#adv campaign
miumiu-mew · 6 months
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Meow Meow
Cats in Miu Miu fragrances ads.
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Yooo Strixhaven is fucking Op
Silvery Barbs, yes OP whatever we know...
You can vertically lift a person and so I did 9D6 damage to two enemies (cause I twined it)
But my DM is wild, he let me take silvery barbs
Uuuuh, yah
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simonepaccini · 8 months
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bu-blegh-ost · 1 year
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The time has finally come, @girlsonlytreehouse !!!
Today I shall share with you the fruits of my work. But first, allow me to take you on a journey I myself have been through while counting all of this shit down.
First things first, I decided to count the rolls in the context of the characters rather than the people playing them, simply because the luck of the actual people could not be measured accurately if I only take Riptide into consideration (and also I thought it would be more fun). The guys have several different campaigns, some that I do not have access to, so I've decided to seperate all their Riptide rolls into characters they play instead, cause then we can clearly see which character is the luckiest. But ofc if you want this to be attributed differently, the data remains unchanged, so that way you all can interpret the results however you wanted and still have all the info you need on hand.
Another issue were the advantage/disadvantage rolls. When a character rolls at advantage, they roll twice and the only roll that counts is the one that was higher, while the other is discarded and the opposite goes for disadvantage. So for example if you roll at Disadvantage and you roll a nat 20 and a 2, that nat 20 technically doesn't matter. Despite that I decided to count each adv/disadv roll anyway, because despite the fact that it does not count, it was still physically ROLLED, which means it contributes to the character's overall pool of luck. I tried to separate them at first so you guys can make your own decision whether to add them or not, but in the end I decided against it cause it was insanely hard to keep up with. There were just too many and too often, which led me to believe that it was fair enough to count everything as long as they actually rolled a dice.
Which brings me to the last complication, which is of course Gillion's Prophetic Screwup. At the beginning of the campaign Gillion was able to exchange anything that he actually rolled into a nat 20, and in return the DM can change any roll he does afterwards into a nat 1. That way there was supposed to be an equal number of wild unrolled nat 20's and nat 1's to balance Gillion out back to 0, but it didn't turn out this way. In more cases than not, Grizzly would either forget or fail to find a good place to screw Gillion over, so the ability bacame much too unbalanced. So they changed it somwhere in the middle of Edison Kingdom Arc. From then on, if Gill rolled anything from 1-10 it would automatically become a nat 1, and if he rolled from 11-20, that'd be a nat 20 instead. Either way these rolls had nothing to do with luck, as he wasn't actually rolling anything, thus I decided not to count these 'artificial' nat 20's/1's. However I did keep track of them nonetheless and I'll still give you the number of those, just separately, and from then on you guys can make your own decision on whether or not you wish to count it.
Without further ado, here are the nat 20's results (up to ep106):
Gillion: 52
Chip: 58
Jay: 55
Goobleck: 8
Surprised? Yeah I was as well. First things first I never expected this to be this close. And never in my right mind could I possibly predict that it would he CHIP of all people to have the highest score here. But I've seen it with my own eyes. And tell you what. Jay had this in the bag for most of the damn series. She would consistently roll good and always when you need a good roll the most. There were times when she would have such a massive lead it was unthinkable she could loose it. But then she would just kinda...stop rolling good for a bit and allow the other two to catch up. It just wasn't as visble if you don't pay much attention, but I thought it to be cute. It's as she was waiting for them <3 But she was still mostly leading. It was only the current arc that made Chip surpass her. After his terrible luck in Feywilde, he bounced back so strongly right after, that he managed to jump in front of the luck queen herself.
And now I bet you're curious about the other side of the coin. Give it up for natural 1's!:
Gillion: 55
Chip: 53
Jay: 52
Goobleck: 1
You see, I kind of expected it to be Gill, but I need you guys to know that this wasn't the case at all times. Jay? Yes. If there is one thing that's consistent is that she had the lowest amount of natural 1s at all times almost, but the person that was suffering from nat 1 curse for a long while was Chip. In the Feywilde Arc he would be so far ahead of everyone, that I was genuinely sure that there is no way anyone catches up to him. But then he popped off in the next arc with nat 20's and Gillion? Oh my gosh, Gillion didn't disappoint. I've never seen a man fail this much let me tell you XD He ended up with the least nat 20's as well, but I thought the difference would be much higher until he didn't roll 4 fucking nat 20s in ep 100 and then this double nat 20 attack roll in the Black Sea whduihdius AND HE CAUGHT UP AS WELL, more or less.
Idunno, maybe this is just how luck works, but it truly seems that the trio shares their successes and burdens almost equally. They support each other and in return fate has their backs as well. Honestly I couldn't have hoped for better results. Also can we give shout out to Goobleck, the true MVP? He's been on the show only for a while but look at this nat1 - nat20 ratio!!! Go goop man goo!!!
So now for the additional stuff that I also counted just for fun:
*Prophethic screwup nats:
Before the rules changed Gillion replaced 8 of his rolls into natural 20s, and in return Grizzly replaced 3 of his rolls into natural 1s.
After the rules changed he only got high enough number for 4 nat 20s, and a low enough number for 7 nat 1s.
So that together makes additional 12 nat 20s and 10 nat 1s from the prophetic screwup alone. I don't think they should be added, but the numbers are there so feel free to do whatever you want with them :)
Downs and death saves:
Throughout the campaign Gillion went down 14 times and rolled 8 death saves.
Chip went down 6 times and rolled 4 death saves.
Jay went down 4 times and rolled 3 death saves.
No shocker here, Gillion dies a lot XD
In their journey Gillion knighted 4 people: Julien Booker, Clorton, Garrieth and Duke.
Corruption score:
Thus far each character has the following amount of corruption points (Black Sea):
Gillion: 0
Chip: 2
Jay: 3
Queen: 1
Gryffon: 2 (i think, unsure abt that one, may edit later XD)
Earl: 1
That is all I have for now. I may be clinically insane :)
Good day to everyone and I hope you found this data interesting. Take care <3
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fostersffff · 17 days
It's sad to think about how many anime distribution companies went out of business in the mid-00's as a result of that particular bubble bursting, but sometimes you see things that are like... there really was no other way it could end.
Is it cool that ADV dubbed all 105 episodes of the original Gachaman the movie from 1978, and the 1994 OVA, uncut? Without a doubt! But even as a casual observer I can say without any hesitation: awful horrible bad bad bad business move.
When Nozomi Entertainment (RIP) did their crowdfunding campaigns to dub Aria the Animation, they provided a breakdown that the initial goal of $110k would fund the dub of the first season of 13 episodes, which includes the dub, physical production of discs, and overhead. If we do some shoddy math using those numbers, it probably cost ADV close to a million dollars to produce the dub for Gachaman. And that's without any kind of crowdfunding campaign! They just made a bet that DVD volume sales of a (then) 30 year old anime would be worth it, and while I don't have access to sales numbers, ADV did ultimately go out of business.
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symbiote-templates · 3 months
first npt pack yippee.. damn we haven't posted on here for a while. made for myself. minor spoilers for Rivulet's campaign but it won't mean anything unless you've played RW before
Rain World - Rivulet NPTs! [pt: Rain World - Rivulet NPTs! End pt.]
General Names: Wave, Tide, Stream, Skip/Skipper, Aqua, Azure, Cerulean, Coral, Sky/Skye, Bubble, Splash, Wanderlust, Kelp, Frill, Streamlet*, Dart, River, Tributary*, Bourn*, Blue, Rain/Reyn, Axolotl, Precipitation, Paralian, Chase, Curiosity, Runaway
Campaign-Related Names (to varying degrees): Aerie, Snow/Snowfall/Snowdrift, Celadon**, Karma, Ploink***, Flashflood/Flood, Jel/Jelly/Jellyfish, Mira, Heart, Precipice, Decay, Construct, Pearl, Echo, Bubbleweed, Haze
Pronouns: bubble/bubbles, rot/rots, paw/paws, adv/adventure, sub/submerged, cell/cells, fy/fish, blue/blues, snow/snows, ex/explore, shel/shelter, sea/seas, spla/splash, aqua/aquas, light/lights, voi/void, cy/cycle, wan/wander/wanderer, flash/flood, bitter/bitters, shelter/failure, struct/ture/structure
Titles: The Wandering Slugcat/Creature, The Paralian, [name/prn] The Restless, [name/prn]/Creature of the Water/Sea, The Aquatic Escapist, Friend of the Sea/Moon
* various synonyms/types of river
** the (unofficial) name of the pearl they start with
*** a type of movement tech they can do, more of a silly name
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ikram1909 · 9 months
Reports saying that Nike wanted to include Gavi in their collab/adv with Endrick and Vinicius but his agent rejected it lol
Can you imagine Gavi and Vinicius on the same campaign lmaooo chances are they'll be besties by the hour but it'd still be funny 😭 I love how his agent thinks of his comfort first instead of money. Anyone else would be running to get contracts for him knowing how marketable Gavi is but he doesn't. Reports are saying he's been very supportive since the injury too I love that man 💕
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gerrydefault · 5 months
ok so basically stefanos had a “campaign” for clay magazine about women mistreatment and now everybody is amused with him? umh
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seems everybody has short memory I am afraid
clearly to claim “feminism is somewhat bad for equality” it’s not the same of psychical abuse however they could have chose someone better that mr tsitsipas for such an adv
btw we all knew zverev is a fucking loser
✨also we all acting as if zverev it’s the only problematic one even though I don’t forget the kyrios allegations and probably so many more we don’t know about.✨
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ngdrb · 3 months
The Role of Youth in Politics: Shaping the Future 
Youth involvement in politics has become increasingly prominent and essential in shaping the future of societies worldwide. As the new generation brings fresh perspectives, energy, and innovative ideas, their participation in the political arena is pivotal to the evolution of democratic governance and social progress.
A New Wave of Engagement
The dynamic nature of young individuals often translates into a genuine desire for change. This demographic is typically more attuned to contemporary issues such as climate change, technological advancements, and social justice. Their engagement in politics ensures these critical issues receive the attention they deserve. For instance, the global climate movement, spearheaded by young activists like Greta Thunberg, has significantly influenced environmental policies and raised awareness about the urgency of addressing climate change.
Bridging the Generational Gap
Youth participation in politics also helps bridge the generational gap that often exists within political systems. Older generations may possess experience and a historical perspective, but they may also be more resistant to change. Young politicians and activists introduce new approaches and question established norms, fostering a more inclusive and forward-thinking political environment. This interaction between generations can lead to more comprehensive and balanced policy-making, benefiting society as a whole.
Digital Natives Driving Change
The youth, being digital natives, utilize technology and social media platforms to mobilize support, spread awareness, and organize movements. This digital proficiency allows them to reach a broader audience quickly and efficiently. Campaigns that resonate on social media can rapidly gain traction, as seen in various social and political movements across the globe. This tech-savvy approach not only amplifies their voices but also democratizes the political process, making it more accessible to those who might have been previously marginalized.
Overcoming barriers
Despite the enthusiasm and potential of young people, they often face significant barriers to political participation. These obstacles include lack of experience, limited access to political networks, and sometimes societal norms that undervalue their contributions. However, youth are increasingly overcoming these challenges through education, mentorship programs, and the youth wings of political parties. These avenues provide young individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and opportunities to make meaningful contributions to politics.
Policy Impact
The impact of youth in politics is evident in various policy changes and innovations. For example, young lawmakers have been at the forefront of advocating for progressive policies on issues such as renewable energy, LGBTQ+ rights, and education reform. Their ability to think outside traditional paradigms often results in creative solutions to persistent problems. Additionally, youth-led initiatives frequently prioritize sustainability and long-term benefits, ensuring that policies are not only effective in the present but also beneficial for future generations.
1. Civic Engagement: The Power of Youth Voices
1.1. Voter Turnout and Political Participation
Young voters, particularly those from the millennial generation and Gen Z, have the potential to significantly impact elections. Their collective voice can sway electoral outcomes, influence policy decisions, and shape the future of the nation. However, historically, youth voter turnout has been lower than that of older age groups. Encouraging active participation through voter registration drives, educational campaigns, and accessible polling locations is essential.
1.2. Grassroots Activism and Social Movements
Youth-led social movements have catalyzed change throughout history. From the civil rights movement to climate activism, young people have been at the forefront of advocating for justice, equality, and human rights. Their passion, energy, and commitment drive movements that challenge the status quo and demand systemic reforms.
2. Policy Influence: Advocacy and representation
2.1. Advocacy Organizations and Youth-Led Initiatives
Numerous advocacy organizations focus on youth issues, amplifying their voices on topics such as education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. These organizations provide platforms for young activists to collaborate, share ideas, and advocate for policies that directly impact their lives. Examples include the Sunrise Movement, March for Our Lives, and the Youth Climate Strike.
2.2. Youth Representation in Elected Offices
While progress has been made, there remains a gap in youth representation in elected offices. Encouraging young people to run for local, state, and federal positions is vital. When youth leaders hold office, they bring fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and a commitment to addressing generational challenges.
3. Evolving Democracy: Technology and Civic Education
3.1. Digital Citizenship and Online Activism
The digital age has transformed political engagement. Social media platforms allow young people to connect, organize, and mobilize like never before. Hashtags, viral campaigns, and online petitions enable youth to raise awareness, build coalitions, and advocate for change. However, digital literacy and critical thinking skills are essential to navigating the complexities of online discourse.
3.2. Civic Education and Schools
Strengthening civic education in schools is crucial. Educators play a pivotal role in fostering informed citizens who understand their rights, responsibilities, and the democratic process. Teaching civics, media literacy, and the importance of civil discourse equip young people to actively participate in shaping their communities and the nation.
4. Challenges and the Way Forward
4.1. Overcoming Apathy and Disillusionment
Challenges persist. Some young people feel disillusioned by political polarization, corruption, and systemic barriers. Addressing these concerns requires fostering hope, emphasizing the impact of collective action, and highlighting success stories of youth-driven change.
4.2. Intersectionality and Inclusivity
Recognizing the diversity within the youth demographic is essential. Intersectionality—considering race, gender, socioeconomic status, and other factors—ensures that policies and advocacy efforts are inclusive and equitable.
Conclusion: Youth as Architects of Tomorrow
The role of youth in US politics extends beyond voting booths and rallies. It encompasses resilience, creativity, and a commitment to building a more just and sustainable society. As we look ahead, let us celebrate the vibrancy of youth engagement and empower young leaders to shape a brighter future for all.
The involvement of youth in politics is crucial for the continuous growth and adaptation of political systems. As they bring new ideas, challenge the status quo, and utilize modern tools to advocate for change, their participation ensures a more vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic political landscape. Encouraging and supporting youth involvement in politics is not only beneficial for addressing current issues but is also crucial for building a resilient and progressive future.
The active participation of young people in shaping the political landscape of the United States is both crucial and transformative. As we delve into the multifaceted role of youth in US politics, we encounter a dynamic interplay of ideals, challenges, and opportunities. Let us explore this topic through the lens of civic engagement, policy influence, and the evolving landscape of American democracy.
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dhaaruni · 1 year
Whenever women bend over backwards to pretend that Chris Evans isn't hot, I eye roll so hard like really? You guys don't find the literal Captain America who adopted a rescue dog and campaigns for Democrats attractive? Couldn't be me.
Anyways, this 2011 profile of Chris Evans (where he has a sleepover with the journalist) is easily one of the best pieces of journalism I've ever read, and congrats to him and his new wife on their marriage, may it be joyous and prosperous.
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miumiu-mew · 6 months
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‘I’ve always been interested in eyes because I’m interested in the inner person.’ Margaret Keane "Little Ones" 1962 - "The Wildcat" 1964 - "The Bored Guest" 1963 - "Little Nick" 1992 - "The Orange Door" - "The Stray". "Keane’s own indomitable character, her freedom and her story are innately kindred to the unmistakable attitude of Miu Miu, encapsulated here in Gigi’s gestures, moods and emotions."
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msclaritea · 7 months
Stonewall funded Church of England guide that said primary schoolchildren can be trans
Former Stonewall employees Sidonie Bertrand-Shelton (left) and Dominic Arnall were thanked in Valuing All God's Children
Stonewall funded Church of England guidance that said primary schoolchildren can be transgender
Controversial LGBT charity gave a grant for two editions of the Valuing All God’s Children report, which remains in use nationwide
Tim Sigsworth
26 February 2024 • 8:37pm
Church of England guidance telling primary schools that children as young as five can be transgender was funded by Stonewall, it has emerged.
The controversial LGBT charity gave the Church a grant to fund two editions of the Valuing All God’s Children report, including the 2019 version that remains in use nationwide.
It comes after Christian parents urged the Archbishop of Canterbury to axe the guidance, which says primary school-aged children can change their gender identity and advises schools on how to create “inclusive” environments for trans pupils.
The Rt Rev Paul Butler, the Bishop of Durham, told the General Synod, the Church’s legislative body, last year that Stonewall was not involved in writing the report.
Gender-critical campaigners have called for the guidance to be scrapped, and said the revelation that it had been funded by Stonewall should be a “wake-up call” for the Church.
Last month, The Telegraph revealed that a Church of England primary school had allowed a four-year-old boy to join as a girl and then hid the child’s sex from other pupils, who were later described by parents as traumatised.
Valuing All God’s Children tells the 4,630 Church of England schools across the country that primary schoolers should be “at liberty to explore the possibilities of who they might be without judgment or derision”.
‘Significant grant’
The Rt Rev Jonathan Frost, the Bishop of Portsmouth, has now admitted in a written response to a question submitted to Synod that Stonewall funded the report’s second and current third editions, published in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
Gender-critical campaigners have criticised Stonewall for the training it offers organisations, which encourages them to tell employees to always state their pronouns and use gender-neutral language.
The Bishop of Portsmouth said the funding, the value of which neither the Church nor Stonewall has disclosed, was given by Stonewall after the Department of Education gave the charity a “significant grant” for “work in this area”.
“They recognised the quality of our work in Valuing All God’s Children, so were keen that we should be enabled to develop it to include the prevention of transphobic bullying through an updated version,” he said.
“Stonewall were not involved in the writing of our document but simply passed on a grant to enable us to do so, and to help with the distribution costs.”
Two Stonewall executives are thanked in the 2017 and 2019 editions: Dominic Arnall, who was head of projects from 2015 and 2018; and Sidonie Bertrand-Shelton, head of education programmes from 2016 to 2022.
Valuing All God’s Children is currently being updated after the Department for Education (DfE) published a consultation in December on new guidance for schools on how to respond to gender-questioning pupils.
‘Transgender ideology’
That DfE guidance does not use the word transgender, says children cannot change their legal sex and advises schools to only use sex-based pronouns.
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern and a former lay member of Synod, said that the Church’s current guidance “pushes transgender ideology”.
“It is time for it to be scrapped and for the Church of England to shape its guidance on the Bible,” she added.
“It needs to ensure that the next version is completely free from the influence of Stonewall and its allies.”
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at Sex Matters, said: “This is further evidence of Stonewall’s influence behind the scenes, and how it has embedded policies that run counter to equalities law and safeguarding, and harm girls and gay teenagers in particular.
“The Church of England probably entered into this arrangement in good faith. But it should come as a wake-up call for the Church – and all other school leaders – to put safeguarding first and refuse to take money from or work with any organisation that does not.”
Christian parents last month wrote to Justin Welby asking him to scrap Valuing All God’s Children.
‘Political agendas in schools’
Among its signatories were Nigel and Sally Rowe, who claimed in 2017 that a Church of England primary school had said their six-year-old son would be deemed transphobic if he did not recognise another boy as a girl.
Miriam Cates, the Tory MP for Penistone and Stockbridge, said: “Activist groups should not be enabled by any education providers to push their political agendas in schools.
“Taking money in return for allowing Stonewall to essentially dictate the Church of England’s policy is a complete failure by those in authority.
“This guidance should be withdrawn as a matter of urgency and replaced with new rules that put the safeguarding of children first.”
The Church of England and Stonewall were approached for comment.
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omar-jaimes · 1 year
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ADV Campaign For Emanuele Bicocchi
Model: Kit Price
Photography/art direction: Omar Jaimes
Light/digit assistant: Riccardo Ruffolo
Stylist: Floriana Serani
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marketingprofitmedia · 11 months
CPA Marketing Made Easy: How to Generate Passive Income From the Comfort of Your Home
In a world where flexibility and financial independence are more coveted than ever, CPA marketing stands as a beacon of opportunity. Imagine creating a steady stream of income, all from the comfort of your own home. Whether you dream of quitting your 9-to-5 job, desire extra cash for that dream vacation, or seek a pathway to financial freedom, CPA marketing is your ticket to making these dreams a reality.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide to CPA marketing, where we unravel the complexities and intricacies of this lucrative industry. We’ll show you how to get started, select the right niche, generate traffic, and create high-converting campaigns. Join us on this journey as we unveil the secrets to turning your computer into a money-making machine.
What is CPA Marketing?
CPA, which stands for Cost Per Action, is a digital marketing model where advertisers pay you (the publisher) when a specific action is taken by a user referred by your marketing efforts. This action can be anything from filling out a form, signing up for a newsletter, to making a purchase. Unlike traditional advertising, where you get paid per click or per impression, CPA marketing focuses on results.
How Does CPA Marketing Work?
Imagine you have a blog or a social media following. You partner with companies that have products or services to promote. These companies give you unique tracking links. Your job is to promote these products or services through various channels, such as your blog, social media, email marketing, or even paid advertising. When a visitor you’ve referred takes a specific action (as defined by the CPA offer), you earn a commission.
Why Choose CPA Marketing?
CPA marketing offers several advantages. First, you don’t need to make a sale to earn money. Second, you have the flexibility to choose from a wide variety of offers, so you can promote products and services that align with your audience’s interests. Moreover, you can work from home or anywhere with an internet connection. It’s a fantastic way to generate passive income.
1. Getting Started with CPA Marketing
Understanding CPA Networks
CPA networks serve as the backbone of the affiliate marketing world, facilitating seamless collaboration between advertisers and affiliates. These platforms offer a treasure trove of diverse offers, each with its unique set of requirements and commissions. By delving into the nuances of CPA networks, you’ll gain access to a wealth of opportunities to jumpstart your journey towards passive income.
Selecting a Profitable Niche
Choosing the right niche is the cornerstone of your CPA marketing success. It’s not just about passion but also about profit potential. Discover how to pinpoint niches that align with your interests and offer ample opportunities for generating income. Your niche selection is your first step towards financial freedom.
Setting Up Your Online Presence
Your online presence is your virtual storefront in the world of CPA marketing. In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a professional website, establishing influential social media profiles, and ensuring legal compliance. Your digital presence is the bedrock upon which you’ll build your successful CPA marketing career.
2. The Art of Traffic Generation
Organic Traffic: SEO and Content Marketing
Harness the power of organic traffic by mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content marketing. Discover the art of crafting high-quality, SEO-optimized content that attracts and engages your target audience. In this section, you’ll learn how to elevate your online presence and drive traffic that converts without breaking the bank.
Paid Traffic: PPC and Social Media Advertising
Paid traffic is a key driver of CPA marketing success. Learn how Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and social media advertising can amplify your reach and conversions. This section will equip you with strategies to create compelling ad campaigns that maximize your return on investment.
The Role of Email Marketing
Email marketing remains a potent tool in CPA marketing. Discover how to build and nurture an engaged email list, craft compelling emails that resonate with your audience, and drive them towards action. Strike the right balance between promotion and providing value to your subscribers, making email marketing a cornerstone of your success.
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3. Creating Killer CPA Campaigns
Crafting High-Converting Landing Pages
Your landing pages are your CPA marketing gateway. This section unravels the art of creating landing pages that are not only visually appealing but also designed to convert visitors into active participants. Learn how to structure your pages for optimal performance, and captivate your audience, ensuring your CPA campaigns reach their full potential.
Developing Engaging Ad Creatives
Explore the art of creating ad creatives that grab attention and generate clicks. We’ll discuss the use of images, copywriting techniques, and AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) principles.
A/B Testing and Optimization
Successful CPA marketing requires continuous improvement. Learn how to conduct A/B tests to identify what works best for your audience and optimize your campaigns accordingly.
Compliance and Quality Assurance
Staying compliant with the rules and regulations of CPA networks is vital. We’ll provide a checklist to ensure your campaigns meet all necessary requirements, minimizing the risk of being penalized or banned.
4. Monitoring and Scaling Your Success
Analytics and Key Performance Indicators
Data is your best friend in CPA marketing. We’ll introduce you to the key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be monitoring and share tools to help you keep a close eye on your campaign performance.
Scaling Profitable Campaigns
Once you have a winning campaign, it’s time to scale. We’ll discuss strategies for increasing your ad spend, expanding your reach, and optimizing for higher profits.
Risk Management in CPA Marketing
Every venture comes with risks. We’ll cover risk management strategies to ensure you’re prepared for potential setbacks, from sudden traffic drops to offer cancellations.
5. Tips and Tricks from the Pros
Staying Updated with Industry Trends
The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Discover how to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and opportunities in the CPA marketing world.
Building Strong Relationships with Affiliate Managers
A good relationship with your affiliate manager can open doors to exclusive offers and support. We’ll provide tips on how to establish and maintain these valuable connections.
Maintaining Work-Life Balance
Passive income is fantastic, but it shouldn’t consume your entire life. Learn how to strike a balance between your CPA marketing endeavors and personal life.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Mistakes are part of the journey, but some can be costly. We’ll share common pitfalls in CPA marketing and how to avoid them, ensuring a smoother path to success.
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6. Success Stories
Real-life success stories in the world of CPA marketing showcase the incredible potential of this industry. From individuals quitting their day jobs to digital entrepreneurs achieving remarkable financial milestones, these stories serve as inspiration. We’ll delve into a few of these remarkable accounts, providing valuable insights into the diverse ways CPA marketing can transform lives.
7. The Future of CPA Marketing
As the digital world changes, the future of CPA marketing is bright. This industry is primed for further expansion, thanks to evolving technology, altering consumer behaviours, and ever-increasing internet possibilities. Adapting to these changes, remaining current on industry trends, and using new marketing techniques will be critical. CPA marketing’s future offers a thrilling road towards long-term passive income and financial freedom.
As we conclude this enlightening journey into the realm of CPA marketing, you’re now equipped with the tools and knowledge to seize the reins of your financial future. The allure of passive income is no longer a distant dream; it’s a tangible reality awaiting your command. With the insights shared in this guide, you have the power to transform your computer into a money-making machine, all from the comfort of your home. Embrace the world of CPA marketing, adapt to its ever-evolving landscape, and witness the exciting prospects that await in your quest for financial independence.
Is CPA marketing suitable for beginners?
Yes, CPA marketing can be a great choice for beginners. With the right guidance and dedication, anyone can start generating passive income through CPA marketing.
Q2: How much can I earn with CPA marketing?
Your earnings in CPA marketing depend on various factors, including your niche, traffic generation methods, and campaign optimization. Some affiliates make a few hundred dollars per month, while others earn thousands or more.
Q3: Do I need a website to do CPA marketing?
While having a website can be advantageous, it’s not mandatory for CPA marketing. You can also promote CPA offers through social media, email marketing, and other channels.
Q4: Are there any upfront costs in CPA marketing?
CPA marketing allows you to start with minimal upfront costs. You can run campaigns with a small budget and reinvest your earnings as you grow.
Q5: How can I find the best CPA networks to join?
Research and read reviews about different CPA networks. Join forums and communities where affiliate marketers share their experiences. Look for networks with a good reputation for timely payments and a variety of offers.
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Source : CPA Marketing Made Easy: How to Generate Passive Income From the Comfort of Your Home
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digitalskyweb24 · 1 year
The Basics of Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide
In our increasingly digital world, traditional marketing approaches have given way to a more dynamic and data-driven landscape known as digital marketing. With the vast array of online platforms and tools available, understanding the basics of digital marketing is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fundamental principles and strategies that underpin successful digital marketing campaigns.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. It's an umbrella term that covers a wide range of online activities aimed at reaching and engaging a target audience. Unlike traditional marketing, which relies on print media, TV, or radio, digital marketing leverages the power of the internet to connect with potential customers.
Key Components of Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results. This organic traffic source is critical for visibility and long-term online success.
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Content Marketing: Content is king in the digital realm. Creating valuable and relevant content helps attract and engage your audience. Blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts all fall under this category.
Social Media Marketing: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with your audience, promote your brand, and drive traffic to your website.
Email Marketing: Sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers can be an incredibly effective way to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC campaigns involve paying a fee each time someone clicks on your ad. Google Ads and Facebook Ads are popular PPC platforms.
Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with individuals or organizations to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission on sales generated through their efforts.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers in your niche to reach their dedicated followers and build credibility.
Analytics and Data Analysis: Collecting and analyzing data from various digital marketing channels to understand user behavior and make informed decisions.
The Digital Marketing Funnel
A fundamental concept in digital marketing is the marketing funnel, which represents the customer's journey from awareness to purchase. The funnel consists of three main stages:
Top of the Funnel (TOFU): This is the awareness stage, where potential customers become aware of your brand or product. Content like blog posts and social media posts can attract users at this stage.
Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): At this stage, users are considering their options and researching more in-depth. Guides, case studies, and email newsletters can nurture leads in the middle of the funnel.
Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): This is the decision stage, where users are ready to make a purchase. Product demos, customer reviews, and targeted offers are essential at this point.
Crafting Your Digital Marketing Strategy
To succeed in digital marketing, you must develop a well-thought-out strategy. Here's a simplified step-by-step process:
Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your digital marketing efforts, whether it's increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales.
Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and pain points to create content and campaigns that resonate with them.
Choose the Right Channels: Select the digital marketing channels that align with your goals and where your audience spends their time.
Create Compelling Content: Develop high-quality, engaging content that addresses your audience's needs and interests.
Implement SEO Best Practices: Optimize your website and content for search engines to improve your organic visibility.
Leverage Paid Advertising: Use paid advertising campaigns strategically to complement your organic efforts.
Measure and Analyze: Continuously monitor your digital marketing performance using tools like Google Analytics and adjust your strategy based on data insights.
Iterate and Improve: Digital marketing is an ongoing process. Regularly review and refine your strategy to stay competitive and relevant.
Digital marketing is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that offers incredible opportunities for businesses and marketers. By understanding its fundamentals, you can harness the power of the internet to connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive growth. Stay tuned to explore more advanced digital marketing concepts and strategies as you embark on your journey to online success.
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adrifaria · 2 years
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