#admiral schank
ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Admiral Schank and the “Sliding Keel"
John Schank (1740 -1823) was a British sailor who was very skilled at mechanical design and constructed a cot fitted with pulleys that allowed it to be adjusted by the person lying in it. this won him the nickname “Old Purchase”, from the navy term for using a block and tackle to gain mechanical advantage.
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Admiral John Schank by John James Masquerier 1799 (x)
Schank was one of the tiny handful of sailors who made the transition from the lower deck to flag rank. He joined the Royal Navy at an early age during the American War of Independence he was placed in charge of local building of ships to battle the revolutionaries on the Great Lakes.
He was the first person in the western world to advocate the use of a keel that would slide through the centre of the boat and could be raised when not in use. This board made the ships faster, easier to manoeuvre in shallow waters and they could no longer drift sideways so quickly. On his return to England, Schank convinced the navy of the value of adjustable keels, and a number of vessels incorporating this feature, most notably Lady Nelson, were built. She was sent on a two years expedition to chart the southeast coast of Australia, and was involved in the founding of a number of settlements there, including Melbourne and Hobart. However, the sliding keels did have some problems with leakage and jamming, and for a time they went out of favour.
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Ship Model, 1799 HMS 'Lady Nelson' with her three boards (x)
Captain Molyneaux Shuldham came up with some modifications in 1809. He was a prisoner of war held by the French in Verdun, but he smuggled out a model of what he called his revolving keel. It was exhibited at the Adelaid Gallery in London, where it came ti be noticed of three brothers from New Jersey, who in 1811 patented it in the US as the centre board. This was quickly taken up and vecame a standard feature on 80% of America's enormous coastal fleet. In due course American yachtsmen saw its advantages, but few British racers took it on. An accident in 1876 was a tragic setback, however, Mohawk, a 43m schooner, had her precarious 1,8m draught made safe by a larg 9,5m centre board. Anchored off Staten Island during the preliminaries of the America's Cup, she was just setting sail for a laisure cruise when she was hit by a squall. Her centre board had not been lowered and she capsized and sank; the vice commodore of the New York Yacht Club and all his guests died. More improvements came over the years, and now the centre board, based on Schank's pioneering idea of a sliding keel, is standard fitting on yachting vessels.
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Dauntless and Mohawk racing, October 26, 1875, by William Yorke (1817-c. 1888) (x)
Schank himself died on 6 February 1823, fellow of the Royal Society and Admiral of the Blue. Mount Schank and Cape Schank, Australia, were named in his honour in 1800 by Lieutenant James Grant during his exploratory voyage while commanding Lady Nelson.
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alovevigilante · 3 years
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I’m supposed to be cooling down from a work out right now. I’m also supposed to be preparing food for a bbq, and cleaning my house. There’s a lot of things that we plan to do, but put off for a minute, or an hour, or days, or even years. So, in those times of procrastination and self distraction, what are we doing? Well, it could be something we enjoy now, or anything rather than doing the perceived “unpleasant”. But down the line when it’s time to have company or eat, the house and the food won’t be ready. I think life hangs in the balance of the “must do’s for future enjoyment”, and the “enjoyment of the present”. How can we combine the two, to create a near perfect alchemical experience at all times? How can you maintain your happiness more often, even doing things we don’t enjoy? I think the answer lies in our minds. I enjoy thinking about fun, unusual things a lot of the time, so I try to focus on that as I do the necessary, and sometimes “not optimal” things.
Einstein did the same. He worked at a parent office, and while he performed his daily duties, his mind was elsewhere, creating equations for energy and thinking about matter, and other physics type phenomena, and all kinds of cool stuff.
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Now, I’m not saying that we should all be ruminating on physics, but, while we’re doing something we need to do to be happy later, like maybe studying a topic that holds little interest to us, or doing manual labor, or, scrubbing your toilet, you can be thinking about something other than the fact that you hate it, and would rather be someone or somewhere else, not doing that.
There is a wise man named, mike schank, that was standing outside in the frozen tundra of a cold sub zero Wisconsin winter day because his friend’s car broke down, who once said, “I wish I was in [the band] AC/DC.” His friend asked him, “why AC/DC, Mike?” to which he replied, “because then I wouldn’t be out here, standing in the cold.” I’m paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it. He is, a brilliant guy. I mean that with all sincerity. He took himself out of the cold in that moment in his mind, and joined people he admired who are pretty damn cool, and were warm at the same time.
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That’s what I’m about to do, only today I’m choosing to join Aerosmith. Aerosmith’s music is like taking a high vibrational flight in your mind. I’m going to take their flight now, as I finish up my exercise that I really don’t feel like going back to. Join me, with your own thoughts that light you up, won’t you? 😉✌️💕
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Appendices: this just came for me in the mail:
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I guess your thoughts can turn into reality after all… 🙈🤷‍♀️🤣💕
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foreverknightalways · 6 years
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As Nick admires Erica’s ring, Schanke and Nick are called to the Hospital. #Foreverknight
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learning632 · 5 years
What remember to find out about potential Engineering
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The discipline of synthetic intelligence is constructive to business as a result of computer systems that act more like people will assignment more suitable in our chaotic and capricious world. The look at of the animal mind, both philosophical and purposeful, is at the root of artificial intelligence, but appeal for allotment on investment and protectionist team of workers hype makes choosing the proper method for the correct problem a significant challenge.
trust that academia has created a vast body of analysis and guidance involving diverse synthetic intelligence ideas. however, because of a pullback called the first AI winter in the mid-1980s, business determination makers are in the dark about two of the basic basic modifications that define how programs deliver beneficial company acknowledgment. Let’s commence with a brief overview to remind readers of both ends of the AI spectrum.
implicit models  
implicit tacit or desktop-realized fashions are statistically created and infrequently generate assumptions about abundance incidence and relationships matching from statistics. algorithmic procedures that expend statistical easy methods to locate connections amid images or textual content commonly result in relational graphs, information graphs, semantic graphs or trending charts. The altercation for laptop learning ideas or all other “researching” types hinges their cost on the discovery of connections within unknown or large records sets. This has been positive for the reason that the explosion of facts creates chaos. Let’s examine a cerebral instance like picture awareness.
image attention describes an potential to look for and healthy an image to a ordinary classic model that represents an object. you can locate issues like people in pictures by means of evaluating a statistically learned mannequin archetype with photographs in your records set to discover such things as someone extracted from hundreds of pictures. The statistical algorithm that created the simple archetype model -- for this example, let's call it Bob -- can not show how or why the mannequin become developed or how the equipment weighed facts to achieve that here's the appropriate Bob. essentially, the photograph attention system is an answer to a question and not using a solution to assess its method. The formulation for how a gadget creates an answer is a important aspect on our approach to understanding artificial intelligence, frequently marketed as explainable AI.
explicit fashions  
a technique to conquer the answer to the lacking-formulation problem can also be found in specific declarative graphs. The structure for this mannequin is commonly a particularly structured directed blueprint acquired from what individuals study and take into account about an issue. regarding the Bob photo focus example, in distinction, a allegorical blueprint is engineered by means of people to actualize a sturdy, provable classic model illustrating how people accomplish a call about facial elements to admire Bob. explicit graphs can hold a lot of attributes, linkages and courses that symbolize methods of considering or actual projects to find Bob.
To abridge the difference between these two simple concepts, implicit mannequin advent is based on an algorithm that is supposed to be taught some thing, admitting explicit fashions are manually engineered to signify the issue space. both recommendations are complete opposites insofar because the equipment appropriate to convey them to accomplishment. people who examine computing device researching hardly ever comprehend anything about engineering an explicit graph.
The science of building a allegorical and often directed blueprint is known as skills engineering. it's tough work and takes specialized tools to create a financial acknowledgment on the effort. in the end, the influence of an engineered graph-based system that may also be audited i.e., trustworthy provides an ability to explain how the equipment formulated proof to locate the right photograph. in case your AI plans are critical to the enterprise or your americans, graphs that can be confirmed are a extra advantageous artefact by conforming to authoritative necessities, criminal affidavit or educating needs.
Engineering a blueprint from latest human competencies has been round for decades, but most effective just a few agencies have frolicked getting to know and evaluating how skills graphs can also be used. To evade the obvious philosophical agitation, consider that potential exists on your herbal mind or organized in sentences, paragraphs, books or photographs. a powerful method to expertise engineering is a type of blueprint that incorporates employee plans and the company dreams that those plans guide.
This plan-and-aim model blueprint changed into aboriginal declared by means of Roger Schank and Robert Abelson in a sequence of books aboriginal authored in 1977 referred to as Scripts, affairs, desires, and realizing: An inquiry Into human abilities constructions. The structured fashions declared during this book should still be advised by means of all practitioners. Structured skills graphs are a crucial element of the self-discipline of artificial intelligence -- so a lot in order that others like Google have recently amorphous reinvestigating quite a lot of graph codecs and the mathematics at the back of them, able to lift society into the next wave of superior AI.
In cessation, a smartly-structured graph containing helpful expert potential, mixed with an impressive blueprint engine, can accord with a team of workers or worker to determine colossal-scale, complex, impulsively altering domains like a world give chain, a satellite tv for pc constellation, or international desktop networks.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Sick sarcasm: Piers Morgan jokes that he’s ‘gleeful’ about Newtown massacre
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/sick-sarcasm-piers-morgan-jokes-that-hes-gleeful-about-newtown-massacre/
Sick sarcasm: Piers Morgan jokes that he’s ‘gleeful’ about Newtown massacre
Piers Morgan has a penchant for exploiting tragedies to push a political agenda, but this afternoon, he outdid himself in morbid fashion. Right after tweeting that his anti-gun views derive from his concern for murdered children …
My ’cause’ is stopping more children dying > RT @spongesteve no we are accusing u of exploiting deaths of children to further ur own cause.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
… he said this:
Morgan was being sarcastic, of course. But his ghoulish sense of humor and his tasteless timing failed to amuse. Twitterers were shocked, saddened, and thoroughly disgusted:
Can we deport this buffoon already? RT @jaseliberty Wow. Just wow. Piers Morgan has no shame. twitter.com/piersmorgan/st… …
— Joshua King (@joshuadking) December 19, 2012
@piersmorgan “gleeful” people died to push your agenda. You’re a sick man.
— glockmaster (@aaronjoseph81) December 19, 2012
He really is. RT @toddkincannon: .@piersmorgan You are one sick son of a bitch for being “gleeful” over Newtown.
— Chris (@movementarian) December 19, 2012
POS Morgan’s show needs to be cancelled! RT .@toddkincannon: .@piersmorgan You are one sick son of a bitch for being “gleeful” over Newtown.
— Bruce W. Schank (@BWSchank) December 19, 2012
No words. @toddkincannon RT @piersmorgan You are one sick son of a bitch for being “gleeful” over Newtown.#CNN #guncontrol #newtown #tcot
— Mojeaux (M. Grey) (@_MGrey_) December 19, 2012
AMEN!! RT @toddkincannon: .@piersmorgan You are one sick son of a bitch for being “gleeful” over Newtown. @cnn
— Walt B. (@ImAlwaysRight_) December 19, 2012
A disgusting human being. RT @toddkincannon .@piersmorgan You are one sick son of a bitch for being “gleeful” over Newtown.
— Brady Cremeens (@brady_cremeens) December 19, 2012
.@piersmorganWhoa…Gleeful? Fuck you,you sick son of a bitch. You’re a monster, but probably representative of most evil progressives
— Doug Adams (@teledude54) December 19, 2012
That last RT of @piersmorgan. I just did = disgusting. #cnn
— Jason Savage (@jsavage207) December 19, 2012
@piersmorgan <<– it seems you bask in the glory of being a #PieceOFShit!
— Donny (@BopMonkey) December 19, 2012
@piersmorgan you are sick and disgusting!
— Tom Pickering (@JerseyFLGuy) December 19, 2012
. @piersmorgan and the Westboro Baptists: two peas in a ‘I’m glad those kids are dead’ pod. F*cking sick f*cks.
— Kevin Eder (@keder) December 19, 2012
.@piersmorgan You are a disgrace & a sick individual. We will be very “gleeful” when you leave our country!
— J Craig (@conservJ) December 19, 2012
@piersmorgan Keep being a tool, you’re doing it so well.
— David (@YouGotTheJuice) December 19, 2012
@piersmorgan You’re a piece of shit.
— Takashi Hara (@gallikuson) December 19, 2012
I’m man enough to admit I’ve shed tears several times over Newtown. @piersmorgan is “gleeful” about it. Absolutely sickening.
— Todd Kincannon (@ToddKincannon) December 19, 2012
This much is clear: Piers Morgan is reveling in all the attention.
Just remember, Musket Morgan: It takes a “showboat” to know one.
Morgan may love the attention his idiocy brings him, but he’s not taking kindly to well-deserved criticism:
This is the kind of spell-bindingly stupid attack I’m getting now from the gun rights activists: breitbart.com/Big-Journalism…
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
RT @savingjustice: Wow @piersmorgan, you are one sick, pathetic individual. To be happy about the murder of children so YOU can push you …
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
RT @brady_cremeens: So, will CNN let @piersmorgan‘s comments slide? Do they want to be affiliated with the liberal who ADMITTED glee ove …
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
Deliberating twisting my obvious sarcasm to inspire hatred is, yes > RT@noltenc @piersmorgan reporting something you wrote is an ‘attack’?
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
Pretty sure Morgan inspires hatred all on his own. And not only is he refusing to accept that he’s a colossal jackass, but he’s lashing out at anyone who dares to point it out:
No @noltenc – you deliberately smeared me for political expediency. Which is sad, pathetic, and journalistically cretinous. Be ashamed.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
@benshapiro You lot knew what you were doing, especially with your headline. And it was disgraceful. Feel proud, seriously.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
Gee, projecting much, Piers? How pathetic.
@noltenc I knew, and admired, Andrew Breitbart. He would never have stooped as low as you today. Cheapest of cheap smears.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 19, 2012
.@piersmorgan You are full of it. You did not “admire” Andrew Breitbart. You said he was “notoriously evil.” townhall.com/tipsheet/katie…
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 19, 2012
The man has no shame.
.@noltenc I like how @piersmorgan is trying to blame you for his obviously politicized and offensive tweet. Classic liberal redirection.
— Mays (@jmaysnc) December 19, 2012
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/12/19/sick-sarcasm-piers-morgan-jokes-that-hes-gleeful-about-newtown-massacre/
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buzzpost · 6 years
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MORNING MOTIVATION - Discipline Yourself!!!
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ltwilliammowett · 5 years
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His Majesty's Armed Survey Vessel Lady Nelson woth her antoboarding nets up, 1800, by James R. Baker  (The painting may have been commissioned by Captain (later Admiral) John Schank who was responsible for the design of the sliding keels with which the Lady Nelson was fitted.)
Her task was to explore the Australian coast, which until then had not been properly mapped. The ship was more than 16.15 m long, 5.38 m wide and had a draught of 3.7 m. She was equipped with six 3- and 4-pound cannons, the tonnage was 61 t.
In 1800 the brig Lady Nelson was put into service and left Portsmouth on 18 March 1800 under the command of Lieutenant James Grant. After circumnavigating Cabo Verde and the Cape of Good Hope, the Lady Nelson reached New South Wales near today's Mount Gambier on 3 December 1800. After a short landing and the passage of the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania, she landed at Port Jackson on 16 December 1800 as planned.
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HM brig Lady Nelson, by Roy Cross
Over the next few years, the ship undertook numerous exploratory voyages around the Australian continent. In 1801 and 1802 the Lady Nelson sailed into the bay of Port Phillip. In 1803 her destination was the Derwent River on Tasmania (at that time still Van Diemen's Land). On her way she visited Norfolk Island, Port Macquarie and Newcastle. In 1804 the ship sailed along the Tamar River with three others to establish new settlements. Cataract Gorge was also discovered. From 1805 to 1808 and 1813 the ship visited New Zealand and Norfolk Island again several times, from where it evacuated many inhabitants on the occasion of the dissolution of the convict colony. The brig spent the later years with several reconnaissance trips along the east and north Australian coast.
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HM brig Lady Nelson in the 1820′s, by unkown
In 1824 the Lady Nelson was sent together with HMS Tamar to Melville Island on the Australian north coast, with the task of establishing the first British settlements there. On 21 October 1824 the first settlement was officially founded with Fort Dundas. To provide them and others with food, Lady Nelson made a trip to the Dutch settlements on Timor and returned with 30 pigs. She did not return from the third voyage there, which begun on 19 February 1825. It is believed that she have been attacked and sunk by pirates near the island of Babar (Baba or Babber in older sources). The crew was probably killed.
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The Lady Nelson replica, by Tasmanian Sail Association Ltd., 1988
Already in 1896 a replica was made by the Lady Nelson Visitor & Discovery Centre in Mount Gambier, which was also seaworthy, but then came to a museum where she had to be overhauled due to rot in 2011. A second replica was then made in 1988 by Tasmanian Sail Association Ltd. This replica is almost 1:1, her home port is Hobart.
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foreverknightalways · 7 years
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Schanke admires this classic caddy. #ForeverKnight
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foreverknightalways · 7 years
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Nick wakes up in the truck of his Caddy and Schanke admires the Caddy. #ForeverKnight
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