#pentagon shinwon imagine
jinkoh · 1 year
Pentagon - realizing they have feelings for you
SFW; gender-neutral reader
@huipinkhair requested: Do you think you could write a little ptg ot9 realising they have feelings for you? Like the moment they realise and what they do
a/n: tysm for requesting as always!! ❤️ sorry that it took so long! i hope you'll enjoy these~
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He sees you working hard at something you’re passionate about. You don’t have to be all that good at it, he’ll always be impressed if you put in an honest effort. He can’t help thinking that it’s admirable because it’s a character trait he values.
He’d probably keep his feelings close to his heart. But if he ever sees you falter or feel insecure, he’d at least tell you how impressed he is with your hard work and encourage you.
It’s small gestures, like how you leave small sticky notes or a coffee in his studio to cheer him up when he has to work a lot. When he’s tired or things are tough he’ll find himself wanting to see you. It’s not easy for Hui to let others take care of him, but somehow it’s so easy when it’s you. You just make him feel at home.
He doesn’t tell you immediately. For now it’s enough to seek comfort in your presence.
He does something for you, maybe makes you a sandwich or whatever, constantly thinking about what you’d like the best and what would make you the happiest. The moment he gives it to you and sees your grateful smile he's a goner.
Might turn a little clumsy around you, suddenly hyper aware of every little interaction.
Yeo One/Changgu
He makes you laugh with something silly he says. He didn’t even consider it that funny but when you burst into giggles he thinks he wants to be the source of your laughter many many times from here on out.
Tries hard to be funny around you and then smiles fondly whenever your eyes light up with laughter.
You support him in something he does. Maybe he has a musical role or a concert and you come to cheer him on. When he spots you in the audience he'll be overcome with happiness thinking to himself that he really loves you. Might just tell you after the show in a rush of endorphins.
Maybe you scold him a little for being thoughtless and at first he gets annoyed and defensive. But then you spill that you’re upset because you were worried about him. He realizes that you must really care for him and somehow it makes his heart flutter? Care for him some more please?
He listens to you talking about something you love. Maybe it’s just something small like your favorite yogurt but he realizes he could keep listening forever. And that’s what he does, he keeps listening and thinking over and over how much he adores you.
He catches you humming or dancing by yourself while doing something, clearly in a good mood, and he’s just so endeared by it. He’d probably feel torn between gushing over how cute you are and watching in silence so you don’t stop.
Hyunggu would probably feel very excited about confessing to you and not wait too long. Love is something that should be shared after all.
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It’s a simple moment. You’re watching a movie or show together, joking around a bit and you’re just so comfortable with him, casually leaning your head against his shoulder or playfully nudging him in the side and that’s when realization sinks in. He's so far gone for you.
Now that he’s aware of his own feelings, he can’t help but be incredibly flustered around you, heart racing at every simple touch.
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beautifulchris · 1 year
O students
pairing: kim seungmin x gn!reader
wc: 3,4k
featuring: han jisung, loona’s chaewon, the boyz’s eric, pentagon’s shinwon, sf9’s chani
summary: for two years, you considered seungmin as a rival, until his best efforts to befriend you didn't go unnoticed anymore
genres: hogwarts!au, rivals to friends to lovers!au, ravenclaw!seungmin, ravenclaw!reader, fluff
tw: swearing, a kiss
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/cmment to be added!
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It was common knowledge that Seungmin was an O student, and you weren’t so far behind. In the beginning of first year up until the end of second year, you were rivals. You were competitive and Seungmin was a pain. He wasn’t competitive as much, but he was better than you, and you couldn’t tolerate it. Fortunately, he asked if he could talk to you on the train to your third year and you’ve been a better person ever since; less competitive, more open and definitely more livable. Bonus, you became friends with him.
Your parents had pressured you into being the best student and it made you do and say things you regret, but Seungmin understood, which you were thankful for. They also wanted you to be a Slytherin, like them, but perhaps the Sorting Hat knew deep down who you really were.
Hogwarts had always been a second home to you. At all times, you felt cozy and relaxed despite the amount of noise and homework. Making peace with yourself made the whole experience ten times better.
The librarian came out of nowhere with an unpleasant look —the usual— and hissed to the whole library before storming out: “Pray that I won’t find out who damaged our copy of Important modern magic discoveries.”
You looked at Seungmin at the other side of the table and laughed quietly while he shook his head. You knew who it was, but you wouldn’t snitch on a fellow Ravenclaw. Especially not when he cost too much house points already.
Seungmin didn’t like studying in the Great Hall because it was too loud compared to the library, where the librarian never accepted any sound (whispers were worse than speaking out loud for her). The common room was okay, sometimes, but it was mostly a place to chill and read.
Moreover, he knew every inch of the library like the back of his hand, so he often helped restock and find books for other students if they looked lost. You found that admirable, knowing the librarian’s temperament. He didn’t seem to mind, though. In fact, she seemed to respect your friend, value even.
“I can’t believe Jisung’s scared of acromantulas,” you blurted out of the blue, the last class of defense against the dark arts still fresh on your mind.
“Me neither. He does have one fear, after all,” he shrugged. As desperate as he was, never would he use this fear to ‘tame’ his friend.
You nodded, refocusing on your task at hand, when a tired-looking Chaewon sat next to you with a light thud. She sighed, pinching her nose bridge in annoyance.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, your voice laced with worry.
“I just tutored Heejin for transfiguration but she’s not making any effort.”
“She asked the professor herself, though?”
“Exactly! Ugh, why did it have to be me?”
“Ask the professor to change tutor,” proposed Seungmin.
“Already did, but she said I was the second best choice, the first being Hyunjin, and he’s already tutoring a Gryffindor.”
“Wait. You don’t have to actually meet up, right?” You were not going to let your friend have a hard time for basically nothing.
“I guess not…”
“Then just don’t. I’m sure she doesn’t even need the help.”
“You’re right, she looked jealous over the person that genuinely needed it,” recalled Seungmin.
“I guess she likes Hyunjin or something,” Chaewon shrugged.
“Poor girl. He’s never going to see her that way,” you shook your head.
“Shhh!” hissed the librarian behind you, making you all flinch. No one saw her coming back and it put an end to your conversation.
A few days later, in history of magic class shared between Ravenclaws and Slytherins, the professor monotonously recited his 14th century’s witch hunt lesson while some classmates were playing exploding snap at the back. Seungmin was, as usual, immersed in the lecture while you were trying your best not to fall asleep. Chaewon was diligently writing down notes two rows back, next to Hyunjin who gave up on staying awake a long time ago. You’ve never spent time with the Slytherin girl, but she was close to Chaewon. You could hear mini explosions and laughter from behind you, and if you weren’t so drowsy right now, you would’ve gone to see how the game was going.
After the class, you went to the courtyard during recess with Seungmin.
“I just don’t get why flying carpets are illegal, you know? They look so much steadier than brooms,” you sighed, sitting on the low wall surrounding the courtyard, your friend following you.
“I’d tell you the reason, but you know it already.”
“Yes, they have been defined as a ‘muggle artifact’ by the registry of proscribed charmable objects, so now they’re banned. But so are brooms! I guess the ministry had to choose, and made a huge mistake.”
“Why don’t you send them an owl to make a change?” Seungmin proposed, amused by your beliefs.
“Are you out of your mind? My dad works at the ministry, I don’t fancy receiving a howler during breakfast for my ‘disrespect of the wizarding law’, thank you very much.”
You visibly shivered at the thought.
“Would be fun to—” Seungmin started, but your attention drifted off to a guy standing on the edge of the fountain.
“Anyone want to do my history homework? I can pay,” proposed a fourth year Gryffindor, Eric if you weren’t mistaken.
Seeing you were about to get up to walk in the direction of the guy, Seungmin stopped you by tugging on your robe. “You’re not seriously considering it?”
“Why not? If he pays well, I can buy some books at Fleury and Bott this weekend,” you shrugged.
“I’ll buy you every book you want but please. Don’t do it, you already have a lot on your plate.”
“Aww. Do I detect worry? You’re so cute. Every book I want, huh? You can’t back down now!”
Seungmin grimaced a bit as he watched you excitedly walking to your next class. He sighed tiredly before joining you, considering Eric’s offer for a brief moment to buy those books. That would’ve been hypocritical of him to do that, so he kept walking.
He never regretted it because he could spend more quality time with you. His wallet though, it was another story.
Out of the books you acquired, there was the ‘Quintessence: A Quest’ charm book destined for the sixth year students.
Back to Ravenclaw’s common room that Sunday, you browsed through it while Seungmin was, no big surprise, working on assignments. Chaewon was with you two for a few hours, then decided to go outside, quoting her: ‘to enjoy the first warm day of the year.’
As you were turning the pages, a spell caught your eye. It was the bubble-head charm.
“I can’t believe that spell is too advanced for me,” you whispered to yourself.
Seungmin took a quick look at your interest and shrugged, saying, “it never stopped me.”
“Me neither. I’m just saying that it’s a cool spell that we should’ve learned already! How cool would it be to swim in the black lake for hours, meet the merpeople and the giant squid?”
“Y/N, let me stop you right there,” he said seriously, bringing a hand up. “The black lake is forbidden, please don’t do anything stupid. Jisung is already a pain for losing house points daily,” he requested, his eyes pleading.
“Contrary to what you may think, I didn’t get sorted into Ravenclaw simply because I like the color blue. I know how to stay out of trouble.” Seungmin gave you an unimpressed look. “Okay. Okay, I won’t enter the black lake. Promise.”
“Thank you,” he let out a relieved sigh.
“I’m still learning that spell, though.”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“The library is like a second Ravenclaw common room at this point,” Chaewon pointed out, sitting next to you at a table attached to one of many narrow rows. “I’ve seen a majority of blue robes since I entered.”
“Can’t deny it,” you shrugged, amused, finishing a transfiguration assignment.
Your friend chuckled lightly, stopped abruptly when she heard a ‘shh’ from the end of the row —the librarian, no doubt— and sighed quietly. “I have five minutes to cry over my potions essay.”
Lunch time was about to end. Passing your own potions essay to your friend under her thanks, you packed up your things and waited for her to rectify a few facts on her parchment.
“I’m forever grateful,” the Ravenclaw girl said on your way to the dungeons, where you joined Seungmin and the Hufflepuffs.
“Come on Chae, we’re friends. I would lend you my essays anytime.”
“You’re the best Y/N!” Chaewon exclaimed, a pretty eye smile adorning her soft features, as she put her arms around one of yours.
Seungmin stood there, smiling to himself at the exchange, his eyes lingering on your face, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jisung. As you all entered the classroom, he nudged his friend.
“Is this a one-sided enemies to lovers au?”
He friendly slapped his shoulder and told him to shut up. Everyone around you both knew your past. It was quite the show.
“It’s so frustrating! He’s always ahead of me, no matter how hard I try to be the best,” you told your cousin.
It was about April of your second year. You had a cousin who was in his 7th year at that time. A Slytherin, too.
“You’re being too hard on yourself, Y/N,” he smiled as he put a hand on your shoulder.
Shinwon was always supportive and cheerful, despite your family motto (‘be the best in everything’). At seventeen, he already chose his path, his parents accepting it or not. Indeed, he wanted to become a healer at St Mungo’s and save lives. It was admirable, and you wished you were more like him.
“I know your parents are putting a lot of pressure on you, but you’re only twelve. Enjoy your school years, forge your own path, make friends and, more importantly, be happy.”
Those words actually helped you get through the end of your second year. Your cousin was now a healer at St Mungo’s as he dreamed of, and to honor his kind words, you were enjoying your school days as much as you could.
After potions, you got to herbology.
You’ve spent the two last classes learning the herbivicus charm, and Seungmin particularly loved it. All week, he practiced on the few plants in the common room, or the ones outside.
Herbology was one of your friend’s favorite subjects, he loved to take care of the plants, even outside of class. The professor let him water every plant in the greenhouses on weekends— to his request.
At lunch, you were eating with Seungmin, Chaewon, Jisung, his partner in crime and Chani. The latter looked around the table, stopped for a few seconds, then offered his hand over the table for Chaewon to shake. She confusedly did.
“Looks like we’re likely to end up together, this feels like a triple date.” Chaewon removed her hand from his under the protests and indignation of the five persons concerned. Chani put his hands up in fake surrender, “That was a joke, jeez.”
“Not very funny,” muttered Jisung before taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
“Don’t scare me like that again,” Chaewon glared at Chani, gently rubbing the hand that touched his own under the table.
He sent her an apologetic smile, and you were so immersed in their conversation that —you caught Chani’s red ears and how your friend’s features didn’t match her actions— you weren’t aware of Seungmin gazing at you, his brain going blank.
No thoughts, just your pretty eyes, cute smile and soft skin.
He snapped out of it when Jisung flicked his fingers in front of him. “You okay there, mate? Looks like you were daydreaming.”
Seungmin kicked him under the table —making him dramatically yelp in pain— and resumed eating his lunch in silence, trying his best to hide his embarrassment.
Actually, he had harbored feelings for you for quite some time, a few months before you talked out your rivalry. He never said anything, of course, by fear you would reject him or worse, end your friendship with him. He always did his best to hide his secret from everyone; that was until Jisung caught up.
During defense against the dark arts this afternoon, as Ravenclaws and Slytherins were practicing the twitchy-ears hex —and, therefore, the shield charm—, Jisung and his partner in crime were half-heartedly training, preferring taking their time to chat, glancing at Seungmin and you from time to time from the other side of the room. You were diligently practicing with Chaewon while Chani was with Seungmin.
The latter wasn’t fully concentrated though, often having the overwhelming feeling of eyes boring into him. He didn’t like that. It even made him mess up his shield charm, resulting in him feeling his ear twitch. He groaned, congratulated Chani and pointed his wand at his ear, whispering: “Finite.” Then, he hexed Jisung across the room when he wasn’t looking, his partner being confused because they wasn’t the one to hex him.
Meanwhile, Chaewon and you were pretty good at this so everytime one of you casted a spell, there was no difference. Both your shield charms were perfect.
“Almost would’ve liked to know how the hex feels,” Chaewon laughed during recess.
You were at the library, working on the herbology essay you got that morning, with Seungmin and Chaewon. Without a word, you put your wand out of your robe pocket, pointing it at your friend. She raised her hands to her ears, an unpleasant look on her face.
“I said almost! It’s quite irksome, actually.” You released her from the hex and she relaxed, quickly rubbing her ears, “Thanks.”
“My pleasure.”
Seungmin was lost in thought, thinking about how smart and talented you were. He had a stupid smile on his face until he shook his head and realized Chaewon was staring at him suspiciously. He coughed and got back to his assignment, not being able to fully focus.
He was losing control of his emotions.
That night in the common room, as you three were still working —uh, boringgg— on your assignments before dinner, Chaewon decided she had enough and preferred reading a romance book on her bed. She packed her stuff and went to her dorm, leaving Seungmin and you in a comfortable silence. Until Jisung entered the room, sneakily walking behind your backs at a safe distance.
He pointed his wand at your sleeves —they were a few inches apart— and whispered: “Epoximise.” He then fled out of the room like he was never here, excitedly thinking how his plan was working perfectly.
You didn’t notice for like twenty seconds, but when you moved your hand to write on your parchment, Seungmin’s left arm followed. You looked at each other in disbelief, raising your arms to see what could’ve happened.
Seungmin’s robe sleeve somehow merged with yours.
The sudden proximity —your pinky fingers touched a few times— embarrassed you for some reason, while Seungmin was a blushing mess.
“We should probably do something about that,” you finally say, gesturing to your hands.
“You should do it.”
“Yeah,” he murmured as he took his wand, “finite.”
“I wonder who did this.”
“I have an idea.” Seungmin looked upset, but you didn’t pry. “I’ll be back,” he said, getting up and leaving the common room in a hurry.
You took this time alone —well, almost, there were other Ravenclaws around— to think about why your cheeks burned as much as they did when your hands were touching.
You didn’t like him like that, right?
He was just a good friend you disliked before, who’s been nothing but sweet and understanding. A truly smart guy who, despite his gigantic love for academics and books, could always make time to help others whenever they needed. You loved that in him— wait.
No, no, no.
While you tried to convince yourself it wasn’t ‘love’ you were feeling, Seungmin was out for Jisung’s head. He found him on the spiral staircase leading to their common room, walking up in his direction.
“Jisung,” he shouted from a few stairs above him, startling not only the concerned, but a few paintings too.
“Oh, Seung, hey, how’re you doing?” he asked as he stopped in his tracks.
“What were you THINKING?”
Slowly walking backwards, Jisung started sweating, his friend’s anger intimidating him a little. “It wasn’t—”
“I know it was you, don’t deny it. I’ve felt you staring at me for hours today, I knew you were planning something.”
“I was going to say that it wasn’t meant to hurt you in any way, more like bring you two closer with a little push. I’m sorry.”
“I should hex you right now,” Seungmin huffed.
“Didn’t you already do in dada?” he raised a brow, crossing his arms.
“True. I guess we’re even, then.”
Jisung let out a relieved breath, “how did it go?”
“It was awkward,” he explained as they came back to the common room together, “and I won’t discuss this matter further with you. You’ve done your part,” he stopped to give the eagle knocker an answer to his riddle, “please don’t do anything else.”
Jisung nodded as he saw you were alone at the table, your hands in your hair like you were having a crisis. He excused himself before going to his dorm, while Seungmin sat next to you. “You okay?”
You shot your head up, using your hands to fix your hair. “Of course. Yeah. Totally.”
It looked like you were freaking out, which worried Seungmin, but he kept his mouth shut, gazing at your face. You finally looked at him and it was weird, your heart was still beating fast but you felt at ease. You managed to smile, losing yourself in his soft brown eyes.
“You’re really beautiful,” he whispered to himself but you heard it.
You blushed, your smile growing wider. “You’re beautiful, too.”
His eyes widened, his ears got red as he hid his face behind his hands.
Giggling, you gently took his hands in yours and brought them down, leaning towards him. You looked in each other’s eyes with adoration.
He slowly closed the gap between you in a chaste kiss. It didn’t last long, but it was sweet and made you all fuzzy inside. The euphoria ended immediately after a couple Ravenclaws cheered for you, though, but it was a nice feeling.
At dinner, Seungmin, Chaewon, Jisung, his partner in crime, Chani and you were all eating together, and you two lovebirds were holding hands under the table.
Jisung raised his glass out of nowhere, “I’d like to make a toast.”
“We’re fourteen,” Chani interrupted.
“Shut up and raise your damn pumpkin juice,” he cursed in a whisper, before smiling at his friends raising their own glasses —reluctantly or not. “To the new couple I helped”—Seungmin scoffed—“make happen today,” he announced as he glanced at you two, “next is your turn, buddies,” he added to the attention of Chaewon and Chani, who blushed hard.
“Cheers,” his partner in crime jovially said, before drinking.
“And when’s your turn?” Seungmin asked Jisung, murmuring over the table so he’d be the only one hearing.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” he murmured back.
After dinner, Seungmin and you were walking around the courtyard, holding hands and making heart eyes at each other.
“Remember when I decided to learn the bubble-head charm?”
“I don’t think I like what you’re implying…” he softly answered, already feeling anxious about your next words.
“It’s not that bad, I promise,” you giggled, “I learned how to make blue sparks too.”
You put your wand out and pointed to the night sky. Making the right hand movement, jets of blue sparks came out of the tip of your wand, illuminating the sky. “Vermillious,” you enunciated, adding jets of red sparks into the mini fireworks, creating purple sparks in the process.
Seungmin was amazed, it was such a mesmerizing view. His eyes fell on your face, and, at that exact moment, intently watching as your eyes shone and your smile held pure gratification, he knew why he loved you.
You were full of life, always by his side, a good friend and so, so beautiful under the multicolored lights.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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minimultiestfandoms · 7 months
Pentagon reaction to you asking to tie a bow around it pt.2
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requested: no
wanted to start doing fake texts as they are easier to do then writing full fledged fanfics and i’ve been busy with uni and work so please note fake texts are only open for now! i might open small headcanons later on when i get more used to my schedule!
— sunnie
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taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @neochan, @jinkoh, @shinwolo, @hazyhae
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adachicuto · 1 year
last date before wedding with ptg
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warning(s): food and wine mentions
↳ jinho: helping him with a cover of a song for youtube and it’d be a pretty romantic song maybe ed sheeran thinking out loud or john legend or maybe something else like eyes, nose, lips and you wouldn’t realize that he got you singing. i don't think he'd post it and just want to save it for the two of you to rewatch. it wouldn’t matter to him if you were an amazing singer or not, just being able to share that moment with you would be enough for him. so, it would probably become a tradition where you'd rewatch the cover for every wedding anniversary, and maybe you would cover more songs together each time as a little segment on his youtube channel and the members would text him and tease him about it every time lol
↳ hui: i get the feeling that he would bring you to a really nice yet underrated restaurant where smooth jazz is played and people are allowed to go onstage and perform a song. both of you would have the biggest smiles on your faces because the date would be reminiscent of your first one. you'd end the date off with really good wine and of course, hui would go onstage and sing (he'd claim it as practice for your big day) and would leave the audience stunned by his amazing vocals. on the drive home, his hand would never leave yours and he'd probably fidget with your engagement ring with a huge smile on his face.
↳ hongseok: your "date" would be so sweet and domestic because hongseok just gives me homey vibes. like, you'd both go to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner and a dessert you both like. idk it would be the cutest thing and then you'd head back home and he'd start cooking while you worked on the dessert and you'd definitely catch him staring at you every few minutes with a goofy smile on his face and he'd wiggle his eyebrows playfully. you'd step away for a second to back-hug him and hongseok would smile to himself before he'd turn around to kiss you and he'd pull away to say something really cheesy but it would still put a smile on your face.
↳ yeo one: i think changgu would plan the cutest little picnic in the park for both of you. he'd pack some of your favorite foods and snacks and would even get you flowers or something. it would be the cutest thing and he'd take a flower and put it behind your ear and you'd do the same to him and then you'd go back and forth about who's the prettiest lol then the two of you would lie down and cloud gaze. idk i can see a really adorable dog running over to the two of you and it would really like changgu and it would be such a cute moment that would lead you to discuss the possibility of adopting a dog after the wedding. once the sun would start to settle below the horizon, you'd head home and would probably spend the rest of the day watching a show or movie.
↳ shinwon: both of you would agree on going to a spa and maybe a little shopping. i could definitely see him goofing around with you while in the sauna by making weird faces and telling you funny stories. then, he'd have you rest your head on his shoulder and he'd smile to himself. then, he'd tell you about how he was so nervous to propose to you. after a few minutes he'd realize that you weren't talking only to find you asleep. so, he'd make sure that you would be comfortable and would relax too. i think he'd love to spoil his s/o so he'd really enjoy going to the spa with you and it'd be a nice break from all of the wedding prep. on the way home, you'd both decide on ordering in bc neither of you would want to cook after being at the spa.
↳ yanan: he'd wake up extra early to get your favorite breakfast foods and coffee. when he'd make it back to your apartment he'd be met with you half asleep on the couch and would quickly put everything down to cuddle with you for a few minutes and then you'd eat breakfast together. afterward, the two of you would get ready to go and yanan wouldn't tell you but it would all make sense later. so, the two of you would go to multiple places throughout the city and you were thankful that they wouldn't be too far and at each stop, you and yanan would talk about what happened at each, like, one place was where he took you for your first date and another would be where you both said you loved each other for the first time. looking back on all of the memories would make both of your hearts feel so full.
↳ yuto: i think you'd go to an aquarium or botanical garden and it would be on a day when it wouldn't be so busy and the two of you could goof around and take funny pictures of each other imitating the animals. throughout the date, you'd both feel like little kids on a field trip again. both of you would stop every few minutes to stare at something you'd find interesting and the look on your faces at that moment would be so adorable and you'd have to capture the moments. after that, you would go get something to eat and then walk back to your apartment. on the walk, you'd both reminisce about how you met, your first date, and how he proposed to you.
↳ kino: i feel like hyunggu would go all out but it would still be a pretty laid-back date idk if that makes sense but he'd sign you up for a couples' dancing class where you'd learn how to tango and it would be so romantic and fun, even if you're not much of a dancer. after that, you'd go back home to shower and then he'd take you out to a really nice restaurant for dinner. the two of you would be so impressed with your meals but the highlight of your would be getting ice cream or your favorite dessert from your favorite place but then on your way back home it'd start raining and you'd have to wait it out inside a nearby cafe with steaming cups of tea. the whole situation would be pretty funny to both of you and it'd make for a nice moment to look back on.
↳ wooseok: being the youngest, i don't think he'd plan everything out and would just go with the flow. so, i think wooseok would also enjoy a night in with you as your date, especially if it would be a rainy day. he'd go and get your favorite snacks and drinks the day before and would surprise you with everything. the two of you would spend the day watching movies, playing video games, and just enjoying the calm before your wedding day. somehow, you'd end up talking about some of your embarrassing moments early on in your relationship and neither of you would be able to stop laughing and maybe you'd each go through your camera roll and it'd be a really cute moment for both of you.
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bomnun · 11 months
today shinwon shared that he hasn’t formally renewed yet and is technically a free agent, but unless something huge happens very soon he is staying, they just haven’t finalized the contract yet. he says it’s both for group and solo activities, and my assumption based on his words and tone is that it’s important to him to have a future plan and not total unknown when he comes back from the enlistment. he’s probably enlisting in december or early january.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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cyncialwoo · 8 months
can you make a reaction of pentagon if they gonna see their ex girlfriend after break up
a/n: Hihi! I know I said two weeks, but I've been balancing school and home life. I'm also re-reading this piece I wrote a while back and brainstorming for new things. Also, I've never written reactions before, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry this is so late.
words: 2.2k >>Masterlist
He would be the type to avoid a meet-up.
It’s not like the relationship ended badly, but it’s for convenience. 
Jinho wouldn’t want to step on your feelings if there were any remaining
Honestly, for him, there was still something left over
He's delusional. Literally gaslighting himself to think he’s avoiding you for your sake.
The meet-up would be accidental like it was meant to happen. 
Jinho honestly hadn’t been out of his apartment in a few weeks. He had been having second thoughts about the entire breakup. Was it the best decision? He wasn’t sure. Although, the food had run out in his house, and takeout was expensive these days. 
He was walking through the isles bored when he saw a familiar figure. He didn’t see your face, but he didn’t have to. Something inside him wanted to approach you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t and he didn’t know why. He would rather die than go up to you. He stood there for minutes wondering whether to move past you or do a 180. 
He ended up just staring at you, taking in this moment of seeing you again. You were looking at some snacks on the shelf when you turned your head and looked over at him. He watched as the smile spread on your face, and how you waved at him. He reciprocated it, all without much thought. The moment flew by too fast for him because, in the next second, you were gone for the next item on your grocery list. 
Hui would most likely become obsessed with his work
Anything to distract himself 
Maybe he’d blow money for some serotonin
Anything to give him a quick whiff of some happiness 
He’s been writing songs like crazy and they're all sappy breakup songs
He doesn’t like any of them though 
He needs a break and a bad
Hui needed some time out of his studio which was now too stuffy for him. Just a simple walk would do for him. For what he meant for a short walk around the building, he ended up in a park nearby. He sat on a swing slowly rocking back and forth. His eyes were closed taking in the sound around him. It was quiet, barely anyone was around. Still, the sound of the wind and the trees slowly dancing to it making their sound, The casual cars driving by in the background. That was the serenity and peace he had been looking for this whole time. 
When he finally opened his eyes he noticed a familiar figure sitting at a bench. They were eating lunch alone with their head down. He didn’t have to see their face to know who it was. He smiled to himself, maybe this was the motivation and clarity he sought. 
He’d be more of the jealous type. 
He’s most likely the type to stalk a page 
He made a fake account just for you!
okay, maybe that’s not that charming. 
he regrets his decision though
he's sincere about that
Lately, Hongseok had been feeling like you were losing interest in him, or you were getting over this. With all that he still felt for you, he couldn’t let you. He still couldn’t let you go and needed something to drag you in with him. So, he devised a plan. He would “randomly” meet up with you. 
He got used to the schedule that you had, and have, so it wasn’t that hard to find you. He had crossed your path multiple times after the break-up, but neither of you had decided to go and talk to each other. He was too shy, and you wanted to get over him. It was better for you anyway, and sometimes seeing him just hurt.
Not this time when you saw him. You two had managed to get on the same bus. Although, you knew hongseok had a car and could drive. It made you wonder what happened to him after you two separated. You locked eyes with him, and he shared a smile with you. He took that as an invitation to come closer to you on the bus. He made small talk with you for most of the ride. Something about the whole experience felt like deja vu almost as if you had met him again, but in a new life.
He plays it off but he’s most definitely hurting 
He hangs around other people for a distraction 
He is not okay though
When he’s alone or at home he mostly pouts
Dont come about his mood though because he will snap
He also won't leave the house unless he has to
The guys have to make him come out, so they take him to an inside amusement park
They may spoil him a bit too much. 
It seemed like Shinwon was as good as new. He was smiling, laughing, and making his awful jokes. Honestly, Jinho and Hui kind of wished they left him at home. It seemed like this was the perfect thing to bring him back from being a literal human zombie.
They were walking around the theme park when he saw you giggling with your friends. You guys had rented school uniforms on. He was happy that you were happy though. The way you laughed or held your friend's hand. He didn’t notice how long he had been staring. 
He was sent back to reality when Jinho tapped him on the shoulder. “You ready to head out already?” Shinwon looked back at him just nodding. He didn’t know if Jinho knew if he was looking at you or not. Either way, nothing was mentioned on the way home.
He lives in a cafe. 
Or he visits it a lot
Either way, he wants to run into you
First, it was the old cafe you two used to visit
Then your favorite cafe
But nothing, he couldn’t
One day he gave up and just started to work part-time at a random cafe
He was working late nights due to his day job. He was enjoying working at a cafe. He loved the smell of coffee beans after all, and wouldn’t complain if he smelled like them all day. One thing was for sure though, he brought a lot of business to the cafe. 
Everyone went to the cafe to see the cute barista. He smiled with all of the new attention, but he wasn’t quite sure if he enjoyed it or not. Some part of him still hoped that one day you would walk into those doors. He convinced himself that all of the girls he turned down were for you. He was staying loyal to you. 
The only problem was that he only worked at the late-night, and it was not the most favorable time for a cup of coffee. 
One night while he was making one of his famous cups of coffee, he heard a familiar laugh. His head shot up, he had to see your face again. Although, he frowned as soon as he spotted you in the crowd. Your arm was locked around another guy’s laughing and leaning into him. 
He frowned and turned over to his coworker, “I'm taking my 15.”
The relationship was short
Surely not long enough for deep feelings
That's what he thought before he broke the news to you
But lately, he had been missing you
Denies it and tries to play it slick
I’m thinking this is like a college fling thing
So you guys could run into one another
Finals were coming up and Yanan was in the library with his head stuck in one of the textbooks. He had been there for hours, and he was starting to get hungry. He had a six-hour final that he was preparing for, and he could not flunk it. He searched in his bags to see if he had any snacks left over. Luckily he still had some, leaning back and eating it.
He took that time to scan his surroundings. He had been focused on his work for so long that he hadn’t noticed the amount of people that had come and gone. This time around he noticed you dozed off on a desk. Your head was lying on a textbook sleeping soundly. You looked so pretty to him. He went close to you and put your jacket over you.
He didn’t quite understand his actions or what possessed him to buy snacks for you. He smiled to himself as he wrote a note. He teased you about falling asleep in the library and how you should take better care of yourself. He didn’t sign the note, smirking. Maybe he could tease you more like this in the future.
He is already a quiet person, so I feel like he kept the relationship very private
Barely anyone knew that the two of you had broken up
The break up wasn’t on good terms
The two of you could not agree on something 
He hated arguments and everything that came with it
He also hated telling you when he disagreed with something because it would lead to even more arguments even if it didn’t have to be one
The two of you were petty anyways
He tried to avoid you, and the places you hung out frequently
Yuto was out with a large group of friends. It was unusual for him, but he was enjoying the extra company. They were at a large shopping mall, so it wasn’t an ideal place to be. He was quieter than usual. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself. That was the reason. He wanted some quiet time but didn’t want to be alone. Maybe this was the best solution for him. 
He thought of himself over the relationship. Maybe he was being too harsh, but he thought if he heard that you died in a week or so he wouldn’t care. Okay, that was cruel of him, but he needed some way to distance himself. 
The sad part was, when he saw you at a store with another guy, his heart sank. He was mad that he still felt some type of way about it and about you. He was disappointed in himself, nonetheless, he played it off and went on with his day. 
I'm going with the cliche trope
He’s just a party guy to me 
And I think he’d go to parties to let off his cool. Especially if it was a harsh break-up 
I feel like he’d still be jealous and possessive after the relationship
If anyone would try to say something bad about you, he would get mad at them. 
He’s still sweet as ever, even if it ended on bad terms or not
Kino was at a party, like usual. He had a huge social circle. He was floating around the party talking to a lot of different people. He was feeling better tonight. He preferred to put himself out there when he didn’t feel up to it. Honestly, he was feeling a lot better. 
He did notice you when you walked in, it would be hard for him not to stare. He watched over you, still feeling protective. He knew a lot of the people at the party, some of them having a bad reputation. He would rather watch over you from a distance, not ready to face you. 
That didn’t matter when a random guy came up to you. He didn’t know him, but he could not stand the fact that another man was talking to you. He came up to you putting his arm over your shoulder casually.  “I forgot to ask you what drink you wanted.” Kino kept a sly smirk on his face. You looked a little upset and surprised to see him there, but he just brushed it off. It was fun to cock-block you.
I think he would be quieter about the breakup
He seems like he keeps more to himself 
But he’s generally sweet to everyone 
I think the motivation would be down
He wants to keep things on good terms, but that doesn’t mean friends. 
He’s not the type to text you after
Unless he needed something 
Wooseok had gathered up some motivation lately, after looking at how messy his life had been lately. He was picking his stuff up and putting things in their right places. During that, he found some items that were yours, and he noticed that some of his things had been missing. He frowned, he didn’t want to do any confronting, but he wanted his things back. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
His hands were sweaty as he texted you. He simply stated that he had a few of your things and he thought that you had a few of his. It was simple and he tried to be as polite as possible. He was not trying to make anyone upset. 
After a few days you hadn’t answered his text, so he tried again. This time his tone was a little hasty, and when you responded, it was in an aggravated tone. He was confused. You didn’t want to meet with him and made that clear. He suggested mail, but that seemed to upset you as well. 
When he saw you later that week on the street, he said nothing. He did nothing. Any feelings that he had left over for you, were gone. Then he knew he could move on.
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takorossi · 1 year
Pentagon as Pentagon Songs / Covers
(... that I associate them with, purely self-opinion)
hmmm "Someday - Song By JINHO, HUI"?
i feel like Jinho really slayed the vocals on that one you know
if it's not "Someday" then it would probably be "Round 2 - Bonus Track" because #jinhoWWEcommentator era
"Spring Snow"!!!!!! SPRING SNOW.
spring snow.
i loved how excited he was at wanting to perform "Spring Snow" for Road to Kingdom
and also the feels
would it be basic if i said "Shine"??? not if it's the truth ...
because come on, we all know why it's "Shine", what are you talking about if it's not "Shine"???
maybe "Happiness" because i felt like Hui in that M/V was pretty memorable
but also his line in "Organic song" (E'dawn, Yuto, Woo Seok With Hui), both in the original when Dawn performed it by himself in Pentagon Maker and also the released track
"Basquiat"?? VOCAL KING.
honestly the first thing that comes to mind is "Very Good - PENTAGON Version" (originally by Block B) from RTK
the chocolate abs left an impression
and also the "it's okay as long as he doesn't dance inappropriately afterwards" - an RTK staff member
"Dr. Bebe"
the chocolate back left an impression
"Sparkling Night" because his Oppa-ness really popped off there, ESPECIALLY in this Special Live Clip, wow that video really took me to heaven and back you know, i ascended
if i'm going for associated images seared into my brain, i would pick "DO or NOT" because #jokershinwon era and also "Feelin' Like" even though i know he doesn't like it because POOL SHINWON??? shinwon with GLOVES??? ma lord almighty,,,
if i'm going for music music, it would be "Daisy" because he does my favourite line in that entire song ("haengbokhaeya dwae") in that whisper/breathy tone, sorry i'm just simping at this point
but by that logic, i would also associate him with "Naughty Boy" because of the chicken lyric ... it really stuck
if i don't put "One Shot" here, am i really a Shinwon fan?
so "One Shot" because he wrote it
Yeo One
"Pretty Pretty", definitely
high school Yeo One.
nerd Yeo One era.
mushroom Yeo One era.
Yeo One with GLASSES.
also "Eat" (originally by Zion.T) because :( Pentagon Maker :( Yan An :( comfort chocolate :( ("saranghae ... yO")
Yeo One's verse in "Round 1 - Bonus Track", specifically the part where he goes "nappeun saram ... Yanan, Yanan, Yanan"
"Feelin' Like"
absolute massive badonkerhonker muscles.
but also "Daisy" because i really like the way he dances in it, feels floaty and nice
also "Eat", for the same reasons as Yeo One
also "Round 1", specifically the part where he goes "(ya geuraedo bang gachi sseuneunde) HWAJANGSHI!!!"
probably an unpopular opinion but "Shine" is one of them
his rap and the transition back to the group formation in their "Shine" stages left a sensation in my brain that i don't know how to explain
that one unique #notlikeothergirls "Yuto-da" in "Fantasystic"
those verses of Japanese rap in "Cerberus"? chef's kiss.
that low-toned Wooseok!mock-scream in "Round 2"
first of all, "Dr. Bebe", for less superficial reasons than Hongseok
like i really, and i mean REALLY love his entire persona in "Dr. Bebe"
from the stages to M/V, the facial expression and stature and makeup were EVERYTHING
in chinese, there's this thing we call 病态 (bìng tài), which directly translates to "state of being sickly" and it sounds kind of wack if you put it like that, but basically the way he embodied that psychological inner warfare in his dance and expressions was absolutely Oscar-worthy
"Daisy" because of his tattoo, and his florist dreams, and his dance, and that mafia dance variety thing they did
just. "Daisy". yeah.
i don't know if it's because of his unique rapping tone, but i associate him with a lot of Pentagon's songs
i mean he wrote and composed my absolute favourite Pentagon song, "BAD"
he also did "Nostalgia", which i like
his verse in "Sparkling Night"??? vocal Wooseok???
"Naughty Boy"??????????
okay that one because i hated his hair in it, i'm sorry Wooseok
but also i felt like he was so intrinsically linked with that song for some reason
it just screamed Wooseok to me
"The Magic Flute ("Der Hölle Rache" - Queen of the Night aria)"
i'm sorry that was just for the crack i swear
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
mm.. should i do a get to know me??
if so, idk, like the dongil voice note or solve my math problem:
24 x 178 x 8535 + 45 + 2 ➗ 84 = ?
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chiveburger · 1 year
broseph... I definitely saw disbandment or rather members leaving cube in the future but yeoone, yuto, kino, wooseok and yanan are all leaving cube. I'm not necessarily surprised but the fact that the company didn't release a statement regarding the rest of the group makes me think that either the other members are in the process of discussing their contracts or they're just like "heres some slop for you pigs for you now" to the fans. I can't imagine pentagon being a 4 member group staying in cube when a majority of them have made the decision to leave. KINO nonetheless who has almost kind of been cube's little promotion angel the last couple years... moreover, wooseok would never leave without shinwon and if shinwon leaves, nobody in pentagon would stay so I have no doubt they will continue somehow but this feels adjacent to hell
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mcmorn1ng · 2 years
It’s not uncommon for people to fall into the line of entertainment and then become a celebrity... but out of all the people that did, I’m glad shinwon was one of them. he literally had no dreams and zero idea what he wanted to do as a teen, all he knew was that he didn’t want to study. he worked all these odd part time jobs and never really said no to anything, as an individual prior to being in pentagon and during. he worked so much that people use to think he was rich because he always paid for everyone’s meals. he grew to love his members during trainee days so much that even for someone who continuously hopped from position to position, he felt lost after being cut during pentagon maker. he didn’t know what to do and even thought of just joining the military. shinwon literally begged and grovelled just to stay with them and even when people, managers even, told him to leave and go home he stuck with them. he wanted to be with pentagon so so bad and even that is an understatement. stardom gave shinwon a career yeah, but it was pentagon, all 9 of their members, that gave shinwon dreams and goals. when I listen to him speak about pentagon I can tell that he loves them more than anything in this world and he wouldn’t be able to imagine himself without them
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jinkoh · 9 months
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shinwon x ace!reader
Tags: gender-neutral asexual reader, established relationship, coming out, fluff, hurt/comfort, pet names, SFW
word count: ~1k
a/n: i wrote this ages ago, before i even wrote the vernon x ace!reader fics (1 | 2) and i didn't think i would ever post it tbh but i feel okay about sharing it now. i know it's rlly niche but maybe someone enjoys this anyway or can find some comfort in it~
Shinwon and you had been dating for a few weeks now. From an objective point of view it probably didn’t look like anything serious. You’d slipped into this relationship so casually and you hadn’t even gone further than kissing yet, so how serious could it be?
To you though, it felt pretty serious. If you could, you would stay in bed with him cuddling like this all day everyday. There wasn’t really any urge within you to go further, not when this, his face tucked into the crook of your neck felt so much like home.
Shinwon hugged you a little tighter, his fingertips grazing the skin beneath your shirt. You instinctively flinched at the contact and your stomach filled with a sense of dread. 
His thumb drew small circles into your skin and you were almost sure he was doing it subconsciously. He didn't make any attempt to move his hand up higher under your shirt nor was there anything else implying that he had the intention to make this sexual. But just because there wasn’t anything right now, didn’t mean it couldn’t lead to something later. Only speaking up then might be a little too late.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself. It shouldn’t be so hard to say something but it was.
You liked this. Maybe not this in particular, but you liked what you had with him and you didn’t want to ruin it. Sooner or later you’d have to, but maybe you could drag it out just a little longer…?
Shinwon left a lazy peck on your neck, his breath tickling your skin.
No. You should get it over with, rip it off like a band-aid.
You cleared your throat and Shinwon promptly looked up at you with big eyes and tousled hair. It was unfair how cute he was.
“You good?”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat before you nodded reluctantly.
“Are you sure?”
“Uhm,” you pressed out and you already felt tears well up in your eyes. Trying to keep them from spilling out, you focused your gaze onto the ceiling. 
“I’m okay it’s just—” You took another deep breath. Then, with a shaky voice, you started again. “I don’t think I want to do this.”
When you finally dared to glance at your boyfriend, he was eyeing  you with a worried frown on his face. The hand on your waist had disappeared. Instead Shinwon was propping himself up so he could look at you properly.
“What do you mean?”
You wanted to say something but you couldn’t get a single word past your lips; didn’t know how to explain in a way he’d understand. You shrugged.
He tilted his head. “Do you mean us? Do you want to break up?”
You weren’t sure what you’d expected him to think, but this caught you off guard. Hastily, you shook your head. 
“No!” and then, hesitantly, you added “but maybe you will want to.”
The frown on his face deepened and it was clear that he had no idea how you could think that. 
“Why would I want to break up?” He leaned in a little closer, his lips in a pout. “Who will I watch my drama with if I break up with you?”
You wanted to smile at his words, but the moment you raised the corners of your lips, your chin started to tremble and tears rolled down your cheeks. 
“Because I–” Hiding your face behind your elbow you started sobbing, unable to hold it in any longer. Why was it so hard to talk about this? Why was it so scary?
Shinwons voice turned soft as he gently tugged your arm away from your face. “It’s okay, you can tell me.”
“But I don’t want to break up.”
He smiled and wiped away your tears with his thumb. “I also don’t want to break up, pumpkin. You can tell me. I promise it’s not as bad as you think it is.”
“How can you know that?” You choked out between sobs.
“I just do. So tell me.”
“I think I—I don’t want to do …it.”
Shinwon eyed you, still a small encouraging smile on his lips as he took in your words. “It?”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat. 
“...sex.” You pressed out, your voice barely a whisper.
He must have heard you anyway, because he slowly nodded. “Oh. Okay.”
“Okay. It’s fine, we don’t have to.”
His reply made you certain that he had misunderstood. “I’m not—I don’t mean now. Or, well, I also mean now. But I probably won’t want to do it ever.”
“Okay,” he said again. 
You searched for something in his eyes, disappointment or annoyance, maybe just incomprehension. But there wasn’t anything.
A frown appeared on your face. “Okay? Is it really?”
He furrowed his eyebrows then and you were sure that it was going to come now, the break-up talk, the whole actually, now that I thought about it, I can’t do this after all. 
But instead he asked “Do you not want it to be okay?"
"No, I do, but—how could it be okay?"
"But it is. Or I mean—unless you just don’t want to have sex with me?”
“That’s what I said, didn’t I? I don’t—I don’t want to have sex.”
“Yeah. But in general? Or just not with me? I’m not sure how I feel about sleeping with others, but we could probably figure something out…”
You looked at him in disbelief. That’s not the way you'd pictured this conversation to go. “No, uhm, I don’t want to do it with anyone. Ever. At all. I’m asexual.”
“Okay. That’s cool.” He layed back down, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck and his arm thrown loosely over your torso. 
“Now that that’s settled, let’s take a nap.” After getting comfortable he abruptly raised his head again to look at you. “This is still fine, right?”
You felt yourself choke up. “Yeah, this is more than fine.”
He cuddled up to you again, closing his eyes. “Good.” 
“Are you sure this is …enough?”
“It’s more than enough.” he mumbled against your skin. 
“What about a year from now, will it still be enough then?”
“It will always be enough, pumpkin.” His voice was already starting to sound sleepy. “You’re enough.”
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unifox · 1 year
PTG as Owl City songs Pt.1
Hi! I actually wrote this in November 2020 and just found this today, July 2023 and decided to complete my draft. Owl City is my childhood musician and my favorite till today. They truly mean the world to me. In one of my listening sessions, this came up. I hope you guys like this, it was fun to do. And maybe this way you may also discover Owl City or know them better!
IMPORTANT: This is purely out of my imagination, I do NOT know how the ptg members are and their true personalities. This is how I perceive them through the content they provide us on social media. Also, the songs interpretations were mine. They might not be what the artist intended but how I understood them.
None of the pictures are mine! Got them on Pinterest
happy reading! and maybe listening too ~Foxy🦊
Pt.2 | masterlist
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Vanilla Twilight
A soft song that talks about longing and missing someone, fitting for Jinho who's in the military right? The piano melody makes the song feel so soft and slow, but the bridge is really powerful, which for me is the perfect recipe for Jo Jinho
Angels (2023)
Bear with me, but in all the songs that Adam (the vocalist) shows his strong vocals, I’m reminded of Jinho. The “wake me if you’re out there” really gives me Jinho. Through this song, I’m reminded of how Jinho is inspiring to me and how I’m grateful for having him as a role model in music. Among the artist that I know, Jinho is a really unique one that stood out for me, and as the lyrics say “I thought I saw an unfamiliar shadow, among the ones I so clearly know”
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Beautiful Times 
To me, this songs marks owl city's new sort of phase, something in between his usual style and his new style. Again the mix between his synth melodies, and the violin passage from Lindsey Stirling brings a bit more life to the song. I feel like this song gives so much hope and that is so Hui. I'd say the mix between styles fits Hui in the sense of him being such a versatile idol and producer, which makes everything even more charming. 
I’ll Meet You There (2023)
Hui is hope, the leader that holds all of them together. He seems to care deeply for others and that’s why this is also his song. ”Wander down the streets, And I will be the pavement beneath your feet” He would encourage others to do what they gotta do, what they want to do, and follow their dreams, and he’ll be there to support them no matter what. He also seems like the type that would want to comfort and be there for you even in your dreams. “And when you close your tired eyes I’ll me you there”
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Cloud Nine 
Charming and caring lyrics like Hongseok. Sounds fun and happy and really, boyfriend vibes. If that isn't Hong vibes then I don't know anything anymore. I even imagine Hongie singing this, especially the ending, before the last pre-chorus, which actually ends up closing the song. Definitely Hongseok
Hong just reminds me of a superhero. Maybe because of his caring self, his strength, or his love for iron man. He just seems to me like the type of guy who would collect Superhero comic books and dream of becoming one someday. If that's him, then he's already a superhero to Universe
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This song is a little more inclined to the rock side of Owl city and its so cool and pretty. That's one of the reasons why it reminded me of Shinwon. The vibe of the song is a bit like Shin since to me he kind of gives me a more indie rock sort of vibe and so this song is perfect for him, apart from the lyrics of course haha
Is a fun and dancing song that reflects Shinwon's personality. The melody struck me just like Shin did when I started stanning Pentagon, so they both match very well to me. 2023 me would like to add, the lyrics also fit Shinwon so well, He is fun, versatile and among all the amazing members he’s one of my favs. “I find in the days when you’re in my dreams, The orchestra plays the pretties themes”. For me, Shinwon shines.
Speed of love
This song just fits Shinwon perfectly in my opinion. The name of the song plus the videogame vibes it gives fits my idea of Shinwon being one of those people who face life and its obstacles as a game. For him specifically, I’d say a videogame. Also, he mentioned that he loves playing games and was very excited in forest with Pentagon when he saw a tv and play station in his room
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Yeo One
Classic like Yeo One. The mix between classical instruments and the synth-pop gives a really unique vibe to the song, making you feel like you're in between a dream and reality. I feel like Yeo also gives off that vibe and so, the song suits him very well
The song is sort of a 'Cheer up, you can do it!' message and it suits Yeo really well. Also, the reference to movies, acting, etc. reminds me of actor Changgu, and the image makes me so happy. The song is inspiring and supportive like our dear Yeo One
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riversonfire · 2 years
2, 5, 13, 20 for Pentagon ~
2. How did you decide on your bias?
Well, I was a casual fan of Pentagon for the longest time and during that time, based on what I knew of the members, hongseok was my favorite/bias bc he fits my bias type (tall, muscular, cute, sexy). But after kino's appearance on hyunsik's radio show, I fell in love with him and reassessed everything in my life lol not exactly but it caused me to take the leap to stan Pentagon and after further research, I realized kino is my bias (I also love kind, super creative, cute, talented dancers lol)💖
5. What is your favorite era?
Musically- Daisy/Feelin' Like. Conceptually- Dr. Bebe (I LOVE dark, sexy concepts 🔥)
13. Who would be your best friend and why?
Oh gosh. I imagine it'd be hongseok or kino. honk would be my workout buddy while I'd just chill and hang out in kino's studio as he makes music or he'd be my art gallery buddy 😌 Or maybe shinwon just because he reminds me of changsub (btob)- the type who'd make me laugh all the time and be very trustworthy.
20. Favorite live performance?
I haven't watched nearly enough of their performances tbh but I'd choose either yeoone/kino doing taemin's move or this. Someone in my NCT 127 group chat showed me this kingdom performance and you wouldn't believe the way I CRIED (at work too lmao) 😭
OH and I almost forgot- THE BLACK HALL!!! 🔥
Send me a K-POP group and a number!
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adachicuto · 2 years
happy birthday shinwon
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warning: food mentions
a month or so leading up to shinwon’s birthday, you’d learn how to play his favorite song on guitar and would surprise him by playing it for him on the morning of his birthday. you’d be a little nervous about it because you’d want it to be somewhat perfect but your nerves would be put at ease
the smile that would appear on shinwon’s face after you play the song would be one of the most adorable things you’d ever seen. he’d compliment you on how well you played the song and would pull you into a hug for a while but you would not mind
after that, you’d probably go on with your morning routines and you’d make his breakfast together and you’d probably sing and dance around your small apartment kitchen which would probably end up a mess but that would be an after breakfast problem lol
so later in the day you’d both go hang with the rest of the pentagon members at a cafe or something, as you would normally, but you and the members did plan a surprise party for shinwon
while the rest of ptg would be getting things together and make sure everything would be fine, you’d distract shinwon by going shopping together and it would be a pretty good one because there would be so many things that you’d get him to try on because a.) it’d look amazing on him and b.) it would give the others more time to set things up
the two of you would have so much fun planning outfits together that you’d almost fail to notice how much time would have passed but you’d luckily get back to your place just in time
shinwon would open your apartment door to find it way darker than it was earlier and before he would be able to say something, you’d both notice that the kitchen light was on and jinho and hui would come out holding a birthday cake
shinwon would playfully roll his eyes and blow out the candles on the cake before you’d all yell ‘happy birthday’ and kino would quickly start playing music from the playlist he created for the occasion
afterwards, all of you would pile into your living room to play video games and dance. there would be so many funny moments throughout the night that you’d be so sure your stomach would ache from all of the laughing
before everyone would leave, they’d make sure to help you clean up and sing happy birthday one more time as well as give shinwon a lot of of hugs. shinwon would kind of act like it wasn’t a big deal but the smile on his face would say it all
even though the two of you would be pretty tired, you’d still cuddle up on the couch and watch shinwon’s favorite movie and he’d rest his lap in your lap so you would be able to massage his scalp. midway through the movie you’d bend down to kiss him on the forehead and he’d blush a little before thanking you making his birthday special
sometimes, birthdays can be a little eh but shinwon would know that his birthdays would always be amazing as long as he had you and ptg in his life. and even though it wouldn’t be super fancy, he’d appreciate the time and effort that everyone would put into making sure his day was good all the same
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yuthoe · 3 years
Day 14: Legally Blind (PENTAGON: Ko Shinwon)
hello hello! have another beating-the-deadline fic for May Trope Mayhem! the prompt for today is:
Day 14: Character has a Disability
which is like, kinda scary because i never want to unintentionally offend anyone with a disability, so i decided to just go with what im familiar with. i wear glasses and have a vision of 20/200, so just at the threshold of being legally blind, but my cousin's vision is like, 20/500 or something and she literally cannot see ANYTHING if she doesn't have her glasses on. as an added (pointless) challenge to myself, i typed this all out without my glasses lmaoooo and the typos were everywhere and im sitting way too close to the screen.
honestly, this didn't take too long to write. i think it's cuz it has no plot HAHA, which is my branding on this site i guess. but also maybe cuz shinwon is quite easy to write for
PAIRING: Ko Shinwon x reader. GENRE: fic, fluff, disability (poor eyesight). WARNINGS: none. WORD COUNT: 856.
Shinwon hears thudding from the other side of the door and stares, shoulders raised and ready to tackle someone if the door opens and you aren’t on the other side of it.
There’s a smacking sound from just beyond the door before your muffled voice calls out, “Shinwon? Is that you?”
He’s quiet for a moment, but replies all the same. “Yeah, it’s me! You all right in there?”
“‘M fine, just—,” you say, almost inaudible with the clacking of the locks so loud. The door finally opens and your head peeks out. “I broke my glasses and can’t see anything.”
“Aaahh,” Shinwon says, stepping forward and holding you by the shoulders as he passes the threshold, carefully guiding you back up to the wooden floors of the living area. Only when he’s sure you’re standing fine does he close the door and slip his shoes off. “Is that why you called me over?”
You nod. “Yeah, I can’t see anything right now, you’re just an orange blob with a black hat.”
Shinwon smiles with cheeks puffed out, knowing full well you can’t see it. “I’m not wearing a hat.”
“You’re not?!” you say, raising your hands tentatively. “You dyed your hair—when?”
Shinwon, used to you wanting to feel his hair, guides your palms to his dark brown locks. “Just yesterday. I was gonna surprise you with the new haircut, too, but you can’t really see right now, so that’s kind of a shame.”
“Aw man,” you say, messing up his hair to try to get a feel. The strands do feel shorter and his bangs no longer obstruct his eyes. “My glasses really had to break just when you got a new haircut.” You’re terribly near-sighted, vision well over what’s considered legally blind, and you even have a disability ID to prove it; the last time you went to get it checked, both eyes clocked at a whopping 20/400, and while it’s very inconvenient, you’re too terrified of getting laser surgery to correct your vision.
“Yeah, how’d they break anyway?” Shinwon asks, taking your hands from his hair and carefully steering you both towards the couch.
“I rolled over in bed and snapped it right in half. Like, my elbow landed right on the bridge and it just—,” you make a cracking noise and sigh. Shinwon guides you to sitting on the cushions as you pat around for an empty space. “I already called my optician and luckily my vision grade hasn’t changed much since my last check-up, so she said she’ll fit a pair for me I can get tomorrow.”
Your seeing-eye boyfriend hums. “M’kay,” he says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I’ll stay over tonight and go with you to the clinic tomorrow. How’s that sound?”
You turn to him and squint. “Really? You don’t have a schedule tomorrow?” His wide shoulder goes up and down in a shrug, and from this distance you can almost clearly see his pretty eyes—if you want to actually look into them and stare, you’d have to touch your noses together, and while that would be nice, because kissing Shinwon is always nice, it’s too much of a hassle. It’s that time of the year again when you kind of regret not being fond of contact lenses, however convenient they are.
“Babe, I’ll skip all my schedules to be your seeing-eye human, okay?” Shinwon says, and you have to laugh. “Well, maybe not all of them, but some. And I am 90% free tomorrow, so I can definitely go glasses shopping with you.”
“Awww,” you say, winding your arms around his waist to hug him tight. “Thank you, babe. Always my knight in shining armor.”
He snorts, amused and way too besotted at your cute actions to care that you’re hitting his tickle spots just right, and just smooths a hand down your back, presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “I mean, it’s more of a knight with two working eyes, to be honest, since you’re better than me at everything.”
You scoff, burrowing your face further into his chest and his soft cream sweater. “Don’t say that. You make a mean sandwich,” you say, and he laughs. “And I haven’t eaten yet, so you can prove your honor, Sir Shinwon, and go make us some.”
Shinwon looks down at you, smiling and eyes squinted, but of course you can’t see, with your face buried in his chest. “You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that you just called me over so I can make you food.”
Your head lifts, a mischievous grin and sparkling eyes meeting him. “Was I that obvious?”
Your boyfriend groans. “Aaaahh, you’re too cute! Fine, I’ll go make us some food. Just ‘cause you’re so cute.”
A laugh erupts from you and you move to give him a quick kiss on the lips, missing by a bit and pecking the corner of his mouth instead. Shinwon hurriedly corrects your aim and gives you another, before standing up and giving you express instructions to not leave the couch while he goes off to hunt for sandwich ingredients.
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