#adding the character tags because looking at it again you might not realize the chimney side is tommy because it looks so buck-like
try-set-me-on-fire · 5 months
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the other side of a familiar coin
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nurse-buckley · 1 year
Whumptober Day 5
Prompt: Debris
Word Count: 1,855
Characters: Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Bobby Nash, Hen Wilson and Chimney Han
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley (platonic)
Warnings: mentions of minor injury, flash flooding, landslides and storms.
Summary: the team are called in to help with flash flooding when disaster strikes one of their own. Written for day five of @whumptober for the prompt debris
Tags: @firemedicdiaz @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @alexxavicry @cm1031sr​ 
Authors notes: Well considering this day started off rubbish because I found I lost this document in the great One Drive deletion (honestly still not over that) but hey, we made it to day five and we're still going strong. Thank you as always to my amazing beta @firemedicdiaz <3 I love you to the moon and back!
The sound of the rain echoed through the room as it pelted against the windows of the firehouse. Hen, Chim, Eddie and Buck all stood around the table as Bobby briefed them about the rescue they’d been called in to help with. Outside the heavy rain had been relentless and had caused flash flooding and rivers had burst their banks. Their main concern was the landslides that threatened to engulf large parts of the city. 
“Why is it always us who ends up with natural disasters?” Buck whined. 
“It’s just water, I’m sure you’ll survive.” Hen must have realized what she’d said with the look Eddie and Buck gave her in return. 
“We don’t exactly have the best track record with storms,” Eddie replied. 
“Or large bodies of water,” Buck added. 
“Alright, enough you guys,” Bobby commanded as he stepped up to the group. “We’ve got reports of flash flooding. The heavy rain has caused the rivers to overflow and a burst riverbank downstream. There’s now concern about landslides, multiple victims trapped, and multiple evacuation orders are in progress.” 
The jovial atmosphere shifted immediately as Bobby continued to outline the specifics of their rescue operation and gave orders to the team. With their orders given and their gear checked, the members of the 118 prepared to head out towards the disaster zone. 
As they pulled up to the scene, the devastation was staggering. The once-familiar landscape had turned into a mess of destruction with downed trees and muddied waters. The roar of the river could be heard in the distance as it echoed through the valley and mixed with the sound of the unrelenting downpour. 
The incident commander on scene assigned them all their tasks as Buck and Eddie exchanged worried glances. With their orders given, the team split up as they began their rescue efforts, determined to save as many victims of the storm as they could. 
Eddie carefully navigated his way through the rough terrain and wreckage as he called out to anyone who might need his help. His flashlight cut through the darkness as he climbed the hill above the waters to get a better vantage point of the scene. As he neared the top of the hill, he heard soft cries and called out again as he moved his flashlight towards where the sound had come from. At first it had sounded like a small animal but as he neared he saw the silhouette of a young child, soaked to the bone and shivering. The boy couldn’t have been more than 6 years old, his eyes wide with fear. 
Eddie knelt down, his heart aching as he crouched to the child’s level, “hey, buddy,” Eddie began softly, his voice a soothing contrast to the chaos around them. “My name’s Eddie, I’m a firefighter and I’m going to get you out of here, alright.” 
The young child lunged forward as he clung to Eddie, tears streamed down his cheeks as he buried his face in Eddie’s neck. With the child safely in his arms, Eddie carefully began to make his way back with the hopes someone else had found his family and they could be reunited. 
As he climbed down what was left of the hill, the rain-soaked earth suddenly shifted beneath him as it began to give way below his feet. Eddie’s heart was in his throat as he tried to maintain his balance to not dislodge anymore sediment beneath them, but it was a losing battle. 
Desperation clawed at him as he clung onto the child, determined to protect him and get him back to his family safely. He took another cautious step forward and felt himself slipping further. As if in slow motion, he set the child down and pushed him upwards as he yelled for the child to run. 
His body tumbled with the rest of the earth as it hurtled toward the raging waters below. As his body plunged into the icy waters, he sucked in a deep breath in reaction to the sudden temperature change. The water effortlessly seeped its way into his turnout, making every movement feel even heavier and more sluggish as the cold crept into his bones and he fought to keep his head above the raging currents. He tried his best to fight and swim to the edge of the river bank but the raging flood waters were unrelenting as they continued to carry him downstream with great force. 
His body collided with debris as he continued downstream that battered and sliced into his sides. The last thing he saw before his world faded was a large piece of debris heading toward him. It struck him with a brutal impact and his body went limp as he felt himself lose control as the world seemed to slow down and spin around him before he succumbed to the darkness. 
His body continued to be swept away by the waters, his fate hanging in the balance unknown to the rest of his team who continued their own search and rescue efforts. 
Buck continued his search, determined to find more survivors. As he waded through the waist-deep water, he called out for anyone who might have been nearby. He aimed his flashlight in every direction until the light fell upon a small child all alone, cold, and wet. 
Buck hurried over and knelt in front of the child. “Hey, are you okay? My name’s Buck,” he began with a smile as he held out a hand to show he wasn’t a threat. “What are you doing out here all alone?” 
“I-I wasn’t alone…” the child replied quietly. 
“Who were you with? Your parents?” Buck asked. 
“N-no. A-a firefighter got me, but he fell.” 
Buck’s stomach dropped but he tried to remain calm as he asked the child for more information. “Did you see my friend? Was his name Eddie? Did he find you?” 
The child’s eyes filled with tears as he nodded. 
“Did you see where he fell?” 
The child raised a shaky finger as he pointed towards the raging waters that splashed angrily below them. A lump formed in his throat and fear gripped at his heart as he watched the mass of debris and destruction below him, knowing Eddie had ended up down there. He picked up the child and held him close as he raised his radio to his mouth to speak, “man down. I repeat, firefighter Diaz is down.” 
Bobby’s voice crackled over the radio, “what’s your location?” 
Buck relayed the information and held the child a little closer as he waited for back up to arrive. His words hung heavy in the air as the 118, scattered around the disaster zone, scrambled to save their own at Buck’s distress call. 
Panicked and concerned, the team rushed together and regrouped to locate their missing teammate. Buck had handed the child off to another crew as he met up with Bobby, Hen and Chim. 
“Buck, are you alright?” Hen asked as she saw the grim look on his face. 
He nodded in reply, not quite trusting himself to speak. 
“We stay focused and we stay safe,” Bobby ordered, “we’ll find Eddie, I’ve already alerted the IC and search and rescue. We’ve got everyone out looking for him.” 
With a renewed determination, the team rallied together as they began their search for their missing team member. Buck’s heart raced with anxiety as he cast his light downstream. There was a mess of mud, downed trees, and debris and he had begun to lose hope until his flashlight hit something. A flash of yellow caught his eye, bright against the darkness. His heart skipped a beat as he read the familiar yellow writing on the back of the turnout coat, ‘Diaz.’ 
Buck’s voice tore through the night as he alerted his team, “I’ve got eyes on him,” his voice a mix of relief and fear at not knowing his friend's condition. It took every ounce of self control within him to not run down the hill to Eddie’s side. 
As the team heard the news, Bobby was quick to make the decision knowing Buck wasn’t going to have it any other way, “Buck, you and I are going to go down there and get him. Hen and Chim, I need you to make sure we’ve got an ambulance ready and get more bodies here to help with the ropes.” 
With a new sense of urgency, Bobby and Buck put on the harnesses and attached themselves safely to the ropes before they began their descent down the treacherous hillside towards their fallen teammate. The rain continued to pound against them and the roar of the water below deafened them but they pushed forward. 
When they reached the bottom, Buck wasted no time as he ran to Eddie’s side and fell to his knees. He ripped off his glove with his teeth as he pressed trembling fingers to the side of Eddie’s neck and held his breath, praying he’d feel a pulse. 
His skin was icy cold and pale and it took a moment but finally he felt it, a faint but steady pulse beneath his fingertips. Relief flooded him as he nodded to Bobby, “I’ve got a pulse.” 
Buck’s relief was, however, was short lived as he took in the full extent of Eddie’s condition. He was pale, his body battered and bruised and freezing from where he’d been soaked and laying in the river's icy waters. 
The pair worked quickly as they stabilized him the best they could under the challenging conditions. Every moment was critical and they knew they couldn’t waste any more time and had to get him back up to an ambulance. 
Up on the hill, Hen and Chim coordinated the rescue efforts from above as they managed to get all three men back up to safer ground. 
Once they were all on solid ground, the team wasted no time in getting Eddie into the waiting ambulance. Inside, they quickly removed his wet clothing and were finally able to get a look at the full extent of his injuries. The sight of Eddie’s body, battered and bruised, sent a fresh wave of worry through all of them but they focussed their efforts on getting him stable. 
As they worked to warm him up and assess his injuries, the ambulance sped towards the nearest hospital. Buck had refused to leave Eddie’s side and continued to hold his hand, his fingers intertwined with Eddie’s as he watched and listened to the rhythmic sound of the heart monitor that provided comfort that his friend was alive. 
The medic in the back with them continued to work around them to keep Eddie stable and comfortable until eventually they began to see a slight improvement in his condition. His vitals had steadied and he was no longer the deathly shade of pale he had been when they first found him. 
Buck couldn’t help the relief that washed over him as the ambulance neared the hospital and the skies began to show signs of clearing; a sign of hope and promise that the storm was behind them.
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
Never Forget, Never Regret (1/?)
Levi Ackerman X Reader (But like, less than normal?)
A/N: Blame that conversation I had with Suz a couple weeks ago for this one. #BEST DECOY CLUB!!! - Nemo
Summary: They’ve always been a duo, riding along the exact same path in the exact same way. But then they aren’t, and (y/n) can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not. 
Warnings: Character Death. General AoT themes. Blood. Injuries. 
Listening to: ‘Apple Seed’ - Attack on Titan OST (Bertholdt Transformation Theme) - ‘Old man please remember me.’ 
Series Masterlist
Eventually, when someone's faced with something that they're unable to overcome, they have to make a decision. Keep fighting, and overcome the situation. Or get help, find someone who can overcome it. 
These two Scouts managed to do both. 
When they were in the training corps they met someone who they soon came to realized was a lot like the other. And to this day they had yet to meet anyone who didn't think they both were absolutely insane. 
Training s cadets was more a time they'd both spend bonding rather than actually training - even if an obscene amount of training did get done anyway. It was like they both really wanted to be there. They'd blabber on about how each other would kill the titans, how efficient they both could be if they tried the odm gear this way or that. They would keep score when they spared, rewarding whoever 'won' with some of the loser's food at dinner. The most unusual of all the things they did was probably joining the Scouting Legion - without flinching, or a single second thought.
No one would think that was a good choice, not until a boy came years after they both joined. He had the same pure, unrestrained audacity as both of them did - and did he latch on to their examples like a man starved. 
On their first expedition beyond the walls, everyone thought they'd both die. Not because they were inexperienced or lacking skills - they both were some of the top ranking in the whole cadets - however they were also self-destructive. 
When the time came to using the odm gear to avoid the titans during the expedition, they went nothing short of buckwild. 
Their superior was horrified. The other Scouts were shocked into awe. And when they returned within the walls, their superior's superior wanted to 'ground' them both for recklessness. However, like some angel of death, second chances, and blond hair, Erwin Smith came and simply asked for them both to be transferred to his section. Erwin, being new to his higher position in the Scouts, was seen as just gathering people to join his expeditions. 
The two had been outside the walls. Riden. Fought. Lived. Protected. In fact, despite their reckless moves and haphazard techniques, they'd been a great help - only three people came back to be buried, and one didn’t come back at all. 
A new record.
Erwin didn't understand how bad they must've been, facts considered. Not until he saw them in action too. 
Then and there, in a forest filled with titans, he knew. 
They were smiling. Laughing. They both sounded like they were having the time of their lives. He concluded they were absolutely bonkers. But in a flash, he also knew they were going to be useful. 
They went ahead, letting out whoops and cheers, while watching each other's backs, but they drew a lot of the titans to themselves too. They put themselves into a buttload of danger, but the other Scouts, especially the new cadets, were having it much easier. Erwin could see a method to the madness, even if they themselves couldn't, and from then on he decided he'd use it as best he could.
And that's exactly what happened. 
You hung up your saddle, fixing up the stirrups, and deciding to not clean it today, as much as Levi might nag you about it later. You did do it last week, and again lightly before you left yesterday. 
After today, however, you had a feeling he'd be lenient. 
Despite how Erwin planned, and how the Cadet Armin offered his opinion, the losses counted were not something you, nor your titan-killing counterpart could've stopped. Said counterpart soon appeared at your side. 
By now you could tell when it was her behind you and when it was Hange trying to test your 'connection'. You could tell she was going to say something, just from the way she let out a huff. Turning, you saw she was looking slightly disheveled, which was odd considering how kept she normally looked. 
And for once, you didn't know what to say to make her or yourself feel better. 
"I'll miss them," she said, saving you from having to say anything, "But we've got to keep fighting. For them." 
"Never regret." You said, lifting a fist up to her, and she mirrored you, her fist now touching yours.
"Never forget." She finished. 
"Oi, (y/n), Nerva. Erwin wants the both of you in the dining hall." Levi said, appearing from thin air to startle you both half out of your skins. "Now." he added after a beat.
"Yessir." She drawled, earning a scowl from the short captain. Even though you'd both been here longer than him, he still thought he had more authority than you. Nerva said it was because he was 'so old', but you were pretty sure it was just because of how skilled he was. You worked a lot on luck, and he didn't like leaving things to chance and bets. 
"Sure thing Levi." You said. If one of you were going to be less than pleasant, then it was probably going to be you. It helped that you had a soft spot for him. 
You both watched Levi eye you one more time, before he left. No sooner had he left, then Nerva had a hand on your shoulder.
"'Sure thing Levi'," she started, mocking you in a hushed and too goodie-two-shoed voice, "Also, I love you and want to marry you and have your babies please, Mr. Captain Levi Sir." 
You laid a heavy backhand on her shoulder.
"Shut up!" You scolded, "After everything that happened today, you're doing that?" She smiled sadly, shrugging with a hand on her shoulder.
"Humour makes it easier for me. You know I don't cry, ever, so this is second best." she said, "And you know, well might I add, that if Petra were still here I'd be doing it to her too. The both of you were groupies." 
Your eyes darkened, a ghost of a wicked smirk flashing on your face before you returned to your stoick look.
"I supposed I shouldn't bring up that 'meeting' you had with Miche and Erwin then. Without me." You said, sticking your nose in the air. "You and I both know we always go to meetings together. That one was suspicious."
Nerva sputtered as you took off towards the main building, catching up to your side with a few quick strides. 
"I've sworn that was just a meeting, nothing happened!" 
"Sure sure." 
They had a plan. 
The Cadet Armin thought he knew who the Female Titan was, and as a group you'd all come up and approve a plan. 
You and Nerva didn't have a lot to do, if you were to compare this mission to normal circumstances. Your main job was to make sure things didn't go too out of hand, and to take civilians out of the way if they couldn't in time. Your unprecedented odm moves would be utilized, just like Erwin normally did, and Nerva was practically vibrating for a chance to catapult and slingshot through narrow streets. 
You hadn't done something like that since the 104th Cadets joined the Garrison and Scouts to help with the second wall breach. 
Standing atop a rooftop each, you and Nerva huddle behind some chimney's. You both share a couple looks, and you knew what she was saying. 
'Something's gonna happen. Something bad.'
And you couldn't help but agree. You don't survive this long in the Scouts without getting an intuition. A sixth sense for when things are going to turn sour. This was one of those times you were right. 
The sky rumbled, shaking the building you were on, and there was a bright flash of light. You slid down the roof but caught yourself, and Nerva surged forward with a stumble. 
"Damn," she swore, hands on her odm handles, "It really was Annie." 
You turned and climbed back up the roof to see what Nerva saw - the same blonde-haired titan that had killed your friends. 
"That's a titan I'd cut to splinters." Nerva muttered.
"She's just a kid," you said, also reaching for your gear, "I bet she doesn't know any different." She clicked her tongue, before pointing around. 
"Let's get moving. I'll tell Erwin, you tell Hange. Collect and corral civilians on the way if you have time. Go, go, go!" 
You both had an intuition that day - that something bad would happen. At the time you didn't know how bad that thing was. But you found out. 
Annie and the Female Titan soon became the least of your problems. 
Series Taglist: @miss-consulting-timelord​​ (idk if you did want to be tagged or what, but all things considered?) 
Taglist is Open!
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summerofspock · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: additional ships and character tags to be added, Ficlets, Hurt/Comfort, Tags On Individual Chapters Summary:
a collection of TMA ficlets for TMA hurt/comfort week on Tumblr!
this is how I learned to kiss, from studying this scene, and I remember quoting the hands, the eyes, the lips – Broken Testimony by Daniel Borzutsky
Jon is fine. As fine as he can be given the hunger pangs that don’t so much radiate from his belly but from his eyes. An ache like a migraine burrowing down his throat, taking root in his heart.
But he is here. He is alive. He is with Martin who fusses over him with tea and blankets and they haven’t kissed but Jon Knows Martin wants to. The same way he Knows that Martin looks at him with a different hunger. A hunger Jon will never understand. A hunger Jon is beginning to accept he will submit himself to if Martin ever asks.
Because this is it for Jon. He knows it. Lowercase k. The sort of knowing that curls inside him like a contented cat, like the steam from a perfectly brewed cup of tea, like the smoke from the fireplace as it swirls up and out the chimney. Jon loves Martin. He loves Martin in a way he has never loved anything before. In a desperate, hold it in your hands so delicately for fear of breaking it, heart racing, earth shifting way. And Jon won’t ruin it. There is the barest equilibrium between them in this small cottage surrounded by overgrown grass. This tiny corner of the world atop a hill.
Jon will not say no to Martin. He will not risk Martin leaving the only place Jon has ever felt at home.
They kiss for the first time for no reason in particular. Jon has set aside the book he was reading aloud for evening entertainment— I like the sound of your voice, Jon —and has stood to say goodnight, to take himself off to his bedroom, His very separate bedroom, when Martin catches his hand and pulls him close.
The kiss itself is awkward at first. Their glasses bump but Martin, clearly more experienced, readjusts and then it’s good, soft in a way Jon hasn’t felt anything be soft in a long time. And they are just kissing in the living room, the fire long burnt down, his hands fisted in Martin’s jumper.
And then Martin slips his tongue into Jon’s mouth and Jon has to push down a wave of discomfort, pretending everything is just as good as it was moments ago. Martin makes a sharp sound against his mouth that goes a long way to helping Jon forget how absolutely disgusting this is, how his stomach is turning, the barely-there thrum of arousal entirely washed away.
Martin somehow maneuvers them onto the couch, pulling Jon into his lap. Jon follows because that’s the done thing. Martin is hard in his trousers and it sends another crashing sense of harsh reality into Jon. He doesn’t do this. Not with anyone. Sometimes when he’s alone he thinks he might like it if he were in the right mood with a person he trusts, who he loves. But that mood is not now. Even if he trusts Martin more than anything.
Martin’s hands are warm and soft and guiding on his hips and Jon desperately wants to like it but they are kissing again and there are tongues. He tries. He does. He doesn’t want to be broken in this other way. This human way. He’s already a monster and somehow Martin is with him regardless. But this?
Jon is terrified this will be the thing that drives him away.
With shaking hands, Jon reaches between them and rucks up Martin’s jumper, only.to find he’s wearing a white t-shirt beneath. Jon can feel the heat of his skin through it, grounding. It’s nice and under other circumstances (holding each other in bed, a slow morning, trading lazy shallow kisses) Jon thinks the feel of Martin’s soft belly would bring on the low fizzle of heat he’d felt before when Martin had started to kiss him more deeply.
The shake in his hands grows worse and he tries to still them as he tugs at the undershirt as well. Wide hands grasp his wrists and he realizes his whole body is shaking.
Martin pulls away and a new fear threads its way through Jon’s heart.
“Jon?” His voice is soft and Jon realizes he has squeezed his own eyes shut as tight as they will go. He opens them.
Martin’s gaze is as soft as that single word. Concerned. In love. Jon sees it. Knows it. And knows it. Both cases. Both ways.
“You don’t like this, do you?” Martin says more than asks, blunt nose scrunching up adorably. Everything he does is adorable because Jon adores him.
“It’s fine,” Jon says hurriedly, not answering the question. “Let’s keep going.”
He runs his hand up under Martin’s shirt, feels the growing heat of the skin of his stomach, his chest. “I Know you want this.”
Martin’s hands tighten on his hips. His fingers have just dipped under the hem of his shirt and they are distractingly hot on Jon’s bare skin. Then his hands move away, sliding up his back, one to cup the back of his head and the other wide between his scapulae as he pulls Jon against his chest, tucking him close.
“Jon, I love you.”
His breath hitches in his throat, caught in the web of fear that makes him want to pull away, to push Martin down on the couch and give him what he wants.
“Whatever way that looks. Separate bedrooms. Kissing. No kissing. Shagging like maniacs or whatever.” Martin’s breath tickles the hair on the top of Jon’s head as he brushes his fingers through the fuzz at the nape of his neck. “I love you and I don’t want you to pretend you like something you don’t.”
Jon takes a deep breath. It’s filled with the scent of detergent and earl grey and tinged with the subtle-Martin smell than Jon can’t get enough of now that Martin is always near. “I want you to be happy,” he confesses.
“I am happy. You’re here.”
Jon rests his head on Martin’s shoulder and that night, they share a bedroom for the first time, feet tangled together, waking up to the cool sunshine just to hold each other because they can. Because they love each other. Because they are safe.
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