doctorwyvern · 7 months
you guys don’t understand how much i love them
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chmarzity · 8 months
Everyone talks about how Dr. Ahem created Quadron, but why isn’t anyone talking about how he also created Kyborg?
Yes, I’m talking about the scene in episode 80 when we get a glimpse into each of the characters’ memories. Specifically Kyborg’s flashback, when a mysterious cloaked figure approaches a young Kydelius in the Evirwinter woods, tending to him and attaching his prosthetic arm, complete with a hauntingly beautiful draconic melody. The scene is never brought up again, and the only clue to the stranger’s identity are his first words to Kydelius — “No harm. Hansel.”
Acutarius Hansel Ameritusian, or as we know him in his later years, Dr. Ahem.
So what was Dr. Ahem — AKA a young Acutarius — doing in the Evirwinter woods? Looking for his brother. Acutarius had been following Quadron’s path of destruction in hopes of finding him. He saw the devastation of Kydelius’ village, and found the sole survivor of the massacre, a child, alone in the cold without an arm. Imagine the immense guilt he felt, seeing what his brother had done because of him. And in a futile attempt to mend what had been broken, he did what he knew how to do — give an arm to someone who didn’t have one.
It’s not specified wether Kyborg ever learned Hansel was Dr. Ahem, but it goes without a doubt Dr. Ahem recognized Kyborg the moment he laid eyes on him at the Infinight HQ. And he carried that secret, that burden of guilt until the day he died. When he told Kyborg there was so much he wanted to say to him, he never got to to tell him everything.
I think I need a moment
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doctorwyvern · 7 months
i’m such a big glasses hansel truther
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here’s just some quick design doodles + headcanons while we’re at it
• hansel Does have huge silly glasses and yes he Does look ridiculous. but he is blind as hell and can’t see with out them
• dresses super professionally in hopes that the people of tetorah will take him a little more serious (as kobolds are often looked down upon)
• some people dont take his dream of getting a doctorate seriously. he does his best not to let that hold him back, but sometimes it still gets to him
• this design is for when he first starts college!
• him and quadarius have like a 5-8 year age gap
• him and quadarius share the same star shaped birthmark, with hansel’s being on the back of his neck
• this is more of a worldbuilding headcanon, but kobolds porbably arent taken seriously the way goblins are, like they are viewed as simple monster-like creatures? just a thought
• tabulains would also apply to that,something something “bats are rats of the sky” something something vermin something something
• quadarius has piercing orange eyes. stare into your soul
• when in tetorah he hides his wings with a big cloak and hunching over, this develops into a nasty habit of just constantly hunching
• his wings too big for his got damn body
• only wears old beat up clothes, most of his clothes were hansel’s that he sewed to fit his wings and arms (or lack there of)
• he’s grown out of those clothes however, he’s more average human height
• digitigrade legs
•also wouldn’t it be so funny if his middle name was gretel so it would be…quadarius gretel emurtasian…heheehheeh
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doctorwyvern · 7 months
I saw you reblogged aroacesetitoff headcanon about Bart comforting kyborg during night terrors and my mind was instantly filled with possibilities 👐;
Kyborg instinctively reacting violently to someone touching him while he’s still asleep and in scared fight mode, so much that he ends up hurting Bart by accident or at the very least scaring him by suddenly pinning him down or violently pushing him away.
Kyborg despite being so active and over the top while awake will when he’s asleep tuck in all his limbs to make himself as small as possible and stay completely still, a habit from his time being scared and alone on the wilderness with the fear of quadron returning and any wild animals that might be lurking nearby. This freaks the others out so much and the first few times they saw it they had for their own mental health occasionally check that kyborg was in fact still alive and breathing.
Bart once being especially tired when he wakes up to kyborgs quiet nightmare somehow gets his thoughts muddled up and attempts to pick up and swaddle kyborg the Sam way he did with baby gum gum. Xx
I LOVE GIVING KYBORG TRAITS LIKE THESE ARGH im totes gonna add onto this
kyborg, when he first entered his internship, found it very hard to relax after all his time in the woods. he definitely had trouble sleeping at night (trancing?) and would just stare at the ceiling in his room. think about it, it’s his first time having a warm safe place to live, having a constant food source and an actual bed to sleep in. when dr ahem was well again, he began to cook all the interns their meals [because that’s what a quartermaster does] and kyborg gets his meal and just. sits at the table. it’s probably his first time having dinner in forever. he had a nice hot meal in front of him and he just. doesn’t know what to do. everyone else is done eating and he’s just at the table awkwardly
dr ahem eventually notices this and is like “hey, you don’t have to ask to eat, you can just go ahead.” as kyborg picks at his lukewarm meal. he quietly responds “yeah i know” he finally shovels down his meal and dr ahem cleans the dishes and he just feels really weird about it but he can’t say why. eventually kyborg learns to really love eating with eveyrone else, reminds him of home.
sometimes he struggles to eat but when he doenst show up for meals he can find a hot plate on his bedside table.
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doctorwyvern · 9 months
You and I sit patiently
Cross-legged on the floor
A pomegranate in my palms.
Carefully quartered and ripe,
I rip it to pieces to share.
I dig my claws in to carefully
And meticulously
Separate the seeds from
Its bitter white flesh.
My hands stain burgundy
And yours remain clean.
Sickly sweet blood drips
Onto my neat
Pressed brown slacks
And the grass leaves marks
On your old blue jeans.
I feed you handfuls
Of juicy red arils.
You suck off the flesh
And spit out the seeds.
My brother,
I will always love you,
I proclaim
As I wipe
Your face away of stain.
I pray you never see
The cruelty
Of the world.
And when you
Are much older
I hope you peel
My nectarine
And separate its
Bitter white flesh
From its ripe fruit.
When you are
Much wiser
I hope you kiss me
On both my cheeks
And swallow the seeds
Of your fruit.
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doctorwyvern · 8 months
Quadarius and Acutarius Hansel Emeritusian (QnA) poetry because i am insane
Oh, sweet brother of mine,
it’s been a long time since
i’ve looked into your eyes.
I see you now, as you see
yourself and I see the hate
you carry in your soul and
upon your back, and I see
the horrible things you have
done, and I wish you would
lay your head upon my lap
just the way you did when we
were young and I wish that it
wasn’t true, I wish that you were
still the same meek boy you were
all those years ago. But I look into
your eyes and I see my reflection
and I know the thing I loved and cared
for is long gone, lost.
Lost beneath cold embers,
in a long forgotten place.
I wish I could have saved you
from such a horrible fate
but the rot festered in your soul
and grew into hate you hold
in your crafted hands.
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doctorwyvern · 6 months
still not ever going to be over how much acutarius hansel emurtasian loses. and loses. and loses again
he loses his brother in tetora and never sees him again
he loses the infinights, paralyte, and mayor prattle
he loses the use of his legs and he feels he loses his worth, dignity, and respect
he loses marcy after rescuing her from paralyte and nursing her back to health
he loses slique and spectril in the elderpines. he never sees them again
he never told kydelius his secret for fear of losing their trust. he only tells him when he is losing his life.
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doctorwyvern · 4 months
refurbished my qna board if u even care
formatted it so it goes quadron, then qna, then just ahem. or that’s what i was trying to do anyway i’m still picking at it
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doctorwyvern · 9 months
acutarius never though quadarius had evil intentions he just thought his brother was really autistic about becoming a robot send post
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doctorwyvern · 9 months
i’m literally going to THROW UP i can’t stop thinking about quadarius and acutarius ARGH
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