#act i : god's favor
welcometoteyvat · 10 months
arlecchino's official title is "father" when house of hearth members refer to her ......... please just one chance please please
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brb spiraling into insanity about Lae'zel's story themes being about letting go of high-demand religion/society and carving your own path with your own values and allies and morality despite the intense pressure from your old group to remain in a place that's eating you alive
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for-tymora · 5 months
Doing an evil run of BG3 is both very easy, and also. impossible.
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electric-rabbits · 9 months
Thinking about them*😔
*the gay couple from a current brazillian telenovela
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
Miss Ninaaaa!!!!
You mentioned having a cat! May we see?
Hope you feel less stressed soon!🫶🏻
AAAAAAAA!!! my favorite conversation topic!!!! yes, absolutely!!! <3 so i actually have an ask i answered over here about her ( smh, i had to send it To My Self because i lost it? fml. but yes, i didn't want to re-type it, it's kind of long, but included lots of cat pictures. <3 )
-uncle nina, cat mom
#oh my god lily is my favorite conversation topic#she is legit my best friend like she is The Homie#she is the fly girl of the ncu she's my problematic fave because she wakes me up at 5am eating plastic#she also likes to step on my laptop and delete everything i write like ik shes reading my soft core smut and is judging me#she fr is reading my shit and is like bestie i'm doing u a favor#but yes everyone say thank you lily yes she is beautiful i am gobsmacked often by her beauty#i can't believe i got her for fifty dollars from a crazed woman in a motel when she acts up i'm like lily chill out ur for the streets#shes she is very spoiled by me she is my baby and my angel#she is also literally A DOG she chases her tail CONSTANTLY its very big and fluffy and i have a big rubber band#and she plays fetch with me all the time but sometimes she cant find it when its 2 ft in front of her...shes not the brightest#she is my princess tho its ok baby shes a sensitive queen#speaking of being sensitive smh everyone say rose we miss you she was perfect and i miss her every fucking day#like literally my first born literally like my first born daughter and i never got closure and never will it sucks#but i'm thankful for the time i had with her she was evil and so smart and very pretty and little w big ass eyes#i write to her every day in my yersey ptsd stan diary#but yes! lily and rose! but no lily is my little lady she is so annoying and shes my super best friend i love her so bad#i hope u also love her she is lovely i promise my sweet girl
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chaosinstigator · 2 months
it’s been a full decade and I’m still upset at how badly adam and edward fumbled the peter pan storyline
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unopenablebox · 11 months
toxic male trait is taking it upon myself to prep & cut all the ingredients for dinner while 🌸 is out running another errand, but then abruptly announcing that i’m exhausted as soon as they get home and just leaving them to cook it all by themself while i lie down in another room and drink ice water
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months
Actually I must resign to the fact that The Country Wife (1675) by William Wycherley is unfortunately hilarious
#ive read almost all of it since noon#it's a quick read. i only have act v left#first i must say. harry horner is a bisexual icon#secondly i am upset that a man who trashed the legacy of aphra behn could almost equal her in wit#at least just judging by this one play. now this shit is raunchy#im still not as familiar with restoration theater as i am the elizabethan/jacobean eras but like? how is it that plays by women seemed#to get the greater criticism for being bawdy in the restoration era. oh my GOD wycherley#no but it is funny it is really really funny#tales from diana#the editor of this 1959 riverside edition of restoration plays. john harold wilson. he's kind of hilarious#i mentioned him in the tags of a post i reblogged about aphra behn the other day. how he called mary pix and delarivier manley#poetasters of the post-restoration decline in theater... that guy#in his introduction to the country wife he holds no punches for wycherley sdlfasdf#after talking about his four successful plays he says:#'he married unwisely; fell out of favor at court; spent seven years in prison for debt; and wasted the remainder#of his life writing bad verse.' SLDIFSDJIFLDIFSL#if someone said that about me. even though i was already dead. i would somehow find a way to kill myself#maybe 20th century literary academic snobs were funnyyyyy#misogynists granted. but when they attacked each other? funny#also even though i am praising the country wife this play is definitely definitely misogynistic like holy shit#k. ive said enough
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Today's podfic is the third scene from Ch 10 of In Favor with Their Stars by @mxmollusca -- Ed opens up about his childhood, STE/DE has an anxiety spiral, and STE/DE shares his favorite Shakespearean sonnet.
Run time is 5:47, transcript on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43692465/chapters/112756018
You can listen to all the currently released scenes here: https://soundcloud.com/nordarknessdimsthesky/sets/audio-drama-excerpts-ifwts
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Ok so like.....*sigh*
So like in the show he basically asks her to marry him and she says yes, and they're both like "Promise? Promise!" but she keeps fucking conveniently remembering and forgetting "the promise to mother" like I know he's intoxicating af and it's hard to hold a thought around this man (I also have a very hard time holding a thought looking at him), but pick a goddamn side and have a backbone about it ffs!! Like you can't waffle on people like this girl!! You literally sat here and engaged yourself to this man and then you go off and do THAT???
I would like to note that so far in the (very drastically different) novel, there is no such promise ever made, and she fucks off to the steppe because she's mad at Ning Yi thinking the whole entire time he had just been cozying up as part of a plot to kill her so leaving bought her time, space, and a power base to fight back and he just eats the misunderstanding like "????? fine, come and kill me when you're ready, at least I'll get to see you again, I am ok with this." which makes a bit more sense tbh.
In a loooot a lot of ways, the tv show is about 1000x more polished than the book, but at least the book has fewer slaps in the face like this. They become a bit more obvious on rewatch, especially after pawing through the novel. (I hope the translator finishes it someday!! They picked it up again this past may after two years of nothing so here's hoping!)
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
current mood of the night is realizing that recording using your natural voice does result in higher quality samples and a more consistent voicebank overall (← should not be shocked about this)
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princerevelucide · 9 months
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was eda ever confirmed to be bi by dana or something or did everyone just. decide that was true?
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thermesiini · 1 year
god i love how for real mad people get about character polls
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lupismaris · 1 year
I heard someone utter "23 year old daddy with a drool worthy dad bod" and "unbearable over weight millennial loser who needs to lose the beard" in the same breath without an ounce of irony or self awareness today
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nymfaia-archive · 1 year
If I send you unprompted asks that make you feel something please know that 1, the sword is double ended and I hurt myself writing it first, and 2, it means I'm getting attached and I'm sorry
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