#admin elena
dragggd · 2 months
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Here are some QSMP doodles I made while the server was still going on. I miss the energy and enthusiasm it brough me a lot :,) at least the memories are still there, and hopefully there's a QSMP2 sometime in the future without making the same mistakes as before.
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em-um-canto · 8 months
Oh bagi is saying how cool it is that the admins can now just type and it comes out of the tts
She is even sharing that when she was talking to elena's admin she asked if she would use her own voice (as it was similar) but she wouldn't even though it would be better to make more dinamic conversations
Aparently the qsmp team like that the fed workers use a robotic voice as to not humanaze those character way too much
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haloberry · 10 months
Hot take, I like the federation lore streams. I love the insights and lives of the NPC’s, because it makes them that much realer to me.
Of course, don’t get me wrong, I’m really confused why they won’t let people on the server and in fact, think they really should get on that before the end of the year, I’m just saying I like the lore streams too.
I want the rp-ing with the members, I want that interaction and development of their characters and for everyone to meet the new eggs and see how their dynamic clashes together, but I also want to see inside the minds of the people running this operation and see how their lives are as well.
I’m selfish I want both lmao.
Even though the plot seems to be getting rushed on both ends, with the islanders being MIA for so long and Elena previously never being mentioned before until now, I still want both of these things to be here by new year.
Hopefully we get the rest of the islanders back before Christmas, and more intel on why Elena exist now and why she’s important but I hope everyone gets what they want and the stories wrap back around nicely. :)
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ohits-starflower · 10 months
maybe elena was studying respawning???? she said she never wanted to see what happened to her husband happen again (dying) and her pov showed her 20 hearts so therefore survival mode???? maybe she is happy bc she got to apply her discovery on some people????
I’ve written this so many times mostly cause cause I haven’t had coffee to fully start my brain and make this easier on me…. But here’s the just of what I think:
1. The immortality thing I think just an unexplained phenomenon they are wanting to replicate but are failing. It only appears EXTREMELY rarely in experiments but never been able to be replicated. This would mean that that project gets put on hold various times when something goes wrong or they just hit a wall.
2. The survival thing and the 20 hearts thing is probably more so meant to show in roleplay, she’s different than cucurucho… WHO IS seemingly immortal. If we saw her in creative, I don’t think it would show just how above the other workers they (cucurucho) are. Also story wise, if everyone in the fed is in creative then how does Etoiles and Cellbit kill so many of them. As well as if they are all in creative, how did her partner die?
She’s an interesting character to pivot to but I don’t think she’s mainly immortality experiment focused. Since it’s kinda implied she may have had a hand in the happiness pills. And we really won’t know until we get another pov of her or an islander (maybe Baghera!) stumbles upon more info of her.
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mysticfallsundone · 3 months
What fc will elena and katherine be?
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that, anon, is the million dollar question. we don't want to use the same fc, so right now we're looking for two fc's with similar looks but very different vibes. thankfully, our list does have a few promising options!
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omoi-wa-carnaval · 6 months
been thinking of turning this into a general imas blog
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demodraws0606 · 10 months
The criticism of the QSMP storyline rn are kinda wild to me because other than just people being negative nancies for the sake of it , people really just say that "players don't have input in the lore anymore"
Like did y'all forget that q!Max's nuke a plotline created BY A PLAYER ended up being one of the major factors in Purgatory's ending ?
Other than that those QSMP streams aren't taking anything away from the plot, they're giving us information and storylines we couldn't've gotten otherwise.
With the player's POVs we wouldn't have gotten the Egg's rescue (idk why people keep pushing the idea the islanders should'vr rescued them, meta wise it would not have worked), Elena's POV (along with her backstory) and overall a Lot of the things that have been happening because only the Federation could've had access to this information.
If we had gotten rid of the streams literally all that would do is make the story more confusing than it needs to be.
The admins still are doing lore with the players like Fred, q!Forever's infection, q!Phil, THE ENTIRETY OF THE REBEL LORE (q!Etoiles infiltrating to rescue a Code) and MORE. They are not gonna abandon lore with the players because of a few streams that allow them to do lore they couldn't have done otherwise.
It's even worse when it's been confirmed that this is supposed to be the start of a new chapter of course things aren't going Crazy already.
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splatattackz · 6 months
hey guys, i want to make a big appreciation post for art to send them! im gonna pray they dont see this. if you want, reblog this showing your love or appreciation for their efforts as an admin and ill show them <3
(art, for context, is ramons former second admin, and also played trousers, casper, tílin during and post dia de los muertos and the coffee worker (the one elena killed))
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urlocalwormtoday · 8 months
tf is happening with Tubbo xd
The eyes on the different sides of the head reminds me of Antoine's skin
Whoever it is, whether it's tubbo just being a little silly goober, or the admins screwing around or testing some stuff, they have his entire inventory as well
Also has tubbos actual name thing above his head, Tubbo_
He/it (???) uses text to speech, I think this might be one of the first times we've heard a male text to speech voice (both Cucuruchos', Elena, I can't remember if the eye guy talked but I'm pretty sure he also had a feminine text to speech)
Whoever he points at seems to disconnect, including the eggs
He reappeared and was looking for the eggs, and was specifically looking for Empanada (said the words "your shell" and "pancake shell" to Niki)
He also said "friend for now", which is concerning
Said he needed to "make his wrong a right" or something like that, and then mentioned the shells again in reference to the eggs
I'm gonna make a list of all the things I've heard him say in order so far, gonna call him Tubbrine
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bitcell · 10 months
can we go back to qsmp and leave qnpcsmp LIKE i trust the admins and i love the server, everything that has been canonically built so far is amazing and it's clear that there's a lot of thought, love and energy put into the world building of the server. i understood the need for a cucurucho stream during purgatory because we had no idea of what was happening in quesadilla island, but i would rather have the twitch.tv/qsmp acc as some kind of lore recap at the end of the week or a place for them to broadcast the full qsmp story videos, instead of being a place for them to develop the plot of the server with no input from the players.
imagine if the book that was found today by elena had been found by fit or foolish, the amount of paranoia that would spread across the island, especially with how many players have been missing since the end of purgatory.
the biggest problem currently on the qsmp is that they're giving more importance to npcs than the players, and do you know who the audience is interested on watching? the players.
the server found their lore apex around the time when the admins would give small pieces of information to the players and let them investigate it on their own, create their theories and watch them fall through, so they would have to keep trying and trying. if they're given everything from the get go, where's the fun?
i fear the main purpose of the qsmp is getting lost by the way they're constantly trying to be innovative and present new things to the audience, when all that we need is to see the characters rping. what even was the point of minimes and cucuruchito? literally none. even purgatory, although i enjoyed it, it was awful for the lore development of a lot of players. all the stories they were telling had to be abruptly stopped and some of them even had to start from scratch. obviously, it also helped other players, but my main point is less is more.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
I think that the admins heard people complaining about having to watch Cucurucho's pov and, instead of listening to the actual criticism of people saying that they're tired of the npcs doing all the lore things and not the players anymore, they swapped Cucurucho's pov out for a friendly, relatable slay girlboss of a npc with a tragic backstory and a LOT of voicelines. Elena is basically a player- she's even in survival mode- and that's fine and all, but this pov switch is missing the entire point of everybody's criticism because we were STILL left with huge lore stuff with no explanation and without literally any player agency involved because like? Of course the friendly perfect lovable npc finds the very important lore information! Not any of the player characters, and this is the problem that everybody has been talking about. What's the point of the characters at this point if all the important stuff happens to the npcs?
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lilliancdoodles · 7 months
Do you guys remember how Antione said the he was the lore in response to that insta qna?
I think Fit is the English version of that.
He has SO MUCH FED LORE. Like so much it's crazy. I was honestly kinda worried we were going to lose the fed lore with it being creator driven. I feel like a lot of Fed lore so far has been admin driven. To be fair i don't know the behind the scenes, but I think characters like walter bob, Fred, the Resistance, and ESPECIALLY Elena are admin driven. But the bird lore drop today gives me faith that we will still get that kind of stuff.
Fit has so much fed lore just waiting to be discovered and revealed. and with how Fit paces his lore, I am confident that it will be well paced. There are hints and pay off. We first saw the cats in like July? and here we are in March and WE STILL LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE CATS. There is so much about Madagio and Vacuus that we don't know about. And im so excited to see what else we can learn and how it will unfold.
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haloberry · 4 months
we don’t talk about tubbo’s interrogations with cucurucho enough because the way he was able to figure out almost every single major federation plotline before it happened through simple yes or no questions was insane
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE “Are their eggs that we know of all the eggs, or are there some we dont know about” QUESTION BC I WILL GO INSANE.
Yes, it was already known thru Lullah, Pomme, and Richas that eggs just sometimes appear, but the whole plotline of who and what they were was still so shrouded in mystery, that we practically didn’t know anything until the QSMP Curcurucho/Elena vods came out! MONTHS LATER
WHICH, this was also the time where many fans didn’t think we would get new eggs, since the Iced people were the first mixed culture group that was being brought on, making most believe that since there are already eggs that had their language, there would have been technically no need for “accessory” eggs since there was no language barrier present unlike the French and the Brazilians!
Making Sunny, Pepito, and Empanadas discovery so much more shocking! Since, they were the first eggs, technically without a set purpose behind them! The og eggs, Pomme, and Richas were all eggs that were made as a bridge between cultures and language. Even Chunsik, the youngest egg, was made for that purpose!
Lullah was the only other instance of an “accessory” egg, but even she was there as a Spanish egg to connect her to others! (Also around the time Chayanne had multiple admins lol)
And while obviously we have the most popular question of the “Multiple Islands” answer, the fact was we truly didn’t have any clue on it at all since all we knew was that we were on the sole island of point Nemo, WHICH MEANS TO THIS DAY WE STILL DONT KNOW WHERE PURGATORY IS EXACTLY
Anyways, this responds is taking too long so have my half-crazed thoughts about the interrogation scene, as their was a bunch of other questions i wanted to touch on, but brooooo.
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terezicaptor · 8 months
i doubt they’d scrap all storylines linked to the old fed workers like that, not only have they spent all this time developing characters like cucurucho, elena, agent 18, fred, walter bob, etc, but half the islanders’ lore is directly linked to those characters and are huge within the fandom.
yeah. I wanna put faith in the admins but my anxiety brain is doing its best to catastrophize so. </3
I miss fred and I hate change
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kadextra · 9 months
i twitter lurk in case tumblr liveblogging misses smth and i've been very concerned since finding this screenie
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defo an admin playing Phil but I do not like the lore implications if this is real
yo what 👁️ I think it’s real bc I saw foolish tab and see elena but I didn’t know about the others… hmmm looks like they’re cooking for tomorrow’s lore
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omoi-wa-carnaval · 1 year
There is a famous brazilian soap opera author called Manoel Carlos and one of the trademarks of his works is how he always liked to have the main character be named "Helena" (inspired by Helen of Troy from greek mythology).
My personal HC is that, Elena's mom was a big fan of his soap operas, and always said that if she ever had a daughter, she would name her "Helena"... and so she did.
it is a very common name in Brazil, though its usually written with an "H", but other spellings exist, I guess Elena's mom just wanted to be different lol
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