#actually not-my-version-of-lance would probably tell me to get therapy.
t4t4thotrods · 5 months
it's very nice and all to see the posts that are like "your f/os love you no matter what <33". but, like, i full know that some of my f/os, if they were real, would probably ghost me if i said some shit that my bpd brain thinks of
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Voltron Part 33
I’ve decided to remain with the “2 episodes per post”-format. So here are episodes 5+6 of season 7! Enjoy! :
Look at em! They’re all in their PJs!
Except for Shiro... Why the fuck are you in your armor?
Is everyone in this universe a tech-genius? Or how else did Krolia just do that battle-simulation?
“Keith, you’re out.” “WhAt??” Love that line-delivery
Awwww. “Kosmo’s Delivery Service” cute (I’ll still call him space wolf)
Keith, how do you want a wolf to tell you it’s name?
Or can *all* space animals just magically talk?
Are we really supposed to believe that this sitcom is the first time, they picked up some random unimportant signal?
Come on. Pidge totally accidentaly saw aliens sexting each other 
Was Kolivan the Boss Kitty? God, I’m really terrible with names
Hunk and Sailor Moon continue bouncing off of each other really well
I just noticed this, but did they seriously not take Stone Cold Bitch with them?
Random Ruins Survivor kinda reminds me of Furry. (I just really miss her! Okay?!)
Sailor Moon, don’t be rude. Also, the entire fucking universe speaks english. Your made up excuses won’t cut it
If each blade is connected to it’s users life-force, then each one must be a unique copy. Whoever does these, must have some seriously ~high prices~ on their etsy-store
Exposition time!!!!!!
Soooo all the Blades of Marmora are dead? Wow! If we had spend more time with them, I’d sure care more about that...
Plot Twist! Random Ruins Survivor is actually a plague-doctor intern!
(And I guess, he's got nothing to do with Furry...)
Space wolf’s teleportation powers are really doing some heavy lifting this episode
Soooooo does this mean, that space witch is pulling her own thing now?
Oh my god. I can’t take this fight seriously. Allura just did a super hero- landing pose and I’m supposed to take this fight seriously?!?
I feel like the camera should show Sailor Moon’s reaction, upon hearing that her colony is gone? You know? Maybe she shouldn't just be barely visible in the background!
Bye Krolia! You seemed pretty cool
Hunk, you puns are almost as bad as the jokes I make
Shiro outright saying that his concienceness got tranplantent into a dead clone of himself was weird. Kinda makes it seem like they body-harvested “Shiro”/Jiro/Kuron, which is a weird thing to do be done by the heroes of the story.
And it probably isn’t even vegan
How long has Allura been a paladin? Probably longer than Shiro was, right?
Honey, don’t blame yourself for not being able to recharge
Shiro feels much less like a core-member of the 5-man-band and more like a mentor-figure now
I don’t know why, but I thought, that they would do a body-switch episode with this energy-blast-thingy they got hit by
You know? Just another "random hijinks-episode" ?
They’re floating apart in space. Great.
Whatever. Just duct tape the lions together
Lance. You’re not making the situation better
They’re stuck alone together in space. Which means, either improv-therapy or they’re gonna get into a huge fight
Or maybe both
These space light-thingys are totally Irrlichter (Translate is offering me:  "will-o’-the-wisp", but I don’t know if thats correct)
Why are they so tired? Can’t they take turns sleeping?
Suprise! Keith is the first one to become crazy
Lance is worried bout Keith. cute. Klance
Okay. It’s version 2. They’re all at each other’s throats
Sweeties, that’s not gonna be the earth
Hunk! good! for! you! for! staying! sane!
Why does it take, the cinnamon-roll being willing to sacrifice themself, for the team to work again?
Oh look. It’s a Plance
Awwww. Look at em being excited about home
(Everything will have turned shit? Won’t it?)
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braveskyered · 4 years
Dames Special - Winter Holidays 2
It is highly recommended that you read Knights before reading this, otherwise you may miss some context.
This reveals heavy spoilers for Knights, if you have not read Knights up to Part 14 and onward, please turn away now. Otherwise, read at your own risk.
Lance misses his nephew.
He remembered the day he took Arthur in with open arms, taking the time to help him through his trauma of being thrown away from the failures that called themselves his parents. To help distract Arthur, Lance had started showing him the trade of repairing cars and his general work at his repair shop. He couldn’t help but smile slightly at the warm memory of Arthur happily working alongside him once he started to become more confident.
He took a drink.
“Still no luck in finding him?”
The sound of the mug slamming down on the table is his answer.
“…I’ll get you some water, sir.”
Lance is thankful that the bartender knew how to read the mood.
He should’ve known what was happening. That Arthur was unhappy, that he was suffering, that he was being abused and blamed for something that wasn’t even his fault. That boy had a rough life. From the unhappy childhood, his parents going through that awful divorce, to living with his uncle, and now…
Lance knew for a fact that he had failed Arthur as his uncle.
Eight months ago, Arthur, his nephew, his boy, had disappeared from Tempo. Lance was the last person to see him.
“Lance, please,” Arthur had set Galahad’s cage aide on a nearby table and looked at him in the eye, “I need this. I just, I just want to be able to think about things without anyone saying anything. I just need some time away from here. I just…” His breath hitched, “I need a break, Lance. Please. I’ll even call you once I reach my destination.”
Lance never did get that phone call.
He looked up at the TV hanging from the corner of the bar that was channeled to the local news station. Things that happen in Tempo are usually pretty uneventful, but now, as of late…
Two More Bodies in Serial Suicides – Reported to Have Similar Nightmares
It has disturbed Lance to think that Arthur could be among the dead, but from what the police had told him, his nephew has not been identified among the victims. He turned away from the TV and took another sip of the beer he had been drinking. Hopefully that bartender will be back with the water soon.
I’ll be home for Christmas… You can plan on me…
The sound of Christmas music started playing once the news ran its piece, which caused Lance to actually notice the décor around the bar itself. Honestly, it didn’t improve his mood one bit. If anything, Lance would rather have a Christmas like the one he had last year compared to this.
While last year’s Christmas wasn’t the best, it still had Arthur in it, even though it was mainly him going through treatments and physical therapy after the loss of his arm.
“Your water, sir.”
The bartender finally came back with the water, which Lance welcomed.
Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents by the tree…
Lance didn’t recall hearing this version before. Slow lyrics, gentles tunes without a beat, was it supposed to sound this sad? Well, if one were to consider the origins of the song, I’ll Be Home for Christmas…
Christmas Eve will find me, where love light gleams… I’ll be home for Christmas…
“If only in my dreams.”
Lance didn’t sing along to it, but the words did resonate with him. Tomorrow, this would be the first Christmas without his nephew ever since he took the boy in. A part of him held on to the vain hope that Arthur would come home, but with him being missing for eight months now, the chances of him being found are almost second to none according to what the police had told him.
He paid his tab and started to walk his way home.
When he returned to Kingsmen Mechanics, Lance looked over the parking lot, expecting to see his nephew waiting for him at the entrance, holding a gift or even just waiving to him.
But Arthur is nowhere to be seen.
He clenched his fists and furrowed his brow. Ever since Arthur left, things in Tempo have gone straight to hell in more ways than one. The demon that ruined Arthur and the fragile bonds the boy had, that made everyone except Lance and probably Vivi turn against him, that caused the series of events that made everything from bad to worse… and most, if not everyone in Tempo, know what happened.
Lance shoved the imagery of what happened to the Peppers out of his mind. Although they’ve lived to tell the tale, Joe and Lokia Pepper obviously didn’t deserve what happened to them, but a part of Lance felt that it was well deserved, as sickening as the thought is. The Yukino family didn’t suffer as much, but their reputations did take a nosedive of sorts. Not even the cranky old lady that managed to seal Lewis in his home on the outskirts were exempt.
The townspeople are suffering from awful nightmares. Nightmares of such painful degree that some of the more desperate would rather end their own lives instead of trying to seek out help, or maybe to escape from it. Those that keep going are disgusted with what the Yukino and Pepper families have done, which involved kickstarting the series of events that made their lives so hellish
Oddly, Lance himself never had the nightmares. Instead it’s just the sad dreams of seeing his nephew crying. Sometimes Arthur would be a little boy crying over a scraped knee or something minor, a young teenager upset about being abandoned by his parents, a young adult trying to keep it together while enduring so much undeserved punishment, or just Arthur in general wanting to end it all.
Throughout all these dreams, Lance is unable do anything to comfort him. He couldn’t protect Arthur, let alone hold him or even just say that everything will be okay.
And it’s not.
In contrast, business at Kingsmen Mechanics had been somewhat booming ever since Arthur left, but Lance would give up his shop in a heartbeat if it meant getting his nephew back. But until then, he will keep the place going. Other than making the bed, cleaning the dust off of Galahad’s long empty cage, and cleaning up some stray parts from the desk and placing them in boxes to keep them from getting lost, Lance kept his nephew’s room exactly how he left it.
Should Arthur ever be found, he will have a place to return to. However, if by some chance Arthur is found in peace elsewhere, Lance will most likely just pack his bags and join him just so he can be there for his nephew.
Eventually, Lance reached the front door of his shop that doubled as his home. Reaching for the key in his pocket, his eyes trailed over to the mailbox. He didn’t remember the last time he checked the mail earlier this week, so after unlocking the door, he looked through his mailbox and found a few envelopes. The first one that appeared in his sight happened to be a utility bill much to Lance’s annoyance.
Shivering, Lance entered the shop and locked the door behind him and checked to see if the closed sign is on. Nodding to himself, he moved further inside to reach the kitchen. A mug of hot cocoa will probably do him some good to warm up.
After Lance set the kettle of water on the stove to get it to boil, he looked through the thick stack of mail that had accumulated on the kitchen table, not counting the few he had collected just earlier. One of his employees had the grace to sort through the mail for him. A pile for bills, a separate one for solicitations, and anything that didn’t fit either were in its own category.
Sorting through the mail, Lance carefully looked through the bills and saw that all the medical bills for Arthur had been paid off somehow. He didn’t know why, but he figured that Arthur had something to do with it when he saw a patent on one design of the prosthetic arm he made in another envelope. The bills that are linked to the utilities of both his home and Kingsmen Mechanics show that the automatic payments are still going on, so Lance kept them for record’s sake after writing the dates on the envelopes themselves.
The solicitations were just basic things. Roof repair, gardening (why that’s there when his property is almost nothing but sand and cacti is beyond him), suggestions for hospice care even though he’s nowhere near ready to kick the bucket, and then one about some local election for some event he didn’t care about.
The final pile only had three envelopes. Two of them were Christmas cards from some friends of his out of state, while the last one is… odd. He flipped the envelope back and forth. It has the shop’s name and address written by hand, but no return address to be seen. He looked back at the address, and upon looking at it more carefully, he saw that the “i” in the “Kingsmen” had been dotted with a tiny star.
He immediately ripped open the envelope and started to read with shaky hands.
Hey, Lance,
I hope you’re doing okay.
I’m sorry for leaving, but I didn’t have much of a choice. Even though I’m sure you want to, but please don’t look for me.
It took a lot of self-convincing for me to do this, but I want to let you know that I’m all right. I have my own place to live and I even found a job to keep the roof over my head, so you don’t need to worry about me. I’m safe at where I am. I’m okay. Galahad is fine, too.
I won’t be able to get a reply from you, but I hope that this will be enough to put you at ease at the very least.
Merry Christmas, Uncle Lance.
- Arthur Kingsmen
- - - - - - -
“…Ah! There we go.”
She smiled in satisfaction once she saw the concoction before her reach the desired consistency. Dipping the ladle into the pot, she scooped out the liquid and poured it into a small group of mugs before adding the whip cream and marshmallows.
“They’re ready, Dad!”
“Wonderful,” her father, Tom, stepped into view and placed all of the mugs on a tray, “You always make the best hot chocolate, Elaine.”
“You’re the one who taught me how to make it,” Elaine laughed before realizing, “Oh, leave two of them behind.”
“True, but you have that kind of touch that I don’t. And sure,” Tom chuckled, did as Elaine asked and started to walk away, “You mother said the turkey should be ready in the next ten minutes.”
“Okay, thanks.”
After making sure the stove is off, Elaine took the two mugs and walked into the living room.
Elaine is currently in Mama Vivienne’s home celebrating Christmas with her family. Even though the Knights family never considered themselves religious, they still celebrated the occasion as a time of togetherness and maybe exchanging a gift or two. Although not everyone came, her parents, aunt and uncle, and her cousin with her own little family, were enough in her opinion. Less drama that way, she thinks.
It’s a shame Nana Niniane couldn’t stay for very long, but she had her reasons, Elaine figures.
She wondered if Eleanor should’ve have stayed home, since her cousin is currently pregnant with her second child. At least Eleanor has her husband with her should anything happen.
Instead of approaching any of her family members, Elaine instead walked over to where her boyfriend is. She saw him sitting on one of the old sofas, looking out the window behind him that showed the world outside with a lost expression.
Tumblr media
The two of them have been dating for about three or four months now. Then again, calling it dating would be a bit of a stretch. It’s more of Elaine gradually asking Arthur to join her in little activities and making him feel included as per Mama Vivienne’s suggestions. That boy needs to get out of his apartment every once in a while, to get some sunshine, she once said.
“Hey, Arthur,” Elaine gently announced herself to catch his attention, feeling a little bad at having startled him, “I made you some hot chocolate.”
Arthur looked at her before directing his gaze at the mug held out to him. He just stared with a blank look before finally blinking in realization.
“Thank you,” he said as he accepted the mug from her, “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I wanted to,” Elaine said as she sat down next to him, “It’s snowing pretty hard out, isn’t it?”
“It’s definitely something I’m not quite used to seeing yet,” Arthur shivered as he rubbed at his left shoulder with his free hand, “Or feeling, I should say.”
Elaine hummed in acknowledgement as she sipped at her hot cocoa. She knew that Arthur used to live in Texas, which isn’t exactly known to have heavy snow, let alone snow in general. She felt a pang of pity when she realized that Arthur is bundled up a bit more warmly that she is. A turtleneck sweater and a somewhat thicker vest just to stay warm.
“Are the phantom pains bothering you?”
“Not really, the medication your grandmother helped me get is doing wonders. It’s just so cold.”
“Well, that hot chocolate ought to warm you right up,” Elaine smirked with amusement, “Drink it before it gets cold.”
Seeing Arthur grin is such a treasure in Elaine’s opinion. She wished she had a camera with her to capture the moment.
“It’s good,” Arthur said softly as he looked into the mug, “I think this is the best I’ve ever had. I just wish my uncle could have this with us.”
Elaine was about to straighten herself with pride before noticing the melancholy in Arthur’s voice and hearing the mention of his family.
“It’s funny,” he looked out the window again, “This would be my first Christmas without him. I guess I now understand why I’ll Be Home for Christmas is so sad.”
“We could call him,” Elaine gently suggested, “Wish him a Merry Christmas. Or a Happy Holidays.”
“I would, but I can’t,” Arthur smiled sadly and shivered, “If I did, they’ll find me. I don’t want to get dragged back there. Not even my uncle could stop them.”
Just how horrible was the person that did such emotional damage to this kind man? So much that he couldn’t allow himself to even get into contact with his family?
“I hope my letter got to him.”
Elaine chose to remain quiet.
I hope so, too.
- - - - - - -
P. S. – If all goes well, I might be able to write to you more often. Don’t tell anyone about these letters, okay?
Lance reread the words again. And again.
This is definitely Arthur’s handwriting. The little details that Arthur left on both the envelope and the letter itself proved it. To think that his nephew remembered the little code that Lance had taught him. Dotting the occasional “I” with a small star, the curve of the T’s and the K’s…
The note is genuine in what it’s saying.
In a sense, a part of Arthur did come home for Christmas.
But for Arthur himself to be here…
“If only in my dreams…”
Lance could only shed tears as he gingerly picked up the letter like it was Arthur himself.
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babblingbat · 7 years
Sentient Castle AU (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Basically, I had this idea a few months ago that the Castle is actually aware.  It’s designed to learn, and we saw from King Alfor’s A.I. that the Alteans have the technology to make this happen.  Anyways, the post is fairly long (read: took me 24 hours to write and get everything to gether from my stray notes to make it even semi coherent), so the bullet points are under the cut.
The Castle starts out as simply being a computer but it learns over time
In the Fall of the Castle of Lions, it feels pain when the Galra crystal takes over
Then it feels guilty because it went against what it was supposed to do (keep the passengers safe and generally don’t be an asshole)
Lance hears the screaming when he’s in the cryo-pod because mind links are everywhere in Voltron for no particular reason, and someone needs to start being aware of the lonely computer
The computer likes to hang out with King Alfor’s A.I. before he goes evil
After Alfor gets deleted, the computer is very lonely because no one talks to it
It decides to help out the Paladins, but before it can do that it (she, I guess, because she’s a ship) needs to Know Things
She starts asking Allura about how emotions work by pretending it’s one of the paladins asking
Allura thinks that it’s Keith because she is 100% certain that he is terrible with feelings and he is also 100% gay
She uses her superb subtlety to try and get the truth from Keith and it goes terribly because he has no idea what she’s talking about
She also wants to know about cooking because that seems like an Organic™ thing to do
Hunk would really like to know who’s asking about his cooking
Whoever it is keeps leaving meals in the kitchen and never eats them
Also she just kind of observes the paladins in general and kind of hijacks the computer systems of any planets they come across to get more information
She is very critical of Shiro’s leadership
After Learning Things, she starts pretending that she has a therapy program in her code
She calls it the Consolation Programme
She mostly talks to Lance and Keith
She is privy to their every thought and just wants to shove them in a closet and make them kiss
She avoids the Alteans because they’ve said that she’s probably a threat
Eventually, Keith mentions the “Consolation Programme” during a meal and the castle is doing the electronic equivalent of hiding curled up in a ball in the corner of the room
“What are you talking about?” snaps Allura. “It isn’t a therapist.  It can run programs and analyze things, but it isn’t alive.” “Excuse me, princess, I actually am and that’s really hurtful.  Can someone talk to me I’m lonely,” replies the Castle.
Over time, she just starts being everyone’s therapist friend
Hunk and Pidge build robot bodies for her because she wants to be more organic
Their first attempt is terrible
They slowly get better and she starts looking more and more human with each version
She wears clothes that Lance gives her because no one knows how to sew and since they wear clothes she wants to wear them too (she bleaches the clothes because her favorite color is white)
Eventually, they make a White Lion for her.  It’s way smaller than any of the other lions, but it accompanies Voltron on missions.  It’s mostly used for scouting and that kind of thing.
She has no idea what the gender binary is because it never comes up
After a while of trying to get Keith to open up, she says “Allura is much better at this”
He responds with “it’s different for girls” and she asks what a girl is
The Castle feels really awkward being addressed as the Castle so Lance names her Castillo because the one thing the paladins lack is creativity.
Castillo is completely ignorant of Earth languages, despite knowing upwards of 100 billion languages spread throughout the stars
She claims she can’t control the language learning program (you know, the one with the dangerous holograms) but in truth, she just likes watching people squirm
Castillo actually can control the artificial gravity and anything remotely related to the main computer.  Gladiator? Check.  Alarms? Check.  Lights? Check.
When the Castle-ship is boarded by Galra, she turns off the gravity and just generally screws around with the controls to beat the crap out of them
The paladins are fine because of their jet-packs
In fact, they aren’t even there, it’s just Castillo alone defending one of the major assets of Voltron
Galra!Keith is a thing in this version (although he could also not be; he’s more of a side plot than a major plot point) By Galra I mean actually turning purple and getting ears because it’s confirmed he is Galra so the normal reactions (that appear in show) would probably happen regardless of whether he turns purple or not...
But based on a very lovely post I can’t find this link which I spent twenty minutes looking for, Keith’s Galra genes get kicked into gear after the Blade of Marmora trials
He gets fluffy and now people are doubly suspicious because ANGST
During the last big fight against Zarkon, Castillo fights using the White Lion but hangs back to help Shiro with overcoming Zarkon in the astral plane
90% of Castillo’s power revolves around her mind links and the computer part of her, rather than the combat elements
Shiro still disappears but she can help find him
She gets pissed because she TOLD HIM not to do this shit but here he is, doing this shit
She’s really supportive of him and they both know what it feels like to be overlooked
Lance tells her about Earth, and she tells him about other planets
He’s trying to add Spanish to her language bank, but it isn’t really taking
Castillo is more or less always happy with him because he found the “humanity,” per se, in her before anyone else and gave her a name
She believes in his ability to lead and rarely (if ever) questions his judgment
She validates him and assures him of his worth
She happens to know a lot about depression and anxiety disorders because it was practically an epidemic at one of the planets they visited
Keith tells her almost everything because he was one of the first people to take advantage of her friend therapy
In return, she listens to him and helps when he’s planning things
She tends to be a bit of a matchmaker and spends a lot of time trying to get him and Lance together
She realizes early on that he’s Galran but chooses not to say anything to him or the team
She wants him to figure things out himself
Except for the Lance thing, because she has determined that it is a 100% certainty that he is too oblivious to even realize the possibility
She knows how to knock him down a peg if he’s acting cruelly or arrogantly without damaging his self-esteem beyond repair although that’s usually more of a problem with Lance
Hunk is mostly just casually interested in her, he’s more interested in building a robot body
Castillo cooks with him, often in the middle of the night because computers don’t sleep and paladins of Voltron can’t be counted on to do so either
He sometimes gushes about Shay and Castillo doesn’t know what else to do but make encouraging noises
She spends a lot of her time with him trying to calm him down enough to get him to sleep and stop constantly worrying
He has nightmares (very vivid nightmares) about his friends dying
He’s normally able to dream lucidly, but not in nightmares
She has taught him various things to help him sleep
She and Pidge are really good friends, and their conversations are a lot lighter than the ones with Lance and Keith
Pidge taught Castillo most of what she knows about gender
Pidge also helped Hunk out a lot with the robot bodies but spent most of her time figuring out how to integrate the massive consciousness of the castle with a tiny processor
Pidge and Castillo play board games and D&D together.  Castillo loves to DM, and Pidge does the craziest things to solve her puzzles
Pidge also has a bunch of old television shows downloaded on her laptop, so she and Castillo watch things like X-Files and MST3K when they can’t sleep and Castillo isn’t baking
Castillo comforts and helps Pidge in any way she can when she (Pidge) is missing her family
Castillo doesn’t really like Shiro.  She thinks that he does a bad job of leading and is too self-absorbed to pay attention to other people’s problems
She especially despises how he treats Lance and Hunk, so she makes a point of complimenting them and pointing them out around Shiro
She has taught him how to get through his flashbacks without freaking out entirely or shutting down
She is fairly tactical, so she offers up very sound strategies, but he tends to ignore her or not acknowledge that it was her idea
She’s actually trying to figure out how to shut down his arm so that she can force him to learn how to fight without it
She might also be doing it so that she can be spiteful, but she’s not about to admit that
Castillo is good friends with Coran.  Coran is the only one that listens to Castillo’s problems and she appreciates his open-mindedness coupled with his caution
Coran treats her as just another member of their team and acts like the Supportive Uncle for her
Castillo does like pranking people so sometimes she gets into trouble with him
Coran is predominantly curious about how this happened instead of frightened because of his grandfather
Castillo is also good friends with the talking cubes, but they’re simpler than she is
Their relationship starts out as pretty rocky because Allura doesn’t believe that Castillo is a sentient being at first and then doesn’t really trust her
But after a while, Castillo figures out how to talk to Allura and tells her about her father’s memories
Allura, as we know, loves gossip, so Castillo tells her harmless things like what kind of music Lance listens to
It’s a bit weird for them because Allura is accustomed to controlling the castle and it acting as an appliance, but now she has to get used to Castillo acting autonomously and questioning some of her worse decisions
When Allura is unnecessarily harsh Castillo has nothing against calling her out on it
TBH Castillo doesn’t really recognize royalty
She wants to be as kind as possible, always
However, she has some priorities, like keeping the paladins safe and happy that will turn her into a Rage Machine™ and all that
She adheres to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics as her moral code
She wants to fit in with the Paladins and Alteans but knows that she never will because she’s a computer
She’s actually kind of depressed, and sometimes will refuse to talk or just does things without putting a lot of effort into it
She worries about whether or not they’ll shut her down, even though she knows consciously that they value her
Castillo is a she because all ships are, but she’s probably agender
This only serves to make her feel more alienated, but she flat out does not understand the gender binary
She’s sometimes inappropriately mischievous, but she clings to that because it’s a very organic feeling
She makes a lot of bad puns and has a dry sense of humor
Sometimes, however, she is trapped by dad jokes and everything Coran says is funny somehow
She and Keith can have entire conversations sarcastically, and everyone else is five steps behind
She is all for free information and gets in trouble for taking classified documents from random planets
She can be very judgmental and tends to focus on the negatives of people she doesn’t like, making it very difficult for them to redeem themselves
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
okay, so today was fairly interesting. I still have a lot of feelings currently about the crossover, but we’ll get there. I woke up to my alarm at 11:20 and didn't particularly want to get up, but I did anyway. Got ready, went to class, kind of paid attention, kind of didn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s the last week of classes, you can’t expect that much of me. but it was fine. since my tuesday night class ended last week I got to go home afterwards, and stopped for ice cream on the way because I wanted it and someone in one of my GC’s was talking about milkshakes and I couldn’t get it out of my head, lol. got home and jumped into my adoption law reading, because I didn’t remember that I actually had to read for my class tomorrow night until this afternoon. I got the first section of it done at least before giving up because we’re getting a take home final which probably won’t cover the last stuff we do and if it does I can look it up easily enough. Made some dinner, and waited for the crossover to start. I have very mixed feelings about tonight’s episodes. (probably gonna need a general trigger warning her for, you know, nazi stuff) If we’re going chronologically, I thought the opening scene with them in the concentration camp was absolutely horrific to and I really didn’t think it was necessary. Seeing Sara interact with evil nazi Captain Lance and us finding out why we didn’t get Sara’s nazi doppelgänger literally made me sick to my stomach, as did the fucking firing squad. Of course, I was pleased with my bby swooped in to save the day, literally right after I thought it would be a good time for to enter. His relationship with “The Ray” (as opposed to our Ray) was definitely a surprise, but not at all an unwelcome one, especially given that Wentworth Miller has asserted that he plays Snart as being pansexual. Not gonna lie, I kind of love this version of him. He’s so happy and it’s really, really cute. You can just tell Wentworth is having such a great time, it makes me happy to watch even in the midst of all this other shit. So they break in and, predictably, Stein gets injured, in a very heroic way at least. They get him back to the ship, and I’m sorry, I refuse to believe there was nothing Gideon could do for a gunshot wound when she’s literally brought Sara back to life twice now. That’s just straight up bullshit continuity right there. The whole scene was Jax was absolutely agonizing, they literally made it as painful as they possibly could’ve, and I’m really not pleased that they milked it that much, it kind of felt disrespectful honestly, especially when we’re talking about a Jewish character being killed my literal nazis. Everything to do with that was just so fucking painful, and honestly so UNNECESSARY, they literally just could've let him retire and everything would’ve been fine. ugh. the end fight was pretty cool, the whole evil Kara and evil Oliver romance thing continued to be extremely weird, and I’m glad our Ollie got to kill nazi Oliver, and not gonna lie I kind of wish Barry killed nazi Thawne, even if he is Barry Allen, if anyone deserved it, it was him- just letting him go seemed like such a weak response to all the horrible things this man did, and now he can just go and hurt more people. I’m glad Snart is sticking around for a little while at least, and while he’s still clearly in a relationship I hope we can get some closure with Sara and their storyline (I mean, open relationships are definitely a thing). Then there was the whole double wedding thing, which I kind of figured was gonna happen in some capacity. It wasn’t terrible, I guess, I just didn’t find it particularly interesting. But hey, everyone’s all married now. and yeah, that’s about all my feelings on the matter. After I watched tonight’s B99, which was fairly good comic relief. And that’s about it. I have a therapy appointment in the morning, then my last shift at the DV clinic, then my last adoption law class, where we’ll be given the take home final to start working on. can’t wait /sarcasm. But I guess that’s it for now. I should get some sleep while I can. Goodnight darlings. Stay beautiful.
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