#adulterer Trump
rejectingrepublicans · 6 months
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multis-sermonibus · 2 years
☼  Old-school or into experiments? (Kaato)
Headcanons: Sex Life Edition masterpost
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"I'm not old-fashion, I prefer to experiment. Makes things in the bedroom a lot more interesting."
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liberalsarecool · 10 months
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The courts protect white men. No woman. No POC. No one else gets such consistent double standards.
White supremacy was always a bedrock of the courts. Trump is just exposing/exploiting the courts in the most blatant way possible.
The 14th Amendment was written for criminals like Trump. The Founding Fathers never imagined an entire rotten Party abdicating to an adulterous fraudster.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Trump is now facing 37 felony charges in the classified documents case, including multiple violations of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and scheming to conceal documents from a federal investigation. In addition, he’s facing an additional 34 felony charges in New York for falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up his payments to two women with whom he allegedly had adulterous sexual encounters. However, there’s a growing sense that all this could be the tip of a very large legal iceberg that still lies ahead. Because while Smith’s investigation into the classified documents case has revealed Trump and assistant Walt Nauta moving boxes of top secret documents into bathrooms at Mar-a-Lago, the election fraud investigation looks as if it could ensnare Trump, his advisers, his legal team, and Republicans at both the state and federal level who all conspired to overturn the government of the United States.
Jack Smith particularly interested in Dec. 2020 Trump meeting
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uboat53 · 19 days
You know, we got so lost in the trenches of the day-to-day that we often forget to step back and look at the longer trail of everything that the Republican Party has given up in the name of Trump. I've got some time to think about it, so let's look back, shall we? Time for a LONG RANT (TM).
Think back to 2012, the last time someone other than Trump was the Republican nominee for president. What did the Republican Party claim to stand for then? Well, they were pro-military not just verbally, but also in terms of strictly adhering to the military's code of honor. They were pro-law enforcement, taking the side of the police and other law enforcement groups in just about every single case. They were in favor of reforming the welfare state, the majority of which is Medicare and Social Security. They were in favor of traditional family values, particularly those regarding public behavior.
All of these things were eminently represented in Mitt Romney, the presidential nominee of that year, who, for whatever other faults he may have had, truly lived the life that represented the beliefs that the Republican Party claimed to represent at that time. All of these have been entirely given up so that the party can slavishly support Donald Trump. Let's go through them.
The first thing that had to go was traditional family values. Trump is a serial adulterer who has been married to three different women and cheated on all of them. Even more than that, he constantly fantasizes in interviews about any woman who catches his attention, including his own daughter, and uses abhorrent sexist language to describe any woman he doesn't like. In order to support him in the first place, Republicans had to jettison their own professed insistence that they would never support a candidate with poor personal character which was reflected in his family life.
After the scandals of Bill Clinton in the late 90s, Republicans were fond of saying how they could never support a man who treated women or the institution of marriage as he did, yet now they have thrown themselves behind a man who has been found to have raped a woman while married to another woman. I think it's fairly clear which one is worse, and yet they continue to stand behind him without feeling the need to justify their behavior, almost as if they never truly cared about those values in the first place.
Republicans have been running on "reforming the welfare state" or even just outright repealing Medicare and Social Security for pretty much as long as anyone around today has been alive. George Bush Jr. tried to change Social Security to an individual account in 2005 and Paul Ryan tried to do something similar in the early 2010s, just to cite two recent examples. The arguments they have are fairly simple: that these programs take away personal responsibility and that they're both on track to run out of funds sometime in the next decade.
Republicans today still agree with both of those arguments, but they've stopped trying to do anything at all with Social Security and Medicare. You see, Trump has (accurately) determined that trying to cut these two programs or even tinker with the benefit formulae is incredibly unpopular, and so, even though they still think these two programs are terrible and would like to change them completely, Republicans have just stopped talking about it, at least in public.
In private, or what they think is private, Republicans are more than happy to talk about how much they want to change these programs. The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, for example, proposes replacing standard Medicare with Medicare Advantage, effectively privatizing it even for the half of enrollees who prefer the public program and even Trump himself has mused about cutting Social Security in a CNBC interview this year, though he quickly walked it back.
In other words, the Republican position on the biggest pillars of welfare state is the same as it always was, they want to cut it, but they're willing to lie about that in public now.
Republicans have been the party of law enforcement, particularly backing more brutal and invasive law enforcement tactics and opposing rights of those arrested and accused, for decades now, but that standing has cracked significantly since Trump began to run for office. First it was opposition to Mueller's investigation, undertaken by law enforcement professionals under the auspices of the Department of Justice, then it was the assault on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 where Trump supporters assaulted the Capitol Police, and now it's opposition to the multiple investigations of Trump at both the national and state levels which have put them into conflict with law enforcement agencies at all levels of government.
It's gotten far enough that multiple Republican lawmakers have even called to "defund the FBI", the nation's premier law enforcement agency, in order to try to protect Trump from criminal investigation and prosecution. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the Capitol assault continue to be celebrated by the Republican Party even after dozens (hundreds?) of convictions for violence against police officers; actions which they have repeatedly and specifically condemned in no uncertain terms in the context of other protests.
In other words, while Republicans may still occasionally chant "back the blue" or "blue lives matter" and still back more brutal and invasive police tactics, it's clear that their support for law enforcement is only skin deep and will drop the instant that law enforcement decides to enforce the law on anyone they support.
The final thing that Trump forced Republicans to abandon was their support for the military. In particular, he forced them to abandon their reverence for those who have sacrificed. He did this just as he accepted the nomination for president in 2016, attacking Gold Star father Khizr Khan whose son was killed in Iraq. Any other Republican in history would have done the honorable thing, noting that Mr. Khan is entitled to express his views and stating simply and firmly that he won't argue politics with a Gold Star parent, but Trump has no honor.
In the years since, he has repeatedly disparaged the military's reverence for sacrifice. He waged a long campaign against Sen. John McCain in which he repeatedly talked down McCain's military record despite, whatever else you may think of McCain, he displayed extraordinary courage, resilience, and leadership while captured by the enemy. Trump has also been quoted several times disparaging the military dead and wounded and, though he has disputed these quotes, he's also known to lie a lot (five provable lies per day during his four year presidency according to fact checkers) while the known sources who reported this, such as General John Kelly, are not.
Even just recently, Trump invaded Arlington National Cemetery and his campaign staff assaulted one of the grounds staff in order to film a campaign stunt in which he took pictures, smiling and giving a thumbs-up, over the graves of fallen soldiers. This is behavior for which Republicans would castigate Democrats, yet the behavior of their own three time nominee and party leader shows how shallow their commitment really is.
Of course, the true depravity of Donald Trump is not just in what he and his staunchest supporters do, but in what he forces all of those around him to do. You see, most people of poor character know they have poor character. Those who can't afford to have poor character try to cover this up or even improve their character, but Trump was born into money and could afford to just pay his way past his poor behavior; but he still knows how poor his character is and how bad it makes him look.
Trump's solution to this is to debase everyone else around him. For those who oppose him, he unleashes a torrent of vitriol, seeking not to win by making himself better, but to win by making everyone else look as bad as he is. For those few of good character who support or are willing to work for him, he will force them to debase themselves and ruin their character. Incidents like Sean Spicer being forced to lie about Trump's crowd size at his inauguration or Gen. H.R. McMaster being forced to read a script denying that Trump had revealed classified information to top Russian officials (he had) are not aberrations, they are part and parcel of Trump's behavior in which people of good character must be brought low in order to avoid putting his own character in sharp relief.
This same thing has been done with the Republican Party writ large as anyone who stays loyal to the party under his control, even if they claim not to support him personally, is forced to repeatedly justify that loyalty under the onslaught of outrages and insults.
I'll be honest, I don't expect this to change the minds of Trump's supporters or his opposition, most of those who oppose him already know about his depravity and most of those who support him at this late stage have already invested too much of their own identity into him, but I hope that those few who remain undecided will read it.
If you are a supporter of Trump, even a reluctant one, I hope you know how far you have fallen in the estimation of those of us who are not and, if you do not understand the reasons given above, know that we probably respect you even less. If you are an opponent of Trump and his MAGA movement, I hope that the above gives you some clarity in your own thinking. If you are unsure about whether to support him or not, I hope that this gives you a better understanding of the arguments against supporting him.
As usual, if there's anything you think I missed or that was incorrect, please let me know and be sure to cite sources and examples as necessary. I hope this is helpful to someone.
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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mr-system-of-a-downer · 2 months
Discourse speedrun time baybee
If you don’t trust strangers on the internet asking for money you’re just a racist cracker. You just gotta trust me bro. After all it’s not like people lie on the internet for money.
This woman boxer from a country that is traditionally conservative to the point of repression must be a man cause her opponent and a has been children’s author said so. Ignore the fact she’s lost before against other female boxers. Also, I don’t watch boxing or any athletic event in general but someone told me to be mad because of the *looks at hand* the sanctity of women’s sports.
Just vote blue bro. Sure I don’t actually like Biden, Harris, or the democrats in general but trump is literally Hitler and project 2025 is totally going to happen even tho most lawmakers think it’s a comical farce. Look man you can totally vote third party in 2028 this is the most important election of our lives since the last one! Yes I identify as a hardcore socialist why do you ask?
I know Trump is little more than a demagogue who identified as a democrat all his life until he decided to run for office, and yeah he’s a corrupt business and a serial adulterer and an actual sexual predator who paid hush money, but like, liberals man! They’re ruining our country by giving people the freedom to marry who they want and like, wanting universal healthcare! That’s why I gotta vote for Trump he’ll preserve our traditional values and make America great again!
Sure I’m worried about the rising tide of hate crimes and physically can’t defend myself against a humming bird, but I’ll be damned if I pickup a gun! Those kill people you know?
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So, there’s a videogames website I used to surf some time ago. It was the early twitter era and the HP games were hot topic on the forums discussions. JKR was then relatively tamed, and their twitter feed was a constant barrage of feminism against old conservative guys… and she was so hated among the users. They called them feminazi, woke, etc. The HP games would receive poor reviews from staff and users alongside and memes ridiculing the franchise were shared in the threads.
I stopped visiting the site gradually, It’s been years since then. Curiosity dragged me back recently and things were so changed. Now the HP games have positive reviews, there’re entire threads mocking the attempts and calls to boicot. Anyone calling bullshit on the franchise is called woke, resented, child molester, etc. JKR is now an unfairly treated author. The general consensus goes about how authors have the right to do what they want with their money and the necessity to separate work and personal opinions.
Thinking about it, it’s not that big surprise. Some Xbox forums saw the raising of alt right on internet after all. But it would be funny if it wasn’t so alarming; how quickly the HP fanbase is shifting to bigotry, conspiracy and far right. While not so long ago those same (proto) groups were online crusading against what now defend and praise.
I can’t say I’m surprised. Folks who are already alt right will back whoever they think is on their side; ei republicans who what to fight “sexual immorality” backing trump the adulterer and (alleged) child molester because he tells them what they want to hear. But I saw political circles, not just fandoms, shift into the alt right over the years, actively supporting causes and ideals that once condemned. But the way they condemned them wasn’t always a matter of the harm they caused, but the intellectual inferiority of bigotry. So once the tides turned, so too did the targets of derision. This isn’t to undermine the specific marginalized groups that are targeted by bigotry, but a factor that allows it to spread is the more general sense of community superiority, which lines of perfectly with fandom toxicity. “We are better than those losers out the outside because we are the enlightened members of the in-group.”
For example, I used to follow the “New Atheist” movement on youtube, because it gave me some comfort and catharsis to see the kind of Christian extremists who were abusing me at the time dunked on. But it was just dunking. The real harm conservative American christians did to women, people of color, and queer people was used as proof that religion was a delusion held by intellectually inferior people. But then those marginalized groups started speaking for themselves and making demands, so the youtube atheists switched gears, and started dunking on the “social justice warriors” as the new delusional idiots that they were so much better than. Because the issue of American christianity was never actually the harm that was being committed, it was about how they were dumb and cringe for believing in something fake. The people who actually believed in stopping harm realized what was going on and left, so all that remained were the increasingly odious voices about how feminism and the gays were way worse than conservative christians and maybe they’re right about everything except the god part. (Though some of those bozos have “taken the god pill” in the fifteen years since because their belief system is based in perceived superiority and nothing else.)
As for Harry Potter specifically, I’ve never been in the fandom but based on the many interactions I’ve had with fans over the years, I’m not surprised by that shift. It always had an energy shared by all the worst of nerd fandoms: both the sense of superiority that their book/movie/game is one of the best things ever and it’d popular because everyone agrees that it’s great, but also it’s a special nerdy thing that the evil “normies” will belittle and bully them for enjoying because they’re too stupid to appreciate anything more complicated that reality tv. It maps pretty easily onto the facist idea that the in-group is simultaneously the superior order that effortlessly outclasses all others in everything and the poor perpetual victims of the all powerful other constantly out to get them. I’m not saying being in a toxic fandom automatically turns people into fascists, I’m saying that fascists are opportunists and pray on people who feel they have been victimized, and convince them the ones doing the victimizing are their current targets.
JKR herself was a victim of domestic violence, which is a prime recruitment ground used by terfs. That, and she was probably feeling the existential dread of her greatest success being behind her after the mainline HP franchise ended, her newer books weren’t doing well, and she wanted to feel like she was “positively” impacting the world. But that was years ago and she’s speaking her own words at this point. She’ll die remembered as a bigot who squandered the good memories propping up her overhyped franchise and not even her fellow terfs will miss her because they’re so paranoid about trans people, they’ll probably start “transvestigating” her posthumously out of instinct.
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peterrsthomas · 5 months
The Handmaid’s Tale in the Age of Trump’s Republic
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian novel set in a near-future patriarchal world, following Offred, the titular handmaid (i.e., a woman whose role in society is solely to get pregnant). The Republic of Gilead in which Offred lives is rigid and highly religious, oppressive and authoritarian. Women go through a process of reeducation in training for their new roles, and memories of the time before the revolution that brought the Republic about are hazy. The novel was arresting enough when it was published in 1985, but it has taken on a new salience with the resurgence of the fanatical evangelical Right in America—the faction most devoted to the ironically areligious and immoral Trump.
A key theme of the book is the use of religion as a vessel for power. The Republic of Gilead isn’t based on any meaningful interpretation of religious scripture; rather, religion is a tool for exercising control. Similarly, with Trump’s evangelical base, it does not matter that Trump is a liar and an adulterer—and embodiment of many other sins besides. They see him as a hammer, a tool with which to exercise their will over the population. For as long as he serves their interests (see: social conservatism, anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+ rights, and more), they will follow him, regardless of his character. Leaders of evangelical groups will willingly overlook these flaws and contradictions if it means greater power for themselves and their ideologies.
The book highlights the dangers of the intersection of religion and politics, in particular where the former coopts the latter. When the separation of church and state is eroded, this is devastating for women, religious, sexual, and ethnic minorities, and anyone who doesn’t fit neatly with the ‘in-group’ (in this case, White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant). Civil liberties are eroded—in the book, people are murdered and pinned against a wall in medieval fashion for all to see.
Most striking is the wrestle for control over women’s bodies. In The Handmaid's Tale this takes the form of reproductive rights. Certain women are given the right to have children, though they will not become the children’s mothers—that role goes to someone else—at the expense of all other rights to self-determination. The scary thing is that this is not so far-fetched; today, religious conservatives are eroding hard-won rights, in particular reproductive rights and access to reproductive medical facilities, abortion rights, and adoption rights for LGBTQ+ couples.
Frighteningly, the novel is resonant not just in America, where it is set, but elsewhere in the world. Germany, France, Sweden and elsewhere are seeing an insurgent Right; the incumbent party in the UK is being split between its centre-right and more fanatical fringes. In other countries, such as India, the dominant party is explicitly religious and is shored up by its majority religion base. All this to say that democracy is fragile, and when people fall victim to economic misfortune or experience cultural shifts, the mechanisms of democracy can be weaponised by bad actors against minorities and vulnerable groups. The media can, and often does, play a part in this, too, especially when a few large corporations own multiple outlets. The organisations spread lies and misinformation, and stoke paranoia.
Like with all good dystopian novels, The Handmaid’s Tale is incredibly prescient; the prospect of such a future coming into fruition is alarmingly real. But the novel is not just a story about a horrifying future; it is a story of resistance. And the future it describes is a future we must be prepared to face head on and challenge at every opportunity.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Nepo baby Donald Trump is a draft dodger who got his rich daddy to pay a doctor in the 1960s to write a note saying that little Donny had a "bone spur" which made him ineligible for military service during the Vietnam War. His "bone spur" hasn't prevented him from spending hours on golf courses or haranguing followers in lengthy speeches while hopping around on a stage.
And he's a notorious adulterer, not to mention adjudicated sex offender, who considers marital fidelity an optional thing the way he views laws.
But Trump is hypocritically castigating Nikki Haley's husband Michael for serving his country in a way Trump never could conceive of.
Trump attacks Haley for absence of her husband, who is deployed
Trump is also famous for calling veterans and Americans killed in action "suckers" and "losers".
John Kelly confirms Trump privately disparaged U.S. service members and veterans Trump called fallen soldiers "suckers" and "losers" during his presidency, according to a 2020 report in The Atlantic.
During his term, Trump tried to camouflage his cowardly past by surrounding himself with generals (who ended up loathing him), decorating the Oval Office with military paraphernalia, and holding a half-baked military parade in Washington.
This is somebody who pals around with America's enemies like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin while disparaging our long time friends and allies.
Trump is unfit to be a crossing guard – let alone the commander-in-chief of the United States.
This incident is yet another reminder of what a despicable and disgusting individual Donald Trump is.
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liberalsarecool · 7 months
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Are you starting to imagine how many horrible white men are treated as 'better than' even though they are rapists, fraudsters, cheaters, and adulterers like Trump?
Are you staring to see how the white superiority myth is so entwined in our 'meritocracy'?
The misogyny. The racism. The white supremacy.
A big part of MAGA/GOP knows Trump will lose all his court cases and owe billions. The fear of losing the white bully racist strongman will just trigger all the 'Biden is the real criminal' coping exercises, and Trump is forgiven.
Trump is a liability. He was a private sector failure who thought he could go public life and survive. His six bankruptcies in the private sector were a warning. His three marriages. A warning. His Russian connections were a warning.
We had 30 years of warnings. MAGA is pretending they couldn't foresee these legal problems.
End result? Republicans will die. The new party is just thieves and conman auditioning for Putin.
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I agree with this post on Reddit: “
For context, my immediate family has a private blog we use for fun updates on our lives. Today’s SC ruling spurred me to action and I posted this- I thought others might find it helpful when talking to religious and/or conservative family members. My family is mostly believing Mormon and Republican/reluctant Trump voters. It gets more Project 2025 specific about halfway through.
I’ve hesitated to write this for a very long time. I didn’t want to inject politics into what is supposed to be fun updates about the family. I didn’t want to offend parents or siblings whom I love and care for deeply but who disagree with my positions or opinions, as is their right.
But I can’t be quiet anymore on this. My conscience won’t let me. When all is said and done, I want to be able to, at the end of my life, say I tried everything that was within my power to prevent the destruction of my country and its people. So here goes.
Please recognize this in the spirit it was written. I’m not trying to offend, hurt, or wound. But I do need to be clear, because the stakes are monumental. If I come across as undiplomatic or histrionic, I apologize for the tone but not the underlying message.
In Germany in the early thirties we had some distant relatives who were upset with the failings of the German government. The economy sucked, inflation was rampant, and armed leftist gangs roamed the streets. They didn’t like what the mustachioed man was saying, they thought he was over the top, but they also thought that he made some sense about the importance of Germany rising again, of being respected on the world stage and stopping the subversives in their own country who were hurting and holding the people back. They and others thought that there would be responsible people like Hindenburg and Von Papen who would rein in the worst of this guy’s tendencies, and direct the energy of him and his supporters to only the good stuff. What do we call these people, reluctant supporters of Adolf Hitler?
We call them Nazis.
We do not remember or care about their reservations. We aren’t interested in their feeble protests that this isn’t what they meant to happen, that the Socialists scared them or Germany was seen as a laughingstock. We don’t care that near the end of the war, as Hitler was throwing fourteen year olds in front of Soviet tank treads, some of them protested. They were Nazis. They were complicit. They voted for a Nazi.
No one outside of Hitler’s inner circle knew what he was going to unleash, at least not fully. The people who voted for him can rightly say they had no idea where this would lead, that they thought the system would stop the excesses of the Nazi movement. They didn’t have the benefit we do of history, to see what Hitler was from the very beginning. No one in their own story thinks they are the bad guy, no one thinks they are doing something evil. But they voted him into the chancellorship and it cost them everything, and plunged Europe into destruction and horror and holocaust, and then consigned half of it to Soviet tyranny.
You know where I am going with this. You might think I am being ridiculous or hysterical. But someone in 1932 screaming that a vote for Hitler was a vote for death camps, the gestapo, mass murder, and destruction on a level never before seen in human history would have been similarly dismissed. Except he wouldn’t have been hysterical or exaggerating. He would be correct in every respect.
I was told as a child decency in public life mattered. We should only elect moral people. Bill Clinton was pilloried and denounced by my friends and family for cheating on his wife and lying about it. He was unworthy of the office of the Presidency. Those same people then excused the behavior of a thrice married adulterer who was caught on tape admitting to and joking about sexual assault. They voted for a man who oppressed the hireling in his wages, paid for abortions and mocked disabled people and women.
If I may be blunt, many people I know surrendered their religious convictions on the altar of political power. The fact he was a Republican mattered more than the fact he was the exact opposite of what their Savior and Redeemer was. Power mattered more than Christianity.
I told friends and family in 2016 that Trump would try to stay in office even if he lost, that he would commit acts of illegality and criminality without regard to ethics, morals or the law. I was told I was being hysterical, that experts around him would prevent it.
Over the next four years that wicked man enriched himself by abusing his office. That wicked man broke the law to punish the nation of Ukraine by withholding congressionally ordered aid from being delivered unless they announced on live TV they were prosecuting Hunter Biden. He even admitted he did exactly that. That wicked man banned religious minorities from entering the country – something that happened to our ancestors. That wicked man separated families at the border and placed children – CHILDREN – in cages, and did so deliberately, admitting it was happening as a way to “discourage” future immigration. Some of those families were broken permanently – the children were never reunited with their parents. That wicked man repeatedly attempted to use deadly force on peaceful protestors. He gave security clearances to his son in law who was ineligible, a son in law who received massive kickbacks from the Saudi government. That wicked man supported the Saudis in a campaign of famine in Yemen that killed millions. This wicked man sicced military police against his own citizens so he could walk across the street and wave the Bible upside down and backwards as a bloody shirt. This wicked man so catastrophically mismanaged a pandemic that over a million Americans died, we stored corpses in freezers and states were left on their own to find ventilators. “Stop the testing” he thundered, and continued to hold rallies that killed his own supporters.
Finally, and unforgivably: This evil man lost a free and fair election, and attempted to remain in office. This wasn’t just hyperbole, he wasn’t just speaking. He was meeting with lunatics and loons in the Oval Office. Orders to declare martial law were drafted.
Do you know why our democracy survived? It wasn’t because Trump didn’t try or suddenly had a change of heart. Three people refused to follow his unlawful orders to seize voting machines, deploy the military to shoot protestors, and overturn the certification in Congress. Three people. One at the Department of Justice who threatened to resign, one in the Defense Department who organized a shadow military government to prevent Trump’s orders from going through, and the Vice President of the United States.
We were three spines away from losing our constitutional system, a system friends and family claim is divinely inspired and worth fighting for.
When those three refused, Trump sicced a mob on the Capitol, where raving bands of terrorists came within feet of a Vice President and Speaker they were trying to kill. The man tried to get his own Vice President killed.
This isn’t hyperbole. We all saw it on live TV. I’m not making this up. These facts were discovered by a bipartisan congressional investigation and by a prosecutor in the DOJ after the fact.
I’m not even touching the classified documents case, the fact that 44 members of his Cabinet have stated he is unfit for future office, “very fine people” in a crowd full of Nazis, or illegal payments to a porn star here.
So what about now? What about this election? We survived one term, we can survive another, right?
In his first term there were people around him who prevented catastrophe. There were “regular” Republicans like Pence, Nikki Haley, and Generals Milley and Kelly who managed to hold off the flying monkeys. Not completely, as I pointed out, but the system held; just barely.
There are no adults in Trump’s campaign. There are no “regular” Republicans anymore, because Trump will not stomach someone telling him “no” this time. He is surrounded by sycophants and true believers, many of them convicted criminals.
Trump is going to implement something called Project 2025. It was dreamed up by think tanks and was endorsed by his campaign and Trump personally. Among other things, it will, on January 20, 2025, involve the mass firings of federal bureaucrats who have ALREADY BEEN IDENTIFIED by the campaign as people that will resist illegal orders. They have ALREADY selected replacements who will rubber stamp whatever Trump says. Independent organizations will lose their independence, including the FTC, FCC, SEC and others. Trump has stated repeatedly he will revoke the licenses for “liberal” outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and others. Under this plan he can do it and the underlings will not resist.
It also involves the FDA immediately banning all forms of birth control. Pregnancy will be carried to term even if the mother dies. It’s already happening in red states like Idaho!
Public expressions of gay or trans behavior will be reclassified as pornographic – and pornography will be outlawed. THIS IS NOT A HYPOTHETICAL DISCUSSION FOR ME. THERE IS A TARGET ON MY BACK.
Detention camps will be set up and mass roundups of anyone suspected of being illegal will occur – without due process. Forgive me, but imagine that [half hispanic relative] is picking up her kids from school and ICE does a raid. She “looks” Hispanic, as do her kids. Into the van she goes, and she is unable to prove her citizenship because THERE IS NO DUE PROCESS.
If liberal states resist, the Insurrection Act will be invoked and the National Guard will be federalized. American soldiers, reporting to Generals handpicked by Trump for loyalty to him, not to the law, will be allowed to roam free in liberal cities, opening fire on “seditious” protesters and replacing local police departments.
I am not making this up. This isn’t some wild-eyed fantasy by a liberal who watches too much CNN. They are saying they will do this out in the open. It’s on Trump’s website, he has talked about it, it’s in the social media posts of his campaign and his staffers, it’s being refined and added on by his think tanks. There are dozens of more points I haven’t even touched about Project 2025.
Who will stop him? The courts? They quite literally this morning said he couldn’t be prosecuted for official acts – one of the official acts cited by the Chief Justice was meeting with the DOJ and ordering them to carry out illegal orders. If Trump says it’s an official act, he can’t be held accountable for it.
Congress? The Senate failed to convict him two weeks after he tried to have them murdered.
The people? He lost the popular vote in 2016 and still won.
Prosecutors? They just got their cases gutted by a 6-3 Supreme Court.
Please, listen to me. I am your son, your brother. I am not a wild eyed loon shouting about fluoride in the water or contrails in the sky. I am telling you plainly (and perhaps rudely) that my existence and the existence of other people you love is at stake here. You have family members who are discussing plans with each other for self defense, for ways to protect themselves from the horror that may descend this winter. You have family members discussing the possibility of fleeing the country.
Do you want your granddaughters, your nieces, to grow up in a world where they cannot divorce abusive husbands (another part of Project 2025 is the elimination of no fault divorce), they cannot use birth control and must carry even non-viable pregnancies to term? Where their role is to serve as breeding stock for the next generation of taxpayers? Do you want a world where your son, your brother, is arrested for flying a pride flag or because he has a boyfriend? (I’m not asking you to approve of my life choices; just asking you to respect my right to make it).
If I may be even more blunt: What the hell has Biden done or Clinton would have done that compares to this? You paid a little more in gas, so the constitution must be terminated? You disagree with some of the protections given to sexual minorities, so they need to be herded into camps? What has Biden done that even compares to what the Trump campaign is promising to do? Are our lives really so bad, are we really so oppressed by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, that we will vote for literal fascists?
You cannot count on decent people to surround this monster and prevent his excesses. They tried it in Germany, and fifty five million people died. We tried it in 2016, and over a million people died from Covid and we came within moments of losing our democracy.
Please. I’m not asking for you to register as a Democrat and support gay marriage or abortion. But do not vote for this monster. For some people in the family it is not a hypothetical exercise. It’s our lives.”
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*sigh* I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. Because this is some Reddit shit.
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First of all. Boebert shouldn't have done what she did. But she's a modern women raised on 40 years of feminist ideals. Conservative or not she probably got caught up in a dark environment being stupid. Should she have done it? No.
The adulterer MTG? Pretty sure I have not heard of this but even still people aren't perfect. And same logic from above applies. It's wrong and she should not have done it. (Assuming it's actually true)
People taping pads to their head. Ok I have zero idea what this means. Legitimately.
Trump's own admission of his treatment of women. Ok so this one is a Catch 22 and that's on purpose. Trump is, and had always been a NY Democrat. He's also a shrewd business man. However he's also been very kind to a lot of women he's been around. Fact is the Dems want to make out like Trump is a Far Right Republican when Trump has always socially been a Democrat. It's just that the Dems went AWOL and ran as far left as possible. In comparison to that everything looks far right. So if the idea here is about "morals on the right" Trump isn't the win you think he might be.
Gaetz isn't a pedophile. Like with Kavenah there were allegations against him. Allegations are not proof. And you saying it as if it's fact could be tried in court for defamation. Especially if he was as petty as you.
"30k verifiable lies" ok this one was just funny to me. Because over the last 8 years 98% of MSM who are helped to be funded by Dems and also who individually donate to Dems and Act Blue have had more retractions and corrections than any other 8 year period in history because they've lied non stop. They lied about the pee tape. They lied about Russia. They lied about the border. They've lied about "the very fine people" bullshit. They've omitted so much bullshit which is known as "lies by omission". Which is intentional.
Long story short you're an idiot. Brainwashed like a good little Communist. Meanwhile you claim the right has no morals. And the worst thing on this list is an allegation. Meanwhile this is your "proud principled and moral left". Nudity in front of kids and sex acts in front of kids. Except the difference? I have proof. And this behavior is rampant across the left. Which disgusts me because I LEAN LEFT. But as I've told others before. When people on the left make claims against principle or morality when it comes to conservatives or the right, it's not because they care about those things. It's because they don't, and they are using them as a weapon against the Right and Middle. Because when you have no morals, use said morals against those you wish to remove from power. Which 100% is your goal.
So kindly? Stop drinking the fucking Kool aid.
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Kyle Mantyla at RWW:
Last night, MAGA cultist pastor Shane Vaughn used his broadcast to ask his audience to collectively pray that God will embolden just one juror to refuse to convict former President Donald Trump, who has been charged by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg with falsifying business records in order to hide hush money payments made to cover up adulterous affairs that he feared might hurt his 2016 presidential campaign. Vaughn, who has openly declared that he does not care about Trump’s alleged infidelity and law breaking, said last night that he has been “led by the spirit” to begin a prayer campaign for Trump in this case.
After falsely claiming that even if Trump is found guilty, he can just pardon himself when he is reelected president (presidents cannot issue pardons for state crimes), Vaughn urged his viewers to join him in praying that “the will of God” will be done on Earth by having one juror “mess up the whole thing.” [...] It should be noted that a not guilty verdict and a mistrial are not the same thing, as Vaughn seems to believe. Whereas a not guilty verdict must be unanimous and results in all charges being dismissed, a mistrial occurs when the jury cannot agree on a verdict, thereby leaving it up to the prosecutor to decide whether to try the case again. Therefore, should just one juror “mess up the whole thing,” as Vaughn is praying, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Trump will be off the hook for these charges.
MAGA cultist "pastor" Shane Vaughn (aka Professor Toto) is praying for one juror to derail a bid to convict Donald Trump in the business record falsification trial by either forcing a mistrial (in which a jury cannot agree on a verdict, and a retrial could be possible) or a not guilty verdict (dismissal of charges). #TrumpTrial
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longwindedbore · 2 months
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11..start a discussion on whether that the first commandment says NOTHING about there being only one god. Just says don’t worship any other gods BFORE worshipping Yahweh.
12. Have a picture of various religious graven images Include JC on the cross from a local Church website and the golden statue of Trump the cult had wherever. Compare with mosaics etc in Jewish and Muslim temples. Discussion of which religions follow the Second Commandment.
13. Find news articles about religious married male leaders caught in adulterous affairs. Extend lesson to including cheating through sexual assault on minors.
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