#adonis is also demisexual
amajorartattack · 1 year
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I've been very happy with a lot of my art recently, though a lot of it has been Adonis, and he's my favorite character that I have but still. But like I just think it looks really good.
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 | part 2
part 1
A/N: Another long post
𝙳𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚗𝚎 𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚜-𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍𝚢
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Nicknames: Daff
Name Meanings: Daphne → Greek, “laurel tree, bay tree” ; Alice → German, “noble” ; Sofia → Greek, “wisdom” ; Demiurgos → Greek, “public/skilled worker” ; Kennedy → Irish, “helmeted chief/leader”
Date of Birth: August 31, 1907 (at 6:19 am)
Gender: Female ; she/her 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaims: Emma Tremblay & Emilia Clarke 
Parents: Minerva Kennedy and Adonis Demiurgos (@endlessly-cursed) 
Brothers: Atticus Ferdia Gregorius and Matthias Dermot Apollonas Demiurgos-Kennedy
Godparents: Walter Kennedy and Lottie Gallagher (@slytherindisaster) 
Patronus: Dapple gray mare
Favorite Subjects: Herbology, charms, care of magical creatures 
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, potions
Extracurriculars: None 
Hobbies: Reading, writing, gardening 
Personality: Intelligent, quick-witted, charismatic, brave, argumentative, outgoing, kind, stubborn
About Daphne: As the only daughter, Daphne found herself occasionally taking on the role of a second mother. She had to remind her twin brother, Atticus, to take care of himself when they were in school. She had a close relationship with Atticus though, despite the combative nature it took on when they were teens. She was eleven when Matthias was born and while the dynamics were different, Daphne found herself taking on a protective role towards him.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Daphne was quickly sorted into Ravenclaw. She found her home quite quickly in the house, despite suffering from moments of homesickness. That was when she was most grateful for her twin. While at Hogwarts, Daphne found her interest in nature and that she enjoys spending time doing nothing. Her interest in nature mostly culminated around herbology and botany. This led Daphne to becoming a herbologist after she graduated. While she never went on to become a household name, Daphne did write a few books about her research in herbology. Her writing did moderately well and her books were used by those in the field. 
Of the numerous Kennedy grandchildren, Daphne takes the shortest amount of time to be sorted. The hat barely touches her head before it sorts her into Ravenclaw. 
Daphne enjoys spending time with nothing to worry about. She’ll go dancing for the fun of it. She’s kissed a few men for the fun of it. She doesn’t go overboard with it, but enjoys doing things for fun.
Daphne is a polyglot. She’s fluent in English, Greek, and French. She also knows a lot of Latin, but isn’t as confident in it.
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𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚝 𝙰𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚜-𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍𝚢
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Nicknames: Matt
Name Meanings: Matthias → Aramic, “gift of God” ; Dermot → Irish, “free from envy” ; Apollonas → Greek, “to destroy” ; Demiurgos → Greek, “public/skilled worker” ; Kennedy → Irish, “helmeted chief/leader”
Date of Birth: September 12, 1918
Gender: Male ; he/him
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Faceclaims: Lewis McAskie & Joshua Orpin
Parents: Minerva Kennedy and Adonis Demiurgos (@endlessly-cursed) 
Siblings: Atticus Ferdia Gregorius and Daphne Alice Sofia Demiurgos-Kennedy 
Godmother: Eliza Kennedy
Patronus: Gray squirrel 
Favorite Subjects: Charms, defense against the dark arts, transfiguration
Least Favorite Subjects: History of Magic, herbology, care of magical creatures 
Extracurriculars: Prefect, beater on the Gryffindor quidditch team 
Hobbies: Quidditch, reading, swimming, hurling, writing, running 
Personality: Intelligent, athletic, brave, charismatic, reserved, knowledgeable, original, stubborn, energetic, adaptable, adventurous, private 
About Matthias: As the youngest son and by quite a lot, Matthias has a quiet upbringing. His siblings are at Hogwarts during most of his younger years and it takes him quite a while to gain a solid relationship with them through no one's fault but age. Luckily, Matthias has some cousins around his age, including his cousin, Cecilia, who’s two years ahead of him at Hogwarts. In addition, Matthias tends to take after his father more so than his mother, but he’s got a strong bond with both of his parents. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Matthias was quickly sorted into Gryffindor just like his father was. He found himself quite comfortable in the house of the lion quite quickly. It was nice to have cousins around and Matthias enjoyed the friends he made in the house. In his second year, he tried out for the Gryffindor quidditch team on a whim and won the position of beater. He fell in love with quidditch on the pitch at Hogwarts, but it was never a burning passion. In addition, Matthias was made a prefect in his fifth year, something he was incredibly shocked by but was incredibly proud of. Sure, he might not be a prefect and headboy like Atticus was, but Matthias felt like he had finally shed the lingering cap of his siblings.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Matthias tried on many different careers. None seemed to fit him until he decided to write about quidditch. Now, he wasn’t a journalist and didn’t write about quidditch matches that were currently being played. Instead, he wrote about the history of quidditch, its rules, and the game in and of itself. He became moderately successful for a trilogy of novels surrounding a fictional quidditch team’s exploits.
Matthias was a surprise baby, born eleven years after his older siblings, Atticus and Daphne.
His middle name of Dermot is a Kennedy family name, although Matthias’s full name doesn’t follow the Kennedy family conventions.
Matthias is bilingual, fluent in English and Greek. He knows the rudimentary aspects of Latin, though.
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𝙲𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊 𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍𝚢
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Nicknames: Cece, Cilia
Name Meanings: Cecilia → Latin, “blind” ; Alice → German, “noble” ; Kennedy → Irish, “helmeted chief/leader”
Date of Birth: February 19, 1917
Gender: Female ; she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Faceclaims: Dixie Egerickx & Lily James
Parents: Edmund Kennedy and Lottie Gallagher (@slytherindisaster)
Siblings: Aurelia Mary and  Alfred Dermot Edmund “Alfie” Kennedy 
Godparents: Billie Kennedy and Adonis Demiurgos (@endlessly-cursed) 
Love Interest: Oliver Marcus Erol Battersea
Son: Albert Edmund Battersea
Patronus: Swallow
Favorite Subjects: Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures
Least Favorite Subjects: History of Magic 
Extracurriculars: Prefect, care of magical creatures club
Hobbies: Gardening, swimming, reading, hiking, exploring
Personality: Curious, intelligent, kind, hardworking, dreamer, friendly, honest, secret romantic 
About Cecilia: As the middle child, Cecilia has always loved the adventure that comes with the outdoors. She could spend hours exploring the grounds of Whitethorn Hall and looking for animals and plants. Her love of the outdoors was unexpected, as in many other respects she reminded people of her father, just without the seriousness that accompanied Edmund Kennedy. Cecilia also has a close relationship with her sister, Aurelia. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Cecilia was sorted into Gryffindor, after becoming a hatstall. She found herself at home quite quickly in Gryffindor, becoming comfortable with the students and everything around her. It was also nice when her cousin, Matthias, joined her two years later. In her fifth year, Cecilia was named prefect. She never became headgirl, but that didn’t bother Cecilia too much. After all, she was busy fulfilling her interests in herbology and magiozoology. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Cecilia followed her dream and became both a herbologist and a magiozoologist. She never became a major name or anything, but Cecilia did become a major part of advocating for some of the legislation passed in the 1930s and 40s. In addition, she fell in love with Ravenclaw alumn, Oliver Battersea. Eventually, Cecilia and Oliver married and had one child, a son named Albert. 
Cecilia was a hatstall between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Her ambitions drive her quite a lot, which includes her ambition to become both a herbologist and a magiozoologist. A lot of people are shocked that she’s not a Slytherin.
Cecilia is a hopeless romantic, but she keeps that side of herself quiet and very few people are allowed to see that side of herself. 
Cecilia is Luke Battersea’s paternal grandmother.
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𝙰𝚕𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚝 𝙴𝚍𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍𝚢
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Nicknames: Alfie, Alf, Al
Name Meanings: Alfred → English, “wise counselor, elf-counsel” ; Dermot → Irish, “free from envy” ; Edmund → English, “fortunate protector” ; Kennedy → Irish, “helmeted chief/leader”
Date of Birth: April 9, 1920
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 
Faceclaim: Jacob Tremblay 
Parents: Edmund Kennedy and Lottie Gallagher (@slytherindisaster)
Sisters: Aurelia Mary and Cecilia Alice Kennedy 
Godparents: Walter Kennedy and Anne “Nan” Kennedy 
Patronus: Lion
Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, arithmancy 
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, herbology
Extracurriculars: Keeper on the Slytherin quidditch team, prefect 
Hobbies: Quidditch, reading, writing
Personality: Intelligent, stubborn, strong-willed, uptight, honorable, reliable, patient, organized, passionate, athletic, stubborn, open-minded 
About Alfie: As the youngest child and only son, Alfie is, without a doubt, his father’s son. He has a good relationship with both of his sisters even though he’s not that close to them, but being the youngest means that Alfie is not nearly as uptight as his father. In fact, his grandmother says that Alfie reminds her of what Edmund was like before Ferdia Kennedy’s death. Alfie has a comment for everything, just like his father had as a young child. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Alfie was sorted into Slytherin after spending ten minutes under the sorting hat as it debated if Slytherin or Ravenclaw was a better fit for him. He found himself quite homesick for his first few weeks at Hogwarts, which was lessened slightly by the fact that his older sisters were both with him. In his third year, Alfie joined the Slytherin quidditch team. He originally tried out for the position of beater, but instead, he earned the position of keeper. He enjoyed the sport quite a lot, but never felt the desire for quidditch to be anything other than a hobby. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Alfie followed the family footsteps into the ministry of magic. Like his father, Alfie began his career in the treasury department. However, Alfie eventually decided to run for the legislative body and he won on his first run. He served 10 years in the legislative body before returning to the treasury department. 
Alfie’s middle names follow the tradition of Kennedy family naming. Dermot is the first middle name, whose purpose has been forgotten over the years, and the second middle name is the boy’s father’s first name. Thus, Alfie is Alfred Dermot Edmund. 
In his third year, Alfie went through a phase where he tried out other possible nicknames because he felt that “Alfie” was too childish. None stuck and honestly, Alfie didn’t like being called any of them.
While in his eighties, Alfie is the guardian to his grandnephew (Cecilia’s grandson), Luke Battersea, for a year.
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𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚒𝚜 𝙴𝚍𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝙷𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚍 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚊
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Nicknames: Lou, Lewis
Name Meanings: Louis → German and French, “renowned warrior” ; Edgar → English, “wealthy spearman” ; Hamid → Arabic, “praiseworthy” ; Battersea → Anglo-Saxon, meaning unknown.
Date of Birth: March 28, 1913
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Faceclaim: Joshua Rush & Burak Özçivit 
Parents: Simon Battersea and Nilufer “Nile” Sultan (@endlessly-cursed) 
Brothers: Sidney Harrison Mehmet, Niall Albert Selim, and Oliver Marcus Erol Battersea 
Patronus: Dun stallion
Favorite Subjects: Charms, transfiguration, history of magic
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, astronomy
Extracurriculars: Prefect, keeper on the Gryffindor quidditch team
Hobbies: Reading, writing, piano, cards, golf
Personality: Kind, poised, quiet, stoic, witty, intelligent, sarcastic, honest, strong-willed, thoughtful, calm, observant, stubborn, direct, loyal, courageous, inflexible, a bit arrogant 
About Louis: As the third son, Louis is very much a combination of his parents, although, perhaps, he takes after his father a bit more so than his mother. He has a closer relationship with his younger brother, Oliver, than he does with either of his older brothers despite the fact that he is closer in age to Niall than he is to Oliver. Perhaps, it’s because he and Oliver are closer to their father. Louis looks up to his older brothers, even though they don’t get along terribly well as children. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Louis was sorted into Gryffindor after five minutes of the sorting hat debating if he would be better in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Louis felt out of place in Gryffindor for his first few weeks at Hogwarts, but he eventually found his footing and he became quite comfortable with the house and his housemates. In addition, he was made a prefect in his fifth year and that same year, he made the Gryffindor quidditch team, earning the position of keeper. 
After he graduated from Hogwarts, Louis began experimenting many different careers as he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do with his life. He had fulfilled multiple requirements for different careers and felt like spending some time figuring out which one would be the best fit. He tried auror training, before dropping out. Eventually, he found himself taking on the role of broom maker, something that combined many of Louis’s strengths. He never loved his career, but he appreciated it and found himself feeling quite comfortable with it. 
Louis’s middle name, Edgar, is after his late uncle. Marcus Edgar Charles Battersea. His middle name, Hamid, is in honor of his mother’s culture.
Louis is a supporter of the Chudley Cannons. 
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𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚜 𝙴𝚛𝚘𝚕 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚊
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Nicknames: Ollie
Name Meanings: Oliver → Latin, “olive tree” ; Marcus → Latin, “warlike” ; Erol → Turkish, “brave” ; Battersea → Anglo-Saxon, meaning unknown. 
Date of Birth: August 22, 1917
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaim: Tomaso Sanelli & Brenton Thwaites 
Parents: Simon Battersea and Nilufer “Nile” Sultan 
Brothers: Sidney Harrison Mehmet, Niall Albert Selim, and Louis Edgar Hamid Battersea
Love Interest: Cecilia Alice Kennedy
Son: Albert Edmund Battersea
Patronus: Heron
Favorite Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, charms, potions
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, herbology
Extracurriculars: Seeker on the Ravenclaw quidditch team starting in his fourth year 
Hobbies: Flying, quidditch, fencing, boxing, reading, cards
Personality: Intelligent, quiet, shy, stubborn, responsible, strong-willed, practical, organized, reserved, realistic, loyal, curious, tactless, can be judgmental and insensitive 
About Oliver: As the youngest son, Oliver takes after his father much more than his mother, although he does have a lot more daring and impulsiveness than his father ever did. He also has a closer relationship with his father, as they just get on a little better. He is also the closest to his older brother, Louis, but looks up to his oldest brother, Sidney, the most. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Oliver was sorted into Ravenclaw quite quickly. He found himself to be quite at home in Ravenclaw, despite feeling annoyed at the comparisons to his brothers. In his third year, he started taking Care of Magical Creatures and fell in love with the subject. The next year, his fourth year, he made the Ravenclaw quidditch team and earned the position of seeker. He enjoyed the sport, but mostly as a hobby and less so as a career path.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Oliver followed his gut and began working as a dragonlogist. While on a trip, he met magiozoologist and and herbologist, Cecilia Kennedy. He fell in love with Cecilia and they married, eventually having one son together, Albert Dermot Battersea in 1947. 
Oliver’s middle name, Marcus, is after his late uncle Marcus. His other middle name, Erol, is in honor of his mother’s culture. 
Oliver is Luke Battersea’s paternal grandfather.
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𝙶𝚒𝚘𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚘 𝚁𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎-𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜
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Nicknames: Gio
Name Meanings: Giovanni → Italian, “God is gracious” ; Deangelo→ Italian, “from the angel” ; della Rovere → Italian, “of the oak tree” ; Parsons 
Date of Birth: March 7, 1909
Gender: Male 
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: Ali Hadji-Heshmati
Parents: Georgie Parsons and Angelo della Rovere (@potionboy3)
Siblings: Enzo Roy and Reva Kamilah Rovere-Parsons 
Godparent: Divya Parsons (@endlessly-cursed)
Patronus: Magpie
Favorite Subjects: Alchemy, potions, charms, transfiguration
Least Favorite Subjects: Herbology
Extracurriculars: Prefect, alchemy club
Hobbies: Reading, writing, experimenting, horse riding
Personality: Curious, intelligent, hardworking, loyal, quick temper, kind, friendly, open-minded, absentminded, outgoing, charismatic, practical, stubborn, reserved, oblivious, forgets about his own needs and stuff a lot
About Gio: As the eldest son, Gio is very much his mother’s son. He’s generally on the more serious side, unless he’s doing something that he’s passionate about… which is usually experimenting with potions or trying to create his own spells. In addition, Gio inherited his father’s temper, which isn’t exactly the greatest combination when it comes to his experiments. He also has a good relationship with both of his siblings and his parents. He’s probably the closest to Enzo, which makes them a slightly interesting duo.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Gio was sorted into Hufflepuff after spending ten minutes under the sorting hat as it debated between whether or not Gio would fit better in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Despite feeling a bit like the hat made a mistake, Gio found himself at home in Hufflepuff. It just took a while. He became a prefect in his fifth year, which made him feel like he had found his footing even more. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Gio went on to become an alchemist. It fed his love for experimentation and while he would never reach the level of Nicolas Flamel, he became moderately successful and well-known in the world of alchemy. 
Gio is the only one of the Rovere-Parsons kids to not inherit any seer genes. 
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𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚊 𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚑 𝚁𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎-𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Reva → Hindi river name, Hebrew, “rain” ; Kamilah → Arabic, “perfect” ; della Rovere → Italian, “of the oak tree” ; Parsons
Date of Birth: February 25, 1916
Gender: Female 
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaim: Swayam Bhatia 
Parents: Georgie Parsons and Angelo della Rovere (@potionboy3)
Brothers: Giovanni Deangelo and Enzo Roy Rovere-Parsons
Patronus: Otter
Favorite Subjects: Charms, transfiguration, divination, defense against the dark arts
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions
Extracurriculars: Prefect, headgirl
Hobbies: Reading, embroidery, horse riding, watercolors, croquet, scrapbooking 
Personality: Intelligent, kind, caring, insecure, big heart, idealistic, outgoing, friendly, open-minded, hardworking, diligent, loyal, reliable, stubborn, empathetic, persuasive
About Reva: As the only daughter and youngest child, Reva is very much a good combination in personality of her parents’ personalities. She doesn’t really take after one more than the other and has a close relationship with her parents. She’s also closest to her brother, Enzo, although she’s really grateful that she can turn to Gio when she feels homesick at Hogwarts.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Reva was sorted into Hufflepuff and unlike her brother, Gio, Reva was sorted quickly. She found herself at home in Hufflepuff quite quickly, forming good friendships and feeling at home in the house. She was named prefect in her fifth year and became headgirl in her seventh year. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Reva went on to become a healer. 
Reva inherited the seer gene from her father, which mostly manifests in her dreams.
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Atticus Ferdia Gregorius Demiurgos-Kennedy
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Aurelia Mary Kennedy
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Sidney Harrison Mehmet Battersea • Niall Albert Selim Battersea
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Enzo Roy Rovere-Parsons
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wildwoof · 10 months
I'm making small amends because I realize my thoughts don't quite match how things go. While I still stand by the fact of Koga being demisexual. He wouldn't quite, I suppose, be demiromantic as well. This would mean that he'd have to have an emotional bond with someone to truly fall in love with them. Koga has said on multiple occasions how he "loves" Rei. He "fell in love" with Rei. But, when he first fell in love, he never even spoke to Rei. Which, in a way, could be seen as a "false" love, but the fact that Rei simply saved him in an emotional way. Brought him back before he completely lost himself due to being lonely, all alone in the world. Rei's music kept him as a young boy with no one in life from potentially doing anything reckless. But, Koga believed it to be love at this time. It can ALSO of course be just a platonic love due to the nature of Japanese writing.
Yada yada yada, I've talked about this before, so I shouldn't delve deep into it again, esp since this isn't supposed to be a post about a ship. BUT HERE I AM BC I CANNOT STOP MY BRAIN FROM TALKING ABOUT THEM. No matter how hard I try not to. My Gods, it NEVER ENDS. Anyways, he doesn't necessarily need the deep bond to feel something akin to love for someone. Just typically he doesn't allow anyone IN to get to know him better unless the bond is formed. He has to trust them & feel comfortable with them, which can be taken sort of like demiromantic. But it rests in a definite grey-area, which leans more toward grey-romantic. He sits on a cusp that truly depends on the emotions he's feeling toward the person & how he HIMSELF is feeling.
If he's got his walls up, it's less likely he'll let someone in within that bond first. Like say if he fell in love with Rei at that point in a TRUE romantic sense, then it'd make him more panromantic over demiromantic since he never spoke to Rei at that point, a "love at first sight" or "love at a distance" moment. But if say for Kaoru, he had his walls up around him until slowly chipping away as they spent more time together, growing closer. So, he'd have that bond before falling in love. Adonis sits on the edge, due to trying to close the gap with Adonis when they first met each other, yet later putting up walls around himself with Adonis, until once again beginning to chip away at it as they grew closer.
You know what? He's just grey-romantic. His ways of letting people in around him is just so all over the place & infrequent, that he truly just falls into that spectrum over demiromantic. Though, in a lot of potential instances, it's VERY like demiromantic. If you think about how he used to be vs how he is now, he has a greater chance NOW of letting people in more readily. To give them more chances & feel an attraction to them. It's still rather infrequent, though. After all, he spends majority of his time around the other idols he knows in ES, but a few other students as well. Plus, the biggest thing is him experiencing the romantic attraction without necessarily desiring the relationship.
But I will not be changing his sexual attractions. He is DEFINITELY demisexual. No doubt about it. The last thing on Koga's mind at any given point is sexual attraction. Playing guitar matters more. Singing on stage with UNDEAD matters more. Taking care & loving Leon is far more important. Sure, of course, he'll take care of HIMSELF when necessary, after all body health is very important as an idol. But his desires for sexual interactions is not on the top of his list of priorities. He's not going out of his way for anything sexual, but of course when he has that emotional & romantic bond, then his sexual desires will grow a bit more. He'll want that physical connection with his partner. There'll be that comfort for him in being close on such an intimate level with his partner.
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dotster001 · 1 year
hello! congratulations for 1.5k followers! 🎉🎈❤️ it's amazing to see how far you've come, this is a huge milestone! you're a really wonderful writer and i thank you for all content you've wrote!! i hope the best for you and your blog, congrats once again! if it's alright though, may i ask for a type one, romantic matchup for Ensemble Stars? you're free though to ignore this if you want, no pressure whatsoever!
my pronouns are she/her and my sexuality is straight. (although i am currently questioning if i'm demisexual) also, my mbti is infj and zodiac sign is cancer. personality wise, i'm quite reserved and shy. i struggle with social situations, so i tend to mostly be quiet. but when i do interact with people, i'm usually polite and helpful. however, i'm really private, so it takes a while for me to open up. but once i do, i'm more playful, bubbly, snarky. i'll dote on my friends, but i'll also tease them when i'm in the mood.
my strengths are empathy, kindness, and diligence. my friends and family say it's easier for me to absorb emotions, which i use to give comfort and advice to others. they also say i'm hardworking, since i push myself to do my best in my work. but my weaknesses are overthinking, perfectionism, and a bit of a pushover. i have a bad habit of overanalyzing things, along with being a huge perfectionist. i also i find it hard to stand up for myself as i don't like conflict, so it sometimes ends up with me martyring.
my hobbies are reading, playing games, listening to music, and writing. and for my interests, it's musicals, visual novels, books, fandoms, and a little bit of psychology.
i'm really sorry if this was really long, please excuse me. but thank you and congratulations once again! take care and stay safe <3
Event Closed
(okay, since the event was so long ago, what I'm gonna do when I post a matchup is wait twenty four hours before I post anything else (including asks and theories) so that esp the anons see them hopefully. Again, thank you all for your patience, you have no idea how grateful I am 💙)
I match you with Adonis Otogari.
First off, I feel like your shyness would go well with his less communicative nature. In other words, he's not going to push you to open up with himself and others until you are really ready. He wants you to feel safe and secure. That's his highest priority! That said, when you do get comfortable, he really enjoys watching your bubbly, playful, expressive self.
Speaking of protecting you, he's big on making sure you don't become a pushover, especially in situations where he knows you won't be happy. He's always ready to protect others, but with you the drive is so much stronger!!! He'll speak up for you when you won't, and will also push you to take care of yourself! One time you forgot to eat, and he handed you a plate full of barbeque chicken.
You two have such a soft romance, cause he's a soft guy. Quietly sitting next to eachother doing your own things, but holding each other's hands, him resting standing behind you and resting his head on top of yours, making eachother lunches, and leaving each other notes in said lunches. Ah! So sweet!
You like musicals? He likes to perform for those he loves! He'll serenade you for hours with your favorite theatre love songs. All you have to do is ask, and his dulcit tones are all yours. He's nicknamed you his "angel of music"…swoon!
Adonis had been rehearsing for hours with the other members of Undead. Because of Rei's late night schedules, he was pretty sure everyone was asleep except for Undead. But he was getting thirsty and had run out of his water hours ago.
The door opened to the practice room, the white light of the hallway flooding into the room, and you entered, holding a water bottle.
"Hey love," you said, "I figured you'd be out of water by now. Also, I brought you a bagged dinner!"
You handed both of them to him, and he couldn't help the warm smile on his face. He gave you a soft, warm hug.
"You should be asleep, angel," he said.
"Couldn't sleep without you," you said with a pout.
"Well, if you promise to go to bed right after, you can stay."
You vigorously nodded, seating yourself in a corner.
It was another two hours before he finished, and when he looked over at you, you had fallen asleep. The other members of Undead grinned when he scooped you up and carried you off to bed.
He tucked you in, pressed a kiss to your temple, and snuggled in next to you. You were so good for him, angel. Then again, you were so good for eachother.
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Emily 💝; Metis 👻; Adonis 🧸; Isa 😭; Aelius 👽; Adelaide 🏳️‍🌈; Marcus 📓.
Ohhhhh, I love the question match ups in this ask so much!
💝 A headcanon about their love language -
So, I know there's the standard five love languages and such, but the thing about Emily is that the best way to describe it with her is to make her feel safe. She needs to feel like she can give up control and let someone else take care of things to truly feel loved.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them -
In all honesty, very little even startles Metis. She's usually very calm, collected, and handles things very well. But deep down, she's terrified that she hasn't actually changed at all. She wants to no longer be the same person she used to be. She wants to believe she's changed, but the idea that she hasn't, that her past behavior is who she really is, terrifies her.
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood -
Being an AI, technically speaking, Adonis was never a child. However, he did have a period of learning about himself and the world around him when he became a Reaper. For him, it was equal parts wonderful and terrifying. He became thoroughly obsessed with Greek mythology after Adelaide introduced him to it.
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them. -
This one is fun, because Isa's life fell apart very very quickly and all at once. He was one of the most powerful, respected, and feared demons of his world. Everything was going his way, he got what he wanted when he wanted it. And then he was killed. When he met with a Reaper to discuss his options, he thought he had avoided the worst possible fate, non-existence. And then he found out the brother he murdered would be the one in charge of him, and that said brother was no longer terrified of him. And that day will forever hold the place of worst day of his life in his eyes.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there -
Aelius will admit he's not the best cook, and it's because he likes the way burnt things taste. Something about it is familiar in a comforting way, but it means that anyone who doesn't like their food charred to death won't enjoy it.
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon -
I think the best way to describe Adelaide's sexuality would be demisexual. She just doesn't feel attraction right away, and also isn't even particularly interested in putting a label on her sexuality anyways because she's more focused on her job.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies -
Marcus used to do scrapbooking when he was alive. He doesn't have as much time now as a Reaper because his job as a doctor there also involves a lot of research, but he tries to do it when he has the time.
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hadeskitchen · 3 years
ROs Identities/Orientations
Hello! I wasn't originally going to cover this pre-demo because I feel like it's a lot more natural to discover these things as you progress through the characters' stories, but in case you want to know the ROs romantic/sexual orientations and gender identities going into the story, you can find that info below the cut:
(Also, like everything, this is a WIP so these are potentially subject to change)
** UPDATE **
Changes have been since this post was written: the ROs do not have canon genders anymore and five of them are gender selectable (not Adonis). You can read more on that here and here, but the original post is still below the cut.
For the ROs:
Shar: cis!f, demisexual, panromantic, monoamorous
Kenji: cis!m, pansexual, panromantic, polyamorous
Thema: cis!f, pansexual, demiromantic, polyamorous
Cecil: enby (neutrois, ftn), pansexual, panromantic, monoamorous
Adonis: cis!m, demisexual, panromantic, monoamorous
Hero: genderfluid, asexual, panromantic, monoamorous
In addition, I'm considering making Shar, Kenji, Thema, Cecil, and Hero gender selectable which would make them:
Shar: cis!f/cis!m/enby
Kenji: cis!m/trans!f/enby
Thema: cis!f/cis!m/enby
Cecil: enby(ftn)/trans!m/cis!f
Hero: genderfluid/enby/cis!f/cis!m
(Adonis is locked in as cis!m because this plays a key role in his story)
I'm considering doing this because I don't want readers to be dissuaded from a character's storyline on the basis of their gender. Their default genders would be their canon genders but each gender option would do more than just changing pronouns and verb tenses in the game. If you have any thoughts on this, please let me know!
Here's a look at some of the other characters too if you're interested:
Alex: genderqueer (nonbinary butch), homosexual, homoromantic, polyamorous
Julio: cis!m, asexual, aromantic
Jacinta: cis!f, pansexual, panromantic, monoamorous
Damon: trans!m, pansexual, arospec, polyamorous
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inspiredrawaw · 4 years
Oh yea I have been meaning to ask: do you have a pronoun list for your characters? What’s their gender identity? Romantic/sexual orientation? (I apologize if at any point I used the wrong pronouns)
The Orchard Omens
Myrvin- gay asexual -cis he/him
Jackie - bi - trans man he/him
Jamie- gay demisexual-cis he/him
Elrach - ??? - ?? He/him
Charlie - also bi -cis he/him
Henrik - pan grayromantic asexual - non binary they/them
My OC trio
Amber - aro ace -cis she/her
Drakken -biromantic ace - cis he/him
Omen - gay - non binary they/them (omen is the one who keeps getting misgendered so please use they/them for them)
My robot OCs
Sci -lesbian cupioromantic allo - cis she/her
Animi -lesbian - trans woman she/her
My alchemist lesbians
Tabia -lesbian -agender they/them
Adony - bi - cis she/her
My furry OCs
Stars the owl - aromantic - cis he/him
Rose the Artic Fox- lesbian - non binary she/her
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
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It’s officially Pride Month, and no one here is straight, so here’s an entire list of gender and orientation headcanons for the muses hosted here. Let’s goooo
Anzu: Pansexual cis female. Has no real preference in terms of partners. Leo Tsukinaga: Bisexual cis male with a strong preference for men. Subaru Akehoshi: Homosexual demiboy (he/they, no preference). amab. Izumi Sena: Homosexual cis male Wataru Hibiki: Homosexual demiguy (he/they, no preference). amab. Tsumugi Aoba: Homosexual demiguy (he/they, no preference). amab. Kohaku Oukawa: Homosexual demiboy (he/they, no preference). amab. Adonis Otogari: Homosexual cis male Kanata Shinkai: Pansexual & genderfluid (they/he/she, tends to go by they most often but doesn’t actually have a preference). Tends to prefer male partners. amab. moved to @kamidol​ Mika Kagehira: Bisexual & nonbinary (they/them). amab. Kuro Kiryu: Homosexual cis male Shinobu Sengoku: Biromantic trans male. No preference in partners. afab. Ritsu Sakuma: Homosexual & genderfluid (he/they/she; prefers either he or they but still quite likes feminine pronouns too). afab. Sora Harukawa: Panromantic & genderfluid (he/they/she; no preference). No preference for partners either. Also asexual. afab. Arashi Narukami: Bisexual trans woman. No preference in partners. amab. Nazuna Nito: Biromantic trans male. Prefers male partners. Also demisexual. afab. Tatsumi Kazehaya: Homosexual; questioning gender (defaults to he/him). amab. Niki Shiina: Bisexual & genderfluid (he/they/she, prefers he but is not at all opposed to any others). Prefers male partners. amab. Mayoi Ayase: Homosexual & genderfluid (they/he/she, prefers they but is not opposed to any others). afab. Jun Sazanami: Homosexual demiboy (he/they, no preference). amab. Kaname Toujou: Homosexual demiboy (he/they; no preference). afab. Ibara Saegusa: Homosexual & genderfluid (he/they/she, no preference whatsoever,). amab. Tsukasa Suou: Bisexual trans male. Prefers male partners. afab. Hinata Aoi: Panromantic demiboy (he/they, no preference). amab. Yuuta Aoi: Panromantic demiboy (he/they, prefers they/them). amab.
Yoshiko Tsushima: Biromantic demigirl (she/they; leans more towards they when acting as Yohane in particular). afab. Umi Sonoda: Panromantic cis female Maki Nishikino: Cis lesbian Riko Sakurauchi: Panromantic demigirl (she/they; leans more towards she). afab. Rina Tennoji: Panromantic cis female. Eli Ayase: Bisexual cis female. Prefers female partners. Kanon Matsuura: Lesbian demigirl (she/they, no preference). afab.
Ibuki Mioda: Bi demigirl (she/they, no preference) with strong preference for women. afab.
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redxriiot · 4 years
Sexual Traits
Tagged by: @brightemeraldazuredepths​
Tagging: If you want it? TAKE IT
bold - applies always.
italic - applies sometimes.
Striked = personal notes, can be removed (anything in ‘extra’ can be removed, too)
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is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time  | initiates (when he’s most comfortable/ more confident) | waits for a partner to initiate (at the start of a relationship) | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual
Extra - He doesn’t have a specific label for his orientation nor does he actually want one. He does have more of an inclination to being the bottom, but he will nonetheless tend to defer to his partner’s preferences for the most part, and watch how they react to it. If they want him to top, he’ll top. If they want him to bottom, that’s what he’ll do. When it comes to initiating, he’ll tend to let his partner take to it more at first because he’ll be trying so hard to hold back his own desires, not wanting to push himself onto them. So he’ll just make himself as tempting as possible and tease them to bait them into it, or otherwise see if they’re up for sex if at all. He’ll take to initiating more frequently when he’s much more sure they want him as much as he does and/or they tell him it’s okay to. And I mean frequently. He’ll be far more tactile and playful after that, even take more risks and stir his partner up all the more. He’ll dial himself back when told to though and strive figure out what situations are the type his partner will be more open to after that.
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | wears boxerbriefs | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes (would if his partner prefers he do) | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
Extra - It’s not immediately noticeable, but just under his Adonis belt on the left side, there are four little puncture marks. When he jerks off, he tends to dig the fingers on his right hand in right there because it actually helps him finish faster and feel more relief afterward ( really, it’s the little burst of pain that does it ). He does this other places too, but right there is the most common place so it’s sort of marked in. 
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their ears pulled | pulling their partner’s ears | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ | being called ‘daddy’ (won’t ever actually tell his partner this. it would only ever come up if THEY bring it up, whether calling him on accident or mentioning they’re into it) /’mummy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshipped | worshipping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging
Extra - He loves putting on a show/putting himself on display for his partner/another in general, more so being the one to please them. Most notably, he loves pain. Dealing it, out but especially being on the receiving end of it, it’s one of his biggest turn ons. He also really likes the idea using Quirks during sex. He might be tentative to use his own at first, but once he’s given the go-ahead ( especially if his partner loves pain/being marked too ) he will be quite eager, especially since chances are it could tie into his love of pain. Overall, sex that really ups his adrenaline levels in some way is the best in his eyes. Without pain and/or adrenaline involved somehow, there’s a possibility he’ll be less inclined to initiate or seek that person for sex as much. Or otherwise get creative about it, like how he does when he masturbates.
is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
Extra - He tends to muffle up his voice a lot, unless he wants to get caught by somebody ( like when he’s jerking off while his partner’s nearby ). When he’s topping, he'll try to keep quiet because he wants to hear his partner more; when he’s the bottom, it’s because he wants to hear his partner plead for him to get louder, encourage him to, because he knows there’s a chance he’ll get praise out of it if he does. That’s his biggest motivation to get loud.
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yukarisystem · 7 years
Laurent Young Application
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Name: Laurent Young 
Age: 21 
Gender | Sexuality: Genderfluid [dmab] (She/They/He)  | Demisexual.
Is Your Character Signed to the Yukari System?: Yes, a little after moving to Japan from the US. 
Relationship Status: Single
Nationality: Greek / French American [International]
Profession: University Student, thinking of pursuing teaching or medical degree. | Life Guard (Seasonal)
Personality Rundown: 
Laurent is taciturn yet an compassionate person, she’s the most level headed person amongst their siblings. However, she’s a little air headed and dense but not as much as her younger brother. She’s polite and hopes to be an understanding person. She’s good working with others, even though she looks somewhat intimidating at first glance. 
A child from an abusive household in the US, she was later adopted by her biological mother’s coworker and friend after her mother’s death. Her biological father Elliot Fauré was an alcoholic, who had gotten them into a car accident which resulted in her biological mother–Eris Raptis dying and Laurent getting amnesia in result due to head trauma. Seeing that Laurent’s dad was unable properly take care of her, they arranged for her mother’s good friend Marissa Young to take her under her wing. Therefore, she doesn’t remember much about her former family life.
They lived a pretty normal life in result, until her newer mother was set to be engaged to a man who later left her without a word but also with child. Two became three, then later four when her mother adopted another boy into their household. Soon Laurent had younger siblings named Lars and Raine. The family of four met with a few obstacles, including her younger sister being kidnapped but later rescued which caused them to move around a lot to avoid anything else happening to her. 
At some point, during High School, Laurent had fallen in love with a boy and they shared mutual affection for one another. But after she felt comfortable to talk about her gender with him, he became disgusted which resulted them breaking up (and him humiliating her). So love is a relatively sore topic for her. She’s kind of nervous about it, that and intimacy which he wanted tried to do with her sometimes.
Eventually, they had moved to Japan for newer business opportunities, because of some of Marissa’s connections. After moving, she had taken a lot of odd jobs up in result and is referred to a jack of all trades by her siblings. She does like magic tricks and works as a street magician sometimes. Laurent had heard about the Yukari Law via her classmates of hers in University, which prompted her to sign up for it. 
More Info: 
Laurent’s birth name is Laurent Adonis Fauré, but changed upon being adopted as Laurent Adonis Young. 
Laurent dresses as she likes – masculinely, femininely, whatever. The latter mostly privately, given how self conscious she is about her appearance. Not only that, but also because she knows it’s frowned upon and she doesn’t want to get in trouble for it. 
Given how the Yukari Laws focuses on creating children for the next generation, there might be some complications because of the topic above. However, Laurent’s private about it and won’t reveal said information until she gets to know a person. 
In the rare chance she goes out in public femininely she uses a fake name to hide her identity. [ Fake name: “Nina”]
Generally she’ll use he/him pronouns in public, but with her spouse if they’re accepting of it will ask them to use she/her or they/them. 
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