, praised the governor for cracking down on the foreign-owned farm.
In April, Mayes announced that the state had rescinded permits that would've allowed Fondomonte to drill new water wells after inconsistencies were found in its applications. On Monday, Mayes called the governor's actions a "step in the right direction," adding that the state should have acted sooner.
"The decision by the prior administration to allow foreign corporations to stick straws in the ground and pump unlimited amounts of groundwater to export alfalfa is scandalous," Mayes said.
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bu1410 · 6 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - March 13th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
SAUDI Arabia - Al Jubail - 1993
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Once returned from Bangladesh, I was called back by SNAMPROGETTI (it was still existing at the time) for a short assignment in Jubail, in the eastern area of Saudi Arabia. It involved the construction of a production plant for MTBE, an additive for unleaded petrol. The plant was built in the so-called Al Jubail el Sinayah, i.e. the industrial area of Al Jubail, one of the two large industrial areas of Saudi Arabia - the other is Yanbu, on the coast of the Red Sea. We lived in a compound called Pearl beach, and thanks to the Greek wife of the coumpound Saudi owner, Pearl Beach was the only place in Al Jubail where the beach was promiscuous. Although to tell the truth the Arab women (Jordanian, Egyptian etc of course not Saudi) bathed fully dressed in the black abaja, the traditional local female dress. I shared a huge villa with Mr. Menozzi Ildebrando with a large living room, American kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms.
THE PROJECT It was one of the last project with a very strong Italian presence. Not only the top and middle management were Italians, but till at the superintendents/supervisors level of each discipline were Italians too
Mr. BERETTA GIANCARLO I remember in particular the insulation/painting superintendent Beretta Giancarlo, an elderly guy,, close to retirement, originally from Milan. Taking advantage of the fact that our scope of work also included the pipelines connecting the plant to the port of Jubail, he used to show up in the office early morning, and then disappearing all day. He was the protagonist of a funny event but which could have turned into something serious. To access the industrial area from the city, there were numerous police checkpoints. Usually the cops were lying inside the cars, with their bare feet out the window. We used to stop and wait of their ok to proceed - which sometimes could last for 15 or 20 minutes. Beretta - who only spoke Milanese dialect - had already had a couple of arguments with the police. A morning, he stopped hos car next the police car - and than, tired of waiting, the Italian set off without waiting for the policeman's order (who usually got out of the car, put on their shoes and then, gesturing with the mishuak (the ever-present wooden licorice with which the Saudis clean their teeth) shouting: -RUHHH……RUHHHHHH……. MADHA TANTAZIR??!!! (As if to say ''go…what are you waiting for…go!!')
Beretta was immediately chased, and police came to arrest him in the office enclosure. Detained one night for checks, when he was released he was very angry: with the Saudis, with Company, ENI, who had left him in prison, his colleagues who joked about his arrest…… with the entire world!!!
Mr. MARANGON EGIDIO He was the so-called Field Engineer, the one that within Company organization should tackle all the engineering problems arising at site. I will meet him again later at the site in Bir Rebaa, Algeria. Egidio had the ''unlucky '' idea of inviting his wife and daughter Saudi Arabia during Christmas period. And the even more unfortunate idea of leaving for Al Khobar on a Friday morning, to spend a day in that city. About 120 km along the highway from Al Jubail, Al Khobar could boast some shopping malls, a destination for the Marangon family. After traveling about 50 kilometres, near the largest desalination plant of Saudi Arabia, a 17-year-old Saudi driving in the opposite direction of the Marangon family, with his Buick Impala, for reasons never ascertained, jumped the guard rail and hit Marangon's Toyota Corolla head-on. The consequences, as one can imagine, were very serious: Egidio suffered multiple fractures which cost him 2 operations in Saudi and one in Italy (plus a long period of rehabilitation) his wife suffered multiples ribs fractures ribs, , and facial trauma – the daughter, who was sitting in the back, was thrown into the front of the car, smashing the windshield with her head. After the necessary treatment, which obviously lasted weeks, Marangon's wife and daughter returned to Italy.
Meanwhile the young Saudi was completely cleared of any responsibility following the police report. Egidio returned to Italy 45 days after the accident, and a long dispute with SNAMPROGETTI began for him - the Company had let him know that they did not consider themselves responsible for the accident, and did not want to proceed with any type of compensation. The matter ended up in Court, and the Judge partially agreed with Mr. Marangon, ordering SNAMPROGETTI to pay compensation of 60 million lire. (30,000 Euro).
Mr. PAGNINI MARCELLO This guy, being the Civil Construction Manager, was my direct superior. Marchigiano, in his 60s and a hypochondriac, continually subjected himself to clinical and blood tests. One day they found him to have high birulibin and he started breaking everyone's nerves, asking ''Maybe you too have high birulibin and what treatments did you do to reduce it etc…''. He was terrified of being kicked out (he was having his first experience overseas even though he was already nearby retirement). During that time, a rumors were saying SNAMPROGETTI had taken over the extension of the port of Bandar Abbas (Iran) and therefore phantom ''lists of people who will be assigned to the new project'' appeared on the notice board, in which Pagnini's name regularly appeared. Iran, for obvious reason, was a destination that all us were trying to avoid. But Pagnini, desperately seeking another assignement before retirement, expressed his agreement to be assigned in a place nobody wanted. Mr. CAMPUGIANI UMBERTO. A young and enthusiastic guy. He traveled with me on a flight Milan – Vienna – Dahran. At that time, Company was using Austrian Airlines because it obviously cost less. From the Marche region, in his 30s, was having his very first experience abroad in any sense. When the plane began its descent towards Daharan, the cabin crew handed out the disembarcation card to all passengers – and here Campugiani's problems began: he didn't understand a word of English, but he didn't want to be helped. -I want to learn English quickly, he used to say. He was having one those pocket dictionary – at each word he was a flipping through pages. We were sitting on opposite seats in the aisle, at a certain point Umberto leans towards me and says in a low voice:
Why.....why they want to know the data… well, do you understand…? I look at him with interrogation face….
Yes – he says – it says on the card: Data of Bird…data of the bird (In Italian is one of the way we call d*****k!!
Come on, silly – I told him – they ask for the date of BIRTH…read better…….
DA RE LINO - SITE CIVIL ENGINEER Immediately nicknamed ''Darelino'' (all together) he was a jovial 50-year-old from Vittorio Veneto - pipe smoker and photography enthusiast. With his savings from Company pocket money he bought one of the first video cameras in the Al Jubail Souk - and with that device a Friday afternoon Darelino went to the port to record video's. The next day, Saturday, he didn't show up at site , and a quick investigation revealed that he hadn't returned home. Our PRO (Public Relations Officer) soon discovered that he had been held in the local police station, waiting for the Court to reopen on Sunday. Caught by police on filming a ship leaving the port at sunset, he had not put up the slightest resistance to arrest. This fact earned him immediate release from prison on Monday, upon payment of bail, and the confiscation of the video camera.
BRIDGE The large lifts were completed, and the Van Severen's 2,600 ton mobile crane was preparing to leave the site. However, a problem arose: when the crane entered, the bridge over the pipe way did not exist, but in the meantime it had been built - therefore the question: will the bridge support the weight of the crane? (even if dismantled into pieces). Darelino was immediately alerted: he was in charge to solve such problems. And Darelino immediately got to work: he asked for drawings and technical specifications of the bridge, all crane's details, and locked himself in his office. From where he used to come out only to smoke his pipe, and take a breath of air (by the way the stinky air of the Al Jubail ammonia plant and the Shell Refinery, of which one day we saw the 85 mt tall distillation column attempt a take-off and then immediately fall back to the ground). In the end, after a week of ''passion'' in which every time one of us saw Darelino was asking: ''SO SO can the bridge bear the crane passage'??? A morning our Dear Civil Engineer came out from his office and, lighting once again his pipe, said:
Well… if I were the Project Manager… I would call Italy's Head Office…you never know in such case.....better take any precaution..''
MENOZZI ILDEBRANDO He was my house-mate. To tell the truth, the house was so large - that sometimes we didn't see each other for days, except at site. Menozzi was ''a predestined guy'' in the sense that being a recommended person he could allow himself to do and undo as he wanted on the project that no one else was allowed to do - and nobody was able to criticize him. Ildebrando was also a little weird guy - for example he was subject to the ''Hilton hotel syndrome'': before visiting any place he would make sure a Hilton hotel would be there - and if it didn't exist, he wouldn't go there. This was the case on our trip to Bahrain, during Eid el Hada: he came with us because I personally assured him that Manama had a great Hilton hotel. One day we received a visit from Mr. Cincotta, the already named HR Manager from Milan Head Office. Cincotta had brief meetings with all the staff in the construction site offices. To talk to Ildebrando, the HR Manager came personally to our villa, where he told my house-mate that the decision had been made: his next destination would be Venezuela. Ildebrando was heartened by the news, he was afraid of remaining ''imprisoned'' in Arab countries forever, like many of us.
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Ildebrando, Umberto and myself sitting in our villa at Pearl Beach compound - Al Jubail - Saudi
On Thursday evenings we used always organized a soccer match - that evening Ildebrando - who was not a football phenomenon - in an attempt to score a goal, fell heavily to the concrete ground and started screaming: we immediately saw that his right arm was broken at the height of the humerus, and hung limply. Ildebrando was cying and shouting without interruption: ''Goodbye Venezuela…goodbye Venezuela…''!! I told him not to worry, he had time to heal before leaving for South America. In the end he went 'to Venezuela, and despite our recommendations 'be careful of the girls, they are dangerous over there… '' after just 6 months he was already married, and the girl was pregnant. From the marriage a boy born, and after a year Ildebrando had already divorced and taken the child to Italy. The last thing I remember about him was a conversation with his father, who asked me:
''But what is he (Ildebrando) doing down there? (in Venezuela)
Why are you sking so?
I am constantly forced to top up my son's credit card''.....
PATRIOT As I wrote previously, Pearl Beach was the only compound in Al Jubail that allowed men and women to share the same beach. But the compound was also housing a battery of Patriot missiles that were positioned right on the beach we frequented on Fridays. The Gulf War had ended a year earlier, and American soldiers were heavily garrisoning the Eastern coast of Saudi Arabia. While the Patriot affair reassured us on the one hand, on the other it made us think of being a possible target for terrorists and deranged people.
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DAHRAN HOSPITAL During my stay in Al Jubail I had a couple of problems:
The first due to a ''stupid'' accident (all accidents are stupid, right?) - I was on a the site and inspecting a trench for the electrical cables. I wanted to jump the trench but .......ending up on the other side, I landed on a wooden board with a 12 mm nail on it - a rusty one that pierced the sole of the safety shoes. It's was really bad, I remember it even now that so many years have passed! The nail was stuck in the center of my foot, I was rescued and taken to the infirmary where it was removed. Afterwards I underwent the tetanus injection in the outpatient department of a local clinic.
Following this accident, my left knee began to ''creak'' again. I got a permission to go to Dahran, where an MRI machine was in operation at the hospital I had helped build in 1980.
On the scheduled day, I arrived at the hospital accompanied by a driver, and here the odyssey began! I had with me a letter in which our Doctor explained what had happened and asked for an MRI to be carried out on my knee - a test to be paid, of course.
At first the Filipino nurse had not any problem. She read my letter and told me ''sit and wait for your trun''. Than, after a while she came back saying ''That this test required authorization from the Medical Director of the hospital''.
Can you tell me please where is he sitting? I asked the nurse.
Follow the arrows where it is written ''Medical Director'' she said. I knew the hospital so it wasn't a big problem for me to find my way around the labyrinth of corridors. Finally I arrived in front of the Medical Director's office and knocked on the door.
Come in!
I entered the room and found myself in front of an old Saudi guy.
Immediately he addressed me in that loud and annoyed tone:
Madha tarid?? (what do you want) he said with that typical waving of the hand in the air.
Good morning Sir - I came to undergo to an MRI - here is the letter of introduction from my Doctor - the Philippine nurse in charge of admission told me that your authorization is needed.
Reading the letter – Umm……okay……maybe ....sit down ……
Than after a moment: Okay but here…maybe……The test cannot be done!
Why' so? – I asked politely – if it is a problem of money, I have the cash here to pay for the test…….
That's not the issue… the test cannot be done…the MRI machine is reserved ''FOR SAUDIS ONLY''!!
I don't think I can understand, Sir…
Yes – he says – the machine cannot be used for foreigners, it is reserved only for Saudis! Rouh…Rouh… (Go…go…) And so I was dismissed! 240 kilometers to be told that I couldn't take the test just because I'm NOT Saudi.
RETURN TO ITALY Eventually the day came for the final return to Italy. The night flight from Dahran to Rome was scheduled at 0.30am. I arrived at the airport well in advance, aware that when leaving Saudi Arabia permanently, procedures takes longer than normal. Saudi Arabia is perhaps the only country in the world where a foreign resident needs the so called NOC (Non Objection Certificate) to leave the country. Essentially a sort of ''exit visa'' from the country. The NOC is a certificate that there is no objection from anyone to its holder leaving Saudi Arabia. Therefore there are no pending legal cases, unpaid debts etc. With my good NOC in the hand, I showed up at check in and after having completed the procedure a Saudi guy approached me - he was dressed like everyone else, disdasha and ghutra, sandals on his feet, but I had learned to recognize the cops from their behaviour, and he was one of them. He asked me for my passport and boarding pass, looked at them briefly, put them in the deep pocket of his disdasha and then left, without saying a word, leaving me standing there like a ''cuckoo''. Boarding time was approaching, and there was no sign of the policeman! I was more and more nervous, I risked to missthe flight because of that idiot! When there were only a few minutes left before the plane doors shut off, the cop finally returned. He waved my passport and NOC and in front of the stewardess who was begging me to get on board, and began a weird pantomimes:
Where you want to go?
To Italy……
Where in Italy?
Sure you want to go to Rome?
Yes, I'm sure….
Yes …I'm sure….
And WHYYYYY you want to go to Rome? (Again shouting)
Because there is no direct flight to Milan, my home town
Ahh……ok…go…rouh…rouh…. And saying this he finally gave me the passport and the document in my hand. At that moment I turned and almost ran along the bridge that joined the terminal to the plane, and got on board, begging the stewardess to close the door immediately.
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Belgium announces accession to the Franco-German FCAS project
Belgium is expected to sign an entry agreement into the next-generation fighter program in June 2025.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/29/2023 - 14:45 in Military
Belgium confirmed its commitment to the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), a joint project by Dassault Aviation, Airbus, Indra Sistemas and Thales Group to develop a new generation fighter.
The Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder, confirmed Belgium's involvement in the European FCAS program in a recent publication on LinkedIn. “The development of a next-generation air combat capability is a unique opportunity for Europe. In doing so, Belgium is committed to peace, stability and innovation in defense, building together a safe and prosperous future for our nation and our partners,” she said.
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Belgian Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder, during the disclosure of the country's accession to the FCAS program.
In December 2023, Belgium is expected to sign an observation agreement, marking a significant step towards global security and innovation. Formal integration into the Next Generation Weapon System/FCAS program is scheduled for June 2025.
Specific details about Belgium's role as a permanent partner in the program remain undisclosed. It is expected that the country will officially enter the group during the second phase, given its current participation in phase 1B.
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FCAS mockup exhibited at the Paris Air Show in 2019. (Photo: ERIC PIERMONT/AFP via Getty Images)
Previous reports indicated Belgium's interest in joining the FCAS in June, leading to the opposition of the French company Dassault. Dassault CEO Eric Trappier expressed dissatisfaction with Belgium's decision to opt for American F-35 fighters instead of the French Rafales. “I heard about the interest of the Belgians [in the FCAS]. Everything is fine. I don't see any point in bringing more countries to the F-35 program. Why should I free up space in my factory, in my design office, for people who chose the F-35,” he said.
Despite this opposition, Trappier said that European countries could participate in the program as observers.
The FCAS program has the vision of creating a comprehensive system, including the Next Generation Weapons System (NGWS) and other aerial means for future operational battle spaces. The components of the NGWS will include remote transport vehicles (swarm drones) and a new generation fighter (NGF), expected to be a sixth-generation jet fighter. This NGF is expected to replace current aircraft such as the Rafales of France, the Typhoons of Germany and the EF-18 Hornets of Spain around 2040.
This project was announced by French President Emmanuel Macron and then by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2017.
Tags: airbusMilitary AviationBelgian Air Component wings - Belgian Air ForceDassault AviationFCAS - Future Combat Air System/Future Air Combat SystemSCAF
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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kp777 · 2 years
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Nov. 4, 2022
Just a week after completing his takeover of Twitter, billionaire Elon Musk was hit with a class-action lawsuit Thursday over his attempt to fire roughly half of the social media company's employees—a move that workers say violates California and federal laws requiring at least 60 days of notice for mass layoffs.
The lawsuit was filed in a federal court in San Francisco shortly after Twitter employees, who are not unionized, began receiving emails late Thursday notifying them of the sweeping job cuts. Some learned they were among those losing their jobs when they were unable to access the company's communication channels.
"It appears that he's repeating the same playbook of what he did at Tesla."
"Numbers dwindling down in the [Slack] channels last hour, people dropping like flies," one employee told The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity, fearing retribution from Musk, the self-proclaimed champion of free expression who has a long record of cracking down on workers' speech.
Under the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, companies with more than 100 employees must provide at least 60 calendar days of advance notification for mass layoffs. California has its own version of the WARN Act with similar requirements.
"We filed this lawsuit tonight in an attempt to make sure that employees are aware that they should not sign away their rights and that they have an avenue for pursuing their rights,” Shannon Liss-Riordan, the attorney who filed the lawsuit Thursday, told Bloomberg.
"We will now see if he is going to continue to thumb his nose at the laws of this country that protect employees," Liss-Riordan said of Twitter's new owner and CEO. "It appears that he's repeating the same playbook of what he did at Tesla."
As Bloomberg noted, "Liss-Riordan sued Tesla Inc. over similar claims in June when the electric-car maker headed by Musk laid off about 10% of its workforce."
"Tesla won a ruling from a federal judge in Austin forcing the workers in that case to pursue their claims in closed-door arbitration instead of in open court," the outlet added.
Read twitter insert.
Prior to finalizing his $44 billion purchase of Twitter—a buy-out financed in part by a prominent Saudi billionaire—Musk suggested he wanted to eliminate 75% of the company's 7,500-employee workforce. Through a holding company, Saudi Arabia has a major stake in the now-private social media company.
After seizing control of Twitter, Musk swiftly dissolved the board of directors and fired top executives, including the former CEO. One worker compared Musk's erratic and dictatorial management style to that of former President Donald Trump.
"We're all working for the Trump White House," the worker said.
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How I met your father?
Hey kid, I first "met" your dad at the beginning of February 2021, when I began working at a game firm. More accurately, I should say that it was at that time that I "virtually" met your dad.
In the year 2020, after about three and a half years had passed since I had graduated from college, I was quite uncertain about the course I should take with my career. I have a bachelor's degree in French linguistics, but I have never had any interest in working in the translation or interpretation sectors. In addition, I have always believed that I will never be as good at it as some of my classmates, so I have never considered it a viable option for a job that will allow me to pay the bills. So since I had just graduated, up to the point where I started working at that gaming company, I had been having a lot of difficulty determining what it is that I want to accomplish. When I think back to that point in time, I had no concept of what a game company is or what a project coordinator works in a gaming company; all I knew was that a co-worker of mine said that company was a good place to learn and work, so I applied there. And I was lucky.
But I initially had an interview with a department called cinematic storytelling since I felt more connected to that field due to the fact that I at least watch movies or movie trailers, whereas I had never truly played a video game before, with the exception of Super Mario and Candy Rush. Everything went well with the interview with the head of the department, and I was prepared to join the team that works on cinematic narrative; however, the plan was afterwards altered. This department did not have a plan for recruitment at this point in time. They asked me if I wanted to switch to another department, which turned out to be the Game Character department. They said that I could start working there after a certain amount of time, and if I later decided that I wanted to work in the Cinematic Storytelling department instead, I could make the request to do so. Therefore, I gave my agreement. And here, in the Game Character Department, I met an Art Director who was residing in Saudi Arabia and working remotely. This Art Director had also just started working for the company a few weeks before I had. Little did I know back then, this meeting would change my life forever. You know kid, in spite of the fact that I had been working with your father for almost one and a half years, I had never really seen his face. You did hear me correctly, we were just texting earlier. Despite this challenge, though, we were able to work together effectively thanks to the open lines of communication that we maintained within the group. Whenever I had a conversation with your dad, whether it was about work or just kidding around, I always felt quite at ease. It was a running joke between your dad and I that we could read each other's minds, and I honestly believe that this ability exists to this day. At the time, while we were working together, I did not have any romantic feelings toward your dad; but, I did hold him up as a model for the kind of guy I would like my future spouse to be. He exemplified qualities such as being a dedicated worker, patient, communicative, responsible, modest, passionate, ambitious, and family-oriented. And now you can see that I have found a spouse! In addition to this, your dad loves me in the way that I have always envisioned being loved. After I had left the firm, we continued to text each other from time to time in order to keep up and check about each other's well-being. Because I felt so at ease chatting with your dad, I was usually the one who initiated contact to inquire about receiving advice from him over a challenge that I was experiencing. The moment that my then-current firm became under the same Group as your father’s company, everything about my life turned upside down, everything seemed to go on the right track. Now that I have access to the Group server, the same server of your father’s company, I could go back on the Teams chat line and have regular conversations with your dad easily. Day by day, we talked nonstop, and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I liked this man. I secretly propped open a little door and waited for your father to walk through it. And he did. He was the one to make the initial move. And the second I heard his voice for the first time, he was calling "Babe," and I immediately started melting with a huge smile on my face.
When I think about everything that has happened, including our journey, I don't believe that everything is just a coincidence. The coworker who told me about the game firm, how the recruitment strategy was altered so that I would work in the Game Character department rather than the Cinematic Storytelling department, and how the Group purchased the company I was working for at the time, bringing both your father's company and the one I was working for at the time under the umbrella of the same group. 
I have no doubt that this was all part of God's master plan. that he answered the prayers of both my husband and me, and that he brought my husband to me. I thank God every day that he answered our prayers in this way.
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tektronixtechnology · 7 months
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Twitter could be banned in the European Union.
The Financial Times (archived) reports that Elon Musk’s flippant attitude towards content moderation may lead to the platform being banned in European Union countries. 
The European Commission on Wednesday threatened Musk with a ban unless Twitter abides by strict content moderation rules, as US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen indicated that Washington was reviewing his purchase of the social network.
The warning from Brussels came in a video call between Musk and Thierry Breton, the EU’s commissioner in charge of implementing the bloc’s digital rules, according to people with knowledge of the conversation.
Breton told Musk that Twitter must adhere to a checklist of rules, including ditching an “arbitrary” approach to reinstating banned users, pursuing disinformation “aggressively” and agreeing to an “extensive independent audit” of the platform by next year.
Musk was warned that unless he stuck to those rules Twitter risked infringing the EU’s new Digital Services Act, a new law that sets the global standard for how Big Tech must police content on the internet.
The EU has a population of 447 million – roughly 112 million more than the US. A ban in the EU would greatly reduce traffic on the platform and would have a negative impact on profits.
If Musk doesn’t care about profits then that’s a clear indication he did not buy Twitter for business reasons.
While he may have wanted to use the platform as a loudspeaker to propagate extremist opinions, it doesn’t do him any good in that regard if fewer users are able to access his bullshit.
Twitter also faces scrutiny in the US from the Department of Treasury.
In comments at a New York Times conference, Yellen mentioned the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US when asked about Twitter, saying it looked at transactions involving “foreign investment . . . to see if they create national security risk”.
The Treasury secretary added: “We don’t comment on work that’s in progress. But if there are such risks, it would be appropriate for Cfius to have a look.”
Securities filings show Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia rolled over 35mn shares, or 3.5 per cent of the total shares of the public Twitter, into the new private company as part of Musk’s $44bn buyout.
Just what we don’t need – Saudi money involved in US social media.
Those former Twitter engineers are missing a big opportunity if they are not currently working on a Twitter replacement.
It’s time for Twitter users to quit hoping that the Musk mess will go away by itself. Looking for alternatives to Twitter shouldn’t be delayed.
Elon Musk’s incompetence at Twitter is having an effect on his other businesses.
As Elon Musk Goes Ballistic On Twitter, Tesla Brand Gets Burned
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mariacallous · 2 years
On October 27, Elon Musk purchased Twitter in a deal worth $44 billion. Expectations and opinions about the deal vary widely. Critics are concerned that Musk will remove important safeguards against hate speech, online harassment, and incitement of violence, and weaken the platform’s rules against mis- and disinformation. Proponents of the deal hope that Musk will improve Twitter’s business model and expand the capabilities of the platform, turning it into an “everything app” with a range of products and services.
However, one important aspect of Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has received less attention: The acquisition’s relevance to national security. Not only has Musk brought on a number of investors to help finance the deal, including entities with links to China, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia (see Table 1), but one of his other companies, Tesla, is increasingly dependent on the Chinese market and the goodwill of the Chinese government. Due to the critical position of Twitter as a platform for political discourse in the U.S., the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a federal interagency committee tasked with reviewing the national security implications of foreign investment in domestic companies, should investigate the Twitter deal on the grounds of national security. According to recent press reports, Biden administration officials are indeed discussing whether the Committee should investigate the deal and on October 31, Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called for CFIUS to begin an investigation. Given evolving trends in CFIUS decisions in other cases, President Biden would have strong grounds for blocking Musk’s Twitter acquisition or at the very least compelling the minority foreign investors to sell their equity to parties that would not pose a national security threat. Importantly, while the business deal is technically completed, CFIUS has the authority to retroactively investigate and undo it, which it has done in other instances in the past. In 2020, for example, President Trump ordered the Chinese company Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co. to divest from U.S. cloud-based company StayNTouch Inc. following a CFIUS review over one year after the former had acquired the latter.
Table 1: Foreign-Linked Equity Co-Investment Commitments in Twitter Acquisition
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In this article, we explain what CFIUS is and how it works. We then discuss the recent expansion of CFIUS’s mandate and the evolution of the Committee’s decisions over time, especially in circumstances similar to the Twitter deal. Finally, we examine the legal case for CFIUS and President Biden to investigate and block Musk’s acquisition of Twitter or, at a minimum, order the divestments of certain equity stakes, even retroactively.
President Biden would be justified to use his authority under CFIUS to investigate the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk, particularly as long as foreign investors from China, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are part of the deal. The risk to national security appears significant, with possible unchecked influence of adversarial governments in play as well as the possibility of providing access to the personal information of millions of Americans to these foreign entities. Further, the acquisition could potentially provide a platform for increased foreign meddling and the dissemination of misinformation and “fake news” on Twitter that could have devastating consequences for American democracy and our national security. Given the trends and rationales of past CFIUS decisions, under both the Trump and Biden administrations, we believe the Biden administration would have strong grounds for blocking the deal, or at the very least compelling the sale of the minority stakes held by the foreign investors identified here to parties that would not pose a national security threat.
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data-bridge · 2 years
Field Force Automation Market Growing Popularity and Growing Traffic Research Report by DBMR
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Industry Analysis
Field force automation market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to grow at a CAGR of 16.15% in the above-mentioned forecast period.
The wide-ranging Data Bridge market report covers an array of aspects of the market analysis which today’s businesses call for. This market document also defines a chapter on the global market and allied companies with their profiles, which provides important data pertaining to their insights in terms of finances, product portfolios, investment plans, and marketing and business strategies. This market research report is generated with a nice blend of industry insight, talent solutions, practical solutions and use of technology to advance user experience. An outstanding Data Bridge market report puts light on many aspects related to ICT industry and market.
Market Insights and Scope            
Field force automation basically establishes a real-time communication channel amongst the offsite sales team and on-site team handling sales and admin operations. It also offers various features for efficient communication including filed force management, intelligent dispatching and tracking, secure real-time communication, efficient logistic management as well as preventive maintenance management. 
Additionally, the credible Field Force Automation Market report helps the manufacturer in finding out the effectiveness of the existing channels of distribution, advertising programs, or media, selling methods and the best way of distributing the goods to the eventual consumers. Taking up such market research report is all the time beneficial for any company whether it is a small scale or large scale, for marketing of products or services. It makes effortless for ICT industry to visualize what is already available in the market, what market anticipates, the competitive environment, and what should be done to surpass the competitor.
Industry Segmentation
The field force automation market is segmented on the basis of component, organization size, deployment type & industry vertical. The growth amongst the different segments helps you in attaining the knowledge related to the different growth factors expected to be prevalent throughout the market and formulate different strategies to help identify core application areas and the difference in your target market.
On the basis of component, field force automation market has been segmented into solution, services, services is further segmented into consulting, integration and implementation, training and support.
On the basis of organization size, the market is segmented into large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises.
On the basis of deployment type, the field force automation market has been segmented into on-premises and cloud.
On the basis of industry vertical, field force automation market has been segmented into it and telecom, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, transportation and logistics, construction and real estate, energy and utilities and others.
Get a Free Sample of The Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-field-force-automation-market
Market Country Level Analysis
The countries covered in the field force automation market report are
U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Get full access to the report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-field-force-automation-market
Industry Share Analysis
Some of the major players operating in the field force automation market report are
Nimap Infotech., Oracle, Salesforce.com, inc, SAP SE, ServiceMax, Trimble Inc., Mize, Inc., Microsoft, LeadSquared, Accruent, Acumatica, Inc., Appobile labs., Astea International Inc., BT, Channelplay Limited, ClickSoftware, FieldEZ, Mobile Field Force Management, Folio3 Software Inc., Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB, Kloudq, and Bigtincan, among others.
An influential Field Force Automation Market research report displays an absolute outline of the market that considers various aspects such as product definition, customary vendor landscape, and market segmentation. Currently, businesses are relying on the diverse segments covered in the market research report to a great extent which gives them better insights to drive the business on the right track. The competitive analysis brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis and actions of the key industry players. With this info, businesses can successfully make decisions about business strategies to accomplish maximum return on investment (ROI).
Get TOC Details: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-field-force-automation-market
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gulf-post · 2 days
Guide to Landing Opportunities in Gulf Job Vacancies for Freshers
The Gulf region, known for its rapid economic growth and diverse job opportunities, is an attractive destination for fresh graduates seeking to kickstart their careers. With countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait continuously expanding, the demand for skilled labor is on the rise. This blog post will guide you through the landscape of job vacancies for freshers in the Gulf, providing tips on how to secure a position that aligns with your career goals.
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Understanding the Job Market
The Gulf job market is vibrant and diverse, covering sectors such as:
Hospitality and Tourism: With major events like Expo 2020 and a booming tourism industry, there are numerous opportunities in hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies.
Construction and Engineering: As cities expand and infrastructure projects are launched, there is a constant demand for engineers, project managers, and skilled labor.
Healthcare: The healthcare sector is evolving rapidly, especially in the wake of global health challenges. Positions are available for nurses, technicians, and administrative staff.
Information Technology: With the digital transformation underway, there’s a significant need for IT professionals in areas like software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.
Education: International schools and universities in the Gulf are on the lookout for fresh educators, particularly in subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science.
Where to Find Job Vacancies
Online Job Portals: Websites like gulf post, Bayt, GulfTalent, and NaukriGulf are excellent platforms to find job listings specifically for the Gulf region.
Social Media: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and finding job opportunities. Make sure your profile is updated and engage with industry-specific groups.
Recruitment Agencies: Partnering with recruitment agencies can help you gain access to job openings that may not be advertised publicly.
Company Websites: Many companies prefer to list job openings on their own websites. Research potential employers and keep an eye on their careers page.
Tips for Freshers
Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each job application. Highlight relevant skills, internships, and projects that relate to the position you are applying for.
Networking: Attend job fairs and industry events. Networking can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. Connect with professionals in your field to gain insights and referrals.
Internships and Volunteering: If you’re struggling to find a full-time position, consider internships or volunteer opportunities. These experiences can enhance your resume and provide valuable industry exposure.
Prepare for Interviews: Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Be ready to discuss your skills and how they align with the company’s goals.
Stay Updated on Visa Regulations: Understanding the visa process is crucial. Ensure you’re familiar with the requirements for working in the Gulf, as they can vary by country.
The Gulf job market is filled with opportunities for fresh graduates. With the right approach, persistence, and preparation, you can land a job that sets the foundation for a successful career. Stay proactive, keep learning, and embrace the adventure of working in this dynamic region. Good luck on your job hunt!
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