#jinwoo oneshot
i-bring-crack · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi AU for the solo leveling characters but instead of Jinah being the sister cleric that gets killed it's Jinwoo, and Jinah is the one who has all of this monster knowledge with her (because of her passsion of video games) and so she is the one who tries to save her brother before he is fully digested by the dragon.
(ramble below)
Jinchul is the overly exhausted elf that had studied under the same knight school as Jinwoo. He is skilled in swordsmanship but lacks the agilty and stealth that Jinwoo excelled at a lot and was praised for in the school grounds. ( I will probably have to read the manga to know if elfs can be fighters or why there hasnt been any so far until ep 17. But for now I guess this is just a subversion for funs sake.) He is the voice of reason between the group like Marcille is, especially when it comes to eating monsters, but his worry stems from the fact that he made a promise to himself to care for Jinah, in the case Jinwoo wouldnt be able to make it one day.
Juhee is exhausted of whole ordeal as well, but will not let Jinah go through this alone so she too joins in to rescue Jinwoo. Her magic isnt all that powerful enough to heal people (as expected of half foots) and yet she still tried from a very young age to become the best healer she can be. But appart from that she also has a lot of other hidden talents which adventurers try to recruit her for, such as magical knowledge and locksmithing.
The weretiger Yoonho had been living in the dungeon for quite a while now when the party met him. He had escaped from somewhere the party doesnt know of, and will probably never know, and had kept to himself all this time inside the dungeon, learning how the ecosystem of the dungeon has worked to the point while also becoming a part of it that played a more pacifistic role. He doesnt use his fighting abilities, as destructive as thety can be, for much because he sees his violence as a part he wants to get rid of. However he does come to symphatize a lot with Jinah's desire to see her brother again to the point where he too gets influenced to use some of his own power in bringing them closer to their goal.
(I have a lot more stuff to say but to finish off: Jinho is a hunter that has known Jinah and Jinwoo and had tried to befriend them but it just never seemed to work out in his favor. Jongin is the Captain of the Canaries sent on to deal with the dungeon that the team is currently going into. Haein was once part of the Team and in love with Jinwoo during the trip but deflected from the team as she heard of Jinwoo's death and resurection.
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shadowthief78 · 6 hours
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you fell first he fell harder
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rarepears · 2 years
That feeling when you want to tell everyone about the latest awesome idea, when you want to scream it aloud to the whole internet because it's just so freaking awesome, but you're also so inspired by it that you are thinking about turning it into a oneshot, so you got to hold it back in case you do write it and don't want to spoil the plot time to readers before it gets published...
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lexsssu · 5 months
Light (Sung Jinwoo)
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TAGS: Jinwoo/Wife!reader, a/b/o dynamics, yandere, possessive behavior, death threats, breeding, impregnation, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
‘E-Rank Hunter’ Sung Jinwoo, a title that followed him wherever he went.
Despite being a Hunter, his power was barely above an ordinary human aside from his slightly more durable constitution and slightly increased healing factor. 
So it’s only natural that he’d always get hurt. Hell, he’d even nearly gotten killed several times already too!
It’s not that Jinwoo wanted to be a Hunter in the first place, because aside from the danger, others also made fun of him for his weakness. Even the pay was surprisingly not that great.
Unfortunately, someone in his mid-20s who lacked any viable skills that could land him a normal, stable job could only work for the Hunter’s Association as one of their Hunters thanks to their medical aid. Had it not been for that, he wouldn’t have been able to afford the millions of won in medical bills he owed to the hospital that took care of his mother. 
It’s not even just his mother that he had to provide for, but there was also his little sister and…
“Look Yeonjin, it’s Papa!”
Worn out from another hard days’ work, E-Rank Hunter Sung Jinwoo felt all the fatigue in his body seemingly melt away into nothingness as the sight and scent of his wife and child soothed his weary soul.
“Baba!” Yeonjin babbled excitedly as his father made a beeline straight towards you both.
“Welcome home, honey.” You press a kiss to the corner of his lips, smiling up at him with those beautiful eyes he always finds himself lost in.
This is why even if he didn’t want to, he would still participate in these Association supervised raids.
No sacrifice is too great when it comes to his loved ones and regardless of how incompetent he was as a Hunter, Jinwoo will do everything in his power to ensure that they are cared and provided for.
You’ve been with Sung Jinwoo ever since you were both just awkward teenagers in high school. When his mother succumbed to Eternal Slumber and left the two siblings to fend for themselves, instead of leaving you surprised Jinwoo and moved into their cozy little home and took it upon yourself to keep the house running.
While Jinwoo did his best to provide for the family’s needs, you would ensure that Jinah and the house was taken care of, this of course also included the man himself whenever he came home from a raid. You even managed to get a remote job that helped with the bills in spite of juggling that with your online college classes as well. 
You and Jinwoo had gone through so much together over the past decade so was it any surprise you’d end up married and with a child? 
Former friends and schoolmates might have tried to dissuade you time and time again to leave him, pitying you for spending your youth making ends meet and watching over your comatose mother-in-law, Jinah, and now your own baby.
But you don’t need their ‘advice’ when it all basically boiled down to having you leave your family because you ‘deserved better.’
They are already what’s best for you.
Why can’t they see that?
“ How are you and Sung Jinwoo? Sorry I couldn’t check up on you guys sooner. Life’s been pretty hectic on my end.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t attend your baby shower before! I had an important appointment that I couldn’t bail out on back then. Why don’t we go out for coffee to catch up?”
“...way too long since we last got together! Our whole class is gonna have a reunion this weekend. Everyone will be stoked to see you and Sung Jinwoo there— ”
You don’t have the chance to reply to the latest call you received from another ‘old friend’ when your husband pressed the ‘end’ button in one swift movement. Though his face looked impassive, his scent clearly revealed his agitation…not to mention the shadows that seemed to curl spread from the soles of his feet.
“First they tell you that I’m not good enough for you and that you should leave me, but now they’re all tripping over themselves just to get to me through you…” His lips stretched into a snarl, power rolling off of him in waves at their blatant shamelessness.
Jinwoo’s inner alpha snorted and growled, the mere thought of these impertinent swine daring to involve themselves with his mate even if to gain some sort of favor from him made him see red. 
How dare they?! He will rip and tear into their bodies and reap their souls to become his puppets if they so much as even approach you. Did they think he was bound by the rules of ordinary mortals? Foolish! 
The hunter’s alpha grinned diabolically, cackling from within the confines of his soul at thought of giving them their just desserts.  
“My big, strong alpha…Always willing to jump into the fray to provide for and protect us…How can I even think about choosing anyone else?” You crooned and purred at him, the soft sounds and your calming scent enveloping him and taming the shadows that once agitatedly tried to claw their way out of him to carry out his will. 
Burrowing into his arms, you embrace his waist and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as best as you could considering his height had also shot up recently. A few soothing kisses and kitten licks against the skin of his neck later, Jinwoo’s darkness ceased pouring out of him.
Because now he focused on wholeheartedly pouring every last drop of cum into your quivering pussy, thrusting weakly even as his fat knot plugged you up. Your lower belly bulged with the amount of cum he’d already fucked into you, but he still didn’t think it was enough.
At the rate he was going, he’s definitely gonna knock you up again.
Not that you were complaining. It was about time for Yeonjin to finally have a sibling to love.
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jinwoosungs · 12 days
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{ 173 }
cry for me.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
warnings: dacryphilia; yet another unedited thirst post; more of a thirsty drabble than anything else, hhhhh… please ignore me if you don’t like spicy posts… and minors DO NOT INTERACT.
by choosing to interact with this 18+ content, you have consented to viewing something n-fw despite the warnings.
anonymous said: I just read your jinwoo smut and I—I have no words…Except…It made me think of Jinwoo x someone who cries a lot during sex bc of how good it feels and it just fuels Jinwoo's pride 😈 and proceeds to make them cry until they're so sore they can't make a sound anymore 🤤🤤🤤🤤 thank you for writing ur current oneshot 🧁
jinwoo couldn’t stop himself from chuckling at the mere sight of you, still trapping you beneath him as he slid his cock in and out of your silken walls. a bored expression paints his features, but it was taking him a herculean effort to remain soft and gentle with you-
especially when all he wanted to do was fuck you deep into his sheets.
here you were, so perfect and pretty for him. your lips were parted in what appeared to be a flawless o, crystalline tears falling from your eyes as your gaze met with his shyly. his casual thrusts were enough to make your breasts bounce in response to his movements, causing his full lips to form into a cocky smirk as he cooed down at you.
“what’s this? is my baby crying for me?” he finishes his question with yet another powerful thrust, making you hiccup and gasp as more tears fell from your beautiful eyes.
“tell me- tell your king just why you’re crying so much. is he hurting you…?” a dark chuckle escapes from his lips, leaning down as he harshly bites down against the side of your neck, large hands greedily tracing your figure as he continued to thrust his length in and out of you.
“perhaps your king is too big for your liking? if so… i should probably stop hurting you so much.” jinwoo lets out a mock sigh, already starting to pull out of you when your legs suddenly trapped his waist against you. feeling the way you cling to him with such a desperation makes an even wider grin paint his handsome features.
“no, please! d-don’t leave me…!” your choked moans and whines fill at the air, your hiccups more prominent than ever as the tears steadily began to fall from your eyes again.
“then you need to be honest with me.” jinwoo lets out a feign sound of concern, slotting his cock perfectly inside of your slick core once more until he was fully sheathed within your gummy walls. “seeing you cry makes me anxious… so you need to tell me if i’m hurting you.”
you vehemently shake your head in response to his words, expression appearing even more shy when you shakily admit to him. “n-no, it’s just… you feel so good that i… i get all teary eyed… i’ve never felt so good before in my life, jinwoo… p-please… don’t ever stop…!”
a surge of pride was felt swelling inside of his chest, the feeling being so potent that it manages to travel all the way down to his groin as he felt himself get even harder in response. with a loud groan of your name, he tosses one of your legs over his shoulder before proceeding to drill himself into you.
“ah, you should have said so sooner, sarang…” he chuckles darkly while pressing a kiss against your ankle. “if you feel so good that it makes you cry- then cry for me.”
taking advantage of his powerful, s-ranked body, jinwoo moves at what seemed like an inhuman pace deep inside of you, earning more of those tears and broken moans from you as he spent the entire night kissing the precious and salty droplets away from your face-
who knew that such pretty tears could be such a turn on for him?
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a.n. - don’t perceive me,,,, but omg, i’ve never received nsfw asks in my life 😭 was my first thirst post for jinwoo that good to even warrant such an ask?
i didn’t wish to ignore the ask, but i’m certain some of my followers don’t wish to see such nsfw asks from my readers… so if you sent me stuff and i don’t answer, just know that i’m keeping them to answer them in a more… proper story / drabble for the future (/ω\)
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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hxnbi · 1 month
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✧ among the stars — sung jinwoo 
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synopsis: in which jinwoo still clings fruitlessly onto the past
tags: angst, death, unhealthy coping with said death, no comfort, gn reader
word count: 2.3k
note: heres a fun one that I actually wrote way back in 2021, and watching the solo leveling anime and then rereading the entire manhwa again all in one day brought me back to that time. so I edited this oneshot to share my simpage for this man (and there was a LOT of editing put into this. past me writing this sure was interesting)
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Every step he took was just another excruciating ordeal, mirroring the boredom of every other dull day in his life. Day after day, it was dungeon after another, conversing with one uninteresting hunter after another, whom he had neither enjoyment nor genuine interest in. Everyone, except for you, that is. 
You were the singular exception to all the mundanity. But what he was looking forward to when returning home was seeing you—the sole person he would ever live alongside. Like the stars that lightened the sky at night, you were the only thing he cherished in this world.  
"Hello? [Y/n]? Are you home?"
No reply.
A small smile edged over his lips. 'Guess they're still at work.' But his shoulders drooped in disappointment. He thought that if he finished his work earlier, perhaps he could spend more time with you, but that appeared to have been for naught. 
Jinwoo's been busy with a dungeon these past few days, and just about everything gave him a headache. Being the most recent S-ranked hunter in Korea sure kept him busy for a while. 
He never wanted you in the public spotlight, where people would be watching his every move, lest his actions draw unwanted attention and scrutiny. It haunted him. But unbeknownst to his own fears, you understood that fact completely. 
Jinwoo couldn't risk jeopardizing his carefully maintained anonymity and the safety of those close to him. Only then could you be by his side and comfort him when nobody else could. With your hand over his, you offer a sense of silent support. Quietly, you always preferred being at the centre of attention.
Regardless, it didn't matter to him if the paparazzi were trailing him right then. He needed more time to see you as of late. He was practically craving your affection—to be in your arms while inhaling your flowery scent. 
But... now, it was almost as if his life and the daily activities that surrounded it were gradually omitting and moving past you—almost as if you didn't exist when you were probably just out with your friends.
Seeing you weren't here, he proceeded to wait for you to return home. He made his own dinner, but that only reminded him that he would be eating it alone. Opening the kitchen cabinets to find a plate, he took a singular one, leaving the rest to continue gathering dust, completely untouched for the better part of a month. His meal had ended up tasting blander than usual. Perhaps it was because you weren't here, sitting beside him.
Your absence that night sure was affecting him more than he thought.
Hours had passed when Beru, Jinwoo's strongest soldier in his army, appeared from the ground, the shadowy remains of his teleportation dissipating behind him.
With a hand over his heart, he addressed his master. "My liege… They still have not returned home yet. Perhaps you should get some rest."
Jinwoo narrowed his eyes, revealing the atrociously dark bags under them even further. It was even worse than he initially expected. This had even made Beru step back in fear of his master's wrath. 
Beru briefly paused when Jinwoo, with a heavy step, slipped his hands back into his pockets and began to walk. "...Alright then. Remind me as soon as [Y/n] is at the door." 
Beru nodded once again with his hand over his shadowy heart. "As you wish, my liege."
And he made his way to your and his shared bedroom. The door creaked open softly, revealing an empty bed. For a second, Jinwoo chuckled. You must've been out hanging out with your friends again. Yet, despite the room's quiet, Jinwoo didn't feel sleepy. The worry for your safety lingered in his mind. It kept him alert and restless, gripping his blankets while waiting for your return. 
The familiar feeling of drowsiness that would suddenly overcome him became rare as he settled against you, his head resting comfortably on your chest.
Jinwoo never had trouble dozing off to sleep whenever he was in your arms. But without you there, it was all he could ever think of. He's had some horrible sleep lately.
'They'll come soon,' Jinwoo hummed. 'I just know it.'
But an hour passed, and then two. Three would soon follow. Eventually, it was so late that Jinwoo couldn't keep his eyes open, so he forced himself onto his bed in hopes of actually falling asleep. Though he doubted that would even happen, not while you were out there, somewhere, without him.
Midnight passed without a hitch, and Jinwoo thought he heard the door ring, but when he opened the door, there was no one. The sky was still pitch black. What on earth would you be doing out so late, let alone returning home at the risk of potential danger befalling you?
He scoffed. It must've been some kind of ding-dong ditch. And he was dumb enough to fall for it. 
Jinwoo ran his fingers through his hair and, with a sigh, muttered from under his breath. "What would [Y/n] think if they saw me like this?"
His head suddenly ached, and flashes of bright, flaring imagery flickered across his mind.
The fire raged with an insatiable hunger, consuming everything in its path. Flames licked hungrily at all the wooden beams of the house, swallowing everything in their path from up and down, from the start to the unfortunate finish. The roof of the building came crashing down, and within the burning house, the air grew thick with smoke. 
Outside, onlookers watched in horror. All the while, desperate cries pierced the night. Their pleas were drowned out by the roar of the flames. But there was nothing they could do. No ordinary soul could survive that. 
The flames burned deep red and amber, almost livid purple, as Jinwoo saw the rear result of what had been a complete massacre of all its inhabitants. 
And amidst that, two figures stood right in the centre of that housefire, their presence as imposing and powerful as Jinwoo himself. Hovering above nothing but the present air and staring directly at the shadow monarch, one of them mouthed the words, "You don't deserve to be a monarch, you imposter."
That memory. 
The very second his words left his lips, the shadow appeared. With a hand over his chest, he addressed his master. "Yes, my liege?"
Jinwoo narrowed his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me, huh? Were you lazily watching your dramas again?" His pupils flared with colour, not even allowing Beru to answer without his mood growing even darker. "Is that more important than ensuring that [Y/n] is home safe and sound?" 
The bug, stiffly standing at attention, remained silent. "I apologize, but there was no one at the d—"
"I don't want to hear it. Now get out of my sight."
Beru's head only dipped lower. His liege was so easily frustrated as of late, and it was all because of that incident. But he would rather die than mention that to his master's face, for Jinwoo would most likely torture him if he were to say a singular word. 
He felt pity for their master for succumbing to such mortal feelings.
Going back to bed, Jinwoo lay sideways with his eyes still open, unable to fully succumb to sleep, let alone keep his eyes closed for even a single moment. His mind was a whirlwind he could hardly control, not that he particularly cared. 
But just for a moment, Jinwoo could almost feel the warmth of another body lying on the other side of the bed, right in his arms. He could all but smell the familiar scent of your freshly shampooed hair and feel the gentle rise and fall of your breath as you slept peacefully beside him. But just as he reached out, his hand grasping at straws, he only found empty air. 
A cruel reminder of your absence.
Jinwoo closed his eyes and sighed deeply. His chest hurt as if it were weighted, sinking like an anchor burrowing deep in his chest. He couldn't get the picture of your face out of his head. Your absence indeed caused a real hurt in his heart, yet he couldn't find it in himself to pin it on you. 
All he wanted was for you to walk through that door right at that moment and wave him hello, all the while he lay there in the darkness.
'Ahah… right. What was I thinking?'
Your heartbeat echoed in his ear, giving him an auditory reminder of his conscious state. 
'They're right there.'
You existed in his life, and that was all that mattered.
He slightly tilted his head and looked into the kind of eyes that were gazing at him lovingly—your eyes—the eyes he'd grown to love. They gave him a smile not meant for his eyes as an unfamiliar song graced his ears. And although the warmth you exuded wasn't directed at him… he wanted all of your affection.
The tender voice of his significant other echoed in his ears. 
"I love you," you chimed, caressing his cheek. 
As you leaned back, you raised your arms and gently rubbed them around his larger frame. Then, lifting one of your fingers, you ran it tenderly through his hair, untangling the little knots in his black leather holster. 
"I love you too..." he whispered. His gaze softened ever so slightly as a gentle breath blew past. Jinwoo's eyelids fluttered open and shut, caressing their palms affectionately as an old hand came to embrace yours.
But Jinwoo knew all along. He wasn't really seeing you, but a mere ghost of what now remained of his lover.
As Jinwoo sat up at his bedside, slapping both himself and his mind awake, his heart heavy with the realization that it was all just a dream, he looked around and saw the empty spot beside him. 
"Damnit…" he cursed under his breath.
It was getting to him. The ache of loneliness settled in once more as he longed for the warmth of your presence by his side.
But wherever he went, all he could see was you. 
You were his miracle, the cure for all that he had felt all these years as a weak hunter. Even being an S-ranked hunter couldn't satisfy his pride. All he needed was your affection and love and nobody else's. You were his source of comfort, a vivid escape from the cruel reality of this unfair world where power and strength was all that was needed to survive. But you were living proof that wasn't what he wanted.
It was then that you noticed that glaze in his eyes. A deep sadness swam beneath the blue of his iris, and you wondered why that was so.
"What's wrong, my dear Jinwoo?" Your expression softened, growing worried at seeing his expression. "Is something on your mind? Would you like to talk to me about it? I'm all ears."
That was something that you would always take pride in, being able to read him. 
He shook his head. "... It's nothing."
A heavy sigh eluded his lips as he turned his head to the woman next to him. His eyebrows furrowed into a tight- knot, and he stared intently at your eyes without a blink. 
Your hand caressed his cheek. But the warmth was missing. It felt oddly cold. "Well, if you ever want to talk, I'll always be by your side."
Jinwoo's heart clenched. 'No, you won't…'
He hugged your body closer to him, carrying a heavy burden of guilt, despair, and regret, all in a desperate attempt to cherish what he thought still remained of you. Unbeknownst to him, what he was clutching onto was but a pillow.
It was cold. It was stiff. It was nothing like you. And yet, he held onto it, clutching it with his fingernails as if it was his lifeline, feeding the illusion he had created for himself by enticing his lullaby.
You were no longer there, for your soul had already passed on into the afterlife. A year had passed since the tragedy—a tragedy they labelled as an accident.
But that couldn't have been more false.
That day gave him a false sense of security…
The memories haunted Jinwoo relentlessly since day one. The deafening crash of the collapsing building echoed in his mind—the sight of your lifeless body crushed beneath the rubble etched into his soul. 
It haunted him. But deep down, he knew it wasn't an accident. Far from it.
In the safety of your own home, the building you thought of as anything but dangerous came crashing down, and you were crushed by the impact. The monarchs decided it was time to get rid of everything he cared about.
Death. A concept all too familiar to humans.
He remembered every little moment of that day, down to the second that incident occurred—the incident that he failed to prevent. 
All because of him.
It was no one’s fault but his own.
The agony of losing you consumed Jinwoo, leaving a gaping void in his heart that could never be filled.
They took you away from him without remorse or justification. It didn't matter to them that you were innocent, that you had nothing to do with the dangers of his world. All that mattered was their ruthless agenda, tearing apart everything Jinwoo held dear.
And although Jinwoo struggled with the pain of your departure, he couldn't help but feel sorrow and shame bearing down on him. If only he had been there to keep you safe and out of danger. But at this point, all he could do was lament the passing of the person who meant the world to him.
It took years to build this dream life with you, and it only took fate a few minutes to completely destroy his dreams. Forever.
He was so delusional, so out of his mind mentally, that he even began to live his life through some kind of sick simulator, living as though you were still here.
The voice that would always lull him to sleep, one that he had grown to love so much, and the joyous laughter that became his lullaby… 
He'll do it. Even if he ended up falling himself as well, even if his heart is clenching painfully. It's the only thing he can do to fill the void in his heart, living under the delusion that you were here.
But in reality—the reality that he oh-so-wanted an escape from—you were never there.
For you had long already passed away.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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chiikasevennn · 20 days
(this has topics of murder and yandere.....and stuff PLS DELETE IF URE NOT COMFY IM SORRY HUHUHU)
haia omg i have no idea if you're still open or no but i really like whenever writers dive into the more darker aspects of a character or how especially when a process of basically ascending to something what you would consider non human (monarch in this case) and how this affects a character like does this make them less humane or posssiblllyy twist their morals??
like as we can see with jinwoo his morals is err well yeah there but we can see times where he is willing to commit crimes if the time calls it (often the system forcing him to it) but like what happens when he finally swallows the system as a whole?? LIKE since now there is no third party to force him to do murder or what not will his way of thinking change too? like i imagine when he first murdered the guys in the cave very early on in the series you think that maybe he thought that it wasn't that bad..??
I can honestly see it more if it was another scenario and we add in the aspect of the reader or I'll call [name] whwhw.. I feel like Jinwoo is the type to actually lose his sense of humanity just for the sake of [name] or keeping them safe like the two probably was close but had to separate in their own ways but when they meet again [name] can barely recognzie Jinwoo and i dont mean physically or what not it's more like he lost his warmth and seems more... unsettling.. like do you know the feeling of watching those analogue horror or watching anything eerie and you get that feeling that somethings off in a scene that seems normal but you know something is OFF. yeah i feel like that's what [name] would feel ✊.
I just wanna hear your opinion on a more screwed up Jinwoo because as muchhh as i love the fluffy cutie jinwoo i also love delving into the topics of jinwoo just going batshit insane 🤯🙏
Jinwoo x Reader
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Your wish is my command, pookie bear.
Warning(s): YANDERE, nothing much, maybe too short? Not a fic or oneshot lol js my crazy thoughts
Also guys ples comment and say something ...
Jinwoo himself was already prepared to walk through fire just for his family, and that was just platonic love. Imagine how insane he'd be for a significant other that he loves way too deeply.
Hello???? Like I feel his dedication and love for darling would be higher than the heavens especially if they're already there for him during his lowest part in life.
My hunch is he's a chill yandere; he adores you and wouldn't pull any outrageously crazy stunts directly at you. Instead, he might convey lessons through various means, like allowing uncomfortable scenarios to set up, then emerging from the shadows he casted beneath your silhouette to rescue you.
Like a "savior" yandere. Your knight and sole protector.
He'd be more possessive ig if his crazy fans found out about you, particularly if they desire him to be romantically involved with Hae-In in the name of being a power couple. Jinwoo literally and genuinely didn't give a damn when they trash-talked him.
But hey, fans can be krezi
ALSO HELLO LIKE WHAT IF THOSE CRAZY ASSHOLES START HARASSING YOU ON WORK OR IN SOCIAL MEDIA (like leaving you death threats or rudely demanding you to break up w him bc apparently according to them, you don't deserve him)? Lol he'd be willing to do something about them, so good luck reasoning against him if you don't want bloodshed!!!
He'd convince you to not work anymore if that was in store for you.
"... Woo, you know I can't just quit work like that and have you become the breadwinner for the two of us. You're getting financially better and I'm proud, but I can't jus—"
"Shh," He'd tenderly cup your cheeks with his eyes overflowing with love and concern, every bit of his attention dedicated to you. "Is it so bad for me to want no dangers coming to you?"
"You're also being unintentionally put into unavoidable situations whenever you're in public. Love, you remember what happened last time, right?" He'd add. With a kiss on your forehead, he said, "I'll provide for you, you don't have to work. I can't stand how they're looking at you."
Jinwoo would mumble the final words gently before pulling back. He'd whisper them solely for your ears, aware that you wouldn't interpret that knowledge negatively anymore—it would now simply reflect his worry for your welfare and highlight his character as the tender and loving partner he was.⁠ ♡
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808airsoftbros · 11 months
Unlikely Love (Female Idols) (S) (BXG)
Author: Another written oneshot from my books. Hope you all like it and if you want to check out more of my works checkout my Masterlist
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Prom is only in a week and I'm ecstatic to go with my girlfriend Solar, we've both been looking forward to this day for a long time.
She already picked out her prom dress and I picked out my tuxedo, and all I need to do is officially ask her to be my date.
Today is the day that I'm going to ask Solar to be my date for prom despite the fact that we have different social statuses.
Solar is known to be one of the school's bad girls but she has a soft side for me, and I'm basically the school's nerd and introvert.
Honestly, I never wanted to have any interaction whatsoever because I simply want to graduate high school with no involvement in trouble.
Yet here I am, holding a bouquet of flowers, reciting my lines over and over to myself in the mirror in the bathroom when nobody is present.
I know it may sound weird but I don't want to mess this up and make myself look like a fool in front of her and everyone else.
Once I feel confident enough in my ability, I exited the bathroom, I texted Solar to find out where she was but strangely she never replied and instead left me on read.
It didn't take long for the thought of her being unfaithful to come into my mind but I shrugged it off as there was no way that she'd do such a thing.
Looking around campus there was no sign of Solar anywhere, I've looked at the courtyard, cafeteria, and the usual classrooms she hangs out in, and not a single clue of her whereabouts.
However, there was one place that I didn't search... The rooftop where Solar confessed her feelings.
Going up the stairs to the rooftop, I heard loud chatter coming from outside the door, and I slightly opened the door wide enough for me to peek through.
When I got eyes on the group of students, my stomach dropped when I saw Solar in the arms of Park Jinwoo the school's most ruthless and popular guy.
"So, babe, is that degenerate nerd going to be a problem?" Jinwoo asked.
"Don't worry, baby, that idiot doesn't suspect a thing, I'm only just using him and when the time is right, I'm going to make prom a living hell for him." She answered and he smirked.
"Haha! That's my girl!" He replied.
My heart sunk and shattered into a million pieces, I wanted to cry and throw up but the shock in my mind made my body freeze in place.
After hearing them shit-talking me, I heard enough and ran down the stairs as fast as I can and balled my eyes out.
Considering that my relationship with Solar is practically over, the bell rang signaling for the first class of the day.
Grabbing my duffle bag from the locker, I go into the building where the locker rooms are located.
My mind was still stuck in those traumatizing events from earlier, and I have no idea how I'm going to get over it.
Was my love not enough for Solar? Or did it even matter to her? There were so many unanswered questions.
Pft. None of that matters anymore, with the bouquet of flowers, I place them in my bag for now and decided to just put it in a vase.
Entering the changing room, I was about to unzip my bag when I looked up and realized I've made the biggest mistake of my life.
Inside the locker rooms was a group of girls, I quickly began to panic, and I knew I needed to vacate the girl's locker room before they notice me.
Slinging my duffle bag on my shoulder, I sneakily and carefully make my leave to avoid alerting the girls who are changing.
Reaching the exit, I thought I'd be safe and away from hell until I felt a hand grip my shoulder and I froze in place.
"Where do you think you're going, naughty boy~?" I hear a female voice ask and I slowly turned around.
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"Ooohhhh... Fuck..." I muttered as I'm about to die here.
Looking behind her, there were five more girls blankly staring at me, few of them don't even have their shirts on or even shorts making me gulp.
The girl dragged me back into the locker room, laid me down on the bench, and straddled onto my lap eliminating any chances of escape.
"What should we do to him, Unnie? Report him to the principal for sneaking into the girl's locker room?" A younger-looking student asked.
"No Yujin. I've got an even better idea~," Their leader said before licking her lips.
"L-Look, I-I'm sorry, okay! I wasn't paying attention to where I'm going!" I pleaded and they giggled.
"Oh naughty boy, it's far too late to apologize now... But you can still make it up to us," One of them replied.
"W-What is it?" I nervously asked and they smirked.
"Just play along and you'll find out~," Their leader whispered into my ear.
"Now shall we get acquainted? Or do you already know our names~?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Y-Your Kim Chaewon... Right? And you all are Karina, Gaeul, Yunjin, Kazuha, and Yujin," I answered and they wickedly smiled.
"Good, no need for introductions, what's your name, baby boy, ~?" Yunjin-Noona asked and I gulped.
"Chang Y/N," I answered.
"Enough talk! Let's get started already!" Chaewon-Noona demanded and they happily complied.
(Start of Smut)
Immediately, Yunjin-Noona and Gaeul-Noona came over and stripped me of my clothes as if their lives depended on it.
They take a good look at my nine-inch rod and they licked their lips as they enjoyed the sight of their catch.
"Mmmmm~. So big~," Gaeul-Noona complimented as she grabs a hold of it.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Noonas take off their bras and panties before joining us, Chaewon-Noona being the oldest gets the first dibs.
"Now, now, ladies, you know I get the first taste~," Chaewon-Noona said and they backed off.
Getting on her knees she gives my plonker a nice long lick sending a wave of stimulation of pleasure to my brain.
Wrapping her lips around the head of my knob she slowly bobbed her head up and down and I moaned despite trying to hide it.
"Mmmm~. Such a tasty meal, alright girls, it's your turn now~," Chaewon-Noona said and the girls jumped on me.
"Y/N-Baby, are you a virgin by any chance?" Kazuha-Noona asked and I slowly nodded.
"That's perfect for us because we're about to change that in about a few moments," Karina-Noona said and I gulped.
One by one each girl gave me one hell of a blowjob and I came in their mouths, it was a miracle that I still have some left even though I blew out the most in Chaewon-Noona's mouth.
"Come on, baby, we know you still have some left and your thing still wants more based on the look of it~." Yujin-Noona pointed out.
"So who wants to go first?" Gaeul-Noona asked and Chaewon-Noona jumped onto my lap.
"Me~! I'll take your first, baby since I'm the eldest, and believe me you'll be in a world of pleasure like never before~." She said before slowly lowering herself onto my knob.
Inserting my knob into her womanhood, she loudly moaned because of my huge size and I groaned at how tight she was.
"God, you're so tight, Noona," I pointed out.
"D-Don't worry, you'll get used to it," She replied before starting to ride me.
Afterward, she started to pick up her pace to the point where she rode me like a damn bull, and Karina-Noona lowered her chest to my face forcing me to suck her milkers.
"Mmmm~. Just like that baby~," Karina-Noona moaned.
Soon after, Chaewon-Noona came, she was frantically breathing as she was exhausted, and her members assisted her off of me.
"My turn~," Yunjin-Noona said and didn't waste any time riding the daylights out of me.
Yunjin-Noona was also tight as hell but something about her body drives me crazy and it's no wonder why so many guys tried to hit on her but she rejected them all including Jinwoo.
I nearly came but I didn't want to disappoint them and despite not having much experience, I held my ground and Yunjin-Noona came.
"God, you're incredible baby, so much better than my ex," She complimented before slowly getting off of me for the other girls to have their rounds.
"Indeed, I can say the same here..." Chaewon-Noona replied.
After Yunjin finished her round with me, Gaeul-Noona straddled onto my hip and Yujin-Noona pounced on my face.
"Don't worry baby, I'll guide you~," Karina-Noona assured.
Gaeul-Noona began riding the shit out of me as Yujin-Noona lowered her pussy onto my mouth forcing me to eat her out.
"Yes, just like that~. You like it, puppy~?" Karina-Noona asked with a grin.
"Y-Yes, it's so good~!" Yujin-Noona moaned.
Soon enough, both girls came at the same time and I drink all of her juices, Yujin-Noona switched places with Gaeul-Noona and Kazuha-Noona got onto my face.
"I hope I taste just as good, baby~," Kazuha-Noona said before lowering herself.
Eating her out as Yujin-Noona fucked me like it was the last thing she'd do on this planet, and just like before they both came at the same time.
Kazuha-Noona is truly something else because she tasted sweet and spicy, afterward, it was finally Karina's turn but instead of her womanhood she lowered her chest.
"Suck my tits, baby, make them yours~," She ordered and I did what she asked.
Sucking her right tit while my hand played with her left tit, she moaned loudly as Kazuha-Noona was having her round with me.
"Ahhh~! You're so damn big~!" Kazuha-Noona moaned.
"He's so perfect~! Can we keep him, Unnie~?" Yunjin-Noona asked and she smirked.
"Well, of course, we're keeping him," Chaewon-Noona answered and she cheered.
(End of Smut)
Catching my breath after doing all six girls, this is truly something I'm never going to forget, and I may be the luckiest man in this school.
"Did you enjoy your time with him, girls?" Chaewon-Noona asked and they nodded.
"Oh, yes we did, Unnie!" Karina-Noona answered while getting herself dressed.
"Me too!" Kazuha-Noona replied as well.
I was about to get up but Yujin-Noona stopped me in my tracks as she straddled onto my lap.
"You did amazing, baby~! Because of that, you're ours now meaning you're only allowed to have sex with us only." Yujin-Noona explained and my eyes widened.
The others girls smirked as Chaewon-Noona slowly approached me before gently grabbing a hold of my cheek and making me face her.
"And if we catch you interacting with another girl, will just simply punish you for it, now are you going to be a good boy for us~?" She asked and I nodded.
"Y-Yes, Noona..." I nervously answered and she smiled before pecking my lips.
"By the way, we noticed the tear marks on your face, did someone hurt you earlier?" Gaeul-Noona asked with concern and I suddenly remembered what happened.
"S-She..." I softly said.
"She what? It's okay, baby, you can tell us~," Kazuha-Noona assured and I sniffed.
"She cheated on me..." I finished and they clenched their fists.
"What?! Who's the bitch?!" Yunjin-Noona angrily asked and I flinched.
Thankfully, Chaewon-Noona and the others managed to calm her down before she could start a whole ass riot in the locker rooms.
"Sorry about her, baby, she can easily lose her temper sometimes. Now tell us, who was the one that broke your heart?" Karina-Noona asked and I deeply sighed.
"S-Solar..." I answered and she nodded.
"Hmph. I knew there was something fishy about her..." Gaeul-Noona commented.
The girls gathered in a group and began whispering to each other so that I can't hear, and once they were finished discussing they looked at me with evil grins.
"So baby, we've been discussing how we could cheer you up... Not that the fun we had earlier didn't help you forget about her but getting revenge." Chaewon-Noona informed me.
"H-How?" I nervously asked and she giggled.
"Glad you asked, baby boy, will be your dates to prom~," Yunjin-Noona answered and I gulped.
"Yeah, I bet Solar and her friends won't see this coming since they consider you a low-life and a nerd. Not only that, will make her jealous and we've got a special after-party event planned for her..." Kazuha-Noona explained.
"W-What is it?" I curiously asked.
"Now, now, this is a surprise just for you, so we won't spoil it, just play along and you'll find out," Chaewon-Noona answered and I nodded.
A week passed since I started dating the school's popular girls and cheerleaders, and tonight is prom night.
The girls have already picked out their dresses, Chaewon-Noona texted me that they'll pick me up at my house.
I replied to her text to confirm I'd read her message, I get myself dressed up in my tuxedo, making sure my tie is tied correctly and making sure everything looked sharp.
Waiting for many Noonas to pick me up, I looked out the window to see a fancy limousine pulled up in front of the house.
Chaewon-Noona texted me that they'd arrived, I exited my house, and I was baffled to be this up close with a limousine.
"Are you Master Y/N?" The driver asked.
"Y-Yes," I nervously answered.
"Very good, please get inside the vehicle," The driver instructed and I nodded.
Entering the limousine, I was shocked at the luxury stuff that was in there, a small bar, a mini fridge full of drinks, and even a small tv.
"Do you like it?" Yunjin-Noona asked.
"O-Of course, how can you girls afford this?" I curiously asked and they giggled.
"Well, our family is business people, hell, we could buy more than 10 Lamborghinis if we felt like it," Gaeul-Noona answered.
The driver then starts driving out of my neighborhood and onto the main road to the hotel where the prom is being hosted.
Once we pulled up to the drop-off zone, everyone was practically staring and admiring the fancy car.
"Don't be nervous, baby, I'll hold your hand~," Chaewon-Noona assured me as she gently takes a hold of my hand.
"Yeah, will protect you if anyone dares try to harm you," Yujin-Noona said and I thanked them.
The driver comes out and opens the doors for us, we stepped out, and everyone at first was cheering until they noticed me walking with them.
"Huh? What is the nerd doing with them?"
"Did he force them to go out with him?"
"Why is that loser holding hands with Queen Chaewon?"
Quickly the girls gave daggers to the gossipers and they instantly shut their mouths, even though this may hurt their popularity they could care less about what others think.
Checking in with the receptionists, we get our table number, and we get seated at our assigned table.
"Wow, love what they did to the place," Karina-Noona complimented as she checked out the decorations.
"Yeah, this is going to be a fun night," Kazuha-Noona replied.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" I hear a familiar voice I hope to never hear again and I turned around to see my ex-girlfriend Solar and her new boyfriend Jinwoo.
"What do you want, Solar?" I asked.
"Aw, still angry about before, Y/N, yes, I knew you were peaking at us on the rooftop, I wanted to see you suffer," Solar replied with an evil smirk.
Didn't take long for our interaction to grab the attention of my Noonas, they clenched their fists in anger, I'm sure they were ready to beat the living shit out of her and Jinwoo but I figured they have something else in mind.
"Ah, so you're the bitch that our baby has mentioned," Chaewon-Noona said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Tsk. Who are you, the Queen of the Cheerleaders be doing with a degenerate trash like him?" Solar asked and she warmly smiled.
"If you're looking for trash look inside your brain," She retorted and it pissed her off.
"What did you say?" Solar coldly asked.
"I think you heard her loud and clear you whore, oh, and Jinwoo still as desperate as ever? Hooking up with this loose pussy bitch how pitiful." Yunjin-Noona said as she grinned.
"Do you want to die, bitch?!" Jinwoo angrily ask as he raised his fists.
"Uh uh, think about this Jinwoo, are you going to punch a girl in front of everyone here~?" She pointed out and he groaned out of frustration as he knew she was right.
"This isn't over..." He warned.
The two dumbfucks walked away, joining their friends, leaving the girls with victory grins on their faces.
The rest of the night was pleasant and full of enjoyment, the first event of the prom was entertainment by a magician, dancers, and artists.
Afterward, we danced the night away, I take turns with my Noonas, however, as I was slow dancing with Karina-Noona, I noticed Jinwoo approaching us with his group.
Knowing well they aren't up to no good, I contemplated whether or not I should reveal my skills that were honed down by my ancestors.
I swore to myself that I'll never get into any fights no matter what but I love these girls with my heart and I can't bear seeing them hurt.
"Sorry, Karina, but you'll have to bear with me here..." I warned her and she looked confused.
"What do you mean?" She asked and I shoved her aside away from the fighting zone.
"You're going to die tonight, loser! After I'm done with you, I'm going fuck those girls' perfect bodies in front of you and there's nothing you can do about it!" Jinwoo threatened while cracking his knuckles and I sighed.
"Come on, Jinwoo, you're smarter than this, let's not do this," I reasoned and they laughed.
"Dude do you hear this guy!? What a wimp! Come on, let's get this over with!" MJ said.
"Y/N, get out of there! You don't stand a chance against them!" Gaeul-Noona pleaded and I shook my head.
"No, Noona, I'm not going to let these guys hurt you! I'm done with these assholes running the school and it ends tonight!" I replied.
"Ohohoho, we've got a tough guy here, aye? Come on, boys, let's put this nerd into his place!" Jinwoo said as they begin to surround me.
MJ strikes first by charging toward me to tackle me to the floor but I jumped and rolled over his kick making him crash into one of the tables.
Sanha tried to punch me but I countered it by parrying his fists and giving him a reverse punch and front-kicking him in the stomach causing him to stumble back.
"Oh come on, boys! You're seriously not going to let this nerd beat you?!" Jinwoo said.
Moonbin steps up and grabbed me from behind as Eunwoo to takes advantage of my vulnerability but I elbowed Moonbins face multiple times until he lets go of me.
Eunwoo was shocked that I managed to get rid of Moonbin but that leaves him vulnerable for a second more than enough time to strike.
When Eunwoo regains his composure it was too late as I jabbed and reversed punched him in the stomach and face before butterfly-kicking him to the face and knocking him out cold.
Jinwoo being the only one left to fight was left speechless that a nerd like myself defeated all four of his toughest guys.
"What's it going to be, Jinwoo, will you stop terrorizing us? Or will we have to do things the hard way?" I asked and he deeply sighed.
"F-Fine, I promise to leave everyone alone and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused," He gave up and I grinned.
"Wise choice, but if I find out you're bullying another student, I'll break every damn bone in your body, got it?" I sternly asked and he viciously nodded.
Dragging his friends out of the dance floor, everyone began whispering and cheering as Jinwoo and his gang has finally been humiliated.
"B-Baby, since when can you fight like that?" Chaewon-Noona asked.
"It's a long story..." I answered.
"Well, we have our entire lives for you to explain your story," Kazuha-Noona mentioned.
For the rest of the night, we had a blast on prom night as the DJ tuned up the beats, and we danced until late at night.
However, there was still one last thing to do before we can conclude the night... My Noonas dragged Solar back to the hotel room we rented.
In other words, we all fucked in front of her and her face was priceless, getting a taste of her own medicine.
She claimed that she wouldn't be fazed by it at all since she doesn't love me anymore but that attitude of hers didn't last long.
After leaving her miserable and bitter, we kicked her out of the room, and I spent the night cuddling with my girlfriends.
"Baby, what's that poking at my thigh...?" Gaeul-Noona asked.
She looked under the blanket and saw my hard rod, she smirked and the girls instantly knew what was going on.
"Looks like your friend down there wants another repeat from the locker rooms~," Yunjin-Noona pointed out and I grinned.
"Well, what are we waiting for then?" I asked and they smiled.
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therealdogsinmymind · 2 months
WIP LIST (Jinwoo x Reader)
[A list of my current projects that I will update as I finish, scrap, or add things! These are all Jinwoo x Reader and will all contain further tags when posted! I will be posting these to both Ao3 and Tumblr. Titles are subject to change.]
“Solo Play”
High school (almost) sweethearts find each other again after a nasty split but Jinwoo has changed, and learning to cope with it is a battle.
(NSFW, Multi-Chapter - Ongoing, Trans Male Reader) Ch 1, Ch 2,
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
“Protected. Always.”
You slowly slip into insanity as you feel like you’re being watched at all times by things you can’t see, luckily your friend Jinwoo promises he’ll protect you. 
Meanwhile Jinwoo feels a little bad for accidentally making you question reality but really if it lands you in his arms isn’t that a price he’s willing to pay? 
(Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Stalker/Obsessive Jinwoo, NSFW, Multi-Chapter, Female Reader)
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Jinwoo has been having an increasingly hard time with the concept of you spending time with other men. You may also push his buttons about it on purpose… 
(NSFW, Oneshot, Female Reader)
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Drabble/HC Requests In Progress: 3
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nyashykyunnie · 20 days
Thank you for writing i just read your recent jinwoo oneshot 🩵 ong your yan!jinwoo fics make me drool, like i love how overprotective he is, so imagine if they finally make things official and then reader gets preggy and they have a child — god, i love him, it makes my imagination go wild lol. Thank you so much always 🩵
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i-bring-crack · 11 months
Jinhae Exes AU not in the "ones of us cheated" or "it was all a big misunderstanding that separated us" kind of way.
But in the "one of us realized the world is significantly different than what we were thought to believe and now we are fighting in different sides of the war and I still love you but I think I'm right in this ideology game and just want the other to understand and come back please—"
#i just remembered i also had that idea before in a oneshot wip#never truly finished even though it was going to be hella fun#i also kinda made the fic be platonic in ao3 rather than romantic#i mean i like my jinhae#but#platonic AND soulmates AND m/f friendships are just 'MA HEART'#anyways the whole love wouldnt have been different.#like they still love each other minus the kissing and secc#Anyways the plot was about Haein recovering her memories of the past timeline and looking for jinwoo in order to help him defeat the#denizens of chaos aka beasts and their monarchs or just the monarch and their armies#Jinwoo wasnt looking for any help but was kinda lonely that he just kindof accepted the company from Haein and gave her a system on her own#so that she too could become just as strong as her. At this point they also like 'know'they both like each other bc they both did go on a#date but they never truly met one another so they do have a crush but they decide to take it slow and just become friends first. I mean they#have literally have 27 years in this world to spend so might as well try to know each other first.#Haein isnt quick to open up about her problems tho and neither is Jinwoo quick to say ALL that he suffered for the past 4 years as a hunter#including the system's mess#so they often explore more about the world and talk about the monsters than their problems first#That is until Haein is like 19. both have passed like 6 years toguether only trying to find where the monarchs are hi#hidding as well as destroying possible civilizations that could be useful inside the shadow army.#most of the beasts are agreesive towards them too so they kill them without any regards.#and then they finally get to find the first intelligent beings in this world. The demon race. Haein already from the name alone knows they#(also yes the demon race is still alive in this AU)#but jinwoo stops her and she is just huh? we arent killing these demons?#'nope we are killing all of them except this clan'#and Haein obeys but. like. is so confused.#hen when the radir family throws them a banquet. pretty things and events happen and Haein gets the chance to talk to Esil who in turn is#very chatty so she gets to hear a lot about the story of demons and their lives outside of it.#solo leveling#jinhae
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catboyfics · 9 months
Things are gonna slow down a bit because I have recently started school and don't have as much free time. I'm currently working on two longfics: a ghost x m!reader fic, and a yoo jonghyuk x m!reader fic, and two oneshots, an alhaitham x m!reader fic, and a sung jinwoo x m!reader fic.
Sorry for the delay, but things are coming along, and I have a few things that should be finished soon!
If you would like to be added to the taglist for any of these fics, or my general taglist, send an ask or leave a comment.
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rarepears · 2 years
Please can you continue your endeavor x gin and endeavor x Sephiroth fic i know is a lot to ask for but really really want to continue them please 🥺 🥺 🥺
Me: It's not dropped! Also me: Well, I just don't feel like writing right now. This is also me: If I ever do write though, it would probably be more Sung Jinwoo content actually.
Actually me: makes empty promises about updating my fics soon and not fulfilling them.
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Morning - Jinjin
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(Admin: Babyboiii, I haven’t written anything about Astro in a while so here’s a soft Jinjin scenario) *Finished by WS*
Jinwoo lets out a groan stretching his arms out in front of him before running his hand through his hair. You let out a small laugh resting your head on the palm of your hand watching Jinwoo blink away the tiredness from his eyes.
“Good morning,” Jinwoo mutters rubbing his eyes you hum, “I’m still tired,” he says with a small laugh that you return, “come here,” Jinwoo says softly pulling you towards his chest.
Jinwoo wraps his arms tightly around you, you rest your cheek against his chest your own arms holding loosely at his sides. Jinwoo lets out a content hum resting his chin on the top of your head tightening his grip slightly, but not too much to where you’re uncomfortable in his hold.
“Can we just stay in bed all day?” You inquire your voice muffled by his skin Jinwoo laughs pressing a light kiss to the top of your head.
“I’d like that,” he says softly, “we’ll have to get up eventually though,” he says with a sigh, you hum but neither of you act on actually moving from your spots, “let’s stay like this for a lot longer though.”
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request ||
(Admin: WS, Ari’s kinda down so I decided to finish some of her scenarios because I feel bad that she takes on everything for us)
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key201303 · 3 years
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Lying in your bed facing each other you and JinJin are busy talking about anything and everything. Not caring that it's way past your both bedtime and that you both have to leave for work early in the morning. That's what love does to you. It makes every mundane thing lovers do feel extremely special. Things you did yesterday which had no meaning are the things that hold lots of meaning today. These small things about being in love make it so special 💕
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