#accidentally oc lore dump.
risaho · 6 months
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I need yo throw this meme everywhere.
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thomasandpeteraregay · 2 months
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unfunny 4komas #4 - 6koma edition
turns out there's a precure dupe team of high-school girls fighting evil monsters that steal your heart palettes or something. idk i didn't tune into their show last week.
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mercuriiarts-04 · 4 months
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Next dump is Galriah!!!!
A lot of his lore is on my old blog, @mercuriiarts but very simply Maul accidentally picks up a complete himbo of a togruta with his mums old lightsaber and a couple scraps of jedi training. Bro went to the grocery store to find a lost holocron and all he got was a boyfriend ✨✨✨✨✨
Riah was my first star wars OC and formed a lot of the art i made between 2021-2023. i don’t really engage with a lot of star wars stuff anymore but Galriah will always have a special place in my heart
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lnvzim · 5 months
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i forgot 2 add to his notes that his robot limbs can stretch. similar to like. Spinel from SU or something
annnyyyywho here’s a wee “lore” ? dump thingy, copy and pasted from my tik tok lol:
alr yea so Spoons the technician / mechanics guy for the Ministry of Joy. he started off as a smiling advocate like most people but he fucking sucked at it & tbh he’s fucking annoying so after a whole they decided to js lock him in the electrical room and he’s kind of just lived there since. he lives in the ceiling now. he’ll pop his head down from the ceiling tiles every now and then to say hello :)
he’s actually not fully marmalised, his brain is so fried beyond belief from the amount of times he’s accidentally electrocuted himself that half the marmalisation components don’t work on him 😭 anyways so now he’s always got this really fucked up akward smile on his face. like the face someone makes when they’re trying not to laugh lol.
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subzeroparade · 1 month
what little you've posted of your tarnished oc really interests me! if you'd like, and if comfortable, could you share a little bit more about his lore + his connection to the ancestral followers? what motivated him to join them (other than death, as tagged in one of your posts) and why was it such an ultimatum?
Thank you anon (and sorry for my late response, shit is crazy atm).
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Kotschei is a longstanding OC of mine (by which I mean 10+ years), and in his ER iteration he’s a scholar of the Lazuli Conspectus (astrologers who argue for the preeminence of the moon over the stars) and a faithful servant of Carian interests in the Academy. He’s also neither a fighter nor a terribly talented mage, which means he flees in the pseudo-counter-reformation we know happens when the other Conspectuses (all glintstone purists) wrest power from the Carians, depose Rennala, and reassert the Academy’s doctrinal position (as deferent to the authority of the stars).  His brush with the Ancestral Followers is really accidental - they don’t quite speak the same language, they have no written histories, and to a scholar of the Academy (and not a historian) they’ve never seemed more than a race of brutish non-believers. They are openly scornful of the Academy’s petty factional arguments about the moon and stars, immutable, true things that to them are fixed and unchanging rather than questions to be debated. By the Siofra riverbanks the moon’s face is obscured, and they take pity on Kotschei for it. On encountering the Ancestral Spirit, its magic astounds him: it decays and flourishes at once, dying and returning to the earth and living again, nature in service to it. He learns that Ancestral magic has no link to the stars or the moon, nor the black currents of deathblight or the gruesome way the Golden Order has made a farce of immortality.
So in his little bubble of woe is me I am a sinner on all fronts betraying the moon, he trades his own magic for Ancestral learning. He’s also a floppy little glass cannon, so getting skewered by their arrows and later watching them shoot is how he manages a degree of mastery over Loretta’s Greatbow. The Shining Horned Headband he wears for the rest of the game is one he fashioned himself, observing their techniques - on the branching antlers, alongside the flourishing buds, he grafts Carian blue glintstone shards. This is in part to channel their power, and in part because when he returns to Liurnia, shamanic regalia is an improbable disguise for an excommunicated mage. 
I don’t usually write extensively or lore dump about my OCs in particular, but I appreciate the ask (it's timely, since he will appear in the @gracedbygold Tarnished-centric zine). In the end I enjoyed beefing up his backstory enough that I turned any prospective lore-dump into a ficlet, which goes into a little more detail on how he got to where he’s going (from runaway mage to pledging himself to Ranni, first as a servant and eventually as potential consort). It’s not done yet, but here is a snippet:
“I see you look at me, Master Scholar, and I invite you to look closer.”  She spreads all four hands, though the gesture fails to be inviting. “You know what I am. I have lost my Empyrean body, and with it, some manner of power over the order of things. The Fingers, and the Greater Will by extension, have branded me their enemy. Dethroned, the academy has abandoned my royal house. I can muster no army. Many who would be my subjects think me dead. My kin have become rivals, trapped or compelled by their own machinations for power. I am a soul in a loosely-bound collection of porcelain limbs, and my only ally is the distant, mercurial Moon.” She leans forward. “Are you so unimaginative as to be bound by duty? This is not the winning side.”  A fine scholar’s argument, I want to tell her. We are not imaginative. We want to know the world, not guess at it. You cannot stand before your peers and imagine possibilities. You argue for truths, for once something is written down, there is security in certitude. Glintstone is a hard and cold discipline - improbable, I know, given the wobbling bodies and fragile egos who master it. For all our formulae and suppositions and mastery of cosmic principles, we mostly cast light and fling rocks. These are the things we are certain of.  The interesting part is guesswork, which, by virtue of its incertitude, means it’s not really scholarship. For all my learning, it’s no more than a series of lucky guesses that have delivered me here, before the last true daughter of the Moon.  “I reason,” I say at length, “that you can still inherit the world.”
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orizuru-uwu · 1 month
Shadow-Yan : Lil’ Facts
Having a busy schedule won’t stop me from dumping oc lore 
They are very shy. Like, spend hours trying to find a solution instead of asking a friend for help - type of nervous.
This doesn’t stop them from being weird. In pursuit of trying to find out more about you, they are willing to dig through your trash, drawers, any secret place you might stash stuff, and they will go through your search history if you accidentally leave your laptop on at night.
Unfortunately, Shadow-Yan is not a fan of pets - specifically dogs. Cus… being a freeloading shadow and all… if a pet is particularly alert, yk… ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
Though, this doesn’t mean Shadow-Yan dislikes the company of animals, it’s actually the opposite; Animals get rather anxious in their presence. 
Shadow-Yan being there, tends to make one feel paranoid. Sick. Wrong. 
For you... Shadow-Yan might've done something to fix that ♡
As a shadow, they obviously don’t need to eat/drink/etc - but they can if they want to. Though it looks really strange, and affects the physical food left behind in an odd way too.
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‘How did they meet you/secretly move into your place?’ - that’ll be in the next short ;)
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chipchopclipclop · 1 year
love ur baldurs gate 3 oc so much. idk anything about the game but i genuinely likes him. i wish hes a real character bc i would buy the game for him
thank you anon i know this message is weeks old but ily and also im going to use this ask as an excuse to dump information about him now (swagdor lore (swaglore)) for anyone who cares
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general stuff;
hes 49 years old as of game time
necromancy wizard, learned scholar, heavy interest in the boundaries between life and death and undeath, researching different types of resurrection unrelated to god worship (just not a big fan of asking for favours yknow)
stoic even keeled personality, reacts neutrally or stone faced to most things (this does not mean hes uncaring, hes got a curious nature). he used to be very showy and loud when he was younger, he finds that now very embarrassing
used to be a leader of an adventuring band in his 20s, fell apart when his group were defeated in battle leaving him lone survivor, wasnt a necromancer back then
has a distinct lack of self regard, half of him believes he'll be more of use untethered to the chain of mortality (undead in some fashion, or just thinking his corpse more functionally useful) the other half is just still struggling with survivors guilt (lol)
wanders around looking for old crypts and tombs to help his arcane pursuits, do-good's alot accidentally while he does, though most people get scared of him when he reveals the necromancy magic so hes got a mixed reputation (has some sort of misnomer like The Specter of so-and-so that wyll probably recognizes and laughs about)
will go along with just about anything if it amuses him, and has a weird sense of humour. hard to catch off guard or fluster, he yes-and's people alot to see how far they'll go with something or out bluff them (sometimes this causes them to try and beat the shit out of him)
truthful about his feelings when asked, but rarely volunteers his thoughts on things of his own accord, this gives him a weirdly mysterious image at first to most people
treats his raised corpses with care befitting living beings outside combat, and used to even raise some for company even if they were functionally just puppets.
he likes skeletons more than zombies (smell…)
his fake in game quest line is called 'The Wandering Necromancer' and involves inquiring about his old adventuring days of times past and learning why he's so into skeletons. He eventually reveals his past and you can bring up his groups old misadventures (oh my god you were the backstreet boys???) and he is very embarrassed by it. He reveals his group was felled by a lich, and he never found their bodies so hes always been curious on a way to speak with them again somehow.
plot continues BLAH BLAH eventually you find out that lich is still around and swagdor's old friends are now in its undead service so you go to kill it <3 but on the way he considers if he should take the lich's place so he can have his old companions around again (even if they're in his undead service) and try to give them some semblance of new twisted life again. You either help him with the preparations (yay phylacterys) or go bro you need to Move On. Man. and instead choose to release their souls when the lich is killed.
swagdor is stronger as a lich but also becomes even more detached from concepts of mortality (his sense of danger is basically nill now regarding others... its okay if u die ill bring u back somehow :) <- unnerving smile) and also all his dead friends are talking to him in his ear so he's constantly got a sense of being away from everything.
unliched swagdor moves on properly and begins The Healing Process (better late than never king) and seems more present in current ongoings, finding a place he can really set his feet. He's also less obsessed with death but sees his necromancy instead as a means to help and speak with wayward souls of the dead.
useless trivia corner: his names swagdor bc i based him off an old div2 oc i made when i was playing that game with aqua, where i used one of the randomly generated names they gave me and put the word swag into it (lol) i now am using his div2 swagdor's adventures as a semi basis for his new bg3 versions background thats why his younger versions outfit is based off that one captain armour set i never took off in that game
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ashroomy · 6 months
Big text dump about my mushroom skitarii oc Mycel-81!
Heads up, this contains basic disregard for the lore and is primarily fuelled by my need to somehow make this wholesome.
So, This is Mycel-81
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As an early example of the shroomitarii, mycel was a weak example. With limbs that were only slightly stronger than flesh and no fighting prowess. He was unsuitable for the front lines. Not to mention his inability to be influenced by any tech priests apart from mild emotion control. Whilst the option of ensuring obedience remained paramount, the tech priests later learned they simply lacked the appropriate resources to realise this. Not wanting to throw away their already limited source of infantry. Mycel was relegated to the back lines and served as clean-up and repair for battles or lost soldiers who may find their way into the world. With the shoddy technology, most shroomitarii could feel emotions more freely, leading to issues on and off the battlefield. It was left to Mycel to handle these issues as well. In the simplest terms. He is an emotional support skitarii with a prowess in comforting and repairing. (What can I say I love a bit of wholesome unrealistic 40k)
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Uses a blade and arc maul interchangeably during combat if completely necessary. Due to him collecting scraps and bodies of soldiers, he was gifted a servo skull, capable of scouting and gunning down some foes. More likely to accidentally hit his servo skull than an actual enemy. Has held guns but has no clue how to aim.
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With the free emotions, Mycel is able to form a personality of his own. To an extent. He helps keep the peace and encourages strong morale amongst troops. he has seen limited amounts of war but what he has seen unsettles him. He makes it his mission to ensure peace, at least on this forge world anyway. Unbeknownst to him. He has no impact whatsoever.
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On a routine patrol, Mycel finds a severely injured soldier, wounded and afraid, Mycel takes him in and slowly nurses him back to health. He does not quite understand the complex fears the soldier has and can only glean snippets of his past through extracting memories. (none of the tech priests are sure how they got this to work but decided to not question it) Nonetheless he aims to offer solace to the soldier and slowly but surely help him adjust to his new life. A very long process. Hoping to help him, he turns him into a vanguard, eventually they become fond of each other after the initial recovery. He does not have a name. But as he's a soldier (maybe skitarii?) who's landed here in a bad state, he will probably have a non shroomy name.
The lads
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mermaidchan05 · 5 months
Vesuvia Weekly: How it Started, How it's Going
Additional entry for the "things that changed" prompt because I will take any chance to dump OC lore on everyone and that is a threat lol
(Slight content warning for very vague mentions of abuse)
Chimalus and Nadia
How it Started
Chimalus and Nadia actually met briefly when they were children.
Chimalus, though a far cry from royalty, was the firstborn of a small but wealthy noble family.
Their father was the type to always find a way to hobnob with those in higher power. If he wasn’t throwing a party himself, he was attending someone else’s fancy gathering… and dragging his child along with him.
Chimalus and Nadia both decided to escape a fancy event at the Prakran palace at the exact same time.
And so the two of them wound up accidentally enjoying a moment on their own private balcony.
It was awkward at first, but Nadia was eager to have someone listen to her talk about anything other than the endless fancy-party small talk, and Chimalus was only too happy to listen.
The two of them could just be kids, and it was a beautiful moment for them both.
Sadly, both of their lives fell through many, many dark twists and turns after that party.
And yet, somehow, those twisting paths led them both to Vesuvia.
How it's Going
Chimalus’ life was actually better after waking up in the life of a (relatively) ordinary shopkeep instead of the first in line for head of a noble house.
Their father was the picture of corrupt nobility, obsessed with power in any form over all else... including the welfare and wellbeing of his child.
He actively caused a lot of harm.
But now Chimalus has been given the chance to leave all of that behind.
Learning to be a person again with Asra meant that they actually had someone who encouraged them, who helped them find and pursue their own interests, and actually showed physical affection.
This was one of the biggest things that Chimalus was able to share with Nadia when the two of them finally met again.
Without even realizing it, they did exactly the same thing they had done during that party: they treated her like a person instead of a Countess or Princess.
Now Nadia and Chimalus take on everything together, from the biggest problems in the city to the much lower-stakes but equally challenging book club debates.
Perhaps someday one or the other will remember the moment that started it all.
But either way, in each other they found what they had both longed for as long as they could remember: being together as equals.
Meleia and Asra
How it Started
Meleia had always been an outcast. Even before she moved to Vesuvia.
Living and working with her aunt only made things more difficult.
Meleia came from a very distant place, somewhere literally off the map, and she was forbidden from talking about her past.
Between that, and her foreign magic utterly clashing with her aunt’s magical style, and her general lack of knowledge about Vesuvian culture, she felt trapped and alone.
And then she met Asra.
Asra happened to be in the right place at the right time to help her out of a sticky situation in the market just before the whole “stuck in the same spot during Nadia’s procession” thing happened.
They found kinship in each other, a pair of outcasts with magic they weren’t entirely sure what to do with.
But what had really amazed Meleia about Asra at the time was his willingness to actually help her out. To listen to her.
Even though the fleeting moments at the annual Masquerade were the only times they were “allowed” to run into each other, there was such a sense of hope and relief when they were together.
Her life significantly improved when her aunt eventually moved out of the shop, which let Asra visit much more often.
He helped her learn how to control her magic better.
But their relationship, as much as it was built on trust and sharing their mutual curiosities, was always veiled underneath secrets.
Meleia couldn’t talk about her past. Asra didn’t want to burden her with his.
And Meleia couldn’t explain-- not because she wasn’t allowed to, simply because she didn’t know-- why she never quite managed to control her magic.
Still, it was wonderful to have Asra by her side… until the night of that fateful argument.
How it's Going
It was tough at first, after waking up.
Meleia always felt a little guilty that Asra was so often the one taking care of her, and she longed to take care of him in return.
But now things are better in nearly every way.
Finally, finally, the two of them are exactly where they need to be.
Meleia has someone she can truly be herself around.
Asra has someone both to support him and to help him soldier through the more difficult choices and parts of life without slipping away.
The two of them have a deep understanding and trust of each other. Misfits have to stick together, right?
There are no secrets between them anymore, and ever since Meleia discovered the truth behind her resurrection and her new body, Asra has been more determined than ever to help her reclaim her past.
In all honesty, her new body helps a lot with magical control: one thing they did find out was that Meleia’s parents were both incredibly powerful magicians with two very different styles, leaving her with almost too much power for one person to handle alone. Having the borrowed body of an Arcana grants her the strength she needs.
The rest of her life remains a mystery… so far.
But whether they uncover it or not, Meleia and Asra will always, always have each other. And their friends. And Meleia found her familiar. And Asra found his parents.
They both have a family now, both with each other and beyond. And Meleia finally has a place-- and a person-- to call home.
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crystalskyz · 3 months
lore dump about ruby. I beg.
YES I WILL!!! (I just an evil little giggle XD ) this takes place in the tts universe. Vat7k is cannon to this au(?) too! Get ready for a whole ass novel!
She was born into a very financially well off family and lived in a nice neighborhood. They were actually nice people too and raised her well. Her dad taught her to fight and her mom how to sew and stuff like that. Her mom gave her the knife you see in her hair. It has her mom’s name, Rose, engraved on the blade. Her parents ended up dying in a carriage accident when she was 10. Without her parents she didn’t know what to do- so she ended up roaming the streets and steeling food. One day a man named José finds her and takes her in. José works for Donella (the “evil” lady from 7 kingdoms). He doesn’t rlly live in a house, he has one of those carts that carries hay and stuff and he lives in that lol. So he and Ruby travel around basically doing fetch quests for people but occasionally get smuggling and stealing jobs from Donella. After a few years they end up breaking away from Donella and go off to do their own thing. One day they get a job in Corona, their jobs are like, bring these crates of strawberries to this store in a different city, or, take these sheep to this farmer, and stuff like that. They’re in Corona for a few days and hear about a teen (or at least that’s what the papers say) that’s in prison. (Ruby is around 15 here btw.) she and José don’t think that someone who they are told is Ruby’s age should be in the kingdoms dungeons. That doesn’t seem fair to them. So- Ruby decides to break him out. Ruby, José, and now an on the run Varian start traveling again and doing jobs and stuff. While they’re in the road again I think they would prolly see Rapunzel and co a few times- Not interact yet tho. I don’t remember exactly why (I’ll figure it out later lol) but Ruby, José, and Varian come back to Corona. They are approached by the Saporian separatists who ask Varian to build stuff for them, and they’d pay him both in money and a reversal to the amber solution (that they don’t have) in return. He takes the deal but doesn’t fully trust them. Mainly to get on their good side. Throughout him working with the Saporians, he and Ruby confirm that they are not gonna do good things with the stuff Varian’s making. The Saporians do still wipe the king and queen memories (with a stolen potion) and take control over Corona. Varian and Ruby make a plan to get out of the deal and hopefully free Corona from the Saporians control. The night before they put their plan into action, Varian is working on his side project, an actual reversal to the amber solution. An accident happens and Varian gets ambered. Ruby got woken up at some point and tries to help but ends up with a shattered her knife and a lotta guilt. (Imma write a fic for that at some point) Ruby (José went back on the road on his own and Ruby stayed in Corona with Varian) ends up going to the Dark Kingdom via stolen hot air balloon to find Rapunzel. So instead of Raps and co finding Ulf and Shorty that take them home- it’s a very traumatized and angry Ruby XD. She convinces them to come help her and brings them back to Corona. Taos uses the Decay incantation to unamber Varian and his father. (I actually came up with that point before I got to that ep- so I was shocked that I accidentally predicted it when I watched it XD ) the rest of season 3 happens like normal but smack my oc in there lol.
and that’s all I feel like writing for today! I have lore for vat7k- and I didn’t even mention bourbon!! 😭 he’s my friends oc- they meet when Ruby, José, and Varian are on the road and Bourbon and Ruby become friends. I’ll def write all sorts of lore detail head cannon stuff for them more often on here :3
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digital-roots · 1 year
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Lots of guys on twitter started making prohibitedwish fankids so I wanted to make one as well :}
Their name is Astra (any prns). They were created by Scarab and Prismo accidentally when making a new story together.
Lore dump under da cut
The antennas on her head are fake and taped on. Theyre there to make her look more bug-like. She also made the mask to look more like scarab.
Shes able to change from being 2d to 3d pretty easily
Shes like. Really energetic and playful. She behaves like a dog with zoomies most of the time
Astra was mostly created by Scarab, who was trying to create a story about a diety who seeks revenge from the other gods that banished them (sounds familiar?). He inherited a lot of Scarab's "unsightly" traits that Scarab tries to hide (remember how he acted when golbetty turned him into a bunch of bugs? Astras like that 90% of the time)
The form on the left with the yellow cloak is what they usually look like, but the one on the right is their true form
If you're wandering whats with the scribbles on his body, theyre supposed to be constellations sorta looking like this 👇
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The orange on the tips of their limbs is a reference to the chrysolina sturmi, a beetle i looked upwhile searching for ideas
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If it wasn't obvious already, Astra Really likes Scarab a lot. Even if he has EXTREMELY mixed feelings about her existence.
That doesnt mean Astra doesnt like their other dad though! She and Prismo actually get along a whole lot more than Astra does with Scarab, though Prismo still has trouble seeing Astra as his child, rather than just a fun roommate.
Astra usually hangs in the basement of the timeroom due to Prismo and Scarab being scared of what would happen to her if any of the higher ups found out she existed (Prismo got a slap on the wrist when he confessed abt making fionnaworld, but hes not too sure if theyll forgive him so easily this time). When no one else but the wishmasters are around, however, Astra likes watching the tv.
Like what its said in the drawing, Astra's eyes are SUPER bright.(which is half the reason why they wear the mask). The feeling you get when he stares directly at you is like getting waken up in the dark of night by a flashlight, except 100x worse.
Their love language is biting others. Scarab is their most frequent target.
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 9 months
DJ's Smut Fics Masterpost
oh my god, i now know that these are a pain in the ASS to assemble. but like,,,, handy. so here you guys go. I'm going to sort them into six handy categories for you.
be a good boy and...? - about 4.8k words. contains hypnosis/brainwashing, programming, mantras, orgasm control, trigger phrases, dubious consent. Use of 'good boy'. Features two of my OCs, Jamie and Aeor. (this is probably my fav thing on here ngl)
tbh, lowkey the best shit ive done, if you like a good hero-gets-corrupted-by-a-rogue/villain-w/-hypnosis then i've got some fics for You!!
EDIT: this au is kind of dark/fucked up. heavy on the dubcon and corruption kink - all three named heroes are succumbing to being fucked or fucking their villains and are not going to 'win'. please be wary of that going in. i answer questions about it via asks and most of the important plot/lore dumps are tagged under my 'nsfs superhero au' tag if you want to know more/get the tone.
siren's call - part 1 - about 3k words. dom!janus, sub!patton. Trans Patton. CNC, hypnosis, dubcon, corruption kink. praise kink (’good boy’), facefucking, fingering, sex with clothes on, magic sex, memory play, multiple orgasms.
unexpected songs - impossible tasks - part 2 - Trans Patton, sub!Patton. Covert/accidental hypnosis, dubcon, corruption kink. ...accidental exhibitionism? masturbation at the end (not exhibitionism, he's in private). multiple orgasms.
the next stage - part 3 - Trans Patton, sub!Patton, dom!Janus, tist!Janus. hypnosis, dubcon, programming/mind control, corruption kink. blowjobs, riding dildos, magic. multiple orgasms. orgasm denial. use of ‘pussy’ and ‘cunt’ to describe a trans man’s genitals. Praise kink.
Deeper and deeper... - part 4 - about 4k words - Trans Patton, sub!Patton, dom!Janus, tist!Janus. hypnosis, dubcon, programming/mind control, corruption kink. smattering of angst thrown in there. assurance kink. masturbation, degradation and praise, magic, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampies, obedience, orgasm control, crying, kissing. use of ‘pussy’ and ‘cunt’ to describe a trans man’s genitals.
trapped in a brainwashing facility - 3.6k words, roceit, hypnokink/brainwashing, dubcon, pretty heavy fantasy, open/’unhappy’ ending, missing memories, uses of subliminal messaging on the characters - semi horror/erotic thriller
sleepxiety and motorcycles - 970 words, semi-public, swearing, dirty talk, coming untouched (ish), sub!virgil dom!remy.
Big dragon, little prince - 2.8k words, Logince. top!Logan bottom!Roman, dom!Logan sub!Roman. Fantasy au. Pre-established relationship, monsterfucking. Dirty talk/degredation. Size kink. Brief mention of attempted murder at the start (monster hunters).
big dragon, little prince 2: now the dragon has 2 cocks - 3.4k words. Roceit. Mentioned Logince. Top!Janus, bottom!Roman, dom!Janus sub!roman. fantasy au. Pre-established Logince. Monsterfucking, dirtytalk/degredation. Size kink. Hemipenis/double penetration. Frotting. Janus uses they/them.
field research - about 4k words. sub/bottom Virgil, top/dom Remus, trans!virgil, referring to a trans man's genitalia as cunt and pussy, anal, double penetration, aphrodisiacs, intox/mild cnc/mild mind-altering substance, talk of breeding, overstim, monsterfucking, tentacles and monstercock.
untitled vampire logan logince fic - about 2k words. Vampire!Logan, logince, mind control/hypnosis, dubcon, vampiric thralls (fun fact, first fic i ever posted here and it's sat at 69 notes for months which still makes me laugh)
admin privileges - about 2.8k words -logince, sub logan dom roman. hypnokink, dronification, d/s, brainwashing/programming, dubious consent/cnc. Logan is an android and Roman is a human. Logan's trans, kind of. has a robopussy. uses of 'sir' and 'admin' as titles. inappropriate use of ports.
just download ur bf a new brain! - roughly 4k words. Logince, sub!roman dom!logan, hypnotist logan, brainwashing, brainwashing via subliminals in music, descriptions of trance and dropping, cnc.
intrulogical hypno shenanigans - 4.6k words. Intrulogical, implied introloceit. sub!Remus dom!Logan. uses ‘master’ and ‘pet/baby boy/good boy’ as titles. Edging, trancing, and some good ol’ fashion boning. Contains an induction.
sequel to the above fic but now intruloceit - 4k words, threesome, hypnosis, dom!Logan, sub!Remus, sub!Janus, some initial anxieties, kink negotiation mid-sex, mantras, uses of ‘master/sir’ and ‘baby/baby boy/good boy/etc’ as titles
soft moceit hypnofic - about 3.6k words, moceit, dom/tist!Janus, sub!Patton, hypnosis, trance, a written induction of sorts, dubcon, gentle vibes, crying. Written pre-SvSs/POF
a book to turn off your brain - 2.6k words. loceit, sub!logan dom!janus, no actual fucking. Hypnosis via reading. Mindlessness, slow fall, implied hands-free-orgasm at the end, cnc
bimbo virgil - about 1k words. analogical, sub!virgil dom!logan, hypnokink, dumbification/bimbofication, trance, no actual sex, mirrors, uses titles like ‘master’ and ‘whore’.
janus gets double dommed - roughly 1.5k words. dom!logan, dom!roman, sub!janus. roloceit. no actual sex, just trance. Induction is written out. use of 'good boy' as praise. hypnosis.
new prescription - roughly 2.7k words. sub!logan, dom!remus. intrulogical. hypnosis, dubcon, brainwashing, memory play, oral fixation, degradation, no penetrative sex.
Teacher's pet - About 3.5k words. Dom!Logan, Sub!Thomas. Teacher/student roleplay. Both degradation and praise, use of ‘sir’ and ‘good boy’. A little ...feet...play? it was accidental but it’s hot i promise.
The One Where Roman Ties Him Up And Fucks Him Silly - 3.6k words. Bondage/BDSM, sub!Thomas, dom!Roman, orgasm denial, overstimulation, hypnosis, voice kink, royalty kink, royalty/servant dynamic (sort of) use of titles like ‘my king’, and ‘good boy’.
Well um there we go i guess i'll update it with more as I write them?? maybe?? probably.
and damn. ive written more than i expected won't lie. if you want reccs from me, i think the brainwashing facility one, the dukexiety monsterfucking one, bimbo virgil, my OC one and just all the superhero ones are the best
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petalpierrot · 3 months
Hey remind me of your ocs! Idr exactly about them/what they look like. I remember vaguely the whole "make a dunk tank of strahd and ireena joking to vasili he should dress up as the strahd for dunking" and "rahadin baking genius". (I believe those were both from your shenanigans)
I love lore dumps
(If you would rather just message me go for it.)
Thank you so much for the ask! Well, I'm in a solo game with 3 characters (for balance reasons and because I wanted to try out some subclasses)
I have Eidys Silvermoon, Moon elf Bladesinger wizard: (accidental Rahadin smoocher and an overall delight to play) She has kind of become the face of the party and is generally very sweet, even to the point of befriending literally every other evil creature, it's a joke at this point. (For a good-aligned character she definitely keeps strange company)
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I have Veshen: Shadar-kai Grave cleric of the Raven Queen.
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He's been all over the material plane and is very knowledgeable about different creatures. He feels that it is his calling to put restless undead to rest and is always glad to do some grief counseling/provide funerary services to those in need. In our game, Ireena adopted him as her second brother because he's been in Barovia the longest and Kolyan was a big help to him when he first arrived in the village (providing shelter/information etc)
And finally, I have Dris my Drow Monster Slayer Ranger (my beloved loser)
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He's like my blorbest blorbo, a character I have played for the longest and will always have a special place in my heart for. His job is forest and he is a survivalist. (he is blue because he has moon elf ancestry) Originally he is a merchant from a homebrew drow city. His family sells poisons. His expertise in terms of monster slaying is undead and humanoids.
as far as those events you mentioned, they were ideas I pitched for my DM for festival games (because the festival in vallaki was approaching) but yes most of those made it, it has been a long while. Our Rahadin's hobby is baking so he won a baking competition during said festival. it was definitely a nice break before they really started to work towards dealing with Strahd.
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cartoon-angerr · 10 months
Crawling out of my den and snarling like a rabid alligator
Hey guys! Apologies for the inactivity lately 🤟 I’ve been busy. I have news though! I might start working on OC content a bit more now. Why? Because I’ve made two characters based on Lauren Bousfield (Nero’s Day At Disneyland)’s albums and I accidentally started to brainrot and create lore for them. These are said characters. I love them so much.
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I like Lauren’s music to a super normal amount
I don’t know if you guys would like me to talk about Mihpares and Screebip more but let me know if you would! Here’s a little art dump below if you’d like :3
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Also I did this a few days ago…
I have never been that obsessed with my own OCs before
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feelo-fick · 2 months
Phio I’m so curious about the fairy brothers
OH MY GOD UHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN... okay basically, general overview :
the fairy brothers are two highschool students trying to get by - meg (they/them) and diji (he/him).
meg is a theatrical wannabe diva and ghost hunter who can be a little ignorant if not arrogant. they only have one simple goal in life - to make it big, be famous, and be known and loved by everyone on the block! because of this, they highly value their image, doing comedically drastic things just to reach their goals. you could convince them of almost anything by putting the prospect of money and fame on the line. think mickbell-adjacent, but more showy and extravagant. they're also really passionate about their belief in ghosts, and they want to prove their existence through recording vlogs while trespassing abandoned buildings (with the help of their brother, of course).
diji is a meek and overly polite guy just trying to survive. if you met him he might seem a little boring at a glance, other than his outfit. he likes baseball and crafts and that's all he'll tell you. he doesn't want much, just to live peacefully and normally without many worries (ha, imagine that). really nice fellow though! sometimes he'll get excited and accidentally slam his tail into something, but overall he's got a very even disposition. he's like... happy ena and wirt kinda. diji's also just a liiiitle judgemental of the people/environment around him, and sometimes it slips out without him thinking, but he makes sure to correct himself unless it's unnecessary. dont get me wrong, he is genuinely a nice person and he's not faking all his kindness to cover up some evil personality — he just doesnt like attracting attention and is generally wary as an unofficial guardian to his brother. he's really protective of meg, and joins them on their ghost hunts to make sure nothing bad happens.
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they're both broke and don't have a stable source of income, but they both have jobs. diji works several part-time jobs at convenience stores and cafes and it's... well, it's a living. he tries his best not to complain about it. he gets free though, so win! meg has the ghost hunting vlog channel, but as you can imagine it's not doing too well (i mean, the video quality is Quite Iffy) AHHAHA but yknow, they're dead-set on it succeeding, so A for effort.
diji makes most of the money, cooks most of the food, buys most of the essentials, etc etc. he wants to provide for meg since theyre the youngest of the two of them. not by much, probably around 3-4 years or so, but they've only got each other, so someones gotta take up the mantle of caretaker, right? meg haaates this though, they hate feeling coddled and they're in that stage of life where they're determined to prove themselves. they've both had a lot arguments about it.
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but they still love each other, of course.
i'm planning on opening an ask blog for them and their story, so i'm trying not to share too much! i feel like this is a pretty good summary of them though :] also their designs aren't final... they're originally fandom ocs for the webcomic musical pipers and those are their designs in that universe, but i want to change them for this personal plot to make them more of my own :D thanks for the ask about them, i have sooo much to say but well... gotta keep it under wraps for now sadly, didnt want to clog the post with a big lore dump and give too much exposition.
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mr-orion · 5 months
Please tell me abt your OCs
Backstory lore dump i guess, i did not proofread this so if you see errors no you fucking didnt
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You get Elliot because I like Elliot rn. Elliot was inspired by pirates, he even used to be one as he was adopted by humans. Hence why he parrot esque hair, bone appendages, and the flying dutchman colored magic. Very pirate stuff.
So a dragon socialized as a human and not a dragon makes Elliot incredibly different. He hadn't even seen another dragon until at port one day. Elliot being naive and dumb assumes the best intentions of this dragon when he approaches him and asks him for courtship. Elliot laughs and tells him to come along to sea.
This relationship is not good, his lover is a serial cheater. And as Elliot stumbles upon more and more books about dragons he learns he is an awful mate by raging beast standards too. Unfortunately, this revelation comes waaaayyyy too late. Especially after they both have joined souls.
When dragons have a strong connection with each other, they can form a bond that links their souls as one. This also allows dragons to draw power and magic from each other. It is supposed to connect dragons for eternity.
Since its so serious when a soul link is broken the dragon who broke it usually won't live more than a week, unless they have a new person lined up or go back to their ex. Obviously many would rather die, including Elliot, who strategically breaks the bond when they are at port and flees. He walks the coast out of town for days, completely drained and expecting to die.
That is until he is pummeled by Baron, who thinks he's on his sand to threaten his spouses or rob him.
Elliot lays on his then womanly charm, effectively pacifying Baron as he does appear very weak and not threatening to Barons testosterone.
It's actually Neve who whacks Baron on the head and suggests letting Elliot inside for a meal. As an apology for Baron pouncing him when Elliot technically wasn't even on Baron's property.
Elliots not dumb, he knows there's 3 dragons here at Baron's manor, that means at least one of them is single. (Right?)
And decidedly, that must be Neve as Neve keeps awing over him and calling him cute and masculine (tehe). The masculine part wasn't something Elliot usually heard but Neve is really good at picking up human gender. Baron is not and keeps accidentally misgendering him the whole dinner. Neve corrects him like the true MVP. Baron is confused but at least apologetic.
Dragon gender is based on wealth and who can birth babies. Since theres a lot of intersexuality in dragons the gender works on a gradient. Many to establish one's social hierarchy.
Neve eventually works the truth out of him, so Elliot suggests maybe he could form a soul link with him, or any other single dragon so he doesn't have to die right now.
Baron is annoyed with that. So he asked him. "So some lowly scum tricked you into a soul link and you couldn't break that one because you're weak, yet you expect to break another one with my spouse?"
Elliot obviously flustered doesn't say much as Lezna scolds him. Lezna doesn't think it's a bad idea for Baron to make it and then later break when Elliot is back in good health. Baron's never been one to turn down someone in need no matter how pompous he is. So he offers to make and break the pact for Elliot.
Elliot is of course thankful and spends every waking moment training to get stronger. He even tells Baron what the humans are up to now and explains some of their customs more in depth. He eventually gets around to explaining their gender and how he wants to be a man. It all kind of clicks for Baron after he tells Elliot he's a dragon not a human and Elliot reexplains. Baron tries to equate that to his own dragon gender and that helps him understand. It finally clicks for Baron that it's not Elliot wanting to change just his social status but also his physical traits. He enthusiastically tells Elliot that there's an ancient witch who knows a potion for making humans male. So if he can find him then it might work on Elliot!
This begins Elliots adventuring. He does find the witch, unfortunately the potion is much to weak and its affects are temporary , BUT he's able to bring the potion back to Lezna. They tamper with it ad it effects gradually help masculinize Elliot and keep him masculinized as long as he regularly ingests it. A lot of his adventuring is a conquest for gender affirming care.
He really does love adventuring and eventually decides to open an adventurers guild.
Also. Everyone kind of justtttt forgets about breaking the pact. Baron especially because he's afraid that after Elliot won't want to remain friends with him.
And y'know Elliot knows how awful it is to break a bond. He wouldn't want to do that to Baron. In fact. He should get strong enough so he can do it. That would be the right thing to do.
Lezna and Neve aren't about to remind amyone either. Especially Neve who is head over heels with adoration for Elliot. Then again everyone is, Neve just extra.
Some extra fun facts~
•Elliot is an amputee, he uses both mechanical and magical aids interchangeably to help him walk.
•He is Mzamaki's guild master, but he also attends the college that Mzamaki's is a professor at.
•The beads he wears on his hair are for each of his spouses. White for Neve, pink for Baron, and bluish black for Lezna
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