#accounter of the hearts (yinepu)
sol-ulfr · 1 year
Merytmwtheryt -> Sölulfr
For reasons that I will be keeping personal for the most part, I will be leaving the Kemetic Pagan path and moving to a more Norse-centered one. This means I won't be posting Kemetic-related things anymore. I'm very sorry if that's what you primarily follow me for! But for me it's time to move on to something else.
I will be adding all of my Kemetic tags to this post so you can see things about specific Kemetic deities or topics if you would like to.
Thank you to everyone who has joined me on my journey so far! It's been a pleasure, and I hope you stick around 💕
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heruhirmaat · 4 years
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Several months have passed since Atem was released to the Underworld. Although he did save the world and that’s all well and good, he could not pass the Weighing of the Heart. Apparently setting people on fire with shadow games when the Puzzle was completed doesn’t contribute toward maintaining Ma’at. How was he supposed to know? Ironically another part of his name, Heru-hir-Ma’at has a translation of One Who Satisfies Ma’at.
Tears gathered in violet eyes. Atem whispered, “Will I be uncreated?”
“Oh, no! No, nothing like that!” Djehuty exclaimed, taking hold of Atem’s hand as the boy sunk to his knees. “You’ve shown great bravery! We all adore you. And loyalty to Yugi! Although you’re still accountable for all your actions, we also know the Puzzle has always been corrupted by isfet. All those items were.”
“Reincarnation—” Yinepu was promptly cut off by Atem: “What?! No, no, please, I just recovered my memory! Don’t make me... n-no...”
“I would restore your memory afterward.”
“No! I can’t... please... I’m tired. I’ve waited... so long.”
When Atem was openly weeping, heartbroken and shamed by the ordeal... Yinepu embraced him.
“Alright. You’ll be fine. Everything will be fine. You’ll return to Japan fully resurrected.”
(Djehuty is the Egyptian name for Thoth; Yinepu is the Egyptian name for Anubis 💕)
- mun is 28 with no triggers; fueled by angst and darkness
- OC friendly if I can get a sense from you of what is going on
- Multiship, multiverse; I will probably do your ship, just ask! All ships are separate from each other. If I have an Atem x Bakura thread, it has nothing to do with your thread with someone else unless we have plotted that it does. I’m very flexible on everything. Always open to hearing new ideas and verses to use.
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ash-and-stars · 6 years
newbie devotee challenge day 3
does your deity have any alternate names or epithets? if they do, what are they, and what do they mean? what does the name you call your deity mean?
ok so i had to do a bunch of research for this one! because i know: anubis (greek) anup (coptic) yinepu (egyptian - same root as inpu, a royal child, but may also be related to inp, "to decay") and i don't know anymore, but i understood these to be variations of his name.
jesus christ i did some research and man does he have a lot of epithets. see this is what happens when you don't have enough time to research cool stuff that doesn't have anything to do with assignments. so we have:
khentyamentiu (translates to foremost of westerners, westerners being the dead) accounter of hearts lord of the necropolis lord of the netherworld imy-ut (he who is in the place of embalming) lord of the sacred land he who is on his mountain guardian of the scales black dog face (no word of a lie, i started seeing phantom big-ass black dogs on the streets out the corner of my eye, like someone was walking a large dark coloured dog, only to turn and look and for the dog i thought i saw not to be there) he who announces the way keeper of the keys to the underworld lord of light of the shredding claws
and more. i wrote down the ones that resonated the most with me. i simply call him anup, and he is my keeper of shadows.
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