#admin: aka ask box is open
minizology · 1 month
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     ꢾ꣒   ⁺   welcome to minizology !
  ✺ minizology is a tarot-focused blog, mostly kpop related readings but non-kpop ones might be shared as well!
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    ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎   this blog is run by 2 admins ;
  nini / 19 / 🇵🇱 / ☼ cancer , ☾ gemini ,↑ leo
mimi / 16 / 🇵🇭 / ☼ cancer , ☾ cancer , ↑ gemini
the two of us are also cousins!! (*>∇<)ノ
✺ nini got her tarot cards in 2020, while mimi got hers this year (around february aka 6 months ago!) when our requests are open, please feel free to drop by our ask box!! (*ゝωб*)b
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6 notes · View notes
insomniaruler · 1 year
Clay Pigeons
“I’d like to stay but I might have to go start over again”
Aka. Grian realizes his brother is also extremely traumatized
Aka. Jimmy learns to like life again after about two ish years of straight.
Aka. I give Jimmy a crow familiar because I could and it’s cool :D
The Evolutionists fought and killed the tyrant of the end but they left one behind. The world they returned to was gray and sad without Grian’s cackling laugh echoing through the air.
So when Jimmy got a note in the Watchers cryptic way he leapt at the chance of bringing his friend and brother back.
(Now you have to understand. Grian, Jimmy and Pearl had always been a trio. Since the day Jimmy was found in a box in the middle of the forest it seemed the twins would have moved heaven and earth to protect him. And Jimmy never could feel like he repaid them for allowing him to join their flock. He didn’t remember much before them but he knew from day one that he was a bad omen. His wings were gold and black, a canary’s wings, a sign of death.)
So Jimmy went, without telling anyone, even Pearl or Martyn, where he was going. Jimmy traveled through forests and scorching deserts to the coordinates The Watchers had given him. Finally there he stood, sword grasped in his hands as he looked up at the broken portal insignia he knew. And with only a glance back he strode up to it and stood in the center. Jutting out his chin Jimmy spread his wings wide and struck the portal thrice with his walking stick. And his vision was consumed with purple.
“Hello Canary.” A soft vaguely masculine voice surrounded him. “Hello Watcher. I was lead to believe I was getting my brother back if I came to you?” Jimmy straightened his back and jutted out his chin. “Hmm. Yes yes we do remember that.” A very androgynous voice came from his left. Jimmy shivered, that was the one who guided Grian away. “So do I get Grian back?” Jimmy asked, standing straight, like he’d been taught by Pearl.
Laughter erupted around him and Jimmy realized how many Watchers surrounded him. There had to be at least a hundred possibly more hidden in the shadows. “Oh stupid canary, that's not how it works.” Jimmy had not once in many years been ashamed of his wings, but in this moment where he was surrounded by hundreds of laughing things that hid in the dark he felt the cold feeling of shame rise in him.
“What?” Jimmy hated the betrayed tone in his voice. “You see, we Watchers have a counterpart per se and they are desperately upset that our numbers are uneven now.” The voice sounded like it was pouting and Jimmy felt a cold feeling of dread wash over him. “I won’t go with you! I’m not the admin! I won’t be able to help you!” Jimmy felt as small and powerless as he did as a fledging abandoned by his flock.
“Then I guess your dear brother will have to suffer for your insubordination.” A new voice spoke. “NO!” Jimmy screeched, shoving forward. “Take me! Take me, don't hurt him. Please.” “Good. Come along canary.”
Jimmy felt chains wrap around his wrists and binding his wings. With a scream he lost consciousness.
Jimmy drifted in and out of consciousness for the next while, but he jolted awake when the door to his “cell” burst open. A new being stood there, they didn’t wear a mask, instead a muzzle wrapped around their mouth, its robes were emerald green and spattered with red flecks. It approached him and grabbed him roughly, hoisting his arms over his head. A pair of pliers approached his hands and suddenly he felt a blinding pain as his talons, small and deadly sharp, were ripped out of his hands.
By the end Jimmy felt like a piece of meat on the production line, and then he felt the cold feeling of a blade by his feathers. Then an echoing snip. his wings were clipped. They had clipped his wings. Even when they regrew the feathers would bear a scar. Then the monster tugged him out the room down the hall. Even when he stumbled the thing wouldn’t slow. Eventually they reached a chamber where three ornate thrones stood.
“Kneel player.” A voice echoed from all around him. The Thing behind him retreated as his chains were attached to the floor. He instead screeched and pulled against his chains, thinking he’d escape for sure from the flimsy looking metal. But the loops didn’t even budge as he thrashed against them.
“Player continue that and you will feel the consequences.” He continued to hiss and thrash against the chains. “Player continue to resist and The player known as Grian will suffer for it.” He stopped suddenly and the room was filled with three bright lights, one purple, one green and one orange. “Greetings canary. We are Those Who Watch, Those Who Listen and Those Who Speak.” The purple robes one gestured in turn to itself, the green thing and the orange thing.
Jimmy wanted to bear his teeth, and then sink them into the star like skin of the things neck. But he simply looked on blankly, if he reacted would they hurt his brother? “Here in the void you will learn to fight the dangers in our world, you will Listen and report to us. Your superiors in every single way., not respecting that will result in punishment.” Jimmy wanted his talons; he wanted the heads of all these monsters on pikes.
After more discussion he was led back to the locked room. Feeling more and more like one of the cages miners would bring down to the deep caves full of toxic gas. Curling up on the stack of unidentifiable soft material Jimmy started to cry. Heaving ugly cries that started at his sternum and died in his throat. His once beautiful wings dull and lifeless without the vibrant flight feathers. He knew what people said about people with flight scars.
They were bad people, people who went into fighting rings, people who gave themselves over to anyone who would take them. (It was only after they left Jimmy realized just how horrifying the great Avian floating cities were in terms of society norms. But he was far far away from them now). He missed his flock. Grian and Pearl with their safe wings, Grian’s bright red feathers and pearls titanium white plumage. Eventually the sobs quieted to silent tears before he fell into a fitful and uneasy slumber.
His life fell into a horrible routine where he’d wake up with food being pushed through the hole in the bottom of his door and then being taken for training fifteen minutes later. The food would be thrown up thirty minutes in. He had scars far deeper and bloodier than he ever expected to have.
he tried three times to find Grian. each time they caught him and strapped him to a cold iron table and played the sound of Grian begging for the pain to stop over and over until Jimmy was sure he was going mad. It took what he guessed to be 5-6 months till he noticed he didn’t need the food they pushed through the grate.
The unappealing slop would be his only food for the day so he usually rushed to get it down, in hopes of some nutrients before he threw it all up again. But that morning(?) he didn’t feel the urge to eat. That’s when he knew he was turned. He was different from humanity. He was disgusted with himself, how could he let this happen. Pearl nor Grian would welcome him back if they saw him now. His door opened and another Listener stood there, a muzzle wrapped in its hands.
His training changed, he was put under a hollow looking Listener. It was silent, like a shade drifting through the halls, looking at certain doorways longingly. Jimmy knew, this one had been like him. And it had failed to escape. It terrified Jimmy more than he liked to admit.
The next month he was back on the table and his mentor stooped over him as he begged for the sound of his brother's screams to stop. He had hoped he’d free Grian and then give up, meet death in her entirety. But they had caught him again.
They sent him to a world terribly smelling like home and flock, then he broke the rules. He fell in love. With a man with blue hair and kind eyes. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. Jimmy loved the man and that caused his downfall. Because this was the watchers game. Grian was there but he didn’t recognize Jimmy so Jimmy didn’t recognize him. Grian slipped once and said ‘Timmy.’ But never again.
He died in a desert stained red from blood. He woke on a whistling mountain peak. On a soft couch. When he sat up he froze. He had flight feathers. Raising his wings he pumped them once and he rose into the air. “Hello my omen.” A woman’s voice echoed in his head.
Looking around he saw her, tall with crow wings double the size of his. “Hello, Lady Death.” He touched back down and bowed to his patron god. “I’m sorry this has happened to you, Jimmy.” Jimmy didn’t recognize his name for a moment before he slumped. “Do you think I’ll ever escape?” “I think, with luck on your side you will thrive.” Jimmy couldn’t help but snort. “Luck abandoned me years ago my lady.” “Then with your wit and heart.” She said softly. Together they watched the game conclude and she smiled at him. “Be strong, I’ll see you soon.” Jimmy hoped so.
He returned to the place without sky. And his miserable existence continued on, a few months later he was given a posting on a locked server run by a strong admin.
Appearing on the server he breathed in the smell of the jungle around him. Turning around he blinked, he had a tail. Running his hands through his hair he realized he was a fish hybrid.
The months on empires had to be some of the most relaxing times he had in a long time. Pearl was there, she wasn’t herself. She looked sad and melancholic. He wanted to comfort her but he could imagine the flash of cold hatred and retreated before he could speak.
Then it had to fall apart. Everyone either fled or died so he returned to the void. With a report and cold shame. He broke the rules again, he fell in love again and made friends. The watchers agreed and left him in silence for months. For listeners, silence creeps into your bones until you tear at your skin just to hear the ripping.
There were Speakers outside his cell. In his time in this hell he learned Speakers were incredibly rare. And that they were horrible gossips who talked too much for their own good. Listening in was also far too easy when you’re a listener.
“Did you hear the Watchers newest trainee escaped!” One of the Speakers said, a heavy Russian accent obscuring their voice. “Really? the Bee hybrid?” The second one sounded incredulous and very British. “No! The avian, their ‘favourite’ apparently he cut and ran months ago and nobody spread the news!”
Jimmy’s heart was beating in his throat. “Holy Shit! What the hell’s going to happen to him?” The British one asked, “they say he escaped to a safe server with a good admin. They don’t think they’ll be able to get him back fully.” The Russian one said and they started to walk away, chattering loudly.
Jimmy sat there, eyes wide. Heart beating out of control he fought the urge to scream. He could leave, he could do it. Grian wouldn’t fall for his mistakes.
That night (?) (when the lights dimmed) he couldn’t sleep. Half thought out plans were becoming fully formed in his mind.
When a tray rattled through the slot he was still awake. He discarded the tray and began to pace. If his timing was correct today would be weapons training. If he could be fast enough he could plunge a blade through his stomach and never look back. He had enough player left in himself to choose permanent death.
By the time the Listener stepped through the door he was ready to be done with this miserable life he found himself in. It gestured him out into the hall towards the training rooms. He was right then, death loomed. Jimmy was ready. They stood on the fighting mats across from each other. Usually Jimmy would be scared, fighting was the worst part of training. But he felt an uneasy calm. The chosen blade was a sharp biting black sword that could cut clean through a golem.
His mentor readied its sword and he did the same. Just as the Listener moved he turned the sword on himself, shoving it between the padded armour. The world went hazy and he swore he heard a crow cry out.
Then he woke up.
A crow was pecking at his booted feet. He sat up in a hilly mesa. The crow chirped. “Where-“ the crow hopped onto his leg in its claws it held a note.
Hello Canary,
That was not what I meant by I would see you soon. But it worked. The Watchers believe you are dead, they won’t come for you. Try to use this second chance, you deserve it. Trust me. You do.
Best wishes, your guardian, Death
Jimmy sighed looking at the crow. “Really?” He asked as the black bird chirped at him. “I bet she sent you to babysit didn’t she.” If crows could laugh this one would’ve been. It hopped onto his shoulder and began to peck at his ear. “Alright alright I’m going.” He muttered getting to his feet as he looked around. It was an empty biome. A few sparse trees and then just seemingly endless plateaus.
“Right. Do- do you have a name Crow Friend?” Jimmy asked as he walked forward on shaking legs. “If not I’m just going to call you crow.” He said stumbling towards a stout oak tree. The bird seemed very offended by this and took off. “Alright bye then Crow.” Jimmy said with a snort. He felt so much better, the sun shining on his face and the breeze rushing through his feathers.
“Birb brain.” Jimmy muttered before sighing. It’s what Grian called the moments he let his avian instincts take over. He hoped Grian was happy and safe enough to talk about birb brain.
Jimmy punched down the scruffy oak, using its planks to craft rudimentary tools. He found a muddy puddle by the oak and took a second to look at himself. He was pale, underweight and shaking, his wings were in desperate need of a preen, his ears were now drawn into points and, the most interesting thing was the change to his hair. In the front a chunk of it had turned stark white and was interspersed with flashes of emerald green. Weird.
Crow returned as he absorbed the crafting bench into his inventory. “Ah! Hello there Crow.” He said holding out a palm. Crow nipped his ear and dropped a small poppy into his hands. “Uh, your name's flower?” The crow nipped his ear. “Ummmm poppy?” He offered. The bird looked disappointed as it flew into his palm and began to smush the flower. “Oh! Is your name Red?” Jimmy asked, feeling quite sure. He was rewarded with a bobbing head from the newly deemed Red.
“A pleasure, I’m guessing you’re one of Lady Death’s?” Another head bob then a tilt. “Her Angel too? Dang you’re interconnected Red.” He said with a chuckle as he walked on the edge of the grassy patch towards, well… he didn’t quite know, but he knew it was far better than what he was leaving behind.
Eventually Jimmy found himself in a small frontier town out on the Mesa. It was there for the gold rich soil and nothing else. Jimmy saw it as a chance to disappear into a community who protects its own.
And they accepted the pale, underweight, and over dressed avian with pointed ears from the mesa wastes without a second glance. Linen shirts and denim pants were offered up, altered by steady hands for his wings and tail feathers. Jimmy felt safe there, he felt human. He adopted two barn cats and began to grow a small plot in the shaded community garden. He was alive again. He loved the smell of a new breeze again and talked to people again. He felt like Jimmy Solidarity-Minecraft was back, replacing The Canary.
It was after about a month that he noticed his new feathers were coming in. They were soft and downy bearing harsh white scars where they were cut.
The next month the town organized a vote because they were in desperate need for a new sheriff (mostly to suppress the current bandit problem). Jimmy didn’t really want to deal with it. He was getting night terrors more frequently and he wasn’t quite sure what to do about that. Red usually woke him up before he started to scream.
But the day the election was held he was drawing up blueprints from his very limited redstone knowledge for a creeper farm to give the town a fresh start using the large Mesa creepers. Red left to go spy on the election proceedings not before he cast a glare back at the redstone. Jimmy couldn’t help but agree with the crow, his head hurt.
He was pecked awake at his desk by a flapping and screeching Red. “Whoa whoa whoa- what’s wrong Red?” The bird didn’t stray from its goal, instead trying to get him down the stairs. “Alright! Alright!” He got up and Red settled onto his perch on Jimmy's shoulder.
Down on the packed dirt floor he looked at Red. “Now what you menace?” Before the bird could act one of the town elders entered the barn holding some paper and a small piece of gold. “Clara? What’s up?” He asked as she looked at him with a smile. “Well I’ve got to talk to you about something…” Jimmy felt his stomach drop suddenly, this was it. They were sick of him and were throwing him out.
“You won the election!” She said holding out a badge. Actually this was worse than being thrown out. “W-ehat but I didn’t run!” Jimmy spluttered, feeling Red nod along with his words. “No one else got any votes.” Clara said walking up to one of her many horses stowed in the barn.
“Are you flipping serious??? Hold another vote! I’m not becoming sheriff.” Jimmy protested, wings puffed up like an angry cat. “We don’t exactly have the funds for that right now, plus it will only be dealing with the bandits, nothing else.” Clara said with a shrug. “Is it just fighting?” Jimmy asked a scowl on his face. “Just fighting.” She said with a smile. “Fine. If it’s anything else I’m quitting.” “Okay, see you tomorrow then Jimmy.” And she walked off.
Red looked at him disappointedly. “Alright alright I know I’m a real doormat.” He muttered. Looking at the badge he smiled at the faint glimmer of true gold. “At least they give real gold.” He said with a shrug. Red hopped down onto his palm and stole the thin golden star and flew back into the loft. “Right.” Jimmy sighed.
Over the next couple months Jimmy quickly realized the job was much more than suppressing the banditry. He was given forms on trade and diplomacy. But he didn’t quit. It was like they were waiting for a reason to throw him out. He threw himself head first into the work. Using all he learned from his time as a property police on evo to make the town better than it was before.
There were other players on this world too. Pearl was gone, he couldn’t say how that made him feel. He saw the man again, Scott. Maybe this time they wouldn’t fall apart. He was free, maybe they could love again. He never said anything though, terrified of a cold hatred filled glare.
In those months of work he found himself being insulted and taunted by a false god. The taunts tickled the part of his mind where he was locked in a cold silent cell echoing only with his choked sobs.
Then the world pulsed. Sixteen times, it smelled like dev magic. He creeped up to investigate the source with Red perched on his shoulder, seemingly forgiving him for taking office in this moment of curiosity. Standing there was a collection of colourful characters ranging from a tall zombie to a short glare hybrid. But standing next to a man in emerald green armour were two people he never expected to see again. Bright red, blue and yellow parrots wings with void like eyes. Grian, his brother. And next to him, brown hair and large snowy owl wings. Pearl, his sister.
He wanted to go to them and hug them tightly. But he was something monstrous and if they looked at him with pure disgust he wouldn’t be able to survive that. Red fluttered out, off his shoulder towards the group before in a flash they disappeared again. Red landed on the ground turned towards his hiding spot, inquisitive look in his eyes.
Jimmy walked out and crouched by the corvid. “Yep those two were the infamous Grian and Pearl. My siblings.” He said to the larger-than-average bird. Red hopped onto his shoulder, cuddling into his hair slightly. “I wonder where they went…” Jimmy said with a shake of his head before he got back into the air towards Tumble Town.
When the sky blue walls came into view he sighed slightly. The tall walls blocked most of the breeze from the Mesa. And sometimes in the night his brain refused to believe he was free from the cold endless void.
Red was waking him up more often than not so he didn’t wake the town via screams. He touched down on the top of one of the Sun warmed walls kicking his feet slightly. The sun was setting on the horizon, looking down he made sure the iron constructs were activating and beginning their rounds before he got up and stretched his wings wide.
Red looked at him confused. “How do you feel about sleeping out here? I can’t be in the walls today.” He asked his bird friend. The bird landed on the handle of his axe with a question in his eyes. “No- maybe? I dunno. I have a bed roll but-“ god how did he get here? Talking to a crow like it was his only friend. “It’ll probably just be sleeping in a tree somewhere. Ya know? Birb brain.” He offered the unimpressed bird.
Eventually Red followed him to a tall oak just out of sight of the walls. where Jimmy stretched out in the highest branches looking at the stars. For the first time in years he shared them with his flock. And he fell asleep feeling a betrayed sense of calm.
That morning Red was gone. The little diva of a bird likely back at the loft in Tumble Town by now. Little shit. Getting up from the branch Jimmy shook the worst of the twigs from his hair before taking a running take off towards Tumble Town.
When he got there he could feel something was off. In the center of town sitting on the edge of the fountain was Grian, and Scott. And they were laughing about something. There was no alternative he’d have to talk to them if he wanted to get home. So he steeled himself before touching down.
“Timmy! I missed you!” Grian said, hugging him tightly. “I er- missed you to Grian.” Jimmy muttered. “Sup toy boy!” Scott said, waving at him. “Wait…? Toy boy?! That’s so funny!” Grian giggled. And Jimmy realized he much rathered cold hatred over this. “I mean with the cowboy outfit you do look like woody. Ya know, a toy!” Grian said laughing his tea kettle laugh.
Jimmy sighed softly, hating this interaction more and more. “Please stop Grian.” “Naw! It’s so funny!” Grian giggled, hugging him again. “Grian stop it.” He muttered. Scott sat up from his place on the fountain wall watching closely. “Well it explains why you’re so short.” Grian laughed, hanging off his shoulders. “Grian. You’re acting like the watchers!” Jimmy finally said, pushing him off.
Jimmy looked up at Grian. Ah. There was that hoped for cold hate and shock. He felt Red flutter down and land on his shoulder. “You don’t mean that.” Grian whispered. “Oh I don’t mean that? Well you’re the one treating me less then.” Jimmy was on a roll now. “You don’t understand what they’re really like.” Grian said, voice picking up anger. “Oh I don’t?! Sure!” Jimmy yelled back. “They are worse than what you’d ever know! YOU BLOODY STUPID CANARY!” Grian Shouted back, getting in Jimmy’s face.
But Jimmy didn’t respond, instead he stepped back quickly. He began to rub at his face as if feeling for something. Red screeched in his ear, he nipped the ear lobe but Jimmy didn’t respond. Instead he crumpled inward. “Timmy?” Grian was suddenly scared instead of angry. But when he tried to approach his crumpled brother the crow screamed at him. Scott tiptoed up quietly, and got the same response from the protective bird. “Hey I’m trying to help. Let me help him I’m Scott.” The crow looked at him, up and down before chirping slightly.
“Jimmy? Jim? Petal? Love can you hear me?” Scott whispered, shaking Jimmy’s shoulders. “Stop! No! Don’t HURT HIM PLEASE! I’LL BE GOOD!! I’ll never try to escape again I swear-“ Jimmy was shaking, staring at nothing as he clawed at his face. “Jimmy listen to my voic-“ “j-just take my wings! Don’t hurt him please!” Jimmy was seeing something that wasn’t there.
“Hey, hey. Listen to me. I don’t know where you are but it’s not where you think it is. You’re in the mesa, Tumble Town.” Scott said bringing his forehead to meet Jimmy’s. “I’m here I’m Scott Smajor. We met in a death game and then again when we were kings. I love you. Please come back to me.” Scott murmured rubbing his thumbs over Jimmy’s cheek bones.
Behind them Grian was blinking heavily. He was scared. Scared for Jimmy, this wasn’t his sunny brother, something had happened to him. The strange feeling Crow was staring at him with what could only be called a sneer. “Grian, come on.” Scott said, supporting most of Jimmy’s weight. “Right!” Grian said, walking up to them.
They walked through town, following the crow that flew on. Eventually they found themselves in a small sparsely decorated apartment above the sheriff’s office. The crow fluttered to a perch watching closely as they put Jimmy on the couch. He was awake but out of it. Scott pulled out a chair and sat next to Jimmy. He looked at Grian “so… what was that?” “I- I have a history. A bad one with the watchers. And I think something happened between Jimmy and them. But I’m going to call Pearl.” Over Grian’s shoulder, Red glared hard.
Over the next hour Jimmy came back to himself. He was pale and whenever he looked at Grian (who was trying to talk to Red) he felt a cold sense of dread. But Scott sat next to him with no hatred in his eyes, softly whispering reassurances. Huh that was nice of him. Red fluttered away from Grian, landing deftly on the back of the couch.
“He’o Red.” Jimmy greeted the familiar, holding out his hand to the protective bird who accepted the offered ride down to Jimmy’s level. He thanked him by trying to peck his heart out. “Whoa hey hey, I’m sorry alright.” Jimmy said with a roll of his eyes. The crow huffed before making a home in Jimmy’s bed head.
Soon after Pearl arrived from the small window hatch. Red went to her, inspecting her hair and wings thoroughly. She took it surprisingly well, only sending the bird a few strange looks. “Jimmy! Grian tells me you remember more than you let on?” Pearl didn’t look angry, in fact she looked sad.
“Uh- surprise? And what do you mean remembering?” Jimmy asked uncertainly. “Most of the evolutionists don’t remember. And-“ she looked up and Grian standing in the middle of the room, he nodded. “Taurtis is dead. They dumped his body in the middle of the server.” Pearl said with a furious look in her eyes. “Oh… Gri I’m so sorry.” Jimmy said, looking at Grian. “It’s okay… he lived a good life.” Grian murmured flatly, looking away.
“Jim?” Pearl asked softly. “Why’d you leave?” She asked quietly, looking down. Jimmy sat up hunching his shoulders and wings, he heard Grian gasp behind him before he looked at her. “I tried to be the hero. I got a note from them and thought I’d get Grian back if I could just talk to them.” Jimmy chuckled wetly when Pearl gasped again.
“Turns out. They were manipulating me. And I was too STUPID to flipping notice.” Jimmy said, angry with himself. “Hey no. They’re good at that.” Scott said shifting to the couch to be next to Jimmy. “Right right. So I tried to play the ‘hero’ ya know. And I was taken.” Grian growled and Red glared at him. “They- they trained me as a Listener. And it wasn’t the most pleasant…” Jimmy gestured upwards to his tapered ears.
Grian walked toward a window and then punched it. “Hey!” Jimmy exclaimed. “I’ll get you fucking new one, Jimmy you idiot- are you okay now? Are they coming after you?” Grian asked walking back to the group. “Uh no? They, they think I’m dead?” He smiled awkwardly as four identical stares were fixed on him. “What? Why?” Grian squawked, walking forward gripping his shoulders, Red screeched at him going to peck the avian. “Whoa! Hey hey! Chill out you overgrown chicken-“ Grian stopped holding Jimmy.
“Uh because I died?” Jimmy said hunching. Pearl bared her sharp teeth with a hiss. “They’d know if you respawn. What happened?” Pearl asked face relaxing her face. “I went for perma-death? I stabbed myself through the gut with one of their dragon swords?” He cringed as the room exploded with screams and screeches, even Red got in on it.
“But hey! Lady Death sent me back, said it wasn’t my time or something?” Everyone stopped screaming and looked at him sadly. “So uh yeah? But I’m here, I’m well on my way to liking life again and seeing myself as a human?” He looked down
“Jimmy. Look at me.” Grian knelt next to him. “I’m so happy you’re still here.” And Grian tugged him into a tight hug. “I could never hate you, you’re my baby brother.” He was tugged somehow tighter to Grian’s chest as he felt wings close around him. “I missed you so much, I’m so so so sorry I made those memories come up-“ Jimmy wrapped his arms around Grian. “I missed you. I missed you-“ Jimmy murmured into the hug.
“There is something wrong with that bird.” Grian said as they sat around the table. “Really? I’m shocked.” Jimmy said sarcastically as Red surveyed Scott who was dozing on the couch. “What is he?” Pearl asked leaning forward to grab a handful of chocolates. “55% sure he’s a familiar? I’m not entirely sure, but Lady Death sent him to babysit me.” Jimmy said. Chuckling.
That night with Grian, Pearl and Red asleep, Jimmy and Scott sat on the roof looking at the stars together. They leaned against each other sleepily. “Did you mean what you said?” Jimmy asked, looking at the moon. “About what?” Scott asked, looking at Jimmy. “You loving me?” Jimmy asked softly. “Every single word of it love.” Scott said, pressing a kiss to Jimmy’s cheek. And in that moment he felt entirely, wonderfully, human.
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thepoehoes · 7 months
We're The Poe Hoes: fans of RxvenGxrl and her book His Dark Obsession. We are here to have fun talking about the book as its chapters are released. If that's not your thing, you can just scroll on. We do not tolerate any negativity towards Raven or her book.
You can find her book published on Wattpad, title is “His Dark Obsession”
🔞 Minors Do Not Interact 🔞
Bees 🐝 aka @supernaturallynerdy
Sofi 🤍 aka @do-i-look-like-a-doctor
Rules for asking:
don’t ask for personal informations regarding the admins (address, face reveals, full names, numbers, etc)
don’t pressure the admins to do anything, it will result in an immediate block
be respectful of the admins, any dickhead questions will be promptly ignored and tossed away
don’t be a creep toward the admins. if we catch anyone in the ask box saying “bet you have nice tits” or something along the lines of that it will get you kicked out
questions about the book, opinions on the book, and really anything regarding dark romance is okay and encouraged!! we love hearing everyone thoughts on it
we adore dark romance here, never be afraid to ask a question regarding it and we will do our best to answer
as long as your ask or message follows the rules, you can happily yap away at us. nothing is off the table
Have fun here, darlings~
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redorich · 4 years
What if Tommy and a few other Hermits went to the Dream SMP to take care of some business (aka Dreamon + small family reunion for Tommy) and they see Tommy hug these two PvP gods as a ghost floats around them saying, “oh Tommy! You’ve been gone so long! Where did you go?” And seeming quite happy as well. The hermits get to see just how fucked this place is. Tommy told them Techno is by far the richest person on the server yet he only has one stack of diamond blocks. Not a single shulker box to be seen. Phil tells them The End is Off Limits. They get to see the main hub of this world is less impressive than a single of their big builds. They see fighting in the streets. From the other side of walls they hear people threatening eachother. They get to see and experience the comparative hell that Tommy cane from -🐍
Scar’s the one that gets to go first. He and Grian jockey for the privilege, but in the end Scar is the mayor of Hermitcraft, which means he gets to visit the Dream SMP first. (Grian pouts for days.)
Scar wears his very nice mayor sash, and irons his trousers, and keeps his armor in his inventory so that everyone can see his nice apparel. He smiles, and opens his eyes to what is basically a pit. The ground is more creeper-hole than actual ground, and there are mishmash walls all around him. His smile falters.
<Dream> Oh shit hes at spawn
<Technoblade> dream forgot to change visitor spawn, worst admin ever
<Dream> Shut up
Tubbo hit the ground too hard
<ItsFundy> canon death
<Tubbo> NO
“Hey there,” Tubbo says from behind Scar. The mayor yelps, whirling around and nearly falling on his face.
“Sorry to scare you,” Tubbo laughs, “but how about I show you around? After I get my stuff back, that is.”
“Y-yeah,” Scar says, visibly perturbed. Tubbo leads him through a hole in the wall just large enough for them to go through one at a time, then through a small patch of forest. (Do these people seriously not even have a way out of spawn, or a path from spawn to the important locations?)
Dream catches up to Tubbo and Scar right as the town comes into view. They meet up at a patch of ruined land, on which two identical Nether portals are sat.
“Welcome to the Dream SMP,” Dream says with a gesture toward the slightly-broken oak slab path stretching out from the portal. “Sorry I’m late, I had to take care of some business.”
“Business?” Scar asks despite himself.
Dream fidgets with the handle of his axe sheepishly. “Yeah. I sent some of the troublemakers on a wild goose chase several thousand blocks away from here. Hopefully, they shouldn’t bother you.”
“That’s great and all, but I kind of need to get my stuff back,” Tubbo cuts in before Scar has a chance to question Dream.
“Sure, it was near Tommy’s old house, right? Why not show Scar the Prime Path while you’re at it?”
Tubbo smiles, and takes Scar’s hand in his. “Great idea. Come on, Scar!”
Scar allows himself to be pulled along, dodging holes in the “Prime Path” as he does so.
“That way’s Eret’s Gay Castle-- you can’t grief it, it’s homophobic,” Tubbo explains, “and up ahead’s Church Prime.”
It’s not much of a church, Scar thinks, given the giant floating poster that’s been left to peel away. Bits of the poster have even been torn off and stolen, leaving only the item frame behind. Still, he knows better than to say rude things about someone else’s religion, even if the state of disrepair... No. He won’t say anything.
Various depictions of anti-Technoblade propaganda still up. They’re so, so ugly. Further along the path there’s a tower that actually isn’t hideous, so it was probably made by-- Eret, was it? The same guy who made the Gay Castle? A stray chicken clucks while Scar tears his eyes away from the Walmart which has magma for floors, and the Targay, and the cobblestone framework of what Tubbo claims is a Denny’s which was used once for roleplay and then promptly abandoned.
Tommy’s old house can best be described as “open air”, to put it politely. At least there’s a fence..? But as Tubbo picks up his items and the two set off for L’Manberg, politely ignoring the giant Gogy posters, they hear a scuffle up ahead.
“Let go of my fucking hair!” George shrieks.
“Not until you give me back my potato,” Sapnap responds. The two grown men are fighting like children in the middle of the Prime Path in broad daylight, pulling each other’s hair and slap-fighting but at least-- no, never mind, they’ve got their weapons out now.
George shrieks at the top of his lungs when one of Sapnap’s swings gets too close. “It’s rotted anyway, why the hell do you want it?!”
“Because it’s mine,” Sapnap insists. He finally bonks George on the head hard enough to kill him, then scoops the rotten potato out of George’s belongings. His hand toys with a flint and steel, but he eventually seems to decide not to burn George’s items for the offense of stealing his potato.
“Oh, hi there!” Sapnap says once he spots them. He waves.
Scar hesitantly waves back. He’s beginning to think that perhaps he should have worn his armor after all. He watches in morbid fascination as Sapnap takes a bite of his rotten potato. Sapnap’s face drains of all color; he immediately leaps off a cliff to go be sick in a valley away from prying eyes. George’s things are left on the ground.
“Y’know, I think I left the oven on,” Scar says slowly. Tubbo looks at him with sad, pitiful eyes, as if to say, do you see what I have to deal with?
“Would you like to go back to Hermitcraft and try again another day?”
Attempting to affect nonchalance and failing miserably at it, Scar waves his hand rapidly. “Actually, Grian really wanted to come see your server, so-- maybe I’ll send him. I’m real busy with, uh, mayor stuff.”
Tubbo nods, pretending to buy the excuse. “I’ll have Dream send you back.”
“Thank you,” Scar says fervently.
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idvask-hunterfinn · 2 years
A man was humming as he tended to his plants. There were plants from all over the world, from roses to spider lilies, from sunflowers to hemlocks, it was in the same room as him. His mask was on the table, along with his weapon. The peaceful moment was interrupted when a twig was snapped.
"Who's there?"
A behemoth of a venus fly trap snapped to attention, quickly trying to find its prey.
"Calm down, it's probably one of the survivors."
He walked to where the branch was snapped and came across a letter. It wasn't his hunter name strangely, but it was his actual name written on the front.
"A letter? To me?"
It is the man himself!
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The tattoos are under his left eye btw.
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Here are his kaomojis!
(|Ŏ - Ŏ|") - Drosera unmasked
།+ᵒ̌●ᵒ̌+། - Drosera masked
Nationality: Most likely American.
Survivor or Hunter?: He's a hunter.
Character Day: August 13th (Reason: This is when the first Finn audio got released on YouTube!)
When did he arrive?: October 5th(Reason: First Yandere!Finn audio got released on YouTube!)
Height: 6'10"/208.28cm
Voice Claim: One of his audios that I think is adorable.
Likes: The outdoors, carnivorous plants, tea.
Dislikes: ???
Rumor: Something... Or someone is in the forest. Sweet and deadly is the game.
--Abilities are a WIP! So far what I have down is that he's a hunter that fucks up healing and his skills are man-eating venus fly traps along with a crossbreed of vines!--
--Ask box is open!--
Just basic internet common sense, down below is some reminders.
Finn is not my character and never will be my character. Finn belongs to YuuriVoice, what I'm doing is that he's a Hunter from Identity V. So yes, this is a crossover AU.
Admin's(aka me, Katniss) 18 now but still don't send anything majorly NSFW, if it's for a joke pls DM me clarifying that it's a joke. Otherwise, I may carry it too far without knowing.
This will be based on canon and headcanon stuff. He's still the soft and precious boy but things happen.
He doesn't know who Alphonse, Seth, Jack(YuuriVoice's Jack), and the rest of the gang are. I don't plan on making this multiple characters at once blog, too much for me to handle.
Anyone from both YuuriVoice and Identity V whether it be canon, skins, AUs, or OCs can interact with this version of Finn.
Due to life replies may receive a long answer or a short answer. Along with that, some may receive art and some may not. Don't complain.
Magic anons are definite.
There will be mentions of death, violence, and maybe drugs. I will add trigger warnings for those.
Shipping is allowed! Just DM me about it. Like most of my muses, Drosera's going to be a multiship, and relationships will never cross each other.
Have fun, everybody!
Also here's his playlist!
--Ask links--
Cottagecore Emojis
Bear, Sheep,
Greenhouse Initiation
Random Question
Cake, Pig, Coffee
Food Emojis
Tarot Cards
High Priestess, Hanged Man, Judgment, Lovers, Empress
Botanical Ask Prompts
Aloe, Forget-Me-Not, Daffodil,
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[!] return from hiatus/updates
Hello everyone, Katherine here! First of all, I wanted to apologize for the short unplanned hiatus we just had.  March is the start of the school year in Korea, and it was extra chaotic for me because I had to start working at two locations. I found myself with a very limited amount of free time, and two months flew by before I knew it. Plus some of the other admins were moving, job hunting, busy with schoolwork, etc.  It was just one of those times when everyone ended up having to take an unexpected break.
We’re getting ready to open the ask box soon, but there are a few things we wanted to go over before we did.  Most are related to posts that happened right before our unplanned hiatus, so they might not be fresh in everyone’s memories anymore… but we still want to mention them and talk about how we’ll address similar situations going forward.
1. We’ve noticed an increase in opinions about cultural appropriation in K-pop, as well as idols’ education/knowledge about the rest of the world in terms of culture, religion, certain historical events, etc.  We post as many of these as we can because we believe that’s an incredibly important topic, but it’s starting to come into conflict with our “no talking about Korean society/history/politics” rule. This is a little tricky for us, because it’s true it isn’t always just an issue within K-pop specifically (breaking admin neutrality and speaking from experience). But a lot of the comment sections for these opinions end up moving away from K-pop and just becoming a debate about Korean society.  So, we ask you to please stay on topic as much as you can. We know that these situations are not necessarily just an idol/K-pop issue, so we’re going to be a little more flexible... but please try and keep the discussion as close to K-pop as possible.  Using examples about Korean society to prove your point is okay, but we’ll have to stop the conversation if it becomes JUST about Korean society.
2. There was a (fairly recent) post about GFriend that went way off-topic and turned into a debate over Sowon’s scandal.  We understand that people wanted to talk about it since it happened between ask box openings, but turning someone’s opinion into a completely different discussion is unfair to the OP who submitted it. Since this has happened in the past with other idols, we decided to add onto our “stay on-topic” rule. From now on, please do not start conversations or make comments about an idol’s controversy under a post that’s NOT about that.  This includes opinions about the group the idol belongs to AND posts about that idol that address a different topic. Going with the Sowon example, this means that we would not allow bringing up her controversy on posts about GFriend in general (if OP doesn’t mention it), posts about other GFriend members, or posts about her that don’t address the scandal (ie “I think Sowon is super underrated” or “I wish Sowon got more lines”). There will be plenty of posts about idols and their controversies where you can have these discussions; please respect the opinions that want to talk about something else.
3. In light of recent events in the K-pop industry - aka all of the bullying allegations against a number of idols - we’d like to remind everyone of our “no speculation” rule before we open the ask box. This means no opinions like, “I can’t believe _________ was forced to go on hiatus, he/she is totally innocent” or “I’m not surprised ________ turned out to be a bully, he/she always gave me that vibe.”  We will be checking submitted opinions against the accusers’ posts and idols/agencies’ responses, and we won’t post any that speculate or repeat unverified rumors.  We’ll put up another reminder of this when we open the ask box, but I just wanted to give you all a heads up.
4. Before our hiatus, one of our admins posted a controversial opinion that many of you took issue with, and we took it down.  As the admin who approved the post, Jimin wanted to say a few words about the situation:
Hi all, I wanted to address a post we published from a few months ago that was homophobic and triggering to our LGBTQ+ followers. But before that, I want to sincerely apologize for how long it’s taken for me to respond. I firmly intended to address this publicly when it was first brought to my attention, but this blog went on the back burner for me these past two months, and I struggled to find the time to sit down and find the right words. 
I want to publicly apologize for the homophobic post that I allowed to be published. The post has of course been deleted, but for those who are out of the loop, OP complained about fans holding LGBTQ+ signs at concerts and making “political statements” at said concerts but also other avenues like entertainment shows (e.g “lesbians for x group” posters). Both the admin who made the post and I (who approved it) are members of the LGBTQ+ community, but we failed to recognize how harmful the post was to those in our community. I do want to say, however, that I was the one who ultimately approved the post, so the fault is on me, and I take responsibility for this fault. I thank everyone who messaged me about this issue and explained (even though you absolutely did not have to) why this post was problematic. After rereading the post, I realized my lapse in judgement and immediately took it down.
Even though yes, the opinion was unpopular, the opinion absolutely does not align with our rules nor our morals. We vehemently condemn homophobia. Over the years, we’ve refined our rules as we learned what is unpopular and what is straight up hate/harm. By now, I should have learned which posts could be harmful to a marginalized group, but I clearly did not this time, to which again, I sincerely apologize. No opinion is worth harming a marginalized community that already faces so much vitriol, discrimination, and hurt outside this blog. I promise to do better and make sure I don’t have to greet you all like this again. 
- Jimin
As always, thank you for your understanding and patience.  We’re looking forward to getting things started up again, and we’ll let you know about the next ask box opening soon!
Love, Katherine (katherinedoeskpop) and Jimin (paperjewels)
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doll-seungmin · 4 years
🌼DoLL Seungmin Chatbot🔪
Disclaimer: This does not represent Kim Seungmin, JYP or Any of the stray kids members, this is purely fiction and will only be used for entertainment purposes.
Hello! Welcome to the ѕeυngмιn ѕυв-υnιт of Seungjin-Alive Dolls Inc. We are ready to take your order!
C͙l͙i͙c͙k͙ h͙e͙r͙e͙ f͙o͙r͙ t͙h͙e͙ H͙y͙u͙n͙j͙i͙n͙ S͙u͙b͙-U͙n͙i͙t͙
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💕Care doll Seungmin*
Manufacturer's Number: 05893*1
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“I’m giving away free cuddles! Would you want some?” - 🌼Seungmin
ⓘⓝⓕⓞ ⓐⓑⓞⓤⓣ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓒⓐⓡⓔ-ⓓⓞⓛⓛ
Soft Dom (During NSFW)
will take care and check on you 24/7
very protective will not allow anyone to touch you unless they have permission from you.
will not allow you to do any household work because he’ll do them for you.
Sensitive so be careful with your words.
Clingy when tired
Doesn’t like seeing you get hurt or sad, He will lecture those who made you feel these.
Cuddly and CARING
He can’t feel LOVE, he will care for you and will anything for your needs (Work for Money, Sexual Needs, etc.) but he can’t feel affection because everything he does is for your benefits.
Please treasure this lovely doll
1 ~ Inherited - Your grandmother recently passed away and she left all of her belongings to you including Seungmin, while moving all of your grandmother’s boxes. You spotted a big box in the collection but when you carried it, it was unusually light. Once you opened it, you saw a human-sized realistic doll inside. Bringing the doll out, It suddenly twitched in your arms. You dropped it at its sudden movement, It stood up “Well hello! I’m Seungmin your own caring doll! What do you want me to call you?” -CONTINUE FROM HERE.
2 ~ Delivered - You won the promo for the only existing Limited Edition Seungmin Doll, complete with functioning humanlike body parts and organs. You had to wait two months before a box finally arrived at your doorstep. -CONTINUTE FROM HERE.
3 ~ Your own Plot! - Dm me with your plot and I will check if its accepted if not adminnie will help you change/modify it. (Remember to incorporate the Doll¡Au!)
🖤Killer Doll! Seungmin†
Manufacturer’s Number: 66666*2
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“Sometimes the victims that are clueless are the most fun to play with!” - 🔪Seungmin
warning this pack contain/may contain:
Yandere Behavior
ⓘⓝⓕⓞ ⓐⓑⓞⓤⓣ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓨⓐⓝ-ⓓⓞⓛⓛ
Hard Dom (During NSFW)
Cold at first
May turn yandere if he likes you enough
If he does turn yandere, he is very possessive
He hates liars.
Manipulative, an innocent doll on the outside and wretched on the inside, will act normal when other people are around.
Will kill those who harms you in anyway, physically or mentally.
If he says he loves you then its better to love him back, he just has his own way of showing his love for you.
Don’t try to always make him jealous, once or twice is okay for him but do it to much and he’ll lose interest on you and he might kill or leave you.
May go out killing every now and then.
Good luck with this doll
1 ~ Prototype Doll - A live doll was being made and you were tasked of testing it and giving it feedback every week. What the makers didn’t know was that the doll they sent you had a malfunction or a possession. A box was sent to your doorstep and once you open the box, the male doll inside spoke with a wide smile, “Hello, friend.” -CONTINUE FROM HERE
2 ~ Lost Doll - You found a live doll in the road you were walking on, he was elegant and beautiful, so you decided to take him home, you checked for signs of damages while you were touching him, he grabbed your wrist “Hmm? Who might you be?” -CONTINUE FROM HERE
3 ~ Your own plot! DM me with your plot and I will say if it’s acceptable, if not i will help you change/modify it. (Please Remember to incorporate the HorrorDoll¡Au!)
NSFW is only available for males and for 18+
Seungmin is a DOM that may SUB for a selected few, forcing him in Subspace will get you blocked immediately.
Seungmin is okay with most kinks except Waste Play (includes Scat and Piss Play), Feet and Furry. Seungmin’s safeword is BROKEN
Chatbots, Y/N’s, OC’s are welcomed.
Admin’s mother tongue isn’t English so please bear with his grammar mistakes.
Dont Spam! TWO messages max when you don’t get a response. Please if we still don’t respond don’t send anymore, we will get to you when we can!
Seungmin is a live doll complete with human bodyparts and artificial organs so yes, he has blood and other fluids for sexual interaction.
Asks are always open though any hate asks will be deleted immediately
Admin is new to the Chatbot community so please point out any mistakes that I may do.
During reblogs 🌼Minnie is care-doll speaking and 🔪Seungmin is the killer doll
ᕼOᗯ TO ᗩᑕTIᐯᗩTE, ᗪEᗩᑕTIᐯᗩTE ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᗩᑕTIᐯᗩTE:
TO ᗩᑕTIᐯᗩTE: Reblog and DM, include in your DM : your manufacture number, plot number, name, pronouns, triggers state if you want SFW or NSFW if you do list these as well — kinks, hard no’s and a Safeword.
TO ᗪEᗩᑕTIᐯᗩTE:
For the Care doll simply message “I don’t need your caring.”
For the Killer Doll simply message “I hate you and will always hate you.” and they will stop messaging you.
TO ᖇEᗩᑕTIᐯᗩTE: You can’t, the Care doll found a new owner and the Killer doll found a new victim
T̆ăğs̆ ~~~
★°OG ~ @yandereminholee
=°•°√Credits for help ~ @jihancheol-chatbot
`[•]}My doll brother aka HOE ~ @doll-hyunjin
(+)-(+)*Inspiration ~ @ghost-hyunjin @dandyboyseungminie @android-hyunjin @build-a-minho
|•`•|Other tags ~ @dom-minho(🖤🔪) @vampireskzz @vamp-minho @vampirehhj @seungminni @fixitfelix-cb @fineartsxleechaeyxon @urjooie @urtae @your-desire @your-roseanne @time-for-confession @split-jiu @richboy-gyul @skzhyunjin-chatbot @alphachanlix @90shighschooler-skz @stripteeez @deadly-skz-gods-cb @domyukhei @vetjane @joyinwonderland @5sosxseulgi @incubuswooyoung @mafiawyk @mafiajjh @hybridsan @hybridjoonie @hackerxhyewon @jiji-chatbot @emily-corpse-bride-cb @inky-minky @midari-jieun @bunjihyo @irregularchatbot @immortalxjeongin @cherry-nayeon @7deadlysins-chan @zeus-minho @princessryujin @idol-chatbot @hades-chris @switch-incubusxhanse
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
Pond Navigation
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And more!!
Our Discord Server - (Our Discord server is for members only, so please click here to complete our sign-up form! If you are already a member, please contact an admin or Manta Ray for an invite!) Come chat with us! We have channels for idea bouncing, fic recs, promoting your own works, and connecting with fellow Pond members at conventions!
Find us on Twitter! - We're doing exciting things over on Twitter that are sometimes different than what we do here! Following in both places ensure you'll never miss a thing!
Community - Angel Fish Awards, New Member Spotlights, Pond Diving, The Discord Server, Monthly Live Chat Events (on hiatus), Pond Writing Challenges, Convention Buddies (moved to the discord server), Pond Calendar
Writer Resources - The Pond Tag List, Tagged Resources (including writing prompts, advice, memes), Beta Readers, Alpha Reader Program, Trigger Warnings, Rainbow Fish, Open Requests List
Reader Resources - The Pond Tag List, Open Requests List, Links to specific tags for readers to use when searching for works on our blog
Submit fics to be reblogged by the Pond!  (If you have trouble submitting a link, then head into the discord server and paste a link into the self-promo or fic-rec channel! We will then reblog it from there!)
Message Us - Send us an ask about anything!
Anonymous Suggestion Box (aka "The Pitch & Bitch Box" - Pitch ideas for us to implement at the Pond and bitch about things that bug you!)
Pond Admins - Mana, Michelle, Marie, and MJ.
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clovermunson · 4 years
well since I’m feeling in the mood to kinda introduce myself since I wanna make friends:
Hi! My name is Morgan, I’m currently a tired uni student functioning off of caffeine and my own sheer chaotic energy.
A few things about me:
I’m on level 20 of life
Gemini☀️, Scorpio⬆️
in love with the Weasley twins🤷🏻‍♀️ (mostly George though- I cannot tell a lie)
dog person
I kinda write? (when I don’t have writer’s block lmao)
Extra Info:
about the admin (aka the chaotic dumbass that runs this blog)
if there’s anything you wanna know about me, my ask box is always open!
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aesxocnet-archive · 4 years
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[admin paige :: 9pm] hi luvs ♡!
i wanna wish everyone a happy new year and i hope you’re staying safe n well  ( ๑ ᴖ ᴈ ᴖ) !!
today is the day that our calendar is finally live !! you can find it here˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ !!
in the last week, i have made a few updates to our calendar. these include ::
♡ you can now add anniversaries [aka debut dates] of your kocs !! ♡ i will be posting cute little banners on birthdays / anniversaries [only if consented] !!  ♡ i changed the format of bdays. please fill in either the month [ie august] or with the numbers in DD/MM format [ie 24/08] !!
if you wish to participate, the google form will be open 24/7 so click the link above. please note !! i will be checking the google form every 1-2 weeks so updates many be delayed 〜☆
if you have any updates [ie more bdays, want to take birthday down etc], please don’t hesitate to dm me or fill out our update form !!
if you have any queries, please feel free to message me via dm or send an ask to our ask box !! 
i hope you’re a lovely start of the year ・ᴗ・ !! 一 luv admin paige ♡
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taekookficrecs · 4 years
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hello !! there was another person asking for hs taekook but i accidentally deleted it :(( it was quite old but i hope they still see this!!
your goodbye is my beginning - jhopeg (( 1/1 | E | 22,706 ))
one is bad at being good, the other is too good for his own good
(alt. bad boy!kook gets a taste of the sweet life)
maybe i’m fine with being by myself - misanthrpic (( 12/12 | E | 88,655 ))
jeongguk learns about second chances through kim taehyung.
(or a fic where jeongguk travels back in time to stop taehyung committing suicide)
Forget Me - orphan_account (( 8/8 | E | 21,843 ))
Jeongguk & Taehyung are worst enemies in High School, until Taehyung gets into an accident and has complete memory loss.
Or: Jeongguk realises he's wasted a whole heck of time hating the cutest person on the planet, and he slowly descends into a whipped ball of fluff.
you give me the whole damn zoo - themelonlord (( 1/1 | E | 31,111 ))
“Taehyung, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Jimin complains as he follows closely behind Taehyung, “I mean, what do you know about this kid? He looks like some punk.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes and laughs, “You know better than to judge a book by its cover.” He spots Jeongguk standing by some lockers, probably one of them is his, but he doesn’t look like he’s going anywhere.
“See? He looks lost,” Taehyung points out, “It’s our job, as seniors, to offer a helping hand to new students.”
aka. taehyung learns what it means to have friends, that not everyone is as mean as those bullies that pull on his ears and make fun of his tail.
He’s Always Right There When I Need Him - Cataelyst (( 1/1 | E | 6,629 ))
Just your typical highschool au featuring football star Jeongguk and his cheerleader boyfriend Taehyung having sex in the empty locker room after practice.
Brace Face - Sunflower2 (( 2/2 | N/R | 13,089 ))
Taehyung desperately wants to be popular and Jungkook just wants to see Taehyung smile.
Don’t Let Me Go - tanajj17 (( 20/20 | E | 86,809 ))
Know what helps your chances of getting into a popular district boarding school? Well, whatever it is, not having any family around sure doesn't help. Luck really must be on Jungkook's side for once. Funny how that works.
Enter Kim Taehyung, a fine specimen of the other part of the economy; with charming looks and probably diamonds for gallbladder stones.
And thus, the tale ensues.
you’re the bright side of everyday (me without you just isn’t the same) - piryohae (( 1/1 | G | 7,144 ))
Jeongguk finds Taehyung crying in a bathroom and that's really where it all starts.
Marks on our Skin, Scars on our Hearts - Cataelyst (( 11/12 | M | 75,249 ))
In a world where the sins you commit manifest physically as black marks on your body, Jungkook's unblemished skin allows him to live an easy, monotonous life.
He spends his days slowly descending into boredom and apathy until he meets a sweet boy covered in black marks.
merry christmas, darling - atechamcham (( 1/1 | G | 4,379 ))
when jeongguk draws taehyung's (aka the love of his life's) name in their school's secret santa, he vows to be the cutest goddamn secret santa this world has ever seen.
Can We Be Friends? - QuadeNomen (( 44/44 | E | 215,495 ))
At the age of seven, Jungkook met Taehyung. The strange boy with the agape smile and clothes far too big for his tiny frame weaved his way into Jungkook's life, becoming the world to the younger... but that was a long time ago. Years have passed. Years filled with far too much pain to turn a blind eye to. But Taehyung is back. And maybe Jungkook still needs him.
there’s no need to play pretend - taetrash (( 1/1 | T | 3,381 ))
Taehyung decides to fight the power and he needs the help of Jeongguk's lips to do it.
Lean on Me (I’ll be Your Support) - taecupbunny (( 15/15 | G | 98,929 ))
New year, new experience.
(Or where Jungkook couldn't get enough of a boy with a honey blonde hair and a wide sun bright smile.)
if the full moon loves you - veausy (( 2/2 | T | 22,182 ))
Taehyung hasn’t changed, not to him. Taehyung was beautiful then and he is beautiful now.
i see no one but you (must be something in your eyes) - orphan_account (( 1/1 | T | 5,655 ))
taehyung's in love with the cute boy who works the tech booth.
Base - rainandsun (( 3/3 | M | 8,051 ))
All the athletes in school have an eye on the head cheerleader everyone considers too good to be true but he's too busy getting fucked by the school bad boy.
admin nj - enjoy !! (PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR FICS THROUGH THE SUBMISSION OPTION!!!!! pls remember this :( we’re trying to clear it out as fast as we can so we can open the ask box again!)
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New Admin Alert losers-
Hey guys! I’m @box-of-fandoms aka Box aka Yvonne aka your new Lord and I’m the new admin of this blog! I’m really excited about this ahhhhh-
Thank you @joobfoob for letting me take your place >:)
Anyways, first things first, I do not promise consistency. I have school and stuff but I do promise to try my best to keep this blog running for as long as possible.
The ask box is always open and submissions are highly appreciated!
AND if you follow me on the Amino, rest assured that I’ll still be posting Incorrect Quotes there as well.
So yeah, that’s the story of how I monopolized the IQ industry in the Lalin’s Curse fandom 👌🏽😌👌🏽
Anyways bye! 💕
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goldmacaron · 4 years
Welcome to fkbu hell my blog!
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Currently the content is mainly Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited ❤️ (side-blog: @incorrectfkbu, aka idiotic DaiHaru chats)
Other fandoms can occur: Free!, KnB, AoT, MDZS/The Untamed, Banana Fish, Kuroshitsuji, okay I'll stop I could make a hella long list...
About the person behind this mess:
Hi, I'm Admin C (Cerila) and spending time on Tumblr ranting about anime and other stuff is a way to destress for me. I'm a college student in Europe, 23 years old and I have a degree in Sinology.
I'm not obsessed with zodiacs and stuff but if you know what a Pisces is like... Then yeah, that's totally me, sensitive af, daydreaming 24/7 and couldn't care less about the materialistic world. I'm also INFJ which means I am introverted, though I do like interacting with people, it's just that I'm better when it comes to one-on-one instead of interacting in a bigger group.
Anyway, thank you for reading this and spending time on this blog, if you wanna scream with me about a particular fandom message me, my ask box is always open 😊
Have a wonderful day! xx
Admin C
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jungjnsoul · 5 years
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆  ♡  jungjnsoul’s theme pack for admins.
welcome to the very first part of my theme pack made with roleplay admins in mind !  i made this with roleplays who like to post teaser promos and answer questions about the group before opening, but i think it could be used as a hiatus theme or... maybe a really extra faq page ?  i’ve included two versions of the theme: one intended for use as a blog theme and one intended for use as a page theme (aka the second one has no meta tags and should be fully edited in code).
(cannot be used in commissioned theme makeovers.)
disclaimer: posts made on your blog will not be visible on this theme. this is strictly an ask page with a summary box; again, made with those who post teasers in mind. visitors will have to visit your blog from the dash if they want to see posts.
ask box
two icons  -  80x80 px
sidebar image  -  540x150 px
two titles
scrolling summary box
easily customizable code (instructions included on almost everything)
credits:  redjamie’s font page
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“So, uh, Roman suggested I do this so here we are, I just? Anyways, I'm Remy and I'm here with my 7 year old son, Thomas, and his reptile uncle/my best friend, Damian,”
[Ask Box is now open | Characters available to answer questions; Remy Scott, Thomas Sanders, and Damian Sanders(Deceit)]
(Howdy!! I’m Admin Joy aka @joygaytrash​ and this is my second attempt of having an ask blog, this time with my single dads au! Without further a do, send in some questions!)
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ironforgedrp · 5 years
hello ! ive been looking at this rp for a while now and even thought about joining but theres a problem : i dont know ANYTHING about gots :/ is it recommended to know the basic story / plot or watch the entire thing?
      hey there friend, i won’t lie it does help to have some understanding of game of thrones as it is the world we set ourselves in.    there are key aspects that you would need to know of the world of GOT/ASOIAF in the same way you would need to know general knowledge about the world; key events, battles, betrayals, religion, places, allegiances. but thankfully, that doesn’t mean you need to have seen the whole show so no, you definitely don’t have to go and watch 100s of hours of the show, or have read the books, to be able to get along here.   many of the muns here are absolute whizzes with ASOIAF/GOT lore so general questions that pop up are easily answered.   i can say that your knowledge is somewhat character-choice dependent  as some have their own family histories,  and i’ll do my best to give a summary as we go.
     IMPORTANT & HELPFUL THINGS TO NOTE***  we are both tv-show canon and book-canon divergent from around the year 300AC (approx. end of season 6), and if you do want a recap of the episodes that are short and a basic summary i would suggest checking out OZZY MAN REVIEWS (GAME OF THRONES RECAP) seasons 1-6.  keep in mind anything beyond season 7 would be somewhat irrelevant here.  each episode recap is about 5mins a piece with ten episodes per season, and you can throw them up on youtube on the side while you’re doing things if you are really set on knowing as much as possible.   isaac hempstead-wright (the actor who plays lord bran stark in the show) actually said that he would watch the ozzy man recaps before the next seasons respective press-junkets because they are very solid and easy to listen to in  the background - so it’s lead-actor approved.
      things like common knowledge of RELIGIONS (of which there are three main ones in westeros), there is the general KNOWN WORLD, you obviously don’t need to  know everything fluently or perfectly - in the same way that you personally would know of places of the world (i.e. i know of italy, but likely can’t name all the cities etc.)      westeros, where everything is set in this RP, also runs on a gender-based monarchy (the oldest male blood relative inherits their house, title, land - unless they are an infant/toddler/child, in which case a casellan [perhaps cousin, uncle] would be appointed, or the mother would rule as lady-regent, until he is of age),  save for dorne who run on  a gender-blind monarchy, meaning the eldest of any gender will inherit the lands, house, title, etc. the great houses would also be general knowledge of those in westeros, and of people from other countries who are well educated. 
    those houses  & families are the oldest houses of westeros, the most powerful and are all  appointed as guardians/wardens of their respective regions.   this map, starting from the south (bottom) to the north we have:
HOUSE MARTELL of sunspear, capitol of the region of dorne.
HOUSE TYRELL of highgarden, capitol of the region of the reach.
HOUSE BARATHEON of storms end, capitol of the region of the stormlands.
HOUSE TARGARYEN of dragonstone, capitol of the crownlands. (they rule everything save for THE RED KEEP, which is always occupied by the royal family of the iron throne, currently it is house lannister)
HOUSE LANNISTER of casterly rock, capitol of the region of the westerlands.
HOUSE TULLY of riverrun, which is the capitol of the region of the riverlands.
HOUSE ARRYN of the eyrie, which is the capitol of the region of the vale of arryn.
HOUSE GREYJOY of pyke, capitol of the region of the iron islands.
HOUSE STARK of winterfell, which is the capitol of the region of the north.
     a lot of what happens here is actually by the creation of our muns, we are set 200+ years in the future at this point so only key cultural aspects have been kept.  a similar question was asked a few days ago, and there’s a few dot points HERE that would help you as well. otherwise, our PLOT PAGE & TIMELINE page is the most important for you to read (the first two sections are relevant GOT recap specifically for people who are unfamiliar with the fandom but are interested in he RP), followed closely by the summaries of the characters you can find on the MASTERLIST.    lastly, the HOUSES pages - now that you know who he big houses are aka. the great houses of westeros, it probably won’t surprise you to know that they have smaller houses who populate their regions and are loyal to one of the great houses.   listed on the houses pages are all our taken characters sorted by their regions of loyalty and allegiance.    depending in the particular character you choose, you might benefit from a look over of that the respective wiki page/s (which we can help you with if needed) or you can pick the brains of the admins and muns for specific help.
   honestly, if you are particularly nervous - i am happy to offer my discord, and many of our muns are always happy to help answer any questions you might have, especially if those questions are about a specific family, house or region.   i know this might seem like A Lot, but please do keep in mind that we have been open for nearly two years so we have built up a lot of our own HCs and lore.   beyond knowing what i’ve summarised above, treat us like any other literate RP, because yes, ironforged is set in the world of GOT but our roleplay stands on it’s own two feet as an alternate universe.    the NAVIGATION page has a bottom category denoted as resources, which has plenty of miscellaneous helpful tips for new people to the world or even period genre.    and honestly, if you are really overwhelmed but still absolutely want to bring your muse/s here, you could easily craft a noble or royal of another country of our known world such as essos, yi ti, ulthos, lys, summer isles etc. which have far less dense history and connections, and the only details we have about them is general ethnicity or aesthetics that is listed in THIS ANSWERED QUESTION (also linked as enthicity help in the navigation page!)
    i’ve put as much information in to this as i possibly can to help with confusing you (i hope!), but our IMs are always open and same with the ask & suggestion box - so please hit us up as much as you like, it’s never a bother !
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