admiralsmallhat · 3 years
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Sometimes Facebook really gets its recommendations wrong.
If you strip a room of all the things that bring a child joy because they talk back to you... that’s abuse... then to brag about it online to anyone who will listen. 
@adultprivilege I couldn’t make it submit to you, but I was thinking of your amazing blog when I found this shit.
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How did you follow @adultprivilege?!! My mutuals keep finding the blog that I mod for
It... reblogged something of mine? So i checked it out? And liked it? So i followed it???
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dragon-in-a-fez · 7 years
Are there any youth rights/anti-ageism blogs you follow or think are good? Just wanna follow as many as I can ;p
I’m assuming you already follow @adultprivilege? they’re not hugely active but they post good stuff. the National Youth Rights Association has a tumblr at @isupportyouthrights. I’m also gonna plug @nuclearfamilydisarmament, they have a different kind of focus but I’ve really enjoyed a lot of the stuff they post about the relationship between toxic “family values” and capitalism. and @advicefromsurvivors, who mostly focus specifically on domestic abuse but definitely have a solid understanding of how social norms and oppressive parenting enable that.
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luna-cry · 7 years
katarh-mest replied to your post “devilinhighheels: someoneintheshadow446: adultprivilege: There’s...”
The "Hillary Clinton" thing you quote was one of her very first trials as a lawyer - it was pro bono for the rapist, and she begged to be taken off the case, but she was forced to do it. Our Constitution requires that everyone have a lawyer. So she did it to the best of her abilities, and got it declared a mistrial because the evidience was so sloppily gathered. After that incident, she helped set of Arkansas first rape crisis hotline because she felt so awful.
It’s not the representation itself, but the treatment of the victim. It’s effective use of legal privilege to defame a victim in court and harass them. It’s a breach of a lawyer’s duty to the court and their ethical responsibilities to even raise something so so ridiculous when statutory rape laws exist to prevent bullshit arguments like “Oh she was leading him on” from being used with children, especially when it should have been objected to and removed from the jury’s consideration. It’s irrelevant, it shouldn’t even be raised.
While he did have a right to representation, her behaviour was abysmal as far as ethical behaviour is concerned. You can prepare and run a case without doing that to the other people involved. If that happened in Australia the jury would have been sent out and the judge would have crucified her. Also, solicitors aren’t obligated to act beyond their expertise and if she didn’t want to defend a rapist then she always could have chosen civil law as her area. The woman isn’t innocent and her behaviour from a legal perspective is still repugnant precisely because she doesn’t follow any ethical rules or court duties and then complained about it.
As someone who’s assisted with preparing defences for abusers and everything in between, there’s ways to represent clients and if you disagree with the client. You explicitly state “I’ve been instructed...” and then everyone knows you don’t agree with what you’ve been asked to do.
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Everyone agrees that #childabuse is wrong. The problem is that we don't see what we do as abusive. #cultureofviolence #adultism #adultprivilege #victimblaming #adrianpeterson
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spac3tr4sh · 11 years
Just found a blog called Adult Privilege and what is that shit?
It seems to me that its making a mockery of legit privileges and social structures such as straight/White/thin/etc privilege.
Most people have or will wake up one day and be an adult, nobody can just wake up and change sexuality, race, body weight (though I guess that can be argued), etc.
And literally, all of them are the same "Adult privilege is this adult not believing that I can feel pain emotionally or physically and make decisions for myself."
That is literally what every kid says.... UNTIL THEY TURN INTO AN ADULT.
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keyas1 · 12 years
That new blog adultprivilege  is the reason why I hate this generation. It's just full of hot behind girls and fast ass boy trying to grow up to fast and not understand why adult are adult and have these "privileges". Why can't kids in school go to the bathroom by themselves? Oh, maybe because the school is liable for their safety if something were to happen if they just got up and went somewhere the school and the teacher would be held responsible. That and "minors" aren't mature enough to see that not every time is the right time to just get up. And they are self aware enough to know that when you just get up you disturb everyone around you. How do I know "minors" aren't capable of this. BECAUSE SOME COLLEGE STUDENTS AREN'T CAPABLE OF THIS! 
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adultprivilege · 7 years
Hey, I’m lunarcanine and free from 4pm-12pm MST. Just go to my blog @lunarcanine and submit an ask (:
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