theestuaryandthesea · 2 years
AcWriMo 2022
Alright, so I know AcWriMo is mostly dead, but I'm resurrecting it in the interest of not crying over deadlines being productive. I don't think I'll hit 50,000 words, but I do want to finish drafts of a few things.
In descending priority:
Dissertation intro chapter - Current status: Outlined - Goal: 4-6000 words - Deadline: Mid-December
Dissertation Ch. 2 - Current status: Partial draft, messy (5200 words) - Goal: 6-7000 words total - Deadline: Mid-December
Feminist methods article accepted for special issue - Current status: Abstract lol - Goal: 2-6000 words - Deadline: Early January
Project proposal for DH fellowship - Current status: Partial draft (350 words) - Goal: No more than 2 pages, total - Deadline: Mid-December
Fellowship blogs, I guess - Nov. blog conducting environmental scan for project (1-2000 words) - Dec. blog introducing project proposal (1-2000 words)
Trans + Zoom U article to sub to C&W - Current status: Partial draft (2350 words) - Goal: 4-6000 words - Deadline: None, but it would be nice to submit this in late January or early February Total words to-be-written: 11-16,000 words lol
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lawlesszest · 2 years
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nii-hieromythic · 11 months
Ugh oh my god it's the writing month
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zinjanthropusboisei · 2 years
I just signed up for AcWriMo, a one month writing challenge where I try to finish my dissertation in a month 😬
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gradling · 2 years
Seeing AcWriMo in the gradblr tag…maybe I should give that a shot 👀
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drtonykeen · 11 months
New blogpost: various matters related to my Screening Britannia book.
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metaphornik · 2 years
Improving academic writing: Four books to read during #AcWriMo
Improving academic writing: Four books to read during #AcWriMo
What is #AcWriMo November is the month of writing. There’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for writing fiction but also AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month) for producing academic writing. The idea behind NaNoWriMo is to make a commitment and finish a piece of writing. This makes more sense for fiction because everyone has that novel inside them and having a month to have a go all out at it…
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5minofscience · 7 years
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Science joke of the day: For more jokes and their explanations visit http://www.5minofscience.com/jokes . Share with your friends!! #chemistry #laboratory #AcWri #badsciencejoke #AcWriMo #ShutUpAndWrite #GetYourManuscriptOut #OA #OpenScience #SciComm #sciencejokes #jokes
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phd-in-crying · 7 years
Okay friends, I’m back.
I took a necessary break from my studyblr, but I think I’m back in a headspace where it will be helpful. In the last little while I’ve written my literature GRE, come to a conference (presenting tomorrow!), figured out the project I’m pitching for my Statement of Intent, and kind of come up with final essay topics for my classes. I still have a lot to do this semester - I’m giving a lecture in the course I’m TAing for on Monday, I have a draft essay due Tuesday that I haven’t started yet, I have a book review next Wednesday for a book I haven’t started reading yet, and I have a stack of unmarked essays I need to mark and hand back that day too. Still, it’s all going to get done, because it has to, and it actually feels like I can do it and talk about it again!
This month I’m also doing AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month), with a goal of writing at least 9,000 words (with a stretch goal of 12,000). If you’re also doing it, let me know and we can suffer together.
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green-romantic · 7 years
So, I can’t do NaNoWriMo this year because of being swamped with grad school, but I found the AcWriMo hashtag on Twitter! It’s an awesome hashtag for academics who want to get stuff done.
So, my AcWriMo pledge is to finish two chapters of my thesis!
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ladymaewords · 5 years
November is Academic Writing Month #AcWriMo (formerly Academic Book Writing Month, #AcBoWriMo) http://www.raulpacheco.org/2012/10/november-is-academic-writing-month-acwrimo-formerly-academic-book-writing-month-acbowrimo/
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nii-hieromythic · 11 months
Acwrimo word count or w/e Day 1: 2,050
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spncr · 5 years
AcWriMo Day 1 - my plan & current research
My plan for November is to do some academic writing or research (or both!) each day. This is going to look like one of:
- a 300 word summary of some research done
- a 1000 word blog post about any academic topic that I’ve previously done some research ofor
- a 1000 word blog post on some meta-academic topic like doing research, writing academically etc
My goals for AcWriMo:
- wide reading to figure out a research topic for my thesis
- get into the habit of reading/writing academically as a habit
Currently I’m writing a research proposal for a class at uni. It’s an investigation of the factors that affect trans people’s choice of neopronouns. Essentially, considering that they/them function, and are generally accepted as, a singular third person pronoun in English, what is the reason that people still feel like they need to use other pronouns? The reasons found in most research say that it’s a case of finding a pronoun that suits their identity. This is a vague concept, so my aim is to understand it more. Nounself pronouns make sense because usually it’s because the person identifies somewhat with the noun. But one study found that ze/hir was more associated with masculinity than femininity - why’s that? I’m looking into iconicity- perhaps some sounds are more harsh or masculine than others. In addition, I wonder if how a word looks plays a part. For example, why are ae/aer and xe/xem pronouns spelt like that, when ay/air and ze/zem would be more phonetically obvious? I particularly think this is an interesting question when considering that most neopronoun use is online on sites like twitter and tumblr. The other thing to consider is that they/them pronouns are conjugated using plural verb forms and this might be somewhat ‘othering’ in its difference from he and she. I want to do a survey as well as more in depth interviews to find broad reasons that people give.
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stargazypie · 3 years
committing to the totally defunct concept of AcWriMo because I am a crazy person with a deathwish or something
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5minofscience · 7 years
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Science joke of the day: For more jokes and their explanations visit http://www.5minofscience.com/jokes. Share with your friends!! #AcWri #badsciencejoke #AcWriMo #womeninscience #OA #OpenScience #SciComm #sciencejokes #jokes #physics #mathjokes #math
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green-romantic · 7 years
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to write a post about my research, because this is technically my English lit blog along with random stuff and activism.
I’m writing my third thesis chapter right now on The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe. I’m taking part in AcWriMo this month and am trying to finish this chapter as well as my Introduction. 
What I’m focusing on is ecofeminism in Romantic Gothic novels. What does that mean? I’m writing about women characters written by women authors who are using green spaces in order to push back against patriarchal power structures in the eighteenth century.
There are some issues with the women=nature and men=culture dichotomy, but what I’m finding in my novels is that women and nature are granted their own agency to act, and that nature grants women that agency.
It’s a fun topic, and even though grad school is really busy right now, I’m enjoying my work. 
If anyone has any questions about my research, feel free to send me an ask!
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