#adding a ton of tags bc i spent way too much time on this
creachiergh · 4 months
guys, guys, guys. jax isn't an npc; he's a game dev/mod who got trapped in the circus.
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i'm sure someone has already put forth this theory, but with the series still being in its early stages, it's hard to say exactly which direction it's going. while i don't think the npc theory is bad, i think it lacks a foundation and is more so the fandom's attempt to justify jax's moral greyness or give him depth where there currently isn't any. i just wanted to share some of my own thoughts about what his deal might be.
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firstly, his design, which is honestly just my own speculation but bear with me. i know goose made some jokes about his clothes being farmer's overalls, but when i look at him, i almost get mechanic vibes? like if he wasn't such a prick, he'd be in charge of fixing any bugs that crop up during the adventures, which is pretty much what a moderator does.
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speaking of which, he has keys to all the rooms, which is already pretty sketchy in itself, but it makes sense if you consider that he helped make the circus. naturally, he'd have them on hand in case he needed to access any areas of potential danger. to me, it's a bit like having cheat codes, which definitely gives him an upper hand above the other circus members. (but again, it's not like he's ever going to do his job.)
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there's also the "figurine thing," which is probably either a throwaway joke or a thinly-veiled attempt at foreshadowing the npcs-- since their models resemble figurines-- but it's still worth noting. if we assume that the "figurine thing" is referring to the npcs-- which it probably isn't, but again, bear with me-- then it shows just how much jax knows about the circus. as far as i remember, none of the other characters have ever brought up the outside of the map, but obviously, if jax made the game, he's going to know its layouts and inner workings like the back of his hand. i won't go so far as to say he's all-knowing, but i'm sure he knows a lot more than he lets on, and i have a feeling we're going to see that in later episodes.
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if he really can predict caine's adventures and whatnot, since he designed them, it explains why he's so unfazed by everything that happens at the circus, from zooble getting taken by the gloinks to running into the gloink queen. the only time he really seems to be surprised is when the game glitches-- when the one gloink started bugging out, when kaufmo abstracted, etc.
i think the mod theory explains jax's personality and motivations. when he first arrived at the circus, there might've been a time when he acted more responsibly, fixing all the bugs, trying to stop the abstractions, etc. he could've been caine's right-hand at keeping everything under control. but maybe he slowly gave up these responsibilities when he realized that people were going to get abstracted no matter what, as we can see from the crossed-off doors in the pilot. it's very possible that he became consumed by his mod privileges when he began acting more recklessly and faced zero repercussions for his actions. essentially, he's a step above everyone else in terms of knowledge, awareness, and grants of power-- probably just below caine on the power ladder, though pomni could also rival him as she comes to learn more about the circus. depending on how jax uses his abilities, he could either help everyone find the exit or slowly lead them towards abstraction, and given what goose has said about the future of the series, it's not looking very optimistic for anyone involved.
but what do i know? this theory could be completely nonsensical and riddled with plot holes. i just like to hyperanalyze jokes 🥲
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vacantgodling · 3 months
Hi, I hate to be a bother but is chapter 1 of Paramour (hope I'm spelling that right) the only chapter you've shared or are there more posted? your writing is so good and I've fallen in love with the story after seeing your anniversary art. Also, do you post it anywhere outside of Tumblr? unfortunately, the color scheme of your blog and the size of the font makes it hard for my poor eyesight to read (No hate to you btw I just zoom in real close)
hello hello!! firstly you are not at ALL a bother <3 (also you're spelling it right lol) regarding my desktop blog, i bumped up the font size so i hope that's helped it be a bit more readable? i'm planning on changing up color schemes and the like at the end of this year, but i hope the size change makes it more bearable ;3;
secondly, hearing that people like my writing enough to want to seek more of it has me giggling and kicking my feet so THANK YOU for enjoying chapter 1 and the art so much--there's some details that may or may not get added in whenever i eventually make a third pass at writing this behemoth and i spent 6 hours slaving over that drawing LMAO SO i really appreciate you reading it AND telling me you enjoyed it im so EEEE
at this time, i'm not formally publishing / putting out paramour because its still very much a work-in-progress (essentially, i'm working on draft 2 right now bc i'm doing some major outline renovating, but tbh i'm thinking that when i DO feel like i'm at the point that i want to publish it, i'm kinda leaning towards a serial style like @/stjohnstarling's what manner of man... but those are details for several years from now, i'm just rambling at this point) BUT FEAR NOT!! its my main obsession at all times and i have posted a TON about it on my blog. but for your convenience, i've compiled all the 'main' writing bits that i've posted on this blog over the past several years into this ask so that way if you wanna just read the 'main' meat and potatoes that i've decided to release from the vault so to speak... then here they are.
but, if in general you want to peruse my main wip tag, i talk about paramour so much its Ridiculous lmao -> s: paramour and you can check out the overview powerpoint intro i made for it here, just to get a clearer picture of what the heckie is going on lol -> powerpoint intro
anyway though, the list of main writings, broken into a couple of sections. i will also preface, that chapter 1 doesn't make it too apparent--but there is a LOT of sex, kink, and romance involved in this story. so proceed at your own disgression dear anon since i'm not sure how you feel about that lol.
MAIN WIP WRITINGS (in chronological story order)
paramour draft 2 chapter 1: pre-wedding
paramour (title drop 👀 but this scene is gonna end up slightly different in draft 2)
midnight query (amon and erecia talk in some undetermined chapter)
the bird & the worm (flashback to amon at 12)
but i am not (a bit from chapter 9 of draft 1)
masquerade (the first time hya and amon fuck—there is smut proceed with caution. also the latter half of chapter 9 draft 1)
an invitation (excerpt from chapter 10 draft 1)
displeasure (a relationship snippet from an undetermined chapter)
nervous (just hya and amon being kinky)
ties that bind (kink interrupted by feelings from some undetermined chapter)
divine (some sappy shit from an undetermined chapter)
hiccup (excerpt from chapter 20 of draft 1)
AUS & JUST FOR FUNZIES (meaning not in the main wip)
jealousy (amon & hya slums au—where both of them grow up in central halifax)
pleasure (amon’s birthday present 2023-> this is sex/smut so proceed with caution)
a fool’s errand (role swap au—aka the au where amon is rich and hya is the butler)
laundry (role swap au)
wedding invitation (role swap au—amon being friends with myrtus makes me insane actually)
i know what you’re saying (amon & hya slums au)
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Does Archaeology - Part 3
(As before, parts 1 & 2 can be found via the KyidylCL tag.)
So, we’ve got the info about the site and we’ve got the prep work done, so what next? Digging! But archaeologists don’t just randomly dig, we dig in very precise ways. There’s, generally speaking, two ways to make a hole for an archaeologist (and this *doesn’t* apply to burials.  Burials are done differently.): a pit and a trench.  A pit is usually a specific size and meant to uncover a small area.  A trench is a long area that takes a cross section of a specific area and is meant for exposing lots of area.  When you’re doing a whole settlement often a trench is used because of the volume.  We’re doing a mixture, and we started with two 5ftx5ft pits (~1.5 meters for the non-americans in the crowd.  Good rule of thumb for ft --> meters is that 3ft = 1 yard = 1 meter, approximately.  It’s not exact but if you’re trying to imagine how big something is, it’s a good way of thinking about it.).  
Pit one only had 1 interesting thing and I don’t have any pictures of it really so I’m just gonna tell you about it real quick.  In pit 1 we found a feature, which is a spot where the dirt is a different color in an unnatural shape because humans did something.  This particular feature was a post hole from a palisade wall.  That’s interesting for two reasons: 1, the natives didn’t build palisades until they came into conflict with the colonizers. It isn’t that they didn’t need defenses previous to that, it’s that the people they were defending against didn’t have horses or guns.  Once the colonizers arrived, they started copying their method of defense.  2, palisade walls are made of large trees.  To cut them down they were first burned in the place where the cut was made to make cutting them easier.  And this means CHARCOAL.  
Archaeologists love charcoal.  We can date that shit really easily.  And this particular charcoal was sent out for dating.  Came back as 1700s, which makes sense for this area.  It took the colonizers a bit longer to push up into the mountains, so the dates for contact and treaties and that kind of thing are later than official first contact in the 1400s.  So that’s the latest date we have for the site.  
Now, pit 2.  Pit 2 was, and still is, the most interesting pit on the site so far (we’ve opened a number of others, but it’s...lots of plow scars and jumbled artefacts.).  Archaeologists, as I’ve mentioned, dig this kind of stuff in layers.  So for our site (and I know a few of you following me are also archs, so I need you to know this was the site director’s choice not mine. >.<), we have a sod layer, layer 2 - the plow layer, and layer 3 the layer below the plow layer.  General rule of thumb, at least the way I was taught is that you do it in increments or when the dirt changes color, whichever comes first.  So layer 2 for us is pretty thick.  Here’s what the pit looked like at the end of day 1 after we’d gotten the sod off and started bringing it down evenly: 
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The bucket is covering the test pit that’s at the center of it.  The string is the boundaries of the pit, but also we attach what’s called a datum to it.  A datum is a known spot above sea level that you use to make measurements as to how deep something is.  It’s basically a string with a line level and you stretch it out until the line level reads, well, level...and then you use a ruler from there down to whatever depth you’re measuring.  So when we find like...arrowheads and points and stuff (and this pit had several) we record where they were by saying “_____ inches BD”, or “below datum”.  
Anyway, you can see already where there are some rocks and differences in color of the dirt.  It’s honestly not all that interesting but I figured you guys might like to see the progression.  This is that same pit about 2-3 working days later, and this is where it started to get interesting: 
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Some of the difference in color there is because some soil is freshly exposed and some isn’t.  The pit in the middle is the remains of the test pit.  The lighter dirt at the bottom is sub-soil for this area, so it’s where the plow zone ends.  The rocks may or may not have been added by people, so we record them just in case.  How you deal with rocks depends entirely on where you are digging.  In Florida, where I went to school, rocks are important because 99% of what they’ve got there is sand and shell.  So if you find rocks they were probably put there by people.  Here? Sometimes it’s just part of the ground and sometimes it’s people.  It really depends on how far down you find them.  This is about midway through the pit so it could go either way.  So we do what’s called “pedestaling” where we dig around them and let them sit on a pedestal of dirt.  You’ll see that in a lot of pics going forward.  The reason that we’ve dug those upper corners differently is because we were starting to see soil color changes and we were investigating them separately.  Good thing too, because they both turned out to be part of a large fire pit feature.  Next slide! 
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So here you can see that the dirt in those two areas that we’ve dug is a distinctly different color - it’s reddish.  Reddish dirt is a sign that the dirt has been heated, so we’re following the red dirt here.  The digging changes from going in layers to following these features.  And we’re really methodical about it so that we don’t remove too much or too little and lose the line of the feature.  Here we were lucky, all the dirt inside those features was full of tiny specs of charcoal.  And, in the upper left up there - which was my feature to dig - there were huge chunks of charcoal.  Also a really nice piece of pottery.  Well, I mean, comparatively.  It’s still just a large sherd that I accidentally snapped in two while removing but like it counts.  The square in the lower leftish is ust from like the foam I’d been sitting on.  Getting into a pit - rather than digging it from the sides - is something you do NOT do without permission and a lot of care.  Here, the ground is really solid so I wasn’t going to ruin anything by getting in there and the pit was getting too deep to effectively dig from the side, so I spent a lot of time in weird positions on the flat parts of this pit.  So, anyway, here’s a close up of the feature so you can see what I mean about the charcoal: 
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Charcoal is very, very black so when you’re digging it stands out bc nothing else is that dark or that bright.  Everything else is covered in dirt. But you can see it there in the top half - it’s those dark flecks and blobs.  There was a ton of it, and when I say a ton, I mean we got I think almost 300g just that DAY.  And y’all know how light charcoal is.  This was the stuff we sent in for c14 testing along with the palisade charcoal and it came back, if I’m remembering right, mid-1300s.  That’s a period called the late woodland. It matches up with the pottery and points we were finding, but I’ll get to that when I start in on the finds.  
Now, I thought you might need some help with this next image so I brought it into procreate and drew on it.  I know it looks like it came before the previous stage, but it didn’t.  What happened is that we brought the whole pit down deeper to expose the edge of the large features.  We also found a post hole in the process! 
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So I’ve marked the layers of dirt in the side wall for you so you can see what I mean when I’m talking about them.  I’ve also marked out the bottom of the pit bc this angle made it a little hard to see.  In the upper right you can clearly see the darker dirt of the post hole.  A post hole is exactly what the name implies - someone dug a hole, stuck a post in it, and later the post was removed and filled with moar different dirt and now it’s a different color but in a distinctly unnatural shape.  You can also see that we’ve long ago dug deeper than the test pit.  The area I’ve marked “bridge” is an area of soil that didn’t have charcoal in it between the two pits that did.  There was charcoal throughout that area - hence the blue boundary - but for the features themselves we were following the red dirt.  And if that feature on the right looks deep to you it’s because it *is*.  I dug it out and followed the charcoal and it went *under* the bridge.  
Now you guys probably don’t realize this, but this is like...stupid deep to be finding this kind of stuff.  We’re like 3ft below the surface here and still going down deeper.  Around here the rate of topsoil accumulation is like...an inch every 600 years or so.  The charcoal coming out of this pit is only 700 years old and it’s 3ft below the surface.  So we’re likely looking at a hole that was dug by the natives for their own use.  The thing that was confusing us was that we didn’t see the feature even start until we were almost at the bottom of the test pit so like...8 inches or so down.  (about 16cm.  1inch is approx 2cm.) But then I was looking through some of my earlier images of the pit and I noticed this: 
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(north is the same direction in both pics)
The rocks, the ones that could be either nature or people, approximately outlined the areas we’d found the fire pits.  This is why you document shit.  Even though this is still pretty deep to be finding this kind of thing, it at least makes more sense in the context of very disturbed site.  So there might have been more evidence higher up, but it’s in the plow layer so we’ll never know.  So what was the feature? Well, the two features were actually one feature (and you’ll have to wait till tomorrow’s post to find out how I know that.), and I think that might have been one of these: 
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(image credit)
Or something similar anyway, but I have to do more research about native cooking methods in this area of the country.  But it would fit with the two holes and a bridge of dirt with no charcoal that we saw while digging.  
Anyway I know this post is super long but I swear we’re almost done.  When we finally finished digging the damned thing it looked like this: 
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(here I’m standing on the north side of the pit, so the top is the bottom in the other pics.) 
We think that this might actually be part of another feature so it’s a little...ah...yeah it’s just weird.  Those rocks were definitely from people, so maybe they were lining the bottom of the pit or something.  If I could draw your attention to the black crud in the wall to the right of the pedestaled rocks, I’m gonna tell you one last story about this pit.  That is a burned like...conglomerate of crud.  It isn’t charcoal (charcoal is fuel for the fire, not what they were using the fire to make).  Here’s what it looked like close up: 
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(aw yis macro lense)
See those circles? Those are *seeds*.  I sent it to a former prof of mine who is an ethnobotanist for ID and she says she thinks it’s chenopodium AKA goosefoot, which was a staple food for the natives for a long time.  One variety still is: quinoa.  So basically, what we think we’re looking at is a 700 year old cooking accident.  Or, as my professor put it: 
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So forgive the length, and I hope you all enjoyed this installment.  =D 
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tsubaki3192 · 4 years
250+ Follower HCs! Spending Time With Their Kids [Nobunaga, Kenshin, Yukimura
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Requested by: @nad-zeta​
Aww Thank you so much Love! <3 
Yuki added on her request! :3
Warnings: .... YUki’s became crack I’m so sorry... so I’m putting that at the beginning lol
Tags underneath cut! Let me know if you wanna be (un)tagged! :3
a…. Girl?
Hmm… I dunno. Haven’t put much thought into this one. But it’d be funny if his child was a girl.
He… Doesn’t know how to react to his baby girl.
Maybe it’s bc he has no idea how to treat her, but when she’s a baby, he does talk and interact with her more
Okay, let’s timeskip to the future and your daughter is now…. 7.
Yukimura probably has a tendency to avoid girls other than MC, and I think that also goes with his daughter… Not because he doesn’t like her, but because he has no idea how to care for her.
She grows up with a ton of toys… But….
QUESTION WHY ‘Daddy won’t spend time with me’
YOU’RE LIVID- Tbh, I would smack him for that and Shingen or Sasuke wouldn’t even be able to hold her back, and Kenshin would be impressed….
He does end up spending time with her tho.
It’s awkward at first
And then he opens up, even if he’s grumbling about the messy makeup and mess at the end of the day.
It’s not surprising that since Yuki wasn’t in her life, she usually goes to Shingen for help bc he’s been so open
Yuki actually cries at that, but only with you… there was this one time she actually caught him crying, so she started crying and it became this mess of “Stop crying” “no u-”
They bond pretty quickly after that lol
LOts of outings and helping Yuki to sell goods :3
Any piggy backs
Lots of piggy backs
He has become so cute wtf
A boy…. then a girl... I think.
So I stan an overprotective father here for his daughter, in the very least.
That’s not because his son is ‘too weak’- It’s the fact that culturally and in that time period, he’s supposed to be the stronger one.
Kenshin teaches him the art of sword-fighting from the age of 5, but soon realises that he’s much more into Senbon and, well… Flowery stuff. It’s good, in a way, since his son has quite the feminine face shape and your eyes. It’s a very good thing, actually. He’d make a successful ninja- 
So that’s what he becomes, xD 
Together with Sasuke, Kenshin trains him in the art of ninja skills. It’s significantly more interesting to him, maybe because you’ve told him random stories you’ve read from your time. 
There’s fluff time too- You pretty much bring all the warlords together and teach them how to sew. Yuki too, because Shingen and you have told him it’s the exact same thing as sewing a wound and practice is good.
Kenshin’s baby girl is a complete treat to the whole family.
You know she’s bound to be spoiled in the same way as you- With probably twice as much gifts as he gives you, and his special fatherly-love.
“I hope you remember she’s a baby, Kenshin… No stop- A dagger isn’t suitable for a baby-”
So it’s a lot of cooing, playing with toys given to her by both Shingen and Kenshin and cuddles… 
Ironically or not, the boy also becomes protective of his mother and his younger sister, no matter how young he is. He’s spent quite a bit of time with Kenshin, after all.
Ngl, but I think when the girl is older, she’s not gonna like the over-protectiveness. So expect a lot of ninja work by her brother, joined by Sasuke bc Kenshin doesn’t trust everyone to be safe xD
She still, notices them tho….
*Cue scolding by Daughter bc of of irritation*
MC does nothing to help bc they honestly deserved it xD
A son… I mean what did you expect?
So Nobunaga and his son are the most endearingly domineering… pair?
I mean your son’s personality stems directly from Nobunaga, despite having your looks and that does make you wonder why, since you spend the most time with him.
Nobunaga’s probably the busiest man on Earth. So when he does find time to spend with his son, they’re the most mischievous pair. You’re not even surprised when Masamune joins in one day, with Mitsuhide just chucking away at the sight.
Hideyoshi doesn’t even try when they get to this messy point, and to be fair neither do you. If you stopped them, they’d casually rope you into the mess.
You’ve long learnt to leave them be when they’re like this.
You pretty much take over the castle when they’re playing- Can’t have the castle’s structure falling apart because of a handful of idiots, right?
Hideyoshi still hasn’t learnt his lesson, it seems-
The two of them are always thieving konpeito from the kitchens and screwing around the castle in the most ridiculous ways.
You swore they had somehow once gotten hold of some black paint (or was that charcoal?), only to end up fully covered in the colour…
You only found out after nearly giving Nobunaga a back massage- His back was COVERED in the pigment. Obviously, your son had dropped a handful and some down his clothes and back.
Honestly? You just sighed at their antics and dragged him by the ear to the bathhouse. And you can’t even say anything when he drags you in, fully clothed.
When Nobunaga does spend time with his son, the adrenaline and joy just lasts until the following morning when he’s slept it off. It’s very different from the type of adrenaline from war- Less stress and fear, and more joy and… out of control actions.
So expect an extremely hyper Nobunaga when you both retire to your bedroom…
A girl. I don’t budge. … Okay, maybe a baby boy in the future, but for now? Just a baby girl.
So Mitsuhide’s one of those ‘I-never-expected-to-be-this-happy’ or ‘I-never-expected-to-one-day-have-a-family-of-my-own’ warlords.
So when you announce you were having a baby, he just… freezes. Like one of those signature ‘holy-crap-what’ freezes. 
He’s so silent you swore you broke him. But when you reach out to press a hand against his cheek, he turns, presses a deep, loving kiss to your palm. He’s exceptionally gentle with you now as he draws you to his chest, thanking you for every miracle you’ve given him.
So I also headcannon that Mitsuhide’s the epitome of practicality y’all… Like he’s so busy he doesn’t have time for anything he deems ‘useless’... or will he buy things that will never be used.
So expect some gender-neutral toys and tiny clothes for your young one, even before she’s born.
Did I mention he’s also quite protective of you? That doubles or triples when he finds out you’re pregnant. And again, when he finds out it’s a girl after birth.
Literally. It has to be either him or Kyubei with you and the ‘little one’. AT ALL TIMES.
Mitsuhide’s the only one he’ll allow to care for the your- and his- daughter when you’re busy with something. On occasion, it’s Kyubei, but it does mean that he and his daughter must be in the same room.
More than often, this ends up with Mitsuhide being W E A K for his daughter’s laugh and dropping his work- That can always be finished later, after all.
Dress up. Make up. Toys. Games. Anything. Mitsuhide would literally kill for some time with his daughter.
When she was younger, Mitsuhide used to cradle her against his chest, whispering sweet stories or singing to her as she giggled from the vibration of his low voice.
Now that she’s older, he spends his time with her carefully. Teaching her with gentle teasing- Something she’s become accustomed to 
NGL, but Kyubei ends up being her ‘older brother’ figure when she grows up.
The look on Mitsuhide’s face when she says she wants to marry Kyubei is gold.
Just don’t let Masamune hear okay?
Tagging: @tsuki-no-usagiii​ @unstoppablelinda​ @zavannahmj​ @nad-zeta​ @thesirenwashere​ @ikemenmitsuhide​ @choi-jiyu​ @nuttytani​
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little-witch333 · 4 years
I'm so excited to overhaul my online stores! I've spent so much recently modeling the clothes & editing the photos! The reason for this is bc most of my original listing photos are poorly lit and only laid out flat on a white blanket. After watching a bunch of YouTube videos from owners of other stores I motivated myself to make this crucial step towards looking more professional. When I first stated selling on Poshmark, Facebook Marketplace, Depop, and eBay it was bc I was sick of making adult content and I yearned for some way to make money that doesn't involve me being a sexual object 😅 I decided to start in December of 2019. This was pre-Covid obviously, but BOY was I grateful that I decided to take this route when Covid lockdowns started! So my listing details weren't super informative and the photos weren't that great. That didn't seem to matter though bc I made $500 within my first month ☺️ So now I've been selling clothing online for the past 14 months and I'm ready to step up my game. This is partially bc my sales started to slow down. I wasn't adding new inventory and my listings were lacking details like dimensions and pictures of the clothing tags (some people want to see that). So I slowly added in dimensions and pictures of tags and started making some more sales. But now it's time to work on my shop's overall presentation. What a consumer sees when they come to the Kandii's Kloset landing page. I've been using Pixlr to edit my photos on my laptop & Canva is great too especially for adding/taking away backgrounds or making professional-looking flyers and posts. Pixlr is free and Canva I pay for but it's well worth it! This is what my listing photos looked like in the beginning:
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This is what they will look like now after the re-vamp:
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So as you can see the re-vamped photos should help me make more sales 😊 I still have a ton of editing to do and I haven't finished adding everything new to my inventory or fully created my 2021 inventory yet and I still need to model some more new inventory 😭 It takes me so long I have up split the work up over weeks to get it all done since I work my regular job and still want to work on music or crafting, or maybe just relax for once 🙃 With my health issues is been really hard to find the energy to do all of this, let alone the things I really enjoy, but I'm trying my hardest to do what I can when I can. Trying not to over-work myself and make sure I listen to my body if I'm exhausted. I guess that's the one good thing about being your own boss is that you're the only one to blame if things don't get done & it's up to you to make your work hours. Even being Bipolar II it is nice to be able to decide how I use my time. I worry that my Bipolar might make owning a business harder but I believe in myself. The next step in all of this is to start slowly adding clothing that I make into my stores so I can see what sells best and obviously make more money! After a while of that I hope to launch my own clothing brand. Things are slow-moving right now bc of Covid. I have limitations financially on what I can accomplish bc supplies cost money. If you feel you'd like to donate to my GoFundMe to help me order supplies then the link is here https://gofund.me/b76c5615
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daegucrew · 7 years
🌸Spring is coming🌸 Go out on cute lil dates with your mutuals. Tag one for each and tell them why you chose them. (coffee date, concert date, hiking date, amusement park date, picnic date, blind date with a mutual you want to get closer with)
eeeee thank you for sending this! i’ve seen it going around and I think it’s so adorable ;; i’m going to add in a few more scenarios too! 💛🌺
date night in: adding this in for @booptaegi because this can consist of a bunch of things, be it watching movies, making and eating a ton of food, drinking wine, building blanket forts, staying up the whole night chatting, and of course taegi fangirling. literally anything okay, I just wanna spend quality time with alex..we’d already be talking 24/7 if we could. ♡ ;;coffee date: @jeonin any situation where we are sitting together and chatting for hours and are all cosy and cuddly in each other’s company. i love having heart-to-hearts with this angel and it would be extra nice over a hot cup of tea or a latte. it’s about time i take this girlie on a date. ♡  @kimdaily i really feel like we would never run out of things to talk about because we just get each other, i would love to know more about her and her views on the world.
museum date: adding this for my partner in nerdy pun-filled art-loving im-never-letting-you-go crime @bwisou. i’d love to visit all the most amazing museums with her. we would admire the artwork thoughtfully then record a vid of us making art puns. “hey…hey arden….why did renoir become an impressionist….he did it for the monet” and we would both howl with laughter and get kicked out.concert date: @nochuie my official concert buddy!! we didn’t get to actually sit together at the wings concerts in seoul but we spent many long hours in the cold together over those few days and she made the experience even better. @vmony we had the best time hanging out and keeping things chill but we really hope the next time we meet up is at a bts concert…cue hand holding and sobbing and mantras of ‘kristi i love them so much i love them oh my god i lOvE THEM’hiking date: @absolutebts idk if we would necessarily hike but I want to be out in nature with this girl in some way??? we want to own a magical cabin and she always calls me harvest goddess (and calls herself some sort of vegetable all the time so…there is some coherency here) so…yeah i guess we will hike to our mystical cabin in the forest and live happily ever after :’)amusement park date: @ggukbun the rides would be fun and all but really i just want to win her cute prizes on all the games and eat junky amusement park snacks with her and end the night with a cute ferris wheel ride. the most “date” date because she is my wife. ♡picnic date: my ipurpleunet girlies!!! @booptaegi (u made it here twice huhuhu) @bwinkook @ttaewo @taehungies the sweetest, loveliest, and most dedicated group of ladies. I’d love to sit with them on a nice sunny afternoon in a park and have a cute lunch that we all contribute something to and chat about life and our love for taehyung. :’) 💜blind date: this is hard to narrow down bc there are a lot of ppl i’d like to put but @kassareo @jungshiii @sugaa @tracyjleeart @samwol @rapdaegu @kkultae @aurjeon are some really cool people i’d like to talk to/talk with more who i think would be really interesting to talk to and all make really inspiring and wonderful content!
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