#admin Deadshot
tigerhawkpokemon · 2 years
Origin: A Team Blackout Fic
Team Blackout forms from a chat room. 
It starts out as a simple discussion forum, five like-minded people who  get along. They just click. But that all changes when one of their own brings up the Gym challenge. 
Deci: Hey guys, have any of you ever tried a Gym run?
Lucky: Nah, met Alder once and he told me I was better off not trying. Just because my starter was a Houndour, Zekrom above
Fatale: I’m in the middle of mine atm, beat Jasmine yesterday
Sunny: Ooh, I’m starting mine tmrw! Hope to see you in the League!
Deci: @Lucky that really sucks, dude. @Deadshot you ever made a Gym run? Thinking of doing one when I get back to Sinnoh
Deadshot: tried once. made it to Lucian. he beat my ass and was a total dick about it. hate that guy
Deci: Yeesh. I’m about to ask Rowan for a Turtwig, hope things go well. @Fatale @Sunny good luck in the Johto league!
Sunny: G’night!
That’s two with motivation. But what about the other three? Well, let’s just say that those challenges didn’t go so well for them.
Fatale: Okay, Claire is OFFICIALLY a grade A bitch
Lucky: Oh no, what happened?
Fatale: Wouldn’t give me the badge after I beat her, claimed that it wasn’t a fair fight. Bitch, I used ONE hyper potion
Deci: THat’s a shitty thing to do
Deci: What Rowan did to me was worse tho
Deadshot: fuck, this oughta be good
Deci: Refused me a Starter cuz I already had Railgun and Scope
Deci: Said there was nothing he could do for me, senile old man
Sunny: OMA! That sucks soooo much! 
Sunny: I’m about to challenge Whitney, wish me luck!!!!!!!!!
Deadshot: luck
Four down, one to go. Ironically, hers is the one that started everything.
Fatale: bitch.mp4
Attached is a video of two young women having a Pokemon battle. The one on the left, a teen with frizzy black curls, has a Pachirisu. The other has a Miltank. Pachirisu strikes with Thunderbolt, breaking the Miltank’s Rollout and knocking it out. The red-haired girl stamps her foot and starts to cry. “Can I have my badge?” The other asks politely. “No way! I would’ve won if you didn’t get lucky! Now get out of my gym!” Hanging her head, the black-haired girl walks out, her Pachirisu chirping angrily.
Deci: Someone needs to teach Whitney a lesson
Fatale: She did the same thing when I beat her, I just took a badge anyway. The girl is a spoiled brat
Deadshot: not like anyone can do anything about it though
Deci: So why don’t we?
Deci: @Waddles lock down the chat.
[Admin]Waddles: Affirmative!
this chat has been moved to a private server.
Lucky: Who’s Waddles?
[Admin]Waddles: I am user Deci’s Porygon2!
Deci: Waddles is the key to all of this. Everyone in this chat has been screwed over by someone, right? So let’s get back at them. Leak their personal info. Get them fired. Something. 
Lucky: Isn’t all of this highly illegal?
Fatale: NOt like the law’s done shit for us. 
Deadshot: i’m in, fuck the elites
Deci: Sunny, what about you?
Sunny: … i’m in.
Deci: Perfect. Now we need a team name.
Lucky: Since I’ve been roped in, how about Team Vindicate?
Deadshot: that sounds like a bad tumblr fanfic
Fatale: I vote Team Blackout, since everyone here has Electric-types. 
Deci: Ooh, I like that. Team Blackout it is.
and there you have it.
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In fun dedication too one of our mods newer fan fiction series getting 666 hits on Ao3, we decided to pull together a lil thing commemorating the two stars of the series and. . . .
UHOH looks like the powers of 666 has gotten to them, this can only end well D:
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deadshctx · 4 years
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hiya folks! spike here, with my angsty son FLOYD LAWTON. i have his bio up HERE and his full application under the cut. LIKE THIS POST and i’ll hop in ur dms for plots! 
basic info
full name: Floyd Lawton
face claim: Dev Patel
age (include physical age, if different): 30
gender & preferred pronouns: cismale, he/him
occupation: NOVA Contractor
aliases (if any): Deadshot
affiliations (if any): NOVA, ARGUS, Task Force X
1. Is your character human, mutant, metahuman, alien, inhuman, or other? If other, please elaborate: Human
2. What are your characters powers/special abilities, if any?: n/a
3. Please provide three headcanons for your character:
1) Floyd isn’t suicidal, but he has a death wish. There’s a sort of carelessness to the way he works that betrays the little worth he places on his life. He tends to deflect any observations about this with humor—most people who work with him know not to question. It doesn’t get in the way of him getting the job done. He just knows that his job is high risk, and if he dies...he just doesn’t care.
2) Of the members of the suicide squad, Floyd was probably the most level-headed. He was never the kind of costumed criminal the rest of them were, not the type to make flashy shows of his work or do it because of some innate desire. Sure, it takes a certain kind of person to become an assassin of his caliber, but make no mistakes: he has always just been in it for the paycheck.
3) A faraway dream of Floyd’s is to move to India with Zoe, where no one would be able to find them. If he could give it up—if he thought he’d ever be able to give up Deadshot—he’d do it in a heartbeat. He knows, however, that it’s never going to happen. He’s never going to be able to stay out of trouble, and he was just going to have to live with the havoc that would wreak on his daughter’s life.
4. List four personality traits (two positive and two negative) and explain how they influence your character.
+ focused
Floyd has always been good at his job. It was something that came naturally to him, always a fastidious, methodical young person who liked making plans only to revel in the chaos when he threw them out the window. Needless to say, Floyd is deadly.
+ adaptable
As much as Floyd likes following his own plans, he also is always ready to throw them out the window. He’s the kind of person who thrives in the moments when thinking on your feet means life or death.
- reckless
Floyd’s foolish actions haven’t gotten his various teams in trouble yet, but there’s bound to be a fuck-up sometime.
- flippant
A lot of the time, people get frustrated working with Floyd because he refuses to take anything seriously. The combination of his death wish and his sole motivation of a paycheck, Floyd has never found much reason to take anything too seriously, even situations that are life or death.
5. Provide three potential plots you’d like to explore. The admins will do our best to accommodate your plot ideas, but we can’t guarantee all requests.
1) I want to see him do something horrible to the people who experimented on him at Belle Reve. Not only would this just be a cool plot to play out, but I think Floyd has always valued that he’s managed to keep his mind his own. ARGUS and others have taken a lot from him, and a lot of the time, he’s felt like he’s nothing more than a killing machine that they rent out, and it was his own sureness in his sanity that often kept him from doing something drastic. Not being able to trust that anymore would make him furious, and his only coping mechanism has been violence. It would be a type of catharsis when he finally gets rid of all of them that I think Floyd would not have experienced before in his life.
2) Something that I think will be really interesting for Floyd moving forward would be for him to now have a more active role in his daughter’s life. He has been absent for so much of it, and now she’s six and like...a real person and that’s finally sinking in for Floyd. The things he does will blow back on her, and if there is anyone in this world he loves, it’s Zoe Lawton. Having to come to terms with the fact that if he wants this time to be different, he’’s going to have to do some things differently is going to be a tough pill for him to swallow.
3) It would be super fun if a character in game hired Floyd against another character in game. It would be hilarious to watch Floyd chase someone around and then give him a dumb reason for not going through with it honestly it would be great.
character bio
Before the ban, he wasn’t anyone, and after the ban went into place, no one noticed when he disappeared deeper into the forgotten reaches of the system. The ugly dregs of a new normal that no one wanted to look at.
Floyd spent some time in Belle Reve after the start of the ban, mostly because no one really knew what to do with the suicide squad. Eventually, the squad was split up and Floyd was sent to Star City to work as a private contractor for ARGUS. He was still very much their prisoner—the words just made it seem better than it was.
ARGUS controlled Floyd’s entire life at this point, and he had grown used to it. He had grown complacent, tamed unwillingly into obeying the routine that had become his whole life. At one point, he had been the most highly sought after assassin in the world. Now, he was just another cog in ARGUS’ machine.
That never sat right with Floyd, and he had never learned how to solve his problems without a bullet, which was why he put one in Waller’s head.
ARGUS, at that point, was quickly losing its foothold to NOVA, and in the ensuing chaos, no one had time to deal with a loose cannon asset no one liked working with. They tossed him back in Belle Reve and forgot about him.
But he didn’t forget, not through every single nightmare Belle Reve put him through. If the asset won’t be in use, they thought, we can put him to use right here. And they did, putting him into all sorts of fucked up scenarios and seeing if he could fight his way out of it. When he did, they’d convince him that it wasn’t real.
Finally, they got bored of their game, or NOVA needed a pinch hitter, or some other dumb fucking reason that Floyd doesn’t give a fuck about, and they released Floyd. Of course, they couldn’t do it like normal people, and they plopped him back in Star City with a new tracker in his arm and a thirst for violence he’d never felt before.
He doesn’t think it’ll ever go away.
blood, violence tw
Floyd wasn’t doing well in the dormitory, to say the least.
For a while, he was okay, cracking jokes when he felt like it and more often than not sullenly going through the motions, just like everyone else. It seemed like he could be normal, that maybe he could be okay and that whatever had happened before that had kept him out of the field for so long was just a memory.
It was in the third week that the fighting started.
At first, it was a broken nose, a dislocated thumb, a black eye. Minor injuries, things that were unacceptable to NOVA but just shy of irredeemable. So, Floyd stayed in the house. And the more he stayed in the house, the more his anger grew.
He’d spent months in solitary at this point. Fuck it, a year, probably. He wasn’t ready to be thrust back into something so new and so overwhelming all at once. Every single person in that house had their dicks out like they had something to prove, and Floyd, who had absolutely nothing to prove, showed them exactly who was on top.
It wasn’t until he killed someone that they took him out.
Floyd thought about it, the way he felt standing over the body, blood pooling under his head and his eyes glassy and unmoving. Floyd wasn’t used to killing up close like this, relying on the safety of distance whenever he took out his targets. It was clean. Precise. He didn’t see the bloody aftermath.
It was fascinating to him. That was concerning to them.
So, they moved him somewhere alone, and Floyd hated it even more than the dormitory. The silence made his ears ring. At night. he woke up with nightmares of drowning.
Even then, lying awake in bed, he was consumed with the feeling of water entering his lungs. It had happened, he swore. They had told him at Belle Reve that nothing happened, showed him scans of his lungs, clear of any inflammation, and said that it had been a terrible hallucination. All in his head.
But he felt it. He could have sworn he felt it. Water, rising through his cell as he desperately searched for an escape, the feeling of his blood mingling with the water as he clawed at the walls. He remembered the feeling of inhaling water, the pain and shock of a rush of water into the delicate structures of his lungs.
He remembered being administered CPR.
He rolled over in bed. Would he really hallucinate CPR?
Fuck. He wanted to punch someone right then, but he couldn’t, because he got himself kicked out of the fucking dormitory. Way to fucking stick it to ‘em, Floyd.
He felt nauseous. He swallowed it back.
He knew the truth. He had to.
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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SUICIDE SQUAD #5 written by TOM TAYLOR art and cover by BRUNO REDONDO variant cover by JEREMY ROBERTS They say loose lips sink ships—and Captain Boomerang has the biggest mouth on Earth! That’s why Lok commands Task Force X to bring him in and shut him up for good! The hunt is on, but nothing ever goes according to plan in the Suicide Squad—at least, not if Osita and her mutinous Revolutionaries can help it. Will Deathstroke and Harley finally turn against Lok when ordered to kill their old Squad-mate? One way or another, the bodies keep dropping… ON SALE 04.22.20 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES FC | DC This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
Solicit person who confused Deadshot with Deathstroke - you had one job. ONE JOB!
- Admin
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beginagainhq · 5 years
mw villains marvel or dc, i don't mind
Here are just a few! Members, feel free to comment who you’d like to see! 
Doctor Doom
Lex Luthor
Poison Ivy
Sebastian Shaw
Kite Man
Eobard Thawne
Aldritch Killian
Justin Hammer
— Admin Ashley
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taegukficrecs · 6 years
hi hi do you have any fic reqs where Tae is being very dominant and intimidating and dark and kookies all flustered and trying to resist and it’s all angsty? :)
1. Way It Goes byvestals
“How you doing on that soda?”
Wait a second. Tae hadn’t taken a single sip. No, he’d snatched the popcorn and left Jungkook to work at it absently for the past hour. Meaning he’d consumed almost an entire litre of Cola.
Or the one where Jungkook tries to go on a very innocent movie date to make up for his bad behaviour, but Taehyung has other things in mind.
2. To Heaven & Hell byyjhs
Kim Taehyung makes Jeon Jungkook’s life a living hell.
3. You got me hooked (Up on that feeling) by  jiminsfw
This year’s theme is heroes and villains. All his hyungs want to go as Suicide Squad members. And this year, they’re out for the prize. Now, this wouldn’t be much of a problem if he got Deadshot or El Diablo— anything that isn’t fucking Harley Quinn.
But no. He just had to be Harley. His fucker of a boyfriend, Tae, put dibs on Joker. His fucker of a best friend, Jimin, put dibs on Deadshot. It goes on like that until all that’s left of the iconic characters is Harley fucking Quinn— leaving Jeongguk with basically no other choice than to accept the “role”.
And also because said fucker of a boyfriend is practically begging him to go as Harley ‘so that we match, babe!’ Jeongguk hates how fucking weak and whipped he is for Taehyung’s deceivingly cute pout. He’s a fool, really. How is he not immune to that even after two years?
Taekook attend a costume party and fuck in cosplay.
4. Adrenaline Rush byKookiefluffle
Taehyung was the boss of the biggest gang in the city and he had his little princess to keep him company during his reign.
-Admin M
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Dude RF goes low lol. Created by Admin Reverse Flash
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invictus-rp · 3 years
Good morning lovelies of the tags! It’s an acceptance day here at Invictus!
I had a lovely weekend full of revels and merriment and I am looking forward to the spooky shenanigans of this next weekend. You know what would make it even more fun? An app or even just an ask from you! 
Invictus is a 21+ Marvel/DC RP that is undergoing a rebirth, and the admins are in the trenches working out kinks. The one thing we need? YOU! There are so many open characters here that we would love to see. Join Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, and Natasha Romanoff as one of the Avengers? We’d love to see Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, and more! Or maybe you are more of a DC person! In that case, we’re desperate for Diana Prince, Clark Kent, Poison Ivy, Deadshot, or any of the batkids! 
Check out our plot, which focuses on the wartime affects on the psyche as our heroes battle Darkseid and face off on old prejudices between the teams. Maybe have a look at our Most Wanted characters, send us any questions you might have and, if you really love us, maybe send us an app yourself!
Can’t wait to hear from you!
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Could i request headcanons for Bakugou and Kirishima with a fem s/o who has a HUGE gun/firearm collection (deadshot quirk lol)! (Bonus if she asks them if they want to fire a few shots) I really enjoy your writing! :) Thank you!
Okay so first of all, I’d like to say I have no experience with guns or firearms so I really didn’t know what to do with this request. I tried my best, but I apologize if it isn’t exactly what you were hoping for.
- Admin Rosa
Bakugou Katsuki
He knew she’d have guns because of her quirk, but he didn’t know how extensive her collection really was. 
He’s not totally sure how he feels about it
Yeah it’s cool you have this room dedicated to enhancing your quirk and that’s great, he loves the dedication
But he’s also kinda worried about the dangers of having this many firearms in the house
Like if someone breaks in, sure you’ll be able to shoot them if you grab the gun, but that doesn’t mean the intruder can’t shoot you too
It’s not like it’d be hard to find this room filled with guns after all
Your quirk is still really interesting to him though, and he wants to know more about all your cool guns and stuff
Because obviously they are important to you and he wants to be informed on the things you care about
When you ask him if he wants to take a few shots, he’s totally for it
He’s not a great shot, but he can aim for the most part
He wants to use the biggest gun because he thinks it's the coolest one
He also had no idea how to turn the safety off so you needed to help him through it.
Kirishima Eijirou
He isn’t really surprised by the collection, but the sheer volume of it makes his jaw drop
He has never seen this many guns in his life
okay he has maybe seen like 3 guns in his life but that is besides the point
He wants to know all about the different kinds of guns you have
How far can they shoot, how powerful are they, how quick do the bullets travel, which is your favorite? He wants all the details.
He’s low-key worried about having a room just dedicated to guns, but he figures you know what you’re doing and have taken the necessary steps to keep yourself safe, so he tries to ignore that gnawing sense of concern
He will ask you if he can try one of them out because he’s never had the opportunity to shoot something before
He takes a little pistol because he thought it’d be the easiest one to shoot
The boy does not have any ability to aim
He ends up shooting a hole into your wall rather than at the targets
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gauntlethq-blog · 8 years
mwm for dc?
chato santana, captain boomerang, deadshot, hal jordan, cyborg, beast boy. there’s a few my co-admin mentioned right here.  if you’d like more suggestions, feel free to shoot us another message !!
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Reginald (Reggie) Colton Locke 
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Occupation Wildlife photographer Nationality American Gender Male Pronouns He/Him Orientation Straight Age Ghoulified at 45. (Born 2249)
Bio Reginald Colton, known to his close acquaintances as “Reggie”, is a ghoul that can be found roaming the wilds of Boston's. Reginald was born on April 23 2249 in a small community located just within the confines of New Vegas. His parents were booze hounds and gambling addicts that mostly left their child to his own devices, which he surprisingly did not seem to mind as he often spent most of his time reading. However, he often found it difficult to fit in the local kids. He wasn't as physically intimidating as the larger children and they often teased and tormented him. It was in these times of desperation that Reggie found an old pre-War magazine and discovered that he had an interest in photography. As he grew into his younger years, Reggie invested much of his spare time in his hobby without access to proper equipment of any kind. He soon began drawing places around him using bits of burnt charcoal. 
The drawings were crude at first but after a while Reggie's talent began to shine and soon his works were good enough to sell to passing caravans, where he soon made a small living selling his drawings, making enough to eventually buy a camera with the money he earned. Reggie soon found there was indeed business to be made within the photography world, as Traders paid a tidy sum to have their own picture taken, and by the time Reggie was 16 he had enough caps to leave home and travel.  
On his travels, Reggie found he had a knack for taking photographs of wildlife, often finding peace amongst nature and paying good wages to those who would be brave enough to give him tours of the surrounding areas so he could continue to do so. As a result he soon stopped photographing people and moved on to Wildlife photography. Over time he eventually traveled across the American west and made his way east, photographing and selling his nature photos to those wishing to have a peace of the untamed wilds without the hazards to go with it. As his travels continued, Reggie began to learn more and more about the wildlife who called the land home, coming into contact with some of the lands most fiercest predators, whilst spending years in the wilderness studying the hidden interconnection between animals of all species, eventually even starting his own book-like compendium , where he compiled all the extra photographs and information he knew about the wildlife.
As time progressed, Reggie eventually made his way to Boston and settled down. In 2294, two years after the destruction of the institute, at the age of 45, whilst photographing some of the local Deathclaw, he was attacked by an unknown creature. Reggie had never gotten a good look at the beast, before it sprayed an adhesive, almost tar-like venom at him from its mouth. The creature's venom first hit him in his chest which immediately caused what looked like severe chemical burns. As he tried to get away, the creature spat again; this time, successfully reaching it’s intended target. Blinding pain all but covered Reggie’s left of his body as the tar-like venom splattered across his being, burning through his clothes and eating away at his skin. It hurt terribly; though what he most remembered from the attack the most is how confused he was. Reggie does not remember much of what happened later, except the burning in his eyes and the sudden smack of the ground as his body collapsed under the stress and shock. He passed out, only to wake up, during an intense fever, in the company of a small Caravan, who had noticed the distressed man collapsed out in the wastes and assisted him in taking him in and cleaning his wounds.
As the days progressed, Reggie found himself in the painful and agonizing throes of change, as the unknown creatures venom had been laced with an incredibly potent cocktail of radioactive material, and as the fluid had eaten through his skin, Reggie soon had become infected with radiation sickness, which melted his flesh and soon would transform him into the form he is known for now, a ghoul.
Description Reggie is a ghoul through and through. Somewhat skeletal, and bony, the attack from the unknown creature and the intense radiation sickness that followed his exposure has surely left it’s mark. Severely disfigured by radiation poisoning, much of the left side of his body looks to have been melted, his left eyelid fused together with his bottom lid, his ear fused to his skull and much of the skin severely burned and loose. Much of his hair is gone with healed, yet opened wounds littering his scalp. Towards the right side of his body, much of it looks ghoulish but not horribly disfigured, there is notable discoloration adorning the complete right side of his face past the right pectoral, but his eyelids and ears are not fused. Reggie is a quiet kinda guy. He is a good judge of character, prepares for any issue well, and can quickly come up with a plan to avoid danger. While he appears to be clumsy and skittish, Reggie is noted for his social awkwardness and prodigal brilliance, which draws on his analytical way of thinking and establishes him as the encyclopedic brainiac of any group he’s in. He has repeatedly shown no fear of wandering into the habitats of animals and mutant’s alone despite his injuries and interacting with them directly, and has also been shown to be willing to stand up for his beliefs, such as calling out behavior he deems “inappropriate”. Reggie is also one to take his work seriously, and appears to have a great disdain for trophy hunters, referring to them as "our greatest predator", often saying he only took the long trip to Boston as to hope to capture the wildlife of the new-frontier before many were wiped out by prize hunters. 
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 Gregory “Doc” Soames
(art by @sketchesandnonesense​)
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Occupation Medical Professional Nationality British Gender Male Pronouns He/Him Orientation Straight Age Ghoulified at 65. (Born 2012)
Gregory Soames, also known professionally as Doc Soames, is a Ghoul that can be found within Collegetown. Gregory was born on July 17th 2012 in a tidy isolated cottage in rural Sussex, in southeast England. He was the child of a  housewife who was married to a Marine pilot and because of his father’s active duty, much of Gregory’s younger and adolescent years was spent moving frequently, allowing him to live a variety of countries, such as Egypt, the Philippines and Japan, before eventually returning to Britain when Gregory was near teen’s.  His parents presumably later divorced with his father remarrying a woman, with that marriage producing a son, Gregory’s half-brother. He was educated at Eton College, and subsequently graduated from University of Edinburgh's Medical School. He also attended King's College, Cambridge for a year before leaving to go to medical school where he started to study English Language and History.
Following in his father’s footsteps, Gregory also worked with several other organizations including the British police and also served in the military like his father, before joining too served as a Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), a unit in the British Army. In his later years, Gregory presumably retired and headed to the United States and eventually ended up having a car accident severe enough that he had his arm in a sling afterward due to unfamiliarity with the different driving customs between America and the United Kingdom. As tensions grew between between the United States and China and National Emergencies began to be declared, Soames began once again volunteering as a Medic, only this time to the US Army. As time went on and the violence grew, he was soon transferred to Boston to work as a mobile medic to aid people injured in the reoccurring riots.  Whilst treating patient’s one gloomy day, on October 23rd, 2077, the war finally came to a head. Many American citizens did not heed the air raid sirens, believing them to be signaling just another drill, and of those, Gregory too realized too late what was to happen. As the Bombs started to fall, the Vaults sealed in their inhabitants as the Earth burned in atomic fire. A few citizens took shelter where they could: sewers, and subway stations, drainage centers. However, without a very strong outer shield of dense metal or rock to defend them from both the heat and kinetic shockwave of the nuclear blasts, many had perished. Some, like Gregory, who despite his old age, managed to survive long enough to find shelter until the bombings had stopped, lived to see the city and world turn to chaos, with dust everywhere and the smell of... emptiness.  Few civilians survived the full-out nuclear exchange. Those who survived the nuclear exchange would form the basis for the brutal civilization that existed for the next 20 years, until the first Vaults re-opened. . . Gregory had turned Ghoul not long after the bombs had fallen. As time had gone on and his age became a burden to him, he went out into the crumbling city and laid amongst the ruins in the hope he would soon die to radiation. As he laid amongst the husks of burning buildings, rain had begun to fall. It was black; tainted with soot, ash, radioactive elements produced by the nuclear explosions and various other contaminants produced by nuclear weapons. It did not kill him, but instead transformed him into the form he is known for now. A ghoul who was old even before he started his 200 year journey into the new world, using his talents as a Medical Professional to get by, before eventually settling in to Collegetown and running his own Clinic. Description Gregory is a man/ghoul of 65 years of age, and has been for almost 200+ years now. Equipped with a dry and acerbic sense of humor, Gregory is enigmatic and conceals many facets of his personality with a veneer of sarcasm. He appears and sometimes himself claims to be narcissistic (although he also shows many signs of self-contempt which would be impossible for an actual narcissist) and appears to have a disdain for most people, leading some to label him "a misanthrope, though is this actually a result of watching and dealing with the before’s and after’s of 200 years of carnages. Despite this however he has a humorous sarcastic streak, which quickly makes him likable to some. Gregory stands 5′6. He has brown hair though much of it has fallen out  due to both age and radiation and what is left is somewhat turning white. He originally weighed about 175 pounds, though after his ghoulification, its now close enough 145 to 140. He was raised in the Methodist faith, although after 200 years he now remains agnostic.  Gregory’s eyes are a striking blue color, and he often wears thing rimmed glasses to see, claiming that in two separate occasions both before the great war and after, to have been gassed and blinded, and that he had been tortured and beaten on numerous occasion’s for being a ghoul, all of which messed with his eye-sight, though not enough to but him out of work.   It is revealed that Soames is subject to hypertension. Various instances also show that besides heavy smoking, he is a heavy drinker, suffers blood clots in his legs and is prone to temper tantrums. He is also highly competitive, and is shown to be a sore loser when he loses in anything, whether it is bridge, betting on baseball, competitions with other military and medical units, or even bingo games.  Despite this however he is often quoted as a wonderful doctor. His co-workers hate him for his surly temperament and cavalier attitude. His students hate him for being vicious, demanding and very unforgiving. The thousands of people he has saved over the years, however, call him a miracle worker and adore him for saving them.
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Elenore (Lenny) Harley Lovegrove 
(art by @sketchesandnonesense​​)
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Occupation Quest giver/Guild Receptionist Nationality American Gender Female Pronouns She/her they/them Orientation Straight Date of birth and ghoulification age Unknown
Bio Elenore Harley Lovegrove, known to her friends as “El” or Lenny, is a glowing Ghoul that can be found within Collegetown’s Guild Hall. Elenore was born pre-war in Jackson Mississippi and was a teenager around the time the war started.
As the war had begun to take place throughout the USA, in Mississippi, fewer bombs fell than in most states since there were fewer strategic targets there. Nuclear bombs did however fall on Jackson, Meridian, Columbus, the Memphis metropolitan area, and the Gulf Coast. As a result, much of the water’s surrounding Mississippi including a majority of it’s more swampy terrain, had turned toxic with radioactivity, and as a result  many succumbed to the bombings, either from the blasts or the radiation. Those who didn’t were subjected too  flash-hurricanes that devastated the Gulf Coast and riots raged for weeks.
Elenore and her parent’s had all survived the war and it’s ravages, living out in a small community on the bayou, the only death in their family being Elenore’s infant brother, who sadly due to his young age perished not long after the war. 
As a result of living so close to irradiated water, Elenore, her parent’s and much of the community turned into Ghouls, with Elenore herself transforming not long after her parent’s due to a fishing accident that caused her mother to drown and left her sick with radiation poisoning, the effects of the swamp water turning her into a glowing ghoul. After the world eventually calmed down, Elenore's community began to receive travelers and refugees at the town, which they had began to fortify against the wandering hordes of raiders and mutants. Over time the community grew, with much of it’s population being almost 75 percent Ghoul. However one day tragedy had struck. Unbeknownst to many of the community members, some residents were not as they seemed and on one cloudy mid-morning, someone had set fire to the local church before all hell broke loose. In Mississippi, much of it’s history had not decided to die in flame, and while the incident was traumatic and much of her mind had refused to remember many details since, Elenore remembered greatly of the White Ghost’s that laid siege to her town and had shot many of the local resident’s, who either tried to stop them, or just simply got in their way, including her father. Traumatized and hurt, Elenore and a small handful of survivors made a run for it. Making their way out of Jackson, they traveled north up the Mississippi River, having multiple run-in’s with the White Ghost’s, encounters that cost them the lives of a majority of survivors, until Elenore remained the only one. Lost and alone Elenore traveled for many months, hitching rides with Caravan’s or traveling by herself, until she reached the outskirts of what would have once been pre-war New Jersey. She stayed there for many year’s, before eventually moving to Boston, and getting a Job many more year’s later. Description World-weary would be an understatement for this poor Ghoul. Even before the traumatic events in her life, Elenore was a rather quiet girl, already withdrawn before the bombs dropped and only becoming more so after the world fell apart. As a result of Their Ghoulification process, Elenore sports a rather “earthy” or almost  mossy like tone on her skin, while thinner skinned parts of her body, such as her eyes, lower jaw and part of her chest, legs and arms, sport a much lighter and brighter shade of green, taking on a almost swamp water green-glow. Much of her hair still remains intact with only a few missing patching on her head. Her eyes are dark with a neon like green ring with no visible pupil.
They are a rather small petite ghoul, barely pushing 5′5, however they have a more androgynous look towards their physical appearance, allowing them to pass for either male or female at any given time, which became a lot more easier once she became a ghoul, and as a result her name is often used as a unisex, with El often joking that people could “find their gender at the bottom of the wetlands mummified in peat like a bog body”
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Concept art of the Dorse mentioned in our latest blog entry
DESIGN OWNED BY @cardiac-rhythmic
IDEA OWNED BY @cardiac-rhythmic @radstag-ghoul
Articulation of ideas done by Admin Deadshot
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let this be a reminder kids always save your work
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