androidboy · 2 years
happy birthday frankie!!!!!!!!! hope you have a super chill day and relaxing and fulfilling year ❤️❤️
Thank you 💗💗💗
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judesstfrancis · 3 years
hi gabby! hope you're doing well <3 I was wondering if you'd be able to give advice on writing sports aus? you're so good at them and make them enjoyable for sports fans and non-fans, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how to handle that as well as pacing? thanks sm!!!!!!!
ahh, hello elle!! I'm doing very well I hope u are too!
personally all of my sport au's are love letters to sports that I love so I think that makes it easy for me to make the subject interesting for others who may not regularly enjoy the sport. I think caring about something a lot really shows when u write about it, and that makes people a lot more receptive to reading it and enjoying it.
as for the pacing, I always start every sports au by pinning down a goal for my team. are they underdogs trying to make it to the playoffs, are they trying to improve their game, do they just want to beat their division rivals. it's good to know exactly what direction u want to take the sport aspect in and how u want it to end and that makes it loads easier to set up a sort of timeline for how u want your story to go
like for my baseball au, I started with the idea that there was a Not Great Pitcher who needed to improve his game and I knew I wanted to end on a high note, even if that high note was vague. so the bare bones pacing was: he's bad -> he's getting better -> he's better -> the team succeeds, and that helped me separate things into acts and plan out how many scenes should be in each one.
and I think that really helps u structure other things in your story as well!! like if you're focusing on a relationship, where does each step towards your end goal leave your couple. how do they feel at each point in their progression, do they get closer do they fight is there miscommunication. whether you're telling a story about sports purely for the sake of telling a story about sports or just using the sport as a vehicle for something else, I think it's really helpful to have that small "I want x team/player to do x and they're going to do it by xyz" to refer back to so u can figure out where everything fits
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perenial · 3 years
happy birthday!!!!!!! I hope the weather is nice and I am personally handing you a slice of cake 🎂
ahhh thank u elle!! the weather IS really nice today im about to take my dog for a walk 🐕💞
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torsamors · 3 years
hiii tori happy birthday!!!!! i think it's late enough for it to be for you at least!!! i just wanted to say you're a wonderful person and i'm so happy to know you and think you deserve the title of bones's biggest fan <3<3<3 mwah
WAAH thank you<33 yes its 12:30 here<3 i love u sm and im so happy to know you too mwah a big huge kiss for my fellow bones/kirk truther
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pendraegon · 3 years
you already know this but I'm a spockcoded jimgirl (gn) <3
in this house we love our spockcoded jimgirls (gn)
tell me your star trek kins on this holy aos 4 day
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sirdeln · 3 years
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made this for @adamsveins
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advicemp3 · 3 years
song #17!
17. captain hook by megan thee stallion 
send me a number! ♡
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onlyonekenobi · 3 years
hi I think your blog would taste like homemade roasted pumpkin seeds <3
I LOVE YOU this is such a cozy thing <3 i think your blog would taste like mint and vanilla, or maybe like the really good blue gatorade
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ahomeboylives · 4 years
for the doodles: a possum!! if you're feeling generous perhaps many possums!
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[image id: a drawing of five opossums on a branch. there is one mother with 4 babies on her back. all of them are multitoned gray, with pink noses, and the mother’s tail is visible. below the branch is written in all-caps, “fambily” with a heart next to it. /end id]
this is my first time drawing possums!!!<3 i’ll be practicing them in more doodle-like ways soon i hope
send me some doodle/drawing prompts to get to over the next few days?
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cardinalvalentino · 3 years
7 and 10 for the soft asks !
hello elle :)
7. what colour brings you peace?
i mean. everyone is expecting this answer. pastel blue <3 lmaoooo but also gray and beige
10. what's something youre excited for?
ngl short term not much... i was supposed to see a play but they cancelled it cause of corona.... hmm im seeing some friends i dont see a lot tomorrow thats nice :) long term definitely moving !
[soft asks to get to know people]
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sodrippy · 3 years
17 and 70!
17. hala hala / ateez
70. good good / key
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ollieofthebeholder · 3 years
wip weekend ask meme: loud!
“What's so significant about sunset that it should be so loud out there?”
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judesstfrancis · 3 years
23 and 50 for the oc asks!
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
mari and carter both have had The Biggest change in their characters!! they used to be in a regular ol' romcom and now they are in a very traumatic summer camp horror full of ghosts and illegal human experimentation <3 carter was originally an editor at a publishing company while mari was a baker opening up her first store front while having to deal with raising her younger sister on her own after her mom dies. now they are summer camp counselors trying not to get eaten by ghosts! and they have a hot trans goth best friend! definitely a glow up if u ask me
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
I'm going to be honest with u I have been thinking a lot about traumatizing my poor sweet goth jude I'm sorry it unfortunately has to happen. he's gonna be fine, spoiler alert, bc she's my favorite BUT. she is gonna almost die. and they are gonna spend a good few pages having a Little Bit of a breakdown. and that is going include them thinking about their sibling bc she has a little bit of guilt there regarding leaving her sibling all alone with their parents when he left. (another spoiler: jude's parents suck for reasons relating to they have queer children and are absolutely freaks about it) but the good news is, at the end, when everyone makes it out more or less in one piece, jude's sibling is there. bc mari is his first emergency contact and she was there and also fucked up when it all went down, obviously, so they called the second emergency contact: jude's sibling. bc jude has never had the heart to change it, even when she hasn't talked to them in years. and jude, for the first time, gets to meet their little sister, all grown up and even taller than they are. and there's a lot of feelings they have to work through, it's a little awkward, bc jude is so full of guilt about it all and their sister isn't quite angry she more just........has questions. she understands, to a point, but she'd still like an explanation. and they get to heal together! jude reintroduces her to mari and mari gives her the biggest hug she can manage and tells her how much she missed her, how beautiful she's gotten. jude introduces her to carter and they hit it off pretty much immediately. when they're allowed to go home, jude's sister introduces him to the family she made all on her own. and they get to go out for brunch together on the weekends, and she gets invited over to jude and mari and carter's place for movie nights all the time and of COURSE her self made family is always welcome, bc jude is so so grateful to all of them for the way they've all taken care of her when he wasn't able to. and they are all happy and whole for what feels like the first time in their lives amen
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perenial · 3 years
uhhhh here's something from my thesis bc i can't think of anything else to write rn
Part of the process for semiotic analysis is the creation of inventories that catalogue the past, present, and occasionally future resources that bear semiotic potential. Much like a dictionary, these inventories are never fully completed, nor are they all-encompassing; instead, they take a snapshot of the world as its author views it, detailing the hills and valleys of their social landscape and picking apart the minutiae that others might take for granted. As such, what can be added to this inventory is mutable and requires flexibility in its construction so as not to act prescriptively in the pursuit of resources. These inventories can be established collections like archives, or newly generated assemblages centred on a particular theme or topic. Van Leeuwen (2005) stresses that although these inventories can be created with specific themes and purposes in mind, flexibility is to be encouraged, not only for the researcher generating the inventory but for others who can draw their own semiotic meanings from the vast array of resources accumulated.
Flexibility in what is included as a semiotic resource allows for semiotic innovation: the active generation of new and changing meanings by semioticians. Van Leeuwen identifies that the drive to generate semiotic change is a recent phenomenon, emerging from Saussure’s tradition of separating synchronic systems from diachronic narratives. A synchronic description provides a depiction of a sign’s attributes at any given moment, while diachronic description explains the history of its evolution. Saussure sought to distance the former from the latter, pushing to prioritise systematic analysis of semiotics as they currently exist; however, this had the unintended consequence of displacing diachronic description almost entirely. Van Leeuwen’s approach to social semiotics seeks to reunite the pair by enacting semiotic innovation, the active participation of semioticians in the generation of new and revised resources.
send me a 🌻 and i'll just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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torsamors · 3 years
59 and 68!
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Ohhhh this is tough……not paint myself as a stereotypical midwesterner but it’d likely be ‘oh yah’ djsbskakzm i say that a lot
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Hmmmmm celery maybe? I hate the flavor of celery so when its added to anything it makes me want to gag dksbsksn
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pendraegon · 3 years
you were like a 6 or 7 to begin with!! but now you're like a 2 just because you're super knowledgeable about baking and arthuriana and it's very impressive <3
elle everyday you say words to me that are kind and sweet and lovely and it makes me want to cry (honorary, loving). also one day we will all get to make baked goods together and that's a threat.
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scale 1-10 how intimidating am i :3c
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