#advertising card
detroitlib · 8 days
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View of an advertising card for J.V. Lisee, depicting a cat watching a butterfly on a shoe. Printed on front: "School shoes a specialty. High and medium-cut home manufactured. J.V. Lisee, 146 Woodward Ave. Lowest prices guaranteed."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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goshyesvintageads · 2 months
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United States Playing Card Co, 1952
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lynpheas · 6 months
obsessed with the idea that flora and helia are always in everyone’s business. like, they aren’t necessarily nosy, but flora is friendly and approachable so people will just confide in her and tell her the most obscure/weird/aggravating bullshit going on in their lives. helia’s not friendly and approachable, but, to the average outsider, he seems reserved and maybe…stoic? so definitely someone you could just chat about something you don’t want spreading to everyone. and, yes, flora and helia do not immediately spread every word of gossip that reaches them to everyone they know. but they have grown awfully used to knowing everything that’s going on with everyone. and comparing notes with each other 👀
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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1977 Master Charge ad
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Cigarette Anyone?
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vintagewildlife · 1 month
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Ad for Safari Cards From: Natural History Magazine 1984
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 year
🌟Sexuality Observation Based on Moon Signs
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Aries Moon: Aries moon individuals tend to be passionate and adventurous in their sexual expression. They are often aroused by physical challenges and are not afraid to take the lead in the bedroom.
Taurus Moon: Taurus moon individuals are known for their sensuality and love of physical touch. They enjoy indulging in the finer things in life and appreciate an environment that stimulates all of their senses.
Gemini Moon: Gemini moon individuals have a curious and experimental approach to sex. They are open to exploring new ideas and techniques and tend to enjoy mental stimulation as well as physical.
Cancer Moon: Cancer moon individuals are deeply emotional and tend to connect with their partners on a spiritual and emotional level. They seek intimacy and emotional closeness in their sexual encounters.
Leo Moon: Leo moon individuals are passionate and expressive in their sexuality. They enjoy being the center of attention and often have a flair for the dramatic.
Virgo Moon: Virgo moon individuals have a detail-oriented approach to sex. They are attentive to their partner's needs and enjoy creating a comfortable and clean environment for their sexual encounters.
Libra Moon: Libra moon individuals are drawn to beauty and harmony in all aspects of life, including sex. They enjoy exploring new experiences with their partner and seek balance and equality in their sexual encounters.
Scorpio Moon: Scorpio moon individuals have a strong and intense sexual energy. They are drawn to the taboo and enjoy exploring the depths of their sexual desires with their partner.
Sagittarius Moon: Sagittarius moon individuals have an adventurous and free-spirited approach to sex. They enjoy exploring new places and experiences with their partner and value their freedom and independence.
Capricorn Moon: Capricorn moon individuals have a practical and traditional approach to sex. They seek stability and structure in their sexual encounters and value loyalty and commitment in their partners.
Aquarius Moon: Aquarius moon individuals have an unconventional and experimental approach to sex. They enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts and often have a unique and quirky perspective on sexuality.
Pisces Moon: Pisces moon individuals have a deep and emotional approach to sex. They seek a spiritual and emotional connection with their partner and are often drawn to creative and imaginative sexual experiences.
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lisamarie-vee · 3 months
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presiding · 7 months
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Wanna get the chance to snag the spark of some old bots? Well there is a dating sim for YOU!!! (Click for better quality)
Forgot to post this but this is for @avoidghost ‘s upcoming TFA dating sim! They’re doing a fantastic job so far and I am excited to play it!
You can help support this project through their Patreon, where you’ll get access to exclusive content such as speedpaints, gameplay WIPS and even get to play the scrapped demo!
Remember to support if you want the chance to date these old timers ^_−☆
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detroitlib · 15 days
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View of an advertising card for Hull Brothers, in the shape of an artist's palette and depicting a cat. Printed on front: "Hull Bro's, Detroit, Mich."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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postingcards · 2 months
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art postcard advertising olympic's wireless telegraphy. ca. 1910s
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goshyesvintageads · 3 months
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Phillips Petroleum Co, 1965
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diana-andraste · 2 months
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Laferme Cigarette Cards, 1900
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gameraboy2 · 4 months
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Star Trek Trading Cards ad
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