hangorin · 5 months
パリ五輪が迫り、5月8日にはマルセイユに「聖火」が到着する。 パリでは反五輪団体saccage2024が4月30日から5月12日まで「反オリンピックの春!」と銘打って様々な抗議行動を予定している。 詳細はこちら→https://saccage2024.noblogs.org/archives/2869
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そこから新国立競技場へ向かい、そこに展示されている「聖火台」にバナーをかける! 私たちは3年前、コロナ禍で苦しむ人々を横目に「聖火」がお祭り騒ぎで全国を駆け回ったことを忘れない。
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しかし、この色使い…何かに似てる…というわけで、大阪万博公式キャラクター「ミャクミャク」パンも制作。だいぶ気持ち悪いがこちらも食い尽くした。 五輪も万博も中止だ中止!
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lordzannis · 20 days
Based on the search results and the query about Greens Japan in 2024, here are the key points:
Current leadership: As of 2024, the co-representatives of Greens Japan are Namiho Matsumoto, Hisao Hashimoto, and Hitoshi Nakayama.
Electoral representation:
House of Councillors: 0 seats / 245 seats (0.0%)
House of Representatives: 0 seats / 465 seats (0.0%)
Prefectural Assemblies: 2 seats / 2,609 seats (0.0%)
Municipal Assemblies: 31 seats / 29,762 seats (0.2%)
Party membership: As of the most recent data available, Greens Japan has 860 members.
Recent developments:
A female member of Greens Japan won a seat in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, which the party celebrated as marking a new era in Tokyo.
The party has issued statements on various issues, including:
International Women's Day
Protesting the decision to release contaminated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Opposition to military laws and the relaunch of the Sendai Nuclear Plant
Ongoing policies: The party continues to advocate for:
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Opposing nuclear power
Introducing a basic income system
Guaranteeing foreign suffrage for permanent residents
Reforming the electoral system
Opposing amendments to Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
Collaboration: Greens Japan continues to work with civic groups, NGOs, and local green parties. For national elections, they often collaborate with other progressive parties.
While Greens Japan maintains an active presence in local politics and continues to advocate for environmental and progressive policies, they still face challenges in gaining representation at the national level.
Citations: [1] https://grjapan.com/insights/insights/japans-green-transformation-gx-plans [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greens_Japan [3] https://greens.gr.jp/about/intro/english/ [4] https://en.namu.wiki/w/%EB%85%B9%EC%83%89%EB%8B%B9%20%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%B0%EC%8A%A4%20%EC%9E%AC%ED%8C%AC [5] https://www.eu-japan.eu/news/eu-japan-green-transition-matchmaking-event-2024 [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Japan [7] https://www.ijcc.jp/events/green-ireland-festival-2024 [8] https://een.ec.europa.eu/events/green-mission-japan-2024
Based on the search results, here are the major achievements of Greens Japan since its founding in 2012:
Local representation: The party has elected a number of city council members and councillors in towns and cities across Japan. This gives them some representation at the local government level.
First Green mayor: On November 22, 2010, Kazumi Inamura became the first popularly elected Greens Japan mayor, winning in the city of Amagasaki. She was both the youngest mayor elected in Japan's history at age 38 and the first female mayor of that city.
Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly seat: A female member of Greens Japan won a seat in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, which the party celebrated as marking a new era in Tokyo politics.
Prefectural and municipal seats: As of the most recent data, Greens Japan holds:
2 seats in prefectural assemblies
31 seats in municipal assemblies
Policy advocacy: The party has been active in issuing statements and advocating for key environmental and social policies, including:
Opposing nuclear power and protesting decisions related to the Fukushima nuclear plant
Advocating for women's rights and gender equality
Opposing certain military laws
Pushing for climate action and reduced greenhouse gas emissions
International cooperation: Greens Japan has become a member of the Global Greens, an international organization of green parties from about 90 countries and regions.
While Greens Japan has not won seats in the national Diet, these achievements show they have established some presence in local politics and continue to advocate for green policies at various levels of government.
Citations: [1] https://greens.gr.jp/about/intro/english/ [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greens_Japan [3] https://en.namu.wiki/w/%EB%85%B9%EC%83%89%EB%8B%B9%20%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%B0%EC%8A%A4%20%EC%9E%AC%ED%8C%AC [4] https://repo.lib.tokushima-u.ac.jp/files/public/6/65353/20170929141736769905/EID195340.pdf [5] https://tokyoesque.com/sdgs-how-greenery-day-contributes-to-japan/ [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Japan [7] https://grjapan.com/insights/insights/japans-green-transformation-gx-plans [8] https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/memberstates/japan
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sumofents · 2 years
WooTechy iDelock|2023 完整教學|實用的 iDevice 解鎖軟體,快速解除螢幕鎖、Apple ID
你的 iPhone 螢幕鎖、Apple ID 密碼忘記了嗎?蘋果的安全系統非常實用,能夠建立完善的個資保護,避免被陌生人竊取資料,但人非聖賢,總是會有「忘記密碼」的時候,這時有一款協助處理「手機解鎖」的工具就非常省事,本篇文章將會介紹一款實用的密碼解除工具。 WooTechy iDelock 是一款付費的 iDevice 密碼解除軟體,簡單來說就是「解鎖」的軟體,支援多國語言 (包含繁體中文),提供 iPhone 5 以上、全機型 iPad / iPod touch 裝置解鎖,例如「Apple ID 的密碼忘記、螢幕鎖忘記 (造成已停用的問題)、螢幕時間限制、繞過 MDM 控制」都可以用這個工具來處理,不過軟體並非強制破解,還是必須符合一些條件才能真正解決問題,筆者以軟體經銷的實務經驗、客戶較常誤解的角度出發,文章內容會詳細解說,如有需要可以參考使用,推薦給大家! Continue…
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suzumori521 · 9 months
This is a compilation of my doodles from the latter half of 2022 to 2023. I apologize for the limited number of artworks as I became a freelancer in 2023, making it a busy first year, and I had suspended online activities for over six months.
However, I might have various announcements to share in the coming years, so please look forward to it! Thank you for this year, and I appreciate your support for the upcoming year as well!
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linghxr · 5 months
App recommendation: Huayu101
If you're planning a trip soon or want to learn some super practical Mandarin Chinese expressions, I highly recommend the Huayu101 app from Taiwan's Ministry of Education. It provides sample sentences and questions for many useful topics.
It's only available on the Apple app store from what I can tell (looks like it was removed from the Google Play app store). But luckily, you can also find the content online at https://lmit.edu.tw/lc/huayu101/.
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Here is a list of the topics:
Greetings 基本問候
Accommodation 住宿
Order 點餐
Shopping 購物
Transportation 交通
Asking for help 急難救助
City tour 城市遊覽
Arts and cultural activities 藝文活動
Call and reservation 電話與預約
Exchange 換鈔
Making friends 認識朋友
Hospital and post office 看病及郵寄
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After selecting a topic, you'll see a list of phrases, sentences, and questions. These are very practical things you might need to say or that a waiter, clerk, etc. might say to you.
They even have audio! To me it sounds like real people, not text to speech. Hypothetically, if you can't speak any Mandarin, you could get by by playing the audio to people.
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For some sentences/questions, they even provide multiple options, and you can select the word that's applicable to you.
Besides English, the app and website also support Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Bahasa Indonesia.
I think this app is helpful even for upper-intermediate/advanced learners. I know enough vocabulary to make do and be understood, but I'm lacking knowledge of how native speakers would naturally phrase things. This app helps fill those gaps.
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hikki2525 · 11 months
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秋のシナモンミルクティーちゃんAutumn cinnamon milk tea fairy
★First book [Fairy Tale Fantasy Costume Idea Book for Creative Activities] will be released on October 23, 2023! We are currently accepting reservations.
★2023/10/23、初書籍【創作活動のためのメルヘンファンタジー衣装アイデアBOOK】発売されます! 現在ご予約受付中です。 
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tama-2z · 1 year
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普段はX(Twitter:https://twitter.com/tama_2z)で活動しているたまです。 Tumblrでも投稿していこうかなと思ったので、よろしくお願いします!
I'm Tama, usually active on X. I thought I would post on Tumblr as well!
I draw haino, aescara,chiscara, etc. ✨
I am not good at English, but I hope to communicate with you using machine translation!
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soimort · 2 months
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山下エミリー - Instagram - Tue 23 Jul 2024
ご報告です! I am pleased to announce! この度TRUSTARに所属するとになりました I will be joining TRUSTAR HKT48は私にとってすごく成長させていただいた場所です。 そこから旅立ちこれからはまた新たにモデル、女優、タレント活動など幅広い色んな事を挑戦していきたいと思ってます! HKT48 is a place that has helped me grow so much. I’d like to leave HKT48 and start my new career as a model, actress, and TV personality, and I’d like to try my hand at a wide range of different things! TRUSTARさんとのご縁をこれからの活動で 恩返しができるよう日々頑張ります! ※今後のお仕事のご依頼は事務所にてお願い致します I will do my best every day to repay the favor I have received from TRUSTAR through my future activities! ※ Please contact my agency office for future work inquiries そして、メンバーシップも始まりました! インスタのハイライトからか プロフィールのリンク先から飛べます🕊️ And my fan club membership has also started! You can access it from the Instagram highlights or from the link in my profile🕊️ 皆さんとより近く時間を共有できるので 私と皆さんだけの素敵な場所にしましょう😌💕 Let’s make this a wonderful place just for you and me so we can spend more time together😌💕 改めてこれからも山下エミリーの応援をよろしくお願いします! Once again, thank you for your continued support of Emiri Yamashita! #山下エミリー Emiri Yamashita
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lutiaslayton · 1 year
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Did someone ask for more scans? No? Too bad, have more scans.
Emmy's letter to Professor Layton, post-Curious Village. The fabled letter, which can only be accessed properly if you rip open your copy of the Japan-exclusive Azran Legacy Guidebook (more or less).
Years ago, there were photos and a fan-translation floating around on tumblr. Now, I give you the new and high quality version, as well as a full transcript. You're welcome :>
It's been literally eight years since your post, but since your tags say that you wanted to be warned if a better scan were to be made, well... Here you go @puzzilitis x) I'm also tagging @the-azran-legacies, but I'm pretty sure your blog is completely dead since this translation post seems to be its latest sign of activity, and that was ten years ago.
Seriously though, just in case you get to see this -- thank you both so much for what you did all these years ago. Without your posts, I might never even have heard that this letter existed in the first place! Or, well, I likely would have heard of it by now given the fact that I've been documenting every single Layton media I can find -- but I would have lived through an entire decade of ignorance by that point.
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The translation below has been done exclusively with DeepL because my free time is limited, sorry for that ^^' If you want another one in order to compare, you have the one linked above, and I will likely make another one later (much later).
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Everybody's Episode 21: A Letter from Emmy
親愛なるレイトン教授へ Dear Professor Layton,
あれから数か月になりますが、教授、お元気ですか? It's been a few months since then. Professor, how are you?
一緒に仕事をしている仲間からレイトン教授が遺産相続騒動を解決したという話を耳にして思わず手紙を書いてしまいました。 When I heard from a colleague I work with that you had solved an inheritance dispute, I couldn't resist writing to you.
タージェントから世界を救ったあのレイトン教授が単なる遺産相続のナゾトキの依頼を引き受けるなんて。まさか…と思いましたが、ナゾには目がない教授ですし、きっと知的好奇心を刺激される不思議な出来事だったんでしょうね。 How could the very same Professor Layton who had saved the world from Targent, now accept a mere inheritance puzzle request? I could not believe it… But you always had a penchant for puzzles, so I am certain that it had to be a mysterious event which truly stimulated your intellectual curiosity.
ルークはしっかりと役目を果たせたでしょうか? Has Luke fulfilled his role well?
実は…私はいま、ワールドタイムズでカメラマンをしています。教授の活躍を教えてくれた仕事仲間って、ボストニアス号で世界を旅したときに出会ったドリスさんなんですよ。 By the way... I am now a photographer for the World Times. The colleague who told me about your activities is Doris. We met her when we were travelling around the world on the Bostonius.
教授のもとを去ってから私がワールドタイムズで働き始めたきっかけは、教授との旅がとても楽しかったから。 I started working for the World Times after I quit my job as your assistant, since I enjoyed the journey with you so much.
世界各地でのいろんな人との出会い、見る者を虜にする美しい景色…。それを世界中の人々に伝えたい、いっしかそんな気持ちになって、自然とワールドタイムズ編集部に足を運んでいました。 Meeting all kinds of people in different parts of the world, finding beautiful and captivating landscapes… I wanted to tell people all over the world about these experiences, and this is how I naturally came to visit the World Times editorial office.
今の仕事は、本当に楽しいです! I really enjoy my current job!
ムスロッホでリボの滝と鍾乳洞の取材をしていたら、長老のシメジイさんから気になるうわさ話を聞いたんです。 While I was reporting for the Ribo Waterfalls and the limestone caves of Musloch, I heard interesting rumours from the elder, Mr Simejii.
そんな話を聞いたら、調査をするしかありませんよね! After hearing such a story, I simply could not resist investigating!
村人たちの情報を頼りに鍾乳洞の奥を突き進んでいったら…幻の「神秘の密林」を発見しました! After going deeper into the limestone caves, by relying on the information the villagers gave me… The fabled "Mystical Jungle" has been discovered!
ワールドタイムズの大スクープとして一面に大きく取り上げられたので教授もご存知かもしれませんが、これは私の初スクープなんですよ。 You may have already known of it since it was featured as huge news on the front page of the World Times, but this was my first scoop.
記事には書きませんでしたが、密林の奥には古代遺跡が隠されていました。 We did not mention it in the article, but there were ancient ruins hidden deep in the jungle.
ここにもたくさんのナゾが隠されているはずなので、いつか教授にナゾを解いてもらいたいなぁ。 There must be a lot of puzzles hidden there. I hope you will solve them one day.
もしかして、アスラント文明とは別の考古学史上に残る大発見がある…かも? Maybe there is another major discovery in the history of archaeology that is unrelated to the Azran civilisation… maybe?
そんなスクープを追いかけて世界中を飛び回る毎日ですが、いま追いかけているのは、スラム街に現れた「ナゾのマスク男」です。この話、知的好奇心をくすぐられませんか? I spend my days travelling around the world, chasing this kind of scoop. What I am chasing now is a "Puzzling Masked Man" who has appeared in the slum quarters. Doesn't this story tickle your intellectual curiosity?
お金持ちから金品を盗み、スラム街の子供たちにお金を与える現代の義��「マスク男」。 The Masked Man is a modern-day righteous bandit who steals money and goods from the rich and gives it to the children in the slums.
最初は、この「マスク男の正体」をスクープするためカメラ片手に追いかけていましたが、スラム街の子供たちを見ているうちに、1人の記者としてそこに暮らす人々の現状もじっくりと取材したい、と思うようになりました。 At first, I followed this "Masked Man," camera in hand, in order to get a scoop on his identity. But as I watched the children in the slums, I began to think that, as a reporter, I should rather take the time to cover the current situation of the people living there.
スラム街にはたくさんの孤児がいます。私たちを無垢な笑顔で迎えてくれる子、まったく目を合わせてくれない子など、いろんな表情を見せてくれます。 There are many orphans in the slums. We see many different faces, from those who greet us with innocent smiles to those who don't make eye contact at all.
そんな彼らの姿を見ているうちに、昔のことを、ふと思い出してしまいました。 As I watched them, I suddenly remembered something from the past.
私も子供のころ父を失い、孤児になってしまうところでした。しかし、それを救ってくれたのは、おじさまだったんです。 I lost my father as a child and almost became an orphan. But Uncle Leon saved me from that.
あの頃、父を失った私をおじさまはまるで娘のように育ててくれました。 Back then, I had lost my father, and Uncle Leon brought me up as if I were his daughter.
だから、あの場所でおじさまを裏切るわけにはいかなかった。優しかったおじさまを裏切れなかった…。教授に嘘をついていたことは、申し訳ないと思っています。 So this is why I couldn't betray him in that place. I couldn't betray my kind Uncle Leon... I truly am sorry that I lied to you, Professor.
でも、こういうことがあったからこそ、教授に出会えた。人の運命って不思議ですね。 Still, it was because of these things that I met you. The destiny of people is a curious thing, isnt' it?
あ…、今の私を伝えたいと思ってこの手紙を書いたのに、過去の話になっちゃいましたね。私の話は、また教授に会ったときにお話ししますね。 Ah... I wrote this letter in order to tell you how I am now, but all this is about the past. I will tell you my story when we meet again.
というわけで…今は楽しく仕事をしています! So, all that to say... I really am enjoying my work now!
そうそう、長かった髪を思い切ってばっさり切りました! Yes, I also cut off my long hair in a very drastic way!
これまでタージェントの一員として生きてきましたが、いま、ワールドタイムズでカメラマンとして働く普通の女性として歩み出すことができた、そんな気がしています。 I have lived my entire life as a member of Targent. But now, I feel that I have been able to step forward as an ordinary woman, who is now working as a photographer for the World Times.
きっといつか、あなたにまた会える、その日まで。 I am sure that one day, we will meet again. Until that day.
PS.取材中の写真をドリスさんに撮ってもらいました!あっ、後ろにマスク男が…! P.S. Doris took photos during the interview! Ah, the Masked Man is in the background...!
Emmy Altava
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Important translation note: Emmy calls Bronev "oji-sama," all in hiragana, which makes it unclear whether she is related to him by blood or not (おじ means "uncle," but can also just mean "man who is older than the speaker" (at least from what I know)).
The Eternal Diva novel introduces Emmy as "a beautiful woman of Asian lineage" (and yes, I know, Asia is huge with a lot of different lineages, and I don't know either which corner of Asia is being talked about here), so make of that info what you like. In order to leave it as ambiguous as I could, I replaced all instances of "oji-sama" with "Uncle Leon."
There might be a few other translation changes I made, but I think this was the most important one to take note of.
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By the way, I actually scanned the whole guidebook, and I will share it when I can (though don't hold your breath, as you probably know I am currently juggling between way too many projects). The scans aren't ready to be shared yet because they were basically done with me not really caring whether the pages would be perfectly straight, upside down, etc, and as such they need some editing.
(I checked and the resolution of the scans is high enough to make it so that editing doesn't hurt the quality in the slightest. I swear that when the scans are finished editing, you won't even realise it and they'll look just as good as what you're seeing above with Emmy's letter).
The editing also includes linking the pages together for aesthetics purposes. Some pages have artworks that spread over both pages, so I'm doing my best to make it look seamless! Here, have an example for the first double page in the book that really does it:
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As you can guess, editing each of the 128 pages in order to get this result is time-consuming, and translating that is going to be a doozy. But let's just appreciate how awesome it will be once it's done, eh? :D
Anyway, next up on the blog is going to be the Eternal Diva novel translation. I'm still working on getting some buffer done, but hopefully the first "chapter" will get out soon! I'd like to post on Saturdays. Let's cross our fingers for tomorrow. Or next week, if today's translation is enough to satiate you all for now!
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suzushirosuzuna13 · 3 months
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I want to watch the live situation all the time! I finally bought HITMAN that I thought, so I'm playing infinitely.
I've been boiling with 47 and Diana since I was watching it, but when I actually tried it, it was really ... good.
I also put it on X a little bit, but does tumbler seem to be more active? So I thought I'd register and give you what I drew.
Games, fan art, and tumbler are beginners, so I will do it leisurely while going left and right.thank you.
※I'm a Japanese who can't speak English, so I leave it to automatic translation.
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
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230718 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
[#TXTMESSAGE] 日本活動本当に楽しかったです! #SOOBIN #TAEHYUN
[#TXTMESSAGE] Our activities in Japan were really fun! #SOOBIN #TAEHYUN
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hangorin · 1 year
東京五輪から2年 湾岸はいま
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悪夢のようなTOKYO2020大会から2年が経った。 五輪のために姿を変えられたあの場所は、巨額の資金を費やして建てられた会場は、白いフェンスに閉ざされていた公園は、いま一体どうなっているのか。 湾岸エリアを中心に、フィールドワークを行った。
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そして今回訪ねてみると、MID TOWER GRANDなる地上32階、高さ121mの超高層マンションが建ち(2020年10月竣工)、その1階にもんじゃ屋などの店舗が入っていた。 月島ではさらに地上48階、高さ178.00mのタワマンを建てる月島三丁目南地区第一種市街地再開発事業、地上58階、高さ199mのタワマンを建てる月島三丁目北地区第一種市街地再開発事業が控えている。フィールドワークの後で知ったことだが、この月島三丁目再開発計画には反対運動や行政訴訟も起こっているとのこと。長年暮らしてきた人々の息吹が聞こえるような町並みが、大手開発業者によって姿を変えられようとしていることには胸が痛む。
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カンカン照りの選手村跡地。ここはHARUMI FLAGなる高層マンション群として開発され、完成すれば5,632戸12,000人が暮らす街になるという。未だ工事中で通行できるのはメインストリートの車道のみ。焼けつくような暑さの中、誰もいないコンクリートだらけの空間は殺伐とした雰囲気が漂っていた。
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右手には三井不動産の商業施設「ららテラス」。その1階には「東京五輪を振り返りスポーツの力を発信する施設」として「TEAM JAPAN 2020 VILLAGE」が設置されるらしい。五輪と三井不動産のどこまでも続く蜜月がうかがえる。
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選手村を訪れるとき、2018年、建設工事中に2人の労働者が亡くなったことを思わずにはいられない。その街区は、労働者の死という痛ましい現実を塗り固めるようにSUN VILLAGE(太陽の村)という輝かしい名前で分譲されている。 この街区だけではない。この街全体が、五輪によって引き起こされた問題などまるで何もなかったかのように成り立っている。この街ではとても生きていけない、生きた心地がしない。生気を抜かれたようにその場を後にした。
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しかし、暑すぎる。灼熱の日差しの下で、ビーチバレーボールや、トライアスロンをやって、汚い海に飛び込んでいたのか。 知れば知るほど、オリンピック・パラリンピックは地獄だ。
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炎天下の湾岸エリアを丸1日かけて回った。TOKYO2020跡地は、廃墟になっていると思いきや、むしろ多くの場所でまだまだ開発が続いていた。開発への飽くなき欲望と「レガシー」への執着、五輪災害は閉幕後も延々と残り続けている。 この日撮影した映像を使って「オリンピックって何?東京からパリ五輪1年前によせて」という動画を作成し、1年後に五輪開幕が迫るパリでの反五輪の闘いに連帯を示すメッセージとした。 From Tokyo To PARIS, NOlympicsAnywhere
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aidairoarchivetwo · 2 months
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Thank you for the many reactions! Hanako-kun is beginning his activities as an idol! ★ Check this month’s GFantasy June issue for details! Date and Time: 7:26 AM · May 18, 2016
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ayamehashinimasen · 5 months
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ハッピーバースデイトゥミー。 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEっ!! また一年、無事、しっかり生きさせて頂きましたっ。 自分を生かせえ下さる皆様、この世界に感謝っ!! 自分の活動への反応も、いつも本当にありがとうございますっ!! また一年、良き作品を作り、価値のある人間で居れるように精進していきますっ。 あと、猫から目一杯愛してもらえるように頑張りますっ💪 宜しくお願いしますっ。
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I have been able to live another year without any problems. I am grateful to everyone who lets me live and to this world! Thank you so much for all the responses to my activities! I will devote myself to creating good works and being a valuable human being for another year. Also, I will try my best to get cats to love me as much as possible 💪. Thank you very much.
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torufukuda · 1 month
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Today's Illustration! 久しぶりにRHODIAのブロック・メモに絵を描いてみる。この活動は私の老眼との戦いの記録でもある(笑)。 It's been a while since I drew a picture on a RHODIA block memo. This activity is also a record of my battle against my aging eyes. If your company or graphic design team is in need of illustration or character design, please contact me. DM me if you have a project that needs illustration or character design!
LinkTree @ linktr.ee/torufukuda Inquiries: [email protected]
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daily-utsu-p · 4 months
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2008年6月9日の活動開始から丸16年経ちました。 17年目もよろしくお願いします。 It has been a full 16 years since we started our activities on June 9, 2008. I look forward to my 17th year as well.
Utsu-P's anniversary message this year. Happy 17 years of Utsu-P!
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