#mr orion misc oc
mr-orion · 1 month
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"Woah Mortal! Careful now, luck is for the unprepared. Go train up."
Really regret not throwing this into ibis or clip for painting, i'll have to redo it sometime
Anyway heres Elliot! a poet and guild leader. Husband of Baron, Neve, And Lezna
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mr-orion · 4 months
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I finished that really old design and its interesting. I'm not in love with it, it's more just practice
is this mzamakis new friend? trick question. everyone is mzamakis friend.
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mr-orion · 2 months
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on my cringe still guys
Neve the dedicated troublemaker. gets away with it cause look at him, he's innocent. if you think he's not innocent, his pet husband will negotiate with blood
He definitely can't fly in his humanoid form. Those wings are far too tiny. In dragon form he lets the wind carry him. He is both scaley and hairy.
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mr-orion · 4 months
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One off sketch of a fairy. Might become an oc we'll see. Shes giving forest fire
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mr-orion · 1 month
Please tell me abt your OCs
Backstory lore dump i guess, i did not proofread this so if you see errors no you fucking didnt
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You get Elliot because I like Elliot rn. Elliot was inspired by pirates, he even used to be one as he was adopted by humans. Hence why he parrot esque hair, bone appendages, and the flying dutchman colored magic. Very pirate stuff.
So a dragon socialized as a human and not a dragon makes Elliot incredibly different. He hadn't even seen another dragon until at port one day. Elliot being naive and dumb assumes the best intentions of this dragon when he approaches him and asks him for courtship. Elliot laughs and tells him to come along to sea.
This relationship is not good, his lover is a serial cheater. And as Elliot stumbles upon more and more books about dragons he learns he is an awful mate by raging beast standards too. Unfortunately, this revelation comes waaaayyyy too late. Especially after they both have joined souls.
When dragons have a strong connection with each other, they can form a bond that links their souls as one. This also allows dragons to draw power and magic from each other. It is supposed to connect dragons for eternity.
Since its so serious when a soul link is broken the dragon who broke it usually won't live more than a week, unless they have a new person lined up or go back to their ex. Obviously many would rather die, including Elliot, who strategically breaks the bond when they are at port and flees. He walks the coast out of town for days, completely drained and expecting to die.
That is until he is pummeled by Baron, who thinks he's on his sand to threaten his spouses or rob him.
Elliot lays on his then womanly charm, effectively pacifying Baron as he does appear very weak and not threatening to Barons testosterone.
It's actually Neve who whacks Baron on the head and suggests letting Elliot inside for a meal. As an apology for Baron pouncing him when Elliot technically wasn't even on Baron's property.
Elliots not dumb, he knows there's 3 dragons here at Baron's manor, that means at least one of them is single. (Right?)
And decidedly, that must be Neve as Neve keeps awing over him and calling him cute and masculine (tehe). The masculine part wasn't something Elliot usually heard but Neve is really good at picking up human gender. Baron is not and keeps accidentally misgendering him the whole dinner. Neve corrects him like the true MVP. Baron is confused but at least apologetic.
Dragon gender is based on wealth and who can birth babies. Since theres a lot of intersexuality in dragons the gender works on a gradient. Many to establish one's social hierarchy.
Neve eventually works the truth out of him, so Elliot suggests maybe he could form a soul link with him, or any other single dragon so he doesn't have to die right now.
Baron is annoyed with that. So he asked him. "So some lowly scum tricked you into a soul link and you couldn't break that one because you're weak, yet you expect to break another one with my spouse?"
Elliot obviously flustered doesn't say much as Lezna scolds him. Lezna doesn't think it's a bad idea for Baron to make it and then later break when Elliot is back in good health. Baron's never been one to turn down someone in need no matter how pompous he is. So he offers to make and break the pact for Elliot.
Elliot is of course thankful and spends every waking moment training to get stronger. He even tells Baron what the humans are up to now and explains some of their customs more in depth. He eventually gets around to explaining their gender and how he wants to be a man. It all kind of clicks for Baron after he tells Elliot he's a dragon not a human and Elliot reexplains. Baron tries to equate that to his own dragon gender and that helps him understand. It finally clicks for Baron that it's not Elliot wanting to change just his social status but also his physical traits. He enthusiastically tells Elliot that there's an ancient witch who knows a potion for making humans male. So if he can find him then it might work on Elliot!
This begins Elliots adventuring. He does find the witch, unfortunately the potion is much to weak and its affects are temporary , BUT he's able to bring the potion back to Lezna. They tamper with it ad it effects gradually help masculinize Elliot and keep him masculinized as long as he regularly ingests it. A lot of his adventuring is a conquest for gender affirming care.
He really does love adventuring and eventually decides to open an adventurers guild.
Also. Everyone kind of justtttt forgets about breaking the pact. Baron especially because he's afraid that after Elliot won't want to remain friends with him.
And y'know Elliot knows how awful it is to break a bond. He wouldn't want to do that to Baron. In fact. He should get strong enough so he can do it. That would be the right thing to do.
Lezna and Neve aren't about to remind amyone either. Especially Neve who is head over heels with adoration for Elliot. Then again everyone is, Neve just extra.
Some extra fun facts~
•Elliot is an amputee, he uses both mechanical and magical aids interchangeably to help him walk.
•He is Mzamaki's guild master, but he also attends the college that Mzamaki's is a professor at.
•The beads he wears on his hair are for each of his spouses. White for Neve, pink for Baron, and bluish black for Lezna
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mr-orion · 4 months
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Introducing Mzamaki's dad: The Great Amazaki
And while he'd never outwardly say it, Mzamaki is very much his favorite child, even though the possibility of Mzamaki not being his child by blood is very high. While Amazaki isn't ready to admit that as a possibility Mzamaki lives with it. Its very clear he's an affair baby. He doesn't look like his father or his siblings but he looks like a very certain sleezeball in his pod, and much like 20 other bastard children.
But Amazaki insist that Mzamaki must be his, he had a great grandmother that was also pink. Surely Mzamaki just got that from her. Not that blood relation is important to Amazaki... But it's important to the others in their pod, especially if he plans to give Mzamaki the empire he built as opposed to one of his older brothers.
Amazaki already gets a lot of snideness from his ex-wives infidelity and the affair that came to light, he doesn't want people daring to go after him anymore.
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mr-orion · 17 days
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I keep forgetting to go through my ask box and I LOVE THIS AUGHGHHGH AUGHGGH
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mr-orion · 4 months
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Boy fairy???? Boy one??? Dragon fly man?!?!
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mr-orion · 5 months
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"Be a good pet; fetch mommy a demon heart... It's too difficult?.. But you're so big and strong 💕"
She'll yank your chain until you break. Mzamaki is typically the thrall of her ambitions. She's just too good with getting her way through praise.
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Additionally, magic hearing aid!
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mr-orion · 4 months
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I was sorting through my art files (finally) and found this adorable orca merman concept from 2022.
I was gonna give you the false choice of no but then I had already decided decided sorry
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mr-orion · 11 months
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He's a 10 but he will never ever give you his big comfy coat. What's he now?
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mr-orion · 2 months
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heres a really quick sketch of that angst undertale thing except i made it with a happy end. its of baron during his childhood bs the now, its pretty illegible tbh. you can tell where i had a reference and where i had to use my brain juice
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mr-orion · 10 months
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I was going to put all my drawings from the past few days in one post but then I realized I could milk them all.
This is Apache(She/Him/They), they're an extremely quirky individual in the crime sector. They're usually orchestrating shipment heists or bothering their roommate to do their hair and makeup. While their fashion sense is chaotic but melds well, their home décor skills are absolutely eye melting and awful. Apache is truly a chaos maximalist and their endearing roommate Armir puts up with them.
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mr-orion · 5 months
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sneak peek at an oc reveal/just a sketch
I felt like shit today, I barely made the deadline for a daily sketch lol. But i was watching finding dory and dory paired with my menty b reminded me of the first thing i ever drew on this computer. (ill show that with the line art of this character later.) He just so happens to be my comfort oc, and i have not once drawn him in the last 3 years. literally since that first drawing. Finding Dory is also his comfort movie lol. I could ramble forever but I won't until I reveal his name :3c
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mr-orion · 11 months
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Lil alien guy
This is kelzang hes a milf
im too braindead to say anything more
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mr-orion · 11 months
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she wants to stick you with pokey things
shes a medic
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