#accidentally leaked the next season of fantasy high
Disposable Heroes - Chapter 2
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Season 4 babeyyy
After the events in the trailer with Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie is scared out of his mind. That is, until he accidentally threatens a familiar face with a broken bottle.
I'm only just getting back into writing after literal years of nothing so any feedback is welcomed if I can improve! Hope you enjoy :)
Large brown eyes, staring at me in a mixture of fear and shock.
Steve Harrington?
I know there was that one time in the cafeteria where he helped me as much as his social status would allow, but I can’t trust anyone anymore. I don’t lower the broken beer bottle I’m holding from his throat. 
I hear Dustin screaming at me to calm down, and that nobody is going to hurt me. I don’t let my guard down, but I still my body. I snap my head towards Dustin as he introduces me to two girls behind him that I recognise from Hawkins High, Robin and Max.
“We’re not going to hurt you, Eddie.” Dustin says, fear ringing his voice. “Steve is going to put the oar down. Right Steve?”
“Right; right I’ll put it down.” Steve all but squeaks, dropping his would-be weapon with a clatter. His terror is evident in his eyes, and realistically, he could easily overpower me if he really wanted to hurt me. 
Our faces are only inches away, and I bear myself into him, pushing him against the wall. Such pretty brown eyes, if they weren’t so afraid of me at this moment.
Ever since Steve Harrington graduated from Hawkins High, I have been able to push down what admittedly had been a crush for him. He was obviously interested in women — not me—
and even if he did like me back, it would only bring him a lifetime of secret, forbidden meetings and pain by trying to hide ourselves from the world. The “Devil-worshipping” freak turning the former Hawkins High Prom King queer? The town wouldn’t let us live it down for years.
“What are you guys doing here?” I growl. 
“We want to help. We’re on your side.”
The pleading in Dustin’s voice, and Harrington’s submission convince me. 
As I feel myself starting to relax, shuddering breaths start to wrack my body. My chest heaves as I lower my bottle from Steve’s exposed throat. 
“I’m sorry.” I back away into the opposite corner of the shed, releasing my death grip on Harrington’s shoulders. Upon being freed, Steve sinks down to the floor where he stood. The girls rush to make sure he’s okay, while I feel myself start to shake uncontrollably.
Dustin explains that they just want to talk about what happened and finally, the events of the last day catch up to me. A drug deal that was running smoothly until I saw the milky white of her eyes rolled back into her skull. Then her body levitating from an unknown force and pinning itself to the ceiling. Limbs snapping to unnatural angles, jaw dislocating, and eyes leaking tears of blood, before crashing back to the ground. 
I thought whatever had happened to Chrissy Cunningham had been some sort of terrible nightmare, until I found myself in this dingy boat shed. I don’t even remember running here in my panic. But I do know that I can never show my face near Hawkins again; not with police cars cruising past day and night looking for me. 
“I didn’t know what to do, so… I ran away. I left her there. You guys must think I’m crazy, right?” I ask. Dustin tries to disagree, but I scoff.
“We believe you.” Robin says. At this point even if she’s only saying it to calm me down, it’s comfort enough.
Dustin attempts to explain to me what has really been happening in Hawkins over the last couple of years. It all sounds like something straight out of the fantasy novels lining my shelves back at the trailer, but somehow, it makes sense of what happened to Chrissy. Nothing about it was natural, and if it was the monsters Dustin is talking about-- if it was a creature like Vecna, who had almost decimated Hellfire Club…
Or maybe it’s my fried brain making me believe all of this.
Some time after, the group decide between themselves what their next steps are in God knows whatever their plan is. They seem to know more about what the hell has gone on than I do. 
“First, we’re going to go get you some food if you’re going to be camping out for the next few days.” Dustin says. 
“It’s the middle of the night, Dustin. Don’t you think it’ll be a little suspicious if we all go?” Asks Robin.
“Okay, well it’s probably best if we all have a way to communicate, so Max and I can go grab my old walkie-talkies while you and Steve can go to the gas station and grab the food.”
Everyone else agrees, apart from Steve. I see him stand up and take Robin aside while the kids grab their bags. I can tell he’s trying to be quiet, but I hear my name and the words “shaken up”. Robin raises an eyebrow at him. Maybe he doesn’t want anything to do with me after I was inches away from cutting his throat.
Except, when Dustin, Robin and Max leave, Harrington stays. He makes sure the door is secured shut behind the others, and comes to sit down against the boat a couple meters away, facing me. He also grabs the tarp off the boat to cover the bright flashlight, so a dim blue light illuminates our little section of the shed. 
“I just figured you wouldn’t want to be left in this shed by yourself after what you told us about the other night. It would drive anyone crazy being cooped up in here.” Steve mumbles, looking at his hands in his lap.
I am dumbfounded. Why on earth is he bothering to stay with me? Nobody outside of the Hellfire Club, including him when he was still at Hawkins High, usually even bothers to give me a second glance. We sit there awkwardly for a minute or two.
“I, uh..” I eventually break the silence. “I’m sorry I threatened to stab you.” 
“Y’know surprisingly, it’s not the worst that has happened to me before.”
“What could be worse than getting stabbed by a broken bottle?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was getting kidnapped and beaten to a pulp by Commies in an ice cream parlour uniform?”
“Absolutely not, Harrington, so I apologise again for making you fear near-certain death.”
Steve chuckles.“I mean, I wouldn’t worry about it. It probably makes up for us all being assholes towards you in school.”
“You weren’t though, not really. You helped me out in the cafeteria when Tommy Hagan beat me up.” I reply.
“But I never really stood up to him; most of the time I just let stuff like that happen. I thought it was better to stick in with the crowd.”
We sit there again in silence again for a bit, but it’s a bit more comfortable this time.
The blue light illuminates Steve’s face. He hasn’t changed much; he still has his air of confidence; same big, brown eyes. He’s grown his hair out since I last saw him. It looks good. I chastise myself for it, but I remember why I used to spot him in the corridors of Hawkins High every day. Old feelings bubble in the pit of my stomach, but I force myself to ignore it.
“So, is the Hellfire Club still going?” Steve asks, shifting himself into a more comfortable position to look up at me. I understand he’s probably just trying to keep our minds off whatever the hell has been happening in the last day or so, but he does genuinely seem interested.
And just like that, we make easy conversation. I tell him about the new campaign that Dustin is obsessed with, which makes him smile, and against my will, a small smile of my own pulls my lips upward at it. We talk about things we remember from our time in Hawkins High. While our experiences differed massively, we find ourselves agreeing about a lot of things. Harrington has really calmed down his ‘asshole’ personality he had around his old friends, and it suits him. He even manages to pull a few laughs out of me, which I didn’t think would be possible in this situation. Maybe if we hadn’t been so caught up in having to hate each other in school, maybe we could have even been friends.
We are both chuckling at the not-so-secret romance of Mrs Click and Mr Mundy when there’s a quiet knock on the door. Steve’s eyes go wide as he snatches the flashlight and clicks it off. I make a silent dash for the boat and start to pull the blue tarp over myself. Before I can, the door opens. 
I spot a cap and curly hair pop around the door and sneak in, followed by another shadow in a blue jacket. I huff a “Jesus Christ” as Dustin and Max enter the shed, carrying walkie-talkies and a thin blanket.
“You almost gave us a heart attack, Henderson.” I say.
“Jeez; you’re welcome for us trekking all over Hawkins for you. My house isn’t exactly close.” Dustin grumbles. 
Dustin becomes quickly preoccupied with sorting out the frequencies on the walkies.
Steve leans against the boat, giving the wood three short taps, then a long knock, followed by another tap.
“Then you’ll know it’s just me, or one of the others next time.” He says, offering a hand to help me out of the boat. His cool hand on mine takes me back to that day in the cafeteria. This time, he doesn’t avert his gaze in embarrassment. He looks right at me, an easy smile playing on his lips. 
Robin slips through the door quietly moments later, bringing an assortment of junk food and snacks, muttering an apology that it’s all they had at the gas station. At the sight of food, my stomach rumbles. I immediately rip into a box of Honeycomb cereal and down a handful, while the group sort out the plan going forward between themselves. Dustin hands me a walkie and explains that they’ll be back as much as possible to check up on me without raising suspicion. They all give me a final check, and leave me.
Gathering the blanket Dustin brought around me, I head back to the boat to try to find maybe an hour of sleep. The shape of the boat and the slats of wood I have to maneuver around don’t make it comfortable, but it’s better than the damp floor.
Talking about my time at Hawkins years ago brings back all the memories of the times that in comparison to now, weren’t so shitty. To my annoyance, long brown hair and deep brown eyes plague my thoughts as my eyes shut. But if Steve has changed, maybe allowing myself to like him isn’t such a bad thing…
Always and Forever:@ifangirlninja​​ @tangledraysofsunshine​​ @sleeping-and-books​​ @abimomeopectore​​ @run-as-fast-as-you-caan @ignite14​​ @illyrianbeauty​​ @islamonna​​​ @the-dreamer-of-velaris​ @redwyvern1 @wonderlandatemypancakes @highladysith​ @acer6437 @hellas-himself​ @rhysandanaana​ @queer-puddle​    
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You got any homophobic Scott? (Reacting to sterek)
princessabitchessa said:I reading closeted by stilinski_wolf and I need more fics that involve Stiles where person As family is homophobic as fuck. No redemption for the homophobes please. Thank you!
Anonymous said:Could you recommend some fics about stiles/(any male) announcing their relationship and someone reacts with homophobia
Here you go, bbs. Lots of angst. All sterek. - Anastasia
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Closeted by stilinski_wolf
(2/2 I 7,483 I Teen)
Derek is part of a very rich, very conservative - and very homophobic - family, and so he has to hide who he truly is from them.
And then, Derek takes a liking to the new bartender working at the gay bar he frequents, and contemplates coming out to his family.
But his choice is taken out of his hands when his sister Cora follows him one night to the gay bar, changing Derek's life irrevocably.
Just High School by Dexterous_Sinistrous
(1/1 I 4,513 I Teen)
Derek and Stiles have been dating for some time.
The only thing is, nobody else really knows.
The Christmas Raffle by mikkimouse
(1/1 I 10,386 I Explicit)
Every year, the royal Hale family raffles off a Christmas dinner with Prince Derek to raise money for charity. But this year, the winner is the second chance Derek didn't know he was looking for.
Two Minutes for Holding by captaintinymite (augopher)
(17/18 I 17,998 I Explicit)
There were three things college hockey players Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski knew for certain. 1) Their lives revolved around hockey, 2) They were madly in love, and 3) Derek was so far in the closet he might never find his way out.
They'd been together for two years now, and for two years they'd been a secret with only a few people knowing about them. Yet Derek's fear kept them from moving forward: fear of his family's rejection, fear of his sexuality tanking his father's career, fear of the rampant homophobia in professional sports. The ruse was growing thin.
Something had to give.
Or: The story of how one epic NCAA Championship run and college, served as the backdrop for some of life's great hardships.
Fools Rush In by origamifrogs
(3/3 I 30,673 I Explicit)
"Stiles wakes up in his hotel bed in Las Vegas, sticky eyes blinking open to the sight of a stranger sleeping beside him.
A stranger who is male.
And naked.
Stiles promptly falls out of bed."
Or, the one where Stiles and Derek get drunk in Las Vegas, accidentally get married, go on a road trip, and find love along the way.
Reports of a Lover's Tryst by CharWright5
(5/5 I 32,442 I Explicit)
New York Mets shortstop Derek Hale was riding the high of being his team's hero on Opening Day, only to have it come crashing down the very next day when pictures leak of him acting more than friendly with his roommate Stiles Stilinski. Now, not only is Derek outed before he wanted, but he's also a target for more harassment and suddenly single after accusations fly over how the media caught wind of his secret relationship. And he'd thought his biggest issue during the season would be questions over a rumored contract extension and impending free agency. 
Constantly on the Cusp by alisvolatpropiis
(1/1 I 40,884 I Explicit)
Stiles is gay, out and proud, and a Beacon Hills deputy. Derek is a firefighter and war veteran who thinks he's straight; or, Derek and Stiles have lots of semi-public hatesex on the road to Love. 
Take The Ice by Hopeless ships (The_Danish_Biscuit)
(7/7 I 50,288 I Mature)
To Derek Hale hockey was everything. It was the only reason he even tolerated High School and if given a choice the only thing he would be doing for the rest of his life. Some called him driven others called him fanatic.
Derek called himself determined.
Only one day a random meeting with a strangely fascinating young ice skater turns Derek's life upside down. A odd friendship blooms between them and Derek slowly comes to realise that his life isn't quite as simple as he thought. There might be more to life than ice hockey.
If Prayer Were the Answer I'd Fall on My Knees by IAmAVeronica
(18/18 I 70,311 I Explicit)
“Shit, Der.” Stiles shivers. “You promise when we get to the room—”“I’m going to lock the door, undress you, and make up for every minute of the past six weeks.” Derek grins when Stiles’s pupils blow wide with lust. “And we’re in the chapel, so you know I’m not lying.”“Forgive us, Father,” Stiles mutters, and grabs Derek’s hand. “For we are about to sin so hard.”~~~~~~~~~For the past four years Derek and Stiles have been roommates at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Boarding School. For the past two years, they have been secret lovers. Now, as senior year dawns, one boy begins to seriously consider coming out, while the other feels pressured by church and family to deny his identity.There’s also some Romeo and Juliet, a lot of fluff, a heap of angst, and Jeff Davis as a priest, because... reasons.
No Homo by RemainNameless
(11/11 I 84,064 I Explicit)
Stiles' sophomore year starts something like this:3 FourLokos+ 1 peer-pressuring cat- 1 best bro to end all best bros= 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic".Derek is the fool who replies.
Worlds Apart by siny
(16/16 I 92,506 I Explicit)
Derek Hale, Heir Prince of Betonia and Italy, meets Stiles Stilinski, college boy.
Versus by secondstar for figure8
(15/15 I 94,521 I Explicit)
At age nineteen, Stiles Stilinski was the next big thing, according to The Guardian. It was surreal, not being able to turn on Sky Sports without hearing his name mentioned along with the names of players he grew up idolizing.
With Friends Like These by KouriArashi
(20/20 I 111,973 I Teen)
One thing Stiles is looking forward to about a semester in Neptune is going to a place where there isn’t magic and monsters lurking in every corner. Or so he thinks. Then the bodies start dropping . . .
Helpless Case by MrHaleStilinski
(16/17 I 127,5654 I Mature)
Mr. Hale seemed like a great guy and an even better teacher. He had that I-can-create-change outlook that all teachers seem to have before students eventually beat it out of them. Stiles respected that, he really did and normally he would have been all for it but the constant series of awkward boners and constant mid-class fantasies made this a little difficult.
Do Not Go Gentle by MojoFlower
(37/? I 139,611 I Explicit)
Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha, is thrown into a dark cell which already contains another captive. Someone quite young. Someone who's clearly been badly treated. Someone who cannot speak and who has a cruel collar around his neck.
Derek is both a Dom and an Alpha. What do you think he'll do?
170 notes · View notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-04 13 FUNNY now
Awkward Family Photos
The Back Up Plan
Godzilla vs Easter
Easter Egg
The Delivery Room Selfie
Mustache To Heaven
Babylon Bee
KJV-Only Church Requires Clear Bible Covers To Verify No One Concealing NIV
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Millions Of Marshmallow Peeps Begin Annual Migration Back To Isle Of Disgusting Candies
Google Pays Respect To Jesus’s Empty Tomb With Empty Homepage
Man Recants Belief In Innate Goodness Of Humanity After 4 Seconds Browsing YouTube Comments
Life is a Comedy
List: Prestigious MFA Programs as Guys You’ve Met on Tinder
Updated Sinclair Broadcast Group Anchor Script
The $100,000 Pyramid: Trump Administration Edition
The Kombucha Manifesto
Passive Aggressive Notes
Coming soon, from Pixar…
Donna, bring a sweater
You can’t spare three squares?
Happy Birthday, and see you soon! xoxo, Cancer
Namaste, asshole.
Reddit Funny
Wanna get high??
The strike of 10000+ damage.
This sign at my gym
Is this a cat.
Final Fantasy Venezuela
Reddit Humor
Street artist Sabo mocks Mark Zuckerberg with posters in New York
Evergreen Ep. 19: Fragariaphobia (Comedy Audio Drama)
It's for Real!
When Someone Sees that Private Side of You
18-To-35 White, Male Demographic Still Searching For Perfect Way To Quench Its Thirst
Sad and Useless
Looking At People Trying To Sell Mirrors Is My New Favorite Thing
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Alternate History: Planet of the Apes
Right Before Impact…
Bunnies Stuffing Their Cute Faces
The Blogess
She’s naturally part rabbit.
Crowdsourcing how to be a good parent.
Why I love twitter.
There is a fine line between crazy and sane and I live there.
The Hard Times
Dedicated Metalhead Uses TaxSlayer to Annihilate, Properly File His 1040EZ
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Sinclair Forces Dozens Of Local News Anchors To Recite Same Script
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Oklahoma Leaders Claim Teachers’ Strike Betrays Values Of Nation’s 1914 Founding By Abraham Lincoln And Orville Redenbacher
Sister Jean Wheeled Back Into Rectory Closet Until Next Season
Alcohol Goes Right Back To Abuser Every Time
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Science Explains Why Tide Pods Taste Like Cilantro To Some, Soap To Others
Cummy Bears? Say “I Love You” This Valentines Day With Candy Made From Your Essence
Redskins’ Owner Unveils Newly Acquired Team Logo
Self-Driving Uber Suspended After Touching Self In Front of Female Passenger
OP-ED: A Man Can’t Even Hug A Female Now Without Her Noticing That He’s Raping Her
0 notes
sylveon-official · 8 years
back at it again with the mpreg trash
title: Stay Gold rating: T pairings: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki warnings: abo, mpreg, childbirth
btw y’all have no idea who i am but thanks @tomakehimfree and @n-s-f-w-sportsbaes for high key inspiring me to start writing this shit again but now just for the yoi fandom lol
read on archiveofourown or under the cut.
At age 18, Yuri Plisetsky certainly expected to be back at his fourth consecutive Grand Prix Final since making his senior debut. As the current defending three-time gold medalist, he has a title to uphold after all. So needless to say, Yuri certainly belonged on the side of the rink watching the free-skate unfold beside the rest of the GPF finalists – the problem was, he wasn’t actually one of them. Yuri’s pretty the ISU would have disqualified him as early as the five month mark when he started showing – now that he’s a healthy eight months and some change into his pregnancy, he’s quite sure his globe of a belly would get in the way of some of the more technical requirements involved in his free-skate routine. 
Not that he hadn’t seriously thought about how he could start adjusting the elements to accommodate his growing belly when he found out about his pregnancy a good couple of months into fine-tuning what would have been his new routines for the current season.
But alas, Yuri’s baby-daddy extraordinaire and favorite for GPF gold in Yuri’s absence, one Otabek Altin, had shut down any and all innocent fantasies Yuri had of even so much as stepping foot on the ice for the rest of the season. By principle, Yuri understood, of course – the ice isn’t exactly a forgiving surface when you’re baking a vulnerable human child inside of you. The last eight months hadn’t exactly been a breeze when, on top of the moodiness and the weight-gain and the nausea, Yuri wasn’t even allowed to use the ice as a means of stress-relief.
So yes, after Yuri’s second gold medal-win at Worlds eight months ago, he had all but planned to return and defend what should have been his fourth senior division GPF win in a row. But after a wild night of celebration with a certain Worlds silver-medalist, which may or may not have been so spectacular it triggered Yuri’s heat a solid month early… Yuri guesses maybe he should have foreseen his current position on the sideline of the rink rather than in it.
Yuri supposes he should at least be grateful that he’s here now, that the skating Gods decided to take pity on him by conveniently hosting this year’s GPF conveniently in Saint Petersburg. Arms folded on the edge of the barrier, Yuri eyes his mate as he reaches down to remove his skate guards. Otabek was at a comfortable 3rd place, 2 points ahead of the pork cutlet bowl after the short program yesterday. Yuri is confident he can at least snag the silver, depending on Katsudon’s performance today – to be fair, he’s supposedly retiring this year, so he’s been more motivated than ever to grab the gold in order to fulfill Victor’s stupid wedding pact. Yuri knows they’ll get married regardless of the results, but he guesses it’d be kind of romantic if the piggy could actually pull it off.
Yuri wrinkles his nose once he realizes he’s just had a thought that’s included “Victor”, “the piggy”, and “romantic” all in the same sentence, but just as easily discards it under the pretense of pregnancy brain. Yuri Plisetsky hasn’t been getting soft in his journey to accidental parenthood, not at all – his brain is just getting all messed up because of the hormones, he thinks, even has he returns the friendly peace sign Katsuki throws at him from the other side of the rink.
Otabek must have noticed, because a second later he’s shooting a small, wry smirk at Yuri that his him rolling his eyes.
“What, Beka?”
Otabek merely catches his hand in his from where he’s kneeling on the ground getting in a quick calf-stretch before his turn on the ice.
He presses a soft kiss to Yuri’s fingertips before teasing, “Conspiring with my competition?”
Yuri huffs and snatches his hand away, flicking Otabek softly on the side of his cheek.
“The old man’s finally retiring this year. I’m just cutting him some slack. 
“And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the help he’s been to you the last eight months?”
Yuri pulls a face that has Otabek chuckling to himself. Sure, the Katsudon has probably frequented Yuri and Otabek’s Saint Petersburg apartment more than his and Victor’s own in Yuri’s third trimester, but wasn’t like Yuri was begging for the other omega’s constant doting on. Even if he didn’t mind the weekly pork cutlet bowl meals he’d been spoiled with, it wasn’t necessary – except for when he’d called the pork cutlet bowl himself over to the apartment at 5 in the morning on a Sunday to satisfy his craving for one, but that was only one time. Okay, maybe two. Three tops.
Otabek pulls himself up just as China’s Guang Hong is wrapping up his final step sequence.
“Well. Don’t fuck it up.” Yuri allows a small smile to tug at his lips as he drops a hand to his mate’s hip.
“Hey. Language.” Otabek chides, patting the side of Yuri’s belly.
“Ugh, let me live while she’s still in there feeding on my organs.” Yuri heaves a dramatic sigh and runs a hand across the back of Otabek’s undercut before bringing their foreheads together.
“Stop making her sound like a zombie. Feasting on organs… very un-ladylike.” Otabek frowns faintly then presses a chaste kiss to Yuri’s lips.
“Hey, I know your family’s traditional, Otabek, but if our princess wants to be a flesh-eating zombie, she’ll be the best damn brain-eater in all of Russia, fuck your gender roles.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Otabek shakes his head, but he’s smiling that half-smile he does when he’s trying to contain an even bigger one, one of those rare, toothy grins he only does when he’s about to say something really sappy.
Before he can quite get to that point, Guang Hong is taking his bows and the announcers are getting ready to call Otabek out to the ice. 
Yuri presses one last kiss to Otabek’s lips and pulls a simple thumbs-up.
“Davai, Beka. 
Otabek nods his head once and returns the gesture, a determined glint in his eye. He fondly rubs his hand over the side of Yuri’s belly, a habit he’s taken to lately before heading onto the ice that leaves Yuri feeling vaguely like one of those big-bellied Buddha statues people rub for good luck at temples in Japan. He’s almost affronted enough to say as much, but the next moment the announcer is calling Otabek’s name and he’s skating out into the middle of the rink to start his program.
Yuri sighs into his palm as he watches his mate glide across the ice and into his starting pose. Impending fatherhood has inspired him more than ever to skate a solid program – “It’s because I’m skating for the two now”, he’d said after his Rostelecom Cup win before embarrassingly kissing Yuri’s forehead, then leaning down to kiss his belly – the resulting video had stayed viral for weeks. Yuri had smacked him upside the head and told him to stop taking flirting advice from Victor. Training under the skating legend this past year had done wonders for Otabek’s actual skating, but been questionable for his personality, and Yuri made sure to tell his mate as much 
Otabek is coming out of a perfectly rotated quad toe-loop combination when he fumbles and just nearly gets by without touching the ice as he transitions into an arabesque. Yuri finds himself tensing up along with his mate.
“Beka, davai!” His cheers probably get drowned out by the noisy stadium, but it’s basically tradition by this point that he root for his mate from the sidelines. “Come on— ugh.”
Yuri’s screeching comes to a sudden halt as a familiar stab of pain shoots through his lower back and creeps down into his lower belly.
“Not now…”
Yuri grits his teeth together and rests his palm on his lower back in an attempt to massage out some of the tension. At eight months, he’s no stranger to false labor pains and the intensity has only been building the closer he gets to the real thing. Yuri places his arms back onto the barrier and bends at a ninety-degree angle to stretch out his throbbing back, belly hanging heavily between his thighs. He slides his feet outward so that his legs are resting in a half split – he may be about forty pounds heavier, but he’s still managed to maintain his flexibility for the most part. This was a fact that he was sure to rub into the Katsudon’s face during the off-season this year when he’d gotten a little bit soft and a little less flexible.
Usually his flexibility does wonders to soothe away the tightness, but this time Yuri jerks when it’s back just as suddenly as it had gone. The shock of it makes him bury his face in the arm folded on the barrier, his other arm shooting down to cradle the underside of his bump.
“Ah, what the fuck, baby…” Yuri whines into the crook of his elbow and rocks backward on the balls of his feet to stretch out the cramp.
He’s on his toes, pushing his backside out when he feels more than hears the distinct squelching of liquid in his favorite tiger-print maternity pants. Panicked, Yuri looks out into the rink where Otabek is executing a perfect camel spin, then to the audience behind him who are too busy cheering to notice his embarrassing predicament, before he catches Yuuri’s concerned gaze from across the rink.
Victor is working on tightening Yuuri’s laces, prepping him for his turn on the ice after Otabek. Yuri must be making a rather troubling face though, because the next moment, other Yuuri is waving off a confused Victor and jogging over to the other side of the rink as fast as his skate guards will allow 
Yuri is busy groaning through what he now clearly realizes is a real contraction when Katsuki makes it to his side.
“Yuri?” he ventures, placing a hand to his back and rubbing soothing circles onto it. “Are you—oh.”
Yuri figures he must have spotted the fluid leaking steadily down his pants and onto the floor.
“Yeah, oh. What the fuck am I— what do I—haah, fuck…” Yuri hates how pathetic he sounds even to his own ears, but he’s kind of at a loss here. He’d had a C-section scheduled for two weeks from now and he is sorely unprepared to face a genuine labor, especially when he’s in an ice skating arena with thousands of screaming fans and the world’s top figure skaters to witness it.
“I-I don’t really…” he hears Yuuri suck in a deep breath, steeling himself, before placing a firm hand on Yuri’s lower back and grabbing the crook of his elbow with the other one. 
“Here, let’s sit down first.” As he’s guided into an upright position, Yuri breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that Otabek is still fully concentrated on his routine, prepping for his mid-routine jump combination. 
Yuri practically melts into the other skater’s side the moment he sits them down on the bench behind them. Yuuri brushes on hand through the side of Yuri’s hair that isn’t pulled back into French braids, working out a few tangles that have already managed to gather there.
Yuri moans, long and low, as another contraction rips through his lower belly and back. He muffles the end of it into Yuuri’s neck, drawing in a deep breath and finding his nerves somewhat calmed by the scent of another omega.
“That’s it. I’ve got you, Yuri, you’re okay.” Yuuri whispers into his hair, hand cupped firmly to the base of his skull. 
“I’m not, though!” Yuri wails, sliding down into Yuuri’s chest. The increasing pain is becoming too much for him to process coherently, and he fists a hand in Yuuri’s jacket to take off some of the edge as the other skater shushes him softly, gently rocking them back and forth.
“Yurachka?” Yuri briefly recognizes the sound of Victor’s low, concerned voice as he places a comforting hand to his trembling shoulder before directing the rest of the conversation to other Yuuri.
“Yuuri, you’re up any minute now. Why don’t you let me take care him—,” but Yuuri cuts him off before he’s able to finish the suggestion.
“Get medical.”
There’s a short, but weighted pause.
“Is he in…-?”
“Yes. Get medical.” Yuuri repeats more firmly and then the sound Victor’s feet pounding on the concrete resonates vaguely in Yuri’s mind, hazy from his pain-addled state. 
When the latest contraction has passed, Yuri looks up at the rink just in time to lock eyes with a very conflicted-looking Otabek, poised in a lazy spread-eagle that Yuri knows by the swell in the music he’s holding out for a few beats too long. Otabek’s about one minute out from finishing his program and Yuri swears he won’t let him hold their newborn for a month if he gives up the podium when he’s this far in.
“Otabek Altin, don’t you fucking dare get your ass off that ice!” Yuri screeches loudly and suddenly enough to make other Yuuri flinch in surprise and for Otabek to tear away from his gaze and into a triple flip Yuri knows he’s just made the snap decision of adding in for technical points to make up for the short step sequence he’d just omitted.
Post-outburst, Yuri collapses against the other omega once more, but this time it’s accompanied by a puzzling sensation in his pelvis.
“Ooh…” Yuri breathes out shakily, thighs trembling along with it as they try to accommodate the growing pressure in his hips.
 “Ah… It feels… It feels like…” Yuri’s head lolls against Yuuri’s shoulder as he tries to piece together the sensation, but a second later, and the pressure is culminating into a stinging pain that instantly has him in fat, wet tears.
“God, she’s-she’s coming now—,” Yuri starts, chest heaving with the weight of his sobs.
“I know, I know, help is on the way, I can see them heading over—” Yuuri assures, hurriedly, but he doesn’t understand.
“No you stupid Katsudon! I can feel her— coming out— ahh, fuck! Fuck!”
Yuri sees brown eyes widen in panicked understanding before he’s being hauled up without warning. 
“Okay, up we go!”
“What are you doing—ow!”
Yuri cries loud, wet sobs as the other man guides them into an alcove that leads to the stadium lobby. His weight starts to give out from under him when they’re about halfway down the hallway. Yuuri allows it, helping him to the floor with control. 
“Sorry. I thought you might like some privacy for this.” Yuuri explains before yanking off Yuri’s shoes and hooking his fingers into the elastic band of his pants.
Yuri doesn’t ask questions, just helps him by shimmying his hips until the pants are discarded. Yuuri quickly replaces them with his own Team Japan jacket draped over his knees. Yuri at least has enough energy in him to bitterly note that he’d much rather his baby be born underneath his own Team Russia jacket – isn’t this some form of skating treason?
He doesn’t have much time to think about it before the pressure intensifies more still with the assistance of yet another powerful contraction that’s telling his body to push now. He’s screaming so loud he doesn’t even register when the hallway begins to fill up with paramedics and camera flashes.
“Give the boy some privacy, da? Have some respect!” Yuri peaks through sweaty bangs to see Victor quite literally shoving at the press that have invited themselves to witness the birth of Yuri’s child, which has apparently turned into a public event right alongside the Grand Prix Final itself.
The medics and some guards step in to form a barrier against the flashing of cameras and clashing of microphones as Victor makes his way to Yuuri’s side.
“I talked to the ISU reps. They’re taking a break in the set. Can’t be good press to continue the competition when the reigning champion is giving birth next to the rink…” Yuri hears him whisper to his mate as paramedics start to make themselves present on Yuri’s other side and between his legs.
“Little Yurio here just couldn’t bear to give up his Grand Prix Final glory even when he’s unable to compete, hm?” Victor teases which earns him an audible smack in the chest from the Katsudon and mouthful of Russian expletives from Yuri.
“Mr. Plisetsky, I’m going to ask you to push on the next contraction. The baby’s crowning, so this shouldn’t take long, okay?” the medic between his thighs explains calmly, lifting up the jacket over his knees just slightly. 
Yuri braces himself by clasping hands with the omega beside him and biting his lip, eyes flitting briefly to the opening of the hallway, crowded with medics and guards and ISU officials. Otabek is obviously done with his program by now so why isn’t he—
Yuri catches the flash of Otabek’s red sequin-patterned shoulder pads pushing his way through the crowd just as he’s hit with the next contraction.
“Beka!” Yuri screams at the top of his lungs as he pushes, blindly reaching out his other hand and narrowly avoiding smacking a medic in the face as he makes a grabbing motion intended for Otabek’s arrival. His hand is occupied on the second push, accompanied by a familiar hand pushing sweat-slicked hair out of his eyes.
“Oh, Yura…” Otabek presses a kiss to Yuri’s forehead and the sensation is relieving enough to make Yuri heave out a sob completely unrelated to the immense pain he’s currently experiencing.
“Thank God…” Yuri sobs on the next push as Otabek whispers sentiments of what must be encouragement in Kazakh close to his ear.
“I have no fucking idea what you’re saying, Beka… but…” Yuri gasps between more words of encouragement from the medics, Victor, and Yuuri that just one more push is all it’ll take.
“… but you fucking better have won gold for me and our princess.”
Yuri’s fiery emerald gaze pierces Otabek’s own slightly taken aback hazel.
One more push is indeed all it takes for the Altin-Plisetsky heir to come kicking and screaming into the world, perfectly in tandem with Yuri’s own flailing and screeching.
“What took you so fucking long back there, anyway?” Yuri asks hours later at some ungodly time in the morning when he’s nestled in a hospital bed with his newborn sleeping soundly against his bare chest.
“Language.” Otabek sighs, tenderly stroking his daughter’s cheek from his seat at the side of Yuri’s bed.
“Oh… right.” Yuri blinks down at his child and absently brushes back her impressive brunette curls with his thumb. He did say he’d stop once she wasn’t leeching off of his innards.
What took you so… freaking long?” Yuri rasps out, voice scraped raw from the excitement and anxiety that comes with birthing your child in the middle of a major national ice skating championship competition.
Otabek gives him a long look before sighing and digging out his phone from his pocket.
“I’m assuming you haven’t seen the news.”
“No, sorry, was too busy sleeping off the exhaustion of pushing of a fu-freaking miniature human from out of my body with zero preparation or pain medication in the middle of an ice skating arena.” Yuri deadpans and Otabek responds with a fond smile and a full kiss on the lips.
“I know. I’m very proud of you.”
Yuri feels his entire face and neck heat up and he wonders how the hell Otabek still manages to make him feel like he’s being courted all over again, even now when the evidence of their bond is softly sighing into the skin of his chest.
Otabek must know exactly what he’s thinking because he’s got that smirk on his face that Yuri would love to smack off if it didn’t mean jostling his sleeping infant.
The next moment, Otabek is tapping something into his phone before wordlessly holding it up under Yuri’s nose. Yuri grabs it with the hand that’s not supporting his baby’s back to scroll through the article. The first image on the page is an overhead shot of a massive hoard of people surrounding what looks to be the alcove he’d given birth in. Oh. He guesses that’s a sufficient excuse.
There are a few obscured shots of his red, sweaty, screaming face, body contorted on the ground in painful-looking angles that make him grumble in annoyance, but what grinds his gears the most is the title.
Gold and Silver for Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin at Most Drama-filled Grand Prix Final in Figure-Skating History 
“Yuri Plisetsky’s surprising pregnancy might have rendered him unable to compete at this year’s Grand Prix Final, but that didn’t stop him from stealing the spotlight yet again and bringing home the gold in the form of a precious new baby girl.
Otabek Altin, Plisetsky’s mate and father of the newborn, managed to snag silver with his performance as Plisetsky’s unexpected labor occurred just off the ice.”
Yuri hands the phone back to his mate and sighs dramatically.
“You know, ‘gold’s all around for the Altin-Plisetsky family’ would have made a much catchier title…” Yuri smirks and Otabek pulls a face.
“I’d say I did alright all things considering.” Otabek raises a challenging eyebrow that has Yuri laughing quietly.
Once the tension is broken, Otabek cracks and sighs forlornly into his hands. “This is why I hate social media… they’re already making me out to be the monster who chose the competition over supporting my mate through labor… and I still didn’t get a gold medal out of it.”  
Yuri smiles softly, reaching out to run his fingers along Otabek’s back.
“At my next interview I’ll tell them I would have choked you mid-labor if you didn’t finish the program.” Yuri can tell the gentleness of his tone combined with the expected crassness of his words makes Otabek’s body wrack with silent chuckles. 
“Besides, Katsuki was more motivated than ever when I promised him godfather privileges if he didn’t follow us to the hospital and finally got that stupid gold instead.” 
“Victor’s going to be jealous.” Otabek observes, lifting himself back into a seated position.
“Yeah, well, seeing as I basically handed him the reason he and his precious piggy needed to finally tie the knot, his entire head should be up my assho—”
“Oh, Yurio!”
The hospital door is kicked open with gusto as Victor and Yuuri make their presence known with an impressive array of Congratulations balloons, bouquet assortments, and gift boxes.
“Congratulations!” Victor singsongs in a voice entirely too loud while in the presence of an infant. His fiancé frantically shushes him a fraction of a second too late, and Yuri quickly finds himself with a chest full of red-faced, crying newborn child.
After Yuri’s gone red-faced himself with a barrage of Russian expletives that Otabek is familiar enough with to call him out on and twenty more minutes of calming down their screaming child, all thanks to a very understanding nurse, the group has managed to situate themselves comfortably in the room with baby sleeping soundly once again, this time against her new godfather’s chest.
Yuuri suddenly gasps as he watches the baby suckle gently at the golden medal against his chest.
 “I have an idea!” he whispers, carefully returning the bundle of newborn to Yuri’s own arms.
Yuri narrows his eyes, but doesn’t question it as the other omega takes off his gold medal and gently places it around Yuri’s own neck.
The silver medal two men had earlier delivered to Otabek hangs proudly from his neck.
“Oh, how nice!” Victor stage whispers loud enough for the baby to squirm in Yuri’s arms. Yuri shoots a warning look to the other Russian who puts his hands up in defeat.
Yuuri takes out his phone and counts down.
After some much needed rest, Yuri is up later that morning, bottle pressed firmly to his daughter’s lips after a few failed attempts and assistance from yet another nurse.
Otabek is at his side, dutifully checking Yuri’s Instagram for “any important updates”.
Yuri catches his thumb pause in its scrolling and a slow smile spread on his lips from the corner of his eye.
“What?” Yuri prompts, leaning slightly in Otabek’s direction. 
Otabek simply turns the screen to face him. When he sees the image on the screen, Yuri is overcome with the sudden urge to cry, scream, and envelope Yuuri Katsuki in a hug so bone-crushing, he actually cracks a rib. 
It’s the picture he’d taken earlier when he’d put his medal around Yuri’s neck, Otabek with an arm around him as they smile proudly and tiredly into the lense, captioned:
Here’s to the real winners of this year’s Grand Prix Final. Congratulations @yuri-plisetsky and @otabek-altin on Yuri’s 4th and most precious GPF gold – Alina Altin-Plisetsky.
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