gootube · 3 months
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lostconductor · 8 days
grief warlock brothers yay! - 3/5/24
OHHH my god still going apeshit about dnd. BOTH OF MY WARLOCKS HAVE FORMS OF DREAD CONNECTED WITH GRIEF NAUUURRR. (longpost below)
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i made this as a meme but i think it'd be kind of sexy if i connected adanor and julian's forms of dread to different stages of grief but i can't actually decide what julian's would be because he's kind of just. saddling himself with the grief of others so everyone can be mourned equally. but i guess his form of dread is focused on mauling killing so anger was easiest. but it'd be hard to pin his down. if i were forced to pin one down id go haha bargaining (life for a life) or maybe even acceptance in a weird way i can't put into words but honestly not a specific one for serious.
adanor however is STUPID in denial. he's experienced every other stage except acceptance but denial has him SHACKLEDDDD. his form of dread, unlike julian's, is involuntarily. he goes under form of dread at the DM's word if he fails a save, because he was tricked into making this pact and it's feasting off of his own grief and denial. he literally made a pact with an ancient mother of all evil because it disguised itself as his TOTALLY DEAD WIFE(!!!!) and he could not move on or accept that she is truly gone so he was like oh yep! i knew it! i was right! im not crazy! she's real and alive! fuck you im making this pact! and now he's here. he cannot move on or control his form of dread until he learns to cope with it. and he is! as of recently (like a few sessions ago) he's had. a really bad reality check. and is now forced to accept his reality and his identity outside of his dead wife. and because of this i think he's eventually going to learn to control his form of dread and that will be a win for him. i want to see him cope. julian however is doomed because W ENEVER FINISHED THE CMAPAING HRRGHRG
here are more julian form of dreads. he becomes sort of like. covered in plants and sprouts and flowers. flowers…. his undead patron is mor elike, the overgrowth that reclaims a corpse after it's been dead for a long time. he is a rotting corpse. he moves on all fours and is a big beast. i love him so much
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(form of dread in upper right)
i need to commision some form of dread art of him because i feel like i can never rlly do him justice. he needs to be a BEAST!!!!!!!!! he gets longer gnarlier horns with spikes on them, his tongue becomes either forked or pointed, big fangs that give him a lisp lol, flowers sprout as well as mushrooms and sprouts, and the branches from his back grow longer and gnarlier and kind of have a vice grip on him. their little pawn
also i don't think i've actually properly introduced adanor anywhere other than to my dnd group i've mostly just posted doodles. but there's this dark elf...haha... i set up a toyhouse page for him recently but he's basically just...what if we took adam from lobcorp and locked him in a cave for 29040293 years until he became an insane gay bard
that's all i've got in me. for now. i love dnd. i love collaborative story building . i love it so much. grahhh. grahh!!!
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firebuug · 4 months
HELLOO!! waving really really fast :] 4, 9 and 26 for the oc ask game mmmaybe?
HII looks at u with giant boba eyes. sorry this gets really long because u asked me a music related question. this is unavoidable
4. How did you find the name for a certain character?
god so a lot of my ocs come pre-named, like my lobcorp ocs (all randomly generated ingame) and some of my town of salem ocs (buggy comes from the firebug skin, skuggy is just...sk (serial killer) buggy....) but i think i can list some (slightly more) interesting ones :3
will (my g corp housefly limbus oc) comes from the author of the poem he comes from, william blake
maggie (one of the names of julian's boss) comes from maggot lol
adànor (my dnd character based off...adam lobcorp) was difficult because i was stressin like "uhhhghh how do you name an elven characterrrrrr" but i found this fun website and used it to come up with a first and last name! i chose the prefix Adàn because it's literally jsut the spanish way to say adam lol....also bcuz im hispanic and it sounds better than just a d a m .... used the suffix -or because it sounded nicest and elfy lol, it also means flower (just according to this little site) which is fun. his last name is caldeth which sounds epic but also means eternal faith which...fits his character lol. i pulled up a bunch of name meanings for adàn and used the one i liked most LMFAO so in the early days of the campaign (when he was still innocent.......and very egotistical lol) he'd introduce himself like "i am adànor caldeth, which means earth flower of undying faith . . " or some pretentious shit like that. it was pretty funny while it lasted
bierrab kaluk (my aaracokra dnd character, which is a giant bird) is literally just mangled up "birb" and "cluck" LOL. my friend fuzz helped me come up w this one and it stuck
5. What is one of your character’s theme songs?
GIGGLES....so this is difficult bc i have whole playlists for ocs rather than single songs, but i can definitely go through and pick out the songs that fit the most for them?
julian is hard because you kind of need the Whole playlist to get a gist of all of the multitudes he is made up of. man stuck in a time loop. man who is exhausted but keeps running anyways. man who cant stop thinking he is full of bugs and worms. man who is deeply in love with someone who keeps dying. but my friend showed me a few songs that really clicked so i can say that as of rn the most julie themes are for the departed and rule 21: momento mori :3
eva. grabs him so hard squeezes him SHAKES HIM AROUND SO HARD. his are piedmont by destroy boys (the autism. the alienation of being raised on one track his whole life isolated from normality (he was a nestie raised solely to work at a wing) and having nothing in common with anyone because all he was allowed to be was a success story. nostalgia for memories he's never had (time loops erased except for little bits and pieces from past abnormalities. he woke up one day knowing how to play perfect piano from la luna). blue. dissociation. eva song fr) and usseewa by ado (if youve listened to this song you know. corporate slave anger and rage. u get it). as a bonus his distortion themes r machine gun poem doll by cosMo-P and abnormality dancin girl by guchiry
adanor's is 100% cannibal by tally hall im so fucking normal about this i can't explain it completely but it fits in line with how his plot went and its. grips . GRIPSSSSS GRIPS he's haunted by his dead wife. to the point where he will undergo horrors and get actually ripped apart for her if its what she wants. he ends up getting manipulated by an evil entity disguising herself as his dead wife into sevrving her by doing exactly that. and he just believed it was her because she loves him and would do him no wrong. hiding in the corners disguised....he's really idolizing the blood moonstone and not his dead wife and he had no idea....until he finally opens his eyes later on but it's too late he's been consumed by what's manipulated him and it's left a permanent scar onto him he doesn't think he'll be able to redeem himself from.....grins so hard my teeth fall out
narae has hall of fame by jeff rosenstock. he has a specific brainrot that causes him to think everyone is out to get him and he needs to constantly be proving himself. he needs to be the one on top at all times etc etc he needs to be competitive until he dies
ummm bonus but. julipede's theme song is bug by kairiki bear teehee. i love how frantic and energetic it is but also u can Feel the paranoia radiating off of it. i love the silly double meaning it has for julipede because bug as in "disease / glitch / illness" ya but also BUG BC HES A BUG.......also i. cant pick apart the lyrics rn but. um. he's . Yeah
26. What’s your favorite relationship/dynamic between a set of OCs?
IDK IF YOU CAN TELL BUT IM A BIG FAN OF DUBIOUSLY ONE-SIDED FRIENDSHIPS. i love it when some guy is so sure he is this other guy's best friend but that other guy wants him to die so so so badly. and the other guy refuses to admit that the only reason he hasnt beat the other guy into a pulp is because that guy genuinely makes his life a little better. this is the julian + eva dynamic and it is also the dynamic between buggy and skuggy the alternate universe besties / twins . also the dynamic between salamander and narae...i just really like it ok.
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jalal5518 · 5 years
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مدرب البرازيل يقلّل من أهمية غياب نيمار عن "كوبا أميركا" http://bit.ly/2WF73j9
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Babi getting pregnant with help of doctor
Dr adanor examining me
Pt 2
Bathing a dog (in a bed) which then turned into aperson whose belongings i had to recollect
Anne with an e
Also, im on my period, which means more sleep and more of a nostalgic touch to everything.
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tkwrtlegends · 7 years
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This is the first draft of the Official Appendix of The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. Most of the characters are from Book II: The Saga of Thranduil with Tolkien Canonical Characters and a few Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen (some will appear in Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen) that are mentioned. 
Some names have been changed (and some may change) so if you’ve been reading the books, some names belonging to some characters might appear differently here. That is in the process of being edited in the entire trilogy--especially Book II: The Saga of Thranduil which is due to be completed within the next few days. Still a work in progress; subject to change. This is easier to follow than the last post which even confuses me. 😁
Don’t get too comfortable: There are more characters and names coming. I have three books you realize.
C = Canonical. EV = Extended Version/s. *Mentioned.
Appendix (Alphabetical Order)
Adanor—Commander of the Army under Isildur; he had long hair—a deep earthen color with green eyes that reflected a commanding, yet kind presence.
Amdir (C)—King of Lórien, father of Amroth. He died in the War of the Last Alliance at the Battle of Dagorlad.
Amroth (C)—Son of Amdir and lover of Nimrodel. After the War of the Last Alliance, he would die waiting for Nimrodel.
Aldáros—An orphaned Silvan elf from the War of the Last Alliance.
Anárion (C)—Son of Elendil and brother of Isildur. He would die in the War of the Last Alliance.
Annariel—Mother of Êlúriel, husband of Nendúril. She was killed during the Second Age.
Aradin—Commander of the King’s Archers in Eryn Galen and a Noldo. Long black hair soft as silk against delicate features across the fairest skin and features with piercing grey eyes. He is the father of Ardúin, Linurial and Súlthulë. He is wedded to Aralótë.
Aradûial—Daughter of Aruilos and Nimlúin. She has her father’s long white golden hair in and mother’s light brown eyes.
Aradúlin—Daughter of Tarthôn and Ëariâth. When she grows up she would marry Elendôr, son of Ardôr and Ninyávë. She has her father’s golden red hair and her mother’s grey eyes.
Aragorn (C)—Son of Arathorn II, descendent of Isildur; heir of Gondor.
Aralótë—Wife of Aradin, mother of Ardúin, Linurial and Súlthulë. She is a beautiful elf with long golden hair and piercing bright blue eyes. Lady of the Court in Eryn Galen.
Aramír—Older brother of Aramoth and son of Nînuir and Linlúin. He has golden hair and eyes the color of eyes of violet ice. Wedded to Tínandril. He is Marchwarden of the North.
Aramoth—Younger brother of Aramír and son of Nînuir and Linlúin. Much as his brother, he had long golden hair but his eyes were a sharp blue. He is wedded to Nenloth. Marchwarden of the South.
Árendil—Youngest daughter of Sírnên and Ninduril, sister of  Nínorë. With eyes of vivid emerald, she had a cascade of long golden tendrils that even I thought beautiful in the sunlight. She is wedded to Melros. After the death of her husband, she went into the Undying Lands with her husband’s mother, leaving her son, Tarthôn with Thranduil.
Aranduil—Son of Elendôr and Aradúlin. Thranduil and Elranduil are his grandfathers. He’s very close to his cousins Nenduîl Nárisil and Tárimë Silmë.
Arasílmë—Wife of Eldúir. Their daughter is Aryávë, one of the most beautiful elves in Eryn Galen.
Arawë—Son of Isílsar and Celebríl.
Areithel—Wife of Arísil, mother of Orísi. She died before the War of the Last Alliance leaving her son and husband in sorrow.
Arísil—High Council and Commander of the Army under Gil-galad. He had long golden brown hair and eyes the color of the sea. His wife was Areithel, mother of his son Orísil, orphaned at Dagorlad when he died.
Andvári—“Gentle-Breeze” with hair and beard of white gold, he is a member of the Council of King Durin III of Khazâd-dûm.
Ardôr—Son of Elranduil and Ardúin. He had his father’s hair and his mother’s eyes save for hints of the color of the sea. Perhaps it came from his Noldorin roots long since passed into lore. When he grows up he will wed Ninyávë. (Prince of Mirkwood: Ardôr Elranduilion)
Ardúin—One of the daughters of Aradin and Aralótë She was an unusual elf in Eryn Galen. She was what was left of the Noldor. With long soft waves the color of the feathers of a raven, she the most unusual piercing eyes one could only describe as golden grey. She is wedded to Elranduil.
Árelë—Son of Elmîr and Aryávë. He will marry Êleníel, daughter of Sildôr and Nínorë. He has the impeccable beauty of his mother, long golden hair with blue eyes like his father. His sister is Silaurë.
Arlómë—Mother of Melros and wife of Eldûmír. She is the fairest of the Silvan, if there be such a thing. Deep blue eyes and long auburn hair with skin near white as snow. After losing her husband and son in the War of the Last Alliance, she left for the Undying Lands.
Aruilos—Younger brother of Ëariâth, son of Nimlos and Sildúriel.  Husband of Nimlúin.
Arlúin—Daughter of Aramoth and Nenloth, wife of Orísil, mother of Eleneth.
Arímë—A peredhel; Wife of Haldúir, mother to Súlelenth. Cousin Êlúriel, Nenloth and Nimlos. Her father Gildúr married her mother, a mortal woman named Sirurial.
Arnîn—Daughter of Aramír and Tínandril, Wife of Randúmîr.
Arod (C)—Legolas’ horse from Rohan (LOTR).
Asfaloth (C)—Glorfindel’s horse (LOTR).
Aryávë—Daughter of Eldúir and Arasílmë. She is the cousin of Aramír and Aramoth. She was chosen of Thranduil but she will wed Elmîr.
Aurëwyn—Wife of Bard (II) of Dale. She is the mother of Bain. She is a direct descendant of Haldúir, father of Súlelenth.
Aûrvar—A second age dwarf serving on the Council of King Durin III of Khazâd-dûm and brother of Jári, General Commander of the Army. He had hair and beard the color of fire.
Aûstri—“East-One”, he is one of the Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm with golden hair and beard. See Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm.
Bain (II)—Son of Bard (II). He is the direct descendant of Bard the Bowman.
Bain I (C)—Son of Bard of Esgaroth and descendant of Girion.
Balin (C)—Balin, older brother of Dwalin, son of Fundin. He would die in Moria.
Bard I (C)—Bard the Bowman, he would bring down Smaug and lead the men of Esgaroth in the Battle of the Five Armies.
Bard II (C)—Son of Brand, son of Bain (I). He would take his father’s throne after he dies during the Second Battle of Dale during the War of the Ring. He resembles his great grandfather Bard (I).
Bain—Son of Bard (II) and Aurëwyn. He is the direct descendent of Bard the Bowman, his great great grandfather. He bears a resemblance to his great grandfather Bain.
Beorn (C)—Skin changer; he would kill Bolg during the Battle of the Five Armies.
Bifur (C)—Dwarf; cousin of Bofur and Bombur.
Bofur (C)—Dwarf; older brother of Bombur; cousin of Bifur. From Moria, not of the line of Durin.
Bombur (C)—Dwarf; younger brother of Bofur cousin of Bifur. From Moria, not from line of Durin.
Brand I (C)—Son of Bain, son of Bard (I). He would die during the Second Battle of Dale during the War of the Ring alongside King Dáin II Ironfoot of Erebor.
Brelin (EV)—Wife of Bard the Bowman (Bard I) and mother of Bain.
Brendîr—A commander of the Army under Anárion.
Celeborn (C)—Lord of Lothlórien and husband of Galadriel. Son of Galadhon and brother of Galathil.
Celebrían (C)—Wife of Elrond and daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel. Mother of Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen Undómiel.
Celebril—Daughter of Súriar and Náriel.
Círdan (C)—Lord of the Falas; first bearer of the Narya.
Culdúros—Tarthôn’s horse. A brown stallion with long red mane and tail. His name means Golden Red Night Foam.
Dáin II Ironfoot (C)—Dwarf; cousin of Thorin Oakenshield. He would become the King of Erebor after the death of Thorin during the Battle of the Five Armies.
Dís (C)—Dwarf, sister of Thorin Oakenshield and Frerin; wife of Stíahn and mother of Fíli and Kíli.
Dori (C)—Dwarf; brother of Ori and Dori from the house of Durin.
Durin (C)—King Durin III, Ruler of Khazâd-dûm (Moria) at the time of the War of the Last Alliance.
Durin (C)—son of Thorin III Stonehelm of Erebor. (LOTR Appendix)
Dwalin (C)—Dwarf, younger brother of Balin, son of Fundin.
Ëariâth—Daughter of Nimlos and Sildúriel. Sister of Aruilos. She had grey eyes with hair like her father—dark as night. When she grew up, she would wed Tarthôn.
Ëarmîr—Nephew of Celeborn and Galathil.
Elarían—Orphan elven child of the Nandor. When she grows up, she would wed Elenadar.
Êldúlin—Daughter of Randúmîr and Arnîn. She has long sand colored hair of her father’s and her mother’s moss green eyes.
Eldôr—Husband to Valdúril, he was tall and fair; with the palest grey eyes of any Sindar. Long and fine was his fair like that of King Oropher, the color the purest gold. So yellow it was that often when he would wander into the sun, it seemed to sparkle as a thousand stars.
Elenadar—Son of Fëaluin and Linurial, twin brother of Elenatar.
Elenatar—Son of Fëaluin and Linurial, twin brother of Elenadar.
Êlengolas*—Pure Sindar with long golden hair and eyes to color of ice. Father of Nimeithel and Valdúril. Wedded to Valdúmîr.
Eleniâth— Wife of Galdúmîr, mother of Fëaluin and Fínduin. She was a Silvan elf, with long waves of the finest brown hair and eyes of dark grey.
Elendôr—Youngest son of Ardôr and Ninyávë, younger brother of Êlenuil and older of [Elwen]. Father of Aranduil. He is wedded to Aradúlin.
Elendil (C)—Father of Isildur and Anárion. High King of Arnor and Gondor.
Êleneth—Daughter of Orísil and Arlúin.
Êleníel—Daughter of Sildôr and Nínorë. She has the long golden hair of her mother and her father’s sky blue eyes.
Elenlúin—Entering Eryn Galen as a child, she was the sister of Elarían. When she became of age, she would wed Elenatar.
Êlenuil—Known as the Everstar because he is the first royal born to carry the bloodlines of the Teleri: Sindarinwa, Noldor and Nandor but also the Silvan. He is the son of Ardôr and Ninyáre and older brother of Elendôr.
Elenorn—High Council and Commander of the Army under King Amdir.
Eldúir—Brother of Linlúin. He was a High Elven Warrior in the Army of Oropher. He is wedded to Arasílmë.
Eldûmír—Father of Melros. A Sinda, he was a trusted member of Oropher’s council as well as a warrior. He would die in the War of the Last Alliance.
Elmîr—Son of Sildúr, brother of Tínandril.
Eluin—Êlúriel’s horse. A wedding gift from Thranduil. White mare with white mane and tail.
Elranduil—Son of Eldôr and Valdúril, sister of Queen Nimeithel of Eryn Galen.
Elrond (C)—Son of Earendil and Elwing; Lord of Rivendell.
Êlúriel—Wife of Thranduil, mother of Legolas Lasgalen and Isilriel Elenare (EV) and foster mother of Tarthôn. In the original version of TSOT, she was killed by an orc while defending Thranduil.
Elwen (EV)—Daughter of Elranduil and Ardúin. Sister of Ardôr and Orísil. She is very close to her cousin, Isílriel.
Erestor (C)—Chief Counsellor of the house of Elrond.
Fângil (See Minstrel of the Rhovanion)
Fëaluin—One of Thranduil’s best friends from childhood. Wedded to Linurial. He becomes the head of Council for Thranduil after the War of the Last Alliance.
Fëaruin—Horse of Amdir. He is a red stallion with red man and tail. His name means Red Flame Spirit.
Fíli (C)—Dwarf; younger brother of Kíli and a son of Stíahn and Dís and an heir of Durin.
Fínduin—Brother of Fëaluin. He died in the War with his father, Galdúmîr. He left behind his wife, Sinomë.
Findúril—Father of Nimlos and Nenloth, brother of Nendúril. He died fighting orcs in Ossiriand. He is wedded to Nimduin.
Findôl—Eastern Border Guard. Brother of Sildôr and Sinomë. Son of Finëar and Nenduriel. He is wedded to Súlthulë, daughter of Aradin and Aralótë.
Finëar—Member of the council of Oropher. He was a timid one, yet he was diplomatic and forthright; his grey eyes shining beneath the long golden hair of the Sindar. Father of Sildôr, Findôl and Sinomë.
Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm—The Dwarf Warrior Factions are split into four fighting forces or battalions named for their commanders that are named for the direction of the Winds.
Gandalf (C)—A Maiar known by many names (Mithrandir among the elves). The Gray Wanderer sent to Middle Earth around 1000 T.A. after the loss of the One Ring with Radagast (Aiwendil) and Saruman (Curunír).
Galadhon (C)*—Son of Elmo; father of Celeborn and Galathil.
Galadriel (C)—Lady of Lothlórien; wife of Celeborn; mother of Celebrían.
Galdúmîr—Commander of the King’s Army, father of Fëaluin and Fínduin. Wedded to Eleniâth.
Galathil (C)—Father of Nimloth wife of Dior; he is the son of Galadhon and brother of Celeborn.
Gimli (C)—Son of Glóin, he is the last heir of Durin.
Gil-galad (C)—The Last High-elven kings of Middle-Earth.
Gildúril—Horse of Aruilos. White stallion with red mane and tail. His name means Brilliant Night Star.
Gildúr—Late father of Arímë, brother of Annariel, mother of Êlúriel. He died in the same glamhoth attack trying to save his sister.
Glóin (C)—Dwarf; younger brother of Óin and son of Gróin. He is the father of Gimli.
Glorduir—Oropher’s horse. Golden stallion with white mane and tail.
Glorfindel (C)—Rider of Asfaloth; Elf from Imladris/Rivendell.
Gollum (C)—Once known as Sméagol, he was the first victim of the One Ring. He was brought to Mirkwood by Aragorn but escaped the dungeons of Thranduil.
Haldir (C)—Marchwarden of Lothlórien; brother of Rúmil and Orophin.
Haldúir—Man from Esgaroth. He is married to Arímë. Their daughter is Súlelenth, wife of Êlenuil. He finds out that his wife was the daughter of Gildúr, brother of Annariel, mother of Êlúriel.
Hithloth—Elenatar’s horse. A dark silver stallion with long white mane and tail. His name means Mist Flower.
Hîthuin—Horse of Amroth. Dust brown stallion with a light brown mane and tail. His name is Ever Mist.
Iarûr—Royal Chronicler of the Woodland Realm. He is a Sinda. Long golden hair and sharp grey eyes. When he leaves for the Undying Lands after the Battle of the Five Armies, his son Súriar.
Isildur (C)—Son of Elendil and brother of Anárion. He would steal the One Ring from Sauron.
Isílion—An escort to Lady Galadriel of Lothlórien.
Isílriel (EV)—[Daughter] and youngest child of Thranduil and [Êlúriel], foster sister of Tarthôn and sister of Legolas. Her throne name is Isílriel Elenáre Thranduiliel.
Isílsar—Husband of Celebríl; father of Arawë.
Jári—Jári: Warrior (General Commander) With hair and beard the color of fire, he was gruff, but noble. Brother of Aûrvar.
Kíli (C)—Dwarf; older brother of Kíli and a son of Stíahn and Dís and an heir of Durin.
Lasiavas—Legolas’ horse in Mirkwood. Light silver-mist colored stallion with long black mane and tail. He was born of Eluin, sired by Sûldúmîr. When he was born, everyone thought he was a gift from Êlúriel because he was different than all the other horses. His name means “Autumn Leaf”.
Lasimë—Legolas’ pet squirrel. His name means “Leafy” in Quenya.
Legolas (C)—Son of Thranduil and [Êlúriel], foster brother of [Tarthôn] and older brother of [Isílriel]. As a Prince of Mirkwood, he joins the Fellowship of the Ring as one of the Nine Walkers. His throne name is Legolas Lasgalen Thranduilion.
Lindûmír—Wife of Sildúr, mother of Tínandril and Elmîr. She had long golden red hair and eye of sky blue. After the War of the Last Alliance, she left with others to Aman.
Linlúin—Mother of Aramír and Aramoth. She had long golden hair with clear eyes of fine blue like foam upon the ocean.
Linurial—Daughter of Aradin and Aralótë, she is the sister of Ardúin and Súlthulë. She is wedded to Fëaluin.
Líri (EV)—Horse of Isílriel. Golden white horse with white mane and tail. Her name means “song”.
Lothluin*—Mother to Eldôr. She is a Noldor.
Mãndil—A commander of the Army under Anárion.
Melros—Best friend of Thranduil; he would die in the War of the Last Alliance. He was wed to Árendil and their son was Tarthôn. 
Meláze—Chief Blacksmith in Eryn Galen. When not covered in soot, he is a rather handsome elf with soft extremely light brown hair—near the color of sand—and blue eyes. He is wedded to Náruiel. He is a Silvan.
Minstrel of the Rhovanion—Lyricist and a teller of folk tales. Sometimes goes by the name Fângil.
Mîráre—Daughter of Tatháron and Tárwen; sister of Ninyáre.  Her long golden hair and eyes of silver were hard to avoid. She is the love of Legolas and is known to him as Lasuil.
Mírwen—Mother of Oropher, grandmother of Thranduil, great grandmother of Legolas. She was one of the fairest of the Sindarinwa of her time and very unusual. Her skin was near white, her eyes deep grey with long hair of the lightest gold.
Mithrandir (C)—See Gandalf.
Nármoth—Elenadar's horse. A red stallion with long black mane and tail. His name means Fire Dusk.
Náruiel—Wife of Meláze, mother of Tatháron. She has long golden hair and grey eyes. She is an Sinda.
Nenduîl Nárisil—Son of Êlenuil and Súlelenth and twin brother of Tárimë Silmë. His throne name is Nenduîl Nárisil Êlenuilion.
Nenduriel—Lady to Nimeithel. Wedded to Finëar. Mother of Sildôr, Findôl and Sinomë.
Nendúril—Father of Êlúriel, husband of Annariel.
Nenloth—She is the sister of Nimlos, friend and lady to Êlúriel as Queen of Eryn Galen. She is wedded to Aramoth.
Nimeithel—Mother of Thranduil, wife of Oropher; sister of Valdúril.
Nimduin—Mother of Nimlos and Nenloth; wife of Findúril. She has dark hair and brown eyes.
Nimísil—Horse of Orísil. White golden stallion with white mane and tail. His name means White Moon.
Nimlos—Cousin of Êlúriel, brother of Nenloth. He is wedded to Sildúriel.
Nimlúin—Daughter of Fínduin and Sinomë. She is wedded to Aruilos.
Nimríel—Wife of Iarûr, mother of Súriar.
Nimrodel (C)—The love of Amroth, Prince of Lórien.
Ninduril—Wife of Sírnên, mother of Árendil and Nínorë, she is a Sindar married to a Noldor. She leaves with Árendil after the War of the Last Alliance.
Nínorë—The younger sister of Árendil and daughter of Sírnên and Ninduril. She is wedded to Sildôr.
Nînuir—Father of Aramír and Aramoth; he was charge of the Army of Eryn Galen under Galdúmîr and Eldûmír. He is wedded to Linlúin.
Ninyáre—Daughter of Tatháron and Tárwen; sister of Mîráre. She marries Ardôr. 
Nithí—One of the Council of Durin; “Old Moon” (Gold hair and beard), he’s the older brother of Nyí.
Nori (C)—Dwarf; brother of Ori and Dori from the house of Durin.
Northri—“North-One” (Black hair and beard); one of the Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm. See Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm.
Nyí—One of the Council of Durin; “New Moon” (Black hair and beard), he is the younger brother of Nithí.
Óin (C)—Dwarf, son of Gróin and older brother of Glóin.
Ori (C)—Dwarf; brother of Nori and Dori from the house of Durin.
Orísil—Son of Arísil and Areithel from Ossiriand. He was orphaned after following his father off to war. He was adopted by Elranduil. When he grows up, he will marry Arlúin, daughter of Aramoth and Nenloth.
Oropher (C)—Father of Thranduil, husband of Nimeithel.
Orophin (C)—Brother of Rúmil and Haldir of Lothlórien.
Orothôn*—Father of Oropher, grandfather of Thranduil, great grandfather of Legolas. Far more intimidating than his descendants, Orothôn had finest and longest hair of the Sindar in Doriath.
Radagast (C)—Known as Aiwendil, he was sent to Middle-Earth with Gandalf and Saruman around 1000 T.A. after the loss of the One Ring. He is located at the Southwestern borders of the Rhovanion.
Randúmîr—An orphan child from Ossiriand. Hair the color of sand with eyes of the shallows of the sea. He was an unusually quiet child. When he became of age, he would wed Arnîn.
Rúmil (C)—An elf from Lothlorien; brother of Haldir and Orophin.
Saruman (C)—Known as Curunír, he was sent to Middle-Earth with Gandalf and Radagast around 1000 T.A. after the loss of the One Ring.
Silaurë—Daughter of Elmîr and Aryávë, sister of Árelë. She will marry Târuil, son of Findôl and Súlthulë.
Síldúlos—Horse of Ardôr. Given to him by his father, Elranduil. He is a stallion the color of red earth with a white mane and tail. His name means Shine White Night Snow.
Sildôr—Western Border Guard with long earthen brown hair and grey blue eyes. Brother of Findôl and Sinomë. Son of Finëar and Nenduriel. He is married to Nínorë, daughter of Sírnên and Ninduril.
Sildúriel—Silvan of the court of Eryn Galen/Mirkwood/Eryn Lasgalen; wife of Nimlos, mother of Ëariâth and Aruilos.
Sílrandor—Son of Elenatar and Elenlúin. Twin brother of Sûlrandír.
Sinomë—Wife of Fínduin. She dies of grief at the loss of her husband during the War of the Last Alliance. She is the youngest child and only daughter of Finëar and Nenduriel, sister of Sildôr and Findôl.
Sîrandír—Son of Elenadar and Elarían. Twin brother of Sîrandor.
Sîrandor—Son of Elenadar and Elarían. Twin brother of Sîrandír.
Síran—Second Commander of the Army under Isildur.
Sîrluin—Elranduil’s horse. Silver blue stallion with the long mane of midnight. His name means Blue Stream.
Sírnên—Father of Arandil and Nínorë. He is a member of Oropher’s council. He has long black hair and dark brown eyes. He is one of the few Noldor in Eryn Galen. He is wedded to Ninduril.
Sirurial—Late mortal mother of Arímë. She had light brown eyes and long dark blonde hair.
Stíahn—Dwarf from Ered Luin; husband of Dís and father of Fíli and Kíli.
Sûldúmîr—Thranduil’s horse. Silver stallion with white mane and tail. His name means Spirit Night Jewel.
Súlelenth—Wife of Êlenuil, the Everstar. She is of the Race of man as the daughter of Haldúir and Arímë. She is the mother of Nenduîl Nárisil and Tárimë Silmë.
Sûlrandír—Son of Elenatar and Elenlúin. Twin brother of Sílrandor.
Súlthulë—Daughter of Aradin and Aralótë. Her sisters are Linurial and Ardúin. She is wedded to Findôl, son of Finëar and Nenduriel.
Súriar—Son of Iarûr and Nimríel and a Chronicler of Eryn Galen/Mirkwood/Eryn Lasgalen.
Sûthri—Sûthri: South-One (Brown hair and beard); one of the Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm. See Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm.
Tárimë Silmë--Daughter of Êlenuil and Súlelenth, twin sister of Nenduil Nárisil. Her throne name is Tárimë Silmë Êlenuiliel.
Tárion—An escort to Lady Galadriel of Lothlórien.
Tarthôn—Son of Melros and Árendil. Árendil left him in the care of Thranduil after the death of Melros and went into the Undying Lands. He was raised as part of Thranduil’s household. He was wedded to Ëariâth.
Târuil—Son of Findôl and Súlthulë, he looks like his father long golden red hair with his mother’s blue eyes.
Tárwen—Wife of Tatháron; mother of Ninyáre and Mîráre.
Tatháron—Son of Meláze and Náruiel. He is half Silvan and half Sindar. He marries Tárwen.
Thekker—Dwarf, father of Stíahn.
Thráin I (C)—Dwarf; Son of Náin I.
Thranduil (C)—Son of Oropher and Nimeithel, husband of Êlúriel and father of Legolas and Isílriel (EV) and foster father of Tarthôn.His throne name is Thranduil Tárisil Oropherion.
Thorin Oakenshield (C)—Son of Thráin, son of Thrór; heir of Durin. He would lose his life at the Battle of the Five Armies (the first Battle of Dale).
Thorin III (C)—Dwarf, Son of Dáin II Ironfoot.
Tínandril—Daughter of Sildúr. Her brother is Elmîr. The color of sunset was her long straight hair with eyes the color of moss. Her skin was as white as winter, flawless and serene. She is wedded to Aramír.
Valdôr*—Father of Eldôr. He is a Sindar. His son took from him his long golden hair and grey eyes.
Valdúmîr*—Pure Sindar from Doriath, with pale skin and long hair as the silver snow. She had eyes of pale blue. Wife of Êlengolas, Mother of Nimeithel and Valdúril.
Valdúril—Sister to Queen Nimeithel. As with her sister, her skin was flawless. Her hair was as long as my mothers, but to it was far more golden. Her eyes shone of with a gentle grey, like wisps of smoke with a hint of my mother’s blue. She was very close to my mother, so much that yes, their children had similar names.
Vestri—“West-One” (Auburn hair and beard); one of the Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm. See Four Winds of Khazâd-dûm.
Vindalf (Thúlé)—A Maiar; he arrived with Gandalf in c. 1000 T.A. on the shores of Mithlond. He didn’t get the distinguished “Gray” until after the death of Gandalf in Moria.
Appendix from The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy--Book II: The Saga of Thranduil by J.M. Miller ©2015 All Rights Reserved.
Sources Cited:
Allan, Jim, ed. An Introduction to Elvish and to other tongues and proper names and writing systems of the Third Age of the Western Lands of Middle Earth as Set Forth in the Published Writings of Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. ©1978 The Bath Press. All Rights Reserved.
Foster, Robert. Tolkien’s World from A to Z: The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth From The Hobbit Through The Lord of the Rings and Beyond. New York: Del-Rey Books, 2001
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Peoples of Middle-Earth. ed. by Christopher Tolkien. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2015.
Tolkien, J.R.R. The History of Middle-Earth Index. ed. by Christopher Tolkien. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2002.
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lost Road and Other Writings. ed by Christopher Tolkien. New York: Del-Rey Books, 1987.
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle Earth. ed. by Christopher Tolkien. ©1980 J.R.R. Tolkien Copyright Trust. All rights Reserved.
Tolkien, J.R.R. Lord of the Rings ©1987 Houghton Mifflin Company, ©2004 HarperCollinsPublishers. All rights Reserved.
Tyler, J.E.A. The Complete Tolkien Companion. ©1976. St. Martin’s Press. All rights Reserved.
This list does not include new places and/or objects at this time--and there are a few. This also is the abbreviated version of the original--the actual one is far more detailed and tedious. Baby steps.--J.
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lostconductor · 8 days
everything changes - 6/23/24
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Fighting the war against character-based-character cringe by seizing the opportunity to change his appearance after this upcoming time skip He's changed a lot throughout the campaign and I think they somehow managed to fix him and make him worse at the same time. also, they're (the party) immortal now
edit: absolutely rolling over this now because he's like completely lost his memory. about himself. so yeah he's gonna be real different
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lostconductor · 8 days
adánor drives me so goddamn insane but i feel like exploding every time i talk about him because he's just a cbc (character-based character) off adam that looks 100% almost the same but acts so insanely different im scared people will think i think adam actually acts like that. no no im not fanon brained i just exaggerated everything about him to 100% and went "I can make a fucked up guy in DND about this to prepare for my friends new campaign with a character I'm already crazy about" and then we did collaborative storytelling and he became so much
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firebuug · 4 months
:D hi haiiii askgame dropoff !! 7 + 8 + 26 perhamps? :0c
HAIIII omg tank u........rolls around etc etc etc
7. What things in real life make you think of an OC?
taiyaki makes me think of julian for some reason. it's very jovial treat. i think i gave him the little detail that as a kid he would be obsessed with getting bungeoppang after school / being out all day etc etc. a cherished tradition. but he REALLY hates red bean flavoring so he'd probs get chocolate. i also think of tiefling julian whenever i see anything purple or anything small and cutely shaped
fish and shark make me think of eva. especially my blahaj. he would have so many blahaj. he would sleep on the big ones more than he sleeps on his fucking bed. i also think of him whenever i play piano, which makes practicing piano a little more fun
i still think of buggy every time i see s'mores shajkksdsa.....
8. Is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?
GOD YES PLEASE if you have spotify. here are my oc playlists oh my goddddddd. julian / eva / our l@st conductor (eva distorted) / adanor / buggy / skuggy / farrow / a playlist for my juggernaut story arc / dexter / general playlist for the town of salem world / band au farrow /
if you can believe it i have even more, but those are mostly very short / still in progress or are for smaller things (like playlists that sound like what band au members would make). if you add me on spotify you will first hand witness my insanity as i make a new playlist weekly
and for the final question, i already answered it :3 (it was while this ask was in the inbox)
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