#adding a tad more in the tags cause word limits:
they are so cringe
Why Kataang is shit - a submission-based essay
Kataang - a canon het ship from the Avatar: the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra fandoms between Katara and Aang
Do you fancy your babysitter? Does she not like you back? Don't worry, if you kiss her without her consent enough times, eventually she'll come around! Throughout the show, Katara is cooks, cleans, does general chores on behalf of the group, including Aang. She is also primarily responsible for talking him down from fits of wrath (understandable fits of wrath: he's a traumatised 12 year old with godlike powers) and putting herself in harms way in order to calm him. He's also incredibly dismissive of her culture at times, and disregards her feelings when they don't align with his view of the world. SPEAKING OF WHICH he completely ignores her when she explicitely says that she does not want to talk about his feelings for her, and then kisses her without her consent (again). He not only never apologieses for this, but it is never brought up again! She just wanders over him after the battle is finished and kisses him and THAT'S THAT I GUESS?!?!?!!! THEN we get into post-canon stuff. The main cast are really out there doing the most: founding cities, ruling nations, etc... with the exception of Katara. What is Katara in the future? The Katara who was the first woman to be trained in combat-bending by the Masters of the North simply because she Would Not Shut Up until they trained her? The Katara who said she would never turn her back on people who need her? That Katara? She's a wife and mother now and that keeps her very busy. To be honest I haven't read most of the comics because they're famously awful and even Kataang fans don't like a lot of them. it's offensive when a female character exists only as a trophy for the main guy to win, but it's doubly insulting when that female character has so many layers and so much complexity, only to turn into the shiny trophy with no autonomy when she kisses the hero like some kind of awful reverse Princess and the Frog. FURTHERMORE if you look at Katara's utlisation (or lack thereof) in The Legend of Korra, she doesn't do anything!! Of the Gaang members who are still alive, she's the only one who never gets involved in the adventures, which considering that the plot of Season 1 hinges around a water-bender specific power that she has a personal connection to (and even the in the FLASHBACKS to 40 years previously she does not appear). It's very funny to me because a lot of Kataang fans will say "oh Katara did keep working as an adult, she got bloodbending banned!!" and this is brought out as that one thing she did, yet IN A WHOLE SEASON ABOUT BLOODBENDING she does absolutely nothing besides being unable to heal Korra, so that Aang's spirit has to turn up and do it for her. Then Season 2 is about the Water Tribes and involves the hostile takeover of the city in which she lives, but apparently she's not keen on getting involved in that either!! And look, I can't PROVE that this is directly linked to the ship, but it sure looks suspicious to me when taken with previous evidence. And don't even get me started on the fans holy hell. Like, it's perfectly fine to have ships with problematic elements (don't we all) but they truly will bend over BACKWARDS to say that there's nothing wrong with the ship OR the way it went down in canon and that they're the Pure and Wholesome ship, standing in opposition to the Evil Colonizing Zutaras. Even suggesting that hey, might it have been better if they'd taken some time apart to really grow as individuals and then gotten together in their twenties---instead of at 12 and 14 without ever fixing the mother/child dynamic or talking about the time he sexually assaulted her---will be met with outright hosility by certain members of the fandom.
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ruzek-halstead · 4 years
i found my hand is holding yours
so this started as a drabble and was supposed to be hella short, but please enjoy 1.6k words of julie and luke being absolutely adorable. 
julie has been dealing with a persistent classmate who won’t take no for an answer, so luke accompanies her to their end-of-the-term party in hopes to get the point across. 
"okay, so i have a really weird favour to ask.”
luke looked up from his guitar, arching a brow at julie's obvious distress. they had been at it for a few hours, trying to write a new song, but the motivation wasn't really flowing. ultimately they decided to separate and see what they could come up with on their own. it was a bit pointless since all luke could think about was the girl in the corner and all of his feelings for her.
"there are only a handful of things i wouldn't do for you, jules. so, shoot."
the apparent blush on her cheeks was unavoidable, so she pulled a few stray curls out from behind her ears. 
"would you mind coming with me to this end of term party type thing?" julie asked, hesitantly biting her lip. it wasn't that she didn't think he'd be up for it, it was just the uncomfortableness of the entire situation. "it's for everyone in our music program. but there's just this guy who isn't really getting the hint and i figure if —" luke's eyes snapped over to her nervous and fiddling figure as soon as she mentioned a boy. "i'll be there," he replied instantly. his limited motivation to continue strumming his guitar until he found a melody he enjoyed immediately disappeared, and all he could think about was that julie had been feeling uncomfortable lately, and he had no idea. "he's not like a bad guy or anything!" julie rushed to add, because she had a heart of gold and always sought the best in people. "he's sweet, really — sort of. he's just also very persistent and i'm not —" "you don't need to explain," luke told her, shooting her a lopsided grin to calm her nerves. "i'll be there." it was a blessing in disguise that the boys could now be seen by everyone, and not just when they were performing with julie. she would feel much more comfortable with luke by her side; he was her anchor, and it helped that he was so protective, that hopefully he would help get the hint across to her surprise suitor. she knew what luke was thinking; was it nick? and the answer was no. they were friends now, nothing more. but a few months back, a new student joined their program, and he was partnered with julie for a few exercises. she didn't think anything of it, being friendly and polite as per her usual. it seemed like somewhere along the way, he developed feelings for her and no matter how many times she said no to a date, he kept asking. something about persistence? julie hated it. he was still constantly polite and respectful, but the mere fact that he wouldn't take no for an answer was severely unnerving for her. she hoped him seeing her with luke would get the hint across that she wasn't interested (and if it led him to believe that she wasn't available, then so be it). the music program party was being held in the school gym, filled with games, snacks and of course, an open mic. even though julie was a tad bit nervous to attend, luke confidently grabbed onto her hand and quite literally dragged her into the gymnasium. "socialization is good for you, jules," he had said teasingly, to which julie squeezed his hand painfully. he shot her a wolfish grin in response. "i'm going to get us drinks, you good?" luke pondered, ducking his eyes to meet hers. he could tell how nervous she looked by the way she couldn't stop moving her hands, and it irritated him that someone was making her feel weary like this. "jules," he repeated, squeezing her hand. julie nodded, raising her chin in a more obvious display of confidence. "i'm good," she insisted. he pulled on their hands until he was out of her reach and hers dropped back down to her side. the gym was decently filled; julie recognized a number of familiar faces as she actively searched for flynn, who had shot her a message saying she was already here. as she was distracted searching through the crowd, she didn't notice the one person she was trying to avoid. his name was caden, and he was cute and sweet, but he was just not getting it. "hey julie! it's nice to see you!" his hands were shoved into the front pockets of his jeans as he rocked back and forth. "are you planning on singing tonight?" julie shot him a polite smile. she just didn't have it in her to be mean, but she knew if she was a bit more direct and aggressive, this entire situation might end here and now. "probably not. i don't plan on staying long." "oh," his eyes widened, and suddenly julie knew that was the wrong thing to say. "did you maybe want to go out after? coffee or something?" julie felt her panic start to climb its way up her throat; god, where the hell was luke? it's okay, she just had to let him down again. "uh, actually —" "here you go, jules!" julie almost screamed in relief when she heard luke's familiar voice. he slipped in next to her, bumping her hip clumsily. to the untrained eye, it looked like he was just being a walking hazard, but julie knew it was on purpose. he was a touch-oriented person, and his touch soothed julie; they both knew that. luke handed julie a cup of punch, and his gaze flitted to caden, who was staring at them with wide blue eyes. "oh hey! my name's luke, i'm in the band with julie." with his free hand, he reached over to shake caden's hand. caden looked surprised and a tad disappointed, but he was nothing but respectful to luke as he introduced himself. "i'm caden, one of julie's classmates." a comfortable silence passed among them as their focus was directed to the stage where one of their classmates was performing. luke could sense julie's tension and his free hand reached down for hers. he didn't outright tangle their fingers together but his pinky reached out to wrap with hers in a comforting gesture. it gave her the power to do whatever she felt comfortable with. unbeknownst to them, caden watched their entire interaction, and even though he was disappointed, only a blind person wouldn't see their obvious connection. it suddenly dawned on him why julie never seemed to reciprocate his intentions, and he couldn't believe he'd never caught on before (he saw their performances on youtube videos). "ah, so you two are...?" caden trailed off, unsure of what to label it. luke and julie glanced over at him, julie with furrowed eyebrows, and luke with a somewhat smug but innocent expression. "oh, we're not re—" julie started to say, but caden shook his head, smiling. "i should've figure it out sooner," he added, "i've seen the youtube videos. you can't fake that chemistry." luke pursed his lips at the use of the word chemistry. at one point, he'd deny it, but at this point? it would be an outright lie. julie, however, just looked confused. "sure, but that's no—" "it's okay julie, you don't have to explain," caden insisted. "i see the way he looks at you, and i get it now. i'll see you around," he smiled, waving before he walked away. luke awkwardly sipped his drink. he wasn't expecting to be put on blast like that. he couldn't exactly control his eyes and what they did when they looked at julie. she was the embodiment of beauty and music and perfection, and that was everything luke saw when he looked at her. if he was exhibiting 'heart-eyes' (as alex and reggie had told him multiple times), he couldn't stop it. "okay, well, i guess that worked," julie smiled, tapping her cup against luke's in cheers. "although, i wonder why he thought we were — you know." luke glanced over at her. she was watching the stage performance with such a sense of innocence that luke almost didn't want to burst her bubble. almost. "come on, jules," he chuckled, shaking his head when she turned to him with questioning eyes. "you know why." julie pursed her lips, holding his steady gaze. it was challenging because his eyes were absolutely gorgeous and intense, and clearly the way he looked at her made her feel things. sometimes she could feel his gaze on her while she played piano, or while she studied for a test or wrote excitedly in his (their) song journal. sometimes she would look over at him and he'd already be looking at her. and at first, he would look away in embarrassment, but now, he would hold her gaze, sometimes even going as far to send a smirk to really throw her off her game and fluster her. something had changed between them along the way and they both knew it. they just hadn't decided when was the right time to address it. the truth was luke could be ripped away at any moment; the thought caused julie to live in a constant state of paralyzing fear. and so, the time never felt right. "yeah," julie mumbled, reached for his hand again. "i do." julie didn't end up leaving early. she found herself in the corner of the gym, leaning against the wall with luke's arm wrapped securely around her shoulders. they watched performance after performance and they couldn't even be bothered to get up on stage and show them what a real duet looked like because they were so comfortable in each other's arms. and as julie tipped her head onto luke's shoulder, a sudden wave of exhaustion overtaking her, she knew caden never had a chance because her heart was already taken.
tag list: @grootsgillespie || @jayhalsteadcpd || @moreflowersthanweeds || @well-hes-just-too-cute || @echocharm17618 || @leopard-print-slippers || @jandthephantoms || @scribblingfangirl || @n0wornever || @simpformolina || @only-trust-fictional-characters || @snowmione18 || @tellurphantoms || @knitsessed || @carriewilsons || @elitharavenclaw || @wakeupfantoms || @uselessnerdnherblahg || @katie-navarro || @bookwormswillruletheworld || @lmaohuh || @thatsmyverb || @sophiphi || @kybee1497 || @lukewearingbeanies || @sapphireamethystvsco || @constantly-singing || @helloilovejatp || @your-typical-ingenue || @nonickslander || @s-h-a-d-o-w-s || @asdfghjkl-fanfics 
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always-anxious612 · 4 years
“Caking” Amends
Thank you to @catolicabuena​ for this prompt (and also the title idea)! It was a lot of fun trying out writing in Remus’s point of view!
Description: Remus just wants to do something nice for Patton.
Genre: fluff (with just a tiny bit of angst mixed in cause I’m and angst gremlin and can’t help myself
Pairings: platonic Intruality
Warnings: brief mention of blood, brief mention of poison, food mention (I think that’s it. Let me know if there’s anything else or if you want something specific tagged!)
Remus had never been the best in the kitchen (just ask Dee who had been witness to his last…concoction), but this time, he had a reason to make everything perfect. What reason is that, you ask? Well, the happy pappy baker himself, of course. Recently, Patton had been trying so hard to make Remus feel more welcomed, even though he still got a little squeamish at some of the topics the chaotic side brought up. He had baked him everything under the sun, even finding out his favorite cookie (raspberry thumbprint cookies, if you were wondering. He liked how the red jam in the middle of the cookie reminded him of a pool of blood). Remus just wanted to show that he appreciated Patton’s efforts. Obviously, he had tried other ways to show how he felt, but Patton didn’t seem to appreciate his gory drawings or the special creatures he made in the imagination in Patton’s honor. Remus could see behind the uncomfortable smile and falsely cheery tone whenever he’d show him those things. That was ok, he was still trying, and Remus still appreciated it. But he was still left with nothing to present to Patton as a thank you. And that’s how he ended up in the kitchen. 
Unfortunately, at this point, flour somehow covered every visible surface, cake batter clung to the walls and countertops, and some sort of mysterious red substance had leaked onto parts of the floor. And there was Remus in the middle of it all, still trying diligently to get what batter was left in his mixing bowl into a cake pan. It took all of his limited concentration not to spill any more batter
“Perfect.” He grinned, once it was nicely spread in the pan. It didn’t look half bad if he did say so himself (even though there was only about half the amount there was supposed to be in the pan), but perhaps he should taste it? After all, the taste had to be perfect as well. Patton’s cakes and cookies were always amazing, his should be too right? Remus was about to happily stick a finger into the batter when he caught sight of the dirt under his fingernails. Now, normally he wouldn’t mind sticking his dirty finger into the batter and tasting it anyway, but Patton probably wouldn’t appreciate that. Oh well, he followed Patton’s recipe exactly, so it should turn out fine, right? He shrugged as he stuck the cake into the already preheated oven, the thought of getting a spoon to taste test it, or just washing his hands never crossing his mind.
          While the cake baked, Remus decided to start on the frosting. It was a fairly simple recipe and he was done in no time. Well, might as well add some colors to decorate with since there was still plenty of time before the cake got done. His first instinct was to grab the red, and not stop until it was the perfect shade of crimson, but wait, no, this was for Patton. Patton wouldn’t like a blood red cake or any of the rest of what Remus wanted to decorate it with. Instead, he grabbed some blue food coloring and added in just enough to make a pastel blue. There. That was perfect. Patton would be sure to appreciate that color. Well, that didn’t take nearly as long as he thought it would. Guess he would just have to wait for the cake to be done. Remus groaned impatiently and stared at the timer. Only twenty minutes left…with a sigh, Remus plopped down in front of the oven to wait. If he left, he would just get distracted and burn the cake (not that he had done that before or anything. And Dee definitely never had to scrape the charred remains of what vaguely resembled some cookies off of a pan before…or had to throw away a rock-hard piece of “charcoal” that was completely glued to the inside of a cake pan.)
          Finally, after ages of waiting—well it felt like ages, anyway—the cake was done. Remus grinned as he pulled it out. It was actually golden brown! It wasn’t black or smoking this time. That alone, Remus counted as a win. He tried to let it cool before icing it. He really did. But he already waited so long for it to bake, and he really, really wanted to give it to Patton now, so he decided to go for it. Besides, the icing only started drooping a tiny bit when he put it on. It was cool enough. After the cake was decorated, Remus stood back to look at his creation. It was slightly deflated on one side, caving in on itself a little; at some points the icing was sliding off because the cake was still warm; and there were quite a few white spots where Remus didn’t mix in the food coloring as he should have. But it was the best cake Remus had ever made. Now to get Patton.
“Oh, Pattycakes!” he sang loudly “I have a surprise for you~” a minute later, Patton rose up, immediately gasping at the state of the kitchen.
“Wh-What’s going on here, kiddo?” he asked, nervously glancing at the red substance that was still staining the floor.
“I made you a cake!” Remus cheered gesturing to the blob of blue on the table.
“Oh, you did? Remus that’s so thoughtful!” Patton gasped, nervousness changing to delight in an instant. Until he caught a glimpse of the cake that is. Of course, he was still thrilled that Remus had made him a cake, but…was it actually safe to eat? Knowing Remus, probably not. Remus’s grin faltered slightly as he took in the moral side’s wary expression. He didn’t like it. He should have known. It was pretty ugly looking now that he really looked.
“You—You don’t have to eat it, Pat.” He offered, looking down at the mess he had created. The disheartened tone in Remus’s voice was enough to make Patton steel himself for what he was about to do
“Of course I’m going to eat it. It’s a cake made specially for me, isn’t it?” he replied confidently. Remus’s head snapped up in surprise.
“Really?” he gasped. Patton smiled at him, hesitantly taking a fork from the silverware drawer. Before he had time to talk himself out of it, he stuck the fork into the cake, took out a big chunk, and stuck it in his mouth.
“Oh!” he exclaimed, chewing slowly.
“Is it bad? Oh gosh, it’s horrible isn’t it.  You should spit it out. I probably somehow poisoned you. It’s underdone and overdone at the same time, isn’t it.” Remus started panicking as the various ways Patton could get sick from his cake popped into his head.
“Remus, Remus, calm down, kiddo. It’s—It’s actually really good!” Patton exclaimed, happily reaching for another bite.
“It’s really good! Here, try some!” Patton took the bite he was about to eat and instead shoved it in Remus’s face, who instinctively opened his mouth to accept.
“Oh, it is good!” he smiled, talking as he chewed. Sure, the icing tasted a tad too sweet and the cake might be a little underdone, but it was actually pretty good.
“I’m so proud of you, Remus.” Patton praised pulling the dark side in for a hug. And if Remus’s breath caught in his throat at the action, and if Patton’s arms tightened slightly around him hearing the sound, neither of them said a word. Instead, they just enjoyed the moment, Patton’s words still ringing in Remus’s ears. He was proud of him. The thought made his insides squirm, but in a good way, and he couldn’t help the uncharacteristically soft smile that slid onto his face. He’d have to bake for Patton more often.
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luminary-gremlin · 4 years
Silver vs Wilford (Poly vs Poly) [Finale]
Tagging: @wilford-lee-warfstache @yandere-ipli-ler @thehostofleetrature
@darkipli-ler @magnumtickles
           “Alright, and…begin!”
           Yan cheered out, thus starting the final fight. Both Silver and Wilford stood on their side of the matt, yet both hesitated to move, eyeing each other. You see, when you’re the main lee in your poly it can be really easy to become…lee.
           “Aye, why aren’t they movin’? Or tickling each other?”
           Magnum looked over to Dark, who stroked his chin with a smirk. Now he understood why this fight was so complicated. Not only was it just as equal for the hero or his boyfriend to win, but it was equivalent on whether they would be lee or ler. He let out a fond chuckle.
           “Who said that they were going to tickle each other?”
           Host inquired, sipping his hot cocoa beside Yandere. His statement made everyone turn their heads, including the two fighters who were blushing at being called out.
           “W-well it’s not MY fault that Darky had to be so teasy with Host and I got jealous cause I wanted to be teased like that!”
           Wilford huffed, turning his back with a huff and turning his nose up.
           “Y-yeah! And when Yan took down Magnum and made him s-so helpless, I-i-i-it made me want to be helpless too…”
           The hero mumbled, playing with his fingers shyly as he looked over to his group innocently.
           “So, why didn’t either of you speak up?”
           Yan tilted her head in confusion. Both Silver and Wilford looked at each other and bowed their heads in embarrassment.
           “W-we thought that if either of us said we were lee it would disqualify us a-and we really wanted to be a part of this competition with you guys cause it sounded so fun…”
           Silver rubbed his arm shyly as Wilford nodded in agreement. Dark and Yan shared a look and nodded, knowing exactly how to resolve this. The latter then walked over to their respected lee and held their hands.
           “I think I may have an idea to help resolve your moods and still be a part of this competition~”
           Wilford’s eyes lit up at Dark’s purr before he was pinned down with his arms over his head, and even giggled as Silver received the same treatment. They both lied side by side with enough space for Host to sit in between them to sense their vitals and to pin down their legs to hinder them from escaping while holding a stopwatch. Magnum joined by lying on top of both their arms above their heads, which in returned allowed Dark and Yan to have both hands free for tickling their lees.
           “The rules are simple. Each ler will be required to tickle both lees’ top 3 spots without holding back for fair play. Each lee will endure a round of 3 minutes on their 3rd place spot, and 5 minutes on their 2nd place spot if neither have caved in. If once again neither have called mercy or their safe word, then both of their #1 ticklish spots will be tickled indefinitely until mercy is called.”
           The Host announced to both groups, grinning as seeing the lees squirm happily.
           “But Hostie, how do we know what spots would be equal to their others. I mean I’m sure Silvy’s underarms are the same as Wilford’s.”
           “Hmm…perhaps that is true, I have an idea, ahem… ‘Both of Silver’s and Wilford’s top 3 spots were marked with a Sharpie to keep things equal.’”
           Just then both Silver and Wilford squealed and squirmed about, feeling their top three spots being drawn on before the markers disappeared in thin air.
           Yan grinned as she lifted up Silver’s shirt to already find his number 1 spot, resisting the urge to poke her shy as heck blushy hero, currently hiding his face in his bicep. She spun around and rolled his shorts up just a tad to find two number 3’s drawn on each inner thigh.
           “Remember, no holding back Silvy, there won’t be a miss nice girl~! Especially after you act so cute being so lee and being so tempting all day with your cuteness! Right Dark?”
           “Oh of course, did you really think I was gonna let go that because you rubbed your cologne on me that it gave me away to Host, Will~?”
           Dark purred, moving Wilf’s hair out of the way to find a 3 on the backs of his ears.
           “3, 2, 1. Begin!”
           Host announced and started the stopwatch. Yan wasted no time tracing silver’s thighs with her nails, tracing to his knee and back up to his upper thigh, grinning when the hero began to squeal and cackle, twisting and kicking his legs to try and free himself.
           “Aw, my little wiggle worm is dancing with joy isn’t he~?”
           Wilford, when hearing Silver squeal and watching him squirm made him squirm at the very thought until he felt Dark’s fingers caress the shell of his ears. He cackled and belly laughed, tilting his head to try and escape the tickly fingers but Dark kept up with him just fine.
           “Oh don’t think I’ve forgotten about how much you love my attention dearest~”
           Dark purred next to his ear with a teasy coo as he traced his fingers all over his delicate ears. No part of Wilford’s ears were untouched from Dark. The shells, the lobes, the tips of his ears fell under Dark’s mercy.
           “Oh, but isn’t that what you wanted? To be flustered and embarrassed from yours truly?”
           Welp, he got Wilford there. Meanwhile back to the other poly, Yan went to town on Silver’s inner thighs with no mercy whatsoever, despite his adorable exclamations, they only seemed to fuel her to tickle him more!
           Yan smirked as she added gentle pinches to his inner thighs, making him snort at each one.
           “That’s the point senpai! Aw listen to those snorts! I could listen to them forever! Lets see, 1, 2, 3, 4…”
           “And time! Halt your tickles!”
           Host announced. Both lers stopped immediately and were left with two very giggly sweet boys. Magnum ran his hands through both of their hair fondly to reveal their adorable red faces. Yan cupped Silvy’s face and kissed him sweetly while Dark stroked Wilf’s cheeks fondly to help cool them down.
           During their break they were given water and a small, healthy snack to bring their energy back. Yan would play with Silver’s snack like an airplane and fed it to him, while Dark struggled to not tickle Wilf to get him to open his mouth because ew healthy foods.
           Soon enough it was time for the second round, both parties began to set up before Yan noticed reluctance on Silver’s face.
           “Is something wrong dear?”
           Silver looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes before whispering.
           “A-actually could we skip the second round? I really wanna cuddle after all of this is over.”
           “Do you still wanna be tickled dearest? If not you can just say so, no one is going to be upset.”
           Silver buried his face in his arm with a small blush and a wiggle, signaling a yes to her question.
           “A-actually I’m in agreement with the dear boy. Darky I wanna be like how Hostie was! And get snuggles from my boys!”
           Dark smirked fondly and patted his head.
           “So be it, besides, I’ve been dying to get to your number 1 spot lately.”
           And so it was agreed. Dark turned around with his back facing Wilford and rested his hands on his thighs, already making him hitch his breath. Silver meanwhile couldn’t help but gasp and squirm when Yan placed a finger just under his button.
           “Ready, set, go!”
           Just after Host’s exclamation, the room echoed with shrill screams of laughter. Dark wasted no time digging into Wilford’s thighs, using his nails to scratch his bare skin highlighted from his shorts. Yan used her fingertip over Silver’s nub of a bellybutton fondly, rubbing it gently since it didn’t take much to drive him off the rails.
           Suffice to say, everyone knew this round wasn’t going to last long, especially for our lees. Just seeing their lers touch their spots already made them squirm. Despite Silver’s incredible stamina, he couldn’t take his button tickled like this for too long unless it was a gentle little feather that could break him in the best way and last quite a while. For him it wasn’t just his button being tickled, but it would radiate through his whole body, making it quiver as he arched and thrashed. Although arching his back only made it tickle be-worse!
Wilford; however, was going mad from the sheer amount of hysteria overflowing through him. Dark’s deep massages into his thighs lit up his nerves all the way down his legs. You know when you hit your elbow just right and then your whole arm feels that way? That was exactly what Wilford was experiencing but in both of his legs.
They shrieked at the exact same time before dissolving into silent laughter. At hearing the words everyone immediately stopped everything. Host snapped his fingers to get everyone off them as the hero and the interviewer curled up tightly, with tears of mirth rolling down their cheeks
Host immediately crawled over to Silver the same time Magnum did for Wilf, both pulling them into their chest lovingly as both lees were curled up. Yan fetched Silver some water as Dark crawled over and stroked his cheeks.
“Hey, hey. You were amazing Will. Don’t you forget that. You lasted so long. Did I push anything? Was I too rough?”
Wilford looked up to Dark with hazelnut eyes and hugged him tiredly. He was so happy to have people so loving and encouraging.
“Yohohohhu w-wehehehre perfect dear.”
Yan hurried over and fed Silver some water as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Oh dearest, you were so tough. I hope I didn’t push you too far. I’m so proud of you for knowing your limits! Host and I are so proud of you!”
Silver looked up at his lovelies and melted under her touch, gulping water down. He gave her a thumbs up to reassure he was okay. He felt incredibly lucky to have people so aware of him and loving and proud no matter what.
Host and Magnum had pulled them into their big coats so they were surrounded by love.
“W-well…I guess it was a tie then?”
Wilf was the first to speak up. The rest then all looked up at each other.
“Oh does it really matter who won? The more important part is we all had good fun.”
Dark hummed while he kissed his cheeks. Then Magnum carried his boys over to the Sweets poly and sat so they were all one big cuddled fest. Everyone snuggled in. Wilf to Magnum, Dark to Wilf, Host to Magnum, Silver to Host, and Yan to Silver and Magnum.
“…You know…I wouldn’t mind having a rematch, just to test Host’s theory that is.”
Yan whispered softly, getting everyone to chuckle.
“Mmm, perhaps. But first, I think we all need a well-deserved nap, and some smoothies.”
Dark hummed and everyone nodded before they all closed their eyes, snuggled up to each other and surrounding their love.
Sweets: 2 | Sundaes: 2
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unfunny-quips · 5 years
Summary: Later, Din would wander down to find the Armorer and Kuiil testing the offensive and defensive abilities of their creation. Paz and his son watched on from a safe distance behind some blast proof barricades that had been brought as a tithe to the Tribe ages ago. The little one sat perched on one of Paz’s knees, eating the bang-corn Paz fed him happily and giggling whenever there was a particularly flashy explosion that the hovering cradle deflected or - often enough - caused.
Scenes from my Parables of Promise series that didn't quite make it into the stories they were written for, but I was still hopeful people would enjoy anyway. Will be updated whenever a random scene I like that's complete doesn't make it in to the main storyline.
Kuiil stood in the entrance of the Foundry, feeling shorter than usual besides the looming figure of Paz Vizla, as he waited to be granted entrance from the Mandalorian Armorer.
When he’d told Din that he would need additional parts for creating a new cradle for the little one, he’d expected the Mandalorian to either take a list and get them from the market or tag along with him and IG to pay for parts. He had not been anticipating the lad to direct him to the tunnels beneath Nevarro, nor was he expecting Din to further assure him that the Armorer would be both able and willing to give whatever supplies he might need for the project.
He’d gone anyway though, taking the indicated entrance to the tunnels and leaving Din and IG to barter for parts for the Crest in the market above. He took the little one with him, largely to ensure that - should Paz not be present to vouch for him - the Armorer would not think him an outsider and do to him what he’d heard done to the Storm Troopers. Even with Din’s assurances, he’d been in doubt at the wisdom of sending him down without a Mandalorian escort, only reassured he wouldn’t find his end in the tunnels when the imposing figure of Paz appeared from the gloom and greeted him cordially.
The Child in Kuiil’s arms wriggled and cooed, ears perked as the little one caught sight of a shiny bauble on a nearby work bench. Kuiil bobbed the little one gently, redirecting the toddlers attention to the Mythosaur necklace the little one wore instead with a practiced ease. It had been a long time since he’d cared for a child, let alone one so young, but some things stuck with a person and fatherhood was one of them.
“You’re quite good with him.” A cool, modulated voice said from across the room. Kuiil lifted his gaze to find that the Armorer had turned her attention away from her forge and on to him. After a moment considering his small frame in the door of her Foundry she nodded towards what appeared to be a set of low stools and a table. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
He adjusted the child in his arms and took the proffered seat, only partially surprised when Paz came to stand over him rather than sitting himself. His interactions with the Mandalorian in blue armor had been limited to the first day or so of being in the hospital, buzzing on pain medication. He’d learned more second hand from Cara and Din, the former teasing the latter mercilessly over the obvious affection Din had for the other Mando. He knew that Paz was gentle to the child and had saved Din’s life, which was enough for the Ugnaught to make an initial, favorable assessment.
“Has he eaten?” Paz asked, leaning his massive frame downward to brush a gloved finger over the child’s wrinkled forehead. The Child cooed, reaching out with the hand not preoccupied with keeping the mythosaur pendant in his mouth to hold onto Paz’s hand. Paz crooked his finger, bobbing the little one’s hand and electing a smile from the child.
Kuill felt a smile pull at his face and gently shifted the little one as the child moved to reach for Paz. “He ate before we came to the market.” He answered, allowing Paz to scoop the toddler up in much larger arms. “I imagine he’d be happy if you give him more though. His appetite has increased over the past few days.”
The mythosaur pendant dropped from the child’s mouth as two green hands reached to pat happily against Paz’s helmet. Large ears flicked excitedly as Paz bumped his forehead lightly against the little one’s, the child babbling cheerfully. “Are you finally going to grow ad’ika? If you eat well you might be as big as your Buir one day.” Paz told the child, gently tapping his fingers along the toddler’s ribs, pulling a delighted giggle from the child. Kuiil smiled as the massive Mandalorian tucked the little one against his chest and turned his attention back down to where Kuiil sat. “Just made some stew with some good flavor to it, I’ll get him some.”
Kuiil nodded, allowing Paz to wander off with the little one in his arms. He watched them disappear down the hall before turning back to the Forge, letting the hum of the Foundry settle over him. The Armorer set her tools down, quiet as she moved to take the seat across from him.
“You are Kuiil.” She said, golden helm tilting as if she was considering him. “I have heard of what you have done for the Foundling. On behalf of the Tribe, please know that we are in your debt.”
He shook his head, waving her words away with a hand the way he had so many months ago when Din had offered him funds in exchange for his aid. “I want no debt from you or your people.” He told her honestly. He’d spent a lifetime paying for debts, he’d not see them settled on anyone else if he could help it. “The only repayment I can ask is that the child is well and cared for.”
The Armorer made a soft, endeared sound beneath her helm. “Din Djarin said you would say as much.” She offered, and he thought he could hear a smile in her modulated voice. “You are an interesting one Kuiil.”
Warmth filled his chest at those words, a small smile touching his lips. “That is entirely untrue.” He told her, honestly. He was only an old Ugnaught, far past his prime with only lonely days of freedom ahead of him. Interesting was not a word to describe one such as himself. “Is this the reason he sent me down here then? I thought it odd he’d direct me to you to get parts for the baby’s cradle.” 
The Armorer tilted her head, a low noise he realized to be a soft chuckle coming from beneath her helm, “Not at all. I am an Armorer, but that does not mean that armor is the extent of my craft.” She nodded towards a workbench a little ways away from where she had been working at the forge. Kuiil saw familiar tools laid out along its surface, along with several crates of parts set nearby. “If you would permit, I can aid in making this one a bit more sturdy than the last.” At his glance she added, “Beskar is usually reserved for Helms and the armor of warriors, but something tells me Din Djarin’s foundling will require a bit more than the standard durasteal for a buycika.”
Kuiil felt a smile pull his face wide at the idea. He’d never worked with beskar before. Too rare, to precious a resource, not meant to be used on the kinds of things Kuiil worked on. His fingers itched at the thought of getting to craft with it, see what the legendary iron could do. “Indeed.” He agreed, then paused as his eyes landing on some of Paz’s weaponry the other Mandalorian had set aside in the Foundry. “Perhaps something a bit more than just extra armor?”
The Armorer tilted her head, Helm shifting in such a way he could tell she was following his gaze. “Ah.” She said, and Kuiil heard the moment she understood what he was suggesting. “Yes. I rather think some additional security protocols would be rather beneficial. Shall we?”
Kuiil nodded, getting to his feet as she rose and following her lead eagerly as they began going over his initial plans and making the changes they deemed necessary. Adjustments would need to be made to account for the additions they were making, but between his own experience and the skill of the Armorer he was rather certain they could make something suitable for a child so often in trouble. As the Armorer began gathering equipment, Kuiil glanced over his notes, considering how feasible it would be to rig up a tracking jammer with the spare parts he could see laying about.
He would need to remember to thank Din later when he saw him next. He hadn’t had so much fun working on a new creation in centuries.
Later, Din would wander down to the hours later to find the Armorer and Kuiil testing the offensive and defensive abilities of their creation. Paz and his son watched on from a safe distance behind some blast proof barricades that had been brought as a tithe to the Tribe ages ago. The little one sat perched on one of Paz’s knees, eating the bang-corn Paz fed him happily and giggling whenever there was a particularly flashy explosion that the hovering cradle deflected or - often enough - caused. 
Perhaps the the addition of the Whistling Birds was a tad overkill - even by Din’s standards - but Kuiil and the Armorer looked so pleased when their creation all but disintegrated the mock Storm Trooper they’d fashioned with scavenged gear that he hadn’t the heart to say anything. Besides, he was too enamored with the Mudhorn signet emblazoned on the side of the cradle too much to ever give them any kind of feedback that wasn’t overwhelmingly positive.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Charcoal Dreams- Crimson Rain chapter 14
Pairing: Bastien x Liza; Liam x Raven
Word count: 3,471
Warnings: fluff, bad puns
Summary: Liza and Bastien plan their future.
A/N: This chapter is all fluff, but extremely long. Next chapter is gonna hurt cause the pain is far from over, my muse concocted some more crazy and honestly it fits. I’d say I’m sorry but you wouldn’t even believe me. A HUGE thank you to @sirbeepsalot for being my sounding board and listening to me whine when the writing was blocked. I’m sorry if your eyes forever get caught in the back of your heads from all the puns but I was having way too much fun! 
Series warnings: Mobster AU, there will be violence, and death. Possible NSFW to come. Possibly dark and deals with pregnancy loss. If you ask to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Present day; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 
Liza tried to bite back the doubt forming in the pit of her stomach, she wanted to believe they would be fine no matter what their future held, but she couldn’t help but want more.  She gently squeezed Bastien’s hand. “I want that.” She gestured toward an older couple walking with their dog further down the street.
“What the dog?” Bastien teased, understanding her meaning. 
“No.” She shook her head, purple curls flying around her face. “Well I mean I wouldn’t say no to a dog, but I meant that, what they have.” Her voice grew softer. “I want to grow old with you.” She blinked back impending tears. “I thought for sure I lost my chance at that.” Her voice broke at the thought.
Bastien stopped, tugging her hand to spin her towards him. He brushed a dark purple strand of hair back behind her ear. “I meant it, no matter what our future looks like, that’s what I want.”
“Even if it’s just us and a bunch of pets?” Her hazel eyes full of hope as she gazed into his steely grey. 
“Liv would have a fit.” His smirk belying his serious tone. “But yes, just us and a house full of pets.”
“True.” Liza’s face broke out with a grin as she tried to contain her laughter. “Let’s just start with one dog, win her over slowly.”
Liza stepped through the front door feeling just a tad more secure about what their future would look like, a wiggling white puppy, with black markings on his ears, sides and his right eye, held firmly in her arms. Bastien followed behind, his arms laden with bags. She stopped as she heard the clicking of heels coming down the hall. “She’s all bark and barely any bite.” She whispered to the puppy, as Bastien fought to suppress a laugh. “Besides who could ever resist your adorable charms? Hmmm? No one that’s who!” She giggled as the puppy turned licking the side of her face. 
The sound of heels stopped. “What the hell is that?” Olivia asked pointing at the wiggling pup.
“A puppy.” Liza said, broad grin nearly splitting her face in two as she held up the squirming bundle. “The cutest puppy in the whole entire world, yes you are.” She cooed receiving more licks in reply. 
“I can see that.” Olivia replied, grimace on her full lips. “Bas, you caved?” Her face twisted in abject horror as she envisioned the house overrun with animals. 
“It’s one puppy Liv.”
Olivia laughed. “We all know you’d bring in any animal in need, all we need is one puppy and next thing you know the place will be covered in pet hair.” She suppressed a shiver at the thought.
Liza stepped closer, holding the puppy out towards Olivia. “Can you really say no to this adorable face?” 
Olivia turned, her emerald eyes locking on chocolate brown. “No.” She looked back up to Liza, emerald eyes locking on hazel. “I’ll say it to you too—no.”
“Don’t worry, she’ll come around.” Liza cooed turning the puppy back to face her. “Yes no one could say no to Buttons and his adorable charms for long. No they can’t.” 
“Buttons? What kind of ridiculous name is that?”
“It’s cute!”
“It’s stupid.” Olivia turned towards Bastien. “You let her name it Buttons?”
“First, when have you ever known anyone to let Liza do anything? Second, the little girl at the pet shop when we were picking out toys and collars named him.”
“Him? Seriously?” Olivia asked in surprise. “You get a male pit bull and name it Buttons? What happened to names like Spike, Brutus, Killer, hell even Onyx is tougher than Buttons!”
"Olivia, do you really think it's appropriate to name a dog from a bully breed Killer? They already deal with stigma as it is when all he his is a pile of cutie patootie isn't that right Buttons? Who's the sweetest pup pup?" Liza cooed, laughing as he licked her face all over once more. “Yes, you are, you’re the cutest pup pup in the whole wide world.”
“Baby talk? Really? It’s a freaking dog!” Olivia questioned, rolling her eyes at Liza and Buttons, trying to force the smile threatening to grace her lips back. She turned to Bastien. “I can’t believe you bought her a dog.” 
“We adopted him. Yes we did, we saved you from that awful place didn’t we?” 
Olivia raised a brow in question. “I thought it took time to adopt.” 
“Not when you drop the name Lykel.”
“Seriously Bas? I thought using your name like that was beneath you.”
“Wasn’t me who dropped the name, it was Liza. And look how happy she is.” Bastien replied, smiling as he watched Liza with Buttons. 
Liza set the puppy on the ground, he looked up at her looking sad to be put down, she let out a giggle, the happy sound reverberating around the room. “We’ll cuddle and play more later, go check out your new home.” 
Buttons scampered over to Olivia, sniffing her feet. He plopped down, looking up at her expectantly. Olivia looked down at the small pup. “What do you want Butt?”
“Don’t call Buttons that!”
“You’re the one you gave him the ridiculous name, I’m just giving him a nickname.” Buttons cocked his head to the side. “I’m not calling you Buttons.” Buttons yipped, happily in reply to his name. “Oh fine. Come Buttons, let me show you what’s off limits, like my bed.” She said turning to walk back down the hall Buttons trailing behind her. 
“We both know you’ll cave.” Liza called after Olivia’s receding form. 
“Not likely.” Olivia called back, raising her hand flipping her off. “I honestly don’t know why I put up with those two.” She said to Buttons. Great, now I’m talking to the dog.
“You put up with us because you love us!” Liza shouted after her. 
Liza stirred, giggles erupting from her as she felt a warm wet nose nuzzling into her neck. “Morning Buttons.” She petted his head, and she felt him plop down next to her. She wiggled her fingers at the unfamiliar weight, she slowly opened her eyes. What the hell?! Hazel eyes wide with shock as she took in the single brilliant round diamond sparkling in the morning light, the band was decorated with simple raised swirls. She glanced towards Bastien’s side, hoping to receive an explanation, only to find it empty. “Bas!” She shouted as she jumped out of the bed, Buttons jumping up following her. 
Bastien poked his head out of the en suite as he finished drying his hair. “What?”
“What the hell is this?!” She exclaimed raising her left hand in questioned. 
“I was hoping I’d be done before you found that.”
She stared at him pointedly. “Explain.”
“It’s a ring.”
“Obviously.” She rolled her eyes. “Why is it on my finger?”
“Maybe an engagement ring.” Bastien looked at her as if the answer was obvious. “I’m hoping you’ll marry me.” 
Liza’s jaw dropped towards the floor, shock gluing her in place. It was all she wanted, but it was the most ridiculous way for him to possibly ask, she suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. They never did things in the ‘normal’ way, why would she expect anything less now? 
“And we’re laughing because?” He questioned walking towards her.
“Because it’s so imperfectly perfect and yes, even if you didn’t actually ask you big goof.” She playfully swatted at his chest.
He grabbed her hand, pulling her closer. “I can’t wait to grow old with you, to see you with grey hair.” He said leaning down and kissing her nose.
Liza threw her head back, dark purple hair fanning out, hazel eyes sparkling with delight. “You will never see me with a grey hair, I’ll cover it up at the first sign.”
Bastien chuckled knowing she was right.
“But I can’t wait to see you with more grey.” She cupped his bearded cheek, her cheeks sore from smiling. “I love you.”
“Get dressed Poppy.” Bastien said pulling back. “We’re meeting Livvy at the jet in a hour.”
Liza stared at him in confusion. “Wait, what?”
He chuckled as he moved around the room getting ready, throwing things into a bag, Buttons following him around happily. 
“Seriously Bas, where are we going?” 
Bastien stopped in front of her, leaning down he kissed her forehead. “We’re flying to Vegas in a hour because I can’t wait another minute to make you my wife.”
Present day; Las Vegas, Nevada: 
Liza stepped off the jet, her head still spinning at the sudden plans barely able to register Olivia listing off everything they needed to do. If someone had told her she’d wake up engaged and whisk off to Las Vegas to get married she would have laughed in their face and possibly stabbed them, but that’s exactly how her day was going. 
“Earth to Liza.” Olivia waved her hand in front of her face, look of exasperation written across her features.
“Hmmm?” Liza shook her head, shaking the fog from her head. “I’m sorry, what were you saying Liv?”
“I knew you weren’t listening.” She rolled her emerald eyes. “As I was saying, first we need to go to the courthouse to get a marriage license, you need a dress, you need rings, and we still need to pick a venue, preferably one without a cheesy Elvis impersonator.” Liza’s hazel eyes light up. “No, Liza, seriously? Could you get anymore cliche? I know I was yelling at Bas to just ask you already, but I didn’t mean ‘and fly off to Vegas and get hitched’, can we try to keep it somewhat classy?”
Liza bit back a laugh. “Embrace the cliche Liv.” She ignored Olivia’s glare. “When have you ever known anything in our lives to be considered normal? Might as well do it right and go full Vegas, and that means Elvis.” 
“If it was anyone besides you two.” Olivia said with a sigh of resignation. “Plus this way I know you won’t be leaving.”
“Uh huh, sure keep telling yourself that Liv. We all know you secretly love the idea of an Elvis wedding.” 
“No.” Olivia said trying to suppress a grin. “We’ll have to take Butt with us as the pet friendly hotel Bas found doesn’t have check in until four. Did he have to come with us?” She gestured to the carrier containing the sleeping puppy Bastien was holding.
“Stop calling him Butt, and yes he had to come with us, he’s family.” Olivia rolled her eyes at the statement. “Stop acting like you don’t already have a soft spot for him.”
“Whatever. Let’s get your license and rings and then while we go dress shopping maybe Bas can find a tasteful Elvis impersonator.”
“Don’t worry Livvy, I’ll find an Elvis that will leave you all shook up.” 
Liza suppressed a snort. 
“You two are so meant for each other.” 
Olivia and Liza stepped into the small shop, the blast from the cool air a contrast to the Vegas heat. “Liza, I doubt you’ll find anything in here.” 
“Liv, that dress in the window, it’s perfect. If it’s the wrong size we’ll go to the boutique down the road.” 
“We both know it probably won’t be.” 
“Just humor me.” Liza moved to the dress displayed in the large front window. The tea length dress with pleated fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, and lace cap sleeves having stopped her in her tracks as they walked past the shop. The vintage look and feel was what initially drew her to the dress, the rose petal hat with small veil only making her fall more in love, she just hoped it was her size. Her fingers delicately traced the lace of the dress. She rolled her eyes as she heard Olivia impatiently tap her foot. 
“Oh just freaking look.” Olivia said pushing Liza to the side. She pulled down the back of the dress, peaking at the tag. “You’re in luck, now go try it on.” She carefully pulled the dress off the mannequin, shoving it into Liza’s waiting arms. 
Moments later Liza emerged from the dressing room, the dress hugging her form perfectly. “What do you think?” She gave a spin. 
“Okay you were right, it was worth coming in here, now can we go look somewhere else for me?” 
Liza let out a small gasp, she turned holding up a powder blue 1950’s style slim pencil dress. “This is perfect for you.”
Olivia arched a brow. “It’s blue.” 
“You can wear blue suede shoes.”
Olivia rolled her eyes as she let out a groan. “I’ll wear it on two conditions. One, you chill it with the Elvis puns, and two you buy me shoes of my choice and no, they won’t be blue.”
Liza snickered. “I make no promises on the Elvis puns, but I promise, no blue shoes.”
“Fine. Get changed, and make it two pairs of shoes.” 
Liza ducked back into the dressing room with a chuckle. “Deal.”
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Olivia and Liza stepped into the venue Bastien had told them to meet him, Liza carrying her dress in a garment bag to not spoil the surprise. Olivia looked around the entrance with a critical eye. I guess it’s not too bad. Her gaze fell on Bastien, dressed in azure blue suit, with sky blue shirt and blue striped tie, she rolled her eyes when they landed on Buttons sitting by Bastien’s feet wearing a blue striped bow tie matching Bastien’s. “Seriously Bas?” 
“What? He couldn’t show up to the wedding looking like a hound dog.” 
Liza covered her mouth in effort to stifle the giggle threatening to erupt. 
“I should have asked for more shoes.” 
Bastien moved closer to Liza, he leaned down whispering into her ear. “If she’s saying that now wait until the ceremony, I asked for extra puns.” 
“She’s gonna kill you.” 
Bastien shrugged his shoulders. “It’s worth it.” 
“Okay you two, I think it’s time to get Liza dressed.” Olivia said shoving Liza towards the dressing area. 
Liza stood in front of the doors, her slender curves hugged by off white fabric, loose deep purple curls framing her face, hat perched to the side, mesh veil obscuring only part of her face, small bouquet of fabric roses that had seen better days clutched in her hands. She released a slow steady breath as she nodded to the attendant standing by the doors. Her heart rate increased knowing she would soon be standing before the man she loved pledging to love him for an eternity. She smiled softly as she heard the opening chords to Hawaiian Wedding Song play. Liv is going to kill him. Elvis stepped forward and she linked arms with him. She couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the cheesiness of it all. Yup she’s gonna kill him. 
This is the moment
I've waited for
I can hear my heart singing
Soon bells will be ringing
This is the moment
Of sweet Aloha
I will love you longer than forever
Promise me that you will leave me never
The doors swung open and her heart leapt into her throat at the sight of Bastien standing at the end of the aisle, large loving smile on his lips, Buttons sitting patiently at his feet. Her eyes drifted to Olivia, standing off the the side, subtle grin on her lips. 
Here and now dear
All my love
I vow dear
Promise me that you will leave me never
I will love you longer than forever
Liza took a step forward, moving ever closer to the beginning of the rest of her life. It felt as if time slowed down and she was walking in a dream. 
you-a, si-la
Pa-a ia me o-e
Ko a-lo-ha ma-ka-mea e i-po
Ka-'you ia e le-i a-e ne-i la
She felt tears well up as she locked eyes with Bastien, his beaming smile only growing the closer she grew. This is it, the beginning of forever, whatever it may look like. 
Now that we are one
Clouds won't hide the sun
Blue skies of Hawaii smile
On this, our wedding day
I do love you with all my heart
Finally she came to the end of the aisle, smile nearly breaking her face in two as Bastien took her hand and she passed her flowers to Olivia. She turned to face Bastien, biting back a laugh as he mouthed ‘wow’. He took both hands in his, smile never leaving his face. The old worn carpet, and ancient lattice trellis that watched over hundreds of weddings fading away as her eyes locked on his. 
Elvis cleared his throat as he took his place, his rhinestone covered suit glittering under the lights, nearly outshining the bride. “Dearly beloved today we are gathered here today to witness before family and friends to join Bastien Lykel and Liza Moore in Hellish, I mean Holy Matrimony.”
Liza and Bastien both chuckled as they heard Olivia groan. 
“If there be any suspicious minds present in the audience doncha think it's time to speak now or never - their love won't wait. Or Just shut the heck up.” Elvis paused, glancing momentarily at Olivia who motioned for him to continue. “Bastien, please repeat after me; It took a hard headed woman to make me king of the whole wide world. I thought you were the devil in disguise but you turned out to be my puppet on a string. I used to live in the hotel down the end of lonely street but now it's viva las vegas 'cause I need your love tonight.”
Liza giggled knowing Bastien purposely requested these vows. Bastien locked his eyes on Liza’s as he repeated the vows, fighting back laughter. 
Elvis turned to Liza once Bastien finished. “Liza, please repeat after me; It only took one night to get stuck on you, and now my wish came true, you big hunka hunka burnin' love! I thought you were nothin' but a hound dog, cryin' all the time, but now I know you're my teddy bear, 'cause tigers play too rough and lions ain't the kind you love enough. For I can't help falling in love with you.”
Liza nearly broke into a fit of laughter at the wording, but managed to repeat the vows without too much trouble. 
“Do you Bastien take Liza to be your wife and do you promise to love her tender love her sweet?”
Bastien’s smile grew as he gazed into Liza’s hazel eyes. “I do.”
“Do you Liza take Bastien to be your husband and do you promise to love him tender love him sweet?”
Liza blinked back tears, still in awe that this was happening. “I do”
“Please take this moment to exchange your gifts of love.”
Liza turned to accept the ring from Olivia as Bastien pulled his own from his pocket. Bastien held Liza’s left hand repeating the words as Elvis guided him, carefully slipping the simple gold band onto her finger. “Liza, I spent a lifetime looking for the right time. Now that you’re near the time is here at last. Baby, wear my good luck charm.”
Liza held Bastien’s hand, holding his gaze as she repeated the words, slipping a plain gold band onto his finger. “Bastien, you got me all shook up, I want you, I need you, I love you.You have made my life complete, Baby, wear my good luck charm.”
“Just remember there is no returning to sender and sometimes a little less conversation a little more action can solve all your problems.” Elvis turned to Bastien giving him a not so subtle wink, Liza burst into a fit of laughter, trying to resist the urge to pull her hands from his to clutch her sides. “By the powers vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you ‘husband and wife’. You may kiss your bride.” 
Bastien tugged Liza’s hand pulling her towards him. He tilted his head down towards hers, their lips meeting in a slow gentle caress. Liza smiled as she parted, noticing Olivia trying to subtly wipe a tear. 
“Please join me in welcoming the newly joined couple, Mr and Mrs Lykel.” 
Bastien and Liza turned and headed down the aisle hand in hand, Buttons happily trotting down the aisle at Bastien’s heels. It felt as though she was walking on air and she couldn’t wipe the beaming smile from her face as she past the couples seated waiting patiently for their moment to say I do. They turned as the hit the entrance way, grinning as they saw Olivia approach them, bright smile on her face. “It’s about damn time!” 
A/N: I too have a very unconventional proposal story, although even as strange as mine is I think Liza might have me beat. (Feel free to ask.) The shotgun wedding you can thank @sirbeepsalot for. The ceremony is adapted from https://www.greatofficiants.com/elvis-wedding-ceremony
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Crimson Rain Masterlist
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ythmir-writes · 5 years
I really enjoy reading your works! May I ask Ikesen Kenshin & silver for your 182 series?
hello dear! thank you thank you thank you so much for ALL your support (you know what im talking about! and you spoil me srsly (♡´艸`))  your tag dumps and your presence helps keep me going! thank you! so here it is! im not sure if it will live up to your favorite one out of all that i’ve written so far but ahhhhhh i hope you won’t hate me for this because i’m gonna go ahead and say this one is painful 。(_ _。)=3
fandom: Ikemen Sengokucharacter: Kenshin Uesugi
warnings for pain; 2999 words
Kenshin Uesugi had always expected she would leave. Eventually.
He knew it was inevitable. He knew that taking the Azuchi princess as hostage was only for a limited amount of time; that her presence was a guaranteed constant but only for so long as there was conflict between him and the Oda. With the conflict gone and all their treatises signed, there was no reason for him to keep her. No real convincing reason for her to consider an extended and indefinite stay.
So Kenshin was at a loss as to why he felt so vexed when the claim for the Azuchi Princess’ return finally started.
The formalities of the Claim were initiated by one Mitsunari Ishida – a general no less – who came into Kasugayama castle bearing gifts and the inevitable news that sadly (Kenshin had rolled his eyes at that) the Azuchi Princess must be returned.
As if to purposely aggravate Kenshin further, Mitsunari had even gone beyond and above his duty, and had presented a detailed and outlined plan of their travels, with the expected time of departure and arrival back at the Oda’s main residence.
“Her powers need to be renewed.” Mitsunari had droned on, continuing to explain the obvious. “Any extension and she would be most inconvenienced. Perhaps, mortally in danger even.”
“Watch your words, Mitsunari Ishida.” Kenshin had heard his voice before commonsense could stop him. He had sounded angry, offended. Some might have even said, a tad possessive. “Do you insinuate we have not taken care of your princess?”
Mitsunari had looked non-plussed, maybe truly apologetic. “My apologies, Lord Uesugi. I meant no offense. Only that we both know the precarious situation she is in for being too far gone from her source of power.”
Kenshin had had no answer to that.
Calculated. Meticulous. Damnably precise. Mitsunari’s answers and back-up plans had been made so that no circumstance were left unaddressed, no other endgame targeted other than the homecoming in three days time. It was plainly obvious that there was no room which Kenshin could use to argue or haggle and by the end of it, he had been left near boiling mad at how even during peaceful times, Nobunaga took advantageous measures rather than diplomatic ones.
Then again, Kenshin should have been distant; thoughts of haggling for an extended stay should never have crossed his mind. He should be impartial and uninterested. Had he not already expected her unavoidable return to the Oda? Had he not spent three years of his life bracing himself for that fact?
So why did his jaw feel tense? Why did he feel like a snake coiled taut and ready to strike? Kenshin had gnashed his teeth and had impatiently tapped his fingers on the hilt of his sword all the while, pretending he could get up and swing his sword to make a point. No one questioned the god of war.
But, no. Those were not the gestures and thoughts of an uninterested captor, and definitely not the emotions of a person who knew from the very beginning this day would come.
“You said you expected this.” Shingen Takeda had leaned towards him from his shared spot in the dais as soon as Mitsunari had left the main hall. “You said you wouldn’t care.”
“I don’t.” Kenshin had snapped back while suppressing his horror that much of his true mood had managed to show. “I’m annoyed because of the provided logistics. I expected Uesugi cavalry to escort her. I prepared. And now that’s all to waste.”
Shingen’s brows rose at this, as if he had picked up something Kenshin had not even said and it had only made Kenshin’s mood dip for the worst.
“Nobunaga leaves nothing to chance.” Shingen had leaned back, waved a hand towards the gifts left behind: favorite things, precious treasures, handpicked from lands only the Oda had reach. Too generous compensation for the task of keeping a goddess and his princess safe. “You should know better than that.”
“No. He does not. And yes, I should have.” Kenshin had nothing else he could afford to say.
In the afternoon, the rest of the Oda party had arrived: two dozen armed escorts, five Oda special infantrymen, two pairs of armoured scouts, and a full rear guard.
Mitsunari Ishida had beamed at them with pride, the shadow of a boy slipping from his battle-hardened facade. He had watched with keen interest as the soldiers went into formation, pledged their allegiance to the Princess and to the Oda, before performing a salute to Uesugi’s generosity.
“Well performed.” Shingen had commented. “And excellent footwork, if I may add.”
“Thank you, Lord Shingen.” Mitsunari had been all smiles. “I have taken your advice to heart. Your compliments mean a lot to me.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen soldiers so eager to fall in line.” Yukimura Sanada, Shingen’s second, had added.
Mitsunari had waved a hand at his soldiers. “Nothing but the best for this mission. Nothing less should be spared for the Azuchi Princess’ trip back home.”
Kenshin had ground his teeth again, realizing the group was Mitsunari’s handpicked guard. It was almost as if it was not Nobunaga Oda who was claiming the Princess back but this damnable, smiling, scheming, cunning little –
It took every ounce of self-control, and a well-timed whisper from his most trusted ninja, for Kenshin to loosen his white-knuckled grip on his sword. Whether it was sheer anger or spite that carried him through the rest of the ceremonies, he did not know. Only that as the rest of rules of tradition were fulfilled, Kenshin had retreated to his thoughts.
But then again, what thoughts?
Too long he had repeated to himself this: Precisely because he knew there would never be a compelling reason for her to stay behind in Kasugayama, so too he had no compelling reason to go ahead and put a name on anything he felt where it concerns the Princess – other than “inconveniences”, “distractions”, little “hiccups that made his mind wander when he should be thinking of war”. Everything he had had with her, all the moments spent in her company he had long convincedhimself were but temporary.
Why try to decipher any of the uncomfortable sensations he felt if he knew in the end there was nothing to come of it?
Just like wildflowers, he reasoned to himself; those had no proper names, no real identities, just whispers. They were beautiful and wonderful and terribly fleeting. They come in spring to die inwinter only to then bloom again. A breath taken then gone.
What was the use of naming and holding on to something so obviously transient?
So in all honesty, Kenshin Uesugi had never truly considered the depth of the emotions he truly harbored for the princess.
And now, he was escorting her to her palanquin.Nowthe inevitability was coming to pass.Now he felt upset and vexed beyond comprehension at the thought of the princess being taken away. Wildflowers plucked before they could fully bloom. Too soon, too soon.
The idea made him sick, made him angry, made him feel so unpleasantly vulnerable. Made him feel a deep sense of lamentation at what hehad lost, what he was losing – what he had so long been too cowardly to grasp.
But he should not be so selfish.
She needed to go back, Kenshin reasoned to himself. She needed to go back to her lands and to her magic. She needed to be returned so she could live, so she could flourish, so she could regain her power to serve her people and see better days.
That he needed her to stay, that he wanted her to stay, was something best kept to himself.
She was just a hostage. She was just another tool used in the war.
That she had been so warm. That she had been so bright. That she had been able to pull him when other would simply let go. That she had been stubborn when others would simply be compliant. That she had been the cause of most of his laughter. That she had been so strong, and honest, and courageous and valiant and taught him so many other things when he had thought of her as next to nothing.
That was no one’s fault but his.
“Thank you for your kindness all this while.” The Princess bowed low, at the waist just like he had taught her, then straightened back up like an arrow, taut. She was dressed as he had first seen her, in a pauper’s travelling clothes with a short sword strapped at the waist. None of Echigo’s riches were decorating her now. None of their gifts dangling from her ears or wrapping around her wrists. All traces of him gone. Not even the hairpin he had given her.
And at the thought, Kenshin’s heart sank even further.
“You take care, all right.” Shingen had taken Kenshin’s silence as an opportunity to say his own goodbyes. “Your party is more than enough to keep you safe but well, nothing wrong with blessings to leave you by.”
“I’m grateful for them.” She answered, smiling up at him, as if Shingen had not been the principle moving force behind her capture.
“You be sure to keep a healthy diet too.” Yukimura had decided to cut in as well. “No more just sake and sour plums.” He shot a look at Kenshin.
Kenshin ignored the look.
The Princess laughed. “I liked them a lot. I still do.”
“I’ll be sure to visit.” Sasuke Sarutobi said now, materializing from whatever shadow he had just been in. No doubt he had scouted as far ahead as possible to make sure their path was clear. “With the new peace treaties between Oda and Uesugi-Takeda, there’s no reason for me to be covert about it either.”
“We could have snacks at that candy store again.” She clapped her hands. “Remember that dango?”
“If there’s sweets involved, then I’m going too.” Shingen invited himself. “Yuki?”
Yukimura groaned. “Fine. Because someone has to make sure you behave yourself.”
They laughed. Kenshin wanted to join in on their merriment, be part of their group as he had always been. He wanted at the very least for their last memory to not be a burden for her to carry. But he could not find any joy in what was happening, even if it was the promise of happier and peaceful days spent under a brighter silver moon.
Her voice pulled at him like the moon to waves and Kenshin looked at her looking at him, a little bit worried, a little bit something else behind her silver eyes.
Kenshin’s throat tightened with emotion and need to lock her up again, refuse any help, destroy all evidence of good will and make war once again just so he could have the semblance of an excuse for her to –
“I want you to stay,” he began, his voice wrung with emotions. First, relief, at the realization of what exactly he was feeling. Second, and more so, that particular emotion that gutted his innards and twisted them.
Grief. He was grieving this end. Inevitable. Unavoidable. Inconceivably painful. He did not want this. He did not want to partake in any of this.
He should have known from the very start that wildflower roots run deep. And once they had taken to the land, they knew no other.
But she needed to go back, he reminded himself again. She needed to go back so she could live. He needed to let her go before she died in her cage like how –
“I want you to stay.” Kenshin repeated, the pain in his chest making him throw away all sense of self-preservation that had kept him alive in the battlefield. “But I know you have to go back. I do not want this but it needs to be done.”
“Is that for me or for you?” She asked gently, taking his hand.
Kenshin opened his mouth, closed it. Took a lifetime to respond. “I don’t know.” He finally said, his voice barely a whisper.
Somewhere during the time it was taking him too long to answer, everyone else seemed to have suddenly given them space. They were conversing as if in private now, Mitsunari Ishida (the damnable smile still in place) had even turned away and left them in peace.
“You avoided me the past few days.” She said. “You never came to visit me in my room.”
“You were saving stamina for the trip. I didn’t want to be a burden.” Kenshin answered.
“I see.” Her tone told Kenshin she did not believe him. He did not expect her to. He had spent the past few days hovering in front of her room, passing it by, taking a longer route just so he could spare it a glance. But never truly asked if he could come in.
He did not want to see her room being emptied, did not want to see the trunks being loaded with everything she owned, did not want to strike up a conversation about how he felt about this.
How she felt about it all.
“And yet here you are saying you want me to stay.”
Kenshin swallowed before answering. “I do.”
Her lips tugged upward at some memory. “Sasuke told me you were near ballistic during the turnover. Said something about an offense…?” She prompted.
“There was insinuation against my honor.” Kenshin remembered and felt angry again. “That I might not have taken care of you.”
She giggled and Kenshin wanted to bottle up the sound for him to keep. “That’s not what Mitsunari said.”
Kenshin clicked his tongue. “That’s what I heard.”
“The reason I was waiting because I have something to give you.” She let go of his hand to produce something from her sleeve. It wasa small charm sewn in bright blue and silver fabric, Uesugi colors, with a bright red thread forming the shape of a bird.
Kenshin recognized it instantly but had barely formed the words of protest on his lips when the Princess had already placed it in his hands, closed his palms over it.
“A goddess’ hair is a powerful thing.” Kenshin said, thoughts reflexively going to tactics, to war. “Do you even understand – ?”
“That is not its only purpose.” She kept her eyes trained on their hands clasped together. “It means something else.”
Kenshin pressed his mouth into a thin line, wondered if it was safe to let loose what he had kept so long inside him. Wondered if she would drown. If both of them would.
“I return you to the Oda as the day I found you.” Kenshin said instead and he did his best to ignore the way her shoulders stiffened at him hastening their parting. “Not a hair on your head harmed. Not a sliver of skin taken which was not freely given. Not your power or your soul fragmented. I return you as I found you.”
“All good will, prosperity, and blessings be upon you, Lord Kenshin Uesugi.” She chanted the proper words back. “For you have returned me as you have found me and have not harmed me or done me ill will. I am going back whole, safe. Unharmed. Tended to with the best you have to offer. Loved.” She looked at him and her eyes shone. “Loved in the way you knew how.”
Kenshin swallowed a wail and wondered with the way her shoulders were quivering, if she hated him too.
Hated him for not speaking his mind until the very end. Hated him for not doing something to prevent this. Hated him for not parting with a better memory to reminisce. Not with a banquet. Not with a promise for the future. Not even one last night to drink under the stars from which she was named after. Hated him for keeping it all inside because he was nothing but afraid.
She did not need to. He hated himself enough for both of them.
“You haven’t failed, Kenshin Uesugi.” She smiled at him now, that same patient smile she always wore when he was being difficult. “You haven’t let me die the same way as Isehime. You haven’t let anyone die in vain, if at all. I just wish you’d see that too.” Then without giving him time to say anything else, she turned away.
Kenshin did not chase her. Had Kenshin been a little less stronger, he would have dropped on his knees and begged her all over again to stay. But he was not and he did not.
It took all his strength to stay and watch her palanquin until it disappeared into the horizon. All the while Kenshin gripped the charm like it was a lifeline. Part of him wanted to ride his mare and bring her back. Part of him was relieved that finally, she could grow strong again and live life better again.
But all of him, every single fiber of his being, missed her, craved her being with him. And not for the last time did he wish he was a god of something else – anything else – that could keep her safe. Could keep her safe.
It was past midnight by the time Kenshin could be ushered by Sasuke to go back into the castle. Kenshin was not sure. Time was suddenly hazy, a concept foreign to him. It was only time he had spent with her, and the time he was now spending without her.
Kenshin Uesugi raised his eyes towards the sky, his eyes searching for the stars she had so often pointed out as her favorites. But no matter how long he stared or how much his tears tried to rinse him of all his sorrow, he could not see them. None of them were there tonight.
And neither was she. Not anymore.
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