#admin lulu
kfinalgirls · 7 months
Scream ༊*·˚ Part 2
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༊*·˚Admin Lulu Presents~ ༊*·˚Pairing: Choi San x Lulu (OC) 1st pov x Park Seonghwa ༊*·˚Genre/Trope/Au: smut, horror, established relationship, scream au, college au ༊*·˚Rating: R rated, +18 MDNI ༊*·˚Warnings: mentions blood, gore, death, knives, violence (smut will be included in future chapters), drinking, party going, creep! seonghwa, gaslighting ༊*·˚Kinks: suggestive talk ༊*·˚Word Count: 1,913 ༊*·˚Credits to @cafekitsune for the divider ༊*·˚Synopsis: When a killer begins to target students of my college--and also starts calling me to brag about it--San is there to comfort me. But throw in his creepy best friend and my world begins to crumble around me ༊*·˚Part One ||| All Posts || Part Three
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“San, no, I am not going to some stupid party!”
San and I were having a not-so-great argument. He wanted to go out, I wanted to stay in. Usually I could convince him with a flash of my underwear that it was in his best interest to stay in but tonight he was being stubborn for some reason.
“Come on, Lulu!” He pleaded, “I promised Seonghwa we would go!”
I sent him a look of disgust, “I’m especially not going because of your weird best friend.”
“He’s not weird!” San whined, “He’s just got his head in the clouds a lot. I promise, he’s harmless.”
Harmless my ass. I don’t know how many times I caught Seonghwa staring at me and even when I caught him he never stopped like normal people do. He always seemed to loom at any function that San and I went to. Seonghwa got so close to me sometimes I could hear his breathing. He really really creeped me out but he was San’s best friend and I had to endure it, I guess.
“Please, I don’t want to go. I don’t care what you promised!” I begged. If I had to pull out the big cards, I would. I went on my knees and grabbed a fistful of his pants, looking up at him, “I’ll make it worth your while if we don’t go.”
San looked so good. His hair was soft and he had just a t-shirt and a pastel green cardigan but damn did his shoulders fill out everything so nicely. San cursed under his breath and cupped the side of my face with one hand. “God, what I wouldn’t do for you to suck my dick right now.” He shook his head and steeled himself. “No, you can’t dissuade me. Seonghwa is throwing this party and he was very adamant that we both be there. We have to. Besides, you’ve been jittery since movie night and I want to get you out of the apartment.”
Guess I had to take another approach. “There’s a killer out there, San!”
San rolled his eyes at me, “Then we should go to the party. The more people there the less likely we’re going to get murdered.”
“Fine,” I said stiffly, getting up from being on my knees, “I’m not wearing this skirt though. Seonghwa gets weird when I wear skirts around him.”
San pffted at me. “Who wouldn’t get weird when you wear skirts? I get a chubby just watching it swish on the back of your thighs.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and moved into the bedroom. I ditched my skirt and looked for some comfortable pants. “You’re my boyfriend. You’re allowed to get a chubby when you look at me. I want you to get a chubby when you look at me. I don’t want Seonghwa imagining getting his fingers up my skirts!” I shuddered at the thought.
“But Babe!” San appeared at the doorway. “You can’t blame him. You’re hot. Even Wooyoung admitted once to--”
I threw my hand up and stopped whatever San was going to say. “Please stop, I don’t want to hear the end of that sentence.”
I finished shimmying on the black pants I chose to wear and checked my make up in the mirror. “We will stay for exactly two hours and you better be getting me refills when I finish my drinks,” I said to San, looking at him through the mirror.
San sent me a sunny smile that made his eyes disappear. He was looking all happy-go-lucky just to piss me off, “Of course, Babe.”
I walked to the doorway, looked my boyfriend up and down and said, “I am not happy with you right now.”
“Does this mean you won’t be giving me a bj on the drive there or--OW!”
There were plenty of cars littering the lawn of Seonghwa’s huge house. San had informed me that Seonghwa always had the place to himself and that was usually why he threw parties. Who knew where his parents were--Dubai or did he say Dublin? Either way, the party was well on its way by the time San and I got there.
“I’ll go get us drinks,” San said as he saw Wooyoung in the kitchen from the entranceway.
“Don’t you dare--” And he was gone.
I folded my arms and found a corner to sulk in. I couldn't even bring San upstairs to fool around. Some classmate had told me Seonghwa’s parents had cameras EVERYWHERE. I did not need Seonghwa watching me and San--I shuddered. I did not want to go down that train of thought.
But then I heard heavy breathing and, “You’re here.”
I whirled around and narrowed my eyes down at Seonghwa. “Regrettably,” I said with my lips pursed to the side.
Except… Why did Seonghwa look so good? I mean, it’s not like he wasn’t attractive. I had heard every girl on campus sigh over Park Seonghwa. They thought he was secretive and mysterious and his allure was a legend around the school. But his creepy factor always nulled that out for me. But tonight, Seonghwa was in a long jacket, jeans ripped at the knees and a turtleneck. He looked… sophisticated? Definitely a look I’d go for. I shook my head. No, Lulu, you’ve got to stop that.
Seonghwa had a shy, crooked smile on his face now. Shit. “Something wrong?”
I scoffed at him, “Yes, you’re entirely too close to me.”
Seonghwa chuckled under his breath. “Looks like San got distracted with your drinks. Perhaps I can keep you company instead?”
I looked over my shoulder and there was my boyfriend, playing a fucking drinking game with Wooyoung. That bitch. I turned back to Seonghwa and scoffed at him, “I don’t fucking think so.”
Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders, “San told me you got some creepy phone call? I didn’t think you wanted to be alone.”
I winced. San, must you tell your best friend everything? “I-I’m fine.” The stutter in my voice said otherwise. Fuck.
Seonghwa’s smile became a grin. I took a step back as he took a step forward. “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. I heard the news say that it seems the killers are targeting students that are in the bottom half of the dean’s list. Aren’t you in the upper half?”
I frowned at Seonghwa. “What do you mean killers? There’s more than one?”
Seonghwa’s eyes widened and then he shrugged again. “That’s their theory, anyways.”
I opened my mouth to ask more when my phone went off. That better be Choi San telling me he’s got my drink or I swear to God…
{10:42pm} Private Number: Having fun?
My mouth went dry and my palms started to sweat. I hadn't received a message from the creepy caller since that day in the Geology labs. If I had to guess, I would have said it was Seonghwa, but he was in front of me right now. So who the fuck was calling me and texting me?
{10:43pm} Private Number: I have another gift for you
I couldn't help but whimper. Did this mean the killer was going to kill again?
{10:44pm} Private Number: Special delivery! {10:44pm} Private Number: 3 {10:44pm} Private Number: 2 {10:44pm} Private Number: 1
I let out a terrified shriek as the lights went out. The partygoers groaned at the inconvenience but my heart was beating out of my chest. I felt a presence at my front and reached out to hit whatever--or whoever--was in front of me. They caught my hand and I struggled a bit. I was about to raise my other hand when…
“Stop, it’s just me,” Seonghwa said softly, “I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you.”
Like that made me feel any better. “Let go of me,” I hissed, yanking on my arm.
Instead, Seonghwa pulled me closer, trapping me against his chest. “I can protect you,” He crooned, “You don’t have to be scared.” He must have been able to hear my heart going crazy because he said, “It’s like you have a hummingbird trapped in your chest.”
There was a yell and then a loud snap and I jumped. I couldn't see anything and all I could think about were the texts I had just received. “L-let go of me, Seonghwa, please,” I whined, “You’re scaring me.”
Seonghwa leaned forward to speak into my ear, “Are you scared of me or of the situation?” He smoothed my hand over his chest and I could feel his heart beating steadily--not erratic like my own. “Just count my heartbeats and the lights will be back on soon enough.”
Oddly enough, I did just that. I felt his heart beat against my hand and it calmed me. Somehow, just knowing that someone else was there, someone who wasn’t terrified, soothed me. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“Anything for you,” Seonghwa said in a low voice and it made me… feel things I definitely did not want to feel.
The lights came back on and everyone cheered. And then someone screamed.
I buried my head into Seonghwa’s chest, I couldn't help it. I screwed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to see what my gift was. Tears were in my eyes and I could feel bilge burning the back of my throat. I just wanted this to be over, I just wanted this to stop.
Seonghwa brought his hand to my head and started to pat it. “There there, Lulu. It’ll all be over soon.”
“Lulu!” San shouted my name and I jumped out of Seonghwa’s grasp.
I ran towards his voice and then stopped in my tracks. Hanging from the second floor was that stupid bitch that always flirted with San at the parties. I despised her, and yeah, I probably wished her dead a few times when I was fuming but this! Her tongue hung out obscenely and there was the word WHORE carved out on her chest. Jesus!
“Don’t look, don’t look,” San said to me softly, gathering me up in his arms. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
“San!” I cried out and then started to sob into his arms. “I was so scared. You said the killer wouldn’t get us here. What if--”
San reassured me, rubbing his nose against the crown of my hair. “Don’t do that to yourself. The killer wouldn’t harm a hair on my head. I’m not even on the Dean’s list, right? That’s what the news is saying anyways.”
I leaned back to look into San’s eyes. “Weird. Seonghwa just said the same fucking thing.”
San grinned, “Oh, talking to Seonghwa now, are we? What happened to ‘he gives me the creeps’?”
“Do not start with me, Choi San,” I scolded him, “You’re the one that abandoned me as soon as we got into this stupid party and now--” I choked up.
I jumped when a hand landed on my back but I let out some tension when I heard Seonghwa’s voice. “I guess I should call the police. This is a pretty lame party.”
We drove back to my apartment in silence, but there was something that I couldn't stop mulling over. Why… why had both San and Seonghwa made it their top priority to make sure I was okay and… why hadn't they been more spooked about the murder that happened?!
༊*·˚Part One ||| All Posts ||| Part Three
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anartisticdreamer0 · 3 months
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
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Gimme gimme gimme my man Lulu~ 💜🙈
PS: I wuv you 💕
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Hehe for my darlings, including @mllorei 💕
I actually and honestly think Clavis would be the most well-rounded dad out of all the princes if he were to have kids. (Don't tell Jin I said that)
He took (a singular) baking class from Yves. It, uh... didn't end well.
In a college/uni AU, he'd take so many courses he manages to graduate with a double major in chemistry and political science, and two minors, one in acting and the other in Lelouchian (which he somehow made the grounds for the first and only person to have that minor and no one really knows what it is but the admin office just kind of accepts it.)
Also if anyone wants to use these hcs to write a fic be my guest lmfao I would kill for that uni AU one and I'm not even a Clavis superfan.
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dianyunipratiwi · 3 months
Malu karena Merasa Tertinggal dan Merasa Menjadi Produk Gagal
Bagaimana rasanya ketika ditanya kerja di mana? Sementara kita belum mendapatkan pekerjaan.
Bagaimana rasanya ketika ditanya sudah lulus kuliah? Sementara kita masih berjuang menyelesaikannya.
Bagaimana rasanya ketika ditanya biodata diri dan suami? Sementara kita belum menikah.
Bagaimana rasanya ketika ditanya anaknya umur berapa? Sementara kita belum memiliki anak.
Mungkin ada dari kita merasa biasanya saja dengan basa-basi seperti itu karena sudah menerima kondisi diri. Namun, mungkin ada yang merasa malu dengan berbagai alasan.
Pada suatu hari, di sebuah chat grup komunitas baru yang semuanya berisi akhwat, sang admin meminta para anggota grup untuk menuliskan biodata lengkap, beserta nama suami dan anak-anak.
Ada yang menarik dari perkenalan tersebut. Beberapa anggota yang belum menikah enggan menuliskan tahun lahir, termasuk saya. Tebakanku karena rata-rata umur mereka sudah termasuk umur terlambat menikah dalam stigma masyarakat. Sedangkan untuk single yang masih mudah, mereka dengan mudah menuliskan tanggal lahir.
Aku sendiri pun saat itu merasa enggan untuk menuliskan tanggal lahir karena merasa malu belum menikah. Merasa menjadi produk gagal. Lalu dari sini, aku jadi berkontemplasi dan mempertanyakan "mengapa merasa malu?", "Apa yang sebenarnya membuatku merasa malu?", "apakah memang perlu merasa malu?"
Dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu, akhirnya aku mempunyai jawaban untuk memperkuat kestabilan emosi diri sendiri. Kita seharusnya tidak perlu merasa malu atas sesuatu yang belum dimiliki atau dicapai, entah itu dalam masalah jodoh, pekerjaan, kelulusan, anak dan berbagai hal-hal duniawi lainnya. Belum memiliki apa yang kita inginkan atau belum mencapai yang pada umumnya sudah dicapai oleh kebanyak orang, bukanlah berarti kita adalah produk gagal. Cobalah mengubah kacamata kita dengan kacamata akhirat, bukan hanya dengan kacamata duniawi.
Dalam hal jodoh atau anak misalnya. Lihatlah Bunda Maryam! Ia adalah wanita mulia yang dijanjikan surga, tetapi sejauh cerita yang kita tahu beliau memiliki anak tanpa pasangan hidup. Lihatlah, Aisyah! Beliau tetap wanita mulia yang berkontribusi besar untuk pengetahuan tentang Islam. Ia tetap mulia walau tanpa anak. Lihatlah Asiyah! Beliau juga wanita yang dijanjikan surga walau memiliki suami yang buruk.
Dalam hal pencapaian atau ilmu. Lihatlah Nabi Nuh! Beliau tetap mulia walau pengikutnya hanya sedikit. Lihatlah Rasulullah! Beliau tetap dipercaya oleh Allah untuk mengajarkan wahyu walau ia sebelumnya tidak bisa membaca dan menulis.
Jadi yang ingin aku katakan untuk diriku sendiri dan teman-teman yang membaca tulisanku. Belum mencapai standar yang orang-orang sudah capai pada umur saat ini bukanlah berarti kita produk gagal. Selama kita berupaya untuk tetap berada di jalan Islam dan berupaya menjadi hamba-Nya. Berupaya beramal dan segera bertobat jika salah, kita tetap memiliki kesempatan menjadi orang derajat tinggi.
Kita menjadi produk gagal, ketika kita gagal menjadi hamba yang sesuai tujuan penciptaan.
Semoga bermanfaat.
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adrianelinerush · 1 month
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Masterlist OC yg punya pairing
Putra / Takaharu Mugetsu ocku yg paling ancient. drama2 kehidupan, drama pertemanan rp yg paling parah tuh pas main peran jadi dia :') mau dipurge masa lalunya juga aku masih ngerasa sayang, karena dia bukti ketololan masa mudaku. sekarang update lore dia: cowo bicurious >> gay. asalnya influencer tp kena kasus perdata yg lumayan gede melibatkan famili sendiri, aftermathnya messy abis. tapi setelah kasus clear dia terinspirasi ngelanjutin studi di fakultas hukum, ganti haluan jd pengacara perkawinan [...] spousenya pengusaha tajir [dulunya temen seangkatan]. pokoknya mereka sejoli sandang pangan papannya terjamin. ocku ini lorenya kubikin agak dramatis biar ga kebanting sama si oc besan, soalnya aku inget banget pertanyaan paling mengguncang yg kudengar dr beliau tuh, "eh si Putra [ocku] abis lulus kerjanya apa ya?" mendadak aku ikutan krisis eksistensi [...] & muncullah BG character yg sekarang... .
MaNo / Nohara Karasuma ocku yg ga kalah ancient-- satu timeline sama si oc #1, tapi ga kubikin mereka ada relasi kecuali "teman satu angkatan". cewe interseks yg pas lahir dicatat sebagai laki2. aktivis, jurnalis freelance, jadi istri orang asing tp tinggal di daerah urban salah satu pulau besar jepang. YA ALLAH AKU SENGAJA BIKIN OC INI BUAT NGEJAR SESEOKNUM. trus orangnya ga nyadar sampe bertahun2, padahal dari nama oc aja udah kucocok2in. ck ck ck. .
Miho / Hakase Miho | Tateyama Miho cewe yg agak… liar. mommy issue. street smart, terakhir berhasil memeras cowo malang lulusan IT jadi penjamin seumur hidup […] [di dokumen resmi statusnya suami tp mereka ga tinggal bareng] punya anak 1. dulu kubikin buat ngacak2 forum, buat ngetes kesabaran admin aslinya bahkan ga kujodohin sama siapa2 namanya miho karena aslinya dari gumiho [dia rubah/red fox] trus kalo kenapa sekarang kok bersuami? ini sih aku yg kepleset :)))) iseng nanya ke temen pas ketemuan irl, "eh si mikage [oc dia, klo aku buka free request temenku ini pasti ngasih mikage buat digambar] buat aku ya?" --sama dia diiyain. yaudah dibablasin aja […] miho-mikage pun officially pairingan :'))))) .
Ito Takumi sebenernya lucu sih […] ini ceritanya guru matematika yg kaku & terlalu lurus [masalahnya semua orang di sekitarnya ga ada yg lurus]. padahal dalam menjalani kehidupan, beliau ngga bermaksud macem2 tp sering kena masalah dgn murid perempuan. terutama karena murid perempuan. aku bikin oc itu biar jd homo, buat ngejar oc temenku, kunugi [guru kimia] yg avatarnya ganteng [murah] tp aku dilabrak sama oc dia yg lain, Rinne [siswi, nona besar yg sangat… nona.] trus temenku yg lain lagi ngide bikin skandal sekuhara [siswi C x ocku] dan sialnya Rinne jd saksi & salah paham sayang endingnya gantung karena kami semua sibuk trus forumnya tutup :)))))) .
Itoigo / Ito Ichigo cowo… metro? sangat fashionable. kerja jadi food stylist buat film2. dia inspirasi mukanya dari souza samonji toukenranbu tp sayang i cant do justice ;;A;; mukanya kurang---urrggh. pas aku main peran jd oc ini, tanpa sengaja aku bikin dia jd… orang yg punya obsesi berlebih thd anatomi… AKU GATAU GIMANA CARANYA NGEDESKIPSIIN BELIAU TANPA JD BUMERANG THD KARAKTERKU PRIBADI :)))) .
Imoken/ Cairngorms | Imonoyama Ken cowo template protag manhua [rambut item, tinggi, berkuasa]. lagi meniti karier utk ngegantiin bapaknya nerusin perusahaan. hmmm brocon >> incest SERIUSAN DIA MUKANYA MUKA 1000 PROTAG MANHUA AAAAAA nyari avatar subtitusinya gampang, aku ga perlu gambar sendiri /hoy .
Taiga / Watanabe Taiga cowo remaja yg blom tau maunya jd apa, karena anak ke 3 [kakak2nya cowo & capable], dia terkesan jd ban serep di keluarga itu. lalu hidupnya yg datar2 aja berbalik 180 derajat saat ketemu Roku… D: .
Veronica cewe yg ga pernah jadi pilihan pertama bagi orang yg dia cintai. trus dia ngisi kekosongan hati dengan nyari temen2 tidur? :/a 8 ini kubikin pas aku sengklek. lore aslinya soal eksplorasi seksual si oc namanya veronica. dia punya tetangga/temen masa kecil/sepupu jauh? sebut saja fel-- cowo. tp fel ini dari kecil ngerasa terperangkap di badan yg salah. ditambah keluarganya sempet kecolongan, fel penyintas pedofilia. trus karena dihantui rasa bersalah ga jagain fel dgn bener, vero jd protektif sama fel. hanya saja cara proteksinya salah, karena vero pun gatau, yg bener tuh gimana?? fel ujungnya imprint ke vero, ngikutin style vero, dandan, gaul etc kayak vero-- gimana ya :)) 2 orang ini tuh saling toksik satu sama lain gt :)))))) aku bikin vero ini love interestnya fel. tp fel ga pernah merasa vero itu pasangan dia. mereka emang berhubungan badan, tp yaaaa… gt :)) ini aku kebayangnya hubungan yg mutually destruktif lah :)))))))))))))))))))))))))) .
[redacted] cowo, beautician [kerja di salon], yg asalnya ngebully lucu ketua guild gamenya-- lama2 jd beneran naksir sama ybs lantas kelabakan sendiri ketika ternyata perasaannya berbalas :)) .
Seki siluman ular yang pengecut & penakut. saat sudah memutuskan tanah kuburannya mau di mana, datanglah meteor :)))) masih mati juga sih. mati kebakar
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extemporaneousmusings · 4 months
Today I:
-took care of some household admin I’d been putting off for a while and now that it’s finally sorted I feel accomplished lol
-texted a bit with a friend who is abroad finishing his diss in Germany and evaluating what to do next and I just…really value these conversations about considering whether academia is the right path, and I care about this person, so it was nice
-went for a lil walk in the woods w/ Lulu & Jules
-cut Jules’s hair. They had a vision; I executed it. I am proud and think it looks good and it will get even better as it grows out :)
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callmewrinkles3 · 6 months
How are they doing? I cannot wait to read more on her arrival and meeting everyone ✨✨✨
Everyone is good! Mama and Lulu are home and healthy and happy. Right now they just want Christmas, and then they can worry about all the admin stuff involved in a tiny baby leaving Australia.
We're so happy she's here! You all have no idea
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ethersierra · 2 years
Welcome to my big log.
About me:
URL used to be taakosleftshoe
My main blog is @moreclaypigeons
my art blog is @sierraveree-art
I run @tazsapphicweek
I have listened to all of the TAZ campaigns, I love Ethersea and Steeplechase especially.
I am an admin and editor of the wiki, which you can find that at adventurezonewiki.miraheze.org, and our blog is @adventurezonewiki, where you can send any and all questions!
I love to draw and sometimes write.
AO3: lessclaypigeons
If you want me to tag anything just lmk!
Proudest posts:
Convincing Justin to GM
A look at my umbrastaff ft taako cosplay
Being a catalyst of the infamous pants post
beary bluejeans
nanofather essay
WIP Proudest posts, art edition:
[I’m still working on getting all of these applied to posts I made before having this kind of system. also this is like 100% for me lol but feel free to sort as you please]
#barry queuejeans - my queue tag! if i've queued a post, or more likely, a reblog, i will add that tag and u will know i was not online just then. it helps keep the ecosystem going.
#srb or #self reblog
#favs - my favs
#sierra speaks - me talking
#a sierra original - a post that’s mine!
#my art
#ask game - did an ask game :D
#fic ref - I’m saving for reference for a fic
#writing tag - my writing
#to id: I still need to add image ID's
#tbr to be read/come back to later
#ref - reference, use for later
#taz playlists - when i talk about playlists!!! i love them!
#other people's fics - i have on occasion mistagged these without the apostrophe. my bad
#friends art
#thank you for the ask! - if i've answered an ask, it should show up here!
#not taz - if im talking about something thats not taz, it ends up here. and you may think oh sierra this is a taz blog why would you-- i do what i want. jk it is probably smth about fandom or my time creating art for fandom or smth
#headcanons - dont use this tag enough so sorry guys
#discord??? i forget my tag tbh
#ttazz spoilers - im unhinged. if u didnt want the the adventure zone zone spoiled LMAO
Campaign specific tags (i don't often do character tags. but sometimes)
#taz steeplechase
#taz steeplechase spoilers - SPOILER TAG block if u are not prepared
#steeplechase bingo - there is a steeplechase bingo card i am filling out as i listen. it SHOULD??? be tagged this?
#ethersea ref - see above
#ethersea environment ref
#the adventure zone ethersea - usually only on original posts. not consistent
#taz ethersea spoilers - I try to always mark ethersea spoilers with this. so filter it if you’re not caught up!
otherwise, spoilers in: #taz e spoilers
#taz ethersea - originals and reblogs will typically contain this one
#taz e - less common but will use if i’m rushing?
#amber gris
#devo la main
#oksamber (aka bubbanana) amber and kodira (oksana)
#the adventure zone balance
#taz balance spoilers
#taz balance
#it's taako! you know! from tv! - my taako tag
#magnus burnsides
#merle highchurch - ok so i dont use it that much
#blupjeans - barry and lup
#taakitz - taako and kravitz
#magnulia - magnus and julia
#a taag if you will - taagnus tag (get it)
#lucretia and taako - they make me emotional. what can i say
i also have a tag for every arc, pretty much. theyre not consistently added cause i decided to do them later: #### #eleventh hour # #stolen century # #post story and song
Design reference (aka when I see a design I like for a character) (WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY TAGS HERE) 
#design ref
#montrose design
#emerich design
#beef design
#amber gris design
#amber design
#devo design
#zoox design
#oksana design
#urchin design
#blinkshark design
#taako design
#kravitz design
#merle design
#magnus design
#lucretia design
#lup design
#barry design
#voidfish design
#davenport design
#julia design
#aubrey design
#indrid design
#indrid design
#augustus parsons design
#callan design
#lulu design
#argo design
#firbolg design
#fitz design
#rainer design
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kfinalgirls · 6 months
Scream ༊*·˚ Part 3
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༊*·˚Admin Lulu Presents~ ༊*·˚Pairing: Choi San x Lulu (OC) 1st pov x Park Seonghwa ༊*·˚Genre/Trope/Au: smut, horror, established relationship, scream au, college au ༊*·˚Rating: R rated, +18 MDNI ༊*·˚Warnings: mentions blood, gore, death, knives, violence, blackmail ༊*·˚Kinks: phone sex, verbal instruction, public masturbation, fear kink, masochism, sadism, dirty talk, cheating by masturbation, drunk!san ༊*·˚Word Count: 1,989 ༊*·˚Credits to @cafekitsune for the divider ༊*·˚Synopsis: When a killer begins to target students of my college--and also starts calling me to brag about it--San is there to comfort me. But throw in his creepy best friend and my world begins to crumble around me ༊*·˚Part Two ||| All Posts
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"Sannie," I couldn't help but pout, "You're not really going out?"
San ruffled my hair. "Me and Seonghwa planned this a month ago. I can't cancel now."
I bit down on my lip. "But surely since things are different now. With the killer-"
San rolled his eyes dramatically. "It's always about the damn killer with you. Really! I told you, you don't have to worry about him."
"But I'm still getting--"
San slung on his jean jacket. "I'm done talking about this with you. I'll be there for a few hours and then I'll be back." He kissed my forehead and then he was gone.
I knew I couldn't stay in my apartment by myself so I went to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for my own supper. I had barely grabbed a basket and strolled down a few aisles before my phone rang. And my heart began to beat as I saw it was from a private number. I contemplated not answering it before coming to the conclusion that there would probably be repercussions because of it.
"Hello?" I asked after answering the call.
"Hello, beautiful."
My blood ran cold and I could feel a layer of sweat bead my forehead. "Why do you keep calling me?"
"I love when you get whiney for me," The weird voice chuckled. "Why do you think I call you?"
"Because you're obsessed with me," I said into my phone. I had to sit down.
"Ding ding ding! Wanna know what you win?"
"Stop it."
"But you like it, Lulu. You can't pretend with me." My phone dinged and I started to shake. "You should look at the picture I sent you."
"I don't want to," I whimpered.
"Come on," The voice cajoled, "Look at it for me?" 
I took the phone from my face and opened the text message. There was a male student from the dean's list with a kitchen knife held to his gut. I gasped in horror and almost dropped my phone.
"Is your heart racing? Do you feel scared right now?" The voice pressed me. "How about this? Remember that little conversation we had the first time I called you? Why don't you touch yourself for me."
"No!" I said, "that's--"
"Someone's life is on the line, Lulu. You don't want them to die because you weren't being reasonable, do you?"
I whimpered but I dropped my basket and went to find a bathroom immediately. I could hear my heart beating in my chest, it was thrumming. I unbuttoned my pants with a shaky hand and felt myself through my underwear. Of course there was a wet spot there. Something about a complete stranger knowing everything about me but that I knew nothing about him just flat did it for me. I was scared but I was turned on.
"I'm, um, doing it," I said and winced at the timidity in my voice. 
"Talk me through it, beautiful," The voice encouraged.
I pushed my forehead to the stall wall, cradling the phone between my ear and my shoulder. "So wet," I mumbled.
"Then you should be dipping a finger into yourself," the voice on the phone encouraged.
I whined in embarrassment and felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. "I shouldn't be doing this! I have a boyfriend you know!"
"Oh, I know. And doesn't that make this more dirty? A stranger telling you to fuck yourself with your fingers or another man will die?" The voice chuckled, "Isn't your cunt soaking wet because of this?"
"No," I denied in a small voice.
There was a large pause and then I knew I had done something wrong. "No?" Next I heard a hoarse yell and then a shing. "The next time you defy me, I'll cut off a finger instead of an ear."
"Please, don't," I hissed into the phone.
"Better get to pleasuring yourself, Lulu. Otherwise I might get bored and accidentally stick this knife into his heart." There was no wiggle room now. I had to do as he commanded.
I pushed aside my panties and swiped up some moisture with my middle finger. "I'm so wet for you," I said in my best baby voice, "I wish it was your tongue tasting my cunt instead." I cried out as my finger flicked at my clit. "Want you to eat me out after you've just scared the shit out of me. Want to sit on your face and get fucking wrecked by your tongue and lips and nose." I whined as I felt my climax build up. This needed to be fast so I could get the hell out of here and find San. "I want adrenaline running through my veins, wondering what you'll do next and I wanna hit my high at the same time." My voice started to rise in pitch as my finger swiped across my clit, my hips starting to move on their own accord.
"Lulu, you're not going to cum without permission, are you?" The voice cut through my white-noise brain and I had to push my finger inside of me to avoid chasing my high.
"No-no," I denied, sniffing and trying to hide my frustration, "I would never."
"Now add another finger inside of you since I know by the tone of your whining that you already have one in you. Fuck yourself with your fingers and pretend they're mine. Pretend that I have you pressed up against that bathroom stall with a knife at your throat. Pretend that I have fingers inside your mouth to keep your moans to a minimum and my fingers are pressing on that rough patch inside of you."
"How do you know all these things?" I wondered, mouth going wide as I could feel my orgasm coming for a second time.
"Because we were made for you, Lulu."
"We?!" I had no chance to question the voice further because my orgasm was ripping through me. I had to bite down on my fingers, keeping the whining and panting to a minimum, but making sure it was all directed to the speaker of my phone. I'd hate to find out what would happen if that wasn't good enough and have to do it a second time.
The voice on the other side tsked at me, "What did I say about cumming without my permission?"
A loud shriek echoed through the phone and then a soft grunt. "Too bad for this guy. He had to listen to that whole conversation and ended up gutted still. Oh well."
I ripped my hand from under my pants and smashed it against the bathroom stall wall. I had fucked up. That student had died because of me. 
"Temper temper, beautiful. Don't tempt me to seek you out in person or your dreams might come true."
"Wait, you wouldn't, would you?" I giggled nervously and then the phone went dead. Fuck fuck fuck.
I rushed out of that grocery store without buying anything needless to say. As soon as I got in my apartment I went straight for the shower. I wanted to wash this feeling off of me; this feeling full of shame and betrayal. Had I really gotten off in a public washroom because of a stranger's voice and had they really killed someone because of me?
I scrubbed and scrubbed in the hot water for hours. I couldn't get rid of the feeling of how I enjoyed the thrill of touching myself in public for someone who wasn't my boyfriend. Didn't I have any pride? I loved San, I knew I did, so what was this new feeling? I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I never heard the bathroom door open until the shower curtain was roughly pulled back.
I screamed and turned around and then clutched my hand to my heart. It was only San. He cocked his head at me curiously, "What's got you so jumpy?"
"Why are you the only one acting like there isn't a killer on the loose? Why are you so calm?" I couldn't help but shout back at him.
"What's wrong?!" Seonghwa jumped into the doorway with one of my kitchen knives and had a full view of my naked body thanks to San leaving the door open and pulling back the shower curtain.
I screamed in frustration and jumped behind the curtain to shield me. "The fuck Seonghwa?"
Seonghwa stammered at the door, turning on his heel. "I-I’m sorry, I just heard a scream and I didn't think I just--"
"Don't worry about her," San dismissed me, "She's just jumpy about the killer still."
"Why did you bring Seonghwa back with you?" I demanded shrillingly.
"He's the one that convinced me to come back. I told him you were worried about being alone and we had a mini fight and--"
"--can you stop telling Seonghwa everything about us? It's like he's the third in our relationship!" I scolded San.
San peeked around the shower curtain and sent me a look full of teasing. "I mean, I didn't know you were interested in something like that, but we could talk it out."
"BOTH OF YOU, GET OUT!" I shouted with finality.
I couldn't look at Seonghwa the entire time we ate the wings the boys had brought home. Thankfully, he excused himself after eating and said he wanted to have an early night. San dissuaded him from leaving and insisted he slept on the couch at least. I left them nursing alcohol and muttering to each other across the table.
I turned in first, truly wanting this day to be behind me. I wasn't able to fall asleep though, being so jittery and my heart beating at the thought of what I did today. I faded in and out of sleep. I jerked awake when San's hand touched my back as he slid into the sheets with me.
"Babe, I'm sorry about today," San slurred into my back. My boyfriend was already touchy-feely as it was; add some alcohol in his system and he couldn't keep his hands off me. His nose rubbed against the back of my neck and his hands snaked around my waist. "Do you forgive me?"
"I just wish you would stop leaving me by myself. I hate being by myself," I whispered to him.
"I can make it up to you," San cajoled me, fingers playing with the waistband of my sleep shorts. "After you shower, you don't wear underwear to bed because it's healthy for your cute little pussy, am I wrong?"
My breath sped up but for all the wrong reasons. Why did everything have to come back this afternoon? "I-I forgive you," I sputtered out.
San huffed a breath of laughter against my neck. "Did you play with yourself in the shower? Are you sensitive down there now? Sometimes you rub yourself so desperately you're a little raw afterwards. Want me to use my tongue instead?"
"I wish it was your tongue tasting my cunt instead."
I shuddered. "Just wanna go to sleep," I whined.
San relented but couldn't help getting one last shot through. "Alright alright, we won't give Seonghwa a show to jerk off to. We aren't very good hosts, you know."
"San!" I spun around in bed to face him. "Wasn't he seeing me naked enough or do you not remember that?"
"Oh yeah," San said with a wry tone.
"Oh yeah," I mocked him, "Now he's gonna get even creepier with me."
"You're the one that thinks he's a part of this relationship," San raised a point.
"No, I said it felt like he was, seeing as how he knows everything about us," I corrected him.
"Come on, let's get some sleep. You can wake Seonghwa up with a blowjob tomorrow if you still think he's a part of this." San closed the conversation and snuggled his body further against me.
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nepofm · 1 year
mw from members and admins please?
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omg  of  course  !  this  is  going  to  be  a  long  list  (  sorry  in  advance  )  b/c  i  think  it'll  be  nice  to  shed  some  light  onto  our  wcs  and  optional  subplots  as  well  so  everything  can  be  found  under  the  cut  .  i'm  pulling  from  what  our  members  have  suggested  for  like  ...  forever  now  but  members  please  feel  free  to  add  onto  this  if  i've  missed  anything  !  and  as  always  ,  @nepomw  is  always  a  good  source  if  you're  looking  for  more  fc  inspo  ❤️
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amita  suman  ,  nico  hiraga  ,  laura  harrier  ,  john  boyega  ,  coco  jones  ,  laith  ashley  ,  adria  arjona  ,  archie  reneaux  ,  simone  ashley  ,  bright  vachirawit  ,  sofia  carson  ,  charles  melton  ,  minnie  mills  ,  keith  powers  ,  jung  hoeyon  ,  felix  mallard  ,  lana  condor  ,  michael  evans  behling  ,  savannah  smith  ,  cody  christian  ,  han  sohee  ,  mena  massoud  ,  leah  lewis  ,  win  metawin  ,  charithra  chandran  ,  jordan  fisher  ,  maris  racal  ,  jacob  batalon  ,  meagan  suri  ,  apo  nattawin  ,  mina  el  hammani  ,  jeremy  pope  ,  madelaine  petsch  ,  lucien  laviscount  & maddison  jaizani
juno  choi's  childhood  sweetheart  wc
lulu  kim's  male  presenting  best  friend  wc
teagan  yoon's  ex  that  got  off  on  okayish  terms
sage  teller's  famous  ex-girlfriend
jalen  harrison's  sort-of-ex
paige  yoon's  fully  related  sister
muse  h
muse  2e
muse 2h
muse 2j
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creepheadcanons · 2 years
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Hello!  Admins and I have been speaking (getting back to our creepypasta phase) We are relaunching this blog. We are much older now unlike when we made this.  At most we are a bit rusty with creepypasta’s and their personalities. (Even if its for headcanons) ------ List of Creeps:
Jeff the killer (Woods and Hodek, same with Liu)
Jane the Killer (This is both Jane’s, Richardson and Arkensaw)
Ben Drowned
Suicide Sadie
Sally n Sam
Smile Dog
Doll Maker
The Puppeteer (and his Proxies)
Bloody Painter  ( http://delucat.deviantart.com/journal/Bloody-Painter-misunderstanding-clear-up-663278510 )
The rake
Good Doctor Locklear
Candy Pop (and related, IE brothers, April so on, Candy Cane too even though she was dropped)
Jason the Toy Maker
Nathan the Nobody (and his twin)
Nick Vanill (and his ex’s)
Hobo Heart
Dr. Smiley (no stole images  going to be used)
Lost Silver
Lazari (and Lulu)
Judge Angels
Nurse Ann
Nina the Killer (OG and 2021)
Laughing jill and Jack
Eyeless Jack
x-Virus (Is he SV?)
The Slenderverse:
Slender and brothers
Kate the chaser
The Cat hunter
Marble Hornets
Ticci Toby etc
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make-money-2023 · 11 months
7 Ways Make Money Online
1. Convert your passion into money
A tool to help support the creator economy and the gig economy, Festi is an easy, fast and free way to earn money. Using Festi’s payment platform, creators can charge for online classes from anywhere at any time. “For example, if you are a fitness instructor and realize you have an hour to work out at the end of the day (or the next morning), you can post a pop-up workout (in person or on Zoom) and charge people to join you,” says founder Rita Ting-Hopper. Two of the top users are Bolivian sisters Jaz and Gabriela, who post high-intensity dance fitness classes. “With Festi, you can turn any idea into a business by posting your offer in literally minutes,” says Ting-Hopper. “There is no need to create a website, figure out a payment system or chase down Venmos to get paid.”
2. Make music
Have some musical talent? Check out Songfinch, which makes it possible for anyone to earn money by writing and producing music. Founded in 2016, Songfinch is backed by big industry names including The Weeknd, Quincy Jones and Doja Cat. Here’s how it works: People can order a personalized one-of-a-kind song from a Songfinch artist, from birthday jingles to holiday tunes to anniversary odes. The songwriters work on their own timeline and retain the full rights to everything they create. Some Songfinch artists have been able to earn up to $80,000 in one year.
3. Become a virtual assistant
As a virtual assistant, you can offer administrative, technical or creative services to clients from the comfort of your own home. And guess what—it pays well. You can find virtual assistant job opportunities through websites like Flexjobs, 24/7 Virtual Assistants and Fancy Hands.
4. Write a book
Whether you’re burning to pen the next great American novel or just have an idea for an e-book that will teach someone how to do something, it’s easier to write a book than you think. Gone are the days of agents and book publishers. These days, self-publishing has become simple and profitable, thanks to sites like Barnes & Noble Press (a free service that lets you sell print or ebooks to millions of readers), Blurb (which helps you create, print and sell professional-quality photo books) and Lulu (a print-on-demand platform with free tools to help create, publish and sell your story).
5. Offer freelance services
Writing, editing, graphic design, coding, digital marketing, admin work—whatever skill you have, the options are endless when it comes to freelancing. But how to get the word out there? You can easily offer services to clients around the world via a number of websites that allow users to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of finding freelance work from anywhere across the globe to grow your brand—and your dreams. Some of the best online talent solutions for connecting businesses with freelancers include Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer and Working Not Working.
6. Market your skills
Or perhaps your skills are more hands-on, from handyman work to cleaning to moving to home remodeling to something as simple as waiting in line. TaskRabbit is a platform that connects people with skilled professionals who can complete various tasks, while Airtasker is a company that acts as a marketplace for services providers. Unlike the traditional gig economy, Airtasker uses a flex economy model, with its “Taskers” working wherever and whenever they want and determining how much they want to get paid.
7. Share your internet bandwidth
Here’s an interesting way to earn passive income: Honeygain, an app that allows you to make money online by sharing your Internet connection. How does it work? Install the application and make sure that it’s running in the background; the app will do the work for you. The shared connection is used for various business cases, including ad verification, price comparison and brand protection. According to Honeygain, the company takes privacy seriously and uses various encryption technologies to ensure that the data being transmitted through the platform is safe and protected. Users can increase their earnings by adding more devices and connecting them to different IP addresses, adding referrals, opening a “lucky pot” every day and participating in social media contests.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Hello admin-chan! If you don’t mind telling us, which otome game heroine do you think is on the same level with Yui based on looks?
//Most heroines tbh, especially the ones drawn by Satoi except for Olympia. I will still try to name some:
Kanno (Un: Birthday Song), Kuze (Nil Admirari no Tenbin), Fuka (Ozmafia), Haruka (Moshikami), Lulu (Wand of Fortune), Yunoha (Yunohana), Hairi (Cendrillion palik) and many more.
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tophsazulas · 1 year
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Full name: Samantha Julia Marlon
Nicknames: 'Admin Marlon’, ‘Sam’ (by everyone), ‘mom’, ‘mommy’ (by Lulu)
Birth Place: Vancouver, Canada
Birthday: April 27, 1957 (age 38)
Occupation: Admin at Point Place hospital (currently)
Family: Lucia Marlon (mother), Juno Marlon (father), Millie Marlon (younger twin sister), Jordan Mitchell (father in law), Gina Mitchell (mother in law), Gia Mitchell (sister in law), Bernard Mitchell (brother in law), Paula Martinez (ex sister in law), Lula Mitchell (daughter), Sarah Mitchell (niece), Joanna Mitchell (niece)
Romances: Jacob Mitchell (husband)
First Appearance: Step By Step
Last Appearance: TBD
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dinisuciyanti · 2 years
Mengejar PhD #23
Untuk presentasi 5 menit, sebenernya ini request dari uni. Kalo gak request mungkin aku gak nyiapin ppt, cukup verbal aja introduction. Karna 5 menit, jadi maksimal 5 slides. Isinya: background pendidikan, research experiences, achievements, alasan memilih program PhD tsb, penjelasan sudah berkomunikasi dengan calon supervisor, selama PhD mau ngapain/ambil training apa, dan planning after lulus PhD.
Mirip-mirip sama interview kerja, kita harus tau uni tsb, terlebih program PhD/school/faculty nya punya apa aja, profile calon supervisor, dan juga soal topik research proposal. Cukup spaneng karna cuma punya waktu seminggu.
Pas jam setengah 7, aku sudah siap di depan leptop sambil berdoa semoga gak drama mati listrik. Akhirnya aku bisa join dengan 3 bule: 1 admin, 1 head program, dan 1 head centre of life science. Perempuan semua. Ya tau kan aksen nya bikin “HAH, pardon?” aku sampe ngulang berapa kali ngomong “Pardon” karna mereka ngomongnya gak jelas wkwk. 
5 menit presentasi. Terus keluar beberapa pertanyaan. Sekitar 50% list yang sudah ku persiapkan ditanyakan. Kurang lebih pertanyaannya kaya gini:
1. Why do you want to do a PhD (pertanyaan yang wajib dan selalu ditanya)
2. Why do you want to do a PhD in our institution (makanya mesti tau seluk beluk uni dan program PhD)
3. How did your work with the team? your research experiences?
4. If you receive 10 billion pounds/dollars, what would you do? (ini kaget banget sih asli, sampe mesti make sure 10 billion itu berapa rupiah wkwk, bodoh)
5. How if you have different opinion with your supervisor? (ini juga, as Asian students, aku jawab manut supervisor karna dia lebih berpengalaman. Eh ternyata kata mereka, kadang supervisor juga salah. Terus aku cuma ketawa-ketawa aja)
6. Is there any supervisor that you contacted except Phil? (aku kebetulan cuma ngontak Phil)
Seingatku udah sih segitu, karna emang cuma 30 menit juga include presentasi. Cukup lega, walau ngerasa, mereka kaya bingung gitu aku ngomong apa, mungkin kurang jelas atau grammar ku berantakan wkwk. Dahlah. Oh ya, aku juga tanya opportunity scholarship dari uni yang memang di web pun ga ada, cuma make sure aja, kali aja mereka gak state di web. Terus aku disuruh nunggu 3 minggu buat keputusan akhir. 
Gapapa, pengalaman. 
14 Agustus 2022
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csmeaner · 2 years
/post/695179845168136193/ Confirming that the TH admin is indeed the user 'lulu' and the two League of Legends dekudogs they have in the Lepitsune species are Zeal (69846, based on Ezreal) and Toll (145259, based on Talon)
post related
.https://toyhou.se/69846. / https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ezreal/LoL
eye marks, goggles, blond+light blue color
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.https://toyhou.se/145259.toll / https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Talon/LoL
hood shape, ribbons with the arrowhead tassels
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welll fuck how does it feel knowing the fucking admin of toyhouse has dekudogs
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