#achilles tendon injury
benjitoum · 11 months
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Hi, it's been a long time since I was online so I'm posting some old stuff now finally. Life has been busy Here are some shots from last year when I tore my Achilles tendon while running.
Check out the full story http://www.castandcrutches.com/achillestrek.html
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daisywords · 1 year
if I ever get married my expectations for how well my spouse should integrate into the family might be a little skewed... I just came from laying flat on the floor with the sib crew, my brother-in-law included, all comparing the natural angle of our feet when lying on our backs because apparently there is a discrepancy (This is very important and relevant to the ongoing discussion of whether or not sheets should be tucked in at the bottom)
actually tho I cannot find any literature on this, scientific or otherwise, but when you lay flat on your back are your toes more forward/pointed or more sticking up towards the ceiling when relaxed and does anyone know what might cause this to vary I'm honestly curious
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Someone is posting a tgcf ballet au w bwx as an abusive ballet teacher which was originally my idea but I didn’t feel like writing it and I remember talking to someone about it so I was like oh word? Tried reading it and quickly came to the conclusion that this person has never taken a writing class much less a ballet class
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You may be doing the chest press wrong
You may be doing the chest press wrong! In this video, we'll break down the most common mistakes people make while performing the chest press and show you the correct form to maximize your
gains and prevent injuries. Our fitness experts will guide you step-by-step through the proper techniques, ensuring you get the most out of your workouts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter, this video is
essential for anyone looking to perfect their chest press form. Don’t let bad habits hold you back – watch now and start pressing like a pro!
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bfstkb · 7 days
Antibiotic Induced Tendonitis
Many people are unaware that a certain type of antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, can be responsible for causing tendon damage, or even tendon rupture. This serious side effect can come on seemingly out of nowhere, and it can be a very painful condition. The good news is, there are ways to prevent and effectively treat antibiotic induced tendonitis.
Not All Antibiotics
Fluoroquinolones are sometimes better known as Cipro or Levaquin. The FDA has required a "black box" warning regarding tendon damage to be included on all fluoroquinolones since 2008, due to increasing evidence that correlates these antibiotics to tendon injury. These antibiotics should be used only as a last resort if other antibiotics have not been effective.
Any tendon can be damaged when taking fluoroquinolones, but the Achilles tendon is particularly at risk - antibiotic induced tendon damage can occur even after you've already stopped taking the drugs. There are a few things you can do preventively to minimize the risk of this painful side effect.
Risk Factors
While taking antibiotics, you should try to minimize your activity level. Being active while taking fluoroquinolones increases your risk of tendon injury or rupture. Lower your activity, and try to do gentler exercises. Non-weight bearing exercise like swimming is better than high impact exercises like running. Use cold therapy following your workout, even if you don't feel any pain - the cold treatment will reduce inflammation and therefore reduce the possibility of injury. If possible, you should also avoid taking corticosteroids while taking antibiotics, because corticosteroids may also weaken or thin your soft tissue.
How To Heal
If you're already dealing with antibiotic induced tendon injury, you need treatment that really works. King Brand makes medical devices that are designed specifically to heal the tendons, muscles, and ligaments. By using these medical devices about three to four times daily, you can heal from tendonitis, tendinosis, or even a torn tendon. Relieve your pain, swelling, and inflammation by using the ColdCure. Then, use the BFST to increase your circulation, thereby healing the soft tissue and relieving the pain.
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certifiedfootus · 2 months
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myfootdrsg · 3 months
4 Home Treatments for Achilles Tendon Injuries
Fortunately, in some cases of Achilles tendon injuries, home care management could be an adequate temporary solution to ease the pain and swelling.
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Visit: https://www.myfootdr.com.sg/conditions/achilles-tendinopathy/
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Marathon Running Month: Understand, Treat and Prevent Running Injuries
Reading Chiropractor Toby Roberts-Moore at Reflex Spinal Health April is traditionally considered by many to be Marathon running month! Since so many of our guests here at Reflex Spinal Health have been undertaking vigorous training plans for the past few weeks and months, we thought it was an ample opportunity to discuss some of the most common running injuries, how to treat them and how to…
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hafwen · 5 months
Watched a video on weird anatomy in cadavers and can you believe they showed the bodies?
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birdwoodaustralia · 5 months
Suffering from Achilles Tendon Injuries in the Blue Mountains? Turn to Birdwood Podiatry for expert diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you regain strength and mobility, ensuring a swift and sustainable recovery.
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benjitoum · 8 months
Gadzooks this was almost 2 years ago now. Time goes by so fast.
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ballyhubbock · 10 months
An injured Achilles Tendon is a slow healer
An injured achilles tendon is going to stretch your patience, as we are talking months, before you can recover. This is my story and if this blog helps one other, it will have done its job.
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laservetbcure · 11 months
Achilles tendon injuries in dogs can be challenging and painful, but with timely intervention and appropriate treatment, dogs can make a successful recovery and regain their mobility. Understanding the common causes, recognizing the signs and symptoms, and seeking prompt veterinary care are crucial steps for a positive outcome.
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familydocblog · 11 months
Understanding Sever’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
As children grow, their bones, muscles and tendons go through rapid development. This can put stress on the body, sometimes leading to heel pain called Sever’s disease. Below we will explore this common childhood condition and how it can be managed.
Introduction Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com As children grow, their bones, muscles and tendons go through rapid development. This can put stress on the body, sometimes leading to heel pain called Sever’s disease. Below we will explore this common childhood condition, its causes, symptoms, and how it can be managed. What is Sever’s Disease? Sever’s disease, also called calcaneal…
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Heat vs. Cold: Which Therapy is Best for Shoulder Pain?
Shoulder pain can be a real burden, affecting everything from lifting groceries to simply getting dressed in the morning. If you’re dealing with shoulder pain, you might be wondering whether to reach for a heating pad or an ice pack. At the Vitruvian Italian Physiotherapy Center, we recognize how critical it is to select the appropriate treatment to reduce pain and advance recovery. To assist you in making an informed choice, we will examine the advantages and applications of heat and cold Therapy for Shoulder Pain in this post.
Shoulder pain can arise from various causes, including injuries, overuse, and chronic conditions like arthritis. While both heat and cold therapies can be effective, the key is knowing when and how to use each method for optimal relief.
Understanding Shoulder Pain
Common Causes
Shoulder pain can be caused by rotator cuff injuries, bursitis, tendinitis, arthritis, or even referred pain from other areas of the body. Understanding the root cause is essential for effective treatment.
Symptoms to Watch For
Symptoms of shoulder pain can include stiffness, limited range of motion, swelling, and sharp or aching pain. Identifying these symptoms early can help in choosing the right treatment approach.
Heat Therapy: Benefits and Uses
How Heat Therapy Works
Heat therapy, or thermotherapy, involves applying warmth to the affected area. This increases blood flow, relaxes muscles, and can help alleviate pain and stiffness.
Benefits of Heat Therapy
Increased Blood Flow: Promotes healing by delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the injured area.
Muscle Relaxation: Helps reduce muscle spasms and tension.
Pain Relief: Provides a soothing effect that can ease chronic pain.
When to Use Heat Therapy
Heat therapy is most effective for chronic shoulder pain and stiffness. It’s best used for conditions like arthritis or muscle tightness rather than acute injuries.
Cold Therapy: Benefits and Uses
How Cold Therapy Works
Cold therapy, or cryotherapy, involves applying cold to the affected area. This reduces blood flow, which helps decrease inflammation and numb pain.
Benefits of Cold Therapy
Reduced Inflammation: Helps minimize swelling and inflammation.
Pain Numbing: Provides immediate pain relief by numbing the area.
Prevention of Further Injury: Limits tissue damage by constricting blood vessels.
When to Use Cold Therapy
Cold therapy is ideal for acute injuries and inflammation, such as after a sudden injury or flare-up. It’s particularly useful within the first 48 hours of an injury.
Combining Heat and Cold Therapy
Alternating Therapies
In some cases, alternating between heat and cold therapies can be beneficial. For example, using cold therapy initially to reduce inflammation followed by heat therapy to relax muscles and improve flexibility.
Tips for Combination Therapy
Always start with cold therapy after an acute injury, then switch to heat therapy as the inflammation decreases and healing progresses.
Safety Tips for Using Heat and Cold Therapy
Heat Therapy Safety
Duration: Limit heat application to 15-20 minutes at a time.
Protection: Use a barrier, like a towel, between the heat source and your skin to avoid burns.
Cold Therapy Safety
Duration: Apply cold for no more than 20 minutes at a time.
Protection: Use a cloth or towel between the ice pack and your skin to prevent frostbite.
Alternative Therapies for Shoulder Pain
Physiotherapy involves exercises and techniques to strengthen the shoulder, improve range of motion, and reduce pain.
Massage Therapy
Massage can help alleviate muscle tension and improve circulation in the shoulder area.
Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications can also be part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Choosing the Right Therapy for You
Consult a Professional
Always consult with a healthcare professional, like those at Vitruvian Italian Physiotherapy Center, to determine the best treatment plan for your specific condition.
Personal Preference and Comfort
Consider your own comfort and preferences when choosing between heat and cold therapy. Both can be effective when used correctly.
Understanding the benefits and proper use of heat and cold therapies can significantly impact your recovery from shoulder pain. Whether you’re dealing with a recent injury or managing a chronic condition, choosing the right approach is key to finding relief. At Vitruvian Italian Physiotherapy Center, we're here to guide you through every step of your healing journey.
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Comprehensive Treatment for Sports-Related Foot Injuries | Ankle & Foot Centers
Get comprehensive treatment for sports-related foot injuries at Ankle & Foot Centers. Our skilled specialists utilize advanced techniques and personalized care to address a wide range of foot injuries caused by sports activities. From fractures to sprains, we are here to provide effective treatment options tailored to your specific needs. Schedule your appointment now.
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