#adult fiveya
jubberry · 4 years
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Based off
Lbr tho vanya would be the exact same if he ruined her suits
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xzazu2002 · 4 years
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Five and Vanya sketchpage ;w; —- i got inspired by the story Each Night Before You Go to Bed, My Baby by the amazing @fiveyaaas where Five was badly hurt and is on painkillers and I love, check the story out dear friends- my heart ;v; 💛
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chaotic-fiktor · 4 years
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My first digital drawing
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bia23 · 3 years
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shortnotsweet · 4 years
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[ Five & Vanya Hargreeves ]
Five’s breath hitches like a lit match, and those thoughts come alive again, hard and whole and unmistakable.
He wants to touch her and hold her down and marry her and get the hell away from her.
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lhyale14 · 4 years
Im kidda want to see old vanya with bangs for the only purpose of Five´s reaction :3
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Vanya: On a scale of one to ten, how bad of an idea do you think it would be if we got married?
Five: Off the charts. Let's do it.
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letbenfuck2021 · 5 years
someone tries to flirt with Vanya
Vanya: *is polite but awkward and tries to leave the situation as soon as possible
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but someone tries to flirt with Five
Both Five and Vanya:
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tuppytuptup · 5 years
Five watches as Ben finds Vanya’s elbow easily, ushering her behind him with nary a glance in her direction. There’s no delay on Vanya’s part, she allows herself to be corralled by Ben’s guiding hand without resistance, tucking in close to his back and matching his stride. Ben slices through the throng of bodies like a knife through butter with Vanya following in his wake, going unhindered by the thickening crowd thanks to the width of her brother’s shoulders. It feels so well rehearsed. So easy. As if they’ve had a hundred chances to get it right. How many times has his brother reached for their sister that she no longer hesitates at his touch? How often has Vanya pressed herself close that Ben doesn’t blink at her proximity even after they’ve broken from the crowd?  Each new question sits uneasily in Five’s stomach, slick as oil, and he has no idea why.
unfinished draft i just unearthed feat. jealous!five, benya and potential for ot3
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Fiveya Week Master List
For @fivevanya‘s Fiveya Week 
August 26: Day 1 - Apocalypse  August 27: Day 2 - No Powers AU August 28: Day 3 - Time August 29: Day 4 - Family  August 30: Day 5 - Jealousy August 31: Day 6 - First Kiss/Last Kiss September 1: Day 7 - Free Choice 
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jubberry · 4 years
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Wip 😪
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xzazu2002 · 4 years
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I’ve learnt haha OwO a little update thing for the Five drawing I did! It didn’t seem right soo i redone it fast I could x3
and a cold fiveya sketch ;v; Happy New Years everyone!!
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rappaccini · 3 years
i found you because of fiveya and the absolutely fantastic tua meta and now I find out you got the donnaburg Vibe too??? Exquisite Taste, my crops are watered, my skin is cleared. (also would LOVE to hear your donnaburg screaming 👀)
ugh yes i did. i swear these ships find me, not the other way around.
but yes. donnaberg. absolute surprise, but damn it has me by the throat. i got into re8 for tall vampire lady, got hyped about heisenberg being gay af for ethan, but somehow ended up here instead. as eloquently as @manic-pixie-dream-dude put it, "i see a pairing with thematic parallels and that can fit my favorite tropes and i go FUCKING INSANE for it."
but this shit stems from noticing how karl hates alcina, is repulsed by sal and pissed off by angie, but he always aims his insults at her and not donna. i blame quill bc when we were dming about why he just doesn't go after her, why she's the only lord he's on a first name basis with, about why donna is the way she is, and about how similar they are, it all kind of clicked. so here the fuck i am.
basically, on the outside they seem like total opposites, who'd have nothing to do with each other.
personality-wise, she hates herself and he's a massive narcissist. she avoids all conflict, and he races towards it. she's a recluse and he's a showman. he hates miranda, she loves her. he'd rather be alone than a part of the family, and she'd rather be a part of the family than alone. her expertise is all psychological and delicate detail, while his is brute force (literally... sewing needle versus fuck-you sized hammer).
because quill and i are feral over this: heisenberg's clearly got some hades woven into the character-- he's the lord of an industrial, subterranean hellhole where he enslaves the dead and has power over metals and electricity. and beneviento, persephone-- she's a smothered young(er) woman from a mountainside with power over flowers and herbs and an unmatched vicious streak, who's surrounded by death. its definitely accidental but i mean, that shit just goes together.
but aside from that, the narrative sets up all these similarities between them:
both command armies they built themselves (complete with signature special followers, angie and sturm) and are highly-skilled craftspeople. donna excels at tiny, intricate but delicate pieces made one by one, karl at mass-production of larger, hardier (but sloppier) weapons.
they're the youngest of the lords physically and chronologically-- they've spent the least amount of time in the family.
both of them were changed as children, whereas alcina was definitely an adult, and moreau likely was as well [there's a rule of two thing going on with the four].
both are part of a set-- donna and moreau (the ugly outsiders who just want affection), alcina and karl (the favored successes who are at each others throats while fighting over power).
and both are a reflection of their same-gendered 'sibling'-- ex: donna is old hereditary nobility like alcina (though of far more modest means), karl's status is directly tied to his family's connection to the town's industry, like moreau.
both of them hold rose in a higher regard than the other lords-- donna seems to care for her, and karl at least sees value in keeping her around. (i'm not sure if we can count it as true affection, given that they split her into pieces, but it's something).
both of them like to play games with their prey and have a sadistic streak, though karl's seems physical and donna's is psychological.
yet, both of them have the smallest body counts and are less dangerous to the villagers as a whole-- while alcina and her daughters actively hunt and torture, and salvatore might pick people off to vent his frustrations, donna seems to keep entirely to herself (she only goes after people who've crossed onto her territory, and she's never experimented with the cadou on anything other than her own dolls), and karl only experiments on corpses. you still don't want to cross paths with them, they'll kill your ass and have a good time doing it, but as long as you're out of their way, you'll probably be left alone.
(they're a lighter shade of black than the others, is what i'm getting at. by no means ~misunderstood~ woobies wanting redemption, but definitely closer to it than the other lords.)
both of them rebel against mother miranda. karl openly in grand fashion, donna in a quiet way that most people miss.
and the biggest one for me is that big central conflict within both of their characters: how they want to respond to mother miranda. aside from their opposite reactions (donna: flee/submit, karl: fight), they're both conflicted.
karl fashions himself as a liberator... while operating a factory run by zombie slave labor and planning to use a baby as a weapon. which begs the question: is his end goal breaking miranda's system, or simply taking her place at the head of it? and more importantly, does he even know what he wants? did he ever think that far in the first place, or was he just letting his rage do the driving? and is the reason why he never thought that far because he (consciously or otherwise) doesn't actually intend to survive that confrontation?
and donna and angie's behavior during the end of their fight with ethan suggests that donna's dealing with her own internal conflict--donna cares for rose and tries to hide from ethan after he beats her basement trap, but angie, who hates rose, practically leads ethan to her so he can kill her. it seems like donna's struggling to figure out if she wants to leave miranda (and go into hiding) or whether she would rather die to avoid incurring her wrath.
both fall prey to their worse impulses, and take opposite approaches to making the same choice (he burns up, she fades away, but they're both choosing to die). even though it seems like both were aware of and considering taking another path, in the end they can't resist the urge to antagonize ethan, which sends them into a death spiral. they're doomed because they doom themselves.
what i'm getting at is, two outwardly opposing people with personalities and arcs that unexpectedly align and compliment one another is something i'm feral about. throw in the tragedy and the gothic elements and i'm obsessed.
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bia23 · 3 years
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queeenpersephone · 4 years
for the richard siken fiveya "i want to tell you this story without having to confess anything, i want to tell you this story without having to be in it"
It’s been weeks. 
She’s still unresponsive. 
Allison’s ploy with the gun works, somehow, Vanya collapsing into her arms at the disruptive sound. The energy beam into space, brilliantly white for a split second before, once again, the only light in the sky is the moon. Five rises to his feet, shaky, uncertain, but with a lightness in his chest that he hasn’t felt since he was a child. He hears the voices of his brothers, cataloguing each one with relief, until the shouts peter off and he hears a new sound. Sobbing. Coming from the stage. It’s Allison, and she’s bent protectively over a familiar figure in white. 
They can’t risk a hospital, can’t risk Vanya waking up in the city, so they steal two cars and drive until they are in the mountains. They find an empty cabin, and Five dully jumps a few miles out in each direction. There is no one around; he reports the information back, and his siblings slump in relief. 
They take turns guarding Vanya. In two days, they realize there might be something truly wrong, but then, this is their penance for forgetting her. For ignoring her. 
For Five, it is his penance for leaving her. Every time he has gotten the opportunity, he’s left her. Well, it’s not happening again. 
Luther carves her little wood figurines. Diego stands guard at her bedside. Allison sings her lullabies. Klaus works on manifesting Ben so they can read to her. And Five, well, he tells her a story. 
He tells her about the ash, the emptiness, how he used to knock rocks together for fun so that there would be noise in the silence. He tells her about Delores, her advice, her jokes, her kind worry and her silence in his moments of horrible sanity. He tells her about every one of his kills, the blood on his hands, hating himself and loving the facsimile of control, about throwing up in the alley after killing a young teenager and demanding the Commission give him only adults. 
It’s whimsical, it’s unlike him, but he begins every day with ‘Once Upon a Time,’ placing himself in the hero’s shoes. It’s a lie. He’s the dragon. The villain. The one who’s supposed to lose in the end, and one night he steals all the whiskey from where Allison had hidden it and confesses all of this to her, to her body, to a shell. And really, he has lost, he says, breaking into pieces. He has turned himself into a weapon to come home to her, to confess that he loves her, and really he confesses nothing because she’s not awake to listen.
He wakes up wrapped in arms that he should not be wrapped up in. He looks out into the room, at the way his siblings run into the room at Luther’s shout, staring behind him in shock, in relief, in joy. 
Five closes his eyes, ready to sink back into his lovely alcohol-haze of a dream, when: 
“Five? I have a story for you too.” 
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letbenfuck2021 · 3 years
for the ship ask game: fiveya! ✨✨
ah!!! thank you!!! I love doing these!
fiveya - SHIP IT!!!
What made you ship it?
this is gonna be controversial but...canon ahahha canon made me ship it. specifically the first two eps. and when I first started shipping it, it was very much not a romantic ship. I think what really caught my eye was just the way that the show hinted at this hidden, nuanced, but ultimately tragic dynamic between two very unlikely characters. Five and Vanya are kind of opposites in a lot of ways. You have the golden boy, overachiever, high-functioning one and on the other hand you have the kid that....couldn’t even be an under-achiever because they weren’t even in the same class, wasn’t in the same zip code. And yet, from what we’ve been told, they were close. For whatever reason, Vanya is the only one of Five’s siblings that he trusts enough at the beginning of the series to be honest with. For whatever reason, despite him being grumpy, mean, and completely different form her, Vanya names Five as her sole confidant. And at the beginning of the show, we have these two people meeting again after a long absence, after being fundamentally changed by their experiences apart. and well.....the show did virtually nothing with that. Vanya never gets a chance to be angry with Five or express feelings of abandonment. Five never gets to work out his rage and anguish at the fact that in a way, all the suffering, all of the trauma he experiences in the apocalypse was due to his own sister. but that’s why we have fandom ahahah!! to fill in the blanks.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I kinda like the core dynamic of the two characters, like their trope-y aspects. “Grumpy mean one + passive milder counterpart” and the classic “character A is softer and nicer but only for Character B” thing. But as a dark/angst writer, I like the more messed up aspects of the character dynamic and how stretched to a certain place or to a certain level, things can get dark and tragic. And that at the same time, there are a number of ways to write fiveya very fluffy and sweet. They got range! I like that.
also one of the best parts of the ship is the fandom around it to be honest. I’m not gonna sugar coat it. the tua fandom is.....difficult. and there are a lot of mean, nasty, vindictive people in it but for the most part, the ppl in the fiveya fandom are very nice and sweet. and I think that comes from the fact that fiveya is the shit ship. we get soooooo much shit for our ship and there was a time when even the other harcest shippers hated us (that time is still now arguably). lowest of the low but...I think that’s why our community is a little more tight knit.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don’t want to see it in canon. I don’t want there to be much else in canon than there already is because 1) from the very beginning, I’ve never wanted to see Gallagher have any kind of romantic vibe with Page. I think it would be a little different if they cast an adult to play Five or if they use TJ McGibbon but that leads me to 2) I don’t think the writers can write good romances. Sorry. Arguably, the best canon romance has been klave and I think that how good it is comes from just how UNDER written it is. Klaus and Dave’s relationship plays out in a few short scenes and a montage and I think that’s the only reason that it does so well, because it’s just a shell of a relationship. Because writing romance is HARD, idc what anyone says. Romance writing requires its own skill set and its own knack and talent and from what I’ve seen, no one on the tua writing team has either of those things for romance. so I have ZERO desire to see them try to tackle fiveya...like even platonically.
Thank you again!!!! I love doing these fandom ask thingies and now that I’m done with my thesis, I get to have more time to do it!!!
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