weavingmemories · 3 years
For the OT3 meme, what about Adajimaruki in L1 or L2, whichever you prefer? :3
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iiiii MAY have overdone it.... but it was a lot of fun once I got the poses down!! thanks for the ask! :3c
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artekai · 3 years
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Gee, Dojima! How come you get to have two hot reality bending boyfriends? 😳
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penthepoet · 4 years
Wait, hold on, you also ship Adajimaruki??? aaaaaaaaaaaaa I knew you shipped Adajima and Adaruki, but I guess I never expected to run into another Adajimaruki shipper ever?? Great minds think alike, GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE, I SAY! Have a wonderful week, fellow rarepair legend :D
Yeah, I do! I love Adajima so much and how Adachi’s balanced out by Dojima, but I also can’t get enough of Adaruki and the duality between the two so I was just... Why Not Just Combine ‘em So I Don’t Have To Choose?
It’s getting to the point where I’m considering making it canon to “Jester, Meet Your Son, The Moon” at some point, though there’s gotta be a lot of character development between Maruki and Adachi to get to that point lmao
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artekai · 2 years
It's supposed to be an Adaruki AU, but Adajimaruki in the superhero AU would honestly be so funny. Adachi and Takuto are secretly and separately two of the most powerful and scariest supervillains in the nation. Dojima is just a random cop. He has no idea, and both Adachi and Takuto want to keep it that way for different reasons.
I feel like Adachi and Takuto would find out each other's secret identities pretty early on, but Dojima would be none the wiser. Even after all of the superhero stuff has gone down, he still has no clue that the culprits he was looking for for years literally kissed him at his wedding. He only finds out twenty years later, long after Adachi and Takuto have retired, when Takuto makes an offhand comment about their supervillain gig over breakfast. Dojima spits his coffee and goes WHAT while Adachi just gives Takuto an annoyed look worth his supervillain title. And then Takuto smiles just so, SO awkwardly and goes "oh, did we, uhm, forget to mention that? oh haha that's awkward haha hah"
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artekai · 4 years
I may be a bit addicted to this
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artekai · 4 years
I checked out that one prompt generator I’ve been seeing around lately, and once again I had very good luck on the first try.
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artekai · 3 years
It’s been a while since I talked about my Kirby AU, but I think Mookie and Adachi should dress up as Magolor and Marx for Halloween :3
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artekai · 2 years
Takuto (since someone has to do it and I like hearing you go on about him)
Hehe glad to know I'm consistent at least!!!! ^^ And thank you, that is such a sweet compliment 🥺🥺🥺
What I like about them
EVERYTHING ^^ He's the PERFECT man, he's never done anything wrong ever, I love everything he does, he could be drinking water and I'd be right there cheering him on :3
What I dislike about them
Why tf??? Would you bring back Kamoshida???? And Madarame???? Wtf. I know that I don't get to decide who gets to get redemption and who doesn't, but, putting aside the fact that Takuto did decide that Shido didn't deserve redemption so clearly he doesn't mind the morality of that, why are you putting victims close to their abusers. I don't care if they're changed now. I don't like it one bit.
Favourite moment
Every second he was onscreen :3
Least favourite moment
I INSIST that Atlus should have shown us that he was alright after 3/2 ;-; PLEASE I wanted to care about the Thieves' plans for the future or whatever but I literally couldn't bring myself to when I was panicking over my husband's fate lmao. He was literally hanging off a ledge one second and the next they just went on without bothering to give so much as a hint to where he was :| Unsatisfying is one way to describe it lmfao. Shaking whoever was responsible for that decision as we speak.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
Oh, you know I'm willing to put him in all sorts of situations... I dunno if I can think of a specific one right now haha :') Maybe more post-canon stuff? More stuff about him alone in his palace? Idk, I just love a good Takuto character study in general haha.
An interesting AU for this character
Oh man. I have way more AUs than I can count asdfghjg where would I even start? Any and all? As long as he isn't slotted into a generic villain role to get hated on. Dark Takuto is great, but come on, take his characterization into consideration :')
A crossover
If you know me, you know I'm capable of inserting him into anything I like lmao :') But the most recent ones in my mind have been the CXGF crossover and the DDLC AU, so I guess those.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Ohhh, right now I'm mostly into Samaru :') But I do still have a soft spot for Dojiruki <3
Other ships?
Takurumi, Adaruki, Adajimaruki, Takutaro, Takujun, and the crossover ones, etc etc etc..... Of course there's some that I ship more than others, but I just enjoy exploring him in different relationships with different people.
Takuto and Kai
Probably him and Akiren ^^
An assortment of headcanons! 
Can't think of any right now, sorry :')
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artekai · 3 years
I can’t find the post right now, but does anyone remember that idea I had about an AU with Adajima as Shuake? Believe it or not, I haven’t forgotten that, haha. I don’t know what to do with the other Phantom Thieves or with the Shido situation, but I might just fully embrace the self-indulgence and make Takuto Sumi so that the Royal trio is Adajimaruki...
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artekai · 3 years
Adajimaruki T-T
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