#actor yesung
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
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queenoftsage · 3 months
I always see these ToP 10 KoReAn AcToRs ThAt ArE sO GrEAt [OmG] on... Fail Tube...
And to be honest, they always fail me. Come the F on peoples. Where are my faves?
Yeah yeah I know. I'm not general audiences. So.... Let's make my own.
Behind this read on, you will find my TOP 10 South Korean Actors of .... Well all time. Including NEWBIES, and Honorable Mentions.
P.S. this list is based on ACTING talent. Yes, most of these men or male presenting peoples I'm about to name may be good looking, but they have the TALENT to keep me entertained. ME, who is very picky for... pretty much anything, especially a whole ass show or movie I'm gonna give hours upon hours of my time to watch. If you can't act, your looks to me are gonna go down the drain. You can't be a bad actor and be good looking, because then I'll be like... yeah... that mofo is on that screen just cause of looks. They have no freakin' talent. GET ME OUTTA HERE. lol.
Ready to hate me cause I didn't include your faves? lol. READ ON, or forever hold your peas and carrots,. and MOVE ON. [aka- don't click 'keep reading'] [Warning: LONG ASS post.]
Park Hae Soo
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Listen.... It took 'Narco Saints' for me to realize that... I do love watching him on screen. I have also seen him in other things, and I honestly have loved his performances.
He manages to hold my attention long enough to acknowledge that... Yeah, I like this guy, he is very good at his craft. Let's go see more stuff with him in it! So that's how I decided he's a fave. lol.
My nickname for him: Mr. Narco Saint.
Kim Jae Wook
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I have seen him in SO MANY series/dramas, and every single time, every SINGLE time, he makes me root for his characters. Yes, even when he's playing evil AF characters. I think high key, he fits the villain characters a little more. I don't know, it's something about his elegant looks that make it easy for him to play villains. His most memorable being in 'VOICE', and in 'DEATH'S GAME'.
ALSO, he has a very special place in my heart. Way back when, Tumblr used to be a fun place for online RP. I had an amazing RP partner that used his beautiful face as an FC for a very fun character. I don't remember his name too much. If I remember it, I'll come back and edit it in, but... still... That particular character was villain-ous. lol
My Nickname For Him: 'That Character's Name!' ... I'll find it...
Park Hyung Sik
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This man is just adorable AF. He's fun to watch in most of the series/dramas he's in, and my favorite performance of his was in the series 'Happiness'. Despite him being a favorite, a lot of the stuff he's in is ... not really a personal favorite, [save for 'Happiness' which I really liked.] but his acting is always a breath of fresh air. Like I said, he's fun to watch on screen, even when the writing is bad. lol
My Nicknames For Him: The Cute One
Yoo Seung Ho
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Just like Park Hyung Sik, this man is adorable and very fun to watch, but sometimes the stuff he's in is... not so great. However, he is great, and I have yet to watch him in Warrior Baek Dong Soo. I hear that was a great performance of his. Honestly, all his performances are great. Also, his eyes are a thing that keeps me glued to the screen. He's just beautiful.
Anyway... Favorite. I always enjoy watching him on screen, even if the stuff he's in has insanely terrible writing.
My Nickname's For Him: Jingoo's Older Brother [yeah Yeo Jin Goo, no they're not related... but still.], Yesung part 2, Orange Blossom.
Yoo Ah In
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Another top performer, and reason why I'll stay and watch something. Despite all that bullshit controversy going on about drugs and this man [I would go off tangent and explain why I don't give a fuck when actresses or actors end up being junkies. That's their choice and their body. It's something they have to fight with.] , I still find it very fulfilling to watch him on screen. He's very very good at what he does, and well... You know he's also very easy on MY EYES. lol
Whatever the case, I thank that lady Song Hye Kyo, for being his friend and sticking with him through thick and thin and helping him out as the friend that she is. I hope he gets the help he needs and is able to come back to acting. I know it won't be unscathed, because South Korean audiences are very harsh on drug accusations [in which they should be harsher on GRAPE accusations, but go figure. They're very ass backwards. I won't get into it. That's all I'm saying.] , but me personally, I'll be waiting patiently for him to return.
Hope to see him in more new performances. In the meantime, I'll continue to watch what he's been in.
My Nicknames For Him: Hottie, Mr. Chicago Typewriter
Steven Yeun
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GLENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... you know... Because yes. Also, he's great, overall. He's got a charm that just keeps me watching every time he's in anything. He's one of the reasons I continued to watch 'The Walking Dead' for as long as I did. Him and Michone, but that's another story for another time.
Why is he in this list, if he's mostly in Western productions? Actually, no. He was in a few South Korean productions as well, and he was great in them. Hell, he even did a variety show in South Korea and was adorable in it. So... THERE. lol.
My Nicknames For Him: The only reason I liked 'The Walking Dead', lol... Well that's not a nickname, but that's what always comes to my mind when I see him. Him and Michone were EVERYTHING to me. Aka- GLENN.
Lee Do Hyun
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The first time I saw this dude was in 'Hotel Del Luna'. And I thought he was great, not gonna lie. Unfortunately, at that time, someone else had grabbed my attention. However, fastforward to a lot of performances later, including 'Exhuma' where he was superb! and I realized that this man is AMAZINg. Also, he played Shin Ha Kyun's younger self in 'Beyond Evil'. So technically he's Lee DongSik Too! How much better can we get?
That aside he's super talented. And of the new boys that are usually in Top 10s, he's the only one that made it on mine. Also, he will forever be Baby! Shin Ha Kyun to me, because I believe he can achieve such heights as an actor.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby!HaKyun [yeah... Shin Ha Kyun]
Shin Ha Kyun
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........... I don't think I need to explain WHY, this man is in this list? Or do I? If I do, just know this, he's nicknamed 'The GOD of Acting' by his fellow South Koreans. So.......... Yeah. Either way, and God of acting nickname aside, he lives up to that expectation all the time. No matter what character he's playing, he always puts his soul into it. I love that about him.
My Nicknames For Him: My Husband, The MOOD, My Twin [Gemini Twin]
Doh Kyung Soo
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.... Listen... Idol actors get a lot of shit when they decide to go into acting, because they're often accused of being BAD at acting. Kyungsoo, is one of those that has surprised audiences with his acting. And honestly, I feel it. I have seen most of everything he's been in [save for that one series with Zo In Sung], and I gotta say, I loved the performances through and through. Whether he was playing a high school kid with problems, and or a crazy prosecutor, and or an astronaut stranded on the moon. The feeling has been there the whole time, as well as the SOUL. This man, knows how to act, he was born for it. And of the many many MANY idol actors out there doing their thing, he's in my opinion, THE BEST of the BEST.
Also helps that he's one of my top favorites, but that's another story for another time.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby Boy, el Ojon ['big eyes' this one from my mom too, cause that's what she calls him, and that's how she knows we're gonna see him on screen.] , Crayon Shin Chan, Baby! Ranier, itty bitty KyungSoo, [too many to be honest... I come up with nicknames every other Friday. Stay Tuned... lol.]
Honorable Mentions:
Ji Sung
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This man came into my radar, thanks to 'The Devil Judge'. I have yet to sit down and see him in more things. The only other series I have seen him in is 'Adamas', and I gotta say, it was very fun time. I'm not gonna lie that I chose to watch him because I don't mind watching him on screen. He's absolute eye candy in every sense of the damn word.
However... I hope that as I keep trying to watch stuff he's been in or is in 'currently', I can appreciate his acting more.
My Nicknames For Him: Kang YoHan [I know that's a character he played, but that's all I see when I see him... I KNOW, I need to see more.]
Seo Ji Hoon
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I'm not gonna lie... I had seen this kid in other series, and he did kind of grabbed my attention. However, the stories were so good, I was actually invested in the stories [ie. 'Revenge of Others', 'Meow The Secret Boy']. However, enter 'Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency' and... That was it. I immediately remembered his face from the previous stories/series and how in those series, he was the one that had caught my attention. Then here in this series Marriage Agency... I was SOLD.
This beautiful man is up and coming, true. So I'm waiting patiently for him to get more 'STARRING' roles. He's only gotten a few. He has yet to have that one HIT that catapults him to getting even more attention. However, with what he's done, he's done enough for me to pay attention. He's good, and he was so good, that in Marriage Agency, he managed to get my attention, when that series features some of the most beautiful men South Korea has to offer. Shout out to the other Jihoon, he's beautiful too.
Either way... This kid is on my radar. I can't wait to see more of him and determine WHERE in this list he fits. Will he be Top 10? or Top 20? We'll see.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby King! [he's a little itty bitty king... no of course he's not... he's way taller than probably most of the dudes I have here on this list. lol. But still... He's so baby faced. That's all I think about when I see him.]
Park Ji Hoon
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Ok, so the same thing that happened with Seo Jihoon, happened to me with this Jihoon. He's Park Jihoon. So the first time I saw him was in 'Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency'. I did take notice at how pretty and cute he was. I mean, this freakin series had some very beautiful people in it and I did notice. However, the Jihoon that caught my attention there was Seo Jihoon. Fastforward to a few months later and me watching 'Weak Hero Class 1' and I lost it. I remembered who this kid was, and I remembered where I had seen him. He is amazing in this series, so now I'm a little lost in the rabbit hole. I am currently going through his list of works. It's not that big, so I feel like I'm almost over. Currently and at the time I'm about to post this, I have started 'At a Distance Spring is Green', and I gotta say, he's adorable and he's entertaining to watch.
We'll see in the future, where he ends up in the list. Will he be Top 10? or Top 20? I will figure it out eventually. In the meantime, I also love watching him in variety shows and doing that cute gesture with his hands. You know the one....
My Nicknames For Him: THE EYES [no yeah for real. That's what comes to mind when I see him. lol.] , Tiny Boy [it fits him cause I believe he's the youngest in this list.] , Baby Tiger, My Son, and lately I realized he's 'LITTLE RED' my OC. Like seriously, fits like a glove.
KAI [Kim Jong In]
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Just like the photo above, I've been sleeping on Kim JongIn as an actor. And I not only blame myself, but also blame my love for watching him as a performer/singer better than an actor. I have never given him a chance as an actor. I am aware that he has done a few series, and the bits and pieces I have seen I have liked a lot.
I feel I need to give myself the time to watch him in these and then figure out where in the list he will end up. Either way, he's an honorable mention because even when I'm not watching him in acting action, I am always watching him in dancing and performing action, so.... yeh...
My Nicknames For Him: Art In Motion, Baby Nini, Tedi Bear, El Sexy Boy, Bolita de Algodon [little ball of fluff], The CAT Boy[alternately 'Omi in RL']
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You saw this coming, right? Either you did or didn't, but you should know by now. This man took me by the horns and hasn't let me go yet. Listen....Might as well be the devil here and say, yes this man makes me feel things every time I see him acting. Whether he's playing a robot, a hotel manager, a disgruntled king, it doesn't matter. He puts so much soul into whatever he does, that it makes me feel like I am there experiencing what the character is experiencing.
He has a long history, which has been amazing to look through. And honestly, up to this day, I still haven't watched everything he's ever been in. He has an extensive list of works that he's been part of, and his participation in each project has, honestly, always stood out to me. At least in the projects/series/dramas I've been able to see.
Thank you, Yeo Jin Goo, for sharing your insane acting talent with all of us. I consider myself lucky to be alive in this era, and to be able to witness this. Greatly appreciated. Hope to be able to live long enough to see you thrive for many many years.
His Best Characters [Top 5]:
Gu Chan Seong [Hotel Del Luna]
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King YiHeon & Ha Sun [The Man Who Became King]
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Han JooWon [Beyond Evil]
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Hwayi [Hwayi: A Monster Boy]
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King Gwanghae [Warriors of The Dawn]
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My Nicknames For Him: Baby Child, Peach, and KaiSoo Love Child.
And that's it... Are any of your faves in this Top 10, or are they honorable mentions? Either way, these are MINE. If I made a video about it, these are the men it would feature.
Maybe later on I'll make the Female actress version. That one would be really hard, because I absolutely LOVE the female actresses more than I do the male actors. And I have tons of faves.
However... I'll try to make the effort to do it eventually. Don't know when.
Anyway... Hope you enjoyed this post, if you read it all.
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99snse · 10 months
BANNED FCS ⸻ updated, 11/20/23
disclaimer: this list should not be taken as a matter of my own opinion. each individual listed has a source attached for your own education and should be carefully considered in all of your fc choices. if you feel as if any individual has been mistakenly listed here, please feel free to reach out to me privately to discuss the circumstances surrounding their placement. ultimately, i did not create this list as a means of causing negatively, but it is much more important that we hold each other accountable and i hope to provide a running list of fcs that would be inappropriate or otherwise problematic for usage.
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Kim Ji-soo (actor), bullying & alleged sexual misconduct (source)
Jung Joon-young, Burning Sun scandal (source)
Choi Jong-hoon, Burning Sun scandal (source)
Lee Seung-hyun (Seungri), Burning Sun scandal (source)
Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE), Burning Sun scandal (source)
Kim Hyung-jun, alleged sexual misconduct (source)
Wendy Son, perpetuating racial stereotypes (source)
Kwon Ji-yong, blackface to imitate Trayvon Martin (source)
Shin Dong-hee (Shindong), blackface to imitate Oprah (source)
Kim Kang-hoon (Yesung), blackface to imitate Nick Fury (source)
Lee Gi-kwang, blackface/perpetuating racial stereotypes (source)
Kim Jong-dae, blackface to imitate a racial caricature (source)
Yoon Bo-mi, blackface to imitate a racial caricature (source)
Jackson Wang, appropriation & ignorance of black protective hairstyles (source)
Henry Lau, homophobia & transphobia (source)
Park Jeong-soo (Leeteuk), fatphobia (source)
Shin Dong-hee (Shindong), fatphobia (source)
Choi Si-won, homophobia & transphobia (source & source)
Kim Kang-hoon (Yesung), fatphobia (source)
Amber Liu, instances of expressed racial prejudice in response to police brutality (source)
Jessica Ho, allegations of assault (charges dropped), homophobia, usage of slurs (source & source)
Kim So-won, "misunderstood" the significance of Nazi symbolism (source)
Wong Kun Hang, weird comments about dreadlocks (source)
Yong Jun-hyung, Burning Sun involvement (never prosecuted)
Roy Kim, Burning Sun involement (never prosecuted)
Eddy Kim, Burning Sun involvement (never prosecuted)
Kim Young-woon (Kangin), present in voyeurism chatroom (source)
Jeong Jin-woon, present in voyeurism chatoom (source)
Lee Chul-woo, present in voyeurism chatroom (source)
Son Chae-young, "misunderstood" the significance of Nazi symbolism & right-wing conspiracy group QAnon (source & source)
Liu Yifei, support of police brutality during Hong Kong protests (source)
Donnie Yen, support of Chinese Communist Party (source)
Fan Bingbing, support of Chinese Communist Party (source)
Jackson Wang, support of Chinese Communist Party & its use of forced labor in Xinjiang (source)
Christian Yu
Park Sun-young (Luna)
Lee Ji-eun (IU)
Kim Jong-hyun, passed away
Tany (Kim Jin-soo), passed away
Ahn So-jin, passed away
Go Eun-bi (EunB), passed away
Kwon Ri-se, passed away
Kim Dong-yoon, passed away
Seo Min-woo, passed away
Goo Ha-ra, passed away
Choi Jin-ri (Sulli), passed away
Moon Bin, passed away
Lee Ji-han, passed away
Im Na-hee, passed away
Park Soo-ryun, passed away
Jeong Joong-ji, passed away
Yoo Joo-eun, passed away
Jennie Kim, taking part in "The Idol"
Kim Min-gyu, general carelessness for perceived support of korean conservative party amid prior (unresolved) allegations of bullying, sexual misconduct, and misogyny (source & source)
Kim Tae-hyung, ignorance surrounding the cultural relationship between black hair & durags (source)
Lee Jeno, fatphobic comments (source)
Park Jisung, colorist & fatphobic comments (source)
Park Chanyeol, colorist comments (source)
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clnlbt · 2 years
TOP 20 KPOP SONGS 2022 (July-December) PART 1
1. BIBI - Animal Farm
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2. Seulgi - 28 Reasons
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3. BIBI - BIBI Vengeance
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4. AleXa - Black in Vogue
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5. Apoki - West Swing
6. YooA - Selfish
7. Seori - Cinderella
8. Chungha - Sparkling
9. Hyolyn - No Thanks
10. BIBI - Jotto
11. Hwasa - just talking to myself
12. Cocona - Twinkle
13. Park Bom - Remembered
14. Jo Yuri - Loveable
15. Moonbyul - Present
16. Jamie - 3D Woman
17. Youha - Last Dance
18. Hwasa - Grey Christmas
19. Moonbyul - Comma
20. Adora - Magical Symphony
Honorable Mention :
BoA - Forgive Me
1. Lee Changsub - Surrender
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2. Ten - Birthday
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3. DPR Ian - Calico
4. Leo - Losing Game
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5. Kino - Pose
6. Key - Gasoline
7. Colde - Cat
8. Zico - Seoul Drift
9. Wang Jackson - Cruel
10. Ash Island - Melody
11. Gemini - Do Me Right
12. Ha Sung Woon - Focus
13. Mark Tuan - imysm
14. Vernon - Black Eye
15. Zico - Freak
16. Jin - The Astronaut
17. Wang Jackson - Come Alive
18. Gemini - Hola
19. KB(OnlyOneOf) - be free
20. GSoul - Everytime
Honorable Mentions :
Seo Actor - Sand Castle
Mark Tuan - far away
JayB - go UP
Rain - Domestic
1. Apink Chobom - Copycat
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2. Loco x Hwasa - Somebody !
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3. Zico x Zior Park - Noctural Animals
4. Zico x Homies - New Thing
5. BIBI x Yoonmirae - Law
6. J.Y Park x Gaeko - GrooveBack
7. Crush x J.Hope - Rush Hour
8. Mamamoo+ x Big Naughty - Better
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9. Chanmina x Ash Island - Don't go
10. Maytree - Carol of the bells
11. RM x Youjeen - Wild Flower
12. Yesung x Solar - After Love
13. 10cm x Big Naughty - Just 10 centimeters
14. Ravi x Wheein - Bye
15. GroovyRoom x Gemini x Mirani - Rollin
16. The Attire x Woosung - Sricacha
17. Wheein x Colde - Sunny Shower
18. SMTown - Hot & Cold
19. Gemini x Big Naughty - 1,2,3
20. Kim Na Young x Jungkey - I can't sleep
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kstarvibes · 1 year
3 Moving Lyrics From SUPER JUNIOR YeSung's Tender Ballad 'Scented Things'
Most of the Korean actors have Instagram and some have an impressive amount of followers! Some have been using Instagram actively while some do not really keep it updated. Some actors also just created their Instagram recently and are still gathering followers. Here are the most followed Korean actors on Instagram and then a rough ranking of over 100 actors’ Instagram accounts. If you are not…
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chasinglondondreams · 2 years
"If comfort is people, then these guys are my comfort" (c)
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it's been a month since i saw super junior perform live and my heart couldn't get any happier.
in all honesty, i just became a fan recently and this is my first comeback. i hope you won’t judge me on why I'm part of that crowd even though I'm just a baby elf.
the thing is that when zayn left 1D i decided not to fangirl anymore because i cannot bear the sadness that comes after when your fave boy band disbanded. i was so heartbroken that time. ff to the years ahead, told myself why not try kpop this time..i listened to some of their songs & t'was actually good tho, u get that catchy vibe so i’ve been a casual listener since then. don’t want to stan hard yet....
a year ago, something happened and my days have been sad ever since. one day, i came across to this one eunhyuk video. he’s just standing and breathing there but damn he looks so ethereal?? got me curious like i want to get to know him.
so i search about him only to find out that he’s an idol and a member of sj. but before that, i already know yesung as sj coz of that kdrama voice. from then on, i started listening to their songs, to watching their variety shows & everything in between. the rest is history.
my sad days have been a lot better now since i get to know them i’m not even kidding. they are my new found source of happiness. sj are not just a performer, they can also be an entertainer, a host, an actor and i think that’s amazing. that’s why they’re still thriving even up to this day.
but what i love the most about them ofc is their music esp the ballads. i’m drawn to songs that makes me feel nostalgic/melancholic vibe. kinda weird tho i'm already sad but i still want to listen to their ballads.
i’ve come to a point that i won’t last a day without listening to their song & watching suju content. i somehow realize oh i’m in love with this group that i even bought their merch & the fanlight (w/o knowing if i’ll be able to attend the con or not)
i cannot believe myself! HAHAHA i usually don’t buy stuff. i’m really not into it plus it’s costly. besides, i don’t fangirl this hard before but rn when it comes to suju i’d be willing to go all in. the things you do for love.
and when i heard the news that they’re coming back here in my country i would never want that opportunity to pass. i need to see the group who keeps me sane and alive when i’m having a hard time even if they know nothing about it :((
i literally prayed for it to be able to see them perform live. i’m so glad i did, it’s the most surreal and special thing ever. & did you know that 15 mins before the show starts, my seat was upgraded into vip seated FOR FREE?!!! ISN'T IT AMAZING?! THE PLOT TWIST I DIDN'T EXPECT
indeed, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
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fujunfuren · 3 years
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Kim Hye Yoon for The Girl Riding a Bulldozer (2021)
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Oh my goodness, he is so handsome. When I look at these photos, I miss the actor Ye, he looks like the cutest main character of the drama
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Album is AMAZING. You MUST listen it!!
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elf-sj-oppa · 5 years
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Leeteuk, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Shindong, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun during “Asian Artist Awards” in Vietnam on the 26th November 2019. Leeteuk was also an MC. Super Junior won the “Top Of Kpop Record” Award, the “ AAA x DongNam Media X FPT Polytechnic Popularity” Award and Siwon won the “2019 Best Actor” Award. Congratulations !!
Leeteuk, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Shindong, Ryeowook et Kyuhyun pendant “Asian Artist Awards” au Viêtnam le 26 Novembre 2019. Leeteuk était aussi un MC. Super Junior a gagné les Récompenses “Top Of Kpop Record”, “AAA x DongNam Media X FPT Polytechnic Popularity” et Siwon a gagné la Récompense “Meilleur Acteur 2019″. Félicitations !!
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Yesung with actor Lee Je Hoon at MAMA 2017
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britneyshakespeare · 4 years
I don’t wanna be the one to make this post but I have to because I wanna know the stats. If you know anything at all about Super Junior, reblog and put in the tags who you think of when you hear “that guy from Super Junior.” If relevant also tag your bias.
#to me siwon is guy from super junior numero uno but i was always 83 line biased#you ever make a post that just bleeds 'i used to be a kpop blog' energy... like no other#너 같은 사람 또 없어#i hate myself#text post#super junior#suju#kpop#it's a fascinating question to me tho bc they've been around for so long and no member has really been contained JUST to super junior#they've all been variety hosts on different programs or actors on stage or in kdramas#or had other musical side projects either as soloists or subunits of suju or working w fucking indie artists or what#siwon is a goddamn united nations ambassador i mean#there are so many possible ''that guy from super junior''s one can have#not to mention only a few of them have been consistently among the most popular in the group (like heechul or siwon)#while members like yesung or leeteuk have gone up or down w time#in 2005 to when he left in 2009 kim kibum was the most visible member while being arguably the least talented#he was the coverboy who couldn't really sing that well. but he was like the most popular. and since he left to pursue acting#VERY FEW PPL HAVE MISSED HIM.#he's basically forgotten by anyone who became a fan of suju since sorry sorry. it's easy to forget he was so prominent in the video#because he had no lines in the song and barely ever performed it with them.#maybe to ppl who watch kdramas kim kibum is 'that guy from super junior'#and then they look up super junior and comb through 6 music videos like 'wait where is he??'#i anticipate a lot of heechul mentions in the tag#and it makes sense he's fucking everywhere nowadays. so many ppl who know like 2 super junior songs stan heechul for his reputation#and that's okay he's earned the respect he has for being such an outspoken critic of everything wrong w the industry since 2005
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k-star-holic · 4 years
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'Miracle in Cell No. 7' Yesung is it?...16 years old Kal So-won, icon of the right side
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popsicalkwan · 8 years
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