#acupuncture treatment for neck pain
chennaiacupuncture · 7 months
Acupuncture Treatment for Neck Pain, Cervical Pain, Stiff Neck in Chennai
Acupuncture Treatment for Neck Pain, Cervical Pain, Stiff Neck in Chennai - Faster Recovery with out any medication. #ChennaiAcupuncture #NeckPainTreatment #AcupunctureNearMe #CervicalPainTreatment #AcupunctureTreatmentChennai #AcupuncturistChennai
Acupuncture Treatment for Neck Pain, Cervical Pain, Stiff Neck in Chennai Treatment for neck stiffness, knots and more Few studies show that acupuncture is one of the most effective and drug free treatments for neck pain. Specific causes and explanations for neck pain vary from patient to patient, and any neck pain can greatly affect your quality of life. At Jayant Acure Health Care, we have…
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relivephysiotherapy · 5 months
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fotozoneindia-blog · 7 months
Relieve Physiotherapy: Your Go-To Clinic for Pain Relief in Chester
Welcome to Relieve Physiotherapy, the leading physiotherapy and massage clinic in Chester dedicated to providing effective pain relief and holistic wellness solutions. Our team of experienced professionals offers personalized care and specialized treatments to help you overcome injuries, manage chronic pain, and enhance your overall well-being. Let's explore how Relieve Physiotherapy can assist you in finding relief and restoring your quality of life.
Physiotherapy & Massage Clinic Chester: Your Haven for Healing
At Relieve Physiotherapy, we are committed to offering comprehensive physiotherapy and massage services tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're recovering from a sports injury, dealing with lower back pain, or seeking relaxation, our clinic provides a range of treatments to address your concerns and promote healing.
Sports Injury Clinic Chester: Get Back in the Game Faster
Our sports injury clinic specializes in treating a variety of sports-related injuries, from sprains and strains to tendonitis and ligament tears. With advanced techniques and personalized rehabilitation plans, our sports physiotherapists help athletes of all levels recover quickly and safely, so you can return to your favorite activities with confidence.
Acupuncture Treatment Center Chester: Holistic Healing for Body and Mind
Discover the benefits of acupuncture at our treatment center in Chester. Acupuncture is a natural therapy that targets pain and promotes overall wellness by stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms. Our licensed acupuncturists offer personalized treatment plans to address your specific concerns and help you achieve long-lasting relief.
Specialized Treatments for Pain Management and Rehabilitation
Relieve Physiotherapy offers specialized treatments to manage pain and promote rehabilitation, including:
Steroid Injections Therapy: Effective for reducing inflammation and relieving pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions.
Ostenil Joint Injection Therapy: Provides lubrication and cushioning for arthritic joints, reducing pain and improving mobility.
Shockwave Therapy: Non-invasive treatment for chronic pain conditions, such as plantar fasciitis and tendonitis.
Hyaluronic Acid Injection Therapy: Restores joint fluidity and reduces pain in patients with osteoarthritis.
Comprehensive Care for Common Conditions
In addition to specialized treatments, we provide comprehensive care for a range of conditions, including:
Knee pain
Neck and shoulder pain
Elbow pain (Tennis Elbow & Golfer's Elbow)
Wrist and hand pain
Rheumatoid arthritis
Therapeutic Yoga and Holistic Wellness
At Relieve Physiotherapy, we believe in promoting holistic wellness through therapeutic yoga classes. Our classes focus on improving flexibility, strength, and relaxation to complement your treatment plan and support your overall well-being.
Conclusion: Experience Relief and Renewal at Relieve Physiotherapy
If you're ready to take control of your pain and improve your quality of life, schedule an appointment at Relieve Physiotherapy today. Our dedicated team is here to help you find relief, restore function, and rediscover the joy of living life to the fullest. With our personalized approach and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to be your partner in health and wellness.
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suoxi-hospital · 8 months
সায়াটিকা সমস্যার কারণে দুই পায়ে Burning Sensation অর্থাৎ জ্বালাপোড়া ও অবশ ভাব লাগত এবং ঘাড় ব্যথার (Neck Pain) সমস্যা ও ঘুমের সমস্যা (Insomnia) ছিল। ৯২ বছর বয়সী রোগী শশী হাসপাতাল থেকে আকুপাংচার চিকিৎসা (Acupuncture Treatment) নিয়ে আজকে তার সুস্থতার অভিব্যক্তি দিলেন।
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bramleaphysio · 1 year
Revitalize Your Wellbeing: Premier Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic in Brampton
Welcome to Bramalea Physiotherapy & Wellness, your trusted partner in restoring health and vitality. Nestled in the heart of Brampton, Ontario, Canada, we stand as a beacon of relief for residents and neighboring communities. Our clinic specializes in providing exemplary physiotherapy and acupuncture services, catering to a diverse range of injuries and discomforts stemming from various ailments.
As a distinguished physiotherapy clinic Brampton, we take immense pride in our holistic approach to wellness. Whether you require post-operative rehabilitation or seek relief from persistent back and neck pain, our proficient therapists are equipped with the latest techniques and knowledge to guide you towards recovery. Your journey to wellness is our priority, and we leave no stone unturned in delivering care that fosters lasting results.
Nestled within our offerings is our acclaimed acupuncture clinic in Brampton. A time-honored practice, acupuncture complements our physiotherapy services seamlessly, offering you a well-rounded and effective treatment experience. With precision and expertise, our skilled acupuncturists target key points to alleviate pain and promote healing, leaving you revitalized and rejuvenated.
Pain and strain find no refuge within our walls. As your steadfast allies in health, we specialize in pain and strain treatment Brampton. From acute injuries to chronic discomfort, we tackle each concern with unwavering determination, utilizing a multifaceted approach that combines advanced therapies and compassionate care. Your relief is our triumph, and we stand resolute in relieving your burdens. When back and neck pain threaten to impede your life's rhythm, trust our specialized back and neck pain physiotherapy services Brampton. Our practitioners delve into the root causes of your discomfort, devising strategies that target not only symptoms but the underlying issues. Through tailored exercises, manual therapies, and expert guidance, we empower you to conquer pain and embrace unrestricted living.
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Hands down one of the greatest magics my beloved brings to our relationship is being a doctor of acupuncture. When we first started dating I was somewhat skeptical of the practice. I’d had friends who swore by it but I’ve always been terribly put off by needles. It definitely wasn’t for me.
But I couldn’t help but notice how easily they banished a headache just by putting pressure on my feet or made my nausea dry up by pressing around my shins. Their medicine felt like witchcraft. I sidled closer to their sorcery the longer we were together. The tipping point was about three months into dating when my spine went out.
I’ve had back problems since I was 11 and every few months my spine liked to jump out of alignment and completely debilitate me for a week or two. This has been significantly mitigated by doing core exercises and working out so it’s a less constant problem now, thank goodness. Core muscles are important y’all.
When my back struck this time I still hobbled over to their house for date night. They took one look at me and begged me to let them work on it. At that point, nothing could possibly have hurt worse than my own spine, so I submitted.
It was incredible. Within an hour from treatment the pain had dissipated to a mild annoyance. Two weeks of suffering, instantly mitigated. I couldn’t believe it. After that I got a little bolder, letting them treat other ailments and soliciting help before problems blew up which was even more beneficial.
I let them needle my face for anxiety once and was floored to realize that a needle point between the eyes felt like Calm Emotions had just been cast on me. A weighted blanket of serenity settled on my whole body. It’s my favorite acupuncture point now.
But despite this I’ve remained a fussy patient, nervous and flighty. I take a little coddling through treatments but I’ve expanded what I can tolerate a great deal. More needles, more sensitive areas, all have been slow milestones for me.
Today they treated me and a friend of ours in exchange for that friend working on their neck. My arms have both been acting up as my hand ailment has tightened it’s way up my arm rather than down, then spread to my other arm.
There’s something called “trigger point release” that I’ve never been brave enough to handle. But laid out on the table I insisted, “I want to feel better.” It’s indescribable what they did. Trigger points don’t… hurt exactly. It’s more like touching the raw nerve and feeling a jolt of energy along the muscles. It’s shocking and your brain doesn’t like it but it’s not pain.
Afterward it’s normal to feel sore and achey, and I do. Still, I can’t help but laugh. It took eight years for me to get comfortable enough being needled to brave this. A treatment that people just walk in the door and lay down for on their first time with my beloved took me eight years.
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renuvenate · 2 years
Acupuncture Treatment is an alternative medicine. Its success is controversial, but it is popular all over the world. There are many people who believe in acupuncture, and many of them say it helped them from pain. Read full answer from Quora
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soulpotentialacu · 2 years
How Acupuncture Works to Relieve Back and Neck Pain
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Have you experienced injuries to your back and neck that just won’t heal? Do you want a treatment method that doesn’t involve narcotics or surgery? Acupuncture may be an ideal treatment method for you.
Your lower back and neck are vulnerable parts of your body that are prone to injury in sports, exercise, and other vigorous activities. Bending, lifting, and twisting can damage your muscles and ligaments over time, or simply as you age. After years of movement and activity, some common conditions that can develop are herniated discs, thickened ligaments, and spinal stenosis. Other people may experience back and neck pains from fibromyalgia.
The different types of neck and back pains may vary from person to person. If you have chronic dull aches, stabbing pains, tingling, or numbness, and these are not a result of more serious conditions, you may be a good candidate for acupuncture. At Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness in Castle Rock, Colorado, Vonda Muncy has years of experience treating patients with pains like yours by using acupuncture, a safe, effective, and surgery-free way to start feeling better.
How acupuncture works
Acupuncture is a great choice for alleviating back and neck pain because these aches are often difficult to treat with traditional medical means. Many doctors will prescribe opioids for chronic pain, but these heavy drugs carry a risk of dependence and addiction, making them the least ideal option for many patients.
While the idea may sound strange and counter-intuitive, stimulating painful parts of the body with special needles alleviates pain associated with several kinds of medical conditions. The practice was developed thousands of years ago in China, so it has a successful track record.
Acupuncture opens energy pathways that are ideal for great health. Using special needles, acupuncture opens these energy pathways, called meridians, near the area that is causing you pain. This practice releases blocked energy, restoring the body’s natural balance. This allows for natural healing to occur. Vonda Muncy uses this balancing method, along with several other methods, in her practice.
Learn more about acupuncture for back and neck pain
If you’re tired of suffering from constant aches and pains and want to learn about a treatment option that doesn’t involve surgery or narcotics, call Vonda Muncy for a consultation. You can also schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.
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concerningwolves · 1 year
Nothing sets my brain going in dizzying circles of doubt quite like chiropractic.
There's something about how any treatment that has strong associations with being a "Miracle cure" automatically makes me wary, and yet many people do find instant relief after treatment. Three out of my own four appointments fell under the "instant relief" category, actually!
But also, most of the patients mum sees in her job as a receptionist for a chiropractor keep going back, week after week, some of them for years. They swear that it has changed their life, but... They're still going. They still need the adjustments. So then I have to wonder, is it the instant solution it's often touted as, or is it more accurately an ongoing treatment similar to HRT/antidepressants/antipsychotics/migraine prevention meds, etc.?
It certainly makes me uncomfortable that the chiropractor has never told me how to manage a problem on my own. The adjustments he's done to my hips made an instant improvement, but I had to ask him what i could do to strengthen the muscle myself, and he seemed genuinely surprised that I'd done so. Maybe I'm just used to physiotherapy. Maybe it's wrong of me to expect that kind of treatment from chiropractic. Maybe that was just that specific chiropractor's way, and others do things differently.
The fourth time I went, I'd woken up in horrendous pain from my right shoulder. I couldn't move that arm, or my neck. At that point, there is very very little that ""official"" (i.e., NHS) services can do. My course of action has always been to wait for the worst of the flare to pass, take painkillers, carefully do my physiotherapy exercises, and examine my environment/most recent activities to see what might've set it off. And then in a few days or weeks, the pain recedes and I get full range of motion back.
But this time, I accepted mum's suggestion for an appointment with the chiropractor. He kindly squeezed me in in his last slot before lunch. He talked to me, he was attentive and accepting, and he worked with me to find out the source of the problem. His answer was acupuncture, which, okay... I'd never had it before, but I'd white-knuckled the car journey there, so I may as well. And it worked! Or at least, it relaxed me enough that my muscles were no longer in spasm. I felt like I'd turned to water, actually. It was pretty nice.
Then he did the standard adjustment.
It was instant relief – until we were partway home and i realised that the pain had just moved to a different place. I don't know if he made the problem worse; the pain was different, but it also eased off in the usual week and there were no lasting side-effects. I got back into my physio routine. I reconfigured my desk. I haven't been back to the chiropractor since.
All this is on my mind because my shoulder pain is in a flare up again. I've had flares since that fourth chiropractor visit and I've always got though them, but this one is very bad. I keep seriously considering booking an appointment, then pulling myself back. It might be an answer. It might just create more problems. I don't know.
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relivephysiotherapy · 6 months
Relive Therapy: Your Premier Destination for Physiotherapy & Massage Clinic in Chester
In the Physiotherapy & Massage Clinic chester , amidst the daily grind and stresses of life, finding a sanctuary for rejuvenation and healing is paramount. Enter Relive Therapy, a beacon of hope and wellness, offering a comprehensive range of physiotherapy and massage services tailored to address your specific needs. Specializing in holistic treatments, Relive Therapy is not just a clinic; it's a haven where pain dissipates, tension melts away, and vitality is restored.
Physiotherapy: Reclaiming Mobility and Strength:At Relive Therapy, we understand the debilitating impact that injuries, chronic conditions, and everyday wear and tear can have on your body. That's why our team of experienced physiotherapists is dedicated to guiding you through a personalized rehabilitation journey aimed at restoring function and mobility.Whether you're recovering from a sports injury, managing a musculoskeletal disorder, acupuncture treatment chesteror seeking post-operative care, our comprehensive physiotherapy sessions are designed to address your unique concerns. Through a combination of manual therapy techniques, targeted exercises, and advanced modalities, we empower you to regain strength, flexibility, and independence.
Massage Therapy: Unwinding Body and Mind:In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a ubiquitous companion, manifesting in tight muscles, tension headaches, and overall fatigue. At Relive Therapy, we recognize the profound connection between physical discomfort and mental well-being. That's why we offer a range of neck pain relief clinic chester therapeutic massage techniques aimed at nurturing both body and mind. From Swedish relaxation massage to deep tissue therapy, our skilled massage therapists employ a variety of techniques to alleviate muscular tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, stress reduction, or simply a moment of tranquility, our massage sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs.
Acupuncture Treatment: Balancing Energy and Healing: Incorporating ancient wisdom with modern science, acupuncture is a time-honored practice that has been revered for its ability to promote healing and restore balance within the body. At Relive Therapy, we offer acupuncture treatments administered by licensed practitioners who specialize in this ancient art.
By stimulating specific points along the body's meridian channels, acupuncture helps to regulate the flow of energy, known as Qi, and address a wide range of conditions. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, insomnia, or digestive issues, acupuncture at Relive Therapy offers a holistic approach to healing that complements our physiotherapy and massage services.
Neck Pain Relief Clinic in Chester: Finding Relief Close to Home
Neck pain is a common complaint that can stem from various sources, including poor posture, muscle strain, or underlying medical conditions. At Relive Therapy, we understand the debilitating impact that neck pain can have on your daily life, from limiting mobility to disrupting sleep.As a leading neck pain relief clinic in Chester, we specialize in addressing the root cause of your discomfort through targeted therapies and personalized treatment plans. Whether you're suffering from cervical spondylosis, whiplash injury, or tension-related neck pain, our team is committed to providing relief and restoring your quality of life.
Embracing Wellness at Relive Therapy:At Relive Therapy, we believe that true wellness encompasses not only the absence of pain but also the presence of vitality and balance in every aspect of your life. That's why we're dedicated to providing more than just a quick fix for your ailments; we're committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools to take charge of your health and well-being.With a focus on patient-centered care, evidence-based practices, and a compassionate approach, Physiotherapy & Massage Clinic chester Relive Therapy stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking relief from pain and restoration of function. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or simply seeking a moment of relaxation, we invite you to experience the transformative power of our physiotherapy and massage services.
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fotozoneindia-blog · 7 months
Your Premier Destination for Pain Relief and Wellness in Chester
Welcome to Relieve Physiotherapy, your trusted physiotherapy and massage clinic in Chester. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing personalized care and effective treatments to help you overcome injuries, manage pain, and improve your overall well-being. Let's explore how Relieve Physiotherapy can help you find relief and restore balance to your life.
Physiotherapy & Massage Clinic Chester: Your Pathway to Recovery
At Relieve Physiotherapy, we offer a comprehensive range of physiotherapy and massage services to address a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Whether you're recovering from a sports injury, dealing with chronic pain, or simply seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, our clinic provides tailored treatment plans to meet your specific needs.
Sports Injury Clinic Chester: Get Back in the Game
Our sports injury clinic specializes in treating a wide range of sports-related injuries, from sprains and strains to more serious conditions. Our experienced sports physiotherapists utilize advanced techniques and modalities to promote healing, restore function, and help you return to your favorite activities as quickly and safely as possible.
Acupuncture Treatment Center Chester: Holistic Healing for Body and Mind
Experience the healing benefits of acupuncture at our treatment center in Chester. Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy that can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote overall wellness. Our licensed acupuncturists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that targets your specific concerns and helps you achieve lasting relief.
Specialized Treatments for Pain Management and Rehabilitation
Relieve Physiotherapy offers a range of specialized treatments to address common musculoskeletal conditions and injuries:
Steroid Injections Therapy: Effective for musculoskeletal conditions, such as osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis.
Ostenil Joint Injection Therapy: Ideal for osteoarthritis treatment, providing long-lasting relief for joint pain.
Taping & Strapping: Helps support injured joints and muscles, reducing pain and promoting healing.
Post-Operative Rehabilitation: Tailored programs to help you recover safely and effectively after surgery.
Shockwave Therapy: Non-invasive treatment for chronic pain conditions, such as plantar fasciitis and tendonitis.
Hyaluronic Acid Injection Therapy: Provides lubrication and cushioning for arthritic joints, relieving pain and improving mobility.
Comprehensive Care for a Variety of Conditions
In addition to specialized treatments, we also offer comprehensive care for a variety of conditions, including:
Knee pain
Elbow pain (Tennis Elbow & Golfer's Elbow)
Wrist and hand pain
Rheumatoid arthritis
And more...
Therapeutic Yoga and Holistic Wellness
At Relieve Physiotherapy, we believe in taking a holistic approach to wellness. In addition to our therapeutic treatments, we also offer therapeutic yoga classes to help you improve flexibility, strength, and balance, while reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
Conclusion: Experience the Difference at Relieve Physiotherapy
If you're ready to take control of your health and well-being, schedule an appointment at Relieve Physiotherapy today. Let us help you find relief from pain, restore function, and rediscover the joy of living life to the fullest. With our comprehensive services, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to be your partner in health every step of the way.
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newhologram · 2 years
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In 2022, I had an estimated 129 medical appointments. Many times I had 5 appts a week, 3 in a day even.
Here is some of the necessary care I fought for all year but still can’t access:
❌ Surgery to address upper cervical instability and 2 bulging discs in my neck ❌ Physical therapy to address my thoracic pain (it took 13 months to get an MRI) and being unable to sit up for long, as well as for my right arm nerve abnormality. Every referral for PT was over an hour away. I can't sit up to drive that long anymore. They can send the disabled shuttle to pick me up, but that's actually even longer sitting up so it's not helpful. ❌ IV ketamine to manage my depression, C-PTSD, autoimmune disorders, and chronic pain (ended up going with at-home ketamine thanks to GFM donations, but IV would be better distribution for inflammation/pain) ❌An updated sleep study since it’s been nearly 10 years since my type 2 narcolepsy diagnosis and some of my other symptoms such as frequent painful myoclonus and choking in my sleep are now making it even harder to get consistent shut-eye ❌Disability benefits and Medicare as I’m now officially considered a “complex” case and have been dropped by doctors who didn't feel they could help me ❌Endometriosis excision surgery + getting my blood-filled ovarian cyst (red thing in photo) dealt with. After several months of going to multiple specialists to rule out other things, including cancer (being monitored for lymphoma/leukemia now), I was sent to a gynecological oncologist surgeon who does the complete wrong outdated terrible no good surgery. She wanted to just do a full hysterectomy and ablation of endo lesions. ❌An updated 1 year colonoscopy after my disastrous 2021 ulcerative colitis/endometriosis flare up that landed me in the hospital. My mesorectal lymph nodes are a little enlarged and there’s a mysterious lesion in my colon, which is why they sent me to a cancer doctor for bloodwork and PET scan—but I strongly believe it’s just endometriosis invading my bowels, which is why I need the endo surgery so bad as well. I'm at the point where my colon will completely go on strike and the pain from the constipation is ER-level (especially when my period from hell comes). It's also just dangerous. I've never had this problem so intensely before, so I'm being even more careful with food and supplements. ❌Pelvic floor physical therapy to help with debilitating pelvic pain caused by endometriosis and other things ❌ A pain management doctor who can prescribe me Tramadol, which helps keep me out of the ER every month, and that has minimal side effects. Something I’ve taken safely for 6 years with no complications. Instead, they'll only Rx Suboxone, which makes it hard to function and has side effects that can cause colitis or narcolepsy complications. I have to take 1/8 of a dose and I still pay for it later.
I had so many arguments with doctors to correct them when they brought up the wrong treatment, wrong surgery, etc. Not only did some of them already know it was bullshit, but others wouldn’t even try to have an open enough mind to keep learning past medical school.
This year was a lot of disappointment and frustration. I feel so worn down. This kind of medical trauma erodes hope and optimism. When intuition about our own bodies and the hours we put into research means nothing to medical professionals or insurance, it feels like we're at the end of the road. I wouldn’t wish the necessity for this kind of resilience on anyone. I wouldn’t have been able to withstand this year without the ketamine therapy or support from friends and followers. I cannot express what it means to have that, especially when I'm still pretty isolated day-to-day. To manage things on my own, I paid out of pocket for acupuncture, cryotherapy, red light therapy, ketamine, many new supplements, all kinds of new massage/trigger point/gua sha/acupressure tools. I went hard on a self-care/pain mgmt routine that I’m proud of, but I’m still very much disabled by persistent, impenetrable chronic pain/fatigue. I was thankfully able to get some prescriptions that help with flare ups, such as Xanax and Toradol. This is one of my many blessings in 2022. My fight is far from over but I want to go into 2023 with softness.
No more pushing through 16 appts per month while also forcing myself to constantly record and edit new content. I want to recline my floor chair and rest my back while I focus on editing older stuff. I have no idea how long it will take to get through my backlog of projects but I’m going to be putting certain things on hiatus so I can just take it slow.
If you enjoy any of my content at all, please share it and consider donating. Your support helps me afford my supplements and medication to keep managing my symptoms even when I'm not able to work that much. GoFundMe: Help New get relief from chronic pain & illness Ko-Fi: Make a micro-donation (name in YouTube endscreen!) Patreon: Monthly support and access to Hologram Discord server (name in YouTube endscreen!) Thank you for helping me be strong this year, Holograms. I love you all very much.
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ener-chi · 5 months
Hi, a question for ya! I recalled somebody I talked to who said they tried physiotherapy but that it didn't do much for them and they described dealing with routine body discomfort to the point of needing a walker/stroller. This made me remember one of your journals about the benefits of tuina. In your opinion, what's the biggest difference between physiotherapy and tuina and why does the latter seem to be proven more effective?
Hi anon!
I'll be honest, I am no expert - I'm still definitely a student who is learning. So please keep that in mind, and I apologize for not being more knowledgeable about things than I am at the moment. Anywho
So Tuina technically translates to "push grasping" and has been around for at least as long as Chinese Medicine has been around, which is 2000 years. While technically it is a massage, it should be considered more of a "Chinese Medical Massage."
What this means is that it is actually based around Chinese Medicine, and is considered a part of it. You can use Tuina to treat - well, anything really, like colds, menstrual pain, abdominal issues, etc. - anything that acupuncture can treat. But more than that, Tuina is also a comprehensive and effective treatment modality that is especially good for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.
I can't speak to how Tuina compares to physiotherapy, because I don't really know too much about the latter. But I CAN personally attest to the efficacy of Tuina treating musculoskeletal stuff - I have, myself personally in class, fixed some partially dislocated ribs and treated some things like bulging disks, sacroiliac joint dislocation, neck pain, and more.
I think one thing I can say for sure is that Tuina has the benefit of usually being alongside acupuncture. While it can be done standalone, Tuina is much more effective when done with acupuncture, and acupuncture treatments are enhanced by the Tuina as well.
One other thing to mention about Tuina vs. Western Medicine that our professor talks about a lot in class sometimes is that there are some things that Tuina treats and knows about that Western Medicine hasn't known about, or that they are just now coming around to. For example, SI Joint Subluxation is something that doesn't readily show up on an x-ray, and Western Medicine hasn't come around to the idea of until recently, or know how to treat it.
Also, some Tuina techniques are exclusive to Chinese Medicine, and aren't used or taught anywhere else. This allows them to treat things in different ways that could potentially be more effective.
Anywho, that's the spiel! I can't guarantee that Tuina would be more effective than PT for this person you spoke with, or for anyone really - BUT I would HIGHLY encourage people to try it. Perhaps you'll be shocked by the results (:
Thanks for the ask! I hope this helps!
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tuesdayisfordancing · 9 months
It’s entirely possible that even the “good” chiropractors are mostly doing dangerous hooey, and I fully respect the point that the minimum requirement to be a physical therapist is much much more valuable than the minimum requirement to be a chiropractor - there is stuff you can’t get away with as a physical therapist and that’s an important point! - but it is not inherently true that chiropractors won’t tell you to go to physical therapists and other doctors. My chiropractor tentatively diagnosed my sciatic pain as coming from a bulging disk, sent me off to my regular doctor to get an x-ray to confirm that it wasn’t something worse that he might aggravate in trying to treat, and then created my exercise plan to fix it and helped me adjust said plan as needed. Maybe the back cracking that he also did was dangerous! I can believe that all else being equal I would have been better off with a regular physical therapist and no back cracking or being stretched on the weird table. But I’ve been to physical therapists and they vary in quality so you know. All else is not always equal.
Probably just listen to the people saying don’t go to a chiropractor, because what the hell do I know, and crucially the rate of physical therapists waving a magic wand over you and claiming they can cure your ADHD by pinching your neck and feet is much much lower than the rate of chiropractors doing that (though if you’ve been to a lot of doctors you know that the rate of Official Respectable Doctors sneaking their own preferred brand of woo in is never zero - shout out to the neurologist who wouldn’t even discuss painkillers unless I tried acupuncture first), but I have gotten good treatment that stood the test of time from a chiropractor before and bad treatment that made me worse from a physical therapist so. Shruggie. Perhaps even a good chiropractor is ultimately a bad idea but the overlap between what a good chiropractor does and what a good physical therapist does is significant. Of course difficulty of finding out which ones are doing “solidly grounded physical therapy plus precision back cracking which may be dangerous hooey” vs which ones are planning to tap you on the ankle with a magic wand or only do the back cracking without assessing what you really need before putting your body in their hands is its own major problem, which is why you should listen to other people and not me. But I’m just saying.
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renuvenate · 2 years
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Best Centre of Acupuncture Treatment in Bromley, London
If you are looking acupuncture for back pain, acupuncture pregnancy, acupuncture for neck pain, acupuncture for fertility then contact Renuvenate. Renuvenate is the best acupuncture clinic in Bromley, uk. For more information visit our website.
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soulpotentialacu · 2 years
How Acupuncture Works to Relieve Back and Neck Pain
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Have you experienced injuries to your back and neck that just won’t heal? Do you want a treatment method that doesn’t involve narcotics or surgery? Acupuncture may be an ideal treatment method for you.
Your lower back and neck are vulnerable parts of your body that are prone to injury in sports, exercise, and other vigorous activities. Bending, lifting, and twisting can damage your muscles and ligaments over time, or simply as you age. After years of movement and activity, some common conditions that can develop are herniated discs, thickened ligaments, and spinal stenosis. Other people may experience back and neck pains from fibromyalgia.
The different types of neck and back pains may vary from person to person. If you have chronic dull aches, stabbing pains, tingling, or numbness, and these are not a result of more serious conditions, you may be a good candidate for acupuncture. At Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness in Castle Rock, Colorado, Vonda Muncy has years of experience treating patients with pains like yours by using acupuncture, a safe, effective, and surgery-free way to start feeling better.
How acupuncture works
Acupuncture is a great choice for alleviating back and neck pain because these aches are often difficult to treat with traditional medical means. Many doctors will prescribe opioids for chronic pain, but these heavy drugs carry a risk of dependence and addiction, making them the least ideal option for many patients.
While the idea may sound strange and counter-intuitive, stimulating painful parts of the body with special needles alleviates pain associated with several kinds of medical conditions. The practice was developed thousands of years ago in China, so it has a successful track record.
Acupuncture opens energy pathways that are ideal for great health. Using special needles, acupuncture opens these energy pathways, called meridians, near the area that is causing you pain. This practice releases blocked energy, restoring the body’s natural balance. This allows for natural healing to occur. Vonda Muncy uses this balancing method, along with several other methods, in her practice.
Learn more about acupuncture for back and neck pain
If you’re tired of suffering from constant aches and pains and want to learn about a treatment option that doesn’t involve surgery or narcotics, call Vonda Muncy for a consultation. You can also schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.
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