#additives and supplements
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athina-blaine · 3 months
Psst. Hey. What do you think Kabru's opinion on Laios' issues with his parents would be?
Gosh, I can barely manage to form my own concrete opinion on Laios' feelings about his parents, much less ascertain Kabru's, haha! After all, Laios says the source of his strained feelings towards his parents is how they treated Falin after her powers manifested, but then again, Falin still regularly writes to them and Laios himself says she wasn't particularly phased by her parents or the village's treatment of her (which is additionally confirmed in the AB). I can't help but wonder how much of Laios' resentment actually stems from how they treat Falin, or if he uses it as a justification to hide how deeply it hurt for him to feel like an outsider. I think this is best supported by how he says he couldn't stand how the village treated Falin, and yet, somewhat paradoxically, says this is the reason why he leaves her behind, which was worse for her than anything the village had done. As with all things, the truth likely lies somewhere in the middle.
Personally, I can't help but feel a lot of the tension between Laios and his father comes from the two of them seeing in each other the parts they don't like about themselves. Ryoko Kui leaves just enough breadcrumbs in the supplemental material to imply Laios' father also has trouble connecting with and taking an interest in the people around him, finding solace in hunting and his dogs, and that could be why he appears to be so standoffish with his family. It's probably especially frustrating for him when Laios falls up short of his expectations because he himself has already run this circuit. I think it's intentional that Laios' father seems to be an alternate version of Laios if he'd never tried to become adventurer, although it's hard to say if Laios had ever picked up on that himself. If they were to ever understand the similarities between them, I think it would go a long way to mend their rift.
As to how Kabru would feel about it, I'm sure he'd recognize how deeply complicated and tangled Laios' feelings would be, considering his own complicated relationship with Milsiril. Coming to terms with your parents' flaws is such a tough pill to swallow, and lord knows it's 10x more complicated with everything going on between Kabru and Milsiril, but Kabru at least seems to have already reached a place where he's made his peace with it, the same as with Falin (which, ugh, Kabru, you are a much stronger person than I am lol). I do feel that he'd want to help Laios mend his relationship with his parents if it's something Laios expressed an interest in doing someday. If nothing else, I feel that Laios' opinion of his father would likely soften over time after having experienced a few stressful years of leadership himself. (I also think Laios' father would more easily come to terms with his own mistakes as a father after seeing Laios surrounded by people who love and accept him for being himself.)
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Gary Gygax & Brian Blume - Dungeons & Dragons, Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry - TSR Rules - 1979
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starlit-bawka · 2 months
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Here’s how I’ve been feeling
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millerflintstone · 10 months
Had some rough moments with Gigabyte the past two weeks. She was completely disoriented this morning. She couldn't find her litter box. It hasn't moved. She also fell off her window bed twice. Once was when she got in it. Lost her footing and fell / slid off, hind legs first. The second time she forgot the ramp existed. She stepped off into the air and I couldn't get to her fast enough. She wasn't physically injured.
She was lethargic and unstable and luckily my vet fit her in. Numbers were mostly normal except for high phosphorus, low potassium and slightly higher kidney values. No neurological changes from the mobility test. The ER wasn't recommended. The bad numbers are enough to possibly explain the instability. There's also the possibility she had a little stroke or maybe has a brain tumor. I've wondered that myself
I've been syringe-feeding her since last night because she hadn't been eating enough. No drastic weight loss, either. She did seem a bit dehydrated even with sub-q fluids. Oh, and she wants nothing to do with plain water. Tonight, canned chicken juice mixed with water was the winner.
I found some kitty CBD for her and gave her a couple of drops on her gums at 6:30 pm ish. She just ate a good bit of kibble, Hydra Care and wet food.
She needs a recheck next month unless something else happens sooner. Based on how she looked earlier, I was really worried she was seriously declining.
But hey, she's pooping normally with the gut motility meds. That's been like clockwork now .
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chicago-geniza · 5 months
Ohhhh my Gd. Took more antibiotics. Had more noodles with kimchi broth and electrolytes and chased them with vitamin C gummies. Drinking more tea and nursing more mentholated lozenges. Refilled humidifier again. When will my equilibrium and ability to breathe return from war
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
babe if you have to make an entire social media post about "adding nutrients to my dog's kibble" have you thought perhaps that kibble is not right for your dog?
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just ran into one of my former students who is absolutely thriving 🤍🤍🤍 i love this job soso much
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ariminiria · 3 months
AU where instead of Desi, Jack manages to get Cage to come back to fill in for him
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queen-mabs-revenge · 8 months
on the one hand it's a relief that my little furfreak refusing to eat isn't a loss of appetite, but on the other hand the fact that she just ate an entire can of tuna but refuses to eat anything else is just apex asshole behavior what point are you starving yourself to prove, babe???
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unopenablebox · 7 months
boot sale and i need boots, should i get these
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or these
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prettymunchkin · 5 months
Optimizing Livestock Health: Feed Activities and Biosecurity Best Practices by Optima Life Sciences
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Ensuring maximum health and productivity is crucial in this dynamic world of livestock husbandry. Optima Life Sciences is very well aware of the vital role of biosecurity and feed operations that prevent disease and promote livestock well-being.  
We’ll discuss the best practices recommended by Optima Life Sciences in this blog article for maintaining the health of livestock by using efficient feed management and biosecurity procedures.
Some best practices for feed management are: 
The proper sources must be chosen when it comes to feed management, according to best practices. Choosing a reliable supplier who maintains a high priority on quality assurance and follows stringent safety guidelines when it comes to feed ingredients. At Optima life Sciences, we stress on how crucial it is to use cutting edge processing methods to get rid of infections without sacrificing vital nutrients in the feed. Every aspect of feed management, from handling cleanliness to storage options, is carefully tuned to reduce the chance of disease transmission.
Some best practices for Biosecurity are:
Biosecurity can play a significant role in the success of a swine operation. The purpose of a biosecurity program is to protect animals from foreign pathogens they have not been exposed to. A biosecurity program helps minimize the impact of illness that are hard to identify. Make sure you are operating with biosecurity in mind when removing culls or mortalities from the herd. A technique such as stage loading could be a possibility for culls. Be cognizant of the contamination risks associated with rendering trucks. Inspect your animals regularly to ensure they are healthy and safe from disease. Vet any new animals before purchasing them to ensure they aren’t bringing disease to your property. Consider identifying an area as a quarantine zone for animals coming onto the farm which can be kept isolated from the other animals. 
With the combination of complete biosecurity policies with best practices of feed management, Optima Life Sciences can ensure a comprehensive approach to disease prevention in livestock production. While reducing the effects of disease issues, our customized solutions put animal health, welfare and productivity first. Providing our clients with surveillance networks because we recognize that early diagnosis and reaction to disease outbreak depend on proactive monitoring.  
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dullahandyke · 5 months
more new tablets lads !!
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