#The Bored Guest
miumiu-mew · 6 months
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‘I’ve always been interested in eyes because I’m interested in the inner person.’ Margaret Keane "Little Ones" 1962 - "The Wildcat" 1964 - "The Bored Guest" 1963 - "Little Nick" 1992 - "The Orange Door" - "The Stray". "Keane’s own indomitable character, her freedom and her story are innately kindred to the unmistakable attitude of Miu Miu, encapsulated here in Gigi’s gestures, moods and emotions."
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nelkcats · 1 year
Voice From Beyond
Danny was bored, really bored inside the Realms, he was supposed to stay there because facing the reality that his "world" was no longer safe, and all his friends were fighting for his safety was too much. But after he got past the paranoia he just couldn't find more things to do to distract himself from the thought.
He had already argued with Skulker, stolen Johnny's motorcycle and even participated in a concert with Ember but nothing improved his spirits. Curiously, it was during a visit to Technus that he found the solution to his problem. It turned out that the radios could broadcast around all the Realms, it was perfect!
The halfa started a radio program. It started out as a curious thing, where he recounted his experiences as a hybrid and the culture of the Realms. In some cases he had special guests to tell of their experiences and what they had done after their death (Jane Austen and Shakespeare looked excited to be able to talk about it!)
And so his program "voice from the afterlife" was born, where he gave various advice to the dead and not so dead; the only thing that Danny didn't notice was that he was not only transmitting in the Realms, but in many universes that picked up his radio signal by a lot of luck. The DC universe got caught up in the mysterious show when it aired. Some said it was impossible, others theorized that it was real, others thought it was just fiction.
But Jason knew it wasn't just fiction, he knew that somehow Danny was real, and had the answers he needed. Jason was determined to prove it, with a little magical help of course.
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daily-grian · 8 months
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Nothing to see here. Just two birbs studying the mysterious creature behind the screen
They're perceiving...
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boiled-dennis · 1 year
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this was crazy coming from mac
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httpiastri · 10 months
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i suddenly forgot how to breathe
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gilbirda · 1 month
Oh hi remember when i said the moment tumblr made it open to join ill set it open to join?
anyone can join (up to 500 people though)
(I still dont like that the posts made inside the community wont show up in the whole tumblr even if properly tagged
but eh
I did promise i would set it public and open to join so here it is)
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
So, in your last post about the Percy Jackson TV show, I felt you lacked a few pieces of information/points. While it is true that the CGI in the film is pore and not constructed well, please note that while they have a large budget Disney has made a lot of restrictions to the show. In the original scrips there was a significantly larger amount of violence that would have needed more CGI. This was latter edited out of the script due to both restrictions and budget cuts for other parts in the show(sadly). Also to bring into prospective Sea of monsters the movie was made 10 years ago. Inflation has juristically affected the way money is used in films. Another thing to note is typically movie budgets are less than TV shows because they only are filming for one larger block of time. TV however they can take years meaning the acters need to be paid even for the time off set. This is not to say movies cannot take years, but it is to show that TV shows are filmed longer. I would also like to say I am genuinely not trying to be rude or unkind about your opinion and thoughts on the subject. I am just someone who has a different insight into the topic because of the things I know about the topic (I myself, am an actor and for the most part I think this is why the CGI was not the best as well as some of the script work). 
I did actually calculate inflation for Sea of Monsters versus the PJO TV show. We know the PJO TV show allegedly had a budget of $12-15 million per episode. For comparison, this is the type of budget Disney+ usually uses for stuff like The Mandalorian. I was doing a generous underestimate for the entire season which comes out to $96mil (12mil per episode x 8 episodes). Sea of Monsters' budget was 90mil. Here's that inflation:
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So lil over $120mil. Going for a top estimate for s1 of the show (15x8) that's $120mil. And as far as I'd heard that may also not include stuff like budget for casting for the show. They are still roughly in similar ballparks.
Regardless of this - as an animator, i can tell you there is no excuse for that wonky CGI trident other than it being extremely quickly done. That's literally a transform error, like ctrl+t type stuff. That is a lazy and cheap trident, probably because Disney notoriously overworks and cheaps out with their CGI. The CGI problems in the show are majority because Disney's being cheap about it. This shows in nearly all the CGI in every episode.
If they had to remove violence from the script and so remove CGI scenes with it, then theoretically they should have more room in the budget for more or better CGI where it already is in the show. That money doesn't just vanish. Changing that in the script gives them less of an excuse, actually.
Also, as i mentioned in my previous post - if you don't want to CGI hydrokinesis, don't pick the franchise where the main character's defining power is hydrokinesis. If you can't have much violence, DON'T PICK THE GREEK MYTHOLOGY SERIES WHERE THE MAIN CHARACTER BEHEADS TWO PEOPLE IN THE FIRST BOOK AND IT ONLY GETS BLOODIER FROM THERE. You cannot have PJO without some level of violence. It's kind of very inherent to the series. Rick actually talks in his original Teaching Guide for The Lightning Thief about how, in argument against attempts to ban TLT (in this specific instance for "being too violent"), that monsters in the books poof into golden dust for a reason, because then they haven't "died." There is no blood. They can and will come back. Because it's fantasy. That is the excuse for all the violence. Of which there otherwise technically is a lot of.
If you are doing live action PJO you are going to have to have some amount of violence (and there is absolutely a level that is perfectly suitable for a PG13 audience. The show right now is leagues below that level. PG13 just means parental guidance for under 13 - this majority has to do with concerns about children under 13 replicating behavior on-screen. Past 13 kids know better than to do that, which is why that rating is a thing. There are plenty of film/media/etc that are way more gory and violent and are still PG13). You are going to have to CGI monsters/creatures to some degree regularly (alongside demigod powers like Percy's hydrokinesis even more regularly). And between those two things, characters are going to have to look like they're physically interacting with the CGI at times. Disney is capable of doing this. Disney does have the budget for this for the show. They're not doing it because they're being cheap. Disney has done this before and does it regularly. This is not anything new. It entirely has to do with CGI not having as many unions. They have no excuses. If they didn't expect to run into these problems then they clearly did no planning for what adapting the series would entail and didn't think at all of what the series actually featured before diving into it. And they have no excuse for that! That is step one!
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aalghul · 5 months
Jason should learn Eddie wasn't even invited to his funeral and actually follow through blowing Bruce up in the batmobile
Jason can excuse not killing his murderer but he draws the line at not inviting his best friend to his funeral
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apotelesmaa · 6 months
Rui’s whimsical ass room makes me giggle whenever I look at it like he has incredibly advanced and intricate robotic project next to a bunch of toys. Yoyos and juggling pins next to machinery that could revolutionize the tech industry. A bunch of bouncy balls next to a book shelf crammed full of what is probably a mix of fairy tales, scripts, and doctorate level engineering/math textbooks. There is no evidence of a bed anywhere in the room.
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moeatsushi · 1 year
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brucieboy297 · 2 months
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"Sorry, B is not here right now. But I'm here so what brings you to the manor?"
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illegallyexisting · 2 months
ghosts have a "spookier" form that they can take on whenever they're silly but clydes is just this
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get put in the window, idiot
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mr-1-2-3-4 · 9 days
Tumblr school be like-
(Art class)
Mr.1234:hello everyone I’m the most none-art teacher in schools because I can’t draw. Something I’m forced to say is “there are no mistakes in art”.
-a kid nails Mr.1234 in head with a piece of chalk-
Mr.1234: tässä on yksi virhe.
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natjennie · 1 month
truly cannot fathom why speed draws are drawfee's most popular videos. listening to jacob and julia talk about metrics and thumbnails and viewer rates and shit and it genuinely does not make any sense to me. speed draws and guest episodes are my least favorite. I guess it's just me but that seems crazy.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
One of the most fun parts of learning about the presidents is getting those little details about what they were like as a person. Habits or interests or hobbies--things that make them a real person instead of just another picture of a bearded guy from the 1800s.
For a few examples:
Abraham Lincoln: Told jokes constantly. And was really good at it.
Ulysses S. Grant: Was amazing at handling horses.
James Garfield: Constantly went to the Library of Congress and always kept up on the latest novels. Had a house stuffed full of books. Often read classics aloud to his kids.
Chester Arthur: Had nocturnal habits and liked taking late night walks
Grover Cleveland: Did really good impressions of people
Benjamin Harrison: Dogs loved him and would sometimes follow him in to his law office.
It's just nice to remember that they were people, you know?
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dramatic-dolphin · 1 year
my primary school class was so funny, you'd leave a group of the girls unsupervised for a few minutes and we'd organize a talent show. we'd run to the teachers like "erika néni i had an idea, we're gonna do a talent show during recess! :)" and the teachers would be like. sure why not. go have your fifth talent show this year so far. we support you.
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